THE STANDARD. PUBMSHdD EVERY FRIDAY BY D. ANTHONY & J. M. CROSS- TERMS : BE YEAR, CASiiN ADVANCE, - $1.25 SIX MONTHS - " . Friday, May 18, 188:). TOWXSHIP 1HIMARIES. As far as heard from we are pleas ed with the action of our Township primaries. In many instances no instructions have been given the delegations to support any one man for a particular office. The repre sentation from each township to the County convention will be of the very best citizen ax and their advan tages of knowing the wish of each and every one of their neighbors will, we believe, insure a satisfactory nom ination by the assembled delegates, to-morrow, and make it almost im possible to thwart the popular will. The action of these primaries con clusively shows that there has. been no attempt to buoy up any one aspi rant. We can but unreservedly voice the sentiment of the No. 8 voters in reference to doing away with a con vention for the nomination of coun ty officers, and the joining in with our sister county of Stanly in con vention for the selection of a senato rial candidate. This couny officer nomination convention has for years, been considered by many as a hum-. p;:g, and has resulted ot late Years. in th defeat of the nominees, not ber cause the selections were unfit for the offices, but because the. inde pendent element added to the Re publican vote, always, made a ma jority. We are glad that these staid, far-seeing business men of Eastern Cabarrus, whose democracy is with out a stigma, have taken the inde pendent bull bv the horns in the only way he can be conquered. Let all our aspirants for county officers be independent this time. The great scarecrow of a Republican winning is loh. The people of Cabarrus are level headed enough to attend to that little matter, and both Demo crats and Republicans will vote for none but good men. Self-interest is at stake. MEAT HOUSES AJfH COBS CRIBS. The above seems rather homely subjects for much consideration. While this may appear, they go right back to the foundation and the beginning of a country's welfare and prosperity. Fuller the meat house and corn cribs, better and healthier the condition of thex peo ple. But how has it been and in a great measure how is. it to-day The meat house in Cincinnati;, the corn crib in Richmond or Chicago! No wonder the people of this coun-. tryjiave been crying out, "There's a screw loose,; a tap's off." In the name of truth and hon-. esty, how could that noble class of our citizens, the farmers, and conse quently all other men, wear the smile of perfect contentment and financial ease, saying nothing oi their stomachs and those of theft animals, when for ten years the West and Northwest have been car rying the keys to. or store house of provisions. This is truth; it's a cold, hard fact. The very fact that a great part of our corn and meat that is to sustain life, have to be brought in from other states is enough to give us a cold, dry grjn. with an abundance of significance. m It was not always this way, nor is it to remain, long withpufe a great change being wrought. The farm ers are taking in the situation.- STATE NEWS. Fewer and fewer mortgages ror sup plies are being given year after year, The crib door, instead of being used to secure a Christmas possum m a barrel long before the 25th. o Der cember, will hang on its hinges and play a more important pact in agri cultural circles. The "smake house'1 will be adorned with new door& and locks, and from many a crack in many a meat house there'll come a smoke that tells of the abundance of home supplies,. Cotton is a. goodthiug in its place, but its place is at. the tail-end. of. the crop. More hog, if you please, and more corn with which to fatten this ani- WE DOXT WAXT HIM.. Rev. W. G. Sanderlin is,put: in a, card asking the democracy for the nomination for Auditor. There are bts of me,n who would like to have the position, and" again there axe, many true and tried Democrats within the bounds of the Old North' State who have the qualifications for the position or any office within the gift of - the people. Because a man wants an office, "because he is quali fied, because he is a, preacher, $c., are by no. means adequate, grounds upon which his nomination should be made. Together with ability and moral worth, especially, in this a presidential campaign of more, than ordinary interest to the people- of the South, th,e nominees should "carry in. their make up a most splendid and -active record, and the hearts of the people in their behalf. No one doubts Mn Sanderiin's