v. v Till Til 1 STANDARD 8 T AND AMD. STANDARD UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1889, 75 CZEOsTTS. mil VICTORY OVER HIGH FRIGES! Tl 1ST BIG DEAL OF TI SPEING SEASOUTI Tho nn.lflrfii.rnM once more comes to-th to lead all competitors ra the good work of saving th& people money and su p plying them with a superior quality of GENERAL MERCHANDISE are ''loaded to the muzzle.,r and there is danger of an explosion when we miKt "stand from under." for the bottom aud if an body gets caught when it falls, onpn vour eves, bar sain hunters and know a go-d thing: when you see it, come by buying yonr Groceries, provisions and other articles Dry Ms, Ms, Boots ani Ste, which cannot be purchasod elsewhere of the sama grade as cheap as 1 will sel it. Don't sell your country produce before calling on P. S. Thanking you for past favors, I prices to merit a continuance of the same. A. H. PROPST, Architect ani Coniractor. Plans and specifications of build? ings made in any style. All con tracts for buildings faithfully car ried out. Office in Caton's building, up stairs. 13 MOOSE'S KLoocL Renovator, This valuable Remedy is adaptad to the following diseases arising from an impure blood. Eruptive and; Cotam eons diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Pim ples. Tetter, Kingworm, Rhumatism, Svrthiliric. Mercurial, and all diseases i . of like character. It is an Alterative or Restorative o Tone and Strength to the system, it affords ereat protection from attacks that originate in changes of climate and season. For sale at Store Fetaers-Drug RACKET STORE IN CONCORD A NEW FIRM! More, than a Slaughter in peices'j: Gome and see our beautiful stock' consisting of Calicos, Dress Goods, Mil Full stock-of Notions, Men's Furn ishing Goods. . Afull line of Linen and a large lot", of . Jewelry. . Also Tin Cups, Buckets and . many-other things. ABRAHAMS & FELDMAN,, Formerly of Baltimore.'. Next doort to Mrs. Cross' Millinery Store. 14 The "Weekly News-Observer The "Weekly News and Observer IS LAC a long ways the best paper ever pub lihed in North Carolina. It, is a cred it to the-people and to the State. The people should take a pride in it. It should- be in every family. It is all eight page paper, chock full of the best ort of reading matter, news, market reports, and all that. You cannot af ford to be without itr Price 81 25 a year. We will furnish the Weekly News and Observer until January 1st, 1889, for $1. Send for sample copy. Address, News amd Observer Ccr, Raleigh, N. C. VOLUME 1. front and avows Ms determination if our btock is not speedily reduced, fire off our big gun. Everybody has dropped out of LOW PRICES, somebody is sure to- get hurt. Now if you are close calculators and and see me if yoawaotto save money of home use; AS specialty on flour - hope by fair dealing and reasonable a. jx. x Do Tour Own Dyeing, at Home They will dye everything. They are aold eTery w Print in. ii nackiue. Thevhavenoequu for Strength. Brightness, Amount in Packages-' or for FastneM of Color, or non-fading Qualities. They do not crock or amut;.40 oolors.. for sale by For sale at 12 FETZER'S DRUG STORE, And JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE II 1 1 Kit Notice i? hereby given that a petition has been filed before me by E. W. G. Fisher, guardian of J S Fisher, asking for the attachment of the home stead and personal property exemption fo J S Fisher, and you are hereby no tified that petition of said Fisher's will be heaid at my office m t'oncord on Monday, 8th October, 1888. 13 7t J. F. WILLEFORD, J. P. WALTER & GROCERS, ;Are fully alire to the people's interest, and are prepared to make things lively in the sale of heavy and fancy GROCERIES, By puttiug them prices for. down to' bottom Gash or Barter, Their stock during 1888 will be os the very choicest and freshest, and if boui.d to please. Don't forget the place, one door be low Canuons & Fetzer. v ! WALTER & SUTHERS. 1 8m A Lars;a Lot of FRESH GARDE!! SEID, LAND RET HrS Buist's and Ferry'i JUST ARRIVED AT D. D. Johnson's ToCredi DRUGSTORE H Laugh ! aye laugh, my darling t 'Twill ease the gnawing pain J Twill fall on the heart's wild burning As falls the cooling rain. Laugh ! aye laugh, my darling 1 The world will love you more For tire after-rainbow of laughter Than the rain of tears- before Laugh 1 'twill light the daftness That falls like a chillirg shroud. Smile ! and woo the sunshine That's hidden behind the cloud. Laugh ! and the dark of sorrow Will brighten with a star Smile I and hope will follow Though shining- from afar. Smile f for the pleasure of others J This is the braver part. The smiles that comfort others Will comfort thine own heart. Laugh ! aye laugh, my darling ! Tomorrow will fairer be For the bravery of the present And the laughter of today.