HE CHAfiLOTTE NEWS APRIL I 191! Last Day of Grace- Books Closed Today Voting Places for The Various Wards on Day oj the Prim- ary—List of Judges as Pre- viously Given in The New^ Tho orc:an’>a'ion of a Aforiation in thr srato. onirin.ainc: wirh Tho “iean cf rho ' of t i-n ■'2:1 arhc”^. M’->. S.T'.lio slioi'n Sumners, and call ^ r . vAfit' in W’wf!. ■.'t h ar tho initial mco'.m.ii ’.'M rijrh- S' il’o Solwyn hotol. Nv\ny of t‘'«' m(K' ’."•omir.t-'nt M-.ia woro pvos ent . "v.l ,'i sr:r; on';r,'.>\a'= v d '> a'l. Nl;- S'’.'.', n or? ■ irs;>lo'i. ;v.a' Tl’.p I'cni!u’ ;trr"; will ;i Th(' \ «M ■ , •, lo . - t'.' l 'w \N . \.' W :? , \ ' ■,*■'11 '. If* (K'lv, ;•» i'' I'.i ’i5 VjM tl H a \i » :'airT.a: Thr ' n.inv’- rr'frtry . ' Vt' ■ n * a --IH ;l n -5 ar i V t , • ; ■ a- a C H t' ' ; C S ■ .*■ N « i hR\ . 'i". ’ We f.-»* • he :'#»•' a ri .i I'--:'. .1 . . 0 li w i n ■ >, ( .a !• "> ^a- fir Ihi - a: u;.. :iii. i.:;i 'ht-r. Lf ii> ; l\is IT \V;>- n \e ore • \\ W ;r ., \, , 1’ W ,t V >5 \v ■ ■ ' . (' ■ \ s. ■ w . .1 N. ' . v' "t' .' .'u : I' .' w i' li t . i' w ., \ ' I \\ . . = \ \ t, N'. , ■ . N ' = W n .. \. \ . \ \ \ \ \ . ■ W : N ' V \ • ; s V V . \, • - ^ \ , II’ ; ■’'r- s' will . i w; lUf a;:d !■ s n : i' * .' • 1 r-:; DAF FYNUTS vOy I. M. Batty.) i v\’m1 I’l'ol' ViMi ihDughc I was In Kcr, .. iiuh'iit > rr'.’) i;.'u (i>’ \ o\\ liko ihe Dye? 1 ' .:4 ••ui'iui : Sr.n'. a kiiorty problem. Sum .' Suinniai ', W V. Sail’. dot's (he score Board? phut' wiiere the Cravenette. w >. ra ■. .1' »' i.iU'!'; a’.urn -0- (> 1> K.'Imu- Kt ar K; uosl ■ i .uos; , Ki>iah W Sh,M- W 1. Hiram (.iiooii Hargrave owes his ..mo aiiy 1(M a \vc€‘k's board, how m,-.v h viot's lirouiiow. cioiuj: to $ce those two Pitchers in'\. ioaiglu \\ iu ro ? \\ h.'. ai liic ]>ox Office, you mut. v:\] Tint';- n . \V. rrtw-: t'l olt \\'00(i- . M Hou^o. C’. W tJal- . .1 K. rar. H. i-a/te;', [■". Se- '... It V. :•! . . -o I.: !iM 1.^ ■ ■ DUi (if u K'I a'' ■ ' 'lie"- w.irul, .,11 : • li:ui 11 vi; a’ lull :> fur \ ; 1’ K .1' 1 ' ! 1 I !>. . .1 « — .\l I.' ' ■ ; 1 '■ A .-,et if .\I: :. p. W SMiimpis I'M’ .Nfi a Ri-'-iias.s. i r.‘ - a^i' M's> Annie .\1N~ lyiii-*^ I ill wards. l.fM S!^plien^ ami Mr. .1. a-r'I'' iaw.s and li a~ '.iii'.iaip , constn m ion M’ .'. Sum- V. •- iiiei'. Fiirili' r details and ; luiis ti:' ♦'X Pm'iuii '!i.' ;i!j.i;:i;:!tioii '■ all i^i’is of : h> 'ta!» " ill i>»* II-iiiiil"i*'d a' ail- •iJhor niPf'i nii iti \: ril I i. 'I'he ohieft .>’ ti^' oritani/.ation is \V. W. C-ay. Kvu’sr.a:-. L. W. Win- ■ >* t>\ i-iii ;vr comnn'- ■i ' t-- ; lu‘ various :■ i>ju"U'd pronip;ly at ; ciosi' .r sunsci. anii i rui":’. a; is riMiuireil to .-';ipc: :\(-■ ;>hu-es w h>“n i’ii 'hir pit'tiiin lioxes (. ai'd u’arlx(->ii All FoolsDay l^fls Celebmted "Ir 'lia .Mr. .IniK's?'’ liiis is he." ! am thp U'iephone man. I’lease >a‘I'h-Im)’ from i he left side of the ■|th')UF.” Wow idoasf' ?a> ‘hello’ wjiile stand- in” on ill--' ri.mii side of i lie insii u- meiii ■■ o\v will you kindly stand on '■our lipad iind say ’lielli'?” Hang (i-v-r-r-x-X-!-?—some more tr.'ii' ;t ;>iijf' thina'!. I'li ; i ; : (SI one of the convprsa- lioi,.-; ihit' (a'ue over tpleplionos this n.oi'uin.i:. It is th* first of ,\;)ril and tliar is I hi* ansv, pi . ‘'.Ml I-'ools '•iiu’P ■ I'ust thou art: to Dust return." re marked Tommy McMillan, as he tried ;i' gt'i away with a Pilfer. \\ as it eating too much daffy nuts :hai made MisN (Ireenv-ille? 1 don't kno\\ ; wl;en I see Miss Spar- jaiumri;. Alaska. No. lOsmerelda, it is not a crime for a Home ria.\ er to Steal a Base. The >anio stum by a Visitor, however, is tiiaud Larceny. ■No. I'l-trissa. when a Pitcher is put in ilie i!o\. they don’t nail a lid on. Ill iliis n.wn Uie Lid iw held down h\ iron There was a youn.