qualifications for tin? office, but itis doubtful if it is right and proper t forget the services of Gen. Roberts at home, in the, war,, ajwlin.the po sition he now holds, the duties of which he has attended to so well and so accurately during, the past t hree years. Let's keeps Roberts., in the old soldier. Woninti.SHirrtvflreh. The Louisville Journal reports that it has been a year since Kansas pave her women municipal suffrage, and the experiment does not seem to have been a success. On the contrary it is regarded, even by most of the women themselves, as a, failure. We quote : "politics has about. broken up the sewing circles, which, werft. f Qrmerly most flourishing. institutj opsin Il&n sas,.anditis fast undermining, the churches, as the. female candidates run principally not as Democrats or. Republicans, but as.3Je,thodists or, Presbyterians,, etc.. The record of the town, of Argonia seems to be pretty fairly illustrative of the history of most Kansasiovens . which have passed under the, do mination of the women. The may or has had a baby and abolished bil liards and hard cidar. At Oskaloo sa, which recently elected a female town council,, it is now proposed to make a war of exf exmination . upon billiards and to. pass an ordinance establishing, the 'Mother Subhard' as. the .official dress of therHiayer and council when in session;. and another declaring !all men who ap-. pear on the streets unshaved and unwashed to be vagrants, andprder- ing. their arrrst, and fine ; and' still a-nother--adding to the duties of the marshal that of caring for the ba bies of the city mothers while the council is in session. The Oskaloosa Council has already had all the spit toons removed from the council chamber and prohibited the use of tobacco in any form in. the. rooni.7 Oxford talks of holding a tobacco exposition this fall. Senator and Mrs. Z. B. Yanoe will spend the summer at Morehead City. The Sheriff of Rowan county took two convicts to the penitentiary last week The druggists of Statesville have decided not -Ko renew their license for the sale of whiskey this year. So if the town gees dry at the nex,t election the bar business will be transferred, to, the drug stores. The Charlotte Chronicle of Satur day last contains a splendid cut of the new passenger tration of the R & Railroad at that plajes It pre sents a handsome appea.wj.ce. The Hunt tobaceo factory at Lexingljon was totally, destroyed by fire on the 12th. At the time it was occupied by E. T. Harmon andi he is arrested,, charged with the. burning. Five steam boilers,, weighing 18; 000 pounds each, are at the depot in Rockingham awaiting transport to, the Christian gold mine ki. Mont gomery county.-erProtectiouistv Christian Reid, the North Caroli na novelist, is a devout Catholic She liyes in a picturesque housa in the old town of Salisbury, and ad jacent to the premises ia a little Catholic church which was built by her, out of earnings from her pen.. in Bjtf.FiGW,.May 14. Rev. Dr Brant ly Ifork lectured, hero last night. He is one of the nost remarkable men in this country.. 1Mb age is 85 years and he is blind. His, voice,, as he advanced into.- his subject, became strong, sufficiently- to. fijl the hall. He was. first licensed, as.a minister in 1831 and. hip first sermon was preach ed that sear., and hia ordination to the deaconate is coeval with, the or ganization, of. Nprtb, Carolina confer ence.. Hp ae-.been, a, life loug. teacher and is yet busily that pro fession,, andtis.also.the author of a series of text booksjn English gram mar.. He has. for years.been an ed itorand isprobahly the oldest teaph-. er. preacher and editor in the world. His six sons are clergymen. Dr. York is still hale, hearty and active. Fifty years ago he founded Union Institutejnow Trinity College, the leading Methodist college in North Carolina, GENERAL SEWS. Gladstone was in parliament at 22, and at 24 was lord of the treas ury. The Senate passe i the bill to ap propriate' 8100,000! for a public building at Asbeville. South Carolina has subscribed one thousand dollars to become a mem ber of the Southern Immigration Society as specified by the action of the late Ho Springs convention. The convention of the Southern Baptist Church met in Richmond1 on Fi-idav last. the. Uth Nearly eight hundred delegates were present at the opening- session. The Emperor Fredrick- of Ger many has directed that hereafter, in the services of-the Lutheran Church, ho. ahull ha nrftved for., not in the old form,, as "Imperial Majesty, the Emneror Fredrick," but