- rinter-Ocean. nONENTT REWARDED. Once upon a timej as a merchant was returning from a fair, he came to a branch of the river that it was necessary for him fo cross". The water was not at all deep, for a-man could go on horseback from one side to the other ; but once in the middle. one had to be very careful not to go too much to the right, as there was a deep pool there where many a traveler had lost his life. The mer chant was aware of this danger, and had always escaped it ; but, grown careless, ne went too near one day, and suddenly fel$ his horse swept off his- lees. A laborer near at hand, seeing the peril in which the unlucky man was, quickly took out a horse from his plow, rode in bravely to the edge of the hole, and had the crood fortune to seize the merchant by the cloak and draw him safely to land. As to the horse of the rescued man, it perished, the weight of the portmanteau it car ried- dragging: it down ko the hot torn. The peasant' and his family had great difficulty iti reviving, their fainting guest, who was- half- dead with cold and fright At last he came to himself, but soon gaxe'wav to the greatest grief, for nothing was loft to him of all the wealth he liad;an hour 'lief ore. What affected liim most was the loss of a purse of leather which had been fastened to his girdle, and which contained a number of diamonds and pearls. It was very unlikely that he had lost it in the water, so all His suspicions fell on' the deliverer, who could easily have robbed him during his swoon. I he peasant, on his side, protested that he had' no -knowledge of the purse: The merchant, who had'built all His hopes of driving a profitable trade on these jewels, felt keenly the misery of his position. lie might have brought the peas ant before the judge, aud have thus harmed mm greatly, for appear ances were quite against him, but he had- too generous a mind to - think of doing such a thing. "lou have saved my life at the risk of your own." said he, "but yon have deprived me of the means of proving- my "gratitude: The only way in which:l can show how grate ful I am is by not accusing' yon-of your theft to the tribunal. By thus forbearing to prosecute you I shall be handsomely rewarding you for the slight expense I have put you to. But I must beg you to gi3 me a little money to enable me to reach the nearest city, where I shall find seme friends of mine and means of living." The poor peasant was grieved at not being able to prove: Iris inno cence," which he asserted with1 sol emn oaths and tears. Finally his guest bade Iriin farewell, and depart ed much ill-pleased !with him. Some months after the merchant's departure the peasant -went 'to work in his-fields and while emptying a ditchyhe found a leather purse hang ing to his pitchfork?.- He took it off to l&ok at it, and- on opening: it he- found inside the jewel! whose-" loss had so embittered the merchant. When he had heen brought out of the water he had been carefully un dressed and laid on some straw, while a bed was being warmed for him. During this time of confu sioiiuthe. purse had remained unno ticed, and shortly afteward was thrown with the- straw inta the ditch. What coufsetnow ough't the peas ant to pursue ? How-should -he find the owner, of the purse? These were the two questions that present ed themselves to him. Doubtless he could have deposited his treasure with the magistrate, or have adver tised it in the public papers: But these measures did not come into our friend's head. What he did was to walk constantly about the high road about the time of the fair, and send his wife and children-- there as often as possible, in the hope of some day meeting the merchant Two years rolled by without their ever having met him," but one evening-when the peasant and his family were eating their frugal" supper the sound of wheels was heard, .and a CONCORD, N. C, MAY 18, 1888, stopped at the door. The father ooked out of the window and saw several men get out of a traveling carriage. Husband and wife turned pale, certain that among these people was the owner of the purse, come to do' then some harm. The children ran away to hide themselves bu the peasant, hoping to be able1 iO dfsarm? the merchant's ategeY &y the restwrak