JELA.I1IXTTE 2TEW8, APKH 23, 191 3 12 I 1 .! I 1 ABRtGULTURE 10 HOBTICULT U B E ST 'f H1SG0 I The largest and most comprehensive disDlnv -of axricuitural and horticul tural interests that the world has ever known will be one of tie chief features of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, which will open at San Francisco oa Saturday, Feb. 20, 1915, to commemorate the achievement of the Panama canal. Cnder the classification of exhibits Ttich ha Just been completed, the department of agriculture has been Siren ami-le space for a record-break-itg display and the horticulture de partment with a building of its own, will be added to and enhanced by the general effect of the exposition which, when completed, will present the ap pearance of a vast garden. The allied departments of agricul ture and horticulture at the Panama Pacific Exposition will excel in their cmpreheneivenees anything that has ever been attempted at previous ex positions. The displays and exhibits, covering an area of more than thirty icres, will include every possible phase ot the agricultural and horticultural industry and will serve as a gigantic school to farmers, land owners, gard eners and mechanics as wel as even to tae laymen whose sole object in visit ing the exposition is one of purely hu man interest. More than forty acres of land on the exposition site will be occupied by ag ricultural, horticultural and live stock interests. In addition to the multifarious attrac tions to the agriculturalist from all paits of the world, a special feature of the exposition which will be of im mense educational value to the farmer ind land economist, will be the con gresses and conventions which are be ng arranged for the discussion of agri cultural and land problems. An International congress on agri cultural education has been suggested tnd will probably be followed by con tentions on the preservation of human life and a country life conference vrhich have already been assured from the department of agriculture at Washington. Ten acres will be occupied by the ralace of agriculture, the exhibits ranging over every possible depart ment of the agricultural industry. One of the most important of the many croups in the general agricultural ciasiiScation. is that devoted to agri cultural implements and farm ma rLinery. No less than seven distinct clashes will be required, for the exhib its relative to this subject will be dis p'iyed in the agricultural building in sxsd of in a separate building as in previous expositions. To'-kI products, being placed natural ly under the head of agriculture, will however have a separate exhibit on a rpler.did scale and in the group cf ani mal focd products, the dairy exhibits .will play an important part. There will te separate classes of ni'.k and cream, fresh or condensed: itrrilized mi'k butter and cheese in all fcrms, eggs, alluminoid food and pre parations, dairy fittings and appliances fcr the preparation, transportation, preservation and distribution and de livery cf milk for the supply or cities and towns. Thirteen other groups, subdivided into many classes, complete the food products exhibit. Twenty-one acres of the exposition site will be devoted to the live stock exhibit which will be conducted on a scale never before attempted in expo sitions. This section will have a pe culiar interest to dairymen from all over the world, not only because of the international exhibits of thoroughbred cattle which are now being arranged for, but on account of the special fea tures in breed milking contests. The agricultural department of the Panama-Pacific Exposition has appropriat td $175,000 for special tro phies. ' The competitions will be open to the world and Duly the be3t from all countries will take part in the rivalry for honors. Additional prizes are offered by the various breeders association. The horticulture exhibit will stand in the Panama-Pacific Exposition a3 something different from the place it has had in previous expositions be cause of the advantages offered by the wonderful climate of - California which permits of perennial foliage