„Y’S E OF 00 ‘Foot Fitters.” 1,500 PAIR Ladies Fine Kid—Gun Metal and Pat ent Coit and Tan Vici $2.15 the pair These Are New 1911 Styles—Extra Value—Come Take a Look. THOMPSONS New Real Estate Firms For City j\ Two real estate rnnoerns have re ^ centiv >)t'en-chartei'esl to do biisinc's-s IT | in Chariotie. Tl'oy are llie Ganis Realty Coni'iau:' '' ith an i f ajiiial of $12r>.')U0: and the Easiside ' ^ ! RoaU v ('on'ipany wlt't' a capital stock :#.3 | of Officers of tnp (Ir.ttis Company are: f Thomas J. (ianis. Tfcnry HuyUian a*)d * i Craig ^ Officials i'oi’ the Ei.stside Real Es tate (’ompany are; C. (1. Mc\ianaway_ i.uther Sn> cler, \j. P. ^iack'enzie. D. M. Al/ernath-^y and T. B. l.on.s:. Eiihor co'.ni'any is peiniitied to ])es;!n Vius- iness t'.nder a le^s capital than it has. Social and Personal (IW AODIE \MLLIA:MS CALDWELL) ii **3 brds THE x'^OWir-'G OF APRiL. ! hca'-.i i1m> ('>' \' v\l ; nyiii;. ; tlo>' n a s>in; \ Tl'ri-icl;! > lu’ ■ ^r;:;--;imi",!,t d ' v, -M-tM 'V inti.id; j I ;ts >pvl'''-: i!Mt' raiadiops f-':l j Clt'-,!- :!s P 'ir a'.wmI ani d. th-- si( ’ ' i'l’ Ai';-'' s'ra di'vvu i !u> K ■ j , . . I I \ -r '=;!\ 'V ^■r:' lit IKig i f '■ ricVi'" ill : !i;i/o, - d:ui('iiii‘,. ; ilv( r - piianciii^' M.r'>>ih 'hi' ;|'rii!'i-s'V(‘, '' ways: SmoUov-iT-a: hs, lip'u as spr’.n;;tinie (’ ('''anuni, O’. r her flower d' CiU'd sluiulder Fi om li* r ’aat rii. frr.^riHit drittins. ^ \'r.rv’ii'! s!';ithriin::;h th^ lini'.e.' T):.;.;o I'U’tU;'". wnodland-wiu?- In^. ll.:-!^\:^h ihe w-iul-slirred ur:is, Stars hnrnod bri^lrer. hoarvs v.-ere !ir:;h.tcr. as :iu>v \'.at‘.h.eil hor luiss: Morning skifs were i-ienrer. Idner. ; w I'l' su' f'V vows . r«.‘ tr; - Fi-.r the inaixi.- of her sini-ii\;r. blijs- si'ni '.iriniii!':," gy’osy lass. - .Mr^riiui liaslu li Clark, iu Metro].:'I- itan. ORGAN P.SCITAL PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE. \RD ; ’irchafe by onr in .\- ' Vi'irk last 2' latest . a: .’--It or; pale at, j'lst nr at iho iPvTSt.. e Styles . •! Tir.T tompt you ; - wore old and • i.-'r TO be cheap ,.nd colors ninst ‘ w,- claini for this f ■ r ,-p!f —and yo;; 1. ' lu t ■ it*ed our iilinery 1 li" b^ st time t Vour order : of at.icr'ion ;v d in hiv- *'d sovenil bicj slilp- 1 t‘s rind trimmings ’ ■ U\ tho ;ii.!h. the ^■cry latest, * .'n;'--e the price? are Kv'-ry persrin has two educations— oi;e wlij.’ii !ie reiH'ives i'l' in others, arid one, raoi'o iniportant, whicii he gives himself.—Gibbon. i ORGAN RECITAL AT j SECOND CHURCH. | The or^an recital iiiven last uii;;h: ' ar I'le Se-^’ud I'l'vS'jvterian chur(h, b., .'li s li. Kroeg. a student of Mr. H. .1. Z-.“hi'' of Klixabeth colleire. v.i'> a u:a:’..! success in ev^r'- wa>'. A etw»d--:':':!d'“Uce, incl’'di»[ ■ ^nii.e of Cl^ario'To's best innsici:;ns, b.i'l ass"iu- Med. V hen [ r(,>mpily at SS’.O (/(h^.ck she b(^iau a i)rof;raui of organ music that, would have done credit to many .:o-ca!led ci'iiceri-orpanists. She cave evidence of cjood thorouirh training: ihmIct a roni]'*Tent m.-i'^ter. for It^r work was spieudiJ throujzii'Hit tiie ev( Her inanr.er and pod:i! tech’iiqiie :ire eqnaM\ well developed, which was well denionstrafcd in th.e d-inint'i’ loccata and the concert overtur''; tiie latter nttniber n;?,kiT’u a ^raii.l i limax to the propram and w-’s inulouljtedly her r.est work of ilie e\“’’ na. r* ^tratiou i« quick and well contrnc’^e'l and h.er i hra 'itis \\ell nisjh lie'»\ct. This was clearly sliown in the various com]to^!ior.s aiMi esi ecially in tiie liul't ones. Mr. Zehui has reason to lie proud •'if the work of b.'S lalcn^ied i.upi! -Miss Kroeg. Mr. .john W. Fox, , tenor j-oloi-' of the Second church ^ren dered the Keciial and Aria from Sam son "Oh. loss of sight: Total Kclipse”.' Mr. I'i'X har^ a bea’itM’i! voice a^id, ('harlttte poojilo are al'.va.'