.The Charlotte News. Published Daily and Sunday by THE NEWS PUBLISHING - CO. W. C Dowl, PreIdnt ad G- Mr. I. a l-ATTON Editor. SIKH. J. P. CALDWELL City Editor. A. W. BUECH Adv. Mr. Telephones i Business Offict rity Editor fob Office .. 115 877 1530 6.00 3.00 1.60 1.60 .12 SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Tfce Charlotte News. Dally and Sunday. Dne year .......... 'x months ,.... Three months Dne month, Dne wick ! Sunday Only. Da, rear ?ix month -JJ rhie! month 50 Tlmea-Demecrat.' Semi-Weekly. ne year Six month f Three months ........r 25 ' ANXOUN CEMENT. ' The attenp.on of the public Is re ipcctfully Invited to the following: In future, obituary Notices. In Me- I moriam Sketches. Cards of Thanks. '; communications -jooustn? ths cause oi a private enterprise or a political candidate and like matter, will be cnarged for at the rate of frve cents a SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1912. UNDERWOOD AND WILSON. Voters of Charlotte have had the unique opportunity of hearing on suc ceeding nights campaign speakers in the interest .of the two leading pres idential candidates in North Carolina. Wednesday night Congressman Ai : bert Sidney Burleson, of Texas, spoke for Wood row "Wilson in the court ' li ouse; Tnursday night in the Acad - emy of Music Congressman J. Thom as Heflin, of Alabama, extolled Os car W. Underwood. The one meeting' and what was said in it was as different in char " octer and purpose from the other meeting and what was said in It, as the two candidates and their cam v paigns. Congressman Burleson spoke in the county court house because, forsooth, . smaller than that which attended the ' Underwood rally Thursday night - be k cause there had been no funds to v pay for four-jpage editions in the state"" papers, the printing or halt sheet circulars to be posted on every telegraph pole in the city, or the purchase of space in the state papers for half-page pictures. The "Wilson rally could afford but a siu- fie brass band and that was a dear pxtravagance provided by the good will cf some local' Wilsonite. The very speaker who addressed the two hundred voters Wednesday nizht, had occasion to state, with out self glorification, that his expen ses in coming to North Carolina were paid out of his own pocket, and v for his services only his interest in the success of the democratic- party and his feeling for Woodrow Wilson were responsible. Two brass bands were scarcely good enough for the Underwood peo ple. Their's a campaign of light, and color and laughter! But we pass T)y the form of the meetings for the substance of what ! was said at them. It is human na lure t6 flock to lights, and people love to laugh. Tho3e who sat in the uinily lighted court house on rough r benches were inspired by interest of the enduring sort; but of the thous ands who" laughed at the rapid ,tire of jokes Thursday night, a goodly number failed to applaud the scat tered references to the real issue ot the discussion. Soberly; frankly and with unique consideration of the opposing candi , antes, Congressman Burleson sub mitted his cause to the REASON bt , his hearers. He washonest enough to declare that if he himself or the . democratic party were selecting a , president outright he would hesitate a'tong time before he passed Oscar Underwood by in the choice. He did Dot laud one man above the other, ' out submitted a DroDositlon that his t auditors could agree to or dissent ' yfrom. He begged voters to THINK. J. Thomas Heflin is a clever spec ious orator. He can tell a joke in nigger dialect better than anybody ; else except Polk Miller. He is an adept in covering the main issues in a superficial clothing of laughter, if : there was a debatable proposition in "--his long drawn out address of more that two hours Thursday night, we invite its statement. The meager portion of his remarks - thatwere related in any discoverable cense to the conflicting merit of Wii ! son and , Underwood, or the strength ; of each were devoted to an appeal to the feeling and sectionalism of htg ' auditors. The onl7 authority he gave l for his prediction of Underwood's se i lection as the standard bearer of his ' party was his own declaration inev j Itably coupled with the fact of his j Southernship. K "The time nas come for the South J to move up. to the head of the table w have been chut out from our t Inheritance for lo! these many years ; Oscar Underwood will lead .the South back' to Its proud positl6n in ; the council! of the nation" These there was no money to pay for the Academy of Music. His audience was Jgo un whipped of justice.