8 THF CHARLOTTE ifEWS, MARCH 30. 1911 Tell it to The Town Through THE NEWS.” 1 ONE - ■ — CENT PER WORD WANTED: For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Stolen, To Let. Phone 115. WANTED EASY T1''RMS vu Typc’>vritort'. 20' ^1 niisc;'!hii]oous niiuhini's on h;ind to select froni. No matter \vhat kiuvl of machine you fancy vnc have. Xo iiiattoi- what iiricc you have been I OMOiori ours v,ill hr> lower. J. E. an1 C'.r.Sj Criivtou I'c Co.^ ‘JIT S. Tryon I't. I li-COi-co(l L _ . State Millets Association Denounces Feed Stamp Act By Associated Press. Greensboro, N. C., Ilarcii CO.—The Xorth Carolina State Millers’ Associa tion in session here last night sound ed an emphatic note against the state’s I'eed stamp act, wliich places a tax upon all mixed feeds ground in the state, to the exclusion of grain ground lor human consumption. By an unani mous vote a commitiee was appointed 10 get a lest case before the state supreme court at once, the plan being to make a large local shipment without using the stamp on the bags are re- (luired by law. They expect the state department of agriculture to seize the shipment after which they will take om au iiijuiie’ion against the depart ment lor interference. 'I'he case will involve between SlTTi.OOO and $200,000 annual revenue to North Carolina. The millers claim that the pi’esent tax is unjust since ii permits outside mills 10 tran.-^ai't business ungoverned by the tax. They claim that tlie aci is tin- •'opstitntional and that it tontiicts with the I'nited J^taics- pure food laws. Big Liner Refloated. By .\ssociato(l Press. Cajie lla.\lie!’, Mayti, March — The Hamburg.\nie:ican steamer Ale- U;ania which v/ent aj-iioi'o off I’ointe , ‘ , V-, .N’i'.l-.P slui ts^ now is the , was refloated today by her ' • j { .ir. io I,'. t»!os. sifter tlio Vi>-M-Th',i -'in I-.I'AsSKNC.I-rv .\l oUip. ti.e »..oaua. l.'l. t! \ r ile che;*;' e\t lun’.ci' I'o;- ll'!;;:i l'>in liih' coniiitiou. new dies \''i’isnair, (Iranite Fall.-' r. i:;v.-,t . .nnrr s.vlv: -r^-ik Mros. A COLD, LAGRIPPE. THEN PPNEU- MONIA. Is too oficn the fafal sequence. '' I Kt.ley’s Honey ;uul T.-w e.\])els trie c.'](], clici'ks tiie ia:;i'in,!e, and r-'e- v-^urs •oi’.'-v.monia. li is .t 'v.-onipt and i reli: l'!e oorgh nedicine ti'.at contains \.\ 1 I .\ IS un(ii;:>.!fi’uiy on-1 r.arcotic;-. “I'oiov's H‘;ney aac! Tar ' ;s tiic be.-^t oouj.;i remed\ I c>er used I a.; ;t qr.icKiy stopj-ed a severe cough jilru had lou'i rro’Uiled ;uc," says .1. I ’>'7 ;hn. I'riiiceton, Nebr. Just eo •!Nii'',;ly surely it nvii. in all cases I ' on;r.;hs, coM.s, lazrippe and lung itr;:ii)i' it is safe for .Mvjr chii- idt ti you; sell, and shotihl be used ' i: al! ■ U'Os -)i cr '-ai', whooping (ough al l :; e.;.- i s r'u.jii. ^^efttso sttlisti- jtuir--. !''>owca L'rug Store on Noiln Sor.arc. . f ■••:'-:-:o"s, ;-'or: lUi pri'.fossic. ji.i' rii'Mic I'",I. JT-t f u. t X I.'' .n.,' ■ t ^ ' -.'o ('! hi’ - i-i V. IM auM^i.M^^. all a f .A:-. -\'IUlis.-i;'l. l'‘i I -Ml ■ i'. i-' South-rti Rai!v».ay Offers Extremely Low Round Trip Rates to Little Rock, Ark.. Cmi Acv'Ount Annual ReuniOii United Confederate i Veterans May 15-Sth. 1911. t ' lend on improvo l I Tii'ke’s f^'i' this occasion will be sold ' ”'! "-tits. ^|.jy i j i -,_ ■with iinal retr.rn ' \.s(t it yn 1 1mv nii'n*'> !with iiri’.il‘:'ge of an exien- f : riiin li.: it until Juno JUh, *' (i‘'iH).'i-iiU’' tiil.o; with jnint agent :■ o 1 a;^ a C\ rare ot iU'-'iO't. aa>l|..,,,^ i:;iy;v,f-n; of .'u cents. Tlie fo]low- pa.M: !U o; ju ini ipal anu ^nund trii» rates will apply from 1! ^ c." . .\'..d.c.'