.s ylad tO; :hear him. Ail in nil the itrosrram which wa;i m;:(U-ui.' of iiich different, well con trasted I'ompo:'!'ions Vi as a piiaientlj ; ■■ fni('>* i] by rv. ’'.' t ’ii pres- eiii as the araiience'a attention was ■lied iiiroi'Sfli tlie entire pr.iuiam v\iii'a was euityal)le as anythinn C'aai otie I iia.' had ff>r so:i;e tiuu . ' Followim:- the i/uv:;ram: ; Progra m. Sonata in F-minor. on. tki. . .... . • r\lcUi Um ssoh n In Faradisuni iJtilioi.s Int roduction and Hridal Chorus.... ( lx)hengrin) R. V\ a;^ner 3.’is.' Krccg. Recitative and .\ria ('from Samson) Ha'’.del -Oh, loss of siiili': 'iotal ec!ii)se:" .»;r. Fox \;i i-Ncni cf !i!‘,i-i a.! i;!i(‘r('st at ih/j (’resb\ .Ti.iii coli-\L-e i.^st iiiLihl w:'-^ the; !-‘cil:il h;> Mrs. .Mariiaret P. | .i; 'ii'; S’,>n. .Mrs. .laiuicson was ai-sist-l ‘i I'V .'-lis- \iaiy l'.,)Viiian. soi'runo. j >’r. \\ Aiuseisoti. m!!."ica! di-j ria • ’.:i“,i .\i:^s Forn'.an. .Mrs. • .1;; I’.i It'S,111 is O'le oi 1 lie most i;'!e!\ieU or;r: Hist‘S ir ti e cit.v. Sb.e is a clever e';'on'-ut i:i' Mr. Aiulersou's toachiti.u:. lie'' toucl'i r!;'.e, and iier inierp'.'et;;- lion :is :-;i.ressed i>y iier rei^isf:'ati 'n ;:is:efii! and sluifi’i. 'The se!ecti(Uis v.i'iu i\ s-' -vr'J a.T vehic'l-.'s for h.e'- lalesiv. v.^re those the nuvi sl/iiled organist list' on ibeir cjn(.:'ri programs, l^acii was a. in t'X?cuiion. 'J'lie pri>gram foiltjws; Sonata in D-ilat. (^p. l.j-1 T?J'einberger Pat’.tasie. Past(jr;ile. Introduction and Fiige laebesfier Op. 16 .\"o. 2 Weingartner fa) Andantino. l)-llat licmare (i») Andanie SinfoJitco Op. Holloway Tocc;ita am.l Fugue (Doric Hach Song to Sprinti Hugo AVolf Berceuse.' Kinder I'anir.i'o O". 1:-' Xo. 2 Faulkes l!i':XRY F. AXDFRSOX, Accomivinist. Miss Forman charmed vocally, as lid Mrs. .Jamieson ins*rumrnrally. Her voice was clc»’.r- sweet and Boulful. ♦ I PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE ALUMNEA iVEET TOMORROW. The I’resl'yt'^rian ('ollege Alumnae I .N-.,s.)Ciatiou will ireet in tlie I'arlors 'o! the }’resb\ lerian college tomorrow afternoon at 1 o’clock. At this meeting plans will be made for the anmial al- umtuie ’:'au(piet, v.hich is to be held till-; \e:!r ct:n)Ut May .10. A tail a.tieii'l- ance of the alumnae is reynestl'd. Little Ruth Washburn > Buried Yestn day The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Washburn was filled v. i'h sc.')''e;- of sy!iipatliiziiig friends yesu rda\ aftH]--,.^g noon, v.heit the funeral of their baby 6 bai)y dat’.ghtei’, Ruth, was ccnidr-ctf'd. jy | Tlie service was sweetly ir!;;iressive. | ^ Rev. Dr. McGeachy, of tue Second |.^ Pre'-byterian chtn-ch, read severali^j [la.-satre.s of sciii't .ire an;! made ^ » I'caiii iful pi a.rer. M L. Mnrtin s.iiij; wiili Vi'.j.:-'' p:'.tl:os ’'S.une Hny ' \','e'!i t'a;li rs!aud," -wid "When He'^; '.'(ei.tib to .M;ii\e I'li His Jewels."!^ I'tile v. hi e ‘-askei was covered, (if the vaile'''. A ! vi }hs'.;i.:r - .f CORSE BFAUTY Cor CrsiVK if , :1 J i:;i wi:li a pa.M of lilii-s (if the vaile'''. A ! ^ );i:; b iiH'ii of i'.!;'su r lilies ne.