tiott of Ms purse, staid where1 he was. He was still occupied with tWs thought when the merchant entered, followed by his traveling compan ions, and throwing himself on his deliverer s neck, assured him that never again would he be asked abrjrrtf the purse; "I no longer doubt your entire innocence' fie added, "andam onij eome to give' you proofs of my grati tude. Until now I was not in Con dition to do so, and even had' I been, should have waited till 1 was con vinced that I had no ground for sus pecting you." Surprised at this speech1,- the peas ant asked him how it was that , lor- merly he- suspected him and now be lieved him guiltless. In all my journeys to the fair,' answered the merchant, " I secretly watched your conduct, ana- even sent spies into your village,- tO inform myself of the state of your' affairs, aud see whether' y oti had by chance extended your farm, of made fome new purchase; but I found that,-far from living in ease, the scarcity or the past two years had reduced you to1 poverty, that you had sold your cattle, and that, being unable to pay a debt of fifty crowns, your farm; was on the uoint of being? put up kmlev I wish, since heaven has prospered me, to pay this debt of yours." The peasant, at these words, burst into tears, and silently went into the other room. He came back a mo ment after with the purse in his hand, which he placed on the table before the astonished spectators. " Wrhat does this mean ?" they exclaimedi ... " Take it, sir,'J answered tne peas ant ;'" you will see that nothing is missing. The merchant opened the purse and" found everything, from the tiniest pearl to the smallest pieoeof gold, lust as he had left it. The peasant then told them how the purse had got lost, and how it had been recovered ; confessing that often he had been tempted to make use of the treasure, but ratker-tucu commit such a base 'act lie Had pre ferred to suffer hunger, and in the end to sell his last horse. He added that Providence had often helped him when he had found it difficult to support his family; and he did riot fail to tell the merchant how many times he had gone along the high road, hoping to meet him. On hearing all this the merchant could not restrain his tears. At first he would- not take back his purse, but after further thought he said-: " YoU'are rightmy friend; you1 could hardly- be benefitted by the value of these jewels, selling them, as you probably would; at a third of their price, but I promise you that the best farm I can get in this village shall be yours." borne days after an' occasion offered itself of buying such a farm, and the merchant bought it and present ed it to the peasant Every time the grateful merchant came that way he visited his deliverer, always bringing some present or other for his children. Thus the peasant's honesty was richly rewarded, and ; his after prosperity was the natural re suits of his upright conduct Both Loved Him. A duel took place recently at a small Mormon settlement in Luna Valley, near San Marco, N. M., be tween two lovesick Mormon maidens. They had become enamored of the same youth, James "Whitman, a cow boy and a Gentile. Their names are Sarah Bollon and Mary Leemore, aged sixteen and eighteen years, and they were always friends up. to the time of their love affair. They met a short time before the duel in the adobe tabernacle in the hamlet and ha4 a fight right then and there. This in-creased their hatred, and from that time up to the day of th duel both went armed with a revol ver- They finally met by.1 mutual agreement- on the outskirts of the small village and proceeded to fight a duel. 1 here were no attendants. They measured off about twelve paces, drew their revolvers, and fired shot after shot The firing attracted the- attention of some farmers' near by, who rushed to the scene of the duel. W hen they arrived Miss Bol Ion was lying on the ground -scream ing, with blood flowing from an ugly wound in the shoulder. A few feet from her lay her revolver in the dust. Miss Leemore stood like a statue about a rod away, looking silently at her prostrate rival, with her revolver still smoking in her hand. When the men approached to disarm her she fled, and shrieked : " Yes; I've killed her, and I am glad of it !" Miss Bollon was carried to the near est house, where her- wound ' was dressed. She was-found' to be seri ously, though not fatally, -wounded r " " The public will surely sour oh the vinegar trust. The parlor is probably the most frequented of all court rooms. A