TEE CHAPXOTTB SEWS JULY 1911 Late Market Reports Complete States Department of Agriculture M ^ ^ _ V MroArravn ^ j^ff.?.P“§.^f^^K^"Q>^flin-Provisions~.MiscgHaneflus s.v.;/ie7n Spot Mafnet ^teathbb bureau. WII.US L. MOORE. Clilet il.v 15.~Spot cotton Ifew York Cottm New York, July July Id.—Cotton spot marj(.t o„.„ed .tead".T?„* I c®“ seneralb un T 1 11 Q ^hanged to 6 points lower in response ^ « . July 15 —Spot I to lower cable* than due, unfavorable i! quotation omitted. | trade reports and continued rafns In nr . July IS —Cotton southwest. Offers were not very hanged; middling 15 i * however, and the market steadied up after the opening on oov- ermg of shorts and a little trade buy. ng^ which again developed around U.(5 Tor the new crop months. Bus iness was quiet during the middle of the morning and prices rules about 3 points higher to 3 points lower, or some 3 to 4 points up from the low ew on the new crop months. Close New York Futures. New York. July 15.—Cotton futures closed steady. Open. OTTE PRODUCE. d by Ernest Hill.) 11 lb .19 .15®30 .16 .10 .0« .20 L^QTiotte Lctton .16% \ierpool Cotton .1 y lo.—Cotton spot oinrs higher. ' n.: fair .. .. S.35 S.03 7.81 T.«l 7.53 7.10 ’ho day were 4,000 Jan i Mar May July Aub; Sept Oct Dec 12.72 12.80 12.89 14.07 13.87 13.00 12.76 12.73 High. Low. Close. 12.Sn 12.72 12.76—77 12.ST 12.80 12.82—83 12.93 12.S9 12.90—92 14.09 14.03 14.06 13.99 13.85 13.96—99 13.05 13.00 13.01—03 12.S5 12.75 12.81—82 12.83 12.73 12.78—79 Ntw Orleans Cotton New Orleans. July 15.—Cotton fut ures oi^ened steady at a decline of 3 to 5 l>oints. Cables were not as good as expected and good rains in the west stimulated selling. Bulls offered the ,VM1 were for si>ecula- market no support in the early trading and Included 3,7001 and offerings from trailing longs about I met the demand from covering shorts •ales, no .\merican. j Reports from Texas were favorable 1 steady and closed'but the middle of the belt continued _ _ I to send in accounts of damage by the - weevil. Option was about equally ^•■*3^.,diAidsd and prices fluctuations in the r cc! i hour of business were not important. At the end of the first half r* i bour the trading months were 3 to 4 ; points under yesterday’s close. The old crop months were neglected. Close New Orleans Futures. New Orleans, June 13.—The cotton market closed barely steady . un changed to 10 points up compared with }estcrday’s closing. 6.69 6.70 6.71 Laitie Market C' ;ico Cattle. ’ ■—Cattle, receipts ‘ market steadv. 1.S5 ‘ft 7.00 Feb Mar. July Aug 4 rtO o.io i.lh '?? 90 (a 5.10 2 27) ^ .'.751 o.OO ^ 7.251 Dec Open. Hi?h. Low. Close. 12.72 12.7S 12.72 12.77 12.81 12.85 12.85 12.86 14.47 14.63 14.63 14.60 13.65 13.75 13.68 13.75 12.S3 12.88 12.S7 12.83 12,CS 12.73 12.68 12.72 12.66 12.72 12.66 12.71 New York Cotton Seed Oil. New York. July 15.—Cotton seed ’= estimated at 9.‘^uO,* , . . * ’jOil closing prices: Spot 5.S0a5.90; July 5.90a3.97: Au gust 5.8Ga5.S8: September 5.84a5.85; October 5.€8a5.70; November 5.4Sa .■).50; January 5.49a5.50; March 5.o5a 5.r*6. Sales- between first and second calls; 200 July 5.98; August 5.92; r«'av' fi 6 >0 6.:)0 (a 6.80 •^.10 /?7- 6.SO •'.10 ^ 1.35 «.o5 ft «.S0 * 50 ft (',.45 New York Stock Market New York. July 15.—Wall Street.