-.Ll-d 5 Itif cetit('r of the lilies. '! ae ^'ooin || was iil'C'! v>ijh l-'.asr^M liliis, suow-jg; (itops. iii^ s o^' lir. '.a' .'-., v.b.iie c:ir-'^ « nations aa«! [ ink s'.vei'^ peas, gil iu .^ j Ur.i^h profusion, t cii'vs. m ing; the’^j tencier s\.i',patby of rririi;.';. As 'be sun v>t'Ut knv in the west, i .■'( il oil a li'tle lie-v lily-(".!v»'i moi.iud ill l'^lii'V\ood. The Easter Season is here and we are prepared to fit you with the latest and correct il ui 5 ra\ s : s a wrm DISTI^'GUISHED GUESTS. ]h'. H. C. Mabie and wife, of Bos ton, were iu the city today the guests of Dr. H. H.* Hulten and wife. Dr. Mabie has for years been a leader among the Xorthern Bap tists. lie is jusL comnleiiiig a tour of the universities and colleges of the Sotitii lecturing on mission and kin- di’- (I subjects. He is the author of many of the leading theological works of ii';0 day. Dr. -Mabie and wife left lor Richmond on the aftornoou train. ♦ MISS YOUNG 30ING WELL. M.Mr. A. ^1. Young had good news today ifo'.n hi^f daughter, :Miss Willie Youiig. who is ill at Roanoke, Va. She has recovered nicoiy irom the op eration. VISITING iMRS. BALINSON. Miss Lillian Clinard is visiting ?.Irs. ! I'rederic Frees Balinsoa, in Salem. ^ ■ MISS ROBERTSON COf'.'^ING HOME. Mi;; .Julia Robertson, who has been \isitin.n her s^ister, Mrs. M. Brevard, in Tallahasee, Fla., will be home Fri- ' day. B\ .Associated Press. \\ asliington. D.- C., April -i.—Presi dent Taft s hrs-t messsge t() tlie t52nd congress will go in ■ omorrovN', accord ing to unofficial informatioi informa- liou at the white house today. The president began the dictation of the nu'ssa.ge earl>' todav and when the cabiriet met at 11 o'clock he laid before his advisors a rough draft of the docu ment. Following the cabinet session this- aflenioon the president will take up the message wiih one of his sec retaries and proposes to comi'lete it. The message, according to the w'iitej house, will deal tmly with, reciprtpcity ■ with (’aiuida. Reference to a pwutia-' nt-t tariff commit-:.ion or to kindred sub | jectF; will be K'ft to later messages if ’.he present plan is followed. The inessa.tre will not be long and v.ill fol low closely -ib^ sp'^eches niade by tiie i ■presidetiL on the sui'jeci of reciuroci ty. ws^ needed for your gown. We ask you come in and see them—come while the assortraent is the best. We have the models that mould the figure, almost re-construct it, we may say, to those long flow ing lines so much desired today and so much needed to properly carry out the present styles in dress. Every Corset has been selected on its own indi vidual merits, beautifully constructed, daintily trimmed and renowned for its staple qual ities. Again vve ask you to call and ST 10 PITS By Associated Press. Tokio, April 2.—Raiirication of the American-.Iapanese commercial trea ty v.-ere exchanged this afternoon fol lowing o luncheon given at tlie palace b.v Jiliu'i'eror -Slutsuhito in honor ol American Ambassador O'lirien. Prem ier Katsura and foreign minister, Ro- mura, v.ere present at tlie luncheon. Preceding the luncheon the emperor received O'Brien in jirivate au dience. His majesty congratulated the diplc-- mat I'.jion the share whi-h he had in the negotiations/, which mad(^ closer t'le relations between ihe tw:.> countrie.s and entrus!?