V*. limy uniii|iMMJpppwm^|pip|p|p||||||||p|||||p|[||||||^^ THE CHARLOTTE NWS AUGUST I, 19I> Amon(^ For Your Enjoyment special to The Nows. Anderson, S. C., Ausr. 1.—Thomas Kopariy, the swee* sins*r from Win ston, was iheie "iih plenty of that ni'ise stuff, bnt at critical tinies» lie mis- ('Vice and allowed the F’airiots tc jivvav wir'.i a vi‘fory that by all laws o: bat^chall bo!i'njoil to tiie locals. Two ('1 I'l'ga'ty s error.s counted lor IS many riHis and the game. Ander- tiori !in’k a jji'od lead early in the ^;a:i;c and drservrd the victory in eas>y M, , as tiu'.N oiitiiii tlie vi.sitors. My an error, a slncle. and a couple of ^aiririii:-. th«' .’atrir's counted twice n ilic ihlid, b'.:: iht* lo(>als car.ie back 'fronfi in ihi'ir hah cn" the same frame and (ivmrod as r.!r>;'.y nu a pair of clean swat!' and a double. In tlie fourth the afld^d two more on three sin gles and the >;ame scemei to be 'per- ’citlv 3i homo," b;it Thomas got in his deadly work ?r. the (l’^'’h when his I wo errors alon.n with a sir.ulo and a pass «!lowi i ilic xisiior;^ to register three anri I he .carne. I hrr,* Were n-> c«prcial features at- ladu'd I ' :ho uniav..'ling. The ofli' ial score; Greensboro: ' Rickard, cf. ,. U», I’h. .. ^'uiIe^, lb, .. Doak, I’h. , . C'lapp, Ir. .. l-o-.^ man. rf. .. t'ar’.oll. p?. ,. Si pt\ art, c, . . Mori'i. VC'. AB R H POA R P- 1 3 •> •> I) 12 1 0 •> •» 1 0 0 n Ihe Twins T^m Very Close Game Special to The News. Winston-Salem, X. C., Aug. 1.—The game here yesterday afternoon be tween the Red Sox and Twins was only interesting through the closeness of the score, as there was no especial fea tures attached to the affair. The only earned run of the iiroceed- ings was crediteci to the Twins in the third, wiien Twindell doubled and Clan cy fetched the ^light> around on a cloair swat for one sack. In the eighth the visitors tied up raarters when Laval and ^^■agnon sin gled with one lucked away. 'I'he pair pulled the double theft and Gates over threw second in an attempt to head off Wagnon and the manager romped home. The Twins got busy in their portion of the eighth and scored the winuiny; run. Cianc,' led off with Iiis second hit and Shumaker was given a free tick et. At this stage Manager l^aval held a consultation with Smith and Gates was al&o allowed a free pass to first. Then, with a lefthander up. the wMly Laval essayed to do extra duty by de livering his portwheelers to the bat ter. Clancy met the trick by substitut- ing ^IcCarthy, a right-hander, for Stew art. Laval protested the movement but the umps forced him to proceed and the second ball thrown went through Kunkle, the new back stop, and Clan cy fetched over the winning tally. The score; ♦ CHIP DIAMONDS. ♦ There are only 18 more games to be played on the home diamond. Better come out and help grace the grand stand w'ith your presence. ♦ ^ •ir RESULTS YESTERDAY. ♦ ♦ ♦ CAROLINA ASSOCIATION. CHARLOTTE-Greneville. No game. Shower. Grensboro 5; Anderson 4. Winston-Salem 2; Spartanburg 1. The double bill at the park this af ternoon should draw a large crowd, as the team is under the direction of a new man, Leetul Agnew’, and the boys are scheauled to go from here! Sheesley will work in the first and i also in the second if he feels inclined to do so. You can bet he will get away with both if things are breaking evenly and the jinx can be persruaded to stay zu hauser.” Agnew, here's our heartfelt congratu lations, and may you inoculate a litUe of your ginger into the veins of the waning Hornets. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE, Macon 7; Jacksonville 2. Albany 0; Columbus 1. Savannah 2; Columbia 3. Charleston 2; Augt-.sta 0. SOUTHERN league. Birmingham 4; ' emphis 2. Second game; Birmingham 6; Memphis 5. New’ Orleans-Ciiattanooga. Postpon ed. Rain. No other games scheduled. 