2 * THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. JANUARY 8, 1911 Ihe Boys*Banquet A Great.Success Thr production that the Bible class I'nnquet Inst cvoning in the boys’ if>l'art inoiit of the Y. M. C. A., ho the liip^est event of the et {i8on, v;\8 a correct one. l/m.i; ht fore the liour set for the banquet the boys began gathering In the li'l'by, and when the time vanit' to pRrfnkP of the feast lifty- ;'0\en hiinirry boys, for their teachers lor I 111' I'voTiinK w«'re boys them- .srlvc s'at down to the tables lo d«i jis.^ticr to rhe good things which Mrs. r.;10 had prepared, and that the Ki-.mss Ihjw to tetd hnuKry boys, by the fact that when is’-rd tlnr-'w a.s nothing ' and by the s’f i^f approval of the ^llo l.ad pro pa red. die'on whi.'h came true i :'cn; l.he liurst ('’ vv.uiKl fi'llow the ban- li ;{fl ron\irie, in his i;." t:. nn-^r. actid as toast 1 Ti'tDi! icctl ihe following !’ii t and a Wi.^h,” Mr. Robert wns tl; > t::, left I 'It F'Mi'l Th; Viii'fi , V 'I'.- y. ■II CHURCH SERVICES TODAY. !T \!v !iin. t !e I'. Fun Xow and Then is f.'T the lU'St of Men,’ r^t’idy Worth While?" !i , vr' y 'an r:.. - . I'a \\v Increase In- . Edward l)e- Aoll, Young, lu* to;st list ' 'Tf I in, and ;;'iovr talks which th(‘i) h.a^ure of the lit Mi' cntiuor be given Mo rt'snonded to i’ > stud} , the 'ai;x.. t’u‘ ease l.i-'ii iL;\ were (• were a : , - lit, an^l . . V’ loeling thai t" encourage 'idy. they d to inoro '.i3 doliv- vs. illf Episcopal Services in Seversville. According to the regular schedule of services at St. Andrew's chapel tthe ClarksK)!! Memorial). Rev. Francis M. Osborne will hold services and preach there tomorrow n\ght at S o'clock. The vested choir of St. Martin’s chapel will assist in the music. The subject of the sermon will be "A Message of the New Year.” Church of the Holy Comforter. South Boulevard. Holji Communion, 8 a, m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 o’clock. Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p. m. St. Martin’s Chapel. Davidson and Tenth Streets. Sunday school and Bible class, 4 p. m. liven ing prayer and sermon. 8 o’clock. Chapel of Hope. East Fifteenth Street — Sunday school 3 11. m. Evening prayer and ser mon. 7:45 p. m. St. Andrew’s Chapel. Seversville—Sunday school, 4 p. ra. Evening prayer and sermon, 8. Westminster Presbyterian Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by Rev. Mr. Gurne.v. Sunday school at I? p. m. Public cordially invited to all t-ervices. Calvary Methodist Church, South. Rev. T. B(dl. pastor. Preaching by tlie pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the morning service. Sunday school at 3::^0. I^’ay- er meeting Wednesday evening. The public cordially invited to attend all these services. Ninth Avenue Baptist Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor L. R, Pruett. At night the congrega tion will unite with the First Baptist chtu'ch in a mass meeting for foreign 1- j^ions. Sunday school meets at 3 p. m. Special music and address to 'he school by Dr. R. ,1. \A’illi!igham. of the I'oreign Mission Board. Richmond, Va. Prayer service Wednesday night at S o'clock. All are invited to all these serivces. Distinguished Men at Baptist Chmch Today and the days folowung for two weeks, will be days of pleasure and profit at the First Baptiat church. Dr. R. J. Willingham, the Christian statesman and denominational leader, will occupy the pulpit of Dr. Hulten’s this morning and address a mass meet- ing of the Baptists of Charlotte and vi cinity at night. But few meu in the American pulpit today can so pro foundly move an audience as Dr. Wil lingham. Great throngs w'alt upon his ministry wherever he goes. He is truly a man with the w'orld-vision. Tomorrow night Dr. W. W. Hamil ton, the successful pastor-evangelist, will begin a meeting of days. Dr. Ham ilton is a man of broad culture and deep spirituality. He has a wide ac quaintance with men and affairs. Many of the largest churches of the south have enjoyed great revivals under the leadership of Dr. Hamilton. He comes to the First church at a time of phe- nominal prosperity and great expec- tacy. Special preparations have been in progress for some days to make this the greatest revival in the history of the church. Special music will be fuinished by a large choru* choir. The day meeting w'ill be held at 3:30 p. m., and the night meetings at 7:45 p. m. Professional Cards f DR. A..D. GLASCOCK OSTEOPATH. Office* Sixth Floor of Realty Bldg. Hours 9 to 1; and 2 to 4. And by Appointment. Office ’phone 1073. Residence 1037. Consultation Free. Itqffic Managet An Urgent Need Office 'PhOf'e 326. Residence 962-4 DENTisi, /09 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dr. H. Ray OSTEQPATH . . , HtUliirERED Realty Building. Hours 9 to. 12; 2 to 5. Phone, OfTEce, S30; Residence 37t>J. Con»uitatlon nt Office, gratis. AlcAltcHae] ARCHITECT Rooms 505-506 Trust Building. CHAKUt-TIfc, iM. «. 'JV3 Stock Asso. Meets ''’uatiou Lad .i '■ >11. at wiiicii • ii iii.':a:.ure t.j > ' u ss than j . Mf hv>g I M’ :iie depart-j V;i;-'.iincton, to an i;dd;'i S:i on j ’;pi'v '!) g ct by I ! A ill he th'^ ' ■ ni ii;th. Tho ! •i' . have bi'cn I i^.(licatiun of i ! 1 irivT' ase in i M\ Dav dson to Sticak Farmeis Union Paper Change The Carolina I’nion Farmer, the cr- ran ol' the Norih Carolina Farmers’ ruio’i hay bocouie the property of the Nortii Carolina Fanners’ Union, and vil 1 outinue to be operated along the same lines as heretofore. "!'his dispo sition of the paper was determined upon at the receitt Greensboro r,\ect- M)g ot the State L'nion and was done '.'iih the belief that the pv.rpose for whirh the paper was founded can be more elTectively useful by being con- troliid by the tniion than by private individuals. There will be no change in the poli cy 01 the paper or in the nianage- nu nt. It is merely a chai.ge of owner- •'iiip. The Can;lina Fnion Farmer is> doing a ;^;/od work for tiie farmers of th-^ ■'tatp and deserves the success it has met wi'h. meetnig i..t at •' o'clock. . W. W. Real EUaie Among the real estate transfers re- bject islcoidcu are the lollowiug: 'The tisual tLe address. il'. s. Kincaid Returns rtiii son. Mr. : vfsrcrda.'' • i t hnd ■ I\;i',Cctid i'f.iiai l-'iut. 1 (}r('T )!i ' K ai.d th'* icn' hiCjrll- siting ro rc- luirty, an.I ihe ' ■ wuo lari;c. •\vu th;.- I'nmiiv. Arranged Debate I-'.)- Ti-, R( Si'!', hiL'h s: :, ,f>i tn. 1 a’, ■; tO! P •; 1. '! .• 'I r.iM'/r. • S',;.: Bill.' .'1 in ' I VP. ..TI.. .!• cr from the Baird nd tlie Matthews’ ■ .' ( stcrday and ar- to" Feb. ‘_>4, in this llesolvf'd. That P'l ' the Parcels Post will tak(> the alJirma- rd PaT-t’s noi-ative. The s will nanipd Intf-r. -Mr n. Is '=ro;.i.ir^ - 1 1C B' f \ t b'' ji'it for t r-r BRIEFS. M. ^!nore, of Goldsboro, if thi ('►■ntral today. b'"i;;!it and held in re- p .i'l' S at Hawley’s w'lll ^ ;>n sale—If not called ' :]cnl: Monday. No Trace of Smugglers. Scranw.n, Mi. .li.n. 7.- The Ameri can sch'.onr c. ^L f’ochran, from Klnc.-ion, .lain,I h a, for Moss Point. SMi):.'.-'«d f() have twency Chl- n> ;*‘ Ill:i.':.,l. I>; on Ito.M'd, arrived at P;- ca.'ouia. .Mi-s, foday. The vessel WHS searched by the Immigration offl- «'ials but th;re ('hlre^f. wae no signs of any “GET IT AT HAWLEY’S.’* Do You Smoke Cigars? If so, 3't>u should cot over* look our line. We have been buying cigars for particular pat rons for a long time and we cer tainly do know a good smoke. 