and bloom. The palace of horticulture, which will be surmounted by a glass dome, ISO feet higher, will occupy an area of j&out five acres. This crystal palace will contain an exhibit of the finest displays cf newly created fruits, trees, flowers and shrubs, the planting of which is made possible all the year round in San Francisco. . Special accommodation is being made for the exhibit of tropical plants End side by side with that section of the horticultural exhibit there. will be a display of temperate trees and fresh fruits, thus affording a comparison by which the visitor may be able to note the direct effect of soil, climate and altitude upon the size and flavor of llmost every variety of horticulral growth. - The practical application of preser ration methods will be exhibited in the horticultural department. There wifi also be shown the latest mechan ical devices, spraying, watering and heating apparatus, ladders, knives BREATHE HYOMEI FOR CATARRH What to Breathe. Hardly a day passes without con firmation of the old adage, "Man's Life Is but a breath of air." Dust laden with disease breeding germs Is Inhaled by all who use the streets, but disease is not developed unless the germs find conditions suit able for their lodgment and growth. With people having catarrh there is an ideal culture medium for these germs. The Irritated membrane and weakened tissues is a hot-bed where germs thrlxe and multiply. If you have catarrh or any trouble of the breathing organs causing stop-ped-up head, sniffles or morning chok ing, you should use the easiest, sim plest and quickest remedy, the direct method of Hyomei. This wonderful medication Is taken in with the air you breathe, airecuy rouowing ana destroying all germs that have beetf Inhaled, repairing any damage they may have worked and so healing and vitalizing the tissues as to render ca tarrh and germ infection no longer possible. The unusual way in which druggists sell Hyomei should dispel all doubt must watch ourselves to see what we as to its curative properties, u. ti. ao not repeat our many msguiaea Jordan & Co. offers to refund the price ) efforts of the past," she said. "We must to anyone whom it fails to benefit, watch our leisure hours; and above You do not risk a cent in testing the all must we watch labor, to treat as healing virtues of this breath cf life, sick persons those who are undevclop Complete Outfit $1.00. Extra bottles cd and lacking in the world's advan- of Hyomei liquid if later needed oO.tages. cents. L lodependerice This t Go. Independence Building. Capital . . . $500,000)0 Undivided Profits $125,000.00 This Bank will value your business and help you if you will give us the oppoitunity 4 Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit Safe Deposit Boxes at a. Nominal Annual Rental W. A. WATSON, Vfce President. W. M. LONG, Vice President. OFFICERS: J. K. LITTLE, President. J. H. WEARN, Ch. of the Board. E. O. ANDERSON, Cashier. E. E. JONES, Asst. Cashier. Charlotte's Ideal Home Location is - Height Blames Leisure Foi Life's Evil i COUGHS ArJO CONSUMPTION Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious trouble of the lungs. The wisest thing to do when ou have a cold that troubles you is to , get a bottle of Dr. King s New Dis- covery. lou win get relief from tne A new theory of life as we find it first dose, and finally the ugh will and labor as it interweaves itself into disappear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, and brightens our daily existence, was Ala., writes: "J.Iy wife was down in expressed bv Dr. Jessica E. Peixotto, bed with an obstinate cough, and I Ph.D assitant professor of sociology i honestly believe had it not been for of the University of California. In tne REMEMBER! Saturday, March 1st, the new series: is opened by MECKLENBURG BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Take sl'a;es and save your money, earning over 6 per cent interest Take shares and buy a home or investment. A. G. CRAIG, Sec. and Treas. Phone 1436. Basement Trust Building.v Dr. King's New Discovery, she would not be living today." Known for