REXABkABUE DtJIUU To Hen ta BaMw'la Vho Were Hot On the 12th &a6f Juife 1863, I witnessed H duel between Capt. Jones, commandirg a Federal scout; and Capt tfryy wmrmtridinff a Con- 'edefa'te' sctfut, in Greeti county East Tennessee. These two inen ha'd been fighting each other for six months, with the fortunes of battle in favor of one atfd then Che other. Their commands were camp ed on either side of Lick creek, a large and sluggish stream, too deep to ford, and Coo' gh'allOW for a ferry boat ;: but there1 a' bridge spanned the stream" for the convenience of the traveling public. Each of thetn" guarded this bridge that communi cation' should go neither North Aof South.- as the railroad track had been broken up months before.- Af ter fightm each other several months and Contesting the points as fo which should hold the bridge, they agreed to fight a duel,- the con queror to hold- the bridge,- undis puted for the time being. Jones gave the challenge, and Fry- accept ed. The terms were that they should fight with navy pistols at twenty yards' apart deliberately walking toward each otherl and fir ing until the last chamber of their pistols were discharged, unless one or the other fell before all the dis charges were made. The' chose their seebnds, and agreed upon a Confederate surgeon (as he was the only one in Cifh6r command) to at tend them in case of danger. Jones was certainly a fine looking fellow,-with light hair and blue eyes, five feet ten1 inches in' height, look ing every' inch the military chieftain. H?e was- & man the soldiers' would admire, and' ladies regarded with ad miration. I never saw a man more cool, determinetl1 atd" heroic under such circumstances.- I have" read of the deeds of chivalry and knight errantry in the middle ages; and brave men embalmed- in modern poesy ; but, when I saw Jones come to- the duelists' scratch, fighting, nbt for real or surposed wrcngs to himself, but, as he honestly thought, for his country and the glOry of the flag, I could not help admiring the man, notwithstanding he fought for the freedom of the negro, which I -wr.s opposed to. - - - Fry was a man full six feet high, slender, with long-wavy curly hair, jet blaek ey'es'.wearing a slouched hat and gray suit, and looked rather the demon that the man. There wasnothing ferocious about him; but he had that self-sufficient non-chalance that said, "I- will kill you." "Without a doubt he was brave, cool and collected,- and al though suffering from a terible flesh wound in his left arm, received t week before,-he manifested no symp toms of distress, but- seemed ready for the fight. The ground was stepped off by the seconds, pistols loaded and' ex changed, and the principals brought face to-face. I-never shall forget that meeting. Jores, in his military, boyish mood, as they shook hands remarked that A soldier braves death for a fanciful wreath When in glory's romantic career. Fry caught un the rest of the sentence and -answered by saying let he bends over- tne foe wnen in battle laid low, And bathes every wound with tear. They turned around and walked back to the point designated. Jones second had-the word lire, and as he slowly said, - "One two three fire!' they simultaneously turned at the word "One," and instantly fired. Neither was hurt. They cocked their pistols,? and deliberate ly walked toward each other, firing as they went. At the- fifth shot, Jones threw up hisTiht' hand, and firing his nistol in the air,- sank: down. Fry was in theact of firing his shot; but,-seeing- Jones fall, silently lowered his pistol, dropped it on the ground, and sprang to Jones' side, taking- his head in his lap as he sat down, -and asking-' him if he was hurt. I discovered that Jones was-" shot through the region of the stomach, the bullet glancing around tne or can. and coming out to the" left' of CI w the spinal column ; besides he had received three other frightful flesh wounds in other portions of-the bodv. I dressed his wounds and srave him such stimulants as I had He afterwards got well.