THE CHABLOTTE NEWt, AUGUST 13 1911' . ^ ^. -. .J: 3 ^iovel Entertainments (By MME. MERRI.) el Potato Party. rassed to each lady a .otato of rather long Then each one was mall wire hairpins, four 'ackp, two fancy paper , gayly colored borders, ni pins. There were n' of library paste. ! U.8 to construct a doll • > be awarded for the >--♦ 9\>eciraen8 the ladies izing zeal. This going .’.mod was thoroughly 'vhile none had manu- . ^ dolls before, nearly ■. to the "clothes- . d If was surprising the ■ acfive little figures that the hands of these erst- artists. n:- were used for arras •:f ks made eyes, nose -nd i was astonishing ■'f fat'ial \11 -■.'>rts of garments were napkins, which were i>asted into shape. There children. .laps in ki- ' 'rtnnot toddlers, ladies of > decree, all acknowledg- potato for their origin. - were in keeping with ■f the paptime. The first irpp pwoot potato sood style. I should have serge sailor suit for school. a blue early in her married life. It is such excellent advice. 1 put it here for all our department brides and for those of us who are old housekeepers, too, I think the little quotation is by N. P. Willis. Be that as it may, the senti ment is one we should all adopt. Let us all try to give not only our hus bands. but our children and friends “an unclouded welcome.” “The world well tried, the sweetest thing In life Is the unclouded welcome of a wife.” Sweet Pea Luncheon. Sweet peas are now in their prime and the fragrant blossoms lend them selves most beautifully to the skilful fingers of a hostess who loves to take the ffowers that are seasonable and adopt them to her requirements. Over a white cloth spread a cover - of white net and then sprinkle all expressions the delicious colors of sweet peas over ‘ - -- centerpiece have a gilded basket or a low glass bowl filled with the flowers. If finger bowls are necessary, put a blossom or tw’o in each. The ice cream could be frozen In flower molds and served in baskets of spun sugar; these are made to or- I der by a confectioner. Tie a spray pi*iof sweet peas to the handle and the fluffy n^orincue. thei effect is lovely. Plates may be out- 1 • '.pf wfii? several quarts .lined with the flowers taken from the 'oes ip a charminc: gtem; a round table shows this dec oration to the best advantage. 'nounce an Engagement. • i,!vm for a dozen were astonished to ! \ on ; f1.' blue satin bac at . -i!k cord drawing: the Of course all were ir.=’ir and foimd a wee jth a tin' card tied by a^nnr.d its neck, saying ^ .'a '!-- .Tones, engaged.” • ■ ,\- Ipf out of the bag ' ’!'? follo"\ed. Oh. yes, ■ at a linle wedding • > ’he ribbon around i h 'hp cards QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. From “Anonymous.” 1. Is it proper for ladles and young girls to appear on the streets bare headed at any time? 2. Is it wrong for girls to attend dances, theatres and skating rinks too often? .3. What do you think of girls who chew gum publicly? For an Embroidery Club. I belong to an embroidery club con sisting of ten girls. We meet once a week and my turn to entertain comes soon. It «eems rather dull to work all afternoon. WTiat w’^ould he nice for luncheon? I could have the girls out on our lawn which is large and shady. BESSIE. During the afternoon, say after all came. I would serve a nice refreshing drink like ginger ale, lemonade, or a fruit punch, then later I would have two kinds of sandwiches with a stuffed tomato salad, using celery and nuts in the tomato with grated cheese. It would be novel to serve on the lawn under the trees and sew out there.! too. spreading down a few rugs and j placing comfortable chairs for all. Calling Etiquette. Will you please tell me in your next issue a few rules of calling etiquette. For instance, if a man and wife are invited to a w^edding reception and 1 send their regrets and later the wo man calls, leaving two of her husband’s cards with her own, is it necessary for the bride when returning the call to also leave two of her husband’s cards? A CONSTANT READER. It is impossible to reply ‘in next Sunday's paper” owing to the fact that it is necessary to make up the depai t ment several weeks in advance. Lr