forty-three years as the best remedy for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00. Recommended by W. L. Hand & Co.. Druggists. auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. she de livered her unusually interesting lec ture on "New Standards of Life and Labor." say 8 the San Francisco Chron icle. Brineinsr her arguments out clearly and forcibly, she impressed her liCsn-i Medical Officer What did you do ers with the fact that we are treating' first of all? , most sociological problems with meth- Ambulance man Gave 'im some cds which have not changed in more-brandy, sir. than a hundred years that in a round- Medical Officer Quite right; but about way and with the expenditure of what would you have done if you vast sums of money we are attaining; hadn't had any brandy? Ambulance man (promptly) Prom ised 'im some! Punch. 'She doesn't think much of her hus- Chiidi'611 Ory FOR FLETCHER'S OA 3 T O R 1 A THE CHARLOTTE HUMANE ASSOCIATION requests that ycu call MR. TRAYWICK (Special Officer.) Phone 83. For any case of cruelty to or neglect of children and animals. results which by systematic work could be obtained far easier and cheap er. In her opening remarks Dr. Peixotto touched lightly upon the various class- - band." es which make up our world the pau-i "No?" per, the "decently prosperous" and! "No. She says even the things he those financially above them. says in his sleep are terribly dull and Poverty Versus Riches. uninteresting." Detroit Free Press. "Not more than 10 Oyears ago," said the lecturer, "it was considered a Helper We're going to have a big great disadvantage to be wealthy. The j crowd here, and it'll be some job to poor man was the blessed, and the keep 'em moving. more poverty Btricken he was the bet- Manager That'll be easy. Take ter satisfied he was with his advan-jdown that rear exit sign, post up the tager; here and in the hereafter. ThejWord Free they'll all bolt for it. weaiiny mans cuitute, uu iue umci ; Judge hand, both in tnis worm ana me nexi, was considered most unstable. "What we of the 20th century want in thi3 world more than either pov erty or wealth, I believe, is 'decent prosperity.' Labor and recreation then intermingle and we feel a real joy in life." Labor was idealized by the -speaker. Not onlv is it necessary for all of us, she said, but its value is coming. to be recognized more and more each year. In this connection she said: "Labor with us has become a creed, not alone as a moral but as a natural necessity, and just as naturally neces sary as labor is leisure, properly ap plied. "Generations ago the people w-ere taught that to labor long and unceas-' ingly was the only right policy. Men and women labored throughout the day to keep away from temptation, and their leisure hours were passed in sleeping for the same purpose. One could not sin in sleep, they reasoned. They believed that with leisure came temptation, and they refrained from leisure, therefore, as dangerous to morafs. Dplores Social System. "Today we are beginning to be lieve differently. We have come to recognize the true value of labor and we have organized and methodized it. And we are Just beginning to organize the play hour also. "The primitive Impulses have here-j tofore shaped our play hour. We have ' passed it in overeating and overdrink-; ing. We have lost sight almost en tirely of the secondary though vital lm-! pulses of mimicry and laughter". Digressing from the topic, Dr. Peixot to spoke cf the pauper class and its extermination by the betterment of the condition of its members. She de plored the social system which filled or tfe expect tO begin remod phan asylums with but a few real or-i 1 6 , TV enng our present Dan King room about the first . of jr. FOR SALE QUICK . 