& A. C. \\ .. in care | named: News. C 20-211 I'.J N' ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri maries, for School Commissioner in Ward Six. 29-6t W. J. COOK. ANNOUNCEMENT We hereby announce the candidacy of Chas. F. Alexander for school com missioner of Ward 8, subject to the action of the voters on April 4th. DILWORTH VOTERS. 3-24-fri-sun-wed-jt We hereby announce our candidacy for Aldermen in Ward One, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. H. ROSS. R. P. STOKES, 1 hereby annotmce myself a candi date for Alderman in Ward 6. subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. D. A. JOHNSON. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman in Ward Ten, sub ject to the action uf the Democratic primary. SAM ASBURY. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Aledrman for Ward u subject to the action of the primary April 4th, 1911. 30-5t O. L. DUNN. ANNOUNCEMENT I here,by annotmce myself as a can didate for Alderman in Ward 1, sub ject to the aciion of the Primary to be held April 4th. 2N-6t L. G. CRUSE. ANNOUNCEMENT We hei’cby announce ourselves as candidates for School Commissioners in Ward subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held April 4th. ]911. J. R. pi:rsp:r. 27-9t F. M. OSBORNE. AMUSEMENTS A Drama Tonight. This evening at the Academy of Music there will be presented by a local talent company “The Recogni tion of Brother and Sister” for the pur pose of helping to raise a fund to build a Hebrew' Temple in the city. The cast is composed of 12 people and all of them have been practicing their parts for some time and are now let ter ijerfect and sure of their sticcess. The show is a strong one that, teaches a pretty lesson and the different points are brought out clearly and log ically. It is a play that will instinc tively appeal to the better class of theatregoers and there is no doubt that a good house will greet the per- foi-mers when they make their first ap- j^earance. The tickets have sold rap idly and on this account and because it is for the purpose it is, the question of attendance has long since been settled and there now only remains the time for the curtain to rise. ANNOUNCE.MENT I hereby announce myseif as a can didate for Alderman for Ward One, subject to the action of the primary -\pril 4th, 1911. li. F. STOKES. ANNOUNCEMENT We hcieby announce ourselves can- didatei- for Alderman and School Com missioner, respectively, in Ward 5, subject t!) the action of the Demo cratic i)rimary to be held April 4, 1911. L. E. ANDERSON, 2')-tf J. J. WILUAMS. '1 c:i c.jI; i'’aci [.■’1 SrlWlNC ^i.^''iIlM•:S I'm: sal.-' r.vA V r.'. ' I'.n Xo.. !!, .v shii:'.le : ii'i ijiib; ;ps f:.'. all uiaKC-- of ina- ciiinc.' always ci; hiind. Lawincr-Kob- bins Fu:niture Co. 'P ;one 214. 16-tf Cbarioite. X. C.. (.'oucord. X. C. . . . ! )iiviilX. C. . ’r-''en.'b )ro. N. C. Cia-rouia. ?>■'. C. . ilish Point, .V. C.. $17.1." 17.:’,o 17.17. is.::o 18.U0 ,r V. ■ req 'iTi'-'MS Ci!' .\LI. Kl.Xiio fur sale on ' I !T?r o: PiJi.lar and 4th. Statesville. N. C 17.lo t^alisbury. X. C IT.^O Low rounl trip rates from all other 'Oinis on. '^c.uthevii Railwav on same 1 (■). f I 1 I'.lasis. t^outl'iein Kailwav has doable 4- ♦ FOR RENT reil and ' Y( 1 i\\t; LA!;^ ':-.n; ;*r!(l war/. e;"llec'iii.u' 'o d • in forenoon. ''■■■ \l(lre- s H . c ni '.; yea in auernoen. (I Xewi . ,11;' ?o L St. daily th’out'h service for l.ittle Rock. Ark., via both Asheville, Chattanooga ^ , and ■Meiniihis. and via Atlanta, Bir* '■* I !i:inc:iiani and ^Moinpl’.is. TT ; Foi' liirilier information, reserva- ^*ne bla-J^^tions. etc.. apply 1o any Southern !i;v'wav .vcon.'