— The demand for stocks was unusually Ught in the early trading today al- ^ough the market held firm. Southern Pacific, Chesapeake & Ohio, Missouri Pacific, Virginia Carolina Chemical and Western Union made slight fractional gains. The market closed steady. The list dragged its slow length in the second hour with some shading of prices in the speculative leaders, Union Pacific and Reading selling lower but chang es were insignificant except for a one poine rise in Interborough Metropli- tan pfd. New York Stock List. Last sale. Amalgamated Copper 6S% American Beet Sugar 53 American Car & Foundry .... b56% American Cotton Oil 50^ American Locomotive b4J American Smelting 70"4 American Smelting pfd bl064 American Sugar Refining .... bll9 Anaconda Mining Co b39 Atchison 112^ Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore &: Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific .. .. Chesapeake S: Ohio .. Chicago & Northwestern Chicago. Mil fir St. Paul Cclcrado Fuel S’. Iron.. Colorado & Southern .. Delaware & Hudson .. Denver & Rio Grande Denver & Rio Grande pfd Erie Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central Interborough-Met Interborough-Met pfd .. Louipville & Nashville .. Missouri Pacific .. Missouri, Kansas & Texas National Biscuit bl35 National Lead ? .. 55"4 New York Central lOS^i Norfolk & Western bl08% Northern Pacific 131~8 Pacific Mail b27H Pennsylvania 125 People’s Gas .. bl05;^ Pullman Palace Car blGl Reading 157'^ Rock Island Co bl'lTi Rock Island Co. pfd 64-4 Southern Pacific 122 Southern Railway 321^ Union Pacific 187vi United States Steel • 79 United States Steel pfd .. .. IISV* Wabash bl6 bl31 109% 83V* 242 83% bl47=i^s 126’7i. b34% b34 bl70 28% 57% 36-% 135 bl43Va 58 52 V4 154 4 49 b38S4 fi ^0 f? ftrt Ul.' 0.«70. AUoUCL O.a. , r f, r'-n •-V'iStist 5.90: 6C0 Septembdr 5.9$: estimated at 6,'>00, : 2,60 ^5 ."r.oo ^ 4.4'^ fi \ '■' ■1 rf, . .. i.:o '5 7.00 I'erricnt of Produce. Re Ship. mentp. . .. i.;.7oo 12.^0^ .=)31.2^’> 128 200 .. .. ino.c^o 245,sOO .. .. 1S'>.400 4SI.000 2.000 .. rs.om 3.700 Lot Receipts. 100 September 5.87; September 5.85; lOo September 5.84; 100 October 0.71; 400 October 5.70; 100 Novem ber 5.55; 500 December 5.50: 500 De cember 5.51; 100 January 5..51; 500 - Vo January 5.52, 1.000 .lanuary 5.53. *’ Total sales 15,800. Wabash, pfd .. Western Union Standard Oil .. Lchish Valiev G60 174 i'2 London btocks. 4.6 4.7 ...)0 London. July 15.—American fecuri ties after an uninteresting session on the stock exchange today closed quiet with prices a fraction over the New' Ycrk closing of yesterday. Chicago Grain Chicago Grain. Chicago, July 16.—£)enlal that there had been any calling of bank loans to give the wheat market today a steady tone. In decided contract with th® previous session, trade was not large. Most of the outside news had a bearish cast and led to some selling on every advance. Ideal weather north west and heavy receipts here formed the principal influence against the bulls. The opening was l-4a3-8 lower to 3-Sc up. September started at 87 5-8 to 88c, thes ame as last night to 3-8 higher, fell back to 87 3-8 and rallied to 87 5-8c. Assertions that the damage to the Kansas crop appeared to be largely theoretical, took the edge off the corn market. Absence of any moisture worth mention, however, made prices at first ratlier stiff. September opened l-8al-4 to 3-Sal-2c higher at 67 1-4 to 67 1-2. A decline to 66 5-8 followed. Plentiful offerings of new oats had a weakening effect upon the cereal. Besides, country cash concerns were leading sellers of futures. September started a shadi off to 1-Sc advance at 47a47 1-8 to 47 l-4c, and sagged to 46 1-4. Firmness of hogs helped sustain provisions. Initial sales were 2 l-2c low'er to a shade higher, with Sep tember deliveries 837 1-2 for lard