r irtniTT 11 u a (o nr ir Ptfo 11 . k m am w mm m m rmm am m wtr mrmm mmamm wuKl H CAROLINA IK ! TTV 031 14, THE CH AJffiC&lTO - - . " -J a tQ PAGES TODAY Great e jr 1 ; - C ha r I o tt.e.' s- NEWS IT TT r O o m e Established: Daily, 188S Sunday 1910 ewspaper CHARLOTTE, N. NIGHT EDITION Villa's Spectacular March On Toireon Neaung An End MOTHER MARY JONES TODAY FACES BEA BREST Not Long Before His Army of 12,000 Will Begin Siege of Torreon Gen. Villa is Con fident That Fight -Will be Short. , Cavalry Charges Against Fed eral Outposts Have Been Dis astrous to Federals In one Charqe 106 Were Left Dead -The Latest Dispatches. B Associated press. . , Denver, Colo., March 23 "Mother" Br Associate Press. Mary Jones, labor leader whn Bermejillo. Mexico, March 23Offi- to Trinidad last lZ I returne(i :ers from the extreme front returned ers are .XX today after vising some of the fed- by military author Jl ? era fortifications through field glass- Ammons said thTZT .GVernor Te, reported the defenses were instruction; "fo tetTt Z nnri nut , iresi Dut that he TT A s 4rea ner presence in Trinidad at the latest approved methods so that this time would rMi. i" i ? , troops might move from trench to A. week, ago today "Mother'5 Jones trench without exposing themselves. cam6 to Denver after three months im Fresh earth as said to mark the ST?? Tl in. San X hospital. At lurking places of the enemv's h,v ed q;T "l". sne as deport .w of the Who, I trf THnij .1 inat sne uld return ; ,',"uau once to urge her "bovs lauivuiiu tio1WiC. - Tif u encourage the wives Troops continued to pour into Ber- it st.riking miners." mejillo from the north today. Nearlv tornev, f 5rLe,Sted Trinidad at- i!I of the .imnlies from Vor. . "J hpa .1"! mm.e. workers said ha- - 4 ' ... viuiu uuw i.ui uu nmroofiinvn 1 -, , I Iron 1 v-i6o wuuia De ta- I en up at onro 1 . . Again a Mints t-Sh-?00-- Marc 23.-Af- -Marked hv Jones is affain ; ,u. 1VAaVy v. Kr,,cK ,ui u " tho oti. prisoner m . j, ..a ollu me euemy, uen- z,une- one -was taken from enu rrancisco villa's spectacular Train u oloraio & Southern Earch against Torreon which began I ,aL I 9aP H. C. Nicker- r,jut. db Hearing an end today. ;i " u :"rscu 1U iae county hospital Only a tew haciendas and suburban L17 guard- towns remained between his armv of , er Jones is held incommuni- ..,v.,.u ciuujus 01 me actual , 7r " ivacisuu ieii Trimdari I M tOOIPlE 000 are here Spectacular March Near End. Bermejillo, Durango, Constitutional ret Field Base, March 23 ;he ( iiege of Torreon. At no point does the der orders from Adjutant coel leader expect to meet strong re- T al Chase to arrest "Mother" iwaace umess it be at Lerdo a short " itt' vvaisenburg. The ofRoora s ance north of Torreon. Reports are ? tram at Puebl and as it hat a more or less formidable garri- near.?d Walsenburg ordered "Mother" yn ot federals has been placed by t0?1 lght . declared the strike leader, "but I am kneral Refugio Velasco in Lerdo to iuc muauiuuonaiists Tfirrn T o DiT - ,m rru f omez.Paiacio and kh supposed to be fortified by l'f lhe other matte? 1.0 general Villa but h- "ot beBeye that any considerable Sill01 ers would tach them- uum me main army at Torreon J than three miles from the moun With the possible exception of the ported garrison at tL a" el . Tta Tl,.