1 Home on Central Avenue, 8 rooms, steam heat. A.sphalt street. Price right. Terms reasonable. Large lot Drive out and ; see t the beautiful homes that have been ,u now being constructed ; asd Our car Is at your service and the prices on. Gilding 0s a onable. . , . ' "l,'es Sous state Loan j?, Trast Company 4 South Tryon Street. ":f- -V, J" 3C Also fine lot on same avenue. Bargain for immediate sale. Peoples Loami & 'Realty Co W. L. Nicholson, Mgr. Suite 309 Independence BIdg. Phone 313. ' ' STORE ROOM No. 209 N. Tryon St." 7eM - OFFICE ROOMS Two office rooms in McKinnon Bid., each , $10.00 WAREHOUSE One two-story Warehouse, N. McDowell St $10.00 RESIDENCES 5-room apartment in Elmore .... .... $35 00 6 rooms, modern, No. 1300 S. Boulevard . $2d!oo 7 rooms, modern, 718 p. 4th St $25.00 5, rooms, modern, 607 E. 7th St. .... $1353 6 rooms, 918 N. Caldwell. , .... qqq 4 rooms, Villa Heights ...... ..... $ e.oo BROWN & COMPANY Phone 535, 203 N, Tryon St 90 2 W 9th St H IT ome r or Dane L Has six rooms, three upstairs and three down, house is In good condition. Lot 69 feet front, with alley, good neighborhood, close In. Owners have moved to another state and make a price for this week of $4,250.00 1 Eo Mmroliy Co mpaey H 'Phone 842. Room 104-105 Piedmont BIdg. For Sale or Trade Some small farms frcra 5 to 50 acres, nice sandy land, so if you would like a nicelace out of town a few miles cali and see W. R. Matthews & Son Phone 2281. Commercial BIdg. Homes For Sale - . Two Modern Cottages, close in. T wo New. Bungalows, 5 and 6 rooms. Several Splendid Vacant Lots on which we will build homes to suit purchasers. Exchange Realty Co. "REAL VALUES IN REAL ESTATE" 311 Commercial Bank Building. Phone 1254. Cottage -In Dilwor We offer for sale a very desirable 5-room cottage in Dilwortli, onh half block from East Boulevard car line, house newly painted and t splendid condition. Firie lot 50x200. Has splendid orchr.rd. Will exchangi iui j suuuiuau au cage, . - Price Only $2850. Craiff-Littl Realty &. I PHONE 1436. ns. Co, TRUST BUILDIN4 i: " " . b j f 3: :: d it 4 -31 -JO. IS r ew, 7-Room Home For Sale We have just complete d a very attractive 5-room home in the Elizabeth section, which has the following arrangement: Recep- tion hall, large living room, dining room, kitchen, butler's pan- try and lock pantry down stairs. Upstairs has three bed rooms and bath room. Wood wprk finished mahogany and white cnam- el, reception hall, living room and dining room beautifully papered, also has hard wood floors. House built so as to use furnace heat if desired. The above home is a bargain at the price we are asking. . Call at office Not 225 No. Tryon St. or phone 3278, for price and terms. i Ity O. J. Thies, President. J. P. Long, Salesman. F. B. Smith, Treas. HOME BUILDING ON EASY TERMS NOTICE To epositoirs. phans "In our dreams of prosperity, de velopment and right work for all, we CHILDREN'S GOLD 8 TREATEDJXTERNALLY Don't dome the little stomachs with injurious medicines VI C K5 SAPE Is applied externally to the throat and chest; the body heat releases soothing antiseptic vapors which are inhaled di rectly tO the nffftrtorl narta Oollof im and pruners as well as the general i 5,1,,8' ,mra,ed'ate- The worst cold Is rl,rL,l nm.ntMInn of Pr. i Milht-croup In 15 minutes. architectural ornamentation or gar- lens and landscape gardening. -A trophy in the form of a beautiful cup, valued at $1,000 will be offered by the exposition board of directors to the creator of the finest rose ex hibited in the exposition. The rose will be given a special name and will serve to commemorate the unusual and record-breaking display at San Francisco in 1915, In addition to the actual horticul tural display, the exposition grounds themselves will present in their en tirety a vast garden of floral beauty. "Isn't that Daubs, the artist, zig zagging along the sidewalk? By Jove, I didn't know he drank like tha.V" x - "Hush, that Isn't drink. Daubs is one of the new Angularists." Cleve land Plain Dealer. . At ail arurelstit tn. 1 nn Liberal sample mailed on request. Vlck Chemical Co., Greensboro, N. C. May. During this time the bank will occupy the build ing next to the Postal telegraph-office, formerly oc cupied by The Charlotte j ews. SouaAem Loam Jno. M. Scott, President. W. L. Jenkins, Cashier. W..S. McDonald, 1st V. Pres. A. M. McDonald, 2nd V. Pres. &s H awthoiTii Lane Lofc E LIFE This Is the sweetest and the best. When we build homes we're creating happiness and a patriotic citizenship so essential to the stability of repub lican institutions. 