and 8.45 to 8.47 1-2 for ribs. There was but little business in pork. iW Sx^XLructoAj aJI.TTL. •50.1^ iOb&ervati^ 8 ^ ni. 76th meridian tine. Igcban or continuous lines,' pass t^roiigl points of air pressure. Isotherms, or dotted lines, passthrough points of equal tempera, toue; they wulbe dra^n only for ze^ freezing, 90 degrees and 100 degrees. Symbols inai^te state or ^fftther* Q cle^ Q partly cloudy^ # cloudy ® rain; ® snow; ® report missing. Ar- jows fly ^th the wind. First figure, minimum temperature for past 12 hours; aeooad. §4-'hour ramfall, if it equals ,01 inch; third, wind velocity of 10 miles per hour or more. dor's New Orleans Spcts. New Orleans. July 15.—Spot -’otton closed quiei. unchanged; middling 14 5-?; sales cn the spot 72; to arrive Lon middling 14 1-S: strict low mid dling 14 3-S; middling 14 5-S; strict I middling 14 7-8: good middling 15 l-l»i; strict good middling 15 7-16; jm’ddling fair 15 5-8: middling fair to ''i!h 1'':* of contract" fair 16; fair IS 3-?^ nominal. " rar* with 17 of con-| Receipts later; stocks later. ■'S'- 11' car?. Total re- at Chicaro. Minneapo- Ntw Orleans Cotton Seed Oil. ■ were 522 cars. New Orleans. July 15.—Cotton seed -.^2 cars last week and oil, prime refined in barrels per "'rresponding day a year pound 600; choice meal 8 per cent 'ammonia per long ton 2S.00; choice cake do do 26.00. ‘^d's Visibla Supply. .?ui> 15.—Secretary j nipn' of the world's vis-] Chicago Provisions. Chicap:o. July 18.—Butter and eggs, rnfton shows the total market, eggs, receipts S.764 cases; 1.291 against 2.232.399 mark. ..'17 las.f :.ear. Of this cheese steadv. Daisies l3al-2. Twins 13 l-4ai-2. Long Potatoes easy, barreled 4.76a5.00. Brazil. India. etc.,i poultrv fair, unsettled, turkeys 12, VO23,000 last week fo^l* 18, springs 15. ' I V^al tteady. 50 to 60 lb. weights 8a "M s visible supply of 9 gri to 85 lb. weights 9 l-2alO 1-2, shows a decroi* 85 to 110 m. weights 11. last week of 145.105, , I^atsi^o \m^rlcan cotton is 1.113,- 12^1-2. Young Amertcas . ;ro last week, 1.134,- t^ng Horns 13 S-4al4. ri af all other kinds. ‘ » compared, with last i ' visible supply of cot- afloat and h#ld In atvl continental Europe 1 n).?,ooo last year: ' against 68.000 last .’>39.000 against 611.000 ■1 .n the United Stat«a f .120,000 last year. Savannah, Oa., July 15.~-Turpetttlne firm 60al-2. Rosin firm; type F.655a 657 1-2; G 655a657 1-2. N»w York Spot Cotton. J'jlv 15.—Money. On call CHARLOTTE GRA|N. Corn 95 Oats 00 s dull; 60 days 2 3-4 per ■' 6 months 3 5>8aS*4. For Rent room hous«, N. Tryon house W. 12th St ■ ill house S. Tryon Ext om ho ise S. Collegw ■m houB«, Winona St t!i N*. l)avlrt?on C. Me Neiis No. 33 East 4th St 'Phon# No. 604-J. ELUBORHTE EVENT FOBJ-IIIGHT Notable, socially and commercially, will b« the dinner to be given tonight by th« American Trust Company, in celebration of the tenth anniversary of its existence, which today commem orates. The dinner will be served in the large stockholders* room on the bank floor of thft building at 7:30. Covers will be laid for 75 persons. Mr. Oeorge Stei^hebs, president of the company will preside, and Mr. W. H. Wood, secretary and treasurer will be bis right hand man. Mr. Jones, the well-kno^'n caterer of th« G«m Dining room will serve the dinner. Impromptu talks will be made by stockholders along the line of the derelopment of the company. MORE MOEY FOR EDUCATION. AtlanU, July 15.