(. ,. . . , . "w UC1CUU- Ier a ion? range dpfna n.i(v. ,u. . which are said n k ,"l"e, Dlg mountains c lttuiea on vi"a is confident that onlv vn-,or it . "esting Torrp K a, !cn!a'tains. that hisro0 V on wst; T16rly overwhelm Sn ht rahayrm-eet Hat Genpr9i ..orre?n' believing K"1,M kePt the The StJrn,.:: . Ut.1-. We afr 7 r1 wmch the rebels aore likP fJ" ln flave been yhave P?rt of war T charePi ,r "1 ufu-"tea in cav- StfELT PJIBTY LOST WI?iLe:..Iryi"8 .Explore the i "OUDt" Al Equip- rviAnl l a; r.. . . 1M,I"' iiaiub ivo Lives LOSt. Brief Message Bears This News r-The Colonel Was Going Deep Into Brazillian Wilds --May Be Some Time Before Complete Story is Known. By Associrted Press. marcn 23. rwi tv,. j wwB J. XJl, ure itoosevelt's family and friends were anxiously awaiting further an- vices today about the accident by mm mLparty lost !ts entire equip ment in the raDids nf a nm-J4 J or Ttru.-i - uv- uiic uo concern it j was foi ii. oiaicu. tiii 1. im rninnoi't! r-r, L --tedndSo Hon nt ana .wll!ther the expedi-, 1U "e auanaoned, especially euiSnSse8 S f" fr0m an r.?JWI of th? mishaP came in a luessage irom Anthony Fiala a mS!Li tht Party- It was" dafeTat uuai cm, rsrazii. vpstoro,, ,3 Iv. .V nave lost everything in ? J?Slds' TelePhone my wife of my ! . Santarem is in Para otao t, mnfliioT,. 11. . . "" - tiic ;::"T c W1 lue apajos river with v MONDAY F.VFNTArn MAnn . " 1 1 r- t -7T r ri rA 1 . i ri f ! . t i &r w. . . . v I am.. w a .in n rw w CAILLAUX. Si aycb OF PARIS EDITOR, AND HUSBAND SHE AVENGED 1 .Wit A'.VJt 3C V 7 f j t4iJ w Si if Jk . i " A- y ? I J. X.5 J r sa. BIG M. I. Oil EfJflO OSES DUKE PLAN Officers of Banft Say They Will Advance as Much as Fifty " who uii uurh wrpnn ico rh0ttn0n, Rece'Pts-Endorse the Duke Plan Heartily. Declare it Will Greatly Facili- wie me financial Opera tions of Spinners and De clare That it Will Create Ex cellent Commercial Paper. Piemier Asquith's Statement Relieves Situation Somewhat consul says BENTON WIS STABBED : i r rr A 'a. Derares That the Movement ot fes as ?n,y a Precau tionary Step to Protect Gov ernment Property-As to Resignation of Officers. Sir Edward Carson Declare Unionists Will go Ahead With Their Organization, Being Determined Wot to be IKS Detest 3 ovcrnment Tney embassy her., x J "V."u. ol. lDe 1J Associated PrM wlS cd0re.d th.e Man f"d1ii ch.n death, leav- in " the k,vnote of Jl I resuiiing from reKi.n-,T . City Bank of w n. ""6 i. a?vance $50,000.- eints By Associated Proua SS M C.h .23-BriUfch Con- ierceals official nnP .1.. SU The National York is 000 on cotton o:""." a".""".- killine of iv m.rM' rtpori on the when th. n.,iri " receipts erai vin, " "" o. uenton by Gen- Is oS-SSSf ouse corporation f'"13. uarez received at ,he directors an as 1,0 '"'" i"ai ne w Consul Perceval "lu,J iaKen from S!.t.j rf M Xew f 's iu operate a chain """u ambassador. It rfr- rr.-" is from resignation of i 1 nrlr TrM,t ... uuui llrtl fir 'rtw m , "James n n. 4 V5' ce- suit n m 8 report a the flr. Ti or ,rnj)- of. . iunr n 1 1 1 .1 n T - iKH 1 tiia iu vpmi(ar - . 