THE OHABLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST la, 1911 HEEL > High Point J | Statesville .: • Aug. 12.—Picnics of •,'U have been much iu Statesville, Aug. 12.—Complimen- 15 ''■p past week, the good a number of visitins; 7.'oiinp; all day wajoa picnic In town, a moonlight picnic was ij 'ernoon affairs whei'e ^be banks of the Catawh.T, '•as used as transpor- Thursday night by the young giorioas moou light as "ho put many vehicles into use ^ Among the former ^>sht- The night was an ideal skating rinl “ r\r\ A rr\r* ^ ^ .1 A. X .. Hiddenite * ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Hiddenite, Aug 12.—The most suc cessful season of the Davis White Sul- |)hur Springs was entertained on last Saturday night by a most interesting entertainment given in the spacious t)y the Dramatic Club of last Thursday out such an oufing and the young comiiosed of hotel guests. The enter- ppople report a fine drive and a fine . ■ . ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ taiuiuent consisted of plays, songs, Miss Willie Xieholsou was hostess ‘^a‘liivgs, impersonations, interspers- to a large number of friends yesterday ed with selections by the Piedmont moining at her home on West Front ^ Orchestra. The talent shown by each street in honor of her house guests. , « i t Misses Peir> Griffllh. of Thomfsville ' T” 'i’® 'Y Adelaide Porter, of Biltmore ^nd i “' '‘‘"T f St-.anss Perluns. of MorKamon. if'* 'J*- “■'Se ai.d.cnce composed mam- Mr. ami .Mrs. Karl l.vnn .Miller have''^' ^ sions or approval Avere many. The program was as follows: Moving picture show—The Trails of ft- ^he biggest thing, larti-r, the delightful ' at Mr. Ed. Si pels' r-'w miles out of town, S’eele '^as the hosted and conspicuously ^ i s’. Mrs. Sadie Ro>- •ri> was t!'v‘ attrac- P i'nuram • . r. .'n, Au.uu?t 'euth ■ ' dre.i and eleven i.-j^'ieu invitaiions for the marriage of iheir sister. Mrs. Carrie Shelton Mil- Hart , -ii-nal •r a b r ri. i . 1o ;ve 'v In-rani home— . epfion.-* I't f na- i”, - nf a dair.ty and >1 i . h Hiere have t\.. ’ .-f f, \v year.-5 - ■ ■;> ■ . IV n;id foH- -• '1 -all ard a? the ; a‘.‘ h >n af,e t'l he ‘f n nvnth, who as = !r. ssi’raii^ such a • \ tl'r* mar- -,■1 :•! romance and a hite Sulphur '• kno'-' today, that !ir I'^uni'emeut cards another daughter •, r i . >> ►»r.»l minor en- ’Ughly enjoyed, 1 . ■!' i. ien has issued tbe given this ■ 'idence on Rankin i her atiractive . -^araii and Francis • ’ ■ i^. M >.. will be ’he li-r”'’ t l:s al"ays a ■ .1 Liosre'-'>. :{ Pet^y has is»ued -.,'"ze\ p Tt b party to be p’. «rrir j: at her h^me on I'ri’t "he -amp 'f ‘■42" an i M- • Ip: t’ iP. d. It ■ ' ? € :? b • V% O ne.^da;. . Ai,j; L’llrd. at 9:^0 o’clock. The bride-elen, who has lived in Statesville ten years, is a sister of Mr. •T. G. Shelton. She has for the j)ast few years made her home with her brurher-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. •Miller. Mr. Ar'.iiGur. the ,2;room-to-be is M son of Mr. R. M. Armour, of Dav idson. and i!=; in business at Davidson. Cards have been issued by Mrs. Martha C. Turner for the marriage of her youngest daughter, Miss Sudie. to ,I Paul Leonard, the ceremony to take place in the First Bap.tist church of Statesville on the evening of Wed nesday. August 23rd, at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Chas. A. Turner gave a bridge party Friday afternoon in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. C. Cowles, jjr., of New York. The game was played at a half dozen or more tables and the prize, a i^alr of silk hose, was won by Miss Eva Liddell, of Chailotte, the .euest of Mrs. E. S. Pegram. Follow- in.c the game two courses of refresh ments were served by the hostess and Mrs. W. M. Barringer, assisted by lit tle Misses .Fuliett. .\nnie Blair and Flosie Bristol. Among the out-of-town guests present were Mrs. Sylvia Steph- any. of Baltimore; Miss Witherspoon, of Greenville. S. C. and Miss Boozer, of N>wi)erry. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. A P. Steel were host and hostess ar a moonMeht picnic in hr*nnr oi Mlfcses Withersiioon and Boo.-'.er Saturdav night. The party drove out the Ta>lorsville road a few miles and enjoyed a feast of water melons. Mr. H. Hoffman gave a party of* folks a straw ride Saturday nicht. A unique entertainment was given by Miss Lizzie Hartness Tuesday evening at her home north of town when she entertained quite a pariy of youns: people at a •'fall milinery op.enii'.i:.” The guests met at the home of .\iis.s Mav>- Armfield in town and we:e rak n out to 'he Hartness home i*i, wagons. The millinery feature was an amusing one. The boys were re ap b->ard recom- quired to trim hats for the girls, who ■ n; I'./ mem- wore them Into the dining room when the luncheon was served. Mr. Leonard White received the iirize. a watch too, for the best nimmcd hat. Tuesday afternoon Miss Linda Hart ness was hostess at a lawn party given to girl friends, at her home north of town. Out dcor games and rides fur nished amusements, and refreshments were served on the lawn. Misses Boozer and Witherspoon, of South Carolina, who are visiting Mrs. F. F. Steele, were guests of honor at a party given by Mrs. R. B. McLauch- lin Tuesdav afternoon. Hearts dice ■> i:Ue.'T! Pt ttv's will be visUlng irtant meetings ■ •f the executive , • I'.an's (’bib, at the ' ! the Commcrci'ii ■■....-praV ;n,. de- . 'Ivp phi- i , i'.'> have met reg- ,e s inmer, this is the rune fhe clu'-' proper, but ron'' I'la^ time witi-; the board, -a' t!v ■'i’ltir'c w-^rk may Concord Durham Hickory Lenoir ♦ X Concord. Aug. 12.—A marriage that created no little surprise in Concord, was thal solemnized in Kannapolis Sunday of last week, the contracting parties being Miss Fay E. .Deal, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Deal, of No. 4 township, and Mr. J. H. Watson, of this city. Mr. Watson went to the home of the bride on Sunday, and the two young people decided to get married. They drove over to Kannapolis and Hickory, N. C. Aug. 12.- 1 Lenoir, Aug. 11.—Tuesday night at Durham, August 12.—The week clos- Carroll of Carroll Overall Co.. of Suen- west of town, Miss Eraj es with the summer resorts giving up ^ days Goforth entertained quite a number! their own and many returning to the .-^^amber oi' of her friends with a porch party. ‘ commerce relative to moving his over- , t city. all factorv here given in honor of her house guest, ! Durham has bad perhaps more peo- Mr. P. P. Jones has bought tiie For- ^liss Barker, of Elon College, who pie at various places over the coun- ^'^ster house on Tenth avenue and Is has been here for about a week. try than any other time since the place having it overhauled Mr. and Mr.s. .J. H. Forrester arose above the hamlet and began to family have moved to Ashevilio. [Strive with the census department for witness. They have extended and from no me had Rev. Mr. Klye, pastor of a Baptist Germany to San Francisco and moved into their splendid new oh Ninth avenue. Miss Mary Ramsay si'ent f.sveral church in Idaho, perform the ceremo- throughout the country up and down days in Lenoir this week ny. They came back to Concord’ on Monday, and even it was some time be fore their most intimate friends learn ed of the marriage. The bride is a well-known and popu , the Atlantic and in the mountains. Atlantic City, Ocean View’, -Wrights- ville, Morehead, Norfolk and Massa chusetts and Vermont have been fill- ire busy ge*- •n fiiundaMon. it 'i it i? >■ I'ar^raents Heal: h" and iieir 'Aish join, iKel ■ 'bey ’■'•ill be next month, chairman N'ith the board . -f the club year, til meeting whioh •'rfi \'*ednesday in a" d a reunion and ;J ar v'hi«'h the ■; be made a sjiecial busy gening cut the ' nises to be most