Carolina Journal September 13, 1967 Page 4 Summer Scene At UNC-C City Water Comes A spectacular “wedding” high lighted the summer activities here on campus. Bill Billups performs the “wetting” ceremony for Mecklenburg (Dwayne Spitzer) and Charlotte (Earleen Mabry) as Father Haus and Bridesmaids Gerry and Cathy Ledford look reverently on. In order to publicize city-county cooperation in bringing city water to our campus, a “wetting” cere mony was performed on campus. Student Bo^ Vice-President Bill BiUups, posing as the parson, join ed together Charlotte (Earleen Ma- bry) and Mecklenburg (Dwayne Spitzer). Charlotte was given in marriage by her “papa”, Mr. Lauren Haus. In the “wetting” party were bridesmaids Gerry and Cathy Ledford. At a reception following the ceremony, the couple was presented with useful “wetting” gifts — a pipe wrench and a plumber’s friend! The cere mony was attended by many dig nitaries — amongthem Chancellor Colvard, Mayor Stan R. Brook shire, and Mr. James Martin, Chairman of County Commis sioners. All three made short, informal speeches prior to the ceremony. On campus to bring a message concerning the University’s func tion of producing new leaders was the Honorable Charles R. Jonas. He laughingly called his address a “non-political speech.” Bill Curry, of WSOC-TV, spoke to a small gathering of students and faculty members on the var ious problems involved in getting really big intercollegiate sports on our campus. Many of the barriers Mr. Curry mentioned seem re movable only by growth and the passage of time—even though, as he says himself, he is more en thusiastic and anxious to have such a program on campus than we are. Mr. Curry, as always, entertained as well as informed—and he is very good at both. Charles R. Jonas spoke to students Bill Curry entertained a student gathering Even though the “wedding” is mock, the bride groom seems to have some reservations about this important step!! The “wetting” was complete with appropriate gifts for the newlyweds-a plumber’s friend for the bride and a pipe wrench for her groom. Tuesday Nights with Dr. and Mrs. McEniry became a sure way to spend enjoyable and informative Tuesday nights in exciting and controversial conversation with fellow students and friends and faculty members.