1 u iiir v a eanization of z nnrr l"e or the ordpr f ci. V"."" LUHUU at dred l r.P,,. r. $5,000,000 of cotton warehouses On an lmlrnnnm t,T -u-.. . . TTIPtto . T?nnOQ,"7r t A C1 wmca ineoaore -nr. ?ull.ul 01 igaro, will be th "K ln the house of mr,m I. IPS! isiiii mm 'sss&.rsrl sfn: ....o'.n.. thp jr " avctjut3 river witn - ""i1UiUCUrer8 Dut woud Prpata uuuer cnarged that Villa hiZii i ; i . ' a against Fervico in i-i . - . ?rs ewfc. sssssss 3s;:: ssh ?s Roosevelt. Tr ' " ue"u.ore mnS, LZl 'jo. will be the U """e,liaKinS r. Duke has r"""-"1 ,n connection in a ioV V. .""" nis iatner p:. since the Dreyfus caw " UU1 ana co-operat on of Stuart ,lilurraauon rece v .a. etter t fcim nad called the Rio ?o1 has already beenn S i3e; - Cramer and other mPmw .J' stitutional commi part m the. intense drama "behind I th American murder. Caiiianv "enind the elation, w Matto-G 16 frm Tapoan to -W-t soon afterThroo and SI" r,S'...i ?"?c to the Monjs, minister of marile. W- L.u" f f- P" S5.000.000 , Hiver of Dmiht - Part m the intPnQ h. uii.1"."' 11 American Cnttnn xr,,., "T..." "1W eatPi tt,a ruit-a investi- and fi,a ,n ,l7 . ,,UH,w"i Roosevelt in a IV- murder. Cailla, ; U n na elation. whn 7r.ZuZr?Ie "as 'W.'hat Denton turn V . .omcer ad uarv ir f . cahW .r. irom the hBnofin.i "c LU principal r..uutu one 01 villa's officPr lu.r uuiy. ware- " "u ' " .."Pected to be tried. " 'ar" the mlnWa eu.,. a a I vw W 4 Ull. I IP -Vfllllllllllfl . Vj VJ I I II I t-f3yrAAl . Iuu III I II T A V Ha 4 - . . - " outh central nart f , VT lowed. It is 'nZ IZ mr,mevro.1- cornoratinn tZ rZ "omtht K;': "mlsxxnir. ceived last week bv TV, Wends will trV tT""t . aimette ' stofaee ho .. DUlia new nrnti "l. lo..w ,a unarmed to Arth, r p " r.u oua neral Sir man u a.: " M- .... . uucauu an tne sp- . iaKe over a l . . . "feU-'uaL me inert of hi n,! : -i uiacine a urnn. vro. 1.11c American Mnspnm nf Nr 1 --w jaiiianT'a nni;t;ni i.-. "uuiuer or n'9rhni.c, . 1 ana that flnHir, ...mr 1 iruciion nn .. WJ4 tural Mistr. 7:: , U1 i,a p9a v ruwl lue TQe . ."MS"7 11UW ownea, srees with th mn. u wc wruers 1 History. said tnarr" T case is bonnH ,T:J::"" xne or contrftoll rrrur v?"ur ownea- tPntinn Bre5 wlth the con- to exnlorfi thic t " " attentiV.n " r""- ""national ltrat 7 " 6pmmnw in- -CUtun8 mends. t " nver. Hei wiims. I am actine 11 nrl or M.4c, : r K -v r v wrote real T.riu - vv' t- iiilu me "nuerness where we shall havv n, 7el Jlfbt 1 a- nararyaI1conaea V' replied "lot: ea1 a month or six - - - - I " we Kna.1 Teafri - V, 1 tniTV good,-as I expect, 1 thinly it possible that I will go down "Well, I'll get off," she retorted m . ,s ' K'dnapping. . 1 rinidan fnin ifnu Plain case of kidnannincr r,v- 7. this river to trv and fin lv declared Jnhn tj Tr7f "115 tlfe' comes nut toti" T-,"ut y510-" wZlZ1" DerJ.r t?e United Mine V- - 6 as Well-as CoL Ran "vu- uaii ueen rairen frnm o . 1 io.no. Walsenburg by military officers. . "Meanwhile the rest of the nartv Athflw" T . I 1 (1 f (llfl 1 n HJTin ... I . OUUtS WaS COlTlfr thrnno-t, I "wuv"uo iviuier. Will STO fitraio-V, Cr ASSOT ntorl T i,. . , Martoir- ' , " Biik.iu - v iica. iar as 1 know there IlfliliS OF FALL OF THE FRENCH CABINET Mother the place and so is absolutely no charge against her. .come down that to Ma rQ6Sr- ?"