ters to Madame Merri which inclose self-addressed stamped envelope ar( answ'ered as soon as received. When the bride returns the call mentioned she leaves two of her husband’s and one of her cards. Space forbids giving anything more regarding calling eti quette. Write me personally. During the summer time it is very customary for women and girls to go without hats; it is a most sensible me of the guests; fashion and one. to be commended. It 'c of hearts in each ig wrong to carry any pleasure to such an extreme that health, work or home duties are neglected. Gum chewing either in public or private is vulgar in the extreme and should not be in dulged in. ^ -n .rllt on it and it irake out that these ise of the hostess and ■lo.'i they had all been ■otit So here are two ’ ."king the glad tidings A Young Girl’s Questions. Am 1 too young (seventeen) to keep company with boy friends two or three years older than I? What is the proper way of introducing a broth er’s wife? When in church should 1 Nut Card Party. v ishinsr to add a touch i^r afternoon card party, civen upon the broad did so in this manner: ^ remove her long gloves or just l^ ;"^tlon5 enclosed inside . nr> *> Am T vmini? to ' rut shell, these were . neer to the nearby plac- ' m tin boxes and sent by i? town guests. The score : p nut shaped and the number • won were kept by dropping T .-mall silk bags of nut-brown ■p-ds hacked with acorns were refreshments, nut sandwich- h hicken salad and cheese nuts erved mith unt ice cream and ;e Glaced nut? were the sw’eet, t« d nu's were passed, r -PS, i'f whicli there w'^re . '11' shaped silver vanity - i • ed thimble case, a ' 1 A.-h glaced nuts, and n exact shape of ishing how many may be found to A ’-lid Toast. ;ed more often for 'ur girls than for ss it be for the • -sing contest” for - *o be an unending ■ j over pome papers . p.! tribute by William . I am delighted to ‘ n: A Toast. T « r’ That can dance like c r-- • 1? can pound the t ' a girl that writes verse • sh r in soprano; • ran talk, and the • ‘ ,nes not; I'f and the sweet little sin- '0 'he cleverest girl of the ■ r\t can cook a good din- Be ow Zero Luncheon. ■ i .'lued her invitations re cards, the letters out- diamond dust. She did ' ning with a heavy pen In went over the letters ; g'IP. then dipped the card Ti -nd dust and the sparkles •r, the glue. A polar bear ; a thermometer which regie* ’■elow’” was in the comer of Please wear a white frock” - lower left-hand corner. ”:e iced grape juice with a lon w;is served. In a few ■ 'io fiining room doors were "f ealing the coolest place .. ^ The chairs were covered - cn'ton cloth, the curtains . and the floor had been > ' t sheets tightly stretched .v i down with large tacks. . ; ^ of ice was the center- .■ mounted by a group of toy .*ar^ Ferns and vines were about the base. Two small goldfish were on either side, ir.d PR were white, also the hiamond dust glistened on the and glass icicles hung from .'!"dpllers, while the dearest ft drew’ sleds inscribed with VO of each guest, forming the ards delicious white menu was rp’ iced bouillon in glasses, pi of chicken. Saratoga chips, ; -'vder biscuit, pear and pine al with whipped cream dress- i a and cantaloupe, filled with completed this feast, • usual accessories of nuts, ' f-rrh bon bons and individual ■'I'-r! the most delicious water- ■f‘=erves. . ir -fp were asked to relate the \;>erience they had ever had ■ ? re large thermometers around ’1 with the mercury down be- For the Bride, r yeare ago thie sentiment ap- i In a household magaslne and icn confeisei that from reading formulated a rule she adopted keep them on? Am I too young to attend public dances, ice cream so cials, etc., with an escore? Is it con sidered proper for a girl to wear a boj'’s. ring if he wishes her to? Am I too young to correspond with boy friends of my own age? What should a girl tell a boy when he puts his arms around her and kisses her, w’hen she objects to it? What should a girl say when anyone tells her that she is pretty? When out w'alking in the evening (in town or country) is it proper for the lady to take the mans arm or the man the lady’s Hope my questions are not too numer ous. A NORTH DAKOTA LASSIE. You know I do not believe In a girl your age going exclusively with any one boy; have a number of boy friends and go with them all, that is the safest thing to do. In presenting your broth er’s wife, jujst say “I want you to know Mrs. Ben King, my brother’s wife,” that is sufllicient. I do not be lieve in public dances, either. 1 am not an old-fashioned somebody, but I do think that girls just .vour age want to be very careful with whom they go and how’ and where and when. I be lieve there is quite a fad of wearing each other’s rings and pins. I see no particular harm in it, only I have known of some of them being lost and not replaced, so you take your chances. Now’, once and for all time, never per mit a bov to hug and kiss you; hands off is the only safe rule and adhere to it strictly. When walking it is not necessary to take arms at all, in fact it is very contrary and common: well- bred people do not do it. A number of young people may go together for ice cream and to socials and give parties at each others homes. Lawn Card Party. For some time I have been profit ing bv vour valuable suggestions. You certainly do a wonderful work for girls w'ho haven't time to plan. I w’ant to entertain about twenty girls at an afternoon party. Would like to have cards, with tables on the lawn; what do you think? MARY. I think an afternoon card party on the lawn would be perfectly fine and I want to tell you outdoor entertain ing is quite the proper thing. Garden parties with tea served under an awn ing or a huge umbrella, tennis, cro- r^Tet and archery parties are all liked by those who are athletically inclined So have vour party and fierve refresh ments right on the card tables after the last game. Answer to “Dot.” You are larger than the average, but will probably grow thinner as you grow older. Light blue, golden brown and lavender you can wear nicely. You are too young to have a beau, but sev eral boy friends would be all right pro vided you go out in parties and not in couples alone. 1 should say you were as attractive as most girls. From a Bride-Elect. I’m very much Interested In your column. I am to be married at home at high noon” the latter part of J want a simple home wedding witn about thirty-five friends and relatives. Would black velvet pumps be i^r- missible with white crepe de cbine gown and veil?—EVA H. Do not wear the black pumps, they will not do at all. Have pumps, slippers or low cut shoes ^ kid and wear them with white silk hose. Reply to H. I. I. You are large for your age, but prob ably will grow thinner In the next few years. You can wear any color with your light brown hair. Wear skirts Just below your shoe tops. Have your confirmation drese made princess with loog white lasb. Your hair Is worn ^ Questions on any svibject pertain ing to this department will be cheer fully answered. A reply will be sent by mail if stamped and addressed en velope is enclosed: otherwise an swers will appear in this column. Address, Madame Merri, care Xew^s. Summer Girls—and Boys. “A seashore summer w'ould be ideal if all the engagements really ended in marriage.” The speaker, Admiral Schley, stood on the beach at Atlantic City, says the Washington Star. With a smile, he resumed: "A jew’elry salesman once entered a seaside jeweler’s. I must sell you.’ he said, ‘a con signment of wedding rings. Ix>ok, your stock of them is dow'n to three or four, while here you have a whole big trayful of engagement rings.’ “ ‘Young man,’ said the jew’eler, if you had had been a little longer in the business you’d know that it always takes at least one trayful of engage ment rings to w’ork off three w’edding rings. Picture Display Now on at Our Store Call and see the newest, snappiest, and largest collection of pictures that has ever been shown in Charlotte. Three big shipments including all the latest, have just been opened and put on display. See our window’s and counters. Odds and End Sale of all our old Pictures now going on in order to make room for our new stock. Many beautiful Pictures at 10c, 15c, 25c and 59c. Ask to see “HER GIFT” and “LOVE IS LIFE” We make picture frames. ROBINSON BOOK STORE 30 