as "Thy servant Fredrick the-Emperor. The River aad Harbor bill that haa inJ, nassed the MOUSC IS tU6 largest ever voted for that purpose It appropriates 820,000,000 to the im provement of rivers and harbors, which sum ill of course be gobbled up- by sharpers. Messrs. Hender son,. Cowles and Johnston very sen sibly voted against it. There is a happy and hearty re union of the blue and the gray in Richmond. The Washington Grays of Philidelphia are being elegantly entertained by the Richniend Light Infantry Blues.. The reunion is complete, the blue is on the side of the gray and vice versa,, and all is fraternity. Lngalrs and Sherman must be verily gnasbiug their teeth. News and Observer. NooALESj.Arizonia,. May IT. The Secretary, of War at the oity of Mex- . . i -r - JV ico nas. notmeu Jiexicau omcers along the border that hereafter the penalty, of death will be imposed for crossing over into the tFnited States, with troops and interfering. with the affairs of. the-citizens, of that in quiry into the cases- of Colonel Arvi;z;er and: Lieutenant Guiterez.. who rescued a prisoner from the American authorises.. The Sfiflftissippi at Its Higbcst Point, Davenport, la., May H.-The Mis . - . ... Uo Viicrlipst re- sissippi river reai ucu corded stage at noon yesteraay yrucu the gauge marked eighteen leet six inches. This is one men mguti uu the mark of June 26th, 188, me nic est known up to that time. The stage of water is forty-iscbes abo-e the danger line. Along Front street the occupants of stores,, salcons, warehouses and dwel.lingswho have been ready to move for a week sought safety on higher ground or in up per stories. Railroad trains loaded with stone have been brought in to protect the railroad embankments. In Rock Island across the river cL-iffa are floating on, Third and Fourth avenues. In the. resident portion of the city the- water fills the cellars of many houses, while m the manufacturing part of, the town it is doing serious harm. Hundreds of families are ready-to ffee at an in stant's warning. still Eisrxa. Hannibal, May 15.. The river here is still rising at the rate of. half an inch an hour. The water was spread all over the low grounds of South Hannibal, and many- of the houses are inundated. In some places water is above the fences and hundreds of families have been compelled! to move into the upper stories or seek higher lands. THE DAM BROKE. Lapixotox, Mich., May 15. The dam, on Hamlin river, eight miles north, of this place, gave way and up to the present time twenty-three dwelling: houses have gone out into Laka Michigan. The people. antici pating the breaking of the dam, had all removed and no one was injured. THE COLD WEATHER.. Marquette,. Mich., May 15. A regular January blizzard raged here yesterday. The snow, however, molted as. fast as it fell.. Snow fell: at Gladstone,. Grand Haven, East Tawasand Alpena. CXjOTZHUnSTGh A TT33 ZH-A.T AT- CANNONS & FETZER'S ! WH HAVE DECIDED NOT TO WAIT UNTIL. THE. END OF THE SEASON TQ PUT PEICES IDQ-W-ItT, BUT HAVE PUT THE KNIFE IN RIGHT AT THE START ! . T WE HAVE A BIG STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOES, : AND THEYjilUST "GO ! WE QFFBR r ; .- 'j ; ; ; .$ 5 00 worth $ 8 00 Vnnnn TTvmv nwrcvmTSTJIT A ftOOD UNION CASSIMERE SUIT, men's size, at A.GOOD TWEED SUIT,, men's sizevat. . XZTi :JV vt nirin'TAT TTTT men's ai7P at. . i t V waat n CGTirWPP. TTTT. men'ssize. at 10 GO A FINeIlL-WOOL WORSTED SUIT, men's size, at 12 50 5 00 5 00 6 00 4 00 4 50 8-50 . , it n. 41. It- 9 00 8 50 8 00 "7 00 6 50 11 00 12 50 15 00 fiST AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF PANTS atT 75c W. n. andi 1 50. worth 25 to 50 per cent, more; KfflnCS-AT VERY OW PRICES. All kinds of LIGHT STJMMEK HATS. .10 cents .15 " ......20 ' 50 worth 40 50 ..... 65 .... 65 ... .SI 50 .... 125 100 Willi II IS SEEDED? borne are Lorn great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The first class has heen succeeded by those who are Lorn t;red,ar7d lar.y this class is kgioii. Tire third class is growing smaller and'; smaller as the lines of aiistocracv melt and mingle among other classes. The., second class Ly all means the .Lost-retakes in those men wlio rise by energy and com mon horse sense from obscurity, and oftentimes from the homes of - pov erty, to places of usefulness and honor. This life is a. battle it's a Lie one. The sooner the world sets down hard on the modem fools and asses unnoticed the new f angled lude, and takes up the man of busi ness, the heart and soul of the coun try be they even from the