-.c.orPtIaa is to operate tn-.rVT 7 aspect the cotton as to weight and grade and issue ware house receipts. These receipts .re to itLffUaratGed either by the company "seLf r. by some responsible surety nlQg lnftItuQn. According to jankers... the?A .oooJr,, .if , the very best kind of collateral for loans, a certain allowance for fluctua tions m price being made, of course. it was pointed out vpstorrf at the present time mill owners are frequently unable to get the cash they od'vf,DdJ"nder circumstances -10 unseu 10 maice 'hand to mouth purchases to meet current demands. iiu ins cotton stored WILSOM-ENDOHSES THE PROGRESSIVE OlfEMEfJT number of officer. ho re. rarf .w r'i 1 . - iaiea that "nothlm? roi, .T' durlne hi Tr,i . Si 1 ' leader Tn"D-rr r I that -bmmI" -.w",TO"".n. had army l now . . t" I IV: a declaration that " HI nnr ho. ... """-tin UI1II I arm - . A CU i yj civil engage fn he said th.t r " Wsh.' When against ter Special to The News. Raleigh, March, 23. The duty. How Special 1 ster were nn v . the iabor members" L" aout strikes?' uou.ed a few pass be- Torreon is NAUGHT 6a illTaincr tk. . . ? At this mt r;, veaeral out- atrtrnn. f,.- . c "l -ne rout was .g losr S8.,, they m umh nr Trio 15 miles of fir tj- ...I. reports a A . a v naited. w.,VUQ'6es over K f Vhe art of D.- M1- llilMl V on Gom:;anf.eD.els beg - r. 1 r .r.Vlcvu' yester- ittac: Important lis? an an ez Palacio and Lerdo fOS Of Tnrrr,.. .' "t"i "nice cirwDri "uarez tele- 4ing dWasthat ere had Vmm at Vera Cruz. 42 thi WiSon SSS and ' sen's ffairs J t;" miister for 2eor.forma nT'.f'"1 reaed the "urDSa o -ciiiiunns nr HA..-4.. ceres' ?0st er KLAHOMA LAUNCHED TODAY I - -"Ol UII Z lllnir I omnTI 1 I . . " LU1U111ILTPP rkT MaMo77 " coect around were current in nftminrZ. 'r8 0'l" ,!areI10use. the chairman, heai . wocnucie until Kermit i-uuea toaay r "mpeneu to Dorrow monpv I a r ""w'tiuen ior , Cherne and I turn up. It is not S as to probable fall ofth. .0ni.on the cotton in a narrow locafmS 0ne.ntA0n .of progressive demo- Eard sioie to give a forecast as tn no ' cabinet as a Ren,,m ... . Ket and must in conseauence nav eteVe today from President a con time that will he ron,,- " . i . -uons or parativelv hisrh int.rV rX i M,sun. a letter in which th I tion Headwnforo 1, vxa o ui i ir. ii n irnr ti .. which Col. Randon at "VI1 ters, are In Matto oT- TlJL "1" the Madeira and Tanains ri to join the Amazon. wnat equipment was necessary to make the trip down this unknown riv- w6Ci,, a matter of er is ture. conjec- ,C2h Rsevelt does not state in anv aeorfl:.!ses was aed ,'U:t(..,. ' " I'Silt. Tltr a T 'nu won official J . lorreon. s or , ";m.,aih do not exnert '? after thT" l0ns wH1 crystalie W. 7 ba"Io. rstaiiZe 'I eyiio... . rcs. renortPri -ri-wniie Zapata, -or troop L 14thj -ntosh tr, 7.. . ,b)atcfied from Ser Patro, Tw 'uo. Tnv . ' -caico. on- By Associated Press. i-niladelphia, March 23. The buJ wrtatinn C u means of trans" peroreadnought OWahoma. one of Z jTSS JS. largest and most powerful battleships jng neavier than canoes could have afloat. wa l been carried on the son miia -j yards of the New York Shipbuilding e pSi?35i7a" .? (JomDanv at Pamdon xr t -tv.. . "i'ZI . "VC1 Ui uoudi. . 