. or. w i’te, R. L. Vernon. : *u;!rno;., .'i.i l - ^ p j, ^ DeButts, T. P. A., ANNOUNCEMENT 1 heicby announce myself as a can didate for Mderman for Ward Eleven, s-.iitjoci to the action of the primary April 4th, 1311. 25-Gt L. W. WINGATE. ANNOUNCEMENT I liereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman for Ward Eleven, subjcci to the action of the primarv April 4th, 1911. 25-6t J. R. ANDERSON. ANNOUNCE.MENT I hereby annotmce myself as a can didate for Aledrman for Ward Five, subject to the action of the primary -■\pril 4th, IDll. 25-bt JOE E. ORR. i Charlotie. N. C. 3-2;j-td 1.1 >ST ’ fr.-,' M'. 1', wi’li . ■ • \\ .-T K’-h: ii , , • ' . I ■ !.-;nt I': , • I' : ' '■ !• ' -t K"'; .11 - • i' ■O’" ■u i'h or — :: ill ir ;i. ;l■Hil'^'(l ears and :ai!. ).;o.>i; >,,ot' on iiack. wfariim- cnl- :: :■ sl'bMed !{e- i‘ '. C'tiu Uf !•. L>. llulick.' V'. oc.d’awii. ;^i)-l i I 1 FOR RENT ' 1 5-rocm cottage. li'l E. J?th St. Mod- ! ern convenicnces. 1 ii-iuoni house. 210 N. Myers St. Mod ern conveniences. Groom house 404 West Eleventh, -nu ."X- ', M. iionses .\. I ni. 2v-:lr' CUT RATES! Room.-, board, finest. niode-n loca'.ion, clo?e ii;. All conveniences, i - S i Apply iuk>.-^uve money. •Phon«' or l''7ii-L ')' f' .'JC.JJO.. eii. i 4-room house, city water, 508 N. Mc- I Dowell. - . C'(^)R.\''> CHICK Fl'^KI) koeps the S' .ea-ri.f m (hus ( hicks l.caltii.x. Davidxui & Wolfe. J. P. & L. L. HACKNEY iv-'f I’L'" S. Con 29-It Phone 312. 6 W. 5th St. hV I PLUMBING AND HEATING ... nnef'tini fron; I C.aLI., FOR, reralr and deliver your i I -■'!. fir.-r tloi-r over shoes. Piicne 9.>;i J. P. A. Bowden,' „ , t- ' K-r.-. Prixare l"i. East 1 rade. 12-27-tf: . CURNO HEX F1:KD makes hens la;.. I • N' u ' ri'OT: n uirl-, David.'On i!c Woll',', lii'u s. College, i .‘.'t- S'-;tu li.a', 29' riuv-:.'. 29-tf' ‘ ^ t; ; shii.i s. :;UG ’ ; ' ■■ ‘ . s. Ui r. 'PliO.XE r*-'l — Special sale of fixtures. I o"-;;' Cloiie l-;ieci)ic Co. 3-19-if Pipe, Wall Coping. HACKNEY BROS. 6 and 8 West Fifth St. Phone 312 RENT LIST HK.M' April ' ■ n; ■. ;■'! '• ’T. .N ■;>' modern seven- THOXi: c:,::'? for all kinds of wood, j ' t niiiiCp?, 0 .7 yi. O. Dowd. C-tf' LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. V/. S. Dorr next ; S-room flat over Sarratt's store, $30.00 21-lf COR.XO Horse ;uil Mule Fe^d—A por-idwelling 12th St. (new) 10.00 ■ •- —- f*-*-’ healrh and si !’ei;-jih giving stock ! dwelling iMst St. (new) 8.00 P'!i n =eveu-room food L’ju S(‘uth C'llirge. 2li-4t ’ (Iwellin.g, i;(,t2 E. .More- ^ c, ‘ rii'-'TiCf.'. Vi.->!ia - -■ ’ head Si 22..jO . n’.f ood...\M.. Ai iily W. S. SEND L\ your name to The News •'-I'oom dwelling Belmont .. .. 7.00 ‘ riK.. 21-tf if you wo'tld like to have two tickets cottage College & Lid- ■ to ICdisonia—free. dell .. S.00 I OR RK.N T CHi: \r—N’lce store riom 4-room cottage So. :\Iyers St 5.00 «n W. 4! II, near Tryou. \V. C. Dowd. CO.^lE TO THE CENTR.XL Barber i cot.Luge Xo. 12 Catherine s.l and get your ./ork done. V( «t. . 8.00 F'.'ll k'.X I R -''.ns >■> rent in 7;:* .V. Pipf' FOR SALE '■ion't havr to wait. AVc have seven* 4-room cottage Xo. i;?, Catherine ■ri-1 lii .'t-cifiss barbers, from S to 2o vi St.. 8.00 eNperionce. (iive us a call and we j cottage, Belmont .. .. 8.00 ■ —. will do the rest: Green & Young.''^‘•'oom cottage, Belmont .. .. 5.00 Proprietors. 21-tf!C!.>tlage, Seversville .... 5.00 I .‘I-room cottage, P.elmont .... 4.000 40,d00 feet of warehouse space on the Southern Railway on 5th street. .\partmenis in large brick building on * 5th St., below Southern Railroad. Several offices in the new How’ell Ar cade. All new, ground floor. Use the Phone 236. 