homes of poverty and without this world's honors the sooner will she . realize the full 'import of business, duty and life. lfon't Care ir He Does Violate The. Civil Servive Lav. Dallas, Texas., May 14. At the meeting of the Dallas Democratic Club laat night Gen. W. L. Cabell, United States marshal for the North ern district of Texas, created a. sen sation by thro wing. down the gaunt let to President Cleveland and mak ing a clear repudiation of the civil service doctrine. Speaking to the committee, he said:. "I am satis fied that we are going to have agreat deal of opposition this fall, and .that it will come from a source we little expect. I have made up my- mind that I will go into the organization, whether I violate the civil service or not. I am a free man, and. thank God I have not been naad'toeat the leek,' The fact of my holding . an official position does not deprive me, of the light to assist the Democratic party in carrying the banner v.hen ever.I please. To deprive me of such a liberty is not the intention of the civil service, order. A number of gent'emen is about time Mr. Cleveland put his guillotine to work. South is Coming. A. New Yorker, who. has- been traveling, at the South has this to say in an interview published, in a northern paper : $New factories are opening,, new capital invested, and immigrants are coining. to the towns where business is. Crakers who are talking down the South take big; chances on pub lic credulity.. There-are fewer, debts, in. the SoutUr to-day. than, at any time -since the war.. Tiiem is more popular, confidence than has ever been known. I tell you the people have fatter purses than Dixie, ever dreamed of.. Instead of backward, steps the new South is just tftkingon the-full strength of. its development. . And tbia money made in the South is going to be spent in the South.. There is coming aboam,. if thafcward the broadest sehse, .which is goiug to be immeas--urably greater and broader than all that have- preceded. it.-Evening.. Visitor. Tb,-Xrgest Rfclmental !.$. litjthe War., Therofficial casual ty.list of theCDu-fedexatft-fprces are not so trust worthy as those of the Union side, because they have not had the same careful revision since the war closed, but the tables now accessible show that the Northern aim was equally true, and that the Northern r.erve was equally steady- The Twenty sixth Nortn Carolina Pettigjrew.s Brigade,, Heth.s Division lodt at Gettysburg,-86 killed and 502 woun ded ; total 588, not including the mis sing, of whom there were about 129. In one, company,, 84 strpng every man and officer was hit, and the Or derly Sergeant who made out the list I did it with a bullet .through each leg. This is by far the largest regimental loss on either side duxiug the war. The Century. ;truck By I.ighlnliiK. - Oil City, Pa., May 14. The iron tauks containing 15,000 barrels of oil, two miles up Oil creek, were struck by lightning Saturday at 11 o'clock. This morning the tank boiled over, setting fire to another tank od the op posite side -of f the creek,, containing 34,000 barrels.. The Keystone refin ery," a short distance from the. fire, is in some danger.. Dams are being built in the creek to proteot the property alonp the creek.. The oil tanks ate owued by J.B. Smithham. Thirty-seven thousand barrels of oil is insured. The fire burned out about 3. o'clock this, jnQruiugv.'whenthe overflow, took place. Thonlyi losa.beeides.the two tanks-and the oil was the wooden railroad bridge across the creek own ed by. tha "Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad, and about $600; damage to the barrel works. Exaggerated reports were sent out last .night to alarm the country and many, inquirie are made today as to the safety of the city; These re ports were sent, out by a. stranger represented himself to be the cor respondent of a New York; paper. BoysMalaga Men's -Malaga ... . Men's Malagas extra wide..., Men's Mackinaw Sunday Hat Mens Wnite Canton Sunday Hat. Men's White Canton Sunday Hat . Men's White Canton Sunday- Hatr. - Men's Drab and Calf Canton. Mens Fine Manilla, six different styles, all good. . . Men's Brown Manilla.. Men's Brown Manilla. - BT ALL OTHERS IN PROPORTIONS : ? Ladies I Gents', Misses 1 Children's Shoes,. AX PRICES TO PLEASE THE MILLIONS. 75 60 75 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 75 150 AdvJMveo iikthe Coffee Market. New York, May 15. The an nouncement that tie Brazilian Par liament had passed the Emancipa tion act caused a considerable jump in the price of coffee yesterday. