8 THF CHAELOTTE NEWS. MAY 7. 1911 WANTS! The People’s Market Place Read By Thousands Daily 1 Cent a Word Each Insertion PHONE NO. 115 ^ WANTED ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ “ft ^ ^ ^ WANTED—Experienced concrete form builder. Apply Claiborne, Johnston & Co., Mt. Holly, N. C. 6-3t WANTED—High-clasB salesman for of- flrial position. Largest and best line, lo west prices. Opportunity now. T’nlon Novelty Co., Louisville, Ky. 7-lt F^SH FISH received dally—shad, trout, mullets, croakers, and flound ers. Quick delivery. Phone 1264. G. L. Dixon. 8-lt FOR RENT FOR RENT—Five-room house, No. 411 Templeton Ave. 7-2t \VANTi:ii—Single man to take out neu milk wagon Tuesday mornijig. Phono 1490-J. FOR RENT—8-room cottage, 310 N. Church. Apply to Dr. C. L. Alexan der. 7-3t WANTKI>—Young lady for board and fxim. All conveniences, $20. ’Phone L-374-L. FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, 612 E. 4th. 6-lt V/ANTP;D—The use of a horse for its hoard until fall. W. M. Berryhill. U. F. D. 1. ^ Vv ANTED—To clean your floors, win dows, carpets, in fact anything per taining to home or office. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Work done on short notice. Charlotte House Cleaning Co. J. H. Allgood. Mgr. 'Phone No. 1051. 2-5t FOR RENT—5-room cottage, modern conveniences, Piedmont; Conven ient to both car lines. T. D. Payne, 211 S. Tryon St. 7-lt WXNTED—City collector and sales man on good salary. Call Singer Sewing Machine Office, Charlotte. N. C. 6-2t W.\NTED—A position as stenograph er. Address B. M., 7 Scigle Ave. 5-2t WANTED—A hustler lo paint the town of Charlotte with Skat. A cer tain sure way to make money. Write Slat, Hartford, Conn. 5-l-13t-eod FOR RENT—One furnished room, 305 S. Church St. 7-lt FOR SALE—Buck wood and coal range, 304 North Poplar street. 7-lt POR REN’f—Two new furnished rooms with modern conveniences, 203 No. Brevard. ’Phone 1228. 1-tf-eod FOR RENT—Store, 70i West Trade St. $15.00 per month. W. 8, Stew art. 27*tf FOR RENT—Nice large furnished room, 10 W. 5th St. 7-lt WANTED—20 young ladlos and giri» to sell souvenirs, attend to sonses- sions, sell candy, postals and tick- at Lakewood Park. Must fur nish references. Address Box 156 Cr irlotte. l6-8t-Thus-Sun. FOR RENT—2 or 3 rooms, close in, modern conveniences, suitable for light housekeeping; furnished or un furnished. Parties without children apply No. 6 N. Graham. ' 6-2t FOR RENT—To parties without chil dren, rooms furnished or unfurnish ed with all modern conveniences for light housekeeping. Apply 207 E. Liberty St. 27-tf WANTED for T. S. ARMY : Abiebodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; dtisens of United States, of gtfOd character and temperate hab- its-, who can speak, read and write the English language. For informa tion api'lv to Rticniting Officer, 3>7 W.st Trade St., Charlotte, N. C.; 3 South Mam St., Asheville, N. C.; I]30’/2 South E’ir. St., Greensboro, N. C. 167^2 West Main St., Spartan burg, S. C., or 204% West Main St.. rireenviiie. S. C. 4-l-tu-th-sat-3mo FOR RENT—Two beautiful new flats, . nearly completed, 205 West 6th St. 4 rooms $25, 5 rooms $30. They are fine. 6-lt FOR RENT—No. 509 South Tryon St., eight rooms, possession immediately. Phone 313. 29-tf FOR RENT—Modern 8-room house, \'’est llth, near my residence, $30. C. W. Tillet. 20-tf V’ANTi *1 lo borrow money; will gi%»- h.st mortgage on real estate. ‘‘G," care News. 7-lt FOR RENT—No. 305 North Church street, dwelling, owner pays water rent. Price $27.50. All conveniences. Within 3 blocks of square. R. I). Moore. Phone 307. 6-2t WANTED-TO'^Mon as bookkeeper or ' as.