27-tf 1 \\ O-H0HSI\ ('otton I'arm fo rent. .1. S. M; er.-, Sfi2 East .\venue. r. 25-tf F''P. .-5\r.E~Flvo tame : luirrels. r. . . 1- (iodfre'*, Dule. .X •"■) 't ENT AD In this column may " b'-irg you $100.00 In businses. K'!’ SALE f)ne iptodato brick ma- ' * ■ iue. E. C. Sulla\an, »'io’,;;c \' (' ^ NO . AR'i liJBLIC quick— ’ '21-st' Pnone 11!^. «4-tf MARCH 18TH Pie ^h^pment of Horses ^Mid Mules received, i’rices and terms; right. jAGLN'IS WANiED—Sell ten feather I beds and get one free, x'urner & j Cornwell, i;04 S. College St., Char lotte, N. C. 12-tf. J. W. Wadsworih’i Sons Co. FOR Refrigerator, good as new. iiscd only two montlis. Will *••'11 cheap. 215 E. 7th. f.O-'jt FANCY BRED POULTRY AND EGGS. Ff)R SAIjE—A tract of timber land^'^^^^ SALE—White Wyandotte eggs on R R. Will cut about two ini'ii ip. Sl.OU for 1.". Ihey are the best, fert, ron-i‘tln?: of pop’ar, o; ' . ’Phopp 1f>49-L. 28-2t I 'nf>; bargain ’f sold at o.u > . j'.-,,. fi‘ wfiTit to j'^'n thciv pe''i '' FOU SAL!-: White Leghorn eggs, 75 F.'ir th'■ and other b;' 'i-.io' conts sct.ting, pure strain. 'Phono 'r: I ral er and farn; l u'.d;-, v.. ^ • i'. ' ’ .M'> ’'an. M.-'rion, X. C. — — In the Public Eye. LOST AND FOUND MISCELLANEOUS 7r,e SHIRT SALE—Belk Bros. MONEV ON LOAN on anything. State LOS'r Society pin. The person W'ho lotmd |)in with the name Jeanne i W bisnant engraved on back, will , please call ’phone .'i78. 28-3t partieulara. Box 292, Charlotte, N. C. j —Hr Stanhope Caldwell is refur- ^2-tf. j nishing his dental office with hand- ~ some new fixtures and the latest in- A real thriller at the Edisonia today.' ventiona in dental art. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for School Commissioner in Ward 2, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary to be held April 4th, 1911. 25-U T. T. SMITH. FOR SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for School Commissioner for Ward 3. subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. E. F. CRESWELL. ANNOUNCEMENT. We, the undersigned, hereby make application for School Commissioners for Ward 1, subject to tiie action of the Democratic Primarv April 4ih, 1911. W. H. BELK, W. A. NEAL, 2o-4t D. R. YARBORO, ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Mayor of the City of Charlotte, subject to the action of the Primary to be held April 4, 1911. 23-lOt CHAS. A. BLAND. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for School Commissioner in Ward 7, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary to be held April 4th, 1911. 24-91 F. R. CATES. ANNOUNCEMENT. We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for Aldermen in Ward One, subject to the action of the Primarv to be held April 4, 1911. J. P. CARR, W. F. STEVENS, W. H. HALL, 23-lOt W. R. MATTHEWS ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman for Ward eight, subject to the action of the primary April 4th, 1911. 22-7t E. W. THOMPSON. Virginia Harned. One of the high class ailractions soon to be seen at the .\cademy of Music will be .Miss Virginia Hamed in her latest successftil play, “The Woman He Married,” bv Herbert Bashford. Miss Harned has for some years enjoyed the reputation of be ing one of the leading emotional ac tresses of I he American stage, and her new starring vehicle gives her an op])oui'ttinity of displaying her ability in a totall.T new and unexpect ed direction. She has proven herself to be well equip))ed. thoroughly train ed and tnie arri?t. Her touch and siiariing is so delicate in several of thep rincipa! scenes in “The Woman He Married"' that one marvels at her })enotratirg powers. Her fine spir it and magnificent fury in some ()f the principal scenes in “The Woman heard. In the role of Jeanne Dumont she has i»:.ade a great sacrifice. She is repaid wi;h .