'Tis a good time for the Hornets lo do a little retaliating. Lost five out of six on the road. Now let’s see if we can t reverse the order at home Wish to guteness Anderson would mak6 a waiver on the jinx- Tot als .■'1 ' Anderson \Ii t 'r>y, t b. . . *'a- -r. b U K« . I. 4 ''..■•II- !f. j I'b 4 ■ i iM'T.s. .'•s J f:raniion, c } Kull. |. 1- ri'.i:i:’i":ui. cf .'1 lm\ts AH R H F'O A E 1 0 Winstcn, Clemens, If. . . O'Halloran, 2b. . Clancy, ss Shumaker, lb. .. Gates, :5b Stewart, cf '1 1 ! Dailey, c a 0 I Spencer, rf. .. .. .. 2 " I Swindell, p 3 • > j Boyle, cf i 2 ■■'McClary i AB R H PO A E That game lost at Anderson gave us a grand total of a game’s’ lead. Should put a few more between us this week. tj O 3 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 The Hornets were always strong for ,) that emergency stuff, anyway. 1 i 1 1': 0 Like we expected, the bottom of the Tidewater League is dropping. eastern LEAGUE. Toronto 2; Newark 3. Baltimore 1; l.ochester 3. Providence 10; Montreal 3. Jersey City 2; Buffalo 5. The game w as rained out at the park Q yesterday afternoon. A double bill this 0, after. Totals 29 2 7 27 10 *—Batted for Stewart in eighth. g , Lives there a man with soul so dead Qi\\ho to himself hath said ._j\Vish the sun had s-hown instead! 4! —Shakefellow. T- fal? .. h\ “• enb;i."r) ! Ant.f .;i '2 4 9 inn-.gp: 11 3 R 020 0.00 000- 022 000 00J—4 ’i '-■■ ba.-p hits, Brannon, .“^a lifiu* h'ts. Doyle, Ful- ('lai p nase on balls, off ■■ff ! :11 2. Stnuk out by by K ill Wild pitches. Hit b,\ pirchcd hall, (’arroll, Letf on baar?, Greensboro 7, ■;;*:::n8ry: :«, i-tpi’ 2. -->y 4 |.Mor;isso\ Uorri.-. ta.^ !or. Ar.d'^r.-'it *i, Fir^r ba.'(' on errors, "Irr» n-lu'io Tir.ic, 1: 10. I’niiiire, Mr. lUgcn’ .Attetidance, 'Sn Spartanburg; Kipp, ss . . Laval, If. 'r.nd p. .. Wagnon, cf ^^cCarthy, lb. and c.. Tot man,rf Williams, 2b I V.’idenuiri, Cb Kunkle, c. and i b. .. Smith, p Combs, rf. .. For the above we offer no apologies. AB R H PO A E ' think it is a great deal better y j than the original 0| (J I Just a game betw'een Twindell and y the Patriots, and just a game between (J the Hornets and Electricians. No, 0 Mabel, don’t mistake us, there arc some severial between Twindell and the Hcr- 0 nets. 0 j y j In the last issue of the Daily Mall, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus 0; Minneapolis 4. Indianapolis 1; Milwaukee 6. Louisville 1; St. Paul 7, Toledo 4; Kansas City 3. APPALACHIAN LEAGUE. Asheville 0; Cleveland 1. Knoxville 1; Johnson City 0. Morristown 3; Bristol 1. PBOPEfiiy SOLD Totals .31) 1 i4 otir esteemed contemporary in Ander- 9 1 son did not put any more of the Elec- I tricians in the “best-in-the-w'orld” Score bv innings; ,'slass. What’s the matter, little fellow? Winston 001 000 Oi*_2 ' ^Vere you disillusioned by yesterday s Spartanburg OOU (.iOO 010—1 - Summary; Two-base hits. O’Hallo-' When a man has seeped up as much ran, Totrnan, Sw indell, Dailey. Three-! ^^*^"^®dge of the game as our present STANDiNr nv Twp ri HOC ^ ^ase hits. Stev.ari. Sacrifice hits, Stew- »ianager, some of it is bound to percu- • ^ art, Clemens. Base on balls, off Smi^.h ^^te through the domes of the rest of AMERICAN >f^rf>lt . . . . ^hiladc Ipiiia :i’icago . . Vw Vuik .. osto”. . . . . :ieveland ., l^ashitig'on t. Louis ., LEAGUE. Won. Lost. 1^2 1)0 i'i 4S 40 ■U 2S .*?2 ;i.'i 4T. 47 .•jt* G! OC 32 n NATIONAL LEAGUF. ^ Won. ; /ist. BhMadi'pbia Oinc-lnnati ■rooklvn 34 Hos'on .. 20 37 40 r>3 .iS 73 SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Won T»st ew Orleans ?13 Irmlnghara 50 ontgomery ishville 49 l^attanoofra 4 s emphiR t'l obile 44 tlanta 33 43 44 4': 48 •I!