-^i. :int. by experienced n - r n who is a penman and i; r leference. Salary is no if f,rm. Address Re- liaMc' News. 7-7t-eod A’ANTED—One or two young men ;;ors‘, modern conveniences. on- 13CS-J or call at 312 E. 9th 5-2t WANTED—Position as book-keeper by .young lady with experience. Refer- en furni Uied. Address “Book- l'' r ''r," care News. 6-4t WAN'l'i-.r)—Table boarders, 15 E. 1st. 1 iiune 1^398. 4-tf BOARDERS WANTED at 611 North f'hurch street. 7-7t FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with baths. Belmont Hotel, East Trade St. 12-tf ♦ FOR SALE ♦ ♦ ♦ FOR SALE—Mule 8 years old, at a low figure. 'Phone 2187. 7-3t FOR SALE—Good farm, four miles north of Taylorsville, N. C.. in the apple belt, 170 acres, with fine spring; must sell at once. Address A. D. G., care of News. 6-tf FOR SALE—Three male setter pups, six weeks old, $3.00 each. T. S. El lington, R. F. D. No. 11, City. 5-5t W '.NTKD- To furnish and arrange for • r,.i an ancestral record. Mrs. Eliz- ;»tiPth Hi;vl. Rucker, 508 East I' -urth St., City. 23-tf-sun A LL-TH E-YEAR. , ROUND We keep a * big assojt- ment of Horses and I Mules. J. W. Wadswor'ch's Sons Co. W.ANTED—Lady to travel in North (’arolina. Good pay and tailor made • ilL in 90 days; experience unne- ressary; reliable firm. Write for FOR SALE—Almost new piano for particulars. McBrady & Co., Chlca- sale cheap for cash. Address “A. 8®- 7-lt B,” care News. 5-3t WANTED—An experienced bookkeep- tr wants a position in Charlotte. “H. L. .1.” care News. 6-7t « WANTED—Settled colored nurse, will ing to stay at night. Apply 508 E. Ave. 4-3t WANTED—Roomers. Newly papered rooms, hot und cold bath, very reas onable rates Apply 207 East Liber ty St. l-tf W'ANTED—25 clothing and shoe sales-^ men: 25 salesladies; 20 cash boys, or girls. II. C. Long Co., 15 North' Tryon. 7.2t I POSITION WANTED—By young lady] stenographer, seven years practical experience. High-class endorse ments from past employer. Prefer! position In Charlotte and can handle' any class of stenographic work. Ad-1 dress "B. M. B.,” care News. l-tf MISCELLANEOUS WILMINGTON EXCURSION last week in June, $3.00. 5-6t-eod FRESH FISH received daily—shad, trout, mullets, croakers, and floun ders. Quick delivery. Phone 1264. G. L. Dixon. 8-lt SHIP TYPEWRITERS, all makes, for repairs by factory expert. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Jones, The Type writer Man, Charlotte, N. C. 16-lf-wea-sun COOK WITH GAS—Free demonstra tion at 3:30 each afternoon at Y. M. C. A. If you attend three after noons you will be given a Vulcan Toaster Free. 4-lOt WANTED—Rooms for housekeeping I RATES! Kooms, Doard, finest / . . M >««« I mW \ T7 CS VT In All AM MAS (unfurnished) H. S., care News. 6-lt location, close in. All conveniences. Apply quick—Save money. ’Phone 1870-L 9-tl FANCY BRED POULTRY AND ♦ ♦ EGGS. ^ ♦ ♦ FANCY POULTRY AND EGOS ar« easily sold throoch adrsrtlsementa in this column. EQQSI EGG8I EQ08I White Leghorn eggs |8 per 15, Blue Ribbon strain. Also a few at $1.50 Eggs from fancy Rhode Island Reds, and Brown Leghorns, $1.50 per 15. Order ahead for May delivery. An swer “Eggs/' car« N«ws, or call S2904. 80-7t HASTING & MITCHELL CO., 46 k College, will furniish your house from kitchen up for less money than any store in Charlotte. Phone 897-J. 6-2t SEWING MACHINES for sale and rent, |2.00 month. Needles, shuttles and bobbins for all makes of ma chines always on hand. Lawing-Rob- bins Furniture Co. 'Phone 214. 16-tf OLD MIRRORS re-silvered like new. No patch work, complete coating of silver. Satisfaction guaranteed— prices reasonable. J. P. Propst, 208 ISast S|. 