=.eorn. To properly por tray the resultaiit feeling requires the full mastery of all that is iiossi- ble in drama*ic inferpretation. If she should fall belcw that standard, she would be a sore disappointment, but she does nor. All the pent up misery and anguish of her bitter struggle to gain haiipiness, charged v,irh a tei- ribie injustice which rewavds her splendid sacrifice, makes every word ring true with a heart touching sin cerity. Miss Harned’s voice is one of her chief attractions. Even when pitched the highest in the most in tense dramatic moments, it remains smooth, soft and charming. Her voice carries to all portions of the house, with no ajiparent effort on the part of this distinguished artist. When she reaches the very height of her scorn or the very depth of her misery, she leaves the audience feeling that she has not exhausted her jiowers, but has rather just touched upon that gieat wealth of emotion which she posse.'sses. Miss Harned will be seen a‘ the Academy of Music next Tues day ni.ght. Seats will go on sale Saturdav morning at the theatre box office. Mary Garden in Quick Transition From Marguerite to Salome. Mar.v Garden, whose fame in Ameri ca and in Paris has resulted chiefly from her masterful interpretations of modern dramatic roles like Thais. Meli- saude and Salome, which opera lovers were fortunate enough to have intro duced under such commanding and au- ihoritaiive auspices, has recently prov ed her greatness and versatility by singing Marguerite in ‘’Faust," which, according to ail the critics, was mark ed by a naive charm and simplicity'. It seems almost incredible that the bold interpreter of the Strauss heroine should be able to subdue the untamed personalit.'. of Salome to the geiitle, deceived ^Ma’-ptierite. Yet she did it in most coinmanding fashion and again proved, if further proof were needed, that she is- (he greatest of all living prima donna, as well as the most popular. In regard fo her abil.ty to do these things, she says that it is merely a gift, and she takes no credit to her self. “1 leave niy own personality in my dressring room,” she says, "and when 1 go to the stage I try to sub merge my personality in the character I am endeavoring to represent, wheth er ij be Salome, Thais, or Marguerite, 'fo do this it seems to nu is one of the prime requisites of th'; opera sing er’s art." Mary Garden will be seen In this city at the Academy of Music, Thurs day night of next week. Seats are now on sale at Hawley's. A real thriller at the Edisonia today. Reduce Discount Rate. By Associated Press. Calcutta. March 3-.—The rate of dis count of the Bank of Bengal wa& re duced from 8 to 7 per cen* today. There has been a great deal of ac tivity in suburban real estate EAST OF THE CITY in the past few weeks, and there is big money being made by those who have anything to seU. We believe that the tide is just be ginning to set that way and are our selves investing heavily in that sec- tiun. We now have options on several attractive propositions in both vacant and improved lots that w’e cannot han dle ourselves and offer at close prices. Sec this at once; 7 rooms, new, slate roof, heated, beautifully finished, car line, high level lot, 52x175. now rented to desirable tenant at $30.00 per month. Terms easy. Price for quick sale, $4700.00. Union Loan and Realty Company MORRIS E. TROTTER, Manager. 