Page 4 The Carolina Journal, October 9, 1968 Be A Hug’iniT" The early morning chill of an autumn day creeps into the tent. Your sleeping bag no longer seems to hold your body heat. Next step? You get up, groping for your old levi trousers, making sure that your tent exit is fastened securely. Once dressed you step out into the open air, rear back on your lungs, and collapse— your lungs can’t stand the fresh air. The ;smell of bacon and eggs, ham, and hot brewing coffee tingle your cool nostrils. You rub your eyes trying to fathom your whereabouts. Then you relize that you’re a Hug’ums and you are taking part in the Annual Unzipped? Conclave on the side of Hawkbill Mountain just a short distance from] Linville Falls. All around you are leaves of red, yellow, brown, and gold. Your companions come from fraternities, sororities, left and right-wing organizations, different religious backgrounds (some with none at all), and generally all walks of life, though some appear, at this hour of the morning, to be from all walks of death. Nevertheless, you saunter over to the fire, grab a cup and a plate, and pour the chow on. Then you find yourself a place to sit and eat, enjoying the fine, mystical taste that comes in food eaten outdoors. What’s on the agenda for the day? Who knows, but you can be sure if you attend the Second Annual Hug’ums Conclave October 18,1968, there will be campfire sings, roasted marshmellows, hotdogs over a birch fire, and plenty to keep you busy laughing—sometimes crying - and there is the wonderful scenery around you that comes down around you. You lose yourself in the outdoors. The plastic faces are left behind: you are a Hug’ums. Unzipped? Don’t eat grapes Y.A. Who? We’re gonna have a party....soo„ as they leave ‘•‘Slrulliii’ Lighlly” “But ven he vash asleep in ped, so quiet as a mouse, / prays der Lord, ‘Drake anyding. But leaf dot yawcob Strauss, ” (with feeling) —C. F. Adams JournalisUs Meet Last Friday eight people interested in forming a Journalism Club met in the Journal Office to begine proceedings for the recognition of such a group by the University. A sub-committee was appointed to write a constitution wth the held of S.G.A. President Bill Billups. The next meeting will be scheduled after an outline for the constitution has been developed. CAROLINA JOURNAL Editor, Rod Smith, who was the primary farce starting the club would like to see tl>e membership extend beyond the three staffs of campus publications. Although a concrete outline for the club has not been decided upon, the students who were present at the meeting expressed a desire to see the focus of the club extend beyond the writting aspect of journalsim. Anyone interested in any aspest of publishing is invited to attend the next meeting. "Struttin'..." photo by Wendy Kleinfield picture of Dr. Ellis on page 1 courtesy of the Rogues 'N Rascals all others by Chuck Howard He's the most unusual bass player we've ever had.