ft. THE df ABiOTTE MlEWS OC I OBER 11 1909 ii t-i-'v k over a year ago from Chester, S. C, and during her stay' there made many friends. They left immediately after the ceremony for his home, where they will live in the future. eady- nes t to-Wlar 9 i mm vc you seen hem?-fhP ;npw j y-: t rr-i r ii r i : uuc aoi ran ana w inter. 1 nere s a ereat rm full of them-our big, new, bright 'ground floor department. We are repeat edly told weve the finest variety of Ladies' Garments, and the handsomest depart ment in the Carohnas, but this is only in the Ivey line of progress, and our Suit section is just keeping pace with the rapid development of our business in every line - Let Us Talk Ready-to-Wears a Little 7 .Begin With -we buy our Garments from the most particular makers those that put into each Suibor Dress the utmost distinction in style, and use the' best materials andmost skilled workmen to produce their results That's why our style and qualify standards are decidedly above the average. We show a. truly immense line, representing everything that is new in shade maicnm, cue oi nnisn ana your size too we have it bought some for th Misses, the Small, Medium and Large Ladis tie Little lies. 1 Millinery Thea Comes The Price Afte TL; l 1 11 i t iiiuac wiiu wiow icu us we nave the most import ant Millinery Department in this section. Our workroom employs the talent' of more than a dozen 'skilled trimmers and designers with assistants. In our big ground floor show room, we have on dis play several hundred Hats. Everything that is new and up-to-date is shown and at reas onable prices too We are pleas ing a, great number of the most fastidious "ladies those that in sist on their Hats being right and besides we save them more than a little on the price. A stroll through this depart ment will convince you particu larly if you try on a few. . . m m er vou know th style and quality is right you want to be sure the Price also is right ours being strictly a modern one price cash store, having no bad debt losses to chame nn vonr bills, and giving no discounts, paying no railroad fares or express charcres o 7 " vuu Miiuiu ovii v-uiioiuci ciujy 1 ower. JLl s a 8 m a I I Pleasure To Trade in any part of the Ivey store. A You're never importuned to buy. J " j: Corsets . " Perhaps there is no item in a Ladies wardrobe more important-than the Corset on its correctness of model depends the fit of the Suit or Dress; A bad Corset spoils the whole effect, besides its discomfort to the wearer. We are exclusive Charlotte agents for five leading lines, the R & G, Kabo, Thompson Glove Fitting, Warners and the Front Lacing Gossard. - A competent fitter always' ready to serve you come and talk Corsets with her. We are sure we have the model your figure requires. ie Jo -B. Ivey 'Coriipaey "The Lure of the pacific" Mr. Abtams, of Seattle, Says lhat Helped to Make the Exposition a Remat kable Success Alaska's Gold, Probably the best advertised west era' city in the country to-day is Seat tle, and the best . advertised Southern city, Charlotte Since this town has put on its sev en league . boots, many men of posi tion and prominence are attracted to it from all over the country some transiently, some permanently. With in this city to-day is Mr.' A. C. Abranis, of Seattle, a traveled gentleman of culture, and one who is the owner of his own time. . "I am simply traveling through here to see your city and vicinity;" he said. "I passed this way 20 years ago, and the changes I note, are remarkable and everywhere. If you haven't done all you should have done, you have cer tainly done large things in the. way of progress. You have a charming city here. It reminds me of a western town." "Lots of our folks went out to see your exposition and came back talk ing about your great new city, your excellent exposition, the way you are hydraulically. leveling your city s hills and washing them into the bay, .and all the like of that," Mr. Abranis was told. "Yes," he answered, with one of those satisfaction smiles which belong to a man who brags on his burg, "our exposition is paying dividends. "We got the crowds. Jamestown's lowest day's attendance was 1500'. Seattle's lowest attendance for any day