'Phone ns. Hawley’s Pharmacy TRYON AND FIFTH 8T8. 'Phonts 13 and 260. Academy Advance Sales Three Days Ahsad. Mr. .M. C. Graves and wife to Mr. \V. T. Wilkinson, lui on East End. Consid eration, ll.oOO. Mr. C. ^1. Beam to Mrs. .J. S. Mc- Whirter, lot in tlie ea.-tern section of the city. lacing L.iwyer s road. Con sideration, .'I. The l’iH)ple's [.oan and Realty Com- )iar,y to .Mr. .1^ S. Squires, a lot at the inter.'Oc!ion of Xor'li ^McDo'vell and Kast f'ifth stroet.s. Consideration. .$!,■ Mr. T. .1. Walker to Mr. .1. F. Royd a lot on Seventh strucL. Consideiation, Mr. T. W. Crowith, of The Greater Charlotte Club, Is a strong advocate of a t rafflc manager for the city. Tile objefts of a strong Avell equip ped Traffic Btireau are; First. To iirovide the lowest avail- a’Me transjiortation charges on goods shijiped or received—to reduce to a mininuini the freight cost. Second. To protect its members a.iiainst errors in overcharge and w'rong clas:-5iflcation. Third. To secure a correction of all un.lust and discriniinative freight rates. Fourth. To expand the tracie zone and put members on an equal basis with competitors. To make the bureau effective it must he conducted by a thoroughly compe tent traffic manager, who understands the railroad business on a comprehen sive scale. Reliable expert authority places die e:--:tin''.ate of annual loss to sliippers in the Fnited States throu.sh ovei’charge in freight rates at Si;5.00i\000, most of which is due to lack of knov. ledge of the freight tarifl^s and classification. Manufacturers will adopt everv avail able method to reduce cost of produc tion 2 per cent and at the same time continue to pay from ten to fifty per een^ excess frei-dit cost because they do not Jnow how to remedy the troub le with tho railroads. The tariff mana.ger. equipped with tho j)i’oper knov»iedge will supply the j renie.iy. ,\s an ordinary er^aniple of I how this works out, tlie following i*-' j cited: innnui'acitirer was ahi;)ping i wagons and shaft connections in box- j PS. less carload, to Soathern territory a: hardware, at .second class rate, 5ion TO Atlanta. Ga. The tralTic mana ger advised him to describe his ship- uiont as iron or steel ve’aicle parts which carried a fourth-class rate of 76 cents reducing the freight cost twen- ty-si.\ nor cent. Dr. H. 0. Henderson, Dr. L. I. Gldney. HENDERSON & GIDNEY DENTISTS. Office* Hunt bldg., 202^^ N. Tryon St. 'Phone 216. F.L.BONFOEY ARCHHcCT. Supervision ot Construction* Office 211 N. Tryon. Room 4. HUGH W. HARRIS ATTORNEY Law Building. Cl'iariott^, N. O. “Jordan’s on the Square.” E. P. Purcell, President. D. A. McLaughlin, . Pres. Huyler’s Candy Get some today. of the fresh shipnnent R. H. Jordan & Co. The ‘'Rexali'’ Store. Graduate Nurses’ Register. ’Phone 7. Si There Is a Reason A patriotic cii.izen has called at tention to the fact that C'narlotte lacks only 122 people of having as many people as Greensboro and Dur ham combined. The fact that both Greensboro and Duhham combined have 122 people more tlian Charlotte—or had 122 more when the census was taken—is probably due to the fact that 61 Charlotteans were in the two cities at the time establishing new enter prises with headquarters at Char lotte. Further, Raleigh and Greensboro combined have only a few hundred more than Charlotte, while Raleigh alone has xa,040 less than Charlotte; Asheville 5,496 less, Greensboro 18,- 363 less. “Watch Charlotte Grow.” Lave Cross Comes to Bat DR. WU TING FANQ Dr. Wu Tlng-Fang, at one time min ister to the United States, who is one of the leading spirits In the Chinese crusade against queues. Dr. Wu Ting-Fang and about 150 of Shanghai’s leading citizens agreed, at a recent public meeting, to wave public sentiment and endeavor, by example, to abolish queues In the Land of the Poppy. Jan. 15th Is the rate set by Wu and his followers for the amputation. While occupying the post of Chinese minister to the United States for the second time Mr. Wu Tlng-Fang memorialized the throne In favor of the abolishment of the feueue. Among his reasons was the fait that Chin ese In North, Central land South America had been mocked and teas ed because of their queues, and that they had implored him to ask an Imperial edict sanctioning the crop ping of their hair and the adoption of costumes worn in the Western Hemisphere. Any one could have told yesterday that Lave Cross w'as in town. There w’as a bunch of fans on the bleach ers (in front of the Gem restau rant) all day. Lave touched the home plate yes terday morning. He is South on a month’s hunt, and stopped here just because it was home and he wanted it. He is look ing fine, and is happy over next sea son’s prospects. He will talk ball in earnest next week. He has some strong dope up his sleeve that he will hand out to the expectant and restless fans at an early date. The the job from the jump, and its a the job fro mthe jump, and it’s a good bet that they are going to io some awful hustling for the rag this season. W. F. Moody. .Tas. A. Henderson. H. C. R. For Catarrh A local treatment for Catarrh T-'hich will give instant relief; and persistent use wdll affect a permanent cure. This treatment includes two sprays and a Nebu lizer. We can furnish a num ber of testimonials concerning the efficiency of this treatment. Complete outfit. $2.50. Tryon Drug Co P. O. station, No. 1. 11 N. Tryon Man is a Failure When he has no confidence in him self nor his fellow men. When he values success more than character and self-respect. When he does not try to make his w^ork a little better each day. When he becomes so absorbed in his work that he cannot say that life is greater than work. When he lets a day go by without making some one happier and more comfortable. When lie tries to rule others by bul lying instead of by example. When he values wealth above health, sell-respect, and tlie good opin ion of others. When he is so burdened by his bus iness that he finds no time for rest Itnd recreation. When he loves his own plans and in terests more than humanity. W'hen his friends like him for w'hat he has more than for what he is. When he knows that he is in the wrong, but is afraid to admit it. W'hen he envies others because they have more ability, talent, or wealth than he has. When he does not care what hap pens to his neighbor or to his friend so long as he is prosperous. When he is so busy doing that, he has no time for smiles and cheering words. expectations be FI passed by —CARRENO If you famous True as preaching. This also is true: The place to buy your insurance is at Insurance Headquarters, v/here you get the best insurance on the market. C. N. G. Butt k Co. INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS Auto Tires REPAIRED, VULCANIZED^ RECOVKRED. Inner Tubes Vulcanized. We guarantee the.v will never leak where we vulcanizu tbem. First puncture. 50 cents. Second puncture, 2& centJ. Third puncture, 25 cents. All sizes new tires can-led in stock. Relay MTg. Co 23i and 233 s>. Tryon St. E invite you to experience “the reality^’ in the form of superb Uprights and Grands now bein g shown at our warerooms. are yet unacquainted with the KNABE TONE take the first opportunity when down towi^ to hear its wonderful sweetness and depth, its richness and power. Piano Tone will have a new meaning f^ you and you will know why the KNABE is regarded as the reigning Queen among pianos. Parker-Gardner Co. EDUCATE FOR BUiSlNESS Our graduates are always in demand. Spring; term begins January 3. Special Rates Until January 1C nev; Catalogue, Journal and Special Rates, write For BLAKE'S DRUG SHOP | On the Square. ^ Prescriptions Filled Day and ♦ Night. ^ Prominent Army Officer SAYS HE CANNOT DO WITHOUT Thies’ Salve Mr. A. Thiee, Halle Gold Mine, P. O., S. C.: Dear Sir—Your letter of the 9th inst., received, also the five boxqs of SaJve. I have used the remedy for over a year and find I cannot do with out It. It affords me the only relief which I can secure from my trouble which, without it, is etremely painful and annoying. Very respectfully yours, JNO. C. ROBINSON, Maj. Gen. U. S. A. “The Richmond,” Washington, D. C. ' ^ 25 Cents. All Druggists. Razor, a 50c Strap, all for $1.10 Friday and Saturday. Thttfle are the highest quality, fully warranted and the set sells regularly for $3.50. Take advantage of this Frl day and Saturday Bargain. John S. Blake Drug Co. 'Phones 41 and 30C. Registered Nurses’ Directory. THE SELWYN HOTEL EUROPEAN Rooms $1.50 Per Day and Up. Rooms vrfith Private Bath $2.00 Per Day and Up. CAFE OPEN UNTIL 9:30 P. M. Prices Reasonable. 150 Elegant Rjcms. 75 Private Baths. Located In the heart of Char lotte, convenient to railroad station, street cars and the busi ness and shopping centre. Cater to high-class c:'umercial ana tourist trade. Pure Water from our Artesian Well, 203 1-2 feet deep, for sale, 6c gallon at Hotel. 10c gallon in 5-galion lots, Delivered in Charlotte or at R. R. Station. EiDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. Charlotte, N. C. (InoOTporated.) and Raleigh, N. C. 25% to 50% off Regular Prices For a Few Days Only We have immense lines of Sterling: Silver Deposit Ware. Hawke'g C t 01a;5S, Fine China, Leather Bags, .Jewel Cases, Electroliers and Gold elry that must be reduced and we have made this attractive cut so ih; t you can get these thint’s v.’hich you still need for New Year Gifu- n; a great saving. Con-ie now and get the best selections from this selec! siopk. LINSB/ICK & ELAM, Popular Jew “The Little Store With the Big Stock,” West Trade St. Near the Square. We Are Ready ! With the largest stock of WATCHES, DIAMONDS and JEWETx RY that it lias ever been our pleasure to show. Two stores de voted exclusively to Jev.-elry. Cu t Glass and Art Goods, gives us one of the largest c::plays of Holiday Goods to be found in the South. A visit to loth stores from our friends and custome’s will be api)r- ciated. Garabaldi, Bruns & Dixon 12 AND 14 SOUTH TRYON ST. Start the New Year Right by getting a Monitor Radiator and having a warm home. It’s five ra diating flues give more heat radiation for the amount of fuel consumed than any other stove on earth. Special Sale of t 19 11 t Calendars Today One lot displayed In our north window, formerly sold from 75c to $2.00. Now 35c each; 3 for $1.00. In our lower window Calen dars formerly sold at 25, 35 and 50c, now 17c each. Come early and get the best bargaii^s. Stone & Barringer Company 22 South Tryon Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. X J. N. McCausland & 0>mpany Stove Dealers and Roofing Contractors. 221 8. Tryon Street. ♦ La Fraire Shoe for Women $3.50 and ks Everybody has shoes at these prices but none so good as ours. Buy your next pair here. DeLane Slioe Company 36 Elast Trade Street Phone 1530—Job Print m wmm cm If You Want Dry Coal, Buy Stak.ndard COAL It IS all under shed and protected from the weather. IQ or ^ Standard Ice & Fuel Co.^'^ M. A. BLAND, Sales Agent (S) •#ew®eeeeeee*#e® ‘ •••• S,i m #11 m