2>lt FOR SALE^Whlte Legliorn eggs, 75 cents setting, pure strain. ’Phone 2026-Y. ^ 9-tf PATENT YOUR IDEAS and make money. Send for my new book, “How tp Get Them.” Best service. Joshua R. H. Potts, Lawyer, Wash ington, D. C., Chicago, and Philadel phia. 7-4t-sun COLORED ORGANIZER in this com munity, $100 to $150 monthly. New plan benefit ordei’. Great opportuni ty. No experience necessary. Apply immediately. Box B 921 Dayton, Ohio. 7-lt PHONE 921—Special sale of fixtures. Globe Electric Co. 3-19-tf FOR BEST EYE GLASSES see Dr. Levy. New office 30 West Trade St., upstairs. 6-tf BIG LOT nice trimmed mountain hams. J. h. Phillips & Bro. Phone 1132-J. 21-tf $90 MONTHLY and expenses to ener getic men and women to advertise, distribute samples and catalogues. Steady work. C. H. Emery, Sec., Chicago. 7-lt LADIES make supporters. $12 per hundred; no canvassing; material furnished. Stamped envelope for particulars. • Wabash Supply Co., Dept. Y 208, Chicago. 7-lt COOK WITH WAS—Free demonstra tion at 3:30 each afternoon at Y. M. C. A. If you attend three after noons you will be given a Vulcan Toaster Free. - 4-lOt COOK WITH WAS—Free demonstra tion at 3:30 each afternoon at Y. M. C. A. If you attend three after noons you will be given a Vulcan Toaster Free. 4-lOt IF YOU HAVE A MIRROR that needs re-silvering, send postal and I will call and give you estimate on work. J. P. Propst, 208 E. 9th St. 7-3t^sun-tu-frI MONUMENTS—It will pay you to see or write us before you buy that monument. Largest plant in this section. Mecklenburg Marble and Granite Co., East 2nd St., near Bre vard. 22-tf-eod 1,000,000 SQUARE F^E’i avertising space at Lakewood Park for rent, quarterly and yeany. Apply P. O. Box 156. 3-12t-eod MEN AND WOMEN: If you want work, sell guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Bife commisalon. Make $10 daily. Experience unnececsary. Ad dress International Mills, 3038 Chest-^ nut, Philada., Pa. 2-12 Sun tf. BANK CLERK, book-keeper, or sten ographer to handle office necessity as side line. Live wire can make nice income every month without in terfering wlth^esent position. G. Howard TInley & Co., 304 Builders’ Exchange Bldg., 15 E. Fayette St., Baltimore, Md. 7-2t GOOD BOARD and rooms, 506 West Fourth St., half block from So. Sta tion. Very reasonable rates. Mrs. M. E. Stovall, proprietress. -25-5t-tu-thu-sun I HAVE RETURNED to Charlotte and reopened my upholstering and fur niture repairing shop at 640 South Church. I want your orders. B. H. Johnson. ’Phone 1821. 18-tu-th-sat-tf LEARN REAL ESTATE business by mail. Great possibilities even as side line. The small cost of our course Is covered by absolute guar antee of satisfaction. W^e will help you get started. Write for free par ticulars. National Co-Operative I Realty Company, W 1118 Mai'den BKiildIng, Washington, D. C. ■ 7-4t-sun QUICKEST MONEY GETTER—Con sign merchants, $3.00 Razor free with 9ake soap, $25.20 profit each deal. Fifty deals monthly. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. 7-it SECRETS FOR WOMEN—Send 2c stamp for catalogue of Special Rub ber Goods Remedies and TcWlet Ne- eccisties. Fairbank Supply House, Dept. 208 T, 60 Wabash Ave., Chica- SP. 7-lt AGENTS—Sell genuine guaranteed hose, 70 per cent profit. Make $10 daily. Live agents md beginners investigate. Strong cCnit, Box 4029, West Philadelphia. 25-7t-sun WOMEN, s. 11 guaranteed hose, 70 per cent, profit Make $10 daily. Full or part time. Beginners investigate. Strong Knit. Box 4029, West Phila delphia, Pa. 2-12 Sun tf. $90 MONTHLY to trustworthy people to distribute samples and catalogues, at home. Steady work, $45 expense allowance. S. Scheffer, Treas, Y 339, Chicago. - 7-it LOST AND FOUNL'. LOST—Scotch collie, female, six months old. Reward for return or information. Phone 226-OJ or 115. 4-tf LOST—Watch fob, Knight’s Templar emblem. Reward. B. L. Scruggs, Four C’a office. 5-2t FOUND—Generator for Maxwell auto. Owner call at News office. 