West Trade St. World Famous: The Stieff Such a piano as this is the re sult of scores of years of labor with one end only in view—the highest possible result. The Stieff today resembles very lit tle the Stieff of sixty years ago. The models from year to year have been many, but each has in its day led" the world in con struction, The result is today a piano of Incomparable excel lence. Come to our handsome w.areroom, hear with your own ears and see with your own eyes the beautiful Stieff and many other pianos we carry in stock. Ghas. M. Stieff C. H. WILMOTH. Manager. SOUTHERN WAREROOM • Wtat Trade Street CHARLOTTE. This Store , Holds Out The Helping Hand With Summer Needs A Rousing Sale Of All Summer Goods Summer goods must go~the room the summer goods occupy we must have for new fall goods. ‘ f you have put off the buying of any summer needs, Refrigerator, Porch Furniture or anything .N iiatever take advantage now of the special prices at which we are offering these articles. We must have room and if price reductions of a most emphatic order mean anything to you, that room we will have. Come early while assortments are at their best. PARKER-GARDNER COMPANY Let Us Remount Your Diadmonds in latest style platinum lined Tiffany’s Mount ings, gives the stones additional brilliancy and does not turn dark under stones. All sizes, and remounted by expert workman. Garabaldi, Bruns & Dixon The Mechanics Perpetual Building & Loan Association Charlotte, N. C., August 3rd, 1911. We have matured our usual Midsummer Seiies, our 45th, with customary profit and satisfaction to ourselves and its share holders. With this taken care of and out of the way, we axe now ready to tallt to you about NEW SHARES. Books were opened on the 1st for our 58th Series, in whic everybody is invited and urged to take part—Already we have had a number of subscriptions for new shares and applications for loans and we expect many more. NOW is the Time and 207 North Tryon Street is the Place You will receive prompt and courteous treatment and we want you and your influence. Payment of Dues Commences SATURDAY, SEPT. 2 Subscriptions for shares and applications for loans made at any time. R. E. COCHRANE, Secretary and Treasurer J. H. WEARN, President YOUR ATTENTION! Advice to the uninitiated is like unto good seed scattered on a rocky hard-pan. Do not waste your time in taking our advice, but just look at what we do, and leave the rest to us. All you have to do is give us your job, tell us what you want, and your return will justify your confidence. Why? Because we print so that you will come again. We want your business, and we feel that a square deal will get it. Let us bid on all your job work, and if we land the order we both make money—you especially will be benefited. THE NEWS PRINTING HOUSE FOn EXCELLENT PRINTING 29 S. TRYON ST. PHONE 1530 mi N. C. Equip for Summer If you are thinking of going to the seashore, fishing, hunting or camping you can find here just w^hat you are looking for in Outing Apparel for Man or Boy, at just the price you want to pay. Thin Suits.... $15.00 to $30.00 Thin Coats $3.50 to $7.50 Thin Trousers $3.50 to $8.50 Thin Underwear, 50c to $1.00 a gar^ ment. Thin SockSt all shades, 25c to 50c Jhin Shirts, new selection, $1.00 and $1.50. Straw Hats for a song. Yorke Bros & Rogers When You Pay Rent THE MONEY IS GONE FOREVER You are helping the owner of the house to accumulate a fo^ tune. Buy a home from us In Dllworth, and the money you pay eacB month, in the place of rent will begin the accumulation of a for* tune for yourself. - Charlotte Consolidated Construction Company. 2nd Floor Piedmont Bldg. Telephone No. 155 aaaa eaeaaaaaa aeoa An Ideal Safety Crib N*. 54- CR.IB A cool, comfortable bed and one that baby cannot get out of or get his head through, is indeed a great addi tion to home comfort. We are selling at a very. moderate price the famous FOSTER IDE\L that is absolutely guaranteed in every way. See us, write us, ’phone us, send us word or just anyway to let us know your wants and you will surely be waited on promptly. Lubin Furniture Company aessaaaeae esaes

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