THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 26, 1907. 5 IVEYS 1VEYS IVEYS IVEYS gap r JK.-Jfg'j' w.rgM DRESS SHOES LADIES' PATENT VICI PUMPS AND CONT TIES $3.50 and $4 WE ARE NOW SHOWING SOME "NIFTY" STYLES COME AND HAVE A LOOK. THOMPSON'S E LITTLE-LONG CO. .J SAT U KDA.Y L iff-" f t T ' IL i lH in . A w mm FOR Mmm jll IfPS We always aim to have some Unusual Values for our Saturday customers. This week our offerings are unusually attractive- Read the list carefully Millinery! Millinery! Our Millinery Department, has been occupying front place these days. We rr.e not only selling more Hats than in any previous season but pleasing ur customers even better than before. Our 19'.! 7 Spring Millinery season marks the most successful point in our business experience for this has been the time when v. e have been able to o'Tor our patrons the latest, most up-to-urste stylish Hats at our usual mod erate prices. Tay a visit to our Millinery show room Saturday and see for yourself the reason we are so successful in i his department. Dress Goods A special from our big stock of well bought Dress Goods: r.O-inch Panama Light and Dark Navy and P.lack .. .50c a yard. -If.i-inch Fanc- Lawns 1Cc yard. Special for Saturday a line lot short -lengths in colored Lawns in choice styles 10c a yard. These are real fine qualities and worth lc to 20 a yard. Ribbon Remnants 10c Yard P.ig lot short lengths all-Silke Ribbons, medjum and Avide widths, all col ors . . . . 10c yard. 40-Inch Lawns and Organdies 5c Yard These are short ends of 15 to 25c qual ities of fine Lawns and Organdies, 40-in., 45-in. wide. A great value for 5c a Yard. Waists! Waists! For Saturday we will again offer a fine lot Waists in regular $1.25 to $1.50 values for 98c Each. We carry a full line of nice quality Waists at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, etc. New styles ariving every few days. Linonette Skirts 98c Each Made in the very newest cut, good and full, from our popular Linonette cloth. They are worth $1.50. Our special price .. . . . . 9Sc each Hose ! Hose ! Another department to which we give our best attention. 'We aim to have the best line of Hosiery in the market and keep trying till we set them. We are ready for tomorrow with a complete stock Ladies and Children's Hosiery at all prices and are sure to be able to please you. 5,000 Tarheel Veterans Will Attend the Re-union Other Specials 30-inch nice quality all Linen Lawn, at , 25c a yard. Several styles good vests Quality gauze . . . . ICc yard. Fair quality Pearl buttons 1c a dozen. Dozens of fino styles Val Laces in match Sets 5c a yard. Regular 75c and 9Sc Umbrellas, at 69c each. White Wash Celts, new, ..1Cc each. Two cards good Safety Pins 5c each. 5,3 f 3 WEST TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE 15 V Master Robert Hill Celebrates. AIast?r Robert Hill, son of Air. and Mrs. Pt. B. Hill, of Xo. 002 North Church street, celebrated yesterday af ternoon in honor of the fifth anniver sary of his birthday. Refreshments wore served and the little ones had a the youthful host share the pleasures of his birthday party were the follow icily good time. Those who helDed ing: Misses Helen Anderson, Elsie Lawing, Eloise McKenzie, Gertrude Turvey, Nattille Rohan, Sadie Belle and Dorothy Mostellar and Masters J. -'. Alc-stellar, Thomas McKenzie and Ailie La win sr. Ar.ncuncerrser.t Cat-w3. Announcement cards reading as fol lows were issued today: "Mi-. Andrew White Faulkner and Mrs. Leslie Crayton Southerland (nee y.iny Brov.-nrigg Miller) announce liicir mariiage on Wednesday, the rwt nty-fourth of Apiil nineteen hun-dis-l and seven, Goidsboro, North Carolina." Reception to Congregation. 'in reception at the Try on Street Methodist Church last night by the la dies of the church, under the auspices f the Church Improvement Society, 'was a decided success.. During the (veiling a large number of the congre gation gathered and spent a pleasant hour with the young ladies who re ch'ed and other members of the church. The receiving party was the followinr: Mesda-ies II. K. Dover, E. C. Reg j.;ter, W. W. Hagood, P. B. Hood, W. S. Ab'.-r'nethv, C. H. Robinson, E. N. Cifmence, J. Ed Thompson, S. B. Tan ner, C. W. TilleU. Lucius Steere, Mr. ; rid Mi s. E. A. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lillard, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. An (irsoii Airs. Lydia Dowd, Mr. James 3-:. Steere and Mrs. W. L. Butt and Misses Alary McDonald, Nora Hynd man and Carrie Weller. Crr.duatins Recitals.. The graduating recital of Miss Ada St'-walt. of the Elizabeth College Con- rvatorv of Music, will take place next Moprifv niirht, Anril 2th, and the grad uating 'recital of Miss Bertha E. Bea z; ll, of the school of expression will ix enven May ICth. prominent m ousmess ana social ci cies ana an evening or rare pleas ure has been planned. Not the least of the attraction will be the quaint and curious .postuitiesTthat will be worn by those "who 'take part. ; According- to the tickets of admission the prico will be "A Quarter of ye '100. pence.' In the language of the day "a quarter." The entertainment ed by the Ladies' Swept DozvnHy Rushing Ma tens is being promot Auxilia.ry of the Association of securing of the new Young Men's Christian and is for the purpose funds for the furnishing Y. M. C. A. building. Snow-Hayes. Dr. and Mrs. William A. Hayes who were married in High Point yesterday evening at 7 o'clock spent last night in the city and left this morning for Spar tanbug, S. C, to attend the music fes tival. Airs. Hayes was Miss Helen Snow one of High Point's most charm ing young ladies. Mr. Hayes formerly lived here and has many friends throughout the State who will be inter ested to know of his marriage. The young couple had planned an elaborate celebration of the wedding but owing to the recent illness of Mr. Hayes they decided on a quiet home affair. Mr. Clarence McAuley Drowned in Rocky River Tuesday Night, Return ing From Concord. Body Found Yesterday. From every source, through the press and by North Carolinians who have visited Richmond, Va., lately, comes the information that the Old North State will have a larger dele gation than any other State. It is es timated that at least 5,000 old soldiers from this State alone will land in Richmond on the 29th. The veterans wih be interested to know that Colonel William "Emery, of Roanoke Rapids, this State, adjutant general on the staff of General Julian S. Carr, has been to Richmond to make arrangements for the army of veter ans from this State who will attend. He has secured the Sanger Hall, on Seventh street for North- Carolina headquarters, 'and soon a large ban ner will be flung across Seventh street inviting all citizens of the State to come in and accept of its hospitality. Colonel Emery says that not fewer than 5,000 will come with the North Carolina delegation, and that they will reach Richmond on the evening of May 29th, in order to be in good trim for the Memorial Day parade, and ex ercises in connection with the unveil-1 ing of the Stuart monument on the 30th. Colonel Emory is providing for a number of special entertainments and attractions at the North . Carolina headquarters. The "Tar. Heels" will take with them their own band, will have a piano, and the best Richmond talent will be engaged from time to time to entertain the old men. Cotton Region Bulletin. The bulletin reports: "Showers rud thunderstorms have occurred over i-v? belt except over the Carolinas ana Ceorgia", heavy rainfall being re ported from Southern Alabama, South ern Louisiana and Eastern Texas. Temperatures have risen over the central and eastern sections but have fallen over the western portion where they are 5 to 10 degrees below normal." Mi.-s Alice Baird returned home yes terday from Leslie, S. C, where she has been visiting her grandmother. She was absent from the city several weeks. Biily Kersand's Minstrels. The coming of a minstrel show al ways breaks ' the monotony of the usual theatrical attractions for the black fellows appear anly to laugh and make the world laugh with them. Their specialty is doing funny things just as foolishly as possible. This will be- feature of Billy Kersand's Min strels which will be seen at the Aca demy of Music tonight. Lovers of! good instrumental and vocal music and J those wjio like': to "smile away dull; care" will do well to see the perfor-i mance. - .. Miss Munson at Spartanburg. Miss '(JiStce MungerT, wh&i! Ifarmejd largo audiences during the Greater Charlotte Chautauqua last": fall is one of the artists at the Spartanburg- fes tival. The papersof that city