—The effort df the (educational institutions of Georgia to get more money for the ensuing year will receive serious considera tion at the hands of the legislators, particularly the strong plea of Dr. K. 0. Mathaion, ro the Georgia School of Technology. He declared that the growth of . the school made It absolutely necessary to have more teachers. Col. N. E. Harris, chalrnaan of the Tech board of trustees, asked for an additional appropriation ot $25,000. Crude Cotton Seed Oil. Atlanta. July 15.—Crude cotton seed oil 37 1-2. Mr. Whitlock At His New Post Dun’s Review New York, July 15.—R. G. Dun & Co.’s weekl.y review of trade says: Prevalence of high temperatures throughout the country has adversely affected business, notably in retail lines. in response to theb roader demand for finished materials the steel mills aie rapidly resuming operations. Plants in the Pittsburg district are working fully^ up to the June rate, while the leading industry is, run ning at slightly over 67 per cent of its steel ingot capacity. A more favorable showing than had been e.tpectsd was disclosed in the un filled tonnage report of the steel corporation, orders on hand during June increasing 246,871 tons, where as in the two months immediately preceding there was a combinded falling off fully 231,000 tons. Num erous orders for railroad equipment i are in sight but delay is noted in making awards. Buyers are still hesitating about placing forward orders in dry goods. Prices are generally well maintained, exceptions being noted in some gray cloths-. Jobbers have extensive plans for merchandising under special sales during the coming week, when many of the largest buyers will be in the East to attend an important Tj^cctins. Curtailment of mill opera tions is still very large in all tex tiles. Dress goods agents will open thf.'ir new lines about the twenty-fihh. Tiading in men s woolens is reported HZ- being good. Yarns show an easy tendency. Movement of footwear gradually in creases. Buyers were more numerous in the New England market but cau- lon continues to be displayed in all transactions. Retail trade, however, ' continues to show' improvement. ^ THE WEATHER. % i Forecast for Charlotte and Vicinity. ' Fair except probably local thunder showers tonight or Sunday. j For North Carolina: ' .j Generally fair except probably lo-' cal thundershowers tcnigiht or Sun day, warmer in extreme west portion, i OFFICE OF THE Mechanics Weather Conditions. Barometric conditions in the south eastern part of the country continue relatively uniform. These conditions are accompanied by cloudy weather and by local showers during the past j 24 hours over the Gulf and South At- It is generally slightly cooler over the above mentioned states, although moderate temperatures prevail. | A slight depression /sverlies Texas, where heavy rainfall has been quite general during last night and Friday. The indications are for fair weather with the exception of pro'jably a local thundershower tonight or Sunday. H Perpetual Association CHARLOTTE, N. C. Weather Bulletin. The trust department of the Amer ican Trust Co.. from today will be under the direction of r. P. C. Whit lock, announced in The News colunms a few days ago. Mr. Whitlock is occupying the of fice provided for him this morn ing. His office is directly on the right as you enter the large banking ing room, and is immediately adjoin ing the office occupied by the sec retary and treasurer*, W. H. Wood. It Will doubtless be gratifying to the public as well as the American Trust Co., to know' that a man of Mr. Dr. Reid's Auto Hits Boy and Bike Keenan WilliamSf Son of Mr, John F, miliams^ Had Nai^ row