^ Hornet named \^'eiser. A snbjeet, perhaps, of the Keiser. one day—by the clock! — !'>rank a whole ke^; of ••I'Joi'k,” Ami now Hip Fan.s call him ‘•Bud” Weiser. (i’oor, miserable thing! 1 thought lie was beitei'. but he had a relapse.) EVEN CURES ULCERS. Remarkable Results From Eczema Remedy That Costs Almost Nohting. Xo matter how l)ad a sore or ulcer i'fiiicis you. Hokara the pure .-kin f( ed. will cure it. In fact, if it doesn’t eiri'. the purchase price will be re- fu;’(ied. Tt. ii. .Iordan C’o., the local agpnt.w for Ilokara, w!iu have sold hundreds of packages the last few weeks, say they have yet to find any form of Abound or disease affecting the skin that Ilokara does not heal, and its re lief is so instantaneous that those wlio try it are simi)ly delighted with it. Timpies. eczema, blackheads acne, barber’s itch, and all skin trou bles are quickly cured by applying this simple skin food and tissue builder. If eontains no grease or acids and is (leanly to use. R. H. .Iordan & Co. are selling a lib eral jar of Hokara at the low price of 2')C. no! to iO'Tl fls the wre.i; • ti'i’oirai'her's uniun, the nipmor.'- of man runneth not to nnioii 1- unmonl' iin- Hip ponM'ary. has oeen one where all ; ^ •lersi o(xi: » m u i.m riir'i’lii,'jr die st^'u- ' peop'e were more or less foolisii I opiaplipr'. of ’^p ,s a^p into an oruau- ’I bis da>. is no pxoeptioii to the rule j . izait' ii for' fii.' 1 (■ It ,of il (- co i- ' ^ ou (iroi'pt-d fomtiiiai;,' said «'iliOii oi i:if ‘ in'i's ai'd fo; liMle boy 10 a lady who was se(ia;pl^ the r";; .-^isii.ViCp (!'■ t))' busiiu s..; punlie. Jtud !i';i i .od. S'u* liii iied about faee ^ • aad looK;>.!, jp f>ars came Hi! NI-NEWS OF SPORTS By Terry Cleaton. Fr.le> Kidney Till- r-r.n'a n in ri>n- I -T-'arpd form ingredients ‘•f estab- d Jher'-n-ii: ’ value for I'^on’i.' .. 'iva'ii.p of i>ll kidnev and found ta-n i^cr liH’r reivark "April Such ii w-eni all day. The poliop} \ p-f.o’: -l ortinrr writer savs that tno ;;^Me tPieun-uied to sev-ral times and . .Toe .Taekson, the -.shoeless wonder" b'addrv ;,iinipnis. Fob.y Kidney Pills some allpg(>d praetieal joker.' Roma Carolina, will not be in fite -rnHseptir and restorative. Df rot -llov y^rn- l.iiney trouble to Negro W-iter Shot in Harvard Hall, prosu-.^ liey n'i h n ach of uiedi- ( ambridge. Mas^ cine, but start takin?, Frdey Kidney liusrbi.^;. lip negr April -Heat n at once. H' '■‘us’p substitutes. Bo', t*r Dr-is Store on .\orth Square. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Till Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ) wai'er whom an- in three leagues gives no evidence of the Major T.eague at the close of this year. He think.s .Toe is a "flash in the pan". This man may be able to dope r out correetly, bur Jackson’s record oHiP!’ waiter. Charle.s Pi('aehford. s;-!0« ^esIelday In a '■j'uirr?! in n^emorial ha!!. Harvard University, died today of hi? wounds, P.oachford narrowly eprapefi violence at The hands of • ii ler.: - when afrer the shooiing he f^'’d fi'o’11 tl'" universiiy grounds. The ; o; re ri si ued him from the st'Klei.t iiiOii. Mr.^. \V. A. Hough, of Cornelius. X. C.. was operated on yesterday at the Charlotte Santatorium for apiiendi'i- tis. She is doing nicelv. his weakeni ng. He is certainly a natur-j al hitter and that counts for a lot. Cashion. who was seen here with Davidson and wlio will be here again with tlie ?chr)ol, has signed a contract to play with Greenville after his col lege experience is over. Ha will grad uate this year. Underwear Its the time of year to change underwear again. The careful niaa will chan;;e gradually A tnediuni weisht at the present time is the safest. FOR NOW. we’ve Merino and Ralbriggan Underwear in Just the right weight. All sl7.es, 50c to $2..’