was 23,000. The maximum day's attendance was 85,000. Taft was there one day. So the men who put up as a bonus the money to insure the sue-. cess of the exposition will get a great deal of it back. That is what we call our dividends. "Remember, too, that while Uncle Sam gave Jamestown a million or more, he save us nothing, not even a new red copper with. Lincoln's head on it. The bonds floated in the inter est of the exposition have been paid off already." "To what do you attribute, the great crowds?". ' "The lure - of the Pacific coast. There is a general, country-wide inter est in the northwest. Then, of course, also, Alaska and its gold. The surface of Alaska has hardly been ssratched yet. The Morgan interests and ? the Guggenheimers are bunding a railroad out there which runs 200 miles from Cordova, near the coast into the in terior. This will open a ncn -territory. . "An engineer who represents the Rothschilds in Alaska told rne that there is enough geld ore there to take out quartz averaging freni $50 to $200 to the ton, and to require the continu; oua handling of solid trainloads of it during the next v 50 years. "There is a big smelter near Seat tle which makes our city of vast im portance to Alaska. . "Then -there is fir and other fine timber in the Cascades near us. We have an enormous fishing industry. We are shipping ocean fish to Boston. The finest flavored apples grow about us. Land the government-was selling for $200 an acre a while back is now bringing $2,500 an acre in the apple country. The apples are sold on the trees" and bring from 10 to 20 per cent. Washington state produced 40,000,000 bushels of wheat last year." Carpel: Department ; i " . . The cold winter days are almost here. Let us help you make your home warm "and .cozy. A new Carpet or a new Rug, or: both, will add great-' ly to warmth' and comfort as well as to make the home-more chgeriul , We haye all these in vast quantities of almost every color and design. ,There is.no reason why we cannot supply your every want in this line. Our Gar pet room is packed with beautiful Carpets, Rugs, . Mattings, and Lino leums for the floors, while we have , almost every style Drapery for the windows imaginable. ' , Big line Tapestry Brussels Carpet, in colors and designs suitable for every room irk the homfe for 69c , 80c, and 90c. i - ' Big line of velvet Carpets, lots of new patterns for 90c, $1.10 and $1.25 Beautiful , .xminter Carpets, the very cream of the miilsill make the room so . cozy and, cheerful; Swear al most a life time torLOO; $1,25 and $1.50 orate and finished plays composed and dramatized by her. "A Night With the Myths of Greece and Rome" will not soon pass from the minds of all those who witnessed that finished musical drama. ' For the Battle of Charlotte Monurhent Fund. Charlotte's gifted and versatile young playwright, Miss Bessie Burk heimer, will shortly form the Sothern Mallowe Dramatic Club. She is now at work arranging a modern drama of three acts, based upon a summer's outing among a colony of girls, at which time the United States Coast Survey Steamer Vortex has anchored at the resort. The result and" ro mance can best be imagined between a handsome lot of navy officers and a colony of jolly summer girls. There will be a ball room scene, a yatching scene, and a Christmas eve scene, with handsome stage effects, costumes and several new and beauti ful vocal numbers. Twelve persons will be the personal of the club, which are among the most versatile young people of the city. .' ' x This will be one of a series of plays that will be given during the coming season. This one to be for the fund to aid in the erecting of a monument to mark the Battle of Charlotte, which we viidiivLLt; uapici, u. x.. tight an proposed to take up as their -work, ' y ap it ugnt mi There is no marker to this memorable battle, by which Charlotte received its name, Hornet's Nest. ' Miss Burkheimer is a member of the Charlotte Chapter, D. A. R., and is one of the entertainment committee r i ,1 4.1 i? i 4-n 1 ii liar In Honor of Miss Ray. v Cards reading as follows have been issued to a number of friends in the City by Miss Mary Stuart. Jones, who wil give a beautifully appointed tea tonight