- This fact are some of the utterances calculated to stir a Southern audience's sectional feeling and pride of inheritance. Feeling is the most dangerous and destructive element in politics. Friendship v and kinship, is a short sighted political creed that has es tablished the spoils system or gov ernment, and transformed' statesman shin into sectionalism. Woodrow Wilson submits his cause to the MINDS of his countrymen; Os car Underwood would blind their rea son and" conscience in the glare of FEELING. Feeling Is the sphere of re ligion, not ot politics; and the his tory of all the world is that disaster is the result of a confusion of feel ing and politics. There Is something pathetic in the spectacle of an honest purpose back of an appeal to reasonable men, handicapped by the opposing power of wealth. Hon. J. Thomas Heflin had nothing to say on the matter. He carefully refrained from any ex planation of the. fact that Underwood has confined his candidacy to that section in which he can call upon his friends and kinspeople to stand back of him. He tacitly admitted the conspiracy of wealth against Wilson, and the three-cornered league of op posing cangidates, wrhen he asserted that Underwood would be elected Dy Clark strength, when Clark saw that he himself couldn't be elected, and that to persist in the attempt, would bring defeat of both Underwood and Clark and a resultant contest be tween the two for the speakership of the house. One who ran could read the inti mated compromise between Clark and Underwood whereby Underwood co cedes Clark an unopposed re-election to the speakership for his sup port in the race for the presidency. Against this character of opposition Wilson is fighting honestly and sin glehanded. The fact that Underwood is from the South is nothing, against him, for a truth, but the fact will always stand in the way of the election of a Southern man to the presidency, until the fact Itself can te forgotten. Wilson is the only avail able candidate who can attract to his support the million independent vot ers the successful candidate must win. This is the proposition he sub mits to, the REASON of, the nation ' Men cannot defy law for long and was demonstrated at Hillsville court house yesterday, when Floyd Allen, one of the leaders' of a lawless gang which has terrorized a large section for many years, was sentenced to die in the electric chair for a mur der almost unparalleled in its hor rors. No set of clansmen can long defy the great state of Virginia and it 'will not be long until the' crimes laid at the door of the Aliens will have been avenged. The city is draped in flags today Look where one will, the sight of Old Glory attracts the eye. A beau tiful setting, indeed, for a celebra tion wnteh is of wide significance. Twentieth of May week will be ob served in keeping with the spirit of the deed which made it famous throughout the country where liberty lovers are found. The French Board Hustlerwhich is all that its name implies, will shortly move Into a new home. Suc cess and best wishes! Everything worth while was "made in Charlotte." Watch the Hornets grow. i i , v- Dr. J. T. R. Neal. Prop. Riverside Drug Co., Greenville S. C, writes re cently, i have been a practicing phy sician and druggist for over 35 years and have sold and administered many kidney medicines but none to equal Foley Kidney Pills. They are supe rior to any I ever used, and give the quickest permanent relief." Bowen's Drug Store on North Square. vNew ' 7-Room .Mouse' '. Elizabeth Heights Attractive Price Terms to Suit Purchaser' t 3 Patterson & Glascock Real Estate Dept. American Trust Co. 'Phone 3200. Bai'l;s Herbs That haW great medicinal power, are raised to their highest efficiency, for purifying and enriching the blood, as) they are combined In Hood's Sarsa parllla. 