>n the (Garment. A LITTLE LATKR. Later you'll come In for thin Underwear and you 11 find that we have the best makes in several stj'les. Bal- brlggan, L 'isle, sleeves anl sleeveless, Athletic style, 50c to $1.50 the garment. You 11 find us ready to supply in any size an.y Underwear want that 70U may hare. Interest here in the games between Davidson and Carolina on the Sth. and C.arolina and Virginia on the 10th, g'fiws with each succeeding day. Indi- !cfrions aie that a crowd the like of wbieii I'las seldom filled the grounds will witness each exhibition. St. Mary’s nine of ball players have been pireticing almost daily and they I will furnish good practice for the Hor- I !ipts who will go to Belmont next ; W't'dnesday f(jr the first exhibition , of the season. Burt Hudson, who failed to show up r.('re \\ hen he was matched to meet .ioe 'I’urner. is to w’restle dow^n in (Ireenwood of South Carolina next week. He will perhaps never wrestle in Charlotte. Fourth Street won a good game from the “Mixers” of Charlotte yester day, so it is said. Cashion is not a professional with Davidson yet he has a signed con tract w'ith Grreenville in this Car olina Association this season. Yorke Bros. & Rogers THE OUTFITTERS If Charlotte can win eight or nine games under the first manage- manship of I^ve Cross why can't it duplicate the trick right off the bat this year? Cely Is taking about as much Inter est in the Greenville tea this year as Billy Smith, who has been signed there as manager. Back lot boks are getting busy with practice for the great excitement that may occur within a few weeks or so. They are all aspirants for jobs held now like Hans Wagner, Tyrus Cobb Xapolion Lajoie and a few' othei leading lights in the high-up-teams. Nothing has been heard from J('e Turner since bis second match in V\asbington with Sam Anderson, w'ho (Uiee th’pw him and by whom he was anotlier time thrown. Turner and Hudson were supposed to meet here,' you know, and they never showed up. Contag^iou.s Blood Poison ustiall^' Ijegiiis willi a tinv sore or pimple a; the onl\' outward evidence of its prcsenctj. But in a short w!iiie its man', symptoms begin to make their 1111 welcome a[)j)earai!ce. Tlie month am throat ulcerate, itcliin;^ rashes appear on the body, ll'.e hair comes out casil^' brown splotches appear on the limbs, etc. So .hig-hly cont'ic;ioiis is the diV, sase that it is sometimes couimttnicated from one person to another by th' same toilet articles or handling- the clothes of an infected persoi: S. S. S. has been curing' Contagions Blood Poison for more than forty years It goes ngnt down into the circulation, and remove.s everj’- particle of th( poison. While curing the disease S. S. S. adds richness and noun'shim: powers to tne blood, and a person who is cured by the ti.se of vS. vS. vS. will fiii that evei 3- portion of the s\ stem has been benefited by the treatmcrt. S. S. S cures so perfectly that there is never any return of the old .‘^■'"uptoms • i' drives the poison completely ont bv purifying the blood, v.liich is the on^ sale and sure way to treat the disease. Write for our Home Treatment Bool and any medical advice you may desire, free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. Abe Attell j/)?. Hulten Returns Badly Injured Fiom Chester, S. C. By Associated Press. } New oYrk, April 1.