(] him with a verbal mes sage I'or President Taft, in which the Arnerlcau executive is com]ilinieuied upon the coiK btsiori of a iieaty on which Japan places ihe highest possi ble value. After the luncheon tlie emperor per sonally lianded to Mr. O’Brien an Eng- lishe trans’laticm of his formal mes sage to President Tafi. The Anglo-.]ai)an commercial treaty has been sigiied and will be {iublished lonrorro'.v. see them. Prices range $10.00 to $1.00 Tempted to Make Charlotte Hts Horn EY'S I Toccpto and I‘'u‘.;e in L) niinor. . Ba(di; D;n.scarolle. . . . (rTenb:id.-Shell:;y j i). Forget-me-not . . .Mucbet h-Bahlwin ('oiictrt Overture in (’-minor.. Hollins Miss Kroeg. — - D, A. R. EVENT. 'I'll.' \u Irew ,T-\ckson boulder at | W:’■ li,‘v>v i;; to be un veiic'd April 12.1 The "\em nmI’ be 'me of siale-widej inieresi to the D. A. \l. of iioih Caro- linas. .\t’s. i:. R. Pr('stou is to be the orat ir of tl^e occ''od;)n. moiiumeni lias b('en orefted at the bi-i'iph'ce ot I\Son, w.iif.t i-> si:,' ii'il's fr(;?'.’ \\a\iiaw. .Mis,-; 1/1.' \\ • Long is iu char.ge of th;' ( b:’r!o t‘ delegation. S!ie ar.ks tuat all wiKj intend going notify her at (UK'e so that she, in turn, may noLity ll-e commit I.^e of arrangements at Waxhaw. The Waxhaw ladies have made arrangement.to provide cat ii- agoK for the N'or.h Carolina delegation, and desire to kno'.v jus. how many the going. Miss ly»ng, Mrs. .John \ :\u- Landingham, Mrs. I. W. Faison and others will if'inc sent tlie Chai.oite i. . A. !L . l.liXiiheth Maxwell Sleeve (baptei, of Salisburv will send a repr'seu;a- lion composed of .Mrs. P.eulah .\U)ore, Slate ilistorian. Mrs. J'-dwin 0\eim.,n, .Miss .lanel Quinn and Miss Nan tm ford. Miss Quinu and Mutord wi'l unveil ih( uicinuiiu iw. BROWN’S BRO'NCHIAL TROCHES Convenient, effective, safe, for coughs. Twenty-five reiu’esentative citizens frem Mocklenbnrg and Gaston coun- 1 it s, armed v^'ith dui)!icate coiues of a petition aggregating ;J,UU0 names, arepeared befor(^ the county c(.mmis- .si()ners ye.sterilay afternoon and ad vocated file co-operation of Meck- lenbi'.rg v.'iih Gaston (‘ount.v in btiild- in.Ji two biidges over the Catawlta river, one at .Mount Holly and one at Soan's ferry. .\s a result of this i;res..ure tlie .Mecklenburg commis- siore! s took the lirst otticial ste]) to ward the luiilding of two bridges. This action cuisisted iti naming a cummiitee of three members of the i;f)ard to confer wiih a liko commit tee from tlu^ board of (.Jaston conii- t\ The three vihmi front the ^Mei'k- lei’.hurg board are t'hairma.n W. M. lyon.Lj and Alessrs. F. "^1. lieatiy and; W. X. McKee. The committees from the two counties v.ill confer at an early date as to th-; -pro.iect of building the two nridges, AlU'r that the Mecklenburg (•ommittee will repcut to a full meet ing of the AFecklenburg commission ers and each committee Aviil submit •heir I'ei'ort to their resitective boards for linal approval. .Mr. (’. Keus:er, of the Greater ClKiilotte Club, who was largely in- sM-ui.iental in circulating and collect- ing the petitions, apiteared before the commissitinevs in l»ehalf of the undei- 9king. Mr. ,Iohn Holland, of Mount lioilv. also appeared with a delega- tion'of six (JasLon county citi’/.ens in j behaU' of the movement and the j result was the appointing of the 1 above-nanaed committee. Funeral of John Maguire. By Associated Press. Savannah, Ga., April 4.