THE CHASLOTTE NEWS JANUARY 15. 1911 BALTIMORE, MO. TISSUED MORNING, EVENING AND SUNDAY T2E GREAT HOME PAPER OF THE SOUTH The news of the world is grathered by the well-trained special i-nrre- v-.nderfa ct bUN and set before the readers in a concise '•Jid intei'estlii'.r luaiiiiiir .*acii :nom!n^ a:id weslcdny *^^temoon. As a ?hrjalc'-' c' world ovsnta TTWE Sl-^N 324 INDISPENSABLE, xdiUe in b’-'i 'lai- li- V> . : * . tua und Now York rasiko Ita nows from the 1 ifflala^lva anJ i.ntir . -1«. :i;« of tho covmtry tho best that can be obtained. AS A * /OMAN’S PAPER TUB SUN has no superior, being- morally ml v t»- o* hlrhoat type. It publishes the very best I'iature-' • t .n l .n on f^hlon, art tmd uaiscellaneoua matters. Vi :£,• -iv; . .„ S -i'iei. 1. A BUSINESS MAN’S NECESSITY ^'ir th_- la.'i; «T. ^ "U'r. and tho troicyr can depend upon coznplete and reliable Iti 'oi j . \;i'. \ tuoir mrlouF linos of trade. T'T Mai! THE SW Crioming or Evening) is 25c. a Wonth or $3 a Yat SUFf.AY SUV, by M^it, is{?|;.*{ji?7inontJis *‘*5® » And THE SIX, F!:mins, Evenmg and Sunday, • • $7.50 a Ycai '*0- EID BY EPUCE Q. NABERS. ■i vvduy ; I.. Ai a 1- ’• V-:' fooliiii; to liir.o war.- t '!it‘ larii>'■ '1 it wts, I ''.T- i'.'f. ItOlWLvU 1 iiT •1- t s of '.i-.'icr^ly tried to i- I’l'tiiiiiLj li!-.e ■' th: livtft vh.'lc iiu.-.-iah’ l';.' ith Ill •sfi' : 1 »i \ \ 1 v.'it'i -T- tun ' on • i I ail vh hire .‘0;'' (i ,) I’.i^ :i\ nia,- ii'.'()iuiili>h»'d • 1 " 'ho „ I'.ioro is lU' a! =>rt in' wiiole ai - rd- tile ■ ■i.i-atro with fiH'l- ' ■ .Tc noi a!‘!o . . ^ ill a hainnor t>- V ,ni(i bo ai- tli.'ir urr>pt :tl'ilit\' h rc rsoiiaHi y into ->u tail'-'’.: and via is ’I'o uropont iij Sortli. Tho oi'on- .10 ]>n‘hirm of : ; fti-ndar,! detail . ’ ■ t>; Tk ■ mob. tl: i;' : ii'aiMin^. rhe of • vt ■■! '! r» I., ro iirev‘Ui : .,i .it t-i IvM’i'ibi • .. -h' ticht- : i: li- c'k. A 1> iK'hiiiir ptire , taini; pvory con- >' • V n; T^. South I ' V .. and inr::rt. ■’ i a *1' ’ : i M l-'j ■ bo'"' .. ’ ^: ^■:^>to. Ail - ■ . ; . - ; f‘i.ll ho iM'. « ,-ht'it.-> and thi* au- -■1 'liat a .a'o riot is in r. ’ af’t nn ononiy of th*-' ' t. h-'r. ’’lai I'is p:rand- ; ,. pss. ! p to this time ■n 11 Til tho but ■ •: altri:;)tiioss sho ■ lof '>,sv (> niotiiri' has l'‘'cd tho life of a whi I'.as bt’on eloctod ti) ■ . ; w '’.o i ■■ encaui'd to ' 1 ;a,n 1” the world b^- f:io,- to faco with the > hfn nosrro Mood in his Adare.^s» All Orders to THE A. S. ABELL COMPANY PALTi:^J03r-E. :'vI^\RYLAND thouijh. ;ho tromondoiis foroo of the ,ii ' and tho aeony ho must snfi’or. At t■|•^t Ix' cannot give up tlie giii. hut ia'.-r ho \iolds. Tt is in tliis scene th.i: tho nios! oinotional of tho acting is ocu. tho saiii- da\ in tiic caidtol buildinsx. In tliis Ml is soon tho whito ?;ijl in tl; • inipi.s^iblo attittide of waiting to HI M I’., tho mail fogavdloss. 'I'hon the ■ Xi_^or’' is fotcod to show her tho li^ht c.'urso and refuse to accept her :i!;d ;iniuitinc('s to tho world that he !■ , • tlu- taint in iiis l)lood. .\;;ain the a thor in error. ■■’I'iio Xigpror" will do no good and it is i.tit tho wind of ontoitaiuniont tho S'luth wants. It ' is nei- tliv-r iKMioficial or instructive TIk' plot is impossible and i; 1'rinf.Ts u)) and thoughts of the • I’st tl'.at wt‘ are trying hard to forget. 'r!:o mon of tho South have boon iii'IiMng against overythi.»:g that would lia\o a t«'ndcnc\ to stir uj) the old ncial fi ' ling. and shows of tho char- a: M r #f "'['Ih' Xii;g' r" ;lraw tho dan- C' V only lu aro'' tiic surface and make tho ficht harder fen- the workers. Without a doubt the personnel of the troup included some of tho best actor.s in tho profession today. It was ^iml)ly rlieir acting and wonderful abil ity th;;t made the people sit through tho j)erformanpo. There are fourteen chai-acters in the cast and to oach one of them is duo great credit for their acting. They ari‘ put in a iday in which they are nat- uially out of their element as normal I'oo’ple and one which depended entiro- i. upon their ability as actors and K-tresses to make go. As a whole it vas th, liest cast ever seen in this ity. Th.ere was not a detail too small i>r them to overlook and not a point ! )o small for them to work hard to '.'rinsr out. The great pity is that a fM.-rnpany as good as this is wasted on ;> .-how like "The Xigger.” Mr. Fred Eric, as, ‘Tho Xigger” und'ti !tedly the best actor over seen on tbis circuit. His al>ility to portray emotional imi'ts and work up to the diamatir ciiiiuix demonstrated hi.s;ira] ability as an acto.' and Iiis wondon’ul technique. In a bettor play he would be a great find. .Miss Catherine Carter had the other o:roat part. It was as difficult as that of tho Xigger and she played it won- ilot fully. As a sweet Southern girl she when her linos wore not bad. all tit.ii a man could ask for. Pretty, win- .some, attractive and with all the fire of a jiroud girl from an aristocratic famil>. Her interpretation of the part was boautiful and even in the parts where tho linos were impossible, she interpreted them in a way that made ’ rW . . ■■ -I* K.g br u..!!t f;.r* t-::': !;> voi a*'d that all his dreams of thej^‘i(-ni lose a great deal of their offen- f '.tv’-e n”d ’.'3 hnj'pir.oss are being h^iveness. She was working up hill all t >r: frnni h*? It is :>.^y to imagine M'le time and she went to the very ' heights. -Mr. Kthelbert llale.s, ns .Xoyes, the distiller groat as was Mr. Arthur Rfine, a negro and later, the sheriff. E^.ch of the cast could be favor- nK-ntioned btit it is enough to say that if they ever appear here again Liiry will be greeted enthusiastically by the admirers they made on this occa.siou. Success Don’t Konsist in Never Makin’ Mistakes, but in Never Makin’ the Same One Twict f Yon vr2] malce no jrnstalie in sending 133 yom future orders for Job and Commercial PriDtisg, We “wjli give you the be«t quality vrorkman- ship prompdy and at reaaoDsbie prices. We baae our sc^ita* twn your patronage on the merit of product. our Phee your orders for qtsiek ddfvery with us mod we will plcatc you I P. h. GARNES •UPlflfNTINDfNT. rffisn# 1I5C, W i«w«h Tf7on 6t. An Event of Great Interest to Char lotte Ladies Will Be the Lectures on Beauty Culture at the Academy By Dr. Felix Cristion, of Paris. 'Phero seems to be a growing in terest among the ladies of this city in tho forthcoming beauty culture ioc.tiires at the .\cademy of Music Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons a:, 3 o'clock, by Dr. Felix Cristion, of Rue de Revoli, Paris, who’s rep utation along these lines has been heralded in the foreYnost magazines and the press. He is said to be a master of his art, the author of the only recognized text book on beauty culture and facial blemishes and has boen awarded decorations by queens and wives of the presidents for his Bkill. He speaks many languages and will address tho ladies In English. DR. FELIX CRI8T0N. His lectures will prove of inestimable value to every lady, regardless of her age, and it is safe to state that no lady who values her persona! appearance should fail to hear Eu rope’s foremost exponent of beauty culture. Prof. Cristion will gice tv.'o lectures in this city at the Academy of Mu- iric next Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, beginning at 3 o'clock. On Tuesday alternoon. all the ladies of Charlotte will be admitted free. The press throtighout the state speaks in glowing terms of Prof. Cristion, and say that his w'ork has l)roved very interesting and fascinat ing. Viola Alien in “The White Sister” Coming to Charlotte Soon. Manager Crovo, of the Academy of Music, announces that arrange ments have just been completed for the early appearance here of Ainerl- cas greatest living actress, Miss Viola Allen, and her all star cast in •‘The White Sister.” which has prov ed to the best play that his dis tinguished star has been seen in since “The Christian.” Miss Allen’s principal colleague this year is .Tames O’Neill, remem bered as the star of ‘‘Monte Crlsto,” a play in whicli he played 6.000 times. In the old days O’Neill used to be leading man for Edwin Booth, and his fine ability and long expe rience have combined to make him one of the best actors on the stage today. j Minne Gale is another player of long experience in the cast. Henry Stanford, F. C. Mosely, Fanny Addi- F*tt; Suwin BraiiiJt, ri^lle Chip pendale. Dwight Dana and .Joseph Carducci. complete this extraordinary cast.' 1 Miss Allen will appear at the Acad emy of Music Thursday night. Janu ary 2G. Mail orders for seats from | out-of-town people will be accept- j ed now. when accompanied by money orders payable to John L. Crovo, manager Academy of Music, Char lotte, N. C. Clem Creek Mul^ Figures in Court Messrs, Eli and Press Griffith And Will Ihompson Are De clared Not Guilty Gj Larceny oj a Mule From Mr. W. C. Stegale, of Clear Creek. Messrs. Eli and Press Griffiith and Will Thompson were the defendants and Mr. W. C. Stegall the plaintiff in a case which was tried yesterday af ternoon before ’Squire J. Cobb. The case was one that was referred to ’Squire Cobb by ’Squire C. P. Mungo of Clear Creek, the warrant being is sued by 'Squire Mungo. The defendants were charged with wrenching the lock off the door of Mr. Stegall’s barn on the 28th of December last, and taking therefrom a mule, the property of Mr. Stegall. Constable W. A. Linker served the warrant on the defendants a few days later and found that the mule was locked up in Thompson’s bam and that Thompson had the key in his pocket. Mr. Thompson had a mortgage on tho mule, it was claimed, and had tried vainly to have Mr. Stegall make a settlement. The i)laintiff was represented in ’Squire Cobb’s court yesterday by Mr. John A. McRae, while Mr. J. E. Lit tle represented the defendants. After hearing anct weighing all the evidence carefuily ’Squire Cobb discharged the defendants, finding no evidence that warranted their being charged with the larceny of the mule. 7 7?? 400—200—100 7 ? 7 7 If you have property for rent or for sale list it with us. We give business of this nature our imemdiate attention, and give your interests the benefits of our experience. Southern Real Es tate Loan & Trust Co. 14-5t Gas Company Has Time Limit The offer made by the Charlotte Gas Company to the residents of Eliz abeth avenue, noted in the News last week, will close January 21. Those who will take gas must make applica tion by that dale, proming to use gas for 12 months at the minimum charge of oO cents and at the regula tion rate prevailing in the city. The gas company's offer is: To make all connections free for any appliances ordered before the main ditch is closed. In making stove pipe connections for instance the regular charge is lac. a foot. In many cases the con nections would cost the consumer from -JIG to $15. Many on Elizabeth avenue have signed for gas, but the number is not sufficient to warrant the company etending main lines. MRS. SHAW HOME. ' Mrs. A. M. Shaw and son, Mr. Oliver Shaw, have returned from Florlday, and are at Mr. W. E. Shaw'’s, on Ir win avenue. Suffered 34 Years Cured By Thies’ Salve The undersigned being cured by the use of Thies’ Salve, of a sore leg of 34 years’ standing, where every other remedy failed, testifies with pleasure to its remarkable qualities, and cannot recommend it highly enough to the public. W. J. WILLIAMS. Haile Gold Mine, Lancaster Co., S. C. 25 Cents ALL DRUGGISTS. Mrs. B. H. Sumner, of Asheville, is stopping at the Selw'yn today. Mr. McCall This Afternoon Mr. J. D, McCall will address the meeting for boys at the Young Men’s Christian Association this evening at 5 o'clock. Among the special attractions will be a violin solo by Miss Ella Mosely, and a solo by Mr. C.vril D. Baxtres- ser, tenor soloist at the First Presby terian church. Miss Ella Tliomson, of Fayetteville, and Mrs. J. H. Osborne, of Lawndale, are visitors to the city todaj’, at the Central. TO LEAVE CHARLOTTE. The many friends of Mr. Ernest Fields and family will regret to know that they are to leave Charlotte. Within a week or so they will go to E. C., w'here they will reside in the future. Mr. Fields came here as grad ed for Sanders & Orr. He and his family have made manv friends. ^ 1 Mr. W. V. Porter left last night for New York. Mrs. Hugh Montgomery won the prize at the bride given by Mrs. E. V. Finiayson in honor of Mrs. W. W. OOlive. ? ? 7 7 400—200—ICO 1 } ? f KINDERGARDEN TERM. Miss Thomson’s kindergarten •will KINDERGARTEN commencea new term tomorrow'. The class of this v,-inter is unusually large and interesting. ACADEMY OF MUSIC FREE FOR LADIES ONLY Tuesday Afternoon, January 17th. At 3 O’clock, A Scientific Lecture (in English)) on BEAUTY CULTURE FACIAL BLEMISHES —By— PROF. FELIX CRISTION Late of Paris, France, Academy of Beauty Culture. Beauty Doctor to Mmes. Bernhardt, Nordica, Lillian Russell, Patti, and Langtry. Assisted by one of the Most Beauti ful Women of Her Age, Mms. L. M. MAYE, w'ho will wear a Thousand Dollar Empress Jo&ephlne Gown and Hat. Tuesday Afternoon’s Lecture is Free. Wednesday Aftornoon’s Admission 50o "GET IT AT HAWLEY’S.’* Do You Smoke Cigars? If so, you should not over look our line. We have been buying cigars for particular pat rons for a long time and we cer tainly do know a good smoke. ’Phone us. Hawley’s Pharmacy TRYON AND FIFTH STS. 'Phones 13 and 260. Academy Advance Sales Three Says Ahead. Auto Tires REPAIRED, VULCANIZED, RECOVfSREO. inner Tubes Vulcanized. We guaraut«»e they •win never leak vbere we vuleanizv theixi. First puncture. 50 cents. Second puncture, 2Sf centj. Third puncture, 25 cents. All sizes new tires carried In stock. Relay M’f g. Co 231 and 233 Tryon 8t. FortheManWhoWillAct There is a bargain in a pretty home on Central Avenue in Pio i The house is in perfect condition, contains eight beautiful)v - rooms with cabinet mantles, electric lights, gas and modern plinnbr^'^'^'’' is situated on a large lot on the shady side of the street and on tho ^ It is in a fine neighborhood and surrounded by beautiful homos The price is very law and terms can be arranged for about the purchase money. "'f This is a very unusual offering and should be investigated at c’ •any person who wants to secure a high-class home under value!^ " ' ' The McClung Realty Co. E T-w t>A, ^ 25 South Tryon St Phone 1254, A Few of the Things That Help Make Ours An Exclusive Store Bed Side Tables—for the sick—ad justable to any height and angle. Back Rests—for Invalids and Con- valsecents, adjustable to any angle, enabling one to “sit up” in bed. Invalid Rings—rubber air cushions, valuable to the sick in many ways. Bed and Douche Pans of many styles and prices. Water Bottle and Syringes, In short “Everything for the Doctor, Nurse and Patient.” Hospital Supply & Drug Co. WHOLESALE AfJD RETAIL 40 S. Tryon St. 'Phene 676 FRIENDS While the rumor that our school is crow'ded is a compliment it is mi'^- leading. It is true that we have a very large school, j-et we are comfort able, and can comfortably accommodate you. A good situation is^ed every graduate. Male stenographers are in great demand. Start the New Year Right by getting a Monitor Radiator and having a w’arm home. It’s five ra diating flues give more heat radiation for the amount of fuel consumed than any other stove on earth. (lno(»p(wateid.