16 Ea«t Trade St. Phone 349. ANNOUNCEMENT. We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for Aldermen in Ward 8. subject to the action of the Demo^ cratic primary. J. L. SEXTON, 22-7t ANNOUNCEMENT. I do hereby announce myself a can didate for Alderman in 6th Ward, sub ject to the voters on the 4th of April 191. 20-7t J. A. AUSTIN. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce mvself as candi date for Alderman of 3rd Ward, sub jection to the action of the Democratic primaries of April 4th, 19ii. 20-7t F. O. LANDIS. ANNOUNCEMENT We hereby announce ourselves can didates for the office of Aldermen from the Third Ward subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries April 4th. R. J. SIFFORD, A. M. GUILLET. Charlotte, March 20* 19H. A real thriller at the Edisonia today. ACADEMY SCHLOS5 THEATRE CIRCUIT Thursday Night, April 6th, The Greatest Musical Attraction That Has Ever Come South The World's Greatest Prima Donna MARY GARDEN And Her Own Company Seat sale starts this morning at Hawley's Pharmacy at 10 o’clock sharp. Not more than 10 tickets sold to any one person. PRICES' $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c. ACADEMY THURSDAY NIGHT MARCH 30TH Recognirion of Brolher and Sister Drama in Three Acts Prices - - 75c. 50c, 25c Women’s Beauty Imperfect Digestion Causes Bad Com plexion and Dull Eyes. The color in your cheeks won’t fade, the brightness in your eye won’t van ish, if you keep your stomach in good condition. Belching of gas: heaviness, sour taste in mouth, dizziness, biliousness and nausea occur simply because the stomach is not proi^erly digv^ting the food. The blood needs nourishment to car ry vigor, vim and vitality to every ])art of the body and when food fernienis in the stomach enough nourishment is not supplied. MI-O-XA stomach tablets give in stant relief to upset stomachs, btu they do more: they put strength into the stomach and build ii: up so that it can easily digest a hearty meal with out giving its owner hours of misery. “I had stomach trouble for six years —for days at a time could eat nothing at all. After taking MI-O-XA treat ment I am in perfect health and can eat anything.”—H M. Campbell, 1200 S. Prosj)ect St., Sedalia, Mo. MI-O-XA is sold by druggists every where and by R. H. Jordan & Co. at .50 cents a large box. It is guaranteed to cure indigestion or any stomach dis tress, or money back. Here's a Thouk’ ^o^x) 'Bus't A real thriller at the Edisonia today. WHY SUF^t^^■: n you have rheu matism, catarrh, kidney disease, skin disease or any troubles arising from impure blood, give Rheumacide a thor ough trial. By purifying the blood Rheumacide neutralizes the acids, starts the kidneys Into health action and helps to build up the nerves and the entire system. Rheumacide is put up in liquid form, also tablets. At druggist;^ 25c and 50c bottles. Tablets by mail 25c. Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimortj. j£d. H A real thriller at the Edisonia today. Cut this out. It is worth money to You. RUBBER TIRES This clipping, with $11.00 in cash will get one set 7-8 inch best grade FIRESTOXE BUGGY TIRES 50 sets only on these terms, to advertise the superior quality of FIRESTONE RUB BER. Tliis price expires April 1st or as soon as the 50 sets are taken. First come first served. W. R. STROUPE 211 West Fourth St. Charlotte, N, C. Business Builders GROCERS We Sell SUNSHINE BRAND of Laying Food the Best on the Market. W. M. CROWELl. '5Veem^V\.sr *iii 0 a ^ " Here's And You Knn- The kind of f'r ^'in ■ want-.