* r>f> 58 P.O. .f>’0 .6L"> ..527 ..511 .510 .4;)0 .351 .29? F.(\. .r*40 .fiv'9 .602 .59 S .570 .424 .370 .215 FC. .637 .53.S .532 .51 r, .,500 .479 .440 .3 7') SOUTH ATLANTIC LFAGUE. Won. Lost. P. plumbla 30 9 acoD 21 ik jlumbus 2h 15 Ibany 18 18 ickgonvllle 17 22 ivannah 15 2:5 iguKta 14 23 larleston 12 25 C. .769 .5S.*? .571 .500 .436 .395 .378 .324 off Swindell C. Struck out by Smith j players, 4. by Swindell 7, by Laval 1. Stolen bases, Clancy 2, Wideman, Laval, W^ag-j Some of the trip-hammer brigade are non, Shumaker. Double plays, Swindell, already prophesying that a few of the O Hallcran to Shumaker. Passed ball, fellows on the team will not do their Dailey, Kunkle 2. Left on bases, WMn- best work under Agnew. 'Well, a cer- ston 8, Spartanburg 7. First base on lain percentage of knocks is to be errors, Win.ston 1, Spartanburg 2. Hits *?xpected, but we don’t believe there is off Smith 7 in 7 1-2 innings, Laval none a man on the team who w^on’t exert in 2-3 inning. Time, j;50. Fmpire, Mr. himself to the utmost to win games Wilkinson. Attendance, 400. under Agnew as well as under Cross. Today’s games will tell, and we’ll ^ there will not be a man on the WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. ♦ j team but will put up the very best he ^ ♦ know’s. The players are all human and I up to the present time have shown that . —v-y are good sports, and this talk Gpe^nvMu ♦ 'about their laying down is ail tommy Greenville at CHARLOTTE. rot Greensboro at Anderson. Spartanburg at Winston. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Chattanooga at New’ Orlaens. Nashville at Montgomery. Memphis at Birmingham. Atlanta at Mobile. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Augusta at Charleston. Columbia at Savannah. Columbus at Albany. Jacksonville at Macon. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boston at Pittsburg. Brooklyn at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at St. Louis. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago at New York. St. Louis at Boston. Detroit at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Washington. Some heartless w'retch has suggested that Anderson fans learn that popular little ditty, “I Wonder Who’s Beating 1 hem Now'.” And they have nevsr done anything to deserve this. Those odd points between the Elec tricians and the Heavenly Hornets look good. The only elevator in the percentage building we want is the one going up. Joyner, Coffin, Triturate and our selves are at least sitting where we won't get our feet wet. ‘ I rit” couldn’t have gotten his feet w’et last week though if we had been m the cellar. 'Carolina Association Standings ream \ jVinston-Salem reensboro HARLOTTE Anderson ipartanburg ijreenville Won Lost P C 52 29 .642 52 30 .635 37 45 .451 36 45 .444 34 46 .425 32 48 .400 We don’t mind having to write two games in one day when the Heavenly Hornets win them on the home grounds. Special to The News. Asheville, N. C., Aung 1.—All the property and franchises of the Toxa- way company at Lake Toxaway, includ ing about 27,000 acres of land, the Toxaway, 1airfield and Sapphire hotels wep sold today at about 12 o’clock under a decree of the circuit court J. f United States lor the westedn district of North Carolina, to satisfy a deed of trust or first mortgage for bonds to the amount of $272,000 held by E. M. Jennings of Pittsburg. The property w'as sold at the door of the tederal court house and was bid in tor $10,000 by a representative of Mr Jennings. The decree of sale was made by Judge James E. Boyd of the w'estern district of North Carolina, on May , 3911, and it was made on the mo- tion of J. G. Merrimon, attorney for the Colonial Trust company, the trus tee in the action, and by whom the sale was made. “o^’tgage was executed in 1902 bv the Toxaway company to the Pennsvi- vania Trust company as trustee cov- ering all the property of the companv and this was turned over to the American Trust company and then to the Colonial Trust company. The mortgage was to secure mortgage bonds. In 1903 a second mortgage was executed to cover coupon bonds to the amount of $272,000, the owner and holder being E. H. Jennings. The defendants made default in the payment of the interest as it came due and has also defaulted in making payments to the sinking fund, there- upon the holder of the bonds demand- €a of the trustee that the property be sold to satisfy them. The report of the sale will be made soon and also the motion asking for a confiremation of the sale. Everybody had better holler “Slip- pens ’ and cross their fingers before "" ‘'“s att, ’cause that diamond is one slippery place. argument about the games this afternoon. The jinx Is reported drowned Well we would have killed it anyway. It iR better to have a falling-out tali' “ Hammwii t(,„ ... DBIVESOaf poisoning ins elements of the blood. Wh^^ thfLlrialT '''* "““■'ish- the rich, red corpuscles oF Poison begins to absorb P e^dons and a general impa& sa"owcom- weaker the appetite fails, testion is difti H ® becoAies are frequent, and in affpravfttH « a«sturbed. chills and slight fever the flesh. Malaria is blood povertv a^nri% break out on IS to enrich and purify the Swim ‘^c “’e ‘•'ouWe the cure of mslflrisl trnnhiAe k • ^ is especi8lly sdaDted tn and while ridding the system of fSfmV "> harmful mtaerals entire constitution by ijffiTe toni^ Sli®!'’*' builds up the Malaria begin the use of ? I i u ^ are suffering Book on thl'b^i-f weakemK- Irutr advice free S ^ « fo c THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, AfUNftu ° ease. ^ sale at drug stores! % i Send for* our interest- \ ing booklet, ‘iThe Truth . . About Coca - Cola'y v 1 Here s an individual among drinks—a beverage that fairly snaps with delicious goodness and refreshing wholesomeness. has more to it than mere viretness and sweetness it’s vigorous, full of life. You’ll enjoy it from the first sip to the last drop and afterwards. Delicious~Refresiiing--Tliirst-Quenc!iiQg THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Atlanta, Ga. 6 NATIONAL LEAGXIE. Boston 1; Pittsburg 3. Brooklyn 1; Cincinnati 2 Philadelphia 2; Chicago 4. New York 3; St. Louis 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland 2; Washington 5. Chicago 13; New lork 0. Detroit 6; Philadelphia 3. Ten in nings. St. Louis 2; Boston 3. Second game: St. Louis 3; Boston 2. Whenever you see an Arrow . think of Coca-Cori EXCUSE ME! Drawn Bv M.MYER THE.Y He HD ft SINGER^ IN THIS MOVING PICTURE PLRCE !!VtfRlT FIND 6£& ME LRNO THE dO&.'- ILL WRIT .TILL YOU 1 LAMP ■' I GUE3S HE MUST HAVE LflNDEP tH& JOa SURE emough: sox THE. OO&J’-. I KNOW HIS VOICE. rWHnrla CCMIKS- ^ I OFF NOWr -6CX?M- DOWN IN OUR flL-LEY.'.' i HERE 30 6RCKHMP DEMANp vouR. Pay FOR THflT-SONG M % $25 - Reward TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS CASH FOR THE DETECTION AND CAPTURE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, Jr., “The Man of Mystery” Th. cunning, Ingenious Mr. Holm.s, th. gentleman who ha. baffled th. • . u-. : D^Tfied the inhabitants and defied the the authorities of many cities Is here. Twenty-five dollars cash han« each day In THE NEWS Th °Ver his head. Full particulars day the news. The contest is open to at|. Read his story today. Read his story in Monday’s News. Look Out for Sherlock Holmes! mi