Escape—Jurned m Front of Auto — Bruised Badly. Whitlock s abilit,v is to have charge i , t ^ of the trust business of thifr institu- ^ youfig son of Mr. John tlon. The nature of the trust busi- ^-^1111*013. of East Liberty street, ness such as executir, adfnini^strator, * narrow’ escape from being kill- guardian, etc., makes it necessary to i^68ter^y after^on. He was have am an of high character and le- struck by Dr. W. K. Reid s automobile Sai ability to handle it successfully,»South TiTon street, and btit for the and the American Trust Company , ^ P’'- running slow- has secured in Mr. Whitlock these “Maimed «jualifications in the highest degree. 1 L « j u- * - ' Dr. Reid and his children were go ing south on Tryonstreet. Keenan was riding a bicyele, going in the sai)n« dl- D.rby, Pa„ July 16.-Att«r ra »b. ’ rtf fiO Cow- bcttvcen tn^ block bOu&u county, Mlssiurl, kni his brother, Mor- nl—- 01 First street, .ana slowed down to Which Side or the street they would who were reunited after a separation . Keeran for r#»Afcoti or of 44 years, visited their boyhood 4m All aIjiI OtllCr* tO ^0 bStCiC vip pvrpnt evidently forgot about the automobile, L turned within a few feet of It. 1 « son-in-law, gijo^ted at him and applied i^naries h. ciarKe. brakes, but the distance was too ^ ^ II short. The maehine struck the bfty X- V S'l A the bike. The boy was knocked New York, J^y 15.—Co^^ g^me distance, and Dr. Reid thought, closed quite, 5 points killed. Dr. R^fd ran to him, picked uplands 14.30, do gulf 14.55, no rushed with him to the Mercy General hospital, where he gave him a thorough examination. He VISIT HOME AFTER 60 YEARS. sales. 11..^ mother had tried to answer her imemdlately phoned hie parents, and Httle boy s (yiestion In after finding that the boy had escaped future life. One day he came running in from his play and said: "Mamma, if only my soul goes to heaven, what will I button my pants onto?”—Ex CA^ORIA For InfemtB aad Chil^ien. rns Kind You Have Always Boaght Bears th^ Signatore of with no brbken bones, took him home Dr. Reid was upset for the day. “When I saw that boy turn right in front of me I never experienced such a feeling in my life, for I was sure r was going to kill him. I asked the boy ‘what in the world, son, did y5u turn for?’ ‘I was trying a boy’s bicy cle,’ he replied, ‘and had gone as far as I wanted and thought I’d go back.’ ” The boy is able to walk around the house today, but has a sore head, bruised knees, ankl#s and hands. But it takes mbre than an automo>- bile to kill a boy. STATIONS. Atlanta. Augusta Birmingham Charleston .. CHARLOTTE Chicago Corpus Christ Denver .. .. Fort Worth .. Galveston Houston .... Jacksonville . Kansas City . Little Rock . Louisville .. Memphis .... Montgomery New Orleans Oklamoha .. . Pale Stine Salt Lake City San Antonia .. San Francisco . Savannah .. . Shreveport .. ,, Taylor Vicksburk .. . St. Louis Remarks. (u 3 t; c $ o ♦ >> n (A Q-« X « w C8 ? «> I >> 5.S* -i c Q W 4> — IL .5 68 08 . 82 70 0 . 84 66 .28 70 0 92 72 12 . 84 02 66 0 , 86 78 0 . 86 62 0 1.76 . 86 80 20 . 74 06 90 72 50 . 90 74 0 . —- 74 0 . 90 68 0 . — 74 0 Sfi 72 1.45 90 ' 72 02 , 88 76 46, . 76 62 141 . 92 74 0, . 86 72 06 . 94 66 — 72 32, . 60 50 0, 84 70 44i 84 72 1.14: . — 76 O' — 74 1.12 OO 70 1.D4' 90 74 0, Our usual July disbursement will take place promptly on time. Our 45th series will mature with the payment Saturday, July loth, and we will commence paying it of! the following Tuesday. The series has 1,193 shares, which means we will pay our share holders $119,300.00, made up as follows, vLs: Canceled Mortgages, $48,560.00 Free Shares . . . 