in honor of Miss Lucy Ray. At this time Miss Ray's engagement to Mr Fhillipe C. Ballinger will be announc ed: : "At home Monday, October eleventh; Miss Mary Stuart Jones. Half-past five o'clock. Miss Lacy Ray." ? Miss Sudie B. Miller has returned ! president; Thurman Long, vicc-presi- from a visit to friends and relative; in Alexander county. Her many friends , will rejoice, to know that her aged mother, who while spending the summer at her old home.; was taken seriously ill, has improved sufficiently to return with her. Miss Grace Smith returned to her home in Rogersville, Tenn., today. Sue has been spending some time in the city, the guest of Mrs. J. Casvell Tate and Miss Helen- Eddy. In Honor of Miss Robertson. At the home of Mrs. Taliaferrox in Dil worth, ' tomorrow night at 8:30 o'clock, a number of friends will gather in honor of Miss Lucy Robertson, wno is to be married to Mr. Harvey Moore. The affair will be. one of the leading social functions of the week and the cards bear the following well-written lines: "On, Tuesday night At hal-past eight, Oh don't be late To Mrs. Taliaferro's come en state To meet a couple scon to marry Be sure that in your hand you carry A pan, a dish, a spoon or knife Something valueckby a good housewife nd tie witn twine And pin upon it a bit of rliyme Then will Lucy's kitchen shine And all make . merry with cake and wine.")' N , f '. ... o , '. .-. Miss Minnie Conner, of Shelby, is e ot tne entertainment comimu , brother, Mr. C. M. Conner, fl therefore has decided to lend her J'b1"" tUf - " - efforts in this historic work. The com- . poser and the-plar needs no further Mr j A gelf of Wadesboro, was introduction, as last season Charlott s - igit Sunday. public witnessed one of the most elab- m lut ' -r f Miss Bessie Wilson, of Shelby, is W. R' MhT nf Matthews. N. C, visiting her sister, who underwent an .,.; r , Ao ifo'a cut-or operation ' at St. meter s nospiuu iec sent us a jar , of Vick's Croup Pneumonia Salve T ) r.' . dent; and D. Hatcher Watkins, secre tary and treasurer. ' .. It was decided to hold ten dances during the winter, the first of which will probahly occur on Friday of fair week. A few new members wiji be taken in. ' The Presbyterian -College ladies will and ! ently. Borne time ago. i T ! f "I r- 'i k A t! ...1. S aIi rt rrt H i lease, imu a cenis iur wmcu -muu , ,, nnA . nrt Ub another packa-e as we find it the be at nome on rue iuu - greatest medicine-we have ever used. Tuesdays of October fiom 4 to 6 p. Mail promptly, please. sm- , Nurses Graduate. . The commencement exercises of the graduating class of the Charlotte Sani torium will 'take place tomorrow eve ning at 8:30 o'clock at the Academy of Music. The following ladies will re ceive, their diplomas: Misses Cath erine Olwhl, Ethel Kitsworth, Lillian Waid,. Mary- Crooker, Mary Call, Lena Wellers, Lilian Davis,. Florence Haines and Josephine . Honicutt. ".. Rev. Plato Durham, of Concord, will be the speak er of 'the evening and Mr. D. A. Tomp kins, president of the Charlotte Sani torium will present the diplomas and give a talk to the class:" ' Friends in the city will be interest ed to learn W the approaching mar riage of Mi3sElizabeth Lois Conrad to Mr. Hunt Wimbish, October 27th, at the home of the bride-to-be's parents, No. 605 Holbfook avenue, Danville, Va. Miss Conrad has friends here, having visited Mrs. . Harvey Lambeth. Delegates to Wilmington. ' The following delegates of the Stone wall Jackson chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will leave tomorrow to attend the state meeting at Wilmington, which begins Tuesday night and continues for four j days: Mesdames J. A. Fore, Latta C-1 Johnston. L. B. Newell,' W. W. Watt,1 I., W. Faison, Gordon M. Finger;' Misses Violet Alexander and Matt Dowd. Mrs. Faison is state president of the organ ization and Mrs.. Finger is correspond ing secretary. , ,,- - ' - , ! Cotillion Club . Reorganizes.. - The Charlotte Cotillion Club has' been reorganized with Mr. Robert Brem DEATH OF MISS HOWI! Rugs Marriage in Steele Creek. ' A marriage of unusual interest took place' Wednesday evening, October 6, at four o'clock at the home of Mrs. Sallie Grier, the contracting parties being Miss Mattie McColium and Mr. Thomas Darnall. Mr. Hodge Pegram acted as best man and Miss Blanche Darnall, sister of the groom as maid of honor. The bride and maid of hon or both wore beautiful blue coat suits, the bride carried a lovely bonquet of whate geraniums and asparagus fern and the maid of honor carried a clus ter of cream roses and ferns. 