In ‘ , - n mop: capable b^ard of the club -> I Irene Paylor. . ' Mi r J. Elwood Cox. e Pr=‘pident—Mrs. Anna Mrs. Rufus a*'v Mrs. Jona- .Ivirs ' rordon Bennett. T'hss Mar Alexander. '• Mr- H K. Moore, r of I *. i artmentp; I'l'.ilai’thriipy—Miss Bowles. i^eaciing- 'A Tiy^ns Situation” and other selections by Miss Eula McRae Recitation by Mr. Huff, assisted by Mr. Gra\. ‘ Near Sighted Professor Comes to Town to View tlie Pictures’’ bv Mr. Huff. Vocal Duet—“Silver Threads Among (he Gold” by Miss Pearl Davis and Mr. Smith ’’Grave Yard Scenes”—by Messrs. Smith, Ivey and White. “.lohn Henry and his Pa”—Messrs Smith, Ivey and White. The entertainment was most artis tically and ably managed by Miss Choate and Mrs. Norris. The proceeds were given to charity. The large hotel while not crowded is filled to its comfortable capacity. Each train brings in its quota to take the place of those w’ho leave. On Sunday Aug. 6th, Dr. T. N. Ivey, editor of the Christian Advocate. Nash ville. Tenn., delivered a fine sermon to a large audience in the Sulphur Springs church near the hotel. The service wa«i well attended by the guests of the hotel, and by many from the surrounding country. On Wednesday evening, the young men gave a hay ride in honor of the visiting young ladies. Two large wag ons filled with hay were secured and 12 couples and chaperones left the ho tel early in the evening returning some hours later. It was a very pleasant outing, and every one enjoyed it thor oughly. The following have registered with in the last few days: Mrs. .1. H. Bivins, McColl, S. C.; Miss Lizzie Dowdy, Laurinburg, S. C.: Miss Emma Belk Miss Mattie Sandifer. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Williams, Rock Hill, S. C.; Mrs. K. M, Morgan and child, Mrs. L. O. Cox and child. E. P. Wil liams, Columbia, S. C.; Mrs. X. E. Grubbe. Miss Lila Kerans, Miss Lillian .Marshall. Miss Unice Grubbs, Miss Lila Trivette, Winston-Salem, N. C.; James S. Trolinger, Haw River, N. C.: James H. Stradford. M. D., New York, Mrs. D. T. Ellis, Biltmore. N. C.; William Tilmon, T. O. Gllland, Atlanta, Ga. M. H. White, Miss Hattie Glenn. Odelia Schachner, Henry Culp, jr.., R. C. Springs, Mrs. M. J. Yandle. Miss Amanda Yandle, Miss Daisy Yandle, Mrs. S. R. Watt, F. C. Gilbert, Frances Carmichael, Ike Hirshburg, Miss Hat tie Lawrence, Mrs. T. H. Williams, E. A. Brobks, M. P. Joyner, Howard W. Huntley, H. C. Murdock, William Stikeleather, Eugene Springer, Law rence Wilkinson, F. C. Saunders, Mrs. F. W. Fink, Miss Mary Shelton, J. C. Burroughs, W. W. Watt, jr., Mrs. G. G. Scott and four children, J. D. John son. Charlotte, N. C. Miss Janie Miller, J. A. Bradey. Miss Mae Rives, Frank Bryant,; Miss Ollie Stone, T. O. Morrison, W. L. Thomp son, Miss Corpening, Miss Allison, Leroy Steele, P. A. Bryant, L. Ray, :\Iiss M. A. Neely, Mrs. W. J. Stimson ,,, snd son. Miss Willie Love, Miss Lena guest of Misses t^aia and PettieR^^^^^ Statesville, N. C.; Miss Ethel sey for some da. s. left toda.v for he i j^g^aney, Matthews, N. C.; W. C. Mc- -Of Char- Lean, Mjs. W. L. Scott, and ^^wo^bojs, lotte. is the guest of Miss Margaret Armfield. Mrs. .1. D. Miss Elinor Jeim>n. Pa., Mrs. Ellen Morrison. Mrs ar young lady of No. 4 township. The : ^'‘th them and there are many yet groom has for a number of years been i return home. superintendent of the Concord branch' Pierce and Colonel Sidney ^ , of the Virginia Life Insurance Com- left Thursday for Norfolk i-ecently. pany, and has a host of friends in the Dr. Pierce’s machine and v/ill spend About’ fifteen voung folks went to city. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are at home dajs there. They will make sparkling Catawba Sprinas Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. A. Wood on | tbe trip each way in the automobile ^ • Vnrth TTninn «?trpet land will spend perhaps a week in the * Mr. and Mrs M. B. StlckleV, Messrs. |City by the sea. _ Palmer Stickley. Lee Crowell, and Sid-i Mrs P. W. Vaughn and her two Blovnng Rock for’a couple'of i''’.