40,866 testimonials received by actual count In two years. Be sure to take jHood's Sarsaparilla Get it today In usual liquid, form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. What Goeth On By The Looker-On. A Mean Road. Automobile . traffic from " Charlotte to- the south was suspended the greater, part of this week because of the existence ofv a short stretch of mean road just beyond the Cataw ba, on the Gas'ton county side. It would not greatly injure the county of Gaston if the automobile traffic was indefinitely delayed, it is barely possible, but what prevents the running of automobiles over a road prevents the hauling of farm supplies over that same road. The same thing applies tothe hauling bf farm products to the market. Some" time ago the Looker-On call ed attention to the condition of this little piece of road and showed that it is to tne advantage of every cit izen of Gaston county to have this stretch put into condition. At Gastonia yesterday, and also at3It. Holly, McAdenville and Lowell he discussed this matter with some of the leading people of Gaston county, and in each and every in stance the i opinion expressed was that this road should receive the at tention of the county commission ers. The Looker-On would like to sug gest to the commissioners a visit to that little piece of road. If they will do that he is sure immediate action will be taken. Thanks Returned. The Looker On made the trip with the business and professional men of Gaston county, over the line of the Piedmont Traction Company between Gastonia and Charlotte yesterday af ternoon and desires to return to sev- erai-gentlemen in the Dartv esncii thanks. Among these is Mr. J. R. Ran kin, . city dery of Gastonia. without whose valuable assistance the Looker On .would have been closely pressed in several Instances. Alderman Holland of Mt. Hollv was also kind enough to come to his res cue and to Mr. H. A. Query of the Gastonia Gazette and Mr. O. L. Moore of the Gaston Progress he wants to express his thanks for timely assist ance. . It was like getting home to, mingle with the red corpuscles of Gaston county on that trip yesterday after noon. It does one's heart good to see and talk to and be with those people rrom "over the river They come Trom one of the best counties in the best state in the Union, and they are "the salt of the earth." And you know, the best thing this Piedmont Traction Company is going to do for Charlotte is to put us in clos er touch with those self same good peo pie of old Gaston. , - That Trip resulted in giving' Clar ence Kuester of Charlotte an oppor tuntty to tell the people from Gaston what Charlotte thinks of them, and ere long he will be calling the "fel lows" and when he does that it means that he is boosting as much for Gaston county as for charlotte. Charlotte is "GLAD U KUM" and we hope you will make this the beginning of many similar trips to the Queen City and we assure Gastonia that we shall visit her hospitable borders just as often as the necessities of keeping Charlotte in the lead will allow. We are "fer you a-heap" over there in Gaston. We appreciate your kindly spirit for Charlotte and this Traction Company is going to allow the people og both sections to demonstrate it more and more as the days go by. Less Cotton Planted. "The acreage of cotton between Charlotte and Columbia this year is not more than 50 per cent of the acreage of last year" said a commercial traveler to the Looker On at the Cen tral hotel last night. "I have been making a study of agricultural con ditions In North and South Carolina for the past month" continued this evangel of commerce, "and I have come to the conclusion that in the two states the acreage is from 20 to 50 per cent under that of last year and that at least one half of this acreage is be ing planted in corn, peas, potatoes and other crops of a similar nature. Now that is the talk that sounds good to those who make a study of ag ricultural "economics. These are the conditions which will bring about a bettered general situation in these two states. These are the facts which will be read with interest by the financiers of both this section and of the north east from whence, some of the capital needed to develop this A great section must come. v Planters in Mecklenburg county are turning their attention from cotton to other money crops, crops which are not -at the mercy of the gambler in New Orleans, New York and Liverpool. me 1 TTtMl V .nam- ra-ves all the drudgery of years be able to play right now, then, a piano with an interior player never dies ' whether the girls marry and leave or get tired of practicing and give up music. A Stieff Player Piano Is the acme of perfection, in player KOOdness. You can't tell it from a great pianist if properly oper ated. T k nrtvnnto era rt nni- romnv- al sale. There will be some re- uucuons ior tnirty nays. Chas. M. Stieff! - SOUTHERN WAREROOM X 5 West Trade