--The funeral ot Jolin E. Maguire, former chief of I the Savannah tire department, who died last night. T\il] be held tomor row, Chief Maguire ^vas known all over the cour. ry in fire-figjting cir cles. because of bi& long connection with the Saxannah fire department. Mr. R. A. Finch, a prominent busi uess man of Xorfolk. \a., is In ih.o eb.v today and says he likes Charlotte -o well, and has heard so uiueh oi us qrowth in tiie past that he is almost^ te:ni>ted to make it his future hmiie. 'Were my interests not s(j iiea\.\ m ■\orfolk/''he remarked to a X'ews re-^ porter, "I ahi certain 1 would locate iiere.' I was iiere about five years ago, and in all of m.v iravels I have nevei witnessei such c* growth in i -'j 'I \onr peojde se.'-m to be iiti.-ib'i--- b* more. While I always will neheve tlun-, Xorfolk is the Xew V(U-k ol she houih,^ Ciiarlotte can litiingly b-'- called one ot il;e most wide-a-wake inland cities o.i ■,he map. Tiie inierarbuu, 1 pr'du't, wil do great thhigs i.>r you. 1 wish 1 Imd s(me stock in the road, if you lieai of any one wanting to dispose ot h.is hoidings let me Unow.’ Mr. Finch will leave tonight for At lanta and Xew Orleans. T Bv Associated Press. “e1 Paso, 'i'ex., .\pril 4.—A private telegram was ref-eived here today from Chicuahua stating that citizetis there were wkeinii-al about tl.e siic- (■aks of ’he iioiirparlers and wei'e won dering v.iiet! 3.:i d- ro would tai:e the city. Some men, like some razors, are The actor is more apt to forget his too siiarp for tlieir own good. lines than the fisheinuin. Spring Debility —a— ALLEGRETTFS The Candy That Always Satisfies BOWEN’S 11" >) '. ,\ fornu ;• citixeri of tliat city who r.iill lives iii i!ie .s:aM' (»f Ciiiiiiiaiii-H hij'.t"d today that iie brdicvcci .Matter j Cl.hid no aMack. !!■ .'tid tiiat, the fe'i' era! /.'ariison in lue ci.v and enviroi - iiu!i;ij^'red v. hit-'- ihe insurre.'':r.‘ noi musier ii:;ir>- !'uan 1 .'lOO. .'Pile repor!:-;- to il,f; comrary. he d- ch'ired I hat the i.isuirecto forces iif i not been remiited to any material e:- ell! in the Iasi two uionitis. Meanwhile li' so-called iieace er ' voys live v ailing for v,v)i(j trfun Frs. ( isco I. :\!ad''fo, ,lr., bef«)re anol!;>. further move; to bring about a cessa tion of hostilities can be made. A mes senger i.-t C'Xiiee.led at any time. Southern Spot Cotton. ?kTemphis, ''i'eint.. .-\!)r-;i 4.—Co+tou spot stt udy, uiudiaiiiii d, middling 3-4. t v: Is due to the debilitating weather of th© season, and to the impure, Impoverished, devitahzed condition of the blood caused by too cSose con* finementy too little outdoor air and exercise, too heavy diet during the winter. It is cured by the great constitutional remedy Hood’s Sarsaparilla vrhich effects its wonderful cures, not simply becan-e it cotstains sarsaparilla, but because it comblnea the u'.most remedial values of more than twenty different ingredients. There Is no rc?al substitute for Hood s Sarsaparilla. If urged to buy eny preparation said to be “ just as good, you rn^y L.e ju^e it . . . . ^ £l litrcr^r nTOuc. xOO New Bungalows We are just beginning TWO new Bun.galows in Woodlawn. We baildin.g thtse ji;.-t as the imrchasers wanted them. They are arti'^tic one arrange^d with everv comff>rt and convenience. It costs no morr- to ha.'> a home built as YOU want il than to get one n,t arranged to your tast See us at once and let us build for you Xo prettier place around Char lotte il.^'.n \VO(JlJLA\\ X. Our terms are fair and juiit. The icCiung Realty Co 25 S. Tyon St. Phon© 1254. H