^stern home next week, ney Lowe, and Misses Elizabeth stick-’ t*a”«hters. Misses Annie Louise and outing. i Alien be in this section for lev and Katherine Crowell are on a’ f-ida Carr Vaughan, have returned two-weeks' camping trip to Elkton, Durham after a visit of a week In Virginia jEdgemont, Western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Yorke and They left for a stay of five or six children, accompanied bv Mrs. B. F. i weeks but changed their minds and Rogers, of Concord, have returned j SOt to other portions of the state, from Blowing Rock where thev spent They had just returned from Morehead The guest of the evening werej received on the piazza by Mlseesj . . Croforth and Bariier. The porch and Mr. and Mis. .^anies C. ,shu,.ord iia\e jawu were dimly lighted with aottj r.iy of light irom Japanese lanterns,! producing a most bewltclilng effect.) Frnit punch was served from al large i ov. j under one of the trees on! the lawn near the piazza Carrie Go-i forth and the guests for the occasionj made frequent vists to the punch.! bowl. fJrapes in abundance were; served by the genial hostess. About ten o'clock the couples began to depart for thier iiomes having speni. a most plea-oent evening. Judge B. C. Allen and wife o£ Oklahoma, and his mother Mrs. Katei Allen, ot }^i:i.len county, N. C., ar©' D. Moore. The^ ill return to t'neirj but Mrs.j about aK month. Jilisses Evle and Emma Vise, from; ne;u fijavianburg, S. C., are th g'.iests of ]\Irs. M. N. Grist and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Al.'crnaihy have moved into their elegant new liome on Ti'irteenth avenue. Mr. P. C. Setzer has resigned his position as alderman of the city and Mr. J. D. Elliott has been elected in his place. Fine rains have visited this section Mrs. V,'. S. Smith and daughter Miss 1guest of .vli . Mary of Newport News, Va., have' ’ several weeks at the Watauga Inn. Mr. Yorke was very much benefitted by his stay in the mountains, and Mrs. Rogers will visit at their home for a week. A lawn party was given at the ball where they spent ten days preceed- ing. At Loch Lily. Person county, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. White are now chaper- fhese davs oning a Durham party The young people left Thursday outing They have been some ii;ne visiting Mr. J. L. Riddle on Thirteenth street. Saturday, Aug. IPth is a big day for the farmers and everybody. There is to be a big basket picnic on Claremont-i college campus. . Kirby arr.ved Monday Water is again normal in the Ca-|^™™ Mexico, where he iias tawba river being over three feet ■ employ oi the ^ie.:'-.’an Nationa . g^I^ovG low Wtitcr ni3rk. Huilroncl. tis 3 civil for soin^ The commerce exchange is busy'^'nie. After spendin.s; a !e\^, days '^’Ith ; r?lativ-^'S h*^re lie v.-ill l='ave about the, 22nd for the Philippine Islands^ where l-o has accepted n pordtion inj Since they formed that guarantee fund people from -?200.000 d i s ;.a n ce ground near the Locke Mills last Tues-j foi Roxeboro. driving to the writing wiring, looking and comin.^ithe si.giial corps of the 1 iiited States dav night by the ladies of Concord ■ that da.v and being quartered now way. arm''. 11^^ c-xrpcis io sail from Saa Rebekah Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F. the i clul) house. They will be aug- President of a chair factor.” was one!