St., Charlotte. N. 1 if!. ti.ff RnllHino' 9.1 Q, Smith T Tryon street, opposite Academy T I of Music, after June i, 1912. X Our Visitors. During the coming week thousands of people , from various sections of North Carolina and South Carolina will visit Charlotte to take part in the cel ebration of the greatest eVent In the history of the American republic, that of the signing of the Mecklenburg De claration of Independence. These vis itors come to Charlotte at least once a year, many of them more often dur ing the year and every time they come they leave delighted with their trip. Now this time they should be made to feel that we are especially glad they "are here. xWe should make them know that it is a pleasure for us to have (hem within our gates. There be some among us constitu tionarlly opposed to smiling. Let tTim foreet their crouch for at least six days and give our friends f rqm other sections the glad hand, a hearty welcome to old Mecklenburg and to the greatest city within the confines of the two states. . - Oeir Y iioe Bept r .Will appeal to the man who cares for Shoe comfort: Ed Te are sole agents for wm Ckpp ' Bench Made Shoes These Shoes are a Little Higher in PriceBUTAsk to See Mellon's Special U Shoe. s zrrzp r tszt-zp . f. v.il rT), wiii Man 4- EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES ON FLAGS BY DfizEN 4 " . . & 4& 4r-& $ O $ SPECIAL PRICES Tikis Is '-Decoration; '. V For ' Next Week's Attraction ' -- ' " And for That Purpose -We Offer a Splendid Assortment of Various Size Flags, Bunting, etc., as Usual. , . WE SELL IT FOR LESS " .. ; .- 6x9 1-2-inch Muslin Flags .............. . .... 1c 18x27 1-2-inch Muslin Flags ... .... .... 5c 20x36-inch Muslin Flags .... ". ." . " 10c 26;56-inch Muslin Flags .... . . .. . ..." .!.'..."..'..". 25c FAST COLOR SPEAR HEAD FLAGS . j ' - 17-inch fast color Spear Head Flags at.... .... .... .... 5C 24-inch fast color Spear "Head Flags at... . ."..". ..".."" 10c 36-inch fast color Spear Head Flags at.... Y.Y. 25c RED, WHITE AND BLUE BUNTING Trl-Color, 25-inch Bunting at ........ .... . . .. 5c yard Tri-Color, with stars, Bunting at, .... .... .... ...... 5c yard 36-inch warranted fast color, Tri-Color Bunting at. . . . . . . . . . . .".. 10c yard ;-' v. .j "'' " t kr" 4 J T7 TO) TD) ' ' . . 1 J ' .. Pity may be akin to love, but it's a mighty poor relation. ED. MELLON COMPANY : Talcum Powder 1 lb. Packages, Deli cately Pe'rf umed, Finely Ground. Good Enough Cheap Enough; 25c. Per Lb. AT John S. Blake Drug Co. Phone 41. Onthe Square. Registered Nurses Directory. For the 20th May We have received a large shipment of 39c Candy. If you are looking for' real Candy value, try a pound of the Chocolates mat are different. 39c pound. Tryon Drug Company 11 N. Tryon. ; ; Phone 21 and 1043. " Don't Fail to See Our New Metal Hot Water Bottle and Syringe Combined f They Will Last a Life-Time ' 'Also '. ' A Complete Line of Rubber Goods All at Popular Prices ' WOODALt SHEPPARD'S DRUQQI8T8 Charlotte, n, G, Phono 69 and 166 Tooth Brushes We Imported a line of Tooth Brushes! to sell at 25cThey Arrived Today REESE & ALEXANDER, Druggists V V This Service is Economical Li be Our Flat Work Service laundering yoitrN bed and table linen, towels, etc., at a cost of 1, 2 and 3 cents a piece will save you money TRY IT. ' ;-, . SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY 392 phone-393 ; ' MAIL ORDERS We give all Mail Orders our prompt attention. Selection of sent to responsible parties anywhere and satisfaction guaranteed. Ii 4 you are in the-market for anything in the Jewelry Line, write or pbone us. . i 4 DIAMONDS, JEWELRY OR SILVER Garibaldi, Bruns & Dixon JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS j i The cleanest, moat convenient, effective and economical Oil Stove for cooking ever made one that should be in every kitchen U the V Oil Stove e oil v ' ''''' ''i' " 1 It bums ordinary kerosene oil, but there are no bothersome wicks. ''The heat is concentrated directly on the cooking none is wasted. Reduces fuel expense. The flame is con trolled by a lever. This means that you can instantly regulate the flame at any desired height, a cHshnctive feature found in N no other oil stove. . Remember that the name ' 'Florence, ' whether on a five-burner Oil Stove or on a single-burner Lamp Stove, stands for the best in OilStoves. We also make the Florence Ovens anrl Lame Stoves. J. N, McGausland & Company ,. . . - 221S. Tjyon Street, r