On Misunderstandings We received a letter last week which is printed on the next page and which illus trates a basic misunderstanding on the part of its authors as to the point of recent Journal editorials. Since the letter is signed by a student and a faculty member, we feel it may reflect a similar misunderstanding by large numbers in both groups. Therefore, we will direct an editorial to the members of both groups in answer to the propositions discussed in the letter. In answer to the charge that we tried to play match - up with junior and senior high mascots and those suggested by the committee, we must admit that we not only tried; we did, successfully. We endeavored to show how absurd the suggestions of the committee were in this manner. We still do not believe stu dents here really want to share a mascot with a Charlotte prep school. The letter writers continue, by saying they feel certain that “the match-ups could be com pleted, by looking to other cities for Bisons and Chargers." This is quite a profound state ment considering the fact that we said, in the February 8 editorial, that we wonder if students would like the name Bisons if they knew “that Wilson Junior High has been going by it for quite some time now." We also said, in reference to Chargers in the same edi torial, “We realize there's a professional football team in San Diego by the same ap pellation...” It makes us happy to note that students and faculty members read our edi torials carefully. Now let’s get to another point in the letter. The example of Hampshire Hills choosing the same mascot as that of Clemson or Prince ton is not exactly applicable in the case of UNC-C. Hampshire Hills following in the footsteps of Clemson is fine, but Clemson following the example of Hampshire Hills is ridiculous. The latter is what the writers of the letter would have UNC—C do bv naming its mascot after that of Catholic High in Charlotte. The letter writers state, for their parti cular groups, we presume, that the mascots of junior high and high schools should have nothing to do with UNC-C and that they “hope we will have broader support for our athletic teams than just the immediate Char lotte area." We would ask them and the groups they represent, “What better way can we dissociate ourselves from junior and sen ior highs then by picking a mascot not in use by one of them, like Chargers?” Further more, we wonder how we could ever hope to draw broad support for our teams if people in our own Charlotte area were given the chance to confuse us with the fine teams of Charlotte Catholic High. Yet this is what the letter writers advocate when they recommend we adopt the nickname Cougars. As for the bit about a living mascot, again we stated in the February 8 editorial, “Char gers... can be readily associated with animals such as rams, bulls..." Indeed, Chapel Hill teams are know as Tar Heels but a ram makes an appearance at athletic events and this situation produces no awkwardness If the name Chargers wins the election, we do not foresee the use of the Ajax White Knight as a living mascot unless the groups which the writers represent would have it that way. This school needs a fresh, clean name by which to be known in order to stand out among Dodgers Called ^Sawdust By Roger Rapaporf The Collegiate Press Service (Last of a two - part series) TORONTO — “Pve always thought a man had an obligation to go firght where his country tells him to,” says Corporal Ron McIntosh, a career soldier with the Canadian Army. “But it seems to me that the United States hasn’t given its boys much of an ex planation on why they sliould go to Viet Nam. So if they want to come up here to escape the draft it’s fine with me.” Most of official Canada views things the same way. Police, civic, and university administrators as well as the press solidly en- dorese the right of U. S. citizens to avert conscription. U. S. dip lomatic and military officials are not visibly dismayed by the situation either. “There’s no reason to get your blood pressure up when you have a few hundred draft dodgers a- midst 30 million draft regis trants,” National Selective Ser vice Director Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey said. “You can’t have a sawmill with out a little sawdust and these draft - dodgers are just sawdust., Besides I don’t think they are much of an asset to the United States. I’ve told my Canadian friends that they are weicome to them.” Canada seems happy to oblige. “We don’t even think about it,” says a spokesman for the city of Toronto in the town’sposhnewcity hall. What’s the saying? What you don’t know doesn’t hurt you,” he says whimsically. A spokesman for the Royal Cana - dian Mounted Police explains that the draft status of U. S. immi grants is not a matter of Canadian concern. And the Toronto Globe and Mail wrote in a recent editorial, “The granting of political asylum is an accepted principle of all civilized countries. Canada cannot, decently breach this principle.” At the University of Toronto ad missions director E. M. Davidson says the draft status of American applicants is not a factor in ad mission to the school. “We admit exclusively on academic and be havioral grounds.” Davidson has noticed no upsurge of applicants from American men to the school. In fact, the number of U. S. male applicants has fallen off in recent months. “But that’s probably because the draft is draining off a lot of our pro spective American students,” he explains. Several Canadian organizations actively assist expatriates. The Student Union for Peace Action with headquarters at 659 Spadina St. has become the Welcome Wagon for American draft dodgers. It helps new arrivals to settle. While SUPA leader Tony Hyde is quick to explain that his organ ization “makes no move to get people to come up here,” it has published an informative 15-cent pamphlet called “Coming to Can- ada?” for “American concerned about the possibility of being drafted.” The informative document in cludes all pertinent information on such crucial matters as de deportation, extradition, customs, and landed immigrant status (a prerequisite to Canadian citizen ship). In essence it says that coming to Canada poses no major problem for the draft dodger who plans ahead. Hyde says the pamphlet is “our fastest selling item at present. We lost two cents on every pamphlet since we send them out airmail at 17 cents. But we want to do it that way since a lot of our orders come from urgent cases.” Gilman To Speak— (Continued from Page 1) GHman was graduated from the Gilman was awarded a Rocke- University of Wisconsin in 1947 feller grant to travel throughout with a B. A. degree in English, the United States from 1963 to He furthered his studies at Col- 1964 to study American theatres, umbia University, TheNewSchool, In 1964 he received a Guggenheim education institutions. Chargers comes closest of the three remaining names to filling this need. The name also symbolizes a young university charging to the top in all its many phases. We feel that if the letter writers and the groups they represent will stop and think, they will realize that Chargers is, in fact, the best name for this school. However, until the students and faculty of UNC-C develop enough pride in their institution to being to put some mature thought into the editorials which they read, well meaning^ but ill thought out letters to the editor will continue to be written. Fellowship and that year wrote “Contemporary American Cul ture”, soon to be published by Random House. Wliile writing for Newsweek, Gilman was a visiting lecturer on (drama at Columbia University from 1964 to 1965. The summer of 1965 he was asked to lecture oi modern American drama at the Salzburg Seminars in American Studies. At the present Gilman is in London studying the British theatre. After his appearance here he will be at Duke University to attend a similiar conference. Concerning the acquisition of such a distinguished speaker for the forum. Dr. Loy Witherspoon, forum committee member, re marked, “We feel that we have an outstanding personality as well as a gifted writer and thinker in Richard Gilman. We are very for tunate to be able to have him here.” The forum will be held oi March 2, “No, I wasn’t worried about making the Dean’s List, I was just worried about making 'Ma Skidmore’s’ list."