The Charlotte Collegian VOLUME 20, NUMBER 13 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA MAY 26, 1965 War in South East Asia Won't Become Nuclear Turner Shelton, a State Depart ment expert on the war in South East Asia, said Monday, May 17, in the Atkins Library that he did not believe the conflict in Vietnam * would tum into a world thermonu clear war. In answer to a question posed from the audience of Charlotte Col lege students and faculty, Shelton said, “If I had to make a bet ... I do not think there is much pos sibility of this (a thermonuclear war). There are too many sensible people in the world for this.” Shelton was originally asked to participate in the Coarlotte Col lege Teach-In held May 6. How- ' ever, the State Department was not able to send him until May 17. About 200 students and faculty were present to hear him. In a prepared statement he said the , war in Southeast Asia would be a deciding factor of whether “free dom or tyranny,” would prevail in the world. After his speech, which lasted about 30 minutes, he fielded ques tions from the audience. Dan Morrill, a history instructor, asked if Shelton wasn’t getting slightly “emotional” over the American losses to the Communist forces and said that the tactics of the United States in trying to de- Directory For Summer Service Available In CU Increasing involvement by col lege students in community service programs of all kinds has resulted '• in the need for an impartial, au- thoriative journal of information about opportunities for service dur ing the summer. The U. S. National Student As sociation, in cooperation with the Ford Foundation, undertook to de velop a directory of summer op portunities for students in this field. The result is SCOPE, recent- Continued On Page 3 foiliate forests were just as harsh as those of the Viet Cong. To this comment, Shelton said, “I get emotional about it—I think any human being would. We’re de- foiliating to provide less hiding places for the people who are kill ing us.” Asked about the temporary halt in air raids on North Vietnam last week Shelton said, “I understand that it’s for reconnaissance pur poses.” He added, “I wouldn’t care to say any more about that.” When asked why we are bombing Viet Nam in the first place, he said it was necessary to cut enemy supply lines and to convince the Communists that negotiating is cheaper than war. Someone asked why the United States is so sure that the Viet Cong ire receiving aid from the north. Shelton answered that if the southern “rebels” were not then why should they be so upset by the bombing of north-south supply lines. William E. Jackson Jr., political science instructor, moderated the session. 25 Seniors Receive B.A. Degrees June \ JUDY MORGAN By ROBERT ENGLAND Collegian Staff Writer Commencement exercises for twenty-five graduating seniors re ceiving Bachelor of Arts and Bach elor of Science degrees, along with eleven sophomores receiving the Associate of Arts degree, will be held Sunday, June 6, at 3:30 p.m. in the Atkins Library Auditorium. The first graduating senior class of Charlotte College, labeled “our one and only senior class” by the class president Judy Morgan, will be presented their diplomas by the college President Dr. Bonnie Cone. Addison H. Reese, chairman of the college Board of Trustees, will introduce the commencement speak er Joseph W. Grier. Mr. Grier, an alumnus of Hai-vard University and a local attorney, is familiar with the problems of higher education and has sei-ved on the state Board of Higher Education. The Charlotte College Chorus, di- Contest (See Page 2) rected by Mr. Hai-vey Woodruff, will sing two choral selections at the commencement exercises — Schubert’s “Sanctos” from Mass in G and a new song by McGraw, “These Things Shall Be.” Alumni of the chorus have been invited by the director to join in and sing with present members in a tribute to the Class of ’65. Dr. Loy Witherspoon, the college chaplain, will give the invocation and benediction. L. Robert Grogan, Registrar, an nounced that seven juniors had been chosen to serve as marshals. The following, given in the order of their respective quality - point grade averages, were announced as junior marshals and will assist in the commencement exercises: Doris Weddington, Ethel Phipps, David Baucom, Robert England, John Karnazes, David Wilson, and Jack Barnette. Several members of the Alum ni Association, along with members of the faculty and the administra tion, are co-sponsoring a dinner for the graduating seniors on June 5. Dr. Witherspoon will speak at the dinner, and the first and last sen ior class of Charlotte College will present its gift to its alma mater. THE STATEBOARD SET HAS HIT C.C.—Pseudosurfers seem to have taken a break in the C.U. cafeteria leaving their “boards” on the rack. (Collegian Photo by Dick Raley.) Seniors Say College Is ‘On Its Way’ By ROBERT ENGLAND * Cclleqlan Staff Writer When some of the candidates for graduation were asked to say what they thought about the problems of Charlotte College and its future as a University, they had very defi nite opinions about the role the college is playing in higher educa tion. All the seniors seem to agree that the college has a bright fu ture. “It’s on its way,” is how Bill Poteat, a business administration major, described the forward, on ward spirit of Charlotte College. However, the emphasis the college has placed on its future may well be a liability instead of an asset, he said. Frank Rohleder, a chemistry major, says that the college has “good possibilities if they are not ruined by going too far too fast.” The period of transition that CC is now going through is a source for many problems, and lack of effici ent organization has been the gripe of more than one senior. Gary Gummerson a history major with related work in political science, cites several trouble areas he has found indicative of the “far sightedness” of the administration —the poorly organized procedures at registration, the requirement of 2.5 in one’s major, the confusion witnessed in faculty guidance and ad\’ising and the small size of the present graduating class. When asked what contribution the student body has made toward the w’elfare ol the college, most seniors could not name any specific contribution. Frank Rohleder stated the rising enrollment was helping the college to develop better programs. Most of the graduating seniors have been very active in college activities. One example of the class’ active participation is Beth Groom, a Spanish major who served as presi dent of the student body in 1963, and in 1964 was chairman of the College Union. The most important contribution that most of the seniors feel that a student body as a whole should make is school spirit. An example of real school spirit was the en- enthusiasm showTi when the college first heard that the House of Rep resentatives had passed the UNC- C Bill, as some of the seniors pointed out. Gary Gummerson remarked that “since the groundwork has been laid for University status, the po tentialities of this school are un limited; however, in order to a^P- proach the reputation of Chapel Hill that so many desire, the stu dents must install a spirit of school pride that is so shamefully missing at this time.” Enter Student Film Contest The largest collection of student- made films ever assembled is ex pected at the first National Stu dent Film Festival to be held this fall in Los Angeler. Details of the Festival were announced by its sponsors, the U.S. National Student Association (USNSA) and the UCLA Graduate Student Associa tion. Films will be accepted in four categories: Fiction, Documentary, Animated, and Experimental. Lead ing film critics and distinguished people from the film industry will serve as judges and reward excel lence in each category. Plans are being made for winners in each category to exhibit their films across the country and abroad. Deadline for entries is July 15, 1965. “Our immediate concern is that all student film makers know of the opportunity to enter the Festi val before the deadline,” added Philip Werdell, Director of Cultural Affairs for USNSA. Entries are being collected at the Student Activities Office of UCLA. Further information is available at the college union desk.