70,740.00 Total $119,300.00 On these 1,193 shares their ow’ners have paid us in Install ments $S9,317.25, so we will return to them their entire payments to us, with $19,9S2.75 added. This is a fairly good dividend, don’t you think? So much for maturing shares. Our last series, the 57th, was a record-breaker, 4,632 shares having been aitstuilly paid for. W’e are proud of this and are looking forward to our 58th series, anticipating an equally good or better record. Books will i>pen August 1st and subscriptions may be made and applications for loans filed any time during August. Payments C6mmence the first Saturday in September. We want you to oome in with us. R. E. Cochrane Secretary and Treasurer. J. H. Weam President Lowest temperature period fending 8 a. m. for 12-hour SPEAK TO ME I don’t care who you are—what yOu do—where you live—nor wbat’s your family history—I love to speak to people, and love for people to speak to me. There is nothing “biggety” or “stuck-up” about me—I would rather be known as the busiest young man in Charlotte on speaking terms with everybody, than to be the richest “old grouch” in the city—for I know t can make all the money I will ever need if people will “SPEAK TO ME.” Furthermore, I am no candidate for any public office, And never expect to be tnd if I ever own an automobile, or a “flying machine”—I never ex pect to ride too fast to “speak to people” I know. Give me your business—My time is my own—have horse and buggy and xiiU go anywhere—anytime—day or night—to act as Notary. Ofilce ’phone 243—residence ’phone 1270-J. FRANK F. JONES—The Public Notary. Heavy Rainfall. Wilmington 1.04 Alexanderla, La 1.50 Mobile, Ala 1.50 rort Worth, Tex 1.46 Harrison, Tex * *. .. 1.46 Spur, Tex .. 146 Weatherford, Tex. .. 1.70 Dallas, Tex 104 Longvfew, Tex 128 Luling, Tex 1.50 firenham, Tex 134 Newnan, Ga 1-20 Tallapoosa, Ala 1.80 TocOa, Ga 1-80 Eldorado, Ark 1.60 Vicksburg. Miss. .. 1.10 Yazoo City, Miss 130 Local showers have a^in occurred in nei^rly all sections of the Belt. Heavy rainfall is reported from ’t'exas, Alabama and Georgia. The rainfall in Texas wAs quite general, mofe sta tions reporting rainfall than for seve ral weeks. Temperatures are mode rate throughout the fielt. O. O. AtTO, Observer. Weather all Over the South. Washington, July 15.—Forecast: Kentucky and Tennessee* local thunderstorms tonrtght or Sunday; Warmer tonight. Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mls- issippi, local thundershowers tonight or Sunday; light variable winds. New Orleans, July 15.—PV)recast: Louisiana, tonight And Sunday un settled, showers tonight or Sunday,; light southerly winds On the cdast. Arkansas, tonight and Sunday gen erally fair in north portion; probibly showers in south portion tonight or Sunday. Oklahoma, tonight and Sunday gen erally fair. East Texas, tonight and Sunday un settled, showers tonight or Sunday; light southerly winds on the coast. Perfect Fitting o Trousers We’ve a fine line of elegantly tailored, perfect fitting Trousera. The exclusive taller can not excel them in cut, style or tailoring. He will do exceedingly well If hfe equals them in any featur® save his prices We’ll take pleasure in showing you what excellent Trousers we can fit you with for $3.50, $4 or $5 When Out of Trousers or the Trousers are but Ju:t step in and we’ll do business in very short order. YORKE BROS. & ROGERS

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