1 - THIS IS THE MISSION . of the Mutual building & Loan, and by the spirit and through channels of this type a magnificent population does credit to the Queen City. WITH ALL HER FAULTS we love her, still and more fondly as the days go by. I would not ex change our people for any other, even those of the proudest and wealthiest of our great cities. THIS OLD SHIP is getting bigger and better and broader with each quarterly series, and I'm happy, ye3 very happy, that we can make it contribute to the joys and peace and brighter prospects of Mollie and little Sue. Let sunshine and good will fill your hearts and all will e well. OUR APRIL SERIES extends a hearty hand and invites you into its happy family. Sunny Jim and bright-eyed Nell are members of our household. Join us and do it now. E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon St. ni Modern 8-Room Residence, Half Story Brick 00.80 $500 Gash; Balance $48.50 Per Month. Charlotte Consolidated -.''Contraction Company 2nd Floor Piedmont BIdg. Telephone 155. A Term. Fine language: "Tea costa." Lippincott'e. dollars and $1,800 I We have a very desirable building . lot oa Hawthorne Lane near tha ! corner of Seventh Street which we offer, at a bargain. This lot fronts 54 feet and-extends back with that ..width 193 feet to an alley. This 1b a i beautiful lot to build on aB It 1b level and has all conveniences, and cannot t be duplicated la thia locatloa at thia price. See ua for further lnformatloa and terms. Carolina Realty Company W. D. Wilkinson, Prea. ' - f . mm ' n.n-rf ' Jit,h Lee T H. DeGraffenreldMfl r. Inturance Dapartment. FOR RENT Modern 9-room house 805 N. College street .... .... .... .... $40.00 Modern 8-room house, 614 N. Church street .... .... 40.00 Modern 8-room house, 1003 West 5th street .... .... .... . ..... . 35.00 Modern 7-room house 1003 West 5th street .... 35.00 Modern 7-room house 10 Tenth Ave .... 35.00 Modern 5-room apartment, 15 West 6th street .... .... .... .. .. 35.00v Modern 6-room house 401 West 11th street .... .... .... 20.00- Modern 7-room house 412 West 12th street .... . ... i .......... . 20.00 Modern 5-room, apartment first floor 313 East 9th .... ...... 25.00 Modern 5-room house 803 N. Pine ..v .... t.z... .... .. 25.00- Modern 5-room house 212 North Seigle Btreet .... 12.50 5-room house 212 North Stevens street; per week .. .... ..... .... 2.00 4-room house 1019 N. Brevard street, per week .. .. .... 2.00 4-room house 1915 N. Brevard street, per week . . . . ...... .A .... 2.00 3-room house 312 East 14th street, per week .... 1.25 3-room house 308 East 14th street, per week .. .... .... .... ...v 1.25 3-room house 807 West 6th street, per week ... .... 1.25 J. Arthusr He Merchants & Farmers National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital $200,000.09 Surplus. $2O,O05.i'9 Depositary United States Government, State of North Carolina. County of Mecklenburg and City of Charlotte. Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest at 4 Pcr cent irom aate or ueposit. Checking accounts, large or small, cordially invited. Geo. E. Wilson, President. W. C. Wilkinson, Ca3hler. OFFICERS: Jno. B. Ross. Vice pr-6'Oeni. H. W. Moore, Asst. C'-r- We Have Been Saying Litttle of Late About J M cHenbiiuffi sub-division- immediately adjoining M yers Park. ' Wa havA snlH 31 of thpse traota anH nn-nr nffo-r . thf IOilO 5 tracts of about 5 acres each at $500 per acre. 6 tracts of about 2 acres each, at $500 per -acre. 4 tracts of about 5 to 7 acres each at. $500 per acre. 33 tracts of 1 to 2 acres each in solid block suitable fo out 1150 ft. frontage on WakefieldRoad, a total of about CO ble for high-grade sub-division immediately adjoining Myers : WTill make Attractive Wholesale Price to some individual who would like to own and control such a property. acres m (P. 'Everything in Real Estate." High Grade m.- - INSURANCE IN STRONG COMPANIES - ' ' 1 on l.toaa Commarcial National Bank Buildinfl. . i

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