-naturally ir.; ( —the kind that !s to the eye and maK pleasant impression ■ ; kind v.c at" cehv daily IS pleasinp pa,: Send us your order? a: ; vve will please vou. i prices are as rfasor.. ;,'- - our work is good. iTiyn " itinnnu Hj P. L. GARNiL^ SUPERINTENDEN : 'Phone 1530. 23 South 7=. NANCY Myers Early Vincless Catav/ba Prolrf SWEET PCTATO PLANT' $1.50 per 1,0C0—Casi-, W : Tomato and Cabi>age Plair List for the ask’’:g. • THE WAKEFIELD Charioite, N. c, 3-10-30da. Phene 1062. 200 E. Morehead St. FRIDAY’S SPECIAL 1 packs macaroni L’-'tc. Bacon 9c and 10c retail lots. County hams 17 l-2c Friday and Saturday. Other hams 16 2-3c. Lard at cut prices. Great bargain in canned goods. Briagers dt Co. \V. Trade St. SPECIAL PRICES OiM EASTER SUITS $14.50 to $33.C0. Cusco"' r chant Tailored. V‘/0;'k>"' , ■ ^ and Fit Guarantee i. GREATER CHARLOTtp PRESSING CLUB. 19 West 4th St. Phc» ^ IF YOU WANT something good to drink just try a bottle of Dale's Hawaiian Pineapple Juice. S. R. LENTZ Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 'Phone 251 TAKE THIS WITH YOU Saturday. Fresh asparagus, rhubarb, string beans, beets, egg plant, lieaa lettuce, parsley, new Irish potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, celery, turnip sal ad, spinach, onions, salsify, beli pep pers, cucumbers. All kinds .of fruits in season. Miller^Van Ness Co. “The Place.” Profession Cards cJ« !V1« AlcMioHa© ARCHITECT Rooms 5u5-50fc( Trjst Buildinjv CHAni-u ; » c., N. U Our Daddies Knew Best They bolted flour and silted meal. Xowauays many millers bolt their meal, it iooiis awiuli pretty, but will not maKe good bread or musn. We silt our the olu-fashioned way and all our customers like it. Get ihe best. Ask your grocer lor Alexander Bros’, meal unci accept no otner. II ne does npt keep it, notiiy us and you suan De supplied. ALEXANDER dROS. 'Phone 2561. M1SCELLA^L^JUS FOR SALE 6-room lioust; on car line near Cnurcu ana scuoui. $iuu.0o cash ai.:a uuiance m jj. bee ol~>UblViAr\t.K Oik WALLACE -JO A. rr\on at. Phone; Ohiiie -ici; xtes. -ill-J, o6l-J. Or. H. C. Henderson, Cr. L, i. Qtlim,, HENDERSON & GiUNi Y CfcMiOTJ*. Office, riunt d1u£., ^ N. Ti v -. Si 'Phci } 216. DR.AD. GLASCO t Uj I tUr'M 1 rt Otficep Sixiti Fioor ‘vr Hours 9 10 1; and z A»id by AppOi.ntiTicriu Office 'puuLfc iu.o. u'■ Cjusull^iloii I ret*. Otft&e ’Pi'iCi e i-.'-o uc. Im J £lf 1*3 i ris i, JQ9 Realty Or. JbT tw r t f • . . K t- ROOFING We put on Slate, Tin, Tar and Grav el j\ooung. \\ hen you baud or repaa ^et oar estimate. C. F. SHUMAN 'Phone 111. N. College St. Realty Hou**> K ‘ Phone, Otf:ce, hp > it Jir;;-'-. THE GEM HOTEL AND CAFE Up-to-uate aining room, seating lOu persons, a luncu counier unequaleu in bouth.. ConvenieuLiy lucatea on aouta Tryon street, binciii uuropean. MOVED I have moved my Terra Cotta Pipe Yard to East oth bt., between College St. and the rauroad, "In the Heart ol the City’ wnere you wiil luid every thing in pipe and tilings. Flue pipe. Chimney lining, Wall coping, etc. C. V. FURR, Office and Yard iJast 5th St. Between College and R. R. ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY Sherrill Mineral Water, the friend of suffering humanity, just in. Phone orders 918. SHERILL MINERAL WATER CO. 211 S. College St. F. L BONF Ot AriUrii J uL i . 8upcrvls.cn Con>=‘ • Oftice 211 N. Tryc/.. HUGH W. HA! 'A, Law iSuHdtng. Qt.ar: AutoTif V U uCAiN ■ RECOVSHtD. . inner Tubs* Vu-aniz6(^ We guaraut«''‘e f-hey vv»a tit; nhere we vuicanizu viieoi. First puncture. 50 cents.. Second puucture, 2b .siiti. Third puncture. 25 c* nts. All sizes new tires cu. rit-'■ /’“A Relay M i g. 28 i and 233 S, Tryon St.