'The nnrnm mi :r -lira a l Til nt'DCci rtl T nOffnrmnH hv t?pv Mr. Reaves nastnr of Flint Conductor Will Sullivan, of Rock Hill church. The house was beautiful-1 Hill, S. U., was a visitor in mc ly decorated, the hall in red and green yesterdaj'. and the parlor in white . and green. Mr J. R. Caudle left Union Monday The. couple stood under an arch made for a visit to friends and relatives m of ivv from which was suspended a I Ctharlotte, N. C. Mrs. Caudle 4eft bell made cf cosmos. The high, old fashioner! Tnnntel "was hanked with ferns and white dahlias, Mr. and er.-Union (S. C.) Times. Mr. and Mr. W. R. Wearn Attends the Fun?ral Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. W R. Wearn returned la,st night from Harrisburg, where they went Saturday in response to a tele phone message announcing the death ot Miss Martha Howie, the . daughter cf Mrs. C. J. Howies ard a n!ee?. of Mrs.' Wearn. Her death was caused from typhoid fever and is the second death which has occurred in the fam ily from the same cause within the past few weeks. Only a few weeks ago the oldest daughter, Miss Mary, succumbed to the disease. This fam ily has been very sadly afflicted, six members having been confined with typhoid at one time. .- The others, how ever,, now are. much better, and it is thought that their recovery , will be very rapid. . Mr. Mark Morrison, also of Harris burg, and a brother of Mr. J. W. Mot rison of this city is critically, ill. PERS0NALS It may sound strange, but its a fact that we are showing jnorethan one hundred different designs in Carpet-size Rugs. s Out of , this immense assort ment don t you think you can be suit ed ? e carry the Sanford, Smith and Igrtford Axministers- -None bet ter made for the money. Each $25.00. 9x12 Wool Fibre Rugs, suitable for dining room, sitting rbbm or bed room, don't fade and wear for years. They come in the most artistic colors and designs. We have. had six years' suc cessful sales on this Rug, with riot a single complaint. Each $10 and $12 50. urtain and raoenes the week prfeceeding on account of the serious illness of her father and motn- Mrs. Darnall received many nice and useful presents. Mr. Darnall is a prosperous farmer near Fort Mill, S. C. Mrs. Darnall came to Steele Creek m is a . sort of creamy.' paste that contains ro free alkali and one that- will remove kind;of . stain from the "bands, instant ly. It. is guaranteed not to in- Mr s. Warren D. Arthur lett aunaay for Charlotte, N. C, to visit her moth er, Mrs. Wilson. Union (S. C.) Times. To feel strong, have good ' appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the great system tonic, and builder. -jure tne. most xaei;.cate sKin. Mechanics say it in wonderful and.it is. Try it Just a little Whiz water rub rinse an d- Itch! Itch !Ttch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! . The more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. It cures piles, eczema, any skin itch ing. All druggists sell it. : A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspep sia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (25 cents per box) correct te liver, tone the stomach, cure constipation. ' . Cures - boby's : croup, . Willie's" daily cuts and bruises, mama's sore throat, grandma's lameness Dr.- Thomas' Eclectric . Oil the great' -household remedy. . ' Our Curtain Department h-ts been augmented by the arrival of many new and attractive styles All the best Nets in the popular colors can be found here. ;Th Fall is especially attractive, o w,wg to the great number and variety of styles. Lace Curtains for 75c. to' $18.50. Imported Madras Curtain s, those charming draperies that never change but are; always; good $5 00 to;$1250. -A big lot pi Muslin Sash' Curtains to go quick. Per pair 25c. v everythIg for the home. m If Hi.. mi 13 r If' ' A I 1

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