400-?-200 -? - 1 0 0 400-?-200-?-100 ^ i r Edittion 3! THE CHARLOTrE NEWS. Latest Edition 43. NO. 6926 CHARLOTrE, N. C.. MOnDAV EVENING. JANUARY 16. 1911 PRICE 5 CENTS fes property Sold ^ /n For $58,?0i) ale to he Confiimed V,\”r Big Dmmage Undertaking a'c men and mon . of rral estate in , V gathered at the (t attend the sale 1 T.;-in>T o the estate l^cc'U'S. j t .r the oxocutor. Asheville, .Jan. dkpa^oh to , UKUI (loscriptioua The Ga::etfP-Xews from Halei^^h to il the I'TTiis i)f sflle, day stated that thf* Mattaniiiskeot .i;:cted by Mr. W. lake drainage proposition has boon ,.> r.. Three pieces olosrd up satisfactorily and that : I oi for salf'; i within a short Avhilo the vork of ■ 1. on Hast Trade, draining the lar^osf bodv (U' fro?h •• the I'entral ho- water in North Carolina will be b^- S'ln. A company, stylec the Southorn 1 on \H cst Third. Lnnd Reclamation company, v/ith A. U I’, church. headquarters at Sywan Quarter, Hyde 1 1;'. b,. .Mr. S. Witt- county, was incorporated by ; the secretary of s*ate. with authoriz- '•0 bid in by Mr. ed capital of $50,000, and $2.">,000 snb- V. li I'rait':, for i^cribed. The incorjioratdrs are D X. (} raves, of lioston, a well known >j'to consumma- developer; W. T. ]\Iason. a lumber- • .'v>'o open ti- an ^'an; J, P. Kerr, a well b;isiness ai’.utuii; as the nian, and Charles A. Web!), the lat- ■ I rt oive -eiUier three of Asheville. Th's com- .• I' Ilf : pany has purchased fiom the 5-tate f Sale. North Carolina, the bed of Maila- ■ .d b.v couri. r.e- iii”-^keet lake at a cost of p it I is ’o be i-aid basin compriseK about ."O.Omi itn^ of sale shall be of land, while in ihe outlying i'his means that ‘l>'ainaKe district are about 70,000 t bidder ai this of land which will he p:i-eat\v bid shall be ad- i>“l't*ovet] by the drainage of the l«r person in 20 The total cost of draina.ue is (.:U‘ d. to pay one- ‘'^t^mated at S400.0'i(t, of v.hich \ h .r d give note ^he landholdrrs of iho a;*- , the property for property to the lake will ]ipy one-fourth. In maUing the saie. tre .state board of edufation. which h:>d . » ■’ wa= offered ’ these lands, provitic d f.r • ■ ■■’lildinc but the rotectioi' of these interosls and ■oond.'third and ;-n:r wa.^. started report ot F.uginepr ' J Thies. This was Coleman, who e:-;:’Uiined the jvans ■ p ^ niacle by Ent^ineer Wright, the Roper \V .1 Chrimbe*-a ('ompany witluirew oiijeciion to ih.e drainage of the tli.^-'tricr. m' [Rffl yif- Schenk fnal Will Consume Several Weeks It’s Thought ILL imm cos-r^ ^ / V / A/ UNCLE SAM—“DOX’T YOU TH WOrLD STAND A H!>yrTER CHANCE AND WORK THAT BAY WINDOW OFF, THE WATER IN THAT PONDINK IF YOU WOULD COME OUT OF GOING DOWN SOME?” Mr. Wittkows- Property. s on West Third >r >ole, the State Troops Guard Room in Which Negjo Charged With Honihle Crime Is Being Tiied Special to The Nc.vs. neighborhood where it was Oxford. N. ('./.Ian. 10.—Under a;nard are .so wrought up it was of s.tate troo]>s from Raieigh. and met j Jiecessary to iiriiig the prts- th-' station by the local military 1 ont-r to the state ])rison ror_ safe- compauy, ^lontr.giir' was i^rought here! The local comijany is al-o this moi’uiii'j on a F.pecial train. ii' Gatling guu as a precaution The work will require a period crowd was watching at the sta-|‘''rid in rrse the ])risoner is convicted more than IS montl-.s to drain this I tion all day. '* vnll bring liim Imcl: to this city for ex- ludge \Vard ordered all near-beer of whatever sentence may be j Drainage Will Require 18 Month; mam.moth lake which is 1.") miles in ‘r. I being off- and fve to six miles wide, j ;a]oons closed iind m’ohibited express | "l>oii him. •ari^d the bids ' comnanies d -iivei ing anv whisky here j Govohkt Kit-hin immedi? l)id $0 100- Mr station, which will have a ca- during tlie irinl. ^ S]iecial term of court I-Mr Wilkinson ‘>f .'>1'.000,000 g^^ilons of water There was some talk of contesting -Indgo George W, Ab'xrnd.r. $7.'.>00; ,.’.ner hour, will be InsiaHeci at a cost •: Craig ,$^.100. The' , . ' ' of prices from! ''nen reclaimed, this land will ■t • Ml, second bid of ® farmine and trucking w.;- b(''rored $100 lands of Hvde countv : i- la '-r became been knov.n for their fer- j;,|) tility where they were drained suffi- . .cught the some^'®"'*'’ St’owth of crops, ^r-. w.re: W the drains-;g is complete the ■ T Thit s $7 ,")00 i farms. Co $v 000 O .' I work of pumping the water • t .rties ran it iii> basin into th*e 'ai'.:U lea • ’ id $^*000 anj Pamlico sound wiil bo done . 1 it b'. 8100 which.direction of a dr.iinage com- ■ to l‘) 100* at which i menibers of which are v.r to Mr. Thies. P- T. H. B. : prorortv brought remain in Hyde was amicip.ited.' work is complete, r ~r 1 theniselve.s as tncnt iu)tel would 1 i^'0.000. The varh- in the "'^O’s. •i and wa3 rebuilt Picperty ki ai Auction United Mine Workers Meet By Associated Press. Washington, 1). C., Jan. 16.—The ap plication of Rear Admiral Barry for , , lelirenienl has been ajiproved bv Pres- Iiatelv order-1 . ii . to Irv thel ^^ been iransferred Ward will 1 to tl.e retired list of i.he navy. The na- By Associated Press. Washington. D. C., Jan. lt>.—Mem bers of the supreme court of the Ignit ed States have balked a; leading the entire record m the dissolution suit against the Standard oil Co. Pii.e c(;urt toda.v entered into the fourth da.v of oral argument in the case. ft, takes 1!2 large voluuios of more tlian TjIH) i)a,i;es each to tell the history of The litigation. S])read out in a line, these vohtnies extend**;! iialt' way across ilie c'ounsel's table;+ in front of ’he court. As the ga/.e r,f Chief Jus tice White fell upon them lie iiKjuired By Associated Press. * Wheeling, W. Va.. Jan. 16.—Tliero are so many sides to the trial of Mrs. Laura Farnsworth Schenk, charged with attempting to murder her hus band, that attorneys are convinced It will be several weeks before it is finally concluded in the Ohio county court. Judge Jordan has done all in his pov.er to expedite the trial but his expectation that it could be dispos ed of in week has long since gone and the attorneys in the case are uu- certain as to the date for the close. Prosecutor ilandlan will not have hiti evidence in until January 19th and the def« ise expectf^ to consume a week in rresenting its side. This will bring the trial to the end of next week Vviilioiit arguments. •Mis. Schenk spent Sunday (luietly in ;.er tower room and, it was stated, devoted much of the time to reauin.g letters which are pouring in on her at tlie rate of TOO a day from all parts of the English-speaking world. Some of them being sentiments in her favor. One contained a proposal of marriage. Miss Eieanor Zoeckler, ttie detec tive nurse who had been known at the hospital where Schenk was taken of .Joiin (}. Milburn, v.ho v.’as i^'ikin.i for the Standard Oil, i;' it would b? i*^'rs. Klein and who gave much accessary lor ri;e court to go over ;lie ievidence against .Mrs. entire record. Air. Meiburn replied j ^^dienk on Sat urday. was on the stand that ii would not. He assured tiie I-'^i'rt convened today. The cro'vd court tiiat v.ifiiin the t wo covers of tlie | large as ever in spite of tiie Standard’s brief liatl been collected all>-i''”S coiand the court room was iilled long b('fore the hour for tho taking o[ testimony. “Mrs. Schenk lold me on one occa- tlie facts that were in contro\ersy. 'I’he same might be s-aid V'ith regard to the .gov.eriii'ieurs briid he added. Tile latttr had b(>ea i.rcpar!'d witli | " ion.” s-aid (he witness in a vuii-o much liierary genins. p.owever, as to j hjw that it could not b(> heard in make it somewhat ur.lr'ir from the |'lie a’idicnc(‘, “tiiat when John Sctienk l>oint of view of the defense. he J'^’d I would be provided for. Friday said. j following the offer to give me $1,'H)0 Some one ^t’oni the beT^di in.nuired if!**^ iiOi;;(;.i .\ir. Schenk, Mr:;. Schenk the attorney.s (M’ rlie Staii'iavd c)ll i came to th> lu;si>iial and asked to bo were devoid of literary abili.y. When •?'' alone in ihe room with Schenk l-'Tank B. Kellogg, the government’s special “trust buster” v.-as addressing the court be assured il;e ’uench iliat the literary ability of ;lie ',))oosing counsel was of the hi.ghest order and for a few minutes. We left them alone and tiiere were high words between them. On cue occasion I remarked to Mrs. Schenk; “ "Well, he’s making some irnprove- this |KDint as an interference; with thei^**. case, ihe crime was eom- interstaie commis.sion rulin.gs. jmitted Dec. l.uli. FiV .\sRociated Press. Columbus, Ohio. .Ian. 16.—About 1,- 000 delegates from all over the conn try are liere to attend the national , , - convention of the United Mine Work- late Bishop Lo- !'1* "e auction today. America, which will meet here ■ r'' the bids: tomorrow. and Davidson ! one of the big fighrs scheduled to R Preston, a place is over the proposed remov- raird street, by J, T. | ai of the national headtiuarters from ; Indianapolis to Columbus. ' u I stri ct, by J. R. I Thomas L. Lewis' friends sa.v he will ' be re-elected. and Watkins I a. s, at Sl^OO. ' Third street, by J. 'cond street, by J. Two Kitted In Explosion Durham, Jan. IG.—Sheriff 'Wheeler, of Grain i’le corvit under escort of the state militia, iiassed through Duiham this morning at 0 o'clock having in charge Nathan .Montague, charge(' with the murder and Imns- iiig of J. L. Sanders, his datf.ghter,. Miss .’'vtittie Panders, aged twenty- two, aiid hi.=; gr,''!;ddaughter, Irene Over*on. the three year old chihl, wiiose spending the night at tlie Sanders home, saved the life of Mrs. J. I., Sanders. The homicide is perhaps the most brutal crime ever commilieed in the stat(‘, having arson, rape and murder in one. It was done Mondav night. December 19tb. four weeks ago. ear ly in the evenin.g, the murderer kill ing all tliree, then setting fire to the house and burning them to ash es. Monta.gue was suspected by strange accident. Having assisted the Sand ers relatives tli'"* day before in the slaughter of hogs, he used a knife which most certainly appears to have been tlie murderous* weapon with v.iiich he killed the young girl. Indi cations are th.af after having assault ed tl'ie .giri, itie assailant tried to t,hrow her in the vrell. lie changed his mind and threw her into the house where she burned with the familv TE EIPLO 0 [D By Associated Press. Chicago, .Ian. 10.—A dynamite ex plosion in a tunnel leading to the Sev enty-third street water sui>ply crib, where many lives were lost by fire two years ago, fatally injured two workmen today. Twenty-six others narrov.'ly escaped death. The dyna mite was accidentally struck with a crow-ba^’ used t(j loosen rock in the tunnel leading from the crib. vy dejiartment today received a tele gram from Rear Admiral Thomas, who vas a])pointed^to succeed Admiral Bar ry, that he iiad assumed command of tiie Pacific lieet. Tlie navy depart ment ia-sued the order retiring Ad miral Barry on Saturday and advised him of that tact by telegraph. This action was taken before the Dublic3ti^n of the allegations that oiii- cers of the flagship West Virginia con templated cliar.ges against the admir al reflecting upon his moral charac ter. It is reitei'Bted at the navy de partment today that no charges had been tiled here against Admiral Barry : nd all that was known in regard to his retirement was that he desired to avail hirns-elf of the privilege grant ed by law to retire voluntarily after 40 .vears active service. A Delicate Opetation By Associated Piess. New Orleans, Jan. 16.—Se'fting up a gash two inches long in (he tissues of Governor Kitchin ordered a i Jtldward Mahorey’s left lung was a trial immediately and this raornin?;' accomplished at the charity hos- Judge G. ard. one of the bra'>-,pjf^j ye.-erday. It is ^a.id to have been one of the most delicate and remarkable 0!)€-rati0ns of the kiml ever h Grahnm street, .1 I .-t, by J. T.' By Associated Press. I Marietta, Ohio, Jan. 16.—Two men •im street t W.' w’ere killed and another seriously in jured in a boiler explosion at the Clea ry stone quarry here today, "i'homas Words was instantly killed and Phil lips Buies died shortly afterward. Lote Smith was sreriously injured. ' by ,1. T. San- ham street, by J. ' l.y same. i ctvi T\ec,^ of city n'lers, at $1,790. | ■ ; to 10 pf;r cent 1 Two Lads Qurned to Death. By .Associated Press. Madeira. Cal., Jan. 16.—Harold Min- '.vhelming crov.d \\as about the court est of Ihe state’.-, jurists, began the iiial of the pi'i:'>ner. Lynching talk lias been so persistent that it has been thought necessary to have suf ficient guard to remain at the jail eve^y nigh' until the]) risoner has I been tried. In the event of conviction, lie wiil be s(*nt 'mm('diately to Ral eigh, all ext'cu.t ions now going to Raleigh and by e’tcctricity. Such is the feeling in Granville that no attorneys liave been em ployed to defend the prisoner. The court had to aiipoint cor.nsel this mcuMiing. There' w.as no trouble over the venire. While it was deemed next to impossible to find a jury in the count,', that had not heard the matter discussoit many times, an over- IV Fight On Ballingei er. aged X years and Horai'e Russell, aged 1C were burned to death when a flft> gallon gasoline tank was ex ploded by matches with which they were playing. Both boys ran three blocks w’lth clothes blaming. Then they were stopped and the fire extiri- —- i guish«d. I' The Russell boy retained conscious- 'fi.- Renewal of jness for hours, pleading with his m^th- : 1 rd A. Ballinger, er to be calm and ulrging the doctors i '*erior, is contem-jto devote their attention to the sniall- ’ ion introduced to-1 er lad. ’ :;-er)l, which socks ^ — ; tlio report of! Torpedo Boats to Sail, r :s donal committee !Ky Associated Press. tlie charges maflo I New Orleans, Jan. IG. The toipedo net ofllcer bv Gifford boat destroyers Paulding. Roe, Dray- • ’'ef forester. The^f’n Terry, which have been in tho j'lssrsslon of , this port for several days, sailed this ' n'i '^louse for some | for Galveston. : ^cn has been taken '' ehsapparently be- ■ the matter remain’♦ ^ Charlotte. N. C.. H Is a member of!^ 1911. n^^hot investigating Editor Charlotte Nev s, r'-rijioriso to an in- Dear Slrt—I want to express r it -w-as his pur-'^ rny appreciation and thanks for ♦ performed. Mahoney was stabbed, it is said, Saturday night during a fight, by Charlca Deishcham. The knife Deis- chman is all ged to have jilunged into Mahoney’s breast cut the fifth rib, missed the heart only because that organ pulsated at the instant, and made a wound tbrou.gh which physi cians watcherd the victim’s heart beat. Mahoney has re.gained consciousness and has a slight chance to live, ac cording to the physicians. rnlution to a vote will speak on the r ('f th^ (’onfederacy 'afternoon at 4 ''T. C. A. to practise inr) dny. my ticket to “Buster Brown.” I certainly enjoyed the play. W^ith best wishes for The News. Very truly. SARAH E. ROARK. City. ♦ -> ♦ O ♦ house and the special jury v^-as order ed from these. The evidence . will not begin until tomorrow. The venire reports then and the testimony will begin. It will necessarily be short. Tliere were no v.itnesses to the crime, the negro’s sole defense will 'oe alibi which he hoi)es to establish. Ho has said nothing that at any time indicated a weakness and has sullenly denied that he had anything to do with the crime. His "epntation never has been bad for that reason, the surprise that came out in the bloody circumstances uncovered in his house, was great. Prisoner Leaves Raleigh. Raleigh, N. C.. Jan, 1(1.—-Nathan Montagi:e. ihe negro charged with hav ing crimir.ally outraged Mir-^s Hattie Sanders, and later throwing her dead and mutilated body Into a burning house, also w'ith murdering the young ladie’s father ;ind his grand-daughtef and burning them in their home, left city this morning for Oxford whore he is to be tried. Montague w-as accompanied by Co. B Third Regiment, North Carolina Na tional Guard to Oxford and there lie will be met by Co. E, of the Third Regiment, and both companies will be on duty around the court house and iail while the trial is in ])rogress. The crime was one of the blackest ever enacted in the state and the peo IHE m II THE LEfilSLSTyilE Special to The News. IIY PIEI liFTE!! mm% I’y Associated Press. Si -byville, Ky., .Tan. 16.— All is o.uiet here today following the lynching here yesterday of the negroes. Gene Marshall, Wade Patterson and Jim W'est. It is believed tliat in the ex citement the mob mistook Marshall, accused ot the murder of a n^'gro wom an, for another negro. That tiiey wan'- ed Patterson and West, charged wilh crimes against white women, is w’ell known. The grand Jury wdiich will meet Monday next and which was to have taken up the cases of the two negroes who w’ere lynched, will investigate the lynching. West and Patterson were being held pending probable indict ments. IMarshall had already been in dicted. tried and sentenced to be exe cuted. Agreement on Liquor Question. By As.s-ociated Press. Marked Tree, Ark., Jan. 16.—After liending in the courts for several months and developing fine legal points in tiumber, the prohibition ques tion in Marked Tree and Deckers- ville, Ark., has been settled by mutu al agreement. According to the un derstanding. which is to be made part of a c-:)urt records, saloons wiil exist in the tv.o towns without molesta- iion until July 7 of this year. After that for two years no iiquor is to be sold. Ihink They Have Bank Robbers By Associatcfl Press. Hot Si«r.jgs, Ark., Jan. 10.—The lale of a negro bellman at a local hotel of great piles of money lying about a room led to the arrest yester- da.v of Charles H. Everett, liar.eed v.ith having secured $1..S00 from the Peoples’ Saving Barik oi Seattle, and for whom detectives iiad been search- ink through a half dozen states. Four men occuiiied a room, accordin.g to the negro atid v.hen he was summoned to bring tliem licr.iid rf'freshments he saw huge stacks of bills distriliiited on the bed and chairs. When the police arrived the men had disapi)eared but memorandums were found showing fl-.at vai’iotis groups of tigures in the aggr.'gate !?2S0,()'i0, had been divided into four ])arti-?. Circulars brought bank detec tives here post haste and tlie arres! of Everett, who had engaged the hotel apartment followed. Accordii'g to the dctectives. Pacific Coast banks have lost heavily recently through the clr- cr.lation of fraduler.t pauer and other arrests are declared iirobable. New York's Beer Consumption. Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 1C.—The senate! By The Associated Press. session was less than a half hour and was devoted to local matters entirelv. O i this New York, Jan. 16.—Greater New York consumed 8.r>00,000 barrels- of . , .beer during the year 1910, according Ad.]ournment was taken as a markji^^ renor'‘ just made public. This is about an average of two barrels a or respect to the memory of the late Col. W. J. Hicks. The house gets the Ewart bill to ratify the federal constitutional amend ment for income tax as a special or der Thursday January 26. A bill by McGill, of Cumberland was instructed to appropriate $5,000 for the erection of a building at the Sol diers liome for the wdves and widows of the veterans and carries also $5,000 for maintenance. The joint committee on propositions and grievances gives a hearin.g Wed nesday afternoon on the Koonce reso lution for a legislative commission to investigate the conduct of fire insur ance companies in this state. Sensational developments are prob able. Continued on Page Six.) year for every man, woman and child in the city. Throughout the United S.r.tes the year's consumption reached! a total of nearly sixty millions. that only the gove rnment's brief told! rnetit,’and she roi)lied: ‘\es. to my sor- the cold, unbiased facts. ro\v.' “You were paid money for lying and laying traps for Mrs. Schenk were you not?” asked Attorney Boyce. ‘1 was instructed to do what I could.” The private and public life of the, witness v.-as tiien gone in into de tail, She related that her husbanrf,: Dr. Klein, li.-.d, sec'ured a d''(v,rce- f-om her and she had eanu' 1 he ' living in Pittsburg as a nurse ^-'i' a time and then worked in stores and finally joined tlie pottep d- jiartment of that city, first under Dr. Edwards, of the health deiuxrt- ment, and then under f.'hi(f of De- ?j;ctives I-Zdv.ard A!c(jOugli. There were tiiius when the witness could not renu’uibc-r ihen anies c;f the families in which she had nurs i-d and times when she could not re- (rail the stores where she had been employed. She denied having been discharged from a Pitt-sburg depart- jiient .‘^tore t’^eause she h:i,d gono on duty under Uie Influence of li- (iuoi-. She said she bf-camo connected with a deic-ctive agency in August last, a'ld tiie Schenk caso was her first work. A Ion seric:s of cjuestions calculat ed to ascertain the charactf'r of the witness develoj)ed nothing, but the gruelling manifestly was something she had not expected. "What did ,vou say to Mrs. Schenk v,-heii she said if anything happened to John you were to gc;t Ihe ke'.s of Iiis safe deposit vnutt before Al bert got theru?” asked Attorney Boyce. • | said I was afraid I wcuild get iiiK) trouble. I was in the room with her at that time for almost thirty minutes. Tho next day I waited for her at the head (jf the s’airs and took her into my room. She told me cif Schc'nk’s hav'ug been w(U’se and that the newsmade her the hapi/iest woman in tho world; also of her praying every riight that he might die.” In answer to the question of Pros ecutor Handlan as to v/hat Mrs Schen’c had said to the wdtness af- tc;r her arrest and they were alone the detec-tive' replied; “1 said, ‘just look what you have got me into,’ and she said: ‘Shut uj) you i'ooi. Don't tell .^.ny things.'” ^liss Zoeckler stated that prior to the 'ime she came here tcj wc>rk on Gold Found i.n Georgia. By Associated r'lc.-s. TallapoosLi, (ia., Jan. 16.—While at ’day on the farm of John W'. Harris, f(jur miles from here a day or two f.go, a child disc;overed a large nug get ’ of gold, and further search by older persons led to the finding of a considerable (;r.:ititity of the yellow metal. The farm is in the center of the (Jeorgia gold belt and the discov ery is regarded here as an important one. Fell From Third Story to Death. By Associated. Press. Seattle. Was’i., Jan. 16.—John An derson, a saloon jiroprietor, and Ben Christensen, a bartender in his f ;.i- ])loy, were instantly killed yesterday when they ftdl from a third story win dow of a hote'. The men were en gaged in v;hat their friends describe OS a friendly 'u;-sle. The room had lieen cleared to Dial-'- way for them thev suddenlv fe'l toward the wrudow, the'sash gave way, the men balanced the case she knew nothing of the on the brinl: a moment and then plung- Schenks, altnough she is distantly ed head first to the c(d)i)lestonep. related to them. Peculiar Situation Will Confront Governor-Elect Colquitt at Inauguration ♦ ♦ ♦ POPULATION OF TWO ♦ ♦ NORTH CAROLINA TOWNS. ♦ B.v Associated Press. ♦ ♦ Washington, D. C., .Tan. 16.— ♦ ♦ Population statistics of the 13th ■► ♦ census announced today in- ♦ ♦ elude the following: ♦ City. 1910 ^ Cedartown. Ga 3..551 ^ Milten. Ga 2.030 ♦ Lexington. N. C. .. 4,16.: ♦ Thomasville, N. C.. 3,877 1900 ♦ 2.S23 ^ ill ^ L2H4 ^ 751 ♦ By Associated Press. Austin, Tex.. Jan. 16.—That a pecu liar sisuation will confront the admin- minisiration of Governor-elect Oscar B. Colquitt after his inauguration to morrow ajipe^rs certain as the result of a caucus of jirohlbition leader.-i of the Texas iegislarure this morning, at which it was agrc'ed to ado})t the fol lowing i)rogram. in eti'ect; Submit to the circumstances now confronting them, by reason of which .'o-called radical prohibition legislation is Impossible. Decline to confirm Colquitt’s nomi nation of aj>])ointces in the absencie of the governor’.^ ai/i roval of the jjropos- ed lifiaor laws, liiis t’eing feasible be- ctiuse of the prohibition element in the state senate. If this program is carried out Col quitt, accx)rding to prominent ann- ]'i ohibitionists, will i)e forced to carry retiring governor (’ampheirs apjioint- ees until the legislature adjourns, but his friends sav the following adjourn ment Colqtiitt will demand wholesale resignations and make his previously rnnounred apjiointments t>> office. In the latter event the Colquitt ai>pcint- ees could serve at least until rejected by the next session of the legislature. Never before In this state, it is said has just such a clash between a leg islative majoiity and a governor taken ])lace. The last state-wide prfdiibition campaign was in 18^«S. It is ex!>ected that the present legislature will sut)- mit to the people an amendment for ^ state-wide prohibition. ¥ f’;.- .) ^, ' A • ■' i ? * ri ! 'i V » 1 A.'- (Ill :V|;| K j j| 6'¥5ii i Wi tr, I f' 'i ■'I' '■1 I; fc'i ■ l'5.: f I i I I n ! d ■ r> Ii'! •i'.

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