Thursday, October 22, 1970 THE CAROLINA JOURNAL a b a a a gimni'BTB ,Thi£^ ARs by mike mcculley "aflflfliHOflflflflgBQBOBQQaOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOei Potpourri...togetherness is double fun... the bell tower has been adopted as "mascot" of the Rod Squad... anatomy lab this week cancelled until they turn the heat on... Goulash Grabber... negotiations have been completed between I CPU (International Chicken Pluckers Union) and SAGA on the final resting place of the sick chicken that died Friday night. ICPU wanted a bronze plaque erected over the kitchen door and SAGA wanted to make chicken-burgers with tomato sauce; apparently, SAGA won... Ad-For-Real-Department... "Be a HIT in your "OFFICIAL NATIONAL GUARD TARGET" t-shirt! Strategic colors: lily-white, slightly yellow, guerrilla gray. $2.20. FLAK shirts. Box 1641, Lexington, Kentucky 40501." -THE BIRD (Sept. 28, '70) Feminist Oops! Division... proving they're human, a copy boy deveioped the following head for a Chicago Sun-Times story; "Women's Liberation Really Is Broad-Based."... Editorial Slice-of-Life... deleted from an aspiring sports' writer's copy: " the intramural game last week, the field was lined with several scores of athletic supporters." There were some people at the game, too... STORIES we couldn't print... "Colvard Hangs Self" (news tid-bit on the re-arrangement of pictures in officeland) .... "Iced Cone Thaws" (Vice-Chancellor after watermellon feast)... "Witherspoon Forked" (an accidental seating item; human-interest stuff).... "Ellis Runs Night-Time Enterprise" (english prof made head of evening classes).... Poetic Interlude.... A man of an inquiring mind... quite easily computes... statistics of the girls who wear... bikini bathing suits... so candid are these little things... that one may well protect... but somehow I've a feeling that... some attributes resent... the pressing limitations of... such tight imprisonment... they seem to strain impatiently... to force a haltered thrust... and make a clean breast of it all... or in the effort bust... in view of this I must conclude... bikini's lack the touch... they're either leaving something off... or brinqinq forth too much.... Distractions.... a good date is when you go to the drive-in and neither of you need the heater on... I always thought a piece de resistance was a girl that wouldn't cooperate... the last thing that gets started in a parked car is the engine.... passion marks are personal autographs that remind you what day yesterday was.... On Reunions... beautiful things for Thursdays.... Futuristic Fantasies.... UNCC, 2070.... the parking problem at UNCC ended today when an Erector Crane placed a yellow Volkswagon diagonally between Broadrick Boulevard and the curb, thus completing a jig-saw puzzle begun back in ole 1970. Commented a spokesman for the University: "How's that for planning?" .... Washington, 1070.... Discounting a rumor that J. Edgar Hoover had died, the FBI today released an unretouched photo of the "grand old man" riding a golden chariot into the sun.... To See Or Not To See.... ask a blind man if black or yellow or red or brown or white is beautiful... sometimes you wish we all were blind.... Cornin' Down.... to one alone: we exist in a material world while ignoring the materials.... sex is a commie plot but who cares?.... a gold digger craves precious little.... and then there was the Southern belle everyone knew had a clapper but rang anyway... chivalry isn't dead, but it's been castrated lately.... old flames burn out many a new spark.... to alter a saying, maybe we came in with a whimper, but I hope we go out with a bang.... je t'aime Page 5 lUE “Establishing contact with his audience is Bradstreet's speciality, because he captivates his listeners...” “Everything is so plastic today that the only way you can really establish contact with people is to be totally honest with them. ” Brads tree t Thursday, Oct. 22 and Saturday, Oct. 24 -- appearing in University Center (old dorm cafeteria) ADMISSION: SHOWTIME; 8:00 P.M. Friday, Oct. 23 Will appear in basement Sanford Hall Refreshments Presents Dave Bradstreet ATTENTiUMi % r I PARK TERRACE PARK ROAD SHOPPING CENTER I AMIKE NICHOLS FILM AlANARHIN M. I MAJORS Y There will be a meeting of the Psychology Majors on Wednesday, October 28 at 11:30 in Rooms 231 and 232 in the University Center. It is very important that all majors attend! “IT’S ONE HELL OF A FILM! A COLD. SAVAGE AND CHILLING COMEDY!’ —Bruce Williamson, PLAYBOY Special Student Discount Coupons worth 50^ available at University Center STARTS FRIDAY m You can see some cinema masterpieces by mike mcculley Under the auspices of the Student Activities Board, the UNCC Films Committee, dubbed “Cinema ’70,” has planned a double-barrelled program for the ’70-’71 year. There is a distinct emphasis on cinema as art throughout the program. Working from an enlarged allocation, the small group decided to offer two programs: a foreign/classic festival on Wednesdays and a popular series on Fridays. Although they may be subject to change, the Wednesday slrowings are scheduled twice, at 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., in C building room 220, so that the broadest number of University members can attend. Friday’s flicks are scheduled throughout tlie year at 9 p.m., also in Room C-220. Plans are being made for use of one of the auditoriums in tlie new Fine Arts Building as a regular “theater” for all campus movies. Hopefully, the Committee wants to bring an “underground” series distributed by Universal Kinetic Art to UNCC in the spring, funds permitting. The foreign festival brings to campus some of the world’s most nighly acclaimed motion pictures. Following is a short scenario on the festical: (not in order to be shown) THE BICYCLE THIEF-Vittorio de Sica’s somber little study of a man who depends upon his bicycle for his livelihood and must become a thief when his is stolen. Best Foreign Film of 1949-New York Film Critics. THE MALTESE FALCON-Bogie’s definitive tough-guy role as detective Sam Spade; with Peter Lorre doing his creepy villain bit, and Mary Aston as the girl Spade loves but sends to prison anyway; and Sidney Greenstreet as The Fat Man. One of Bogart’s best, and a detective classic. MOTHER-a Russian film about a family in the changing Russia of 1905. “Without hesitation, I place it amongst the finest works in the history of the cinema.’’--Paul Rotha, THE FILM TILL NOW. CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI-the first and possibly the finest horror film ever made; CALIGARI explores the workings of a madhouse and a mad mind. VIRGIN SPRING-lngmar Bergman’s study of a father s revenge for the violation and murder of his daughter. The rape scene is one of the most graphic ever put on film. With Max Von Sydow. “One of the year’s 10 best”-NY Times. RULES OF THE GAME-some critics consider this the finest film ever made. It is certainly Jean Renoir’s masterpiece among masterpieces-an indictment of the destructive arbitrary “rules” of “society.” “Jean Renoir’s greatest work...”-London Observer. THE GOLD RUSH-Charlie Chaplin looks for both gold and romance in the Klondike. One of his most sur-really funny yet most touching films. FORBIDDEN GAMES~a study of how war gives children a matter-of-fact view of death. A moving film, one of the best anti-war tracts made in any medium. “Masterful...heart- b r e a k i n g ’ ’ - - N Y Times; “Brilhant...devastating”-LIFE. TORMENT-Ingmar Bergman’s first scenario is the story of a cruel teacher and his effect on a student when they both love the same girl. “One of the best.”-TIME THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET-One of the finest of the Czech films of the New Wave (before Dubcek’s fall). It tells of the friendship that grows between a simple carpenter appointed “aryan controller” of a shop by the Nazis and the headstrong old Jewish woman who runs the shop, and of the man’s conflict when the Nazis decide to deport all Jews from Prague. Oscar for Best Foreign Film-1965. “You cannot afford to miss this brilliant and extraordinary film.”-Judith Crist. 8 54- -Fellini’s great autobiographical film of a director trying to break with the stifling pressures of his life to make a film. Some mice fantasy sequences, especially the one in a brothel. “854 certainly ranks among the most brilliant cinema works of our time.’’--Judith Crist. THE SEVEN SAMURI (THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN)- Director Akira Kurosawa’s film created his reputation; it is a raging, sensuous epic...a pattern of smashing import. The story is concerned with the defense of a sixteenth century village by seven men. Known as THE Japanese film masterpiece. THE EXTERMINATING ANGEL-Bunuel’s strange and terrifying film of guests who find themselves unable to leave a dinner party in spite of their imminent destruction. Antonioni by way of Satre. “Brilliant... macabre...”-TIME THE THREE-PENNY OPERA-Bertolt Brecht’s and Kurt Weil’s musical about the thieves of Berlin during Nazi occupation. Such songs as “Mack the Knife” and “Pirate Jenny.” With Lotte Lenya. THE GOLF SPECIALIST-W.C. Fields. What else is there to say? M~Fritz Lang’s classic about a child molester and murderer (Peter Lorre) who is hunted down by his own underworld colleagues. Though made in 1931, the film hasn’t dated at all. “...visual excitement, pace, brilliance...”-Pauline Kail, THE NEW YORKER. Quite a cinematic feast and potpourri. Watch the posters and the JOURNAL’S FLICK FACTS box for dates and times of these greats. You’ve gotta see these movies, people, to believe ’em. Education? This is a part of it. Next week: Popular films’ series.