28-tf $310,000 North Carolina State Bonds Dated July 1st, 1911, payable July 1st, without prior option. Interest Four Per Cent per annum, payable semi-annually January and July. Both principle and Interest payable at the National Park Bank, New York City. All bids must be accompanied by certified check for two per cent of amount bid. Sealed bids will be opened at the office of the State Treasurer, Raleigh, North Carolina, at twelve noon. May 25th, 1911. These bonds are coupon bonds in denominations of one thousand dollars and one hundred dollars. B. R. LACY, ^ State Treasurer. We Can Solve Your Cookiiig Problems Possibly you are not getting perfect results in- baking bread, or your pastry isn’t entirely satisfactory^ Possibly you blame the range. Your ill succe^ may be due to the way you regulate the heat or the incorrect placing of the oven rack* Faults easily corrected. To meet this need in Charlotte, we have secured Mrs. F. J. Bates of Worthington Ave., Dilworth, who will be glad to come to your home and solve your cooking problems. J * ' Call upon Mrs. Bates. She can be of great assistance to you, and show that there is no kind of cooking that can not be better done on a Gas Range than otherwise. Another Car of Stoves Just Received PHONE 490 Menu for Cooking School at Y. M. C. A. May 8th, 3:30 p. m. Pop Overs Planked Steak English Drawn Butter Sauce Spring Peas a la Jonquille Charlotte Gas & Electric Co. ♦ AMERICAN WOMEN WILL ♦ TAKE PART. Many American women of birth and position who have vecome habitues of the Englisl^ court through their marry ing into ancient English houses will take an active part in the coronation ceremonies - of King George V. and Queen Mary of England, ceremonies that will render June of this 1911 year forever memorable in English history, says a writer in the Tlmes-DIspatch. In London, mourning worn for King Edward VII is being put out of sight, and everything Is being done toward the production of a superb spectacular ceremonial that will deeply Impress the minds of thousands drawn from all quarters of the globe to witness it. For the kingdom over which George will be proclaimed sovereign numbers nearly, twelve million of square miles, containing three hundred and ninety- six million of subjects. The Scene of Coronation. W'estminster Abbipy w^ill be the scene of the coronation, and King George will occupy the chair of Edward, the Confessor, in whreh the British sov- eigns have sat for hundreds of years. Indlosed in this chair is a paladium stone brought by Edward I. from Scone Abbey, in Scotland. Fergus, the son of Fergus Eric, who led the Dal- riads to Argyllshire, removed it from Ireland, where it was held in great veneration, and known as the Liafail, to Scone. The Scotch believed that its loss foreboded the downfall of their nation and country. Women who have' already gone to England, and those who are making ready to go, liave long ago secured posts of vantage for themselves from which they can see the procession from Buckingham Palace to the Abbey and other interesting coronation fea tures. They will realize that. In a sense, London, during the last fort night of June and the early days of July, will be the capital, not of the British Empire, but of the world, ft>r there will be royar guests from all the European courts, aborigines from Aus tralia, Maoris from New Zealand, color ed warriors from the British African territories, Eskimos from the froafen north, and statesmen and soldiers from every part of the vast British Empire AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Minneapolis, 3^ 7, 1; Louisville, 7, 15, 3. St. Paul, 5, 8, 2; Columbus, 4, 9, 1. (10 innings.) Milwaukee, 9, 12, 7; Toledo, 8, 13, 2. Kansas City, 6, 11, 3; Indianapolis, 1, 5, 2. STORAGE FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MERCHANDISE, ETC. Phone 1578 for Rates American Brokerage & Warehouse Co, EASTERN LEAGUE. Toronto, 1, 5, 2; Newark, 7, 7, 2. Buffalo, 4, 9, 0; Jersey City. 0, 3, 1. Rochester 5, 12, 4; Providence, 7, 14, 1. Montreal, 6, 14, 2; Baltimore, 7, 14, 1, (First game.) Montreal, 2, 9, 1; Baltimore, 18, 12, 1. Second game. (Called in seventh in ning.) Fighter Won From boxer FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 712 E. 9th, modern, $15. 6-room house, 216 N. Myers, modern, $20. 5-room house 520 N. McDowell, mod ern, $13.50. 4-room hcfuse, 5t)8 N. McDowell, mod ern, $10. J. P. & L. L. HACKNEY. Phone 312. 6 W. Fifth 8t. PLUMBING AND HEATING Repair Work, Terra Cotta and Flue Pipe, Wall Coping. HACKNEY BROS. 6 and 8 West Fifth St. phone 312 JOIN US BOYSI Who does your pressing work? Call on us for a trial. Same prices as others and satisfaction guaran teed. Let us show you our line of Spring and Summer patterns and take your measure for a suit. GREATER CHARLOTTE PRESSING -CLUB. 19 Weat 4th St. 'Phone 2518. NOTICE We, the undersigned Butcher*, agree to close our markets from 1 to 4 p. m. excepting Saturdays, beKinnlmK Monday, May 8, to Oct. 1st, 1911 raLIX HAYMAN, W. H. MORRIS, FRED HALL, A. F. & R. E.- HOSTELLER, L. P. MACKENZIE HENRY HAYMAN, i A. W. AUSTIN. i-it Los Angeles, Cal., May 6.—It was a boxer against fighter and the fight er won. Joe Rivers, the Mexican marvel, decisively whipped Johnny Kilbane of Cleveland, this afternoon, receiv ing Referee Charley Eytoh’s award at the finish of 20 rounds of ^vicious milling in the ring of the Pacific Athletic Club, Vernon Arena. Kilbane is the cleverest boxer seen since Ifehe days of Freddie Welsh's Los Angeles reign. Like all boxers of this type, Johnny knows the trick of saving his energy for the final rouni. After clinching, stalling and running aWay throughout the.majority of the rounds, Kilbane set liis admirers on fire with excitement over his 20th round showing, when he clearly out- boxed Rivers. The nearest approiich to a knock out finish came in the fourteenth when Rivers, after lifting Kilbane with a hard right uppercut on the mouth, fought the Ohio man into a groggy stage Just as the bell rang to save him. MQOEIS OF PERFEiiTUMI. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMFLY PERFECT. Needles. Oil, Belts and alt kinds of Sewing chinc supplies, Repairing a specialty. MECKLENBURG FURNITURE CO. 229 North Tryon St. Brilliant Fielding Saves RusseU Ford New York, May 6.—Russell Ford led the Yanks to victory over the Red Sox this afternoon in a fast game, the final score being 6 to 3. Ford had many distressing moments but bril liant fielding saved him. Two singles with no one out put him in the hole in the ninth but a tripple play pulled him out and ended the game. Roach picked a liner off Carrigan’s bat and nailed W^illiams at second and Nun- emaker at first. Summary: Two-base hits: Hoor-^r, E. Gardner. Sacrifice hit, Chase. Sto i bases, Johnson 2. Double plays, Roach to Chase (2). Triple play. Roach to Gardner to Chase. Left on bases, Bos ton 6, New York 4. Base on balls: off Ford 5; off Cicotte 4. Struck out: by Ford 2; by Ciotte 7. Time 2:08. Um pires, Evans and Egan. HURT IN FUNERAL RUNAWAY. Mahanoy, City, Pa., May 6.—Scared by an automobile, a horse driven by Father Hammeke, rector of St. Fl- delis’ church, ran away, throwing its occupants under the wheels and dragging..him 2(^ yards. The priest’s collarbone was broken. The horse was leading a. funeral procession, on route to the grave yard. , WE START IT MAY 16TH. Start What? WHY, THE QUEEN OF CHAR LOTTE CIRCULATING LIBRARY. V/hy do we start this library? Mainly to give to the people of Charlotte and the travelers n opportunity to read all the latest and best in fiction at a very email cost to them. The rules of our library are the following: Membership free. Book service, two cents per •day—minimum charge fire cents. No books allowed to be kept longer than two weeks without notifying us. Library service cash npon re turn of book. Books charged for on day ta ken and on day retomed.. This is truly a cinch for the lovers of fiction and we sincere ly hope hundi^edB of them toU take advantage of it See display of the Queen Charlotte Circulating Library in our lower east window. Stofle & Barringer Company Our Rough Dry Service If you try ;this service once you will never do without It. Your clothes are returned promptly—rain or shine; all the *bed • and table linen ironed smoothe and even; all other pieces carefully starched, ready for pressing. This service is far superior to the best wash woman service— costs no more—and is absolutely sanitary. i 5c Per Pound. / Sanitary ^teain Laundry 473 Phones 800 business liUhders GROCt.^S SPECIAL FOR MONrjAf 4 ibs. macaroni tj i . 25c, 6 Ibs. starch 4c. Fresh supply hams Beets 2oc, ^ pvjvic--' kraut 25c. ' ' bridges & Cu 203 West Trade rViciNlIEL’S Vegetables for vnia ■ Spinach, ^Egg Piam, i u. Plant Parsley, new I'oia , bage, Lettuct, UpH ] , , iieans, Spi’ing Onioa;;. cumbers, Asparagti.-^, i;, Squash, Turnips, Jiadi'-- berries, all c.r' Phone 2622. v; Saitrisen Bread in ■ -i.2E T '■yon, PICKLES do not eonstitute * i^od; is tfl So far rs Llitt y ^ tite, and aid the cligjc!>;iiL those iiiat are sbsulutfi therefove pr6S6i'vc yDiir j, line is guarajiteeu al^. a bottle of our something n-ew and wuii,:' MILLER-VAN NLS 27 N, Tryon. ■K^ir u, Ti" CO. EVERYTHmc FritSK VEGETABLES. Jtorth Carolina SL':avv'be;-rie .-r-h f early and get ytunipi, .•-•ei-VKs S. R. LENT2 Fred Cochrs^e, ^i^r. 'Phone 251 HEALTHY FOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST We want peo;jlo to kuow \^eiKp special care m me prei,c,a'iuu norse and cattle letu, at: wf; a.-, uiak ing tne best aiiu piu'cii, uiea, lor use. ALEXAriDER aROS, ’Phone 2561. We Seil ^ SUN'SKinE. BRAND of Laying Tcad me best on thj Market, " W, WL CROWELL Phone 1062> 2C0 E, >\jBr«hea{ St Ml&CELLAhEuUS LET US FIX YOUR REF^vlCSRATOR We caa teU at a glance mi ukat alia li aad at a tri-ili'ag exei>nse msKe it a^ood and Ecrviceauit;, .-eua your ice iitoAfcr. \\^ can loat, 100/ Q, F» srtUMAiV, Phone it'U 1-;. College 3t, FOP. One ^•room, room a, t ibtu i ... Au-jU, 1 •i.-room «>.■ tiaittu, i vw»ia JN, i^egraB'i. iu'. a, Tryon iiL. Ptsome: Ofiit.© K**, -Vji. THE GEW HOTEL Am CAFt dhaitts rooiuy 10^ pecEOsas, a iimcii cujiuaior imtQuttitd m Sioath- Coaventeauj i.c-fieu cu, TiryoB. i-trueL. feitiiiLii I inave Enared my lerra. CoUa Pipe Yaitt. t© atk b-i-r u(iL' cea CoLeiU St. and the raiiroacl, ’ lu Lii^; Hear; of City’" vLiei’t iou \iul jihL everv- tluttg in. pipe Ckumaey tining^. Wail oibiiu-i, etc, C. V. i-LtSvrt, Office aBd Yard'MIaiit iui Sl. . Co3e&& aad. iL. iL. APtOTHEK FRESH SUPPLY Skerrfli IHIixeral Water,, tlie ineni ^ Bttfleringp temiiEESUJiiiSy, jvTSt Lu-. EssBf orders 918- &HER.ILL ISffCiH'ERAL WATER CO. 2lt S. Cal.Leae^ SL Professional Cards _ Or, H. C, Hentferson. Dr. L. I. HENDERSON h. GiJNtlf dun 1 Office* ciitot i-'- DR. A. D. GLASCOCK atuiK;* &LXUk t-iccr ‘‘C tiour& a to ^ Atia a*- iiLkCii.L , • • '■ •i:C6 Cffice iiuiwao iUio-. 'PhCi e r.-.- ■* "* 1.VV', Jamis^son iQ9 Realty Or. M Re«lty Heursk ^ »•* ' Phone, Oftioc, SoOj Ccrtftyuaiion «■' F. L BONFO£y AKCrU t Supervision of OWg« 811 N. Tryon. Roc^ HUGH W. Uaw Building. J. M. MoMt ohflS architect Roo:Tts 505-5C6 Tr^s gHAriuw i »c-4

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