CAROLINA JOURNAL Mar. 15, 1937 Page 2 Students Admire Art Exhibit It’s hard to tell if it’s "artfor art’s sake,” or “art for Pete’s sake” from the expressions of the students in the picture above. Be that as it may, the couple is enjoying one of two art exhibits currently being shown on campus. This one is in the Union and the other is on the second floor of the Atkins library. Journal photographer Frank Coley snapped the picture. Ffp Jlkhis motion picture will probably do as much for mothers as 'Moby Dick’ did for whales... do you think of that, mothers? STARTS TODAY FEATURES AT 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:45 9:25 P.M. In Color JonathanWinters As “DAD" RASCAL HOUSE 2400 North Tryon Street Dining and Dancing FOR YOUNO MEN ONLY Do you have a guaranteed method of accumulating money for your future? CML's booklet, “Designed for Young Men,” ahowa you how life insurance can help you get ahead financially while provid ing protection for your family at the same time. Write for a free copy today. Scott Welton and Ivan Hinrichs areyour Conn ecticut Mutual Campus Representatives. Their address is Suite 909, N. C. National Bank Building. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS ''de'f the FIRCT PLEP6E m'VE ever .SPAFfTEP A SPECIAi- PRWlLE&g— M15 OLE MAN A Part Time Openings All day Sundays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and one evening either Thursday or Friday from 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Other part- time positions available. Apply to Personel Department, Wach ovia Bank and Trust Company or call 376-0231, extension 210. Wachovia Bank And Trnst THE BOX Variations Friday Admission —$1.00 Appreciations Saturday Admission —$2.00 HALF PRICE COUPON the WORLD FAMOUS Fine Italian Food mHITCHEV “ —1318 W. Morehead St. Charlotte, N- C. 375-7449 Serving Charlotte Since 1949 UNITED SELECT FOODS, INC. 2830 GRIF>=ITH ST., CHARLOTTE, 28201 VENDORS OF FINE FOODS, CANDIES & CRACKERS 332-2819 — 376-6221 NOW Servoniation cf Charlotte WITH NEW, EXPANDED FACILITIES socN ro BE constructed at Route 16 Opposite Charlotte Water Works OUR FINE FOOD - FINDS FRIENDS “ The world’s best pecan pie" Jimmie Anderson 1617 Elizabeth Ave