speak of her in highest terms of praise and she is receiving the same ovation that char acterized her presence in this city. , Get a can of Jap-a-Lac today at our store and see for your self how wonderfully it will re juvenate an old chair, or in fact any piece of furniture that is badly marred. It comes in colors and has a hundred That the Little-Long Co's Clothing is gaining a bi There's but few lines that stand higher than the you a of cue of their Suits have an air, it that will attract anyone and especially if you tell them it's only a ready-to-wear suit, just taken out c,l stock. reputation. It should, line they carry. I- tell -.wing and get-up about ISP .'.-...1,va- u.3es All sizes from 2F,cts to $2.50. Woodail & Slieppard DRUGGISTS. Y. w. c' A. Parlor Conference. A conference of the Young Women's Christian Association will be held this ..rift.Toon rt the home of Mrs. Peter Gilchrist, in Dilworth. A feature of lh conference will be Rev. Martin's ri'hlress on "The Needs of Young Wo ricii's Christian Associations." He will also discuss the benefits derived from association::- a An Evening of Rare Pleasure. At the Noting Men's Christian As ;,f.eition tonight at 8 o'clock an old lone concert will be the attraction that ; . tnr.nci- Tiiiinv Charlotte neo- ide. Those who "will take part are i Pro Re Nata Club. Mrs. J. A. Cannon is entertaining this afternoon at the Selwyn the mem bers of the Pro Re Nata Book Club. The program follows: Louisiana George W. Cable, Miss Brockenbrough: The Creole Stories of Grace King, Miss Wadswoith: Discussion Audubon, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Mrs. C. V.-Jami-son, Virginia Boyle, Xarufa, etc. - Aiiss .josennme usuorne is iiosiasu this afternoon at a meeting of the Chelidon Club. The programme follows: Curren Events (a) Individu al Squabs, by Club; (b) Special Com mittee, Miss Vernon. Dr. and Airs. W. G. Houseal, of New berry, SC. C, have been visiting their daughter, Miss Sarah Hauseal, a stu dent of Elizabeth College. Mrs. E. B. Houston, of Pine Bluff, Ark., has returned home after spend ing several weeks with her daughter, Aliss Julia Houston, at Elizabeth Col lege. Dr. Reid R. Morrison, , formerly res ident physician of the Prebyterian Hos nital, was in the city today en route Shelby lrom wign attended the Gold last night. to his home at Point, where he Wheeler wedding Mr. Thomas W. Gibson returnea home yesterday from Waesboro where he attended the Huntley-Allen nup tials. Mr. Gibbon was the groom's best man. Mr. and Mrs." Hamrick, of Shelby, have, returned home after spending several days in the city. Mr. Hamrick was here on . legal business. Miss Temperance Pratt Reed, of tcxt vnrV. who has been visiting Mrs. Walter W. Watt, at the Selwyn, left The shocking news of the . drown ing of Air. Clarence McAuley, an ex emplary young man of the Himters- ville neighborhood reached the city this morning, creating a feeling of profound sorrow among the many friends whom he numbered here. Air. McAuley was drowned Tuesday after noon in Rocky River at the Coxe's Alill crossing, his body being found yester day afternoon. It was discovered by a negro who was fishing after first finding a buggy to which was hitched a mule identified as belonging to Air. McAuley. The deceased left his home near Huntersville Tuesday morning, going to Concord. His people were not in formed as to when to expect his re turn and therefore felt not appre hension when the young man failed to turn up Tuesday night. Some feeling of anxiety, however, was felt when two days passed and nothing was heard of him. Still no effort was made to locate him. Fishing on the banks of Rocky Riv er yesterday afternoon a colored man whose name could not be learned saw a buggy not far from the crossing at Coxe's Alill and at once began an inves tigation. He soon discovered that a mule was hitched thereto, lying partlj under the water. This led to the search for Air. ATcAuley's body, the team being at once recognized as his. The body found was a short distance from where the buggy and mule were, lying in the water. At Coxe's Mill crossing Rocky River forks and the road goes over two bridges, between which is a decided depression. The supposition is that Mr. AlcAuley drove into the swollen stream Thursday night and was carri ed away by the rushing