Page Z CHARLOTTE COLLEGIAN March 17, 1953 CHARLOTTE COLLEGIAN Published monthly throughout the school year by the students of CHARLOTTE COLLEGP], Charlotte, North Carolina. Staff Acting Editor... Associate p’ditor . Business Manager Faculty Advisor .. Marilyn Daly Kobei't Ilic'Uey REPORTERS Bill Palmer .Martha Stogner Wellene Hodge Miss Mary Denny Velma Hay Ray Renegar COURT SYSTEM ADVISABLE? We think that Charlotte College has a serious need for some sort of court system within the student government. There is need for such a court to interpret the constitution of the student government. There is further need for it in enforcinjj the honor system which we have at C. C. As the honor system stands at |)resent, it is not at all likely that any student gi'ilty of violation of the honor system would have any action taken against him, as students are reluctant to report such violations directly to Miss Cone or to their instructor. We think that a court system could provide an excellent means of channeling violations of the honor sys tem to the proper authorities. We think that an ideal system would consist of only one court, parallel and of equal importance to the student govern ment itself. This court should have the power to nullify actions taken by the student government which it considers uncon stitutional. The court should act as a reviewing agency in cases of violation of the honor system, and should recommend cor rective action to the administrative head of the school. W'e think that the court should consist of three .iudges, one of which is a faculty member (preferably the advisor to the student government), the remaining two, students, all api)ointed by the student government. Under this court there should be one prosecutor, to whom violations of the honor system should be reported. There should be one a])pointed defense counselor, and any student charged with violation of the system should have the right to as many defense counselors as he chooses. We recommend that the student government give this its immediate attention. LACK OF STUDENT COOPERATION “United we stand; divided we fall.” This is a well-known quotation, and a true one. Whether it be a family, school, state or nation, it is true. A group divided against itself cannot succeed. If we here at C. C. are to attain high standards, then we all must work together for the good of our school. We have student cooperation from only about 10'r of the student body. Look what happens when the Social Com mittee plans a party. They ask for suggestions as to what type of party the people want, but no one submits suggestions, so the committee plans a party that thy think everyone will They slave for a week or two making arrangements; they ask for the number of people who plan to attend; the party has to be cancelled because of an inadequate number of people who say they will come. Look what happens when the annual staff tries to print an annual. They can hardly get a hundred people to go down town to have their picture made; then can hardly get enough subscribers to make jirinting an annual worthwhile. The stu dent body fails to coooperate. Look at the support our basketball team got all season. It wasn’t easy for them to practice hard every night after working all day and sitting in class for three or four hours. They didn’t have to give up their week-ends to go out of tow’n to play other schools. They did it so that our own Charlotte College might go a step further in being like other Jr. colleges all over the state. How many spectators did they have at their home games, which were played at Piedmont Jr. High School, only a few blocks from Central High School? You guessed it— they did good if they got half a dozen friends out to see them. We’ve got to have better student cooperation! This is an appeal to each of you, fellow students, to do your part. Let’s make it 100'/> in everything we do. QUARTER VERSUS SEMESTER SYSTEM With the recent announcement from U. N. C. that they will go on the quarter system next fall it is very likely that C. C. will consider the same step. We would like to get in the tirst word on this matter, and express to the administrative heads of C. C. our beliefs and our desires. We believe that the quarter system is ideal in C. C. First, we believe that a student more readily acquires the text of his studies when he takes it in short doses. Secondly, instiga tion of Saturday classes would adversely affect a student’s ability to continue in C. C., as Saturday is the day in which most of the students catch up on their responsibilities outside the school. Third, the matter of financing our education at C. C. lies wholly or in part with the students themselves. There are many students who are on an installment basis, and the finances for a semester would loom much larger in the students’ minds than the finances for a quarter. Last, there is the matter of the students who cannot maintain an average sufficiently high to keep them out of the armed forces. With the quarter system one can manipulate the arm of fate enough to complete a quarter, whereas, in the case of the semester system, manipulation of this huge arm of fate would be most difficult, for the Local Board #61 is hard to stall for more than three months. The students and faculty of Charlotte College extend their deepest sympathies to Van Sis- tare, whose father died recently. SPRING QUARTER BEGINS ON MARCH 23RD The announced date for the opening of the Spring Quarter is March 23rd. Classes will be gin at 4:00 P. M. sharp. Rho Gamma Alpha The regular meeting of Rho Gamma Alpha was held on Febru ary 9th. At this meeting the con stitution was amended in regard to the dues per quarter. The sorority hopes to have ac complished something in the re modeling of the Student Union Building before spring. Anyone having donations of ideas, time, furniture, or money should see one of the members of Rho Gamma Alpha. Martha Stogner, Pres. Arthur Farley To Vacate SC Presidency At the close of the winter quar ter this month, Arthur Farley, present president of the Student Government, will vacate that post. He is completing his studies at Charlotte College at that time. Succeeding him will be the pres ent Vice-President, Charles Vess. Mr. Farley has had a highly suc cessful government. The faculty and student body extend to him their hand of thanks and they wish him continued success. To Mr. Vess they extend a hand of welcome. In his past capacity as Vice-President he has acquired a thoiough knowledge of the func tions of the Student Government at Charlotte College. WE QUOTE Description of the results of a neck-tie party: “The first evidence of aroused morality swung idly in the soft Spring breeze.” (The Sun day News).