0. x iic kiuul c s'cai uaneer in dACf;nn n sea fighter, was christened by Miss streams that flow northward to Bra- orena Jane Cruce, daughter of the X JU1" nazon is in the many Governor of Oklahoma, who crashed 1:. pa2- extend- bottle of champagne against the 500 milesT wW i p ship's great prow as the hull began K'000 to 4,000 feet above sea. w.. to glide into the Delaware river. 0pes abruPtly to the floor of the MisB Cruce was surrounded by a doz- 'If s some en girl friends from Oklahoma. are fou ftSb" tarie?6 WrId Surrounding the christening party . Xt is Possible that after the expedi were Secretary of the Navy and. Mrs. !.1n,I?tJthe equipment the members Daniels; Assistant Secretary Roose- onrafts or or i SJu Slream velt, member, of the coninna, I that theiri00- " Vbzble naval committee, the Oklahoma dele-, Tapajos and tQ Somfi !kSSL th.! it. I . -i,v. j nuiri having been other hand, with the ottnn ent artily endorses the "iougntto bear to Drocnre a tc with a larsre nMn !u Ul progressives for a Kfat awiuuier. I . r.--vou, auj marKet and I aa .. r--0.0noa taie In lobbies of the chamber of 5ea.n 4.hat he could bor- adon ed it wol,na fias not already les and the oj.- .-i . u- 1UW nearer tne limit and ot I . . ine Whole affair i- which Clarence Poe Isf ceP as demonstrat ing tZVtfJ a I n? tho - Mr.tif.1 ""wuj, mat tee arm r .- counted ujxn to flebt j?ir Carson s t-nhini.. -'r tingency fihoM J'3 " fiUril Politician, di " r .C "PPOi' the colUnw Tr is. i 1 10,8 mean and?i ?L hAonle "e project emnWr " ""'".mat the ,"e.ate .n "STiZCSE limit and J orreS yesterday' that the "Ll .??d--rs ofTheo! minister for the colonies RenevW .-UIty Bank alone would ad- v""lu"uee movement minister of public nZyA vance 150.000,000 on such collateral. . " Andre Maginot. nndor c "?:anci . " to the spinners' interest tni state for war. c.ary or buy cotton early in the season, when . u was argued anion mmw- i.-J ttr.e "eiy to get better grades: i Cas? Ahe cabinet continues y of. i?. . -finaing. uce ii wiu nrobahlv ha u . the opp off0 I-. I"- . -"v., iuc Dimiei 3 after the their cotton at a time and vwill probably be nnlv U", 1 tae are uaole .to do so. With a ware- upposiuon groups are-unwilling t - "uus V"B imes Proposed l?rm. a government until after the LiLi. " i;"Ke' !ae 7Pmners cou buy elections in April. CAPT. HOLLERBACH DROWNED By Associated Press. in n'nn. tHt x , . mica must aavantageous to them store the staple, and get money from the bank on the warehouse receipts. Notes secured by member banks are eligible for rediscount by the federal LIILUC Sill MEANS BIGGER AND ernment may Knnn 1 r"v by Its own choice. '"m tion Was disnlav mm.mj V VJ commons this BETTER CROPS to a secre Evansviiio . I reserve bank. Arch Hollerbach,"69 yea . old ? SS? ,"The precise detalIs Mr. Duke's By Associated Press ernment contractor, was drowned to- w 6 avaiIable- It is expected day when the steamboat Old Reliable tha UPn hIs return to New York sank in the Ohio near Galconda Ills ?6Xt WCek;Ir. Duke wiU nold a con- xjL tue crew escaped. A baree 11 t "auaiue mierests nere, rock towed by the boat sDran a . m.f w..lca a statement will be gation in congress, state officials and otner Ukiahomans. uovernor Cruce, of Oklahoma, was ucntiiiea at nome. . Tugs warped the great hull into a uock near the Argentine battleship 1-j.uicuu ana tne cmnese cruiser Fie nung. In honor of the . . r J ""t UI "wauoma wavea today over his toric independence Hall. ' 'til by , h-Thi, l: .Al?erican bo the and border garrison re- 111 'r.r. . , -ieraay's Eaeln i S. to h,, Vdent Wilson i J. Thn , .. t.r.ust legis- tha' h SAYS WILSON, J no t. .a I'KUnZ no reason 3ay that 1 1 indent told r-'WJoneiaen , 1 Ieai 5y the trent but that ein on s forked i irPro.gram was LAST LAP CHICAGO OF CAMPAIGN By Associated Press. Chicago. March 23. With eloftinTi day scarcely more than a fnrtnie-ht distant, Illinois todav started on the last lap of a nolitical ronteRt whiVh has developed much interest because or the woman vote. The big Question is whether sale nf nquor shall be barred from aDDroxi- mately 300 townshins in whir.h Innal option petitions have been, filed. opponents of the saloon look for victory in most of the tnwnahina through votes of newly enfranchised women. j messenger j 1 LUC I rl V - WOT! r r-w 3 . n q7.V' uuwn tne river w uoumiem or sent ahead to that place. rJLTr!? nat"al history Cr a"y on its trip . " a"u x-araguay rivers oaici i is unaerstond leak and before the rrOW ""p 7, ..a issued describing all the feature,, nf V, .. v-.. vuuiu CUl fho nr,l.i.:.. " " ww ropes It Sank, drapcri I """"lOMUfi. steamer down in thirtv w . " - - - M THE WEATHER. ' i M P 0 R TAN E- colonel had indicated he would sW?! S ,vFa.ir. tonight and Tuesday, slow them before he entered ,f,'"- iy rising temnr-ratnre- fr-nc up are the Forecast for North Carolina: Derore he entered th n 1 T smg tempera ture: fmot ion tt-Hj mi-- , . J "" -"i a&ll- z n,V).f T .- -l , - .. - "- -a- ""T-a; loss ln the rapids, out- - S soutnwest and west side of food. arms, namn rv,oi. hr wmds. .. and instruments, undoubtedly includes ' the birds and animals killed alm? r"K""- lusiapuss irom the lime trio started on the horsehair tr.? the plateau. "VCi Col. Roosevelt haa planned tn or. rive next month at Manaos. From there he was to etart for MariWfi attend the marriage of his son Ker mit tQ MlSS Belle Willard f einia. dane-hter nf . ' o wv uj. i.iin - iimrion BLUEBEARD OF GERMANY WAS BEHEADED Frankfort-on-the-Main, March 23 t J1 "i.' me assist of this city "uu uceu nainea tne-.' Bluebeard of Germany" was beheaded todav for murdering his father, his first .wife and his two children. The accused man was convicted of the charge in - Jan uary and also of attemptine to miirrl his second and third wives and several other persons. - News Advertising Fads m In C. W. Allison's adver tisement today he says: "Two weeks ago a party gave me nis nome to sell been trying to sell it for over a year. I advertised it in THE NEWS and sold it this week." 'NUF 'CED. T C IS I ON ON FREIGHTTHAFFIC By Associated Press. Washington, March 23. The inter state commerce commission today an nounced this principle, which applies toall freight traffic: "A carload minimum a-oitrv.f tt- - ' PD iA TT 11 IV. 11 ruie ritua- in the OnilRa nr aft . houS "..oen tbf " viuM iiFn wn (( tatement from Colonel Seely tary of sUte for w.r eex7. The communirifinn j . . . t.L. iSl7 -aa brlf and titferH Tague. The rist nf ir ... "lrJ officers had inf.. "1, " iami. BOra Arthur Paret. rZlT. Jf. -5Jr Ireland, that iheTiSuld