-‘x. local chapter of the woman's branch of mented tomorrow b\ another Durham prospectors this week. Welcome > the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, party that will spend several days ^j| will come. ! turned to t CO on 1 he 30 of ibis month. M. Sherrill and family re- hrir home in Tacoma, It was a most enjoyable occasion in spite of the threatening weather, and a large crowed turned out. Ice cream there. Those who are now there enjoy- j Murphy,' D. D. has again I Wash., the first of the week, after ing the fishing and boating aie. Mr. ^aken tip his work here ha.ving return-1 three nioinliH visiting rela*. and Mrs. White, Misses Lillie Chris- =. ores of good . vacancv caused the game of the occasion and was Mrs ' Charles played seven tables. ]^Irs. J. Lteph- nr, a lf>nethv any was the , winner of the first prize, ' the board was a silver belt pin, and each of the hon- la nrtd the guests were presented with a pair as club sec- Appropriate refreshments were served. Miss Ona Choat. who has been the and cake and lemonade and ci.gars : tian, Cora and Sa'llie Hammett. Bes- were served by the ladies. Excellent sie Whitted, Clyde Hobgood, Mabel hives rnd friends in this section. music was furnished by the Forest Hill Band. The proceeds from the party were turned into a fund that is being raised by the Rebekah State Assembly I. O. O. F. of North Carolina for the purpose of buying school books for the children at the Odd Fellow’s Orphanage at Goldsboro. Heretofore the children in that home attended the city graded school,, but beginning this year they w'ill be taught at the home, and the Re- bekahs are going to furnish the school ^ooks for the children. The local lodge ^ave the law'n party for the pur pose of raising their share of the fund. Mr. A. B. Grav left this week for Tuck. Mamie Brinkley, Messrs. Charles King. H. S. Torrey, W. M. Ppchurch, A. E. Hobgood, and Dr. H. E. Satter field. The party will return to the city some time next weel» The news comes here that private, A. N. Z. Ellis, former Durham man, will return to the city soon with a Mexl- ed from his vacation. Work is going, on preparing founda tions for the street fair to be held i An Expert Kan«a« Liar, again this fall. | William Allen White, the Kansas Plans are being made for a bungalow I literatenr. at a p'cnic In Emporia was to be built at an early date for Capt. j >)raisiug the fertility of bis native and Mrs. T. A. Mott on Sixteenth street. Rev. John G. Gorth, pastor of Pres byterian church is away taking his vacation. Just now he is at Lake For- can bride whom he brought from the attending a conference. insurgents through a thrilling rescue. Mr. Ellis left three years ago for the army and in the Mexican maneu vers. had had distinction. His friends hei’e are anxious to see him and to htar of his romantic rescue of the beauti- ^ ful girl. I Mrs. A. Cheatham was hostess Thursday afternoon to her 'Mrs. .lames Gibbs of Thirteenth avenue between Thir- state, says the To])eka Capital. • Tt -vvas a Kansas boy, you know,” paid Dr, Wbitr, “wl;o tried to climb a cornstalk the other day to see how corn v,'as .getting on. Unfortunately, the stalk is growing faster than the bov can climb, and he is now out of teenth and Fourteenth streets is nowlpjphi. in the hands of Able and Fry and is | ‘A lot of neighbors w!lh axes hav« being graded and side w'alks being put |i>een tr>iug to rut tho stalk down, but down. it grows so fast they can't strike it Let us have faith that right makes mother, might; and in that faith let us dare Jacksonville, to do our duty as we understand it. . —Lincoln. four tables. ^ ^— it grows so fast they can't twice in the famo place. "It was feared for a while that the boy would F'tar'''e to death, but I am ha])py to say that over the private wire in my otTlce we have got news to the e^ect that the little chan has al ready Ihrowm down five bushels ol robs, hence one may infer that his diet, though montonour, is adequate.’* READ THE FENNY ADS, Nfv,^ York, where he sailed for En land to visit his parents. He has been | Florida. ^ a resident of Concord for a number of I Bridge v.'as played by years, auc! is popiilar with a bn-gelihe house was prettily decorated in j smiled to think God’s great- circlc nf frie'uis who hope he will re-{cut flov.'ers and the game was made flowed around our incom- turn here to live. ' increasingly interesting ^y pretty, pieteness. Dr. E. F., of Walbridge. N. C.. pi’lzes v.