waters. Air. AlcAuley was a son of Air. Thos. AlcAuley, a highly respected citizen of the Ramah vicinity. He was a young man of excellent habits and number ed .many friends throughout the en tire county. His sudden and , tragic death will cause extreme sorrow . Death of Mr. Coskery. Air. -Thos. W. Coskery, one of the wealthiest Jati4 most influential citi zens of Augusta, Ga., died last Wednes day. Air. Coskery was well known by several Charlotte citizens. Aliss Sal lie Davidson spent last winter at his home and formed a great attachement for the family. Illness iof Miss Miiier. Aliss Sallie Davidson has received intelligence of the desperate illness of her niece, Aliss Barnett Aliller in a hospital at Columbia, S. C. Aliss Aliller is a grand-daughter of the late Air. A. B. Davidson.'.-. The Auditorium Building. Architect L. L. Hunter placed the revised plans for the new auditorium on exhibition at Jordan's drug store today, and much favorable comment was heard of its attractiveness and neatness of its appearance. (m A reliable Spring Medicine for all Diseases arising from Diseased Liver or Impure Blood.. We Guarantee them. Buiweli-Qiiiin Retail Store Open Conservatory of Music. Air. H. G. Dresser and two sisters, Alisses Alabel and Florence Dresser have opened a conservatory of music at 209 Elizabeth avenue. These are . young musicians of talent and reputa tion and will doubtless find this ah acceptable field. Something eifn! v ;v . iritis. c. ? . .fix - i. i & I I v vy JA i Ml li in J ft JJ e3a ii MICHAEL-STERN A CO. Know how to make clothes, and one beauty th-mn, you are saved from $5 to $10 on a suit you can get at Li!tlc-Longs for .. .. $17.50 "'to $25.00' The ?12.50 and SIS.OO Suits fit just as well and hn ve as much style, but ma terial not so good. Makes an easy mind. AN EA SY FOOT You get it in a "Kr.ox" $5.00 to $6.00. shoo made by Dorsch. "Crosssett" $3.50 to $4.00 "niake-s life's walk easy." THE "AMERICAN LADY" ?3.C0 CSOE. Is one of comfort and a good wearer, cither in Oxfords or high-cut. Gunmetal Blucher Oxfords in American Lady $3.00 SOLE AGENTS FOR "COnOSIS." That fine Shoe, Oxford and Pump for women at $3.50 and $4.00 STRAW HATS. "Dilworth" Yachts $2.00 to $3.00 beat any t'.:: 1',; sold for 50c more. Come see for yourself. Boys' straw hatsxfrom 2c to $1.00 and Men's from 25c up... Panamas from .. .. $4.00 to $10.00 HOW POROUS PLASTERS among his acquaintances. yesterday for Toledo, Ohio, where she will visit before returning North. Smith, of Concord, is J. S. Blake, on East Air. T. W. visiting Airs. Ninth street. Mr. and night. The crystal Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Adams' Reception To- wedding reception of Henry L. Adams will be an elaborate social event tonight, at their home on North Tryon street. Plenty of Garden Seeds Including PEAS, BEANS and CORN Will Drive Away Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Rheumatism and Back ache. Only 25 Cents. t ATS v' M.H U DRUGSTORE Highland Park, North Charlotte. Phone 802. Priscriptions Carefully Compounded. ii Dilworth Drug Store Phone 247. B. S. Davis. WAGE-EARNING PEOPLE We invite the attention of every Wage-Earner to the advantages of fered by our Savings Bank. It affords a safe and profitable place for the accumulation of small savings. It will not only be a protection to you, but to your lannly, and will give vou a better standing in business. ! You can begin an account by depositing as small amount as One Dollar. We pay 4 Per Cent Interest, and Compound it four times a. year.' Southern Loan & Savings Bank GARLAND 5Cc NECLICCZ SHIRT It's full cut and there's no neater pattern cr bettor made shirt for 50c, BUT THE "EMERY" Well, this is a shirt right. They fit every wav. ITove nil sizes and sloevo lengths. Negligee plain or Coat Shirt from $1.00 to the Silk in solid or fancy colors, with attached or detached toft collars for.. .. M. BROWN, President, R. A. DUNN, Vice-President. W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. : : V5 "Emery" full-dress, Coat Shirt, or plain. Pt Long plaited bosom at . . . . - $1)1 GENUINE SCRIVENS DRAWERS. The Brown Jeans newest patent, regular sizes $1.C0, extra tizes Scrivens Coat Shirt Undershirt, fine Nainsook Scrivens Kneo Drawers, very thin Nainsook $2.50 $1.50 4 $1.25 $1.25 . .50c . .75c LITTLE-LONG CO. i