- Fry received three wounds -one breaking his right arm, one in the left, and the other right side. After months of suffering he got well, and fought the war out to the bitter end and to'day they are partners in wholesale grocery business, and verifying the sentiment of Byron that "A soldier, braves dea'h,1'' etc Trusting that the above truthfu narrative will be a--lesson-1 to some people, North and South', that stay ed on the cutside and yelledv-"Seck dog!" and are still not satisfied with the result of the war, let me subscribe myself a reconstructed COKFEBEBATE SCBGEOX; NUMBER 19. T ifrsterfecv of il Patek Of C&riii: A private soldier by the name' of Richard Lee waff taken before' a magistrate, recently; for playing cards during divine service.' It ap pears" that ft, sergeant commanded the' soldier's at the church, and when the parson had read the prayers he took the text. Those who had a Bible took it out,- but . this soldier bad neither Bible' ffor common prayer book,- but pulling out a pack of cards he spread them before him. He just looked at one card and then at a'n'other.- The sergeant' of he company saw hfm,- and s&id,- "Rich ard, put up the cards r this is no place for them." "Never mind that,-" said Richard. When- the service" waS over, ths constable took Ricftard before the mayor. "Well," said the mayor, "what have you brought the soldier here for?" "For playing cards in church." "Well, soldier, what harve you' to say for yourself ! " "Much sir, I hope." "Very good. If not, I will punish you more tnan man was ever pun ished." "I have been," said the soldier, "about six weeks on the march. I nave neitner Uioie nor common prayer book.- I have nothing1 but a pack of cards, and I'll satisfy your worship of the purity of my inten ions." And, spreading the cards before the maOrhe began with the ace: wnen 1 see the ace.it re minds me there is but one God When I-see" the deuce it reminds m6 of Father and Son. When I see the ray, it reminds5 me' of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.- When I- see the" four spot, it reminds me of the four evangelists that preached,-Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. When I meet the five, it reminds me' of the five wise virgins that trimmed their amps there were ten, but five were wise and-five were foolish and' were shut out.' When I see the six,- it re minds me that in six days the Lord made heaven and earth.- When I see the seven,-itf reminds me that on he seventh day he rested from the great work he had cr eated, and hal- owed it. When I see the eight,-it reminds me of- the eight righteous persons that were saved when God destroyed the world, viz : Noah and his" wife, with three sons and their wives. - Wben I see the nine. it re minds me of the nine lepers that1 were cleansed by our Saviour ; there were nine out oi ten wno never re turned thanks.- When I see the ten, it reminds me of the ten command ments which God hahde"d down to Moses on tables of stone. Wnen I see the King it reminds me of the King of Heaven, which is God Al mighty. When T see the Queen.it reminds me of the Queen of Sheba, who visited Solomon, for she was as wise a woman as he was a man. She brought with her fifty boy3 and fifty girls, all dressed in bojs' apparel, for King Solcm'bri td tell which were boys and which were girls. King Solomon sent for water for them to wash ; the girls" washed to. the el bows and the boys to the wrists, so King Solomon told by that." "Well," said the mayori ,cyou have given a good description of all the cardsimt one." "What is that ?"" "The knave," said the mayor. "I will give your honor a' descrip tion of f that, too, if you will not be angry." 'T will not," said the mayor, "if you do not term me'tbe knave." "Well," said the soldier, "the great est knave that I know of is the con stable that brought me here." T do not know," said the mayor, "if he is the greatest knave, but I know he is the greatest fool. " 'When I count how many spots in a pack of cards, I find three hundred and -sixty-five, -as marry' da'ys'as there are in a year. When I count the number of cards in a -pack, I find there are v fifty-two, the number of weeks in a year, andlfindfour suits, the number of weeks in a month. I find there are twelve picture cards in a pack, representing the number of months in a year, and on counting the tricks, 1 find thirteen, the num ber of weeks in a quarter. So you see, sir, a pack of cards serves for a Bible, almanac-and common prayer book." a A Fly EITtei?. A boy about-ten-years of age, -living at Martin's Mill, Tenn., has acquired a mania for eat ing flies, and will turn away from the daintiest dishes for this, his fa voi ite diet. He eats them, he says, because he loves them, and resorts to alt kinds of schemes to catch them. He says his little brother likes them as well as he does, but is too lazy to catch them. The sign "Beware of -the Dog" is not hung up "that he who runs may read,"but "that he-who reads may rum" ' It is a notable fact' that however cleanly seamen may be on the water they have a decided dislike to being washed ashore. - ' UNTIL JANUARY lf 1889, thfle ploughing but in my field one day,- Uirde Johrmy Farmer came along the road and socially stopped at the end to chat with me' a bit. At one side of the piece I was plough ing were some rows of stuntecTcorn; which, flanking worthless, i had skipped in ploughing. "What's your idea rn not plough ing those rows ?'v ask" ed Uncle John-n,- as his critical eye fell upon the slighted rows. "Oh, well,' because I didn't think: that they would make anything," J answered, '''they're so- badly stunt ed' "Well the more reason you should' work them, my son,,v answered the" old farmer. "See how they reach up' their blades,' ftruggling with the V hard ground and topping corn about? them,-to make" scmetl.rhg of them selves: itend them a helping hand gie them a chance." . . Acting upon hiB advice,- I gave them a thorough ploughing, . follow ing witlia' careful hoeing, and lo ! in corn .gathering I found the once de-' spised and dwarfed rows the' best corn I had in my field.- As with those' rows' of corn," thought 1, so it is among people.' The greatest of the worthless-' ness among men is' due more to the" neglect of their fellow-beings' and the want of opportunities than to any latent worthlessness of them-' selves.- Let a person' get down in the orid:, be it financially or so-; dally, and no one' is ready to extend to him. the generous hand of unsel-" fish aid'. Rather instead,- to otir shame be it said is every hand up raised against him, pressing him in to this ditch.- Like the conscience less brute's belOw us," let one of our number get down and every one is' ready to give him a look or a kick to' complete his misfortune.- "6h, he's no good let him alone ;; he will never atobunt to anything." How often have I heard these' cruel words applied to a poor unfor-' AC-funate wno.-struggling valiantly to b'etter himself', wduld have sacceed-' ed with a mite of assistance or if let alone and unimpeded in his endeav ors.- But not granted this, they1 fail.' Our words prove true, our superior discernment is vindicated, and we hug-ourselves with complacent self satisfaction." That,-too, in the teeth of the fact that, as a result,- o!r " land swarms with tramps, our pris ons are over-crowded with culprits, and oUr gallws"groan with standing felons. And further, when it costs" a bun ired fold more to suppress the one, and try and convict and exe cute the others, than it would to help these unfortunates -at first to help themselves. St. Louis" Maga-" zine. .. . .. lie Was Caught nt Last. Tt must be very lonesome sitting ' all by yourself in your office balanc ing your books at night, John,' said an affectionate wife. Tt is, my darling.' 'I-have been thinking about it for some time,- and now I Lave' a de lightful surprise for you.' 'A delightful surprse ?' 'Yes; dear.- I sent for mother yes-' terday, and T anr expecting- her every minute. I expect to have her stay v.ith us for quite a while. She will take care of the house at night and look after the" children, and I can go down town and' sit in your ' office with you while you work.-' 'The dev", that' is- ta' say," I couldn't think of your1 going- down town ' 'It is my duty, dear John. I ought ' to hae thought of it be ."ore, and it never came to my mind till yester day. Oh, John, forgive me! For give me for not thinking of your comfort sooner. But I will go with you tonight.' 'Tonight? Why I-I-the fact is I got through with my books last ' mght.'- 'Oh, you did! How delightful! And you can now stay at home every evening ! I am so glad !' And the' delightful wife ran off to make preparations for the reception ot her rrrother, while her husband, with somber brow, starting at the coah in the grate.'in which he could see the picture of a mother-in-law's reproving-face, and a poker party with a vacant chair. Circumstantial Evidence. Hus-' band Wasn't it very late last night when young Simpson left ? Wife Yes, very. Husband And Clara is not up yet? Wife No, poor girl, I thought I would let her sleep. Husbai d I -wonder if that young -man reallj intends to propose to Clara. Wife I think he' has dorie so al-' ready. I-noticed this morning when I-came down that one cf the legs of the large easy chair in the parlor was broken. Ddn't judge by appearances. A brand new dummy. coat may cover a wire It reads a trifle paradoxical to see ' a cargo of salt cod noticed under' the head of -fresh -arrivals.--