> Charlotte, N. C. and Raleigh, N. C. CLANG! CLANG! HEAR THE ANVIL RING! as it beats out in rythmic aie? 'if our success in shoeing horses. Dring your horse around to us and have him shod in an artistic and scientific man ner. J. D. STROUPE 211 West Fourth St. 1%% to 50% off Regular Prices For a Few Days Only J^^es of sterling Silver Deposit W’are, Hawke's rut Glass Fine Chma, Leather Bags, Jewel' Cases, Electroliers and Gold Jr>v A be reduced and we have made this attractive cut so you can get these things which you still need for New Year Gifts a great saving. Come now and get the best selections from this select f=toc; .at Houses For Rent 8-room house, modem, 316 N. Brevard St .... $40.00 5-room cottage, modern. Grove St., Woodlawn $20.00 4-room cottage, 411 Pegram St., per week $2.00 B-room cottage Lillington and Craighead Ave $12.50 6-room house, modem, 514 N Caldwell St $25.00 10-room house, city water, corner Mint and Palmer Sts.... $25.00 Carolina Realty Co. O’. J. THIES, President. W. D. WILKINSON. Treas. & Mgr. B. R. LEE, Secretary. J. P. LONG, Salesman. 211 N. Tryon St. Phone 609. Park Avenue Home FOR SALE 8*room house, well built, with hard wood floors ajid all modem conveniences. Basement Is large enough to be used ts a garage. Lot 50x200. ^RICE LOW—TERMS EASY Charlotte Consolidated Gonstruction Company LINEBACK & ELAM, Popular Jewelers "The Little Store With the Big Stock.’* West Trade St. Near the Square. SELWYN HOTEL EUROPEAN Room* $1.50 Per Day and Up. Rooms with Private Bath $2.00' Per Day and Up. CAFE OPEN UNTIL 9:30 P. M. Prices Reasonablt. 150 Elegant Rooms. 75 Private Baths. Located In the heart of Char lotte, convenient to railroad station, street cars and the busi ness and shopping centre. Cater to high-class c:'nmercial and tourist trade. Pure Water from our Artesian Well, 203 1-2 feet deep, for sale, 6c gallon at Hotel. lOc gallon In 5-gallon lots. lore J. N. McCausland & Company Stove Dealers and Roofing Coniractora. 221 Tryon Street. j Delivered In Charlotte or at R IR. Station. EDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. Stock Yards Fire. Chicago, IIl.^ Jan. 14.—Responsibili ty for the stock yards fire, December 22nd, in which Fire Marshal James Horan and 23 others lost their lives was not fixed by the coroner’s Jury w'hich returned a Verdict today. Many recommendations for safer conditions at the stock yards were made. Man is a Failure When he has no confidence ir. self nor his fellow men. When he values mo ? character and self-respect. When he does not try to ms ^ work a little better each day When he becomes so absorbed ^ work that he cannot say th: t greater than work. When he lets a day go b> ^ ■ making some one happier aini ' comfortable. When he tries to rule other.': l lying instead of by example. When he values wealth ■ health, seli-respect, and the go '■ ion of others. When he is so burdened by iness that he finds no time fo" rc ' recreation. When he loves his own pl -ns ■ terests more than humanity. When his friends like him f"’’ he has more than for whai When he knows that he ’ wrong, but is afraid to admit When he envies others beoau ■ have more ability, talent, or ■ than he has. W^hen he does not care pens to his neighbor or to his ’ * so long as he is prosperou.' When he is so busy doinj; ' has no time for smiles and ciJ' ■ words. True as preaching. This also i.- The place to buy your at Insurance Headquarters, get the best insurance on the C. N. G. Butt & Co. INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS