fHE CHAELOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY 25. 1911 6 iVEY’S T affeta Silk ociai czrtrcl^ versonaL, Addle W in jams CaldielL) AND MARK TWAIN. Other FOR Monday / ;i'i >f fine values sent '■Ml llln? by o\ir bnyris who ' I' he North. The following is said to have been 'vritten by Mark Tw'ain and published In California about 18G4: He Done His Level Best. Was he a mining on the nat— He done it with a zest; Was ho a leading of the choir—• He done his level best. If he'd a regular task to do, He never took no rest; Or if ‘twns off and on—ihe same— He done his level best. If he was preaching on his beat, He'd trani]) from East to West. And North to Soutli—in cold and hear— He done his level best. He'd curse and sing and howl and pray, •\iul dance and drink and jest. And lip and steal—all one to him— (Jcorge 'SMiitt, vr. M. Wilson. J. T. Mc- Aden. Richar- Harris, Frank Pegram, Charlie Tillet jr.. Dr. Addison Breni- •xer, Renwick ^’ilkes and James Hai’- ris. MRS. WITHE^^ TO ENTERTAU ]\Irs. Lloyd Wihers will compliment ?ilrs. David Crai>; this afternoon by giving a bridge Uncheon in her hon or. The guests vill be; Mrs. Craig and Mesdames .1. I. Bowen. C. B. Bry ant. W. S. liiddell. 0. W. T.,oving, P. R. Ketcham, of Winston; A. M. Spong. E. W. Mellon, W. Zweier. H. L. Adams, Richard Spi'ngs, Walter An- nett. H. S. Mather, Oeo. Graham. .Tr., and Misses Eva Li(dell, .Josephine Dillehay, Lila and Saui Kelly. I^aurie Spong, Mary Henkel, of Lenoir. Playing cubical heart* will be; Mes- dames Armistead Burw^ll, .Tr.. Ernest Ellison, .T. A. Yarbrough B. S. Davis, .T. G. Raird, T. S. Franklm, J. A. Dur ham, W. Ti. Hand, Dabney Yarbrought, and A C. Barron and G. D. Yarbrough. PLAY ESMERELDA By th3 School of Expression ELIZABETH COLLEGE Ir College Auditorium . Monday, Feb. 27, 8:30 p. m. A3MISSION 25c On Jale at Jordan’s Drug Store THE SILKS 1.00 Tatfela, 75c. Yard • ' ' envy nU silk Mack Tr.ffeta. il ti'.ialiiv 75c yard Taffeta, 63c. Yd. ! • > q '.aliiy yard-wide all Silk u-ta. spe‘ial Saturday 63c yard Now Tailo^’ed Suits i • ;c3 liUest cut and best tai-| ''' ial ^iuaiities in Navys and . ai . .$12.50 to $20X0 Suit. He done his level best. Whate'er this man was sot to do, He done It with a zest; Xo matter what his contract was, He'd do hi» level best. ♦ A LOVELY BRIDGE At the very heautlftil bridge lunch eon given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. E. \V. Mellon as a special compliment to Mrs. David Craii?. of Statesville, the first prize was won by Mrs. Hugh Montgomery. ;ind tho consolation by .Mrs. P.alph .'.iillor. A handsome souve nir v.as given tiie guest of honor. Fol lowing the game was a rich salad course with “coffee and repartee” or chocolate and cream. Mrs. Mellon's suests were; ^Irs. Craig and Mes- dau'.es H. O. Miller, Frank Davant and guest. A. W. lUr.iway, of Haltimore; 1 Riilpli Vi'.nLandinc^ham’, W. S. Liddell. Little Princes Brilliant Success Financially and musically “The Lit tle Princess was an unprecedented success. This beautiful spectacular fairy production was given under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Donohoe, un der the auspices of the Humane Asso ciation. Several hundred children took^iart. beside a score or more of older young folks. The cos-tumiug Avas exceedingly beautiful, flowers and fairies being living j)ictures in their rainbow effects of color. The part of the Princess was delightfully sung by *Miss Blanche Millersham, and the part of the Prince, by Mr. Cyril Bax- stres&er, the piince of tenors. Mr. A* 1 * i I I It* 1 » a L. C. Withers, D. U. Yarbrough, C. E. j Baxstresser was never ia better voice Her.per, Hugh Montgomery. .T. Frank j and sang with perfect effect. The Wiikes, E. C. :\Inrshall. Franklin Gor-1 dauee song by Miss Cross was decided- don, W, W. Phif.''r, H. McA. Rose. H. hy one of the hits of the evening. She H. Fovler. \V. H. Green, . B. Rod- jg. pretty,, cute and graceful.' The man. Z. 1'aylor. W. parts taken by Mr. Bruce Nabers and Mr. Richard Harris, Miss Ruth Porter, Corsets -V ^ p'i", .I - Caldwell. M. :\L Murphy. O. W. Irving and sister. P. B. Ketcham, .T. B Spence, lx)ttie MafTltt. R. H. Bouligny. Ralph Miller. .1. M. Oldham. E. V. Finlayson. lien Smith, and Misses Eva Liddell and Selene Hutchison. Coming in after the game to enjoy the luncheon were Mrs. E. V. Finlay son and sistpr. Mrs. E. P. Rion. of Murfreesboro, Tenn.. Mrs. Charles ?>Ic- Knight and Mrs. Dabney Yarbrough. Mrs. W. E. Bailey and Mrs. Carl Bailey, of Marshville. spent yesterday in the city, with Mrs. T. P. i\Iorris at her home on l‘3ast Ninth stieet. THOMSONS hr ■ GLOW. flTTIff(r uW ! U o'P'iTs ^ ,-rv^ral new spring styles In , ..! ; j!, t in. , M hnve the oxrlusive sale of sever- ■ i.f -t ('nrsets made. ' mr f»\p' rt fifter. Have a talk ' 1( r a >) .r particular Corset All Linen Waists 98c. Each VO *-frr!vf(! 10 more dozen of '^:’rclnl Jill pure linen waists we “i;:; ai 98c yard. tho greatest Waist value we f- :;i, 'l.itt wo have used over 60 n I't' Ihonx tcsiifi('s to their satis- ' ii»n '.;i\ ing qualities. Muslin Underwear V , V, ;• poif] cn much Mtislin I’nder- . r , r..»w Have th(* greatest popu- [ : I'd iino cvnr carried by this . I)f»n t spend your time sew' / ni'l iilannipg. We save you all * :u,d j'.erhJtp'-? a money be- Garments You’ll Want to See (I ' Gown.s and Skirts we are 98c each ,\fw lf»t Cdrsct Covers at....25c each I,.I r.f II. mstifched and Tuc!;(h1 Skirts \ e : oficr.i g at 69c each ( ( f If lot ()'' Corset Covers 17c each Huyler’s Candies W e hav«' s«cur€ (I an agency for Huy- l r’H fancy line of Candies. i)on't miss our big Remnant Counter :m tlu‘ l)iisement. IVEY’S ELEGANT AFFAIR. One of the most delightful affairs of the season and one that was car ried out with eclat was the dance ;;iven last night at the Sehvyn hotel by Mr. and Mvs. Vinton Liddell com- piimeiitary to their nieces. Misse Helen and .\nna Forbes Liddell. The fi ilov.ing were the dancers; iiss jlelen Liddell with Mr. D. B. Mc Bride; .Miss Anna Forbes Liddell with Mr. Preston Allan; Miss Ellen Gibson, f)f Concord with Mr. Dolph M. Young; .Miss Susan Bynum of Lincolnton, with Mr. Frank Drane; Miss Margaret Whorton. of Greensboro. Avith ]\Ir. tviiH'us Smith; Miss Ruth Bayce. of Gastonia, with ilr. Robert C. .lohn ston; .Miss Sadie Thomas, with Mr. T. Robin Brem; Miss Elalenor Alexander, v.ith Mr. Frank Hutchison; iliss Emily Holt. .Mr. .lohn Hutchison: Miss Nancy Brown, .Mr. H. C. .lones; Miss Sue rinco. of Wilmington. Mr. F. ^kl. Cald well; Miss Mary Durham, Mr. Sterling Gtaydon; Miss .Margaret Reese, Mr. I’hii McMahon; Miss Margaret Abbott, Dr. ,1. P. Matheson; Miss Mary Mor gan Myers. Mr. 'i’om Moore; Miss Stti- art .lones, Mr. Carol Taliaferro; Miss Ernestine Nnttall. :\Ir. Clifford Tarver; .Miss Leonore Seay, Mr. Norman Lynch; ^Hss Polly Shannonhouse, Mr. David Clark; .Miss Helen Eddy, Mr. Her’uert Irwin; .Miss Ruth Reilley. .Mr. I’reston Wiikes; Miss Anne Lotiise Hutchison, Mr. Hheo. F. Kluttz, jr.; .Miss Louise Long, of Birmingham, .Ma., Mr. Herman Dowd; Miss Mary Henkel of I^noir, Mr..I. A. C. Wads worth; Miss Laurie Spong. Mr. W. E. Parker; Miss Flora Bryan, Mr. .lames Hutchison; ^Hss Helen Brem, Dr. Parks King;Miss Mattie Gray Morris, of Arkansas, Mr. Walter Lathrop; Mrs. Walter Taliaferro, jr., Mr. Taliaferro; .Mrs. S. B. Alexander, Mr. Alexander; .Mrs. Robert Lassiter, Mr. Lassiter; Mrs. .lames H. Van Ness, Mr. Van Ness; .Mrs. George W. Graham, jr.’. Mr. Graham; Mrs. Cameron .Morrison, Mr. .Morri.son; .Mrs. Henry .McAden, Mr. McAden; Mrs. Z, V. Taylor, Mr. Taylir; .Mrs. C. Skinner Alston, ^\Ir. Alston; Mrs. .Tohn M. Stephens, Mr. Stei)hens; .Mrs. M. P. Pegram, Mr. Pegram; Mrs. T. S. Franklin, Mr. Franklin-; Mrs. R. ,M. Miller, Mr. Miller; .Mrs. B. Master Williams, the little jester, and others, were all exceptionally well done. The Cupids made a great hit. Their unconscious manoeuvres as kids and not cupids, kept the house in an uproar. The most talented child on the stage was one of the Cupids—lit tle Dorothy Austin. She has marked musical and histrionic talent. She ia bright and temperamental. Her eveiy motion was controlled by the music that was within her. The ensembles, the individual w'ork, the color effects, the training of the voices, all went ot make up a co''- geous stage production and a brilli3ii* success. 'I'he s-um of $.jOO was realized—an uni)recedented sum, considering tliat not a ticket was sold on the street. 2,500PAIR I Ladles Fine Kid—Gun Metal and Patent Colt Pumps and Oxfords $2.15 the pair ^ These Are All New Styles Just In This Week. Ask to See This Special Line. THOMPSONS Foot-Fitters. Open All Day. Open All Night. BOWEN’S DRUG STORE Our Bel Bon Proposition is still open, one jar Bel Bon Cream, one Face Chamois, one Complexion Cioth, one Vanity Case, all for L'o cents. BOWEN’S DRUG STORE “Is the Place.” 'Phones 203-459. Central Hotel Cor. ♦ ♦ ❖ AMUSEMEiNTS THIS WEEK. ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ Miss van Studdiford, Sat. Night ♦ and Matinee. ^ O Grace Van Studdiford. It is predicted that tiiere will be no mistaking the geiniinencss of the warmth in the reception that will be accorded to .Miss race Van Studdi ford when she apjiears at the head of the Grace Van Studdiford Opera Com pany at The .Academy of .\I',;.sic this af ternoon and tonight. This spieniiid exponent of the best traditions in the American iiglit opera field is [ doing more than yeoman service in ( bringing back to the right musicai I channels the taste of the ))ublic wiiich have been perverted too long. It is said that nothing better in the comic opera line hus been produced iu BLOOD TELLS. Ye? Jt is the Irdex to health, if your blooa Is out of or^ der you should take Rheumacide. Rheumacide compounded in li.iuid and tablet form, is a powerful blood puri fier. Rheumati.sm i° a blood disease. Rheumacide cures rheumatism and blood disease to stay, cured. Bad blood causes catarrh, indigestion and many other diseases. Sold bv drug gists. Tablets by mail 25c. Bobbitt CheiDical Co.. Baltimore. Md. Rumma Sale Repetition. The public in general will be glad to know that the play is to be repeat ed Tuesday afternoon at 3:150 o'clock. The uniform price of 50 cents will ob tain al lover the house. frothe Rosarv “Fete In Flowerland” by 18 Young Ladies and the scene tro^ Quartette. Wilbur Saddleson, Champion Post Seller Young Wilbur A. Saddleson, one of the brightest and most progrepive young hustlers among The News' carriers is also a hustler in other re- Sp0ctS. He has won the $2.00 prize for Jan uary, given for the largest increase in the sale of Saturday Evening Posts for the month. This is given by the pub lishers of the Post, the Curtis Pub lishing Company of New York. Wilbur has been a carrier of The News for a year or two and is alw^ays on the job, rain or shine. He has Sm^Tjor Friday Night Tlie Charlotte Club is to have o' seance next week. It ^^i’i in the Selwyn as- c ij,j,f,],.:)om. The smoker is for social (iij(lyiUt only—no subscriptions. TheA’iii good cigars, good com- panf‘^ good fellov.'ship. lev. Jalth Joseph Sick ’ many good friends of Rev. Fath er eph will regret to liear that he liaeen s-ick at the Mercy-General hoal for several days. He hopes tourn to the rectory this aftei'noon, bivill not be able to conduct ser- V tomorrow', a priest from Belmont eng in this afternoon to officiate fiim. The *'Busy Man*' Letter It is Meant For You Are you a busy man? If so you'li be interested in the foliowiug letter; Letter. Feb. 25, 191L Mr. Busymmi; — Charlotte. N. C. Close tip shop and talce stock Sttn- day, then come to Y. IVl. C. K. at y ocloclv and talk it over. We want you to meet Dr. Henry Loitis Smith, president of Davidson College, w’no will give a Tw'entieth Gentry business method address. Subject: ‘Tieligion in Business., or Personal Stock-taking.” Other feattires of this meeting will be a vocal solo by Mr. W. H. Over- carsii and a cornet solo by Mr. A. C. ]Meixell. of Philadelphia. Bring a friends with you. Y. M. C. A. Men’s Meeting Com. Dr. Smith is one of the most in teresting speakers to men that appears on the ])latfurm of the Young I\ien’s (Hiristiau .Association and as he nmkes his aj)pearance here about once a year imder the association auspices it is al- w^ays the signal for a large attendance of men. Tomorrov; will be no excep tion and it is believed that he will not cnl P business men. All men are urged- to be present at this popular Sunday afternoon meet ing which is for the general public and not alone for members of the Young Men’s Christian Association as many suppose. Rush Lee, Mr. Lee; Mrs. H. A. fjondon, j with Mr. London; Mrs. Thomas W.' .Mexander, Mi-. Alexander; Mrs. ,T. V. .\. Weaver, Mr. Weaver; Airs. .Toe .lones, Mr. .lones; Mrs. L. C. Withers, .Mr, Wtiiers; Mrs. Brodie C. Nalle, Dr. .\alle; Mrs. .L L. Sexton. Mr. Sexton; .Mrs. Lewis Btirwell, Mr. Burwell; Mrs. Osmond L. Baringe, l\T. Barringer; Mrs. Sttiart \V. Cramer, Mr. Cramer; Mrs. Eben Nye Hutchison, Mr. Hutch ison; .Mrs. Margaret Ivelly Abernathy and Miss Eva Liddell. The staks were Messrs. W. E. Cham bers, George White, Chase Brenizcr, 'HIRTY YEARS TOGETHER. lirty years ot association—think :. How the merit of a good thing .ds out in that time—or the wortii- ness of a bad one. So there's no ss w'ork in >:his evidence of Thos. ss, Concord, Mich., wdio writes: “I e used Dr. King's New' Discovery wii - --- - 30 years, and its the best cough been selling the Saturday Evenmg| ^ gygj. used.” Once it Post for several years and has a largeentrance in a home you can’t patronage. ^ it out. Many‘families have used forty years. It’s the most infalli- Tkartfh TUTv ^ throat and lung medicine on earth. Lreain IVIT, rclLU^ leqaaled for lagrippe, asthma, hay- Yesterdav Afternoon-ei', crouw quinsy or sore lungs. ‘ice 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free, aaranteed by W. L. Hand & Co. :Mr. Samuel M. Pettus died yester day afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at hi^ „■ .i, — -i:,- ... = PURE PRODUCT OF A PERFECT PROCESS Pettus was 32 years old and is su vived by a w'ife and one child. H also leaves two brothers, Messrs. T. I Petttis of Roanoke, and W. Pettus, Richmond, Va. Mr. Pettus w^as born and reared Mecklenburg county. Six years aj he married Miss Sallie Atwell, of S: isbiwy. He w’as a printer by tra and had lived in Greenville, Winstc Salem and other places in the pursi of his trade. He had been forem of the Observer Printing House sin 1902. Deceased was a faithful and con? tent member of the Presbyteri GRACE VA^ STUDDIFORD. Which Means — “Good-bye to the Old Store” This will be an event the like of whicli you have never visited before in Cliarlotte. Fun for all and lots of it. A kind of a Grab (Jame—Wait on Yoi-rr.clf Pay Liitlo af1\iir. vro have a lot of odds and ends in Stationery BooliS, iiefiihcr (,'of»(i.s, Pictures, ot.'., left over from oni- Hcinoval Sale: also [a iot of slij^lilly soiled .goods that aro ni>t in keej)ing with our new store (to open March 1st, No. 15 East Trade ; street) and goods that we would rath- • sacrifice than move. SATURDAY (Today) and MONDAY years than tlie coroic o])era v.’hicli is > \\'e are going to keep “Open House” Pvliss Van Siuddii'oi'd's vehicle litis at our old store Soulh Tryon) ciiid church and was a man universally teemed for his loyalty and uprig ness of life. Spring Medicine There is no other season when me'dl- clne is so much needed as in the spring. The blood is Impure and Im-- poverished—a condition indicated DX pimples, boils and other eruptions on the face and body, by deficient vitality, loss of appetite, lack of strength. The best spring medicine, according to the experience and testimony ot thousands annually. Is Hood’s Sarsaparilla It purifies and enriches the blood, cures eruptions, builds up the system. f>t it today in usu.al liquid form or chocolated tablets known as Sarsataos. M>. B. J. CmpenUr Pro moted—Traffic Su, Mr. .T. H. Carpenter, of the W^est Union Telegraph Company, has b protnoted to the office of superint. ent of trafflce of the fourth distric the companies, w^hich embraces T essee, Mississippi, and Kentucky ' headquaters at Nashville. Tennes Mr. Carpenter will leave for Nash about March 1 to take up his new ties. Mr. Carpenter started with this pany thirty years ago as a messe boy and Aas w'orked steadily up t« present position. For 13 yean was chief operator at Charleston, He came to Charlotte in 1905.* was made traffic chief of the firs* trict in October, 1910. The promotion of Mr. Carpen* a strong testimonial of the confiS reposed in him by the Western ^ Company and evidences the saK and upright business methods t have kept him in the promotion of the same company for 30 yes Beglstered U. S, i*»t. Offlc* Baker’s Breakfast Cocoa Is absolutely pure, healthful, and makes a most delicious drink Get the genuine with our irade-mark, on the paclzog^ 52 Highest Avrards in Europe and America WALTER BAKER & Co. Ltd, Established 1780 Dorchester, Mass. 100 Pair Women’s Fine Sample Shoes at $2.00 Button and Blucher, I’atent Kid, Gun Metal, Vici Kid. If you can get a fit in this lot 3"ou save $2.00 on a pair. De LaneShoe Company season, |>»»W I lot von rome t«k Ifcew, sooJ* at n«ar- surrounded lus star wiili one ot tlie * best compar.ics of vocalists and coined- | iji\e-a\Nav jjrices. A jienn\ ^i'l ians which have been brought out of) l)uy some things worth a great deni Ncv>’ York, where' they have just eon- ' niorc, and gofid.-; on other (ounrers vi” such small ligiires as 3c, 7c, 4c and 19c. Get together all your George Leon Moore. May Bouton, Rob-1 small change and come. Wo are snr, ert Pitkem, Stephen Stott, Karl Stall ' you'll onjoy “WhJifs Left" and fin(.' and Florence Kolb, and a large chor us of real singers. )i men. i omor ov. nvh, , e nu i York, where'they have just eon-' more ? ^Xlmeves'ufe gr.aUy “ s!,tpoSL%oZaV,y ar^Mai^de OUelf, j mmm SCHLOSS THEATRE ClP.CUiT Tomorrow, IVIatlnee and Night. Daniel V. Arthur Presents GRACE VAN STUDDIFORD In the Comic Opera Bouffe THE PARADISE OF MAHOMET Beauty Chorus Seats on sale at Haivley’s. Prices: Matinee $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50, 25 Night, $2, $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50 j some things that will tje Valuiilil' iMerchandise for \ou and cost you hardly nothing. OLD STAND Stone & Barringer Company 22 S. Tryon Street [«] $1.50 Stylo Pens “GET IT AT HAWLEY’S." 59c. while they last. Big Sale went on this morning, but we have put in another supply and while they last take them at 59c. Robinson Book Store 12 N. Tryon St. This Store’s Policy The best drugs and medi- [ cines—proven by test. ; The best of service—the one ^ desire to please and satisfy at ^ all times. Absolute reliability—well- > trained, well-educated, graduat- | ed prescription' men. Lowest prices that can prevail ^ -for always highest quality. J No delays—deliveries niadfi ;; anywhere any time. Absolute satisfaction in every ^ transaction—why not try us" Special attention given to mail orders. Hawley’s Pliarmacy | TRYON AND FIFTH STS. \ 'Phones 13 and 260. ( Academy Advance Sale. | ^ think it the duty of every ^ citizen interested in the wel- fare oi our Queen City to join > he Greater Charlotte Club and ^ elp make Charlotte grow.