—Abe Attel. the | featherweight champion of the world, j will be out of the ring for many weeks} as a result of injuries to his lame left i arm in his fight here last night with ’ Frankie Bums, of Jersey ('ity. At' el fought Burns to a standstill but his' victory took nerve and is likely to co-st, him dear, for his left arm hung beside ' his side during the last tAvo or three; rounds. . | Attell injured the shoulder in Cleve-i land six weks ago in a battle with Kil-j bane. He was compelled lo remain ! idle until last night when ho believed! his arm could stand the strain. | Hooker has been discharged frf)m' the Danville teamfi the closest one I to the Carolina Association. He ?avs{ he will join the Three-E.ve aggrega-! tion > Rev. Dr. IT. H. Hulten, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, has returned from Chester, S. C., where he has just closed a most suc cessful revival in the Baptist church there, of which D’.‘. Snyiler is pas tor. The meeting ar Chester was nota ble for the large number of men who were converted. The meeting grew in interest as it progressed and during the second week great throngs of peo ple were truned away each night, the church being inadequate to accom modate them. The Chester papers oar ried lengthy accounts of the meet ing throughout its progress. ])r. Hnl- tpn made a strong impression upon thee ity. Dr. ijiiKen has a vital iviessage for his people of the First Ei ptisr i hureh tomorrow morning on tiie "Problem !.f Cliiirch Attendaiv,e.’’ Once more agog with the spirit of Clean Up Day “The man with the Hoe,” the Rake, the Wheelbarrow, the Broom, etc. very much in order. SEE OUR EAST WINDOW Charlotte Hardware NE of my men is sick, but I will start that work early to-morrow.” How’ often an eniernrency arises in the paper-hanging business which calls for an explanaticii to customers. Delay is usually pardoned when proper explanations are made. Bell Telephone Service enables the dealer to satisfy his customers and keep his .rade. He often finds tho Long Distance Service of great value in ordering supplies. y07/ shoujij har'fT a Bril TcJcnl>onr Spring is Almost Here Again. You will w^ant Summer Furniture. Our Store will show everything to make the home comfortable during the Early Spring and Summer. Porch Chairs and Rockers Porch Swings and Settees Porch Hammocks and Settees Porch Rugs and New Style Aw^iings Porch Shades Furniture, Carpets and Rugs Stocks were never so complete as now. Visit This Store. Parker-Gardner Company PtCliHIjJ StovksT i-.i a THE BEST FOR BUSINESS The young man or woman who wii^lies to nualifv for the best places v>-orld has to offer cannot afford to take chances with the cheap, poor, equipped bii.'^iness schoo:. King’s Business College is endorsed bv prominent business inr n. bank presidents, public ofTicials of the highest rank and thousands of siiecesofiil students. Get your business training at this school, and there will he no doubt about your ultimate success. Catalogue free. CHALOTTE, N. C. ilBooiporateiLl Oil KALiilGH, N. Happy Homes If you are tired of scortching y .nr bread and cakes on one side and having them half raw on the other by cooking on an old and inferior stove or range, we have exactly the remedv ior vou in a “Progress” Steel Range. $39.50 to $65.00 $1.00 Per Week These prices and terms bring these splendid ranges within reach of every industrious family. You can easily save 2-"i per cent on your fuel bill if you use a “Progress” Range. W. T. McCOY & CO. 2 GET IT AT McCOY’S Presbyterian College Por Women and Conservatory oflVIusi© CHAKLOTTt, N. c ifALL c Jifll ’®'0 Faculty of Specialists In every Uepa.rtmen:! TiIoro"”n \svn- r^u , j Iniuence. City Advantages. V orl-,. Christian j Music, Art, Elocution Specialtic*. For catalogue, i^ddreas 1. R, BRiOGEiS. D. ex. Buck’s White Enamel GAS RANGES One Dollar Each Week will Put a Buck’s Gas Range in Your Home th,.’^n'. ’r.'.T R:inge in your home sinc€ tne eoi>t is so lit lie. Buck’s Cwis Uan^e is the best. \V,' sh.ra (lu-iu in a v.iiloty of styles. Big stock now on lumS. Come and Sec Them PARKER-GARDNER CO.

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