-hiche went to Mrs. T. M. t^r- restlessness His rest. and Miss E C Irbv, of Rjchinond, were l man for highest score apd to Mrs. ^ married Tuesdav ‘night in the parlors Gibbs as the guest. Mrs. Gibbs is the, :r:—“ — ' - " r: of the St. Cloud hot^l, the ceremony j mother of Governor Brevard of Flor- ^ being witnessed by a number of the | Ida. who is a half brother of Mrs. hotel guests. The young couple had i Cheatham. , t been at a house party in South Boston, | The piayers were Mesdames James Va., and were engaged, to be mai*ried, j Gibbs. J. C. Biggs, J. Gris^^Id, J. the wedding to take place in the fall. M. Manning, J^ S. Mannliig, Harper While at the house party they decided Erwin. W. Fallon, W. A. Guthrie, Stocker arrived and daughter, ves^ei'dav from Mollv Pritchett, Miss Vanie Neese, ISIrs L. M. Purden, Miss Elizabeth Pur- dan. Miss Nellie Purden, Master Gor don Purden, Master Sidney Purden, , „.uv,iMrs B. E. Smith, Mrs. Frank Leak, to spend some time Delphine Smith, H. S, Richard- tiiien Morrison. son. Miss Annie Robertson, Miss Flor- • Steele and bttle Ljjce Stewart, Miss Minnie Wilson, ter returned today front a Miss Ella Hannah, Mrs. Holt Armor to Winston-Salem. Mrs. Dmglefoef and nroonsbnm. N -nonv . f Mrs iC .far' 1 and child. Greensboro, N. C. N. A. Archibald. George W. Means and wife, Miss Louise Means, Miss Catherine Means, Miss Wilma Correll, Paul B. Means, Concord, N. C.; E. L N 3CLITUDE Miss Esther Dinglehoef are visiting in Winston. I Miss Minnie Sherrill was in Char Mrs. Henry lotte a few days this week. ^ ... I Mr. and W. H. Clinard, of Win-j, jyjurdock and i 'ha:ii=‘ F. Long. ston, visited their daughter, Mrs. Flake ^ p Bernhart, Salisbury, N. C.; -apt. Mrs. James at Hotel Iredell this week. Miss Evelyn. Mears, and family. Miss Mary Brown, of Winston, Is a guest of g(.g.^^.art, Munroe, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. a-stpad Tomlinson, i- lake. • I F Thomason and child, Dorian, Ga.; 1 Mips Amelia Hoffman is awav on an _ ^ Davidson. N. C.; Mr. and evtended visit to Lancaster. Pa., Tomoc warHisnn Mrs. James Hardison, Miss Elizabeth — i York and other . -f' Hardison, James Hardison, jr., West who.=e ship is sail-; Misses Nellie and Lizzie Austin, miss.- J. W. Davis and wife. ! Richmond, are guests of Mrs. T. .-^»ory of an unknown Nash. I Miss Vera Foy left this love with faithful-1 Amerlcus,.Ga., to visit a sister letid- .ns ! io" there. a s to bear him ■ Miss Laura Lazenby is at Bluemont to spend some time. Mrs. E. S. Pegram and chilrren are at Connellv Surings to spend a while. of Ruthcrtord V , Point. Miss.; Hartsville. S. C.: Miss Vic A. -I. r-e of the mountain ii the (j'lgh i T fnr tilO I.:, lntoi> '!-es peace and liberty i;it blows across the t balm of sleep—comes 'ast illimotable spaces rod has set His jewels in pitrh his tent in desert A that heaven is not so far o’ty—in the lighted city Coble, fnr! Liberty, N. C.; Miss Ida Rankin, Miss .James J. Holland. Mt. Holly, N. C.; S. L. Hoover and son, Pineville, N. C.; Miss Alice Johnson, High Point, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilson, M. D., Miss Louise Wilson, Fort Myer, Fla. J. R. Finlay and daughter. N Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miss Pearl Abernathy, Edniim^ Miss’ Eunice Edmunson, liege, is a visitor at the home or Mildred Edmunson, Miss Elenor college Rev. J. D. Rankin. Miss Okla Dees, who visited the Misses Love, has returned to her home ^ ^ in Greensboro. Edmunson, E. L. Edmunson, jr., Mr. F. B. Edmunson, Goldsboro, N. C.; J. F. Alexander, Huntersville, N. C. An Antidote i-fandy. The woman was the autnor of a cook