cmiiLorit COLLEGien Vol. 4, No. 4 Charlotte College, Charlotte, N. C. February 6, 1953 Bill Being Support Of Drafted For State Community Colleges STUDENT ASSEMBLY MEET HEARS MR. EDWARD CAHILL The most recent assembly meet ing enjoyed a talk by the Rev. Mr. Edward Cahill of the Unitarian Church of Charlotte, speaking on his observations in Europe. M>-. Cahill is well informed on the po litical, economic, and religious problems of most of the countries of Europe, having traveled in Eng land, France, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Czechoslovakia. Mr. Cahill began his talk by pointing out the multiplicity of foreign travelers, who, overnight become foreign affairs “experts.” While he agreed that many points of view are necessary in forming a policy toward Europe, he warned against the overnight “experts.” He continued by pointing out the fact that U. S. foreign affairs i."-, very big business; that a great re sponsibility lies with the U. S.; that we Americans should take an interest in foreign cultures, eco- mies, religious, etc.; and that we should become more nearly world citizens. Mr. Cahill pointed out the two different views of the border of Soviet-^ontroUed Furope. From our side it is called “Iron Curtain”— from the other side it is called the "Gold Curtain.” He further pointed out the dif ference between capitalism and democracy by stating that “capi talism is a form of economy— democracy is a political structure.” The fact that they are separate and distinct means that a government can be democratic while at the same time the economy can be socialistic. He referred to the “road to socialism” upon which all of the countries of Europe have embark ed within the last fifty years. He is of the opinion that “socialism in western Europe is here to stay.” Mr. Cahill cautioned that the eco nomic structure of the government is not nearly so important as the political structure. To stress this point he referred to Czechoslovakia, which country became dominated by Communism in the span of eighteen months, at which time all other political parties were out lawed. Mr. Cahill is most widely versed in internal affaii’s in Czechoslovak ia. While there is now a communist government, he stated that in 194(i “Czechoslovakia had the largest number of books and foreign liter ature that he had seen in any other country.” Mr. Cahill closed with the pre diction that an economic unification in Europe will hae to precede any political unification. A question-and-ane w?r period followed in which Mr. Cahill sup plied answers to specific questions concerning affairs in Europe. Assembly Committee To Sponsor Discussion Between February 15th and 22nd the National Conference of Chris tians and Jews will conduct a series of panel discussions at various civic, religious, and industiial meetings in the Charlotte area. On about the 17th, at the regu lar student assembly, the Assem bly Committee will sponsor one of these panel discussion by a Protestant, a Jew, and a Catholic. The public is invited, and all stu dents are urged to attend. Geology, Zoology Trip Dr. Heck, the (ieology, and the Zoology class are planning a field trip to Washington, D. C., during the first week of .March. They intend to visit Smithsonian Institute, the Zoological Park, the Botanical Gardens, and other sites of particular interest to the two classes. Any person.s interested in mak ing this excursion with these classe.s. may make arrangements to do so by contacting Dr. Heck at Charlotte College. Theie is presently being drafted in North Carolina a bill for presen tation to the General Assembly, calling for State aid to community colleges. The aid being requested is both financial and supervisory. The drafting of the bill came as a result of the study made by the North Carolina Survey of Public Education, headed by Dr. Allen S. Hurlburt of Chapel Hill. The study began by direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. Dr. Hurlburt was also “instruct ed to recommend standards and cri teria for the community colleges and to propose principles for legis lation necessary to implement such a program.” (The report completed by Dr. Hurlburt’s committee was published in late 1952.) The Community College Commit tee of the North Carolina Survey of Public Education, which compiled the data, was composed of twenty- two state educators; among them were Miss Bonnie E. Cone, Direc tor of Charlotte College; Mr. Ver non A. Buck, Director, George Washington Carver College; Dr. Elmer H. Garringer, Superintend ent, Charlotte City Schools; and Mr. W. A. Kennedy, President of Tetxile Machinery Corp. The committee employed as con sultant Dr. L. 0. Todd, President, East Central Junior College, De catur, (ia., a noted leader in the field of community colleges. Final preparation of the report published yb the State was made by the Bureau of Educational Re search and Service, School of Edu cation, University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill. The most intensive study con ducted by the Community College Committee was in an area within a twenty-five mile radius of Golds boro, N. C. The Committee field workers questioned both students and busi nessmen, as well as faculty and .'-chool supervisors, to determine the need for, and interest in, a com munity college. The committee be lieved that the area they investi gated was representative of any such area in the state. The committee did not limit itself to the Goldsboro area in its study. Rather, they investigated the state as a whole, and also, referred to other states which pioneered in the Junior College movement. They drew on statistics from New York, Illinois, California, Mississippi, Texas, and Pennsylvania. Further information was obtained from sta tistics published by the United States Office of Education. In making its recommendations for legislation the committee point ed out the following criteria as being most important: That a minimum of 750 high school students must graduate an nually within a 25 mile radius of a community college. That 25 miles is probably the best figure to call “commuting dis tance,” and that the state should not go to the expense of building dormitories for community col leges.” That the resources of a com munity college should, within five years, become adequate enough to hold both day and night classes. That local initiative is such an important factor that the state should withhold aid until local citi zens have demonstrated enough in terest to insure that the communi ty college would succeed. That the curriculum should in clude vocational, academic, techni cal, semi-jjrofessional and recrea tional courses. That a system of scholarships be established to insure that stu dents living in sparsely populated areas could attend community col leges in more populated areas. The committee further recom mended a number of physical facili ties which should be met by a com munity college. These included: an adequate site, sufficient space for administration and student serv ices, classrooms, library, laborator ies, shops, physical education facili ties, and a heating plant. The bill which is now being drafted for presentation to the people of the state and to the General Assembly, incorporates most of the proposals outlined by the Community Committee, which (Continued On Page 4)