IS "SrS g sai a eiftuatie. There wC said, a misunderstanding ,d ti-..! officers had been ordered t T f their ririments. VhT dement j 0? troops, he concluded,. ?i order to protect th . i!17 13 Washington. M.rrt, r, ernment arm. nrf - ..TL.TT 01 0T- for big crop, in ,T.::z:j Both Prr:.:.r,ruuu.iun: . bright at this time as the resit ot Uw. leadeVf tt. opSST the almost continuous nM.M.i J recognized the widnr piLu?.a? snowstorms over th .T,. -". exhaustive deh-tl .tlclf .Ior opinion of officials of ihrdepartmenl aInS to a moUon for SW? of agriculture. The lonr fh. . Journraent of the hnn.. itrLjf. ? f oettheDSer8' th6y dec. the more efrn '"retary ioVlv grows the assurance of big crops of en ln order to discuss the 'rlsh com and wheat, better ?eeUbIes 1 on' The leader of the opposition St more stock feed and lower- tr ' dare-! the rorernmeni-; ,".ade- its" UmeS,n6W US time In denartinc" mM t . With the hnn tiering Bonesteel of the bureau of soiYs toda dar of the HBrlUah arT beinde" "we will hftv a hDi 'I Btrnved Kcf,. .u. oeing: ae- eyes bad, like 'we will have a better cron start thi I stroyed before the mmtrr jear than for several he !aid. cnm n " ' M date cordon, cou.a UrtrTu ;,. - aK VSH.'S - ' ---..v irom ouer Quar ters anart fmm , . H CHAMPS TO PLAY that resignations 0, "ffi"" SAVANNAH INDIANS. carred W I The onnnclllnn . Savannah. Ga.. March M-t J statinr thifJZ' !fUlr.reaa a. ieW team of the world ehamnln. 1 fight TeainVt '"" sonvf this morning7ron Jack! dismlssed TronTrheV JeTrteT WUI1 6e sonville. They will play the Savannah The action of the government in Indiana of the South Atlantic League moving troops. Mr. llwdeSS? wi! this afternoon and win iea - tJu foniich ueciarei. was . . . - . c "I uiiu-i - "cio hu no new kit.4- . luauvu . , - M v. . ro,,!, .j.-i., r01" "u,vu u,6"i lomgni ior Charleston 11 " -rry Auu 10 ine neeos of igame with the Charleston tem " break. the carriers and the ereat mswti of shippers will not be increac-' be" cause one shipper, by the expenditure of exceptional effort and expense finds himself able to load mnr t.J "T,,1 can hIs competitor.; neither will this commission under Rnoh rir. cumstances prescribe a lower rate per 100 pounds conditional of a' higher minimum weight as the measure of the carload " Motion to Quash Indictment rwr-j u w , . . nuugiiiuu, Jiicn.. Aiarch 22 a tion to quash the indicetment 'eharino- consupiracy against President Charles H. Moyer and thirty-seven other offi cers and members of the Western federation of Minera wro rio.i.j . day by Circuit Judze O'Brien. for a n Ulster nor any threatened out- I - - row. Secretary John Shibe i in rh9r Th of the s,ad. All of tb, reieran pTaV ' Gs"iniJ were m wT . . e operations U ?a ei25?Jfll,t Ulster Md that i was expected the rrMint . u . JAPANESE CABINET MAY Onmm t .11. w Diet was prorogued today b- ih v. from ..! V. . '""UTieUoos peror owins to the m.hmW -7. mH;r 'JJi "r- "terted: duced the estimates cnnMovTr 5 Qia nt make these the peers afterward -furthe diminiTh T Terted nian nPS f " of 600 ed them but this was SfsJSi?' S2!!-p,an to provoke or Hilmldau rriz ri . . . . I "'"' , cpefe;nuiuves and a dead, inclr ensued. aeaa- Mr;iW,a8k!d Aether General Hu .wuuuuw on raae Nina.k