Proof of HI* Honesty. Oliver H, Curtiss, sociologist of Om- book that had been published at her aha, according to the Detroit Free reauest with wide margins and occas- Press, said recently; ional blank pages for notes and addi-| "Our slums are much cleaner than tional recipes. Often she had express- the old slums of Europe. Our slums ed a wish to sec an old copy of the and denizens are cleaner, too, book and find out to what use the -Among us it Is unusual to sew up blank spaces had been put. One day children in woolen underwear for the in a second-hand book store her bus- winter—not so abroad—and I once in cloth-ofgoid, \ Irna Sheard, In Scribner s haw he Hub 's sft -dG ,ded .-,.res polut unearthed li'f,'1ra'r"d.f r.,. rags and asK ,t. After » was pealing a about the neies In that cook take a bath before entering his cell, booU° Vvere thU inlaresting?’’ I ‘What! Take a bath! > them. «he said curtly, “they didn't asked, horrified. anvfhine ■’ ■ “‘Yes,’ said the jailer. ‘How long is ^™Vhen he lot a chance he looked it since you’ve had a bath?’ throu-h the book himself. Every note “‘.So help me.’ said the prisoner sol- the book contained was a remedy lor emnly. soul a lordly pleasure at prace for aye to dwell, . —Tennyson,- never was arrested before. d)spepsia and stomach trouble.*: -New' —never!’ to come to Concord and be married at once by a relative of the bride. Rev. A. O. Lindley, pastor of the Metho dist Protestant church. They arrived on a late train, and found that Rev. Mr. Lindley was out of the city. They then drove to the St. Cloud hotel, and decided to have the ceremony perform ed there. The groom went to the home of register of deeds, McAlister and pro cured the license. They tried to secure a minister, but were delayed in finding one. Fortunately about this time ’Squire Walter Thompson, passed on his way to the Jackson Training school and he was hailed and asked to per- Linville, North Carolina W. M. Yearby, Harris King, Alphon- sus Cobb, Tom Cox, Floyd Lamb, M. H. Jones, Will Holman. Fred Wood ward, Ralph Garrett, B. U. Brooks and Miss Evelyn Jones. Miss Mary Pell and Mr. Curtis Pell were married Sunday last, at the Sec ond Baptist parsonage. Rev, W. C.' Barrett officiating. , | This wedding was kept* secret by their few friends who attended and the news did not reach the town generally until Thursday. They will live in the city. But a few' close friends were present at the ceremony. From Norfolk comes the announce- September is the Best Month in the Mountains. Linville is the Best Place in the T/lountains. Eseeoia Inn Offers Hospitality snd Good Living. Golf, Trout Fishing, Tennis, Music, Dancing. Write for Booklet. JAS. P. VINING, Manager. form the ceremony; which he readily Inient of the marriage of Miss Gatl^r consented/to do. The ceremony was Elizabeth Jordan and Mr. Poul El- performed in the hoteL liotte Crews of this city. A large number of friends and rela-' This announcement brings a sui- tives of Mr. and M'rs. White gathered i prise. Mr. Elliott is manager of at the beautiful country home on last | Golden Belt Mills and o«e Tuesday to extend congratulations,' prominent churchmen in the cit>. He and hefp her celebrate her sixty-first brings his bride home In a few days, hirthdav All the moming people i Mrs. Charles A. Crabtiee announces Mured in trom vlrlo^ parts it the'the engagement ot her daughter Miss pourea in ^ ^ noon ^ Rosa to Mr. William Crawford Staples. surrounding country, and by there was an immense crowd present The wedding will take place in Oc- At the d nn^r i^7r riargV^^^^^^^^ Mr. Staples is remembered veil placed oithe lawn and it was soon j over the state as a wonderful sb.rt- overflowing with good things to eat Everyone who partook of ,th€ excellent dinner declared it one of the best they had ever eaten. Miss Gladys Barnhardt entertained stop in his playing days but has oeen more recently with the American To bacco Company and is now one of its valuable buyers. Miss Crabtree is a member of a well- number of her friends at her home known Dm ham on the Mt. Pleasant road Thursday , pretty and a _ ^ „«n taUo afternoon in honor of her twelfth young woman. The wedjiing^wilMake birthday. The Forest Hill Band furnished mus ic for the occasion of the .fifth anni versary of the - -Nazareth Orphans home at Crescent Thursday. Mrs. B. F. Rodgers has returned from Charlotte where she has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Yorke. Mrs. Rogers was accompanied by her son. Dr. F. O. Rogers, formerly of this city, noi^ of Gialveston, Tex. Mrs. Rogers left Thursday night for Baltimore where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Gorman. Dr. Rogers will go to Ashe ville to join wife and it is probable that they two will go from there to their home in Galveston. A large crowd of people from Con- place in the Episcopal church of which the bride is a member. COME TO us! We Examine Your Teeth Free Hundreds of Satisfied Patients Testify to Our IMPROVED METHODS and Fine Dental Work at LOW PRICES. Cur Patent Suction Teeth, $5.00. WHY ACTRESSES 1 NEVER GROW OLD.: Nothing concerning the profession sems more puzzling to the dear old public than the perpetual youth of our feminine members. How often we hear remarks like, “Why, I saw her as Juliet forty years ago and she doesn’t look a year older now!” Of course allowance is made for make- off the cord anY the’surrounding country at-; up, but when they see us tended the Farmer's Unton picnic at stage a! elose range, thsy need an- Oeorgeville today. The Veteran’s choir of Cabarrus was present and furnished music which was one of the features close range, other explanation, How strange women generally haven’t learned the secret of keeping of the occasion, Dr, Alexander, of the face young! How simple a mat^- Charlotte delivered the principal ad^ ter to get an ounce of naercolized dress on the oeeasion, jwf.s store, apply hke Mr Owen, secretary of the Y. M. C. jcold cream, and in tne wash A at Kannapolis took a number of his it off! We know how this gradtialiy, bovs on ft eamping trip last week to impereeptibly absorbs old cuticle, Buffalo CreeU. The beyS some of them, keeping the complexion new and pxnerienced tfieir first pleasures of a fresh, free from line lines, sallowneas ^ _ —... ..n/inAoe TVo know 33 {iie actresses don’t wear The exeursiQH ta Norfolk this past liver spots, pimples and the like, week proved to be very popular among ; Why don’t our sisters on the other many of the people of Concord. Many side of the footlights learn the rea- took advantage of tlie opportunity to -cm, and profit by spend a lew days at the seashore. , Wofld. camping iriB. They di^ t'neir own eooUt ^ver-redness. We know too, that ine and enjoyed themselves in every this mercolized wax 33 {Ue reason don’t wear moth patches. way. it.—Thea'trical pEAD TiTE F5NNV A38. READ THE PENNY ADS. READ THE PENNV ADS. READ THE PENNY ADS. And work Guaranteed Years. for Fifteen To introduce our modern methods, Look at our prices; Sel of Teeth $5.00 Filling in Gold, Sil ver Platinum and Porcelain 50c to $1 and up Gold Crown and Bridge Work, $3, $4, $5 per tooth Our offices are equipped with every scientific device that has proven beneficial to the dental profession in improving the work and making more pleasant the methods. An office equip- ment far superior to any you have seen, W® aro making • speolilty of Crown and Bridge Work. Don't worry about money. Arrangements can be mad© whereby you e&a pay for your Work w€«Hly ot moatfetv ehaf&f. ?ei? pftjfii&BS ox- traction where eiRer work being dop©: Baltimore Dental 82 S. Tryon St. Between 4th find Trace., 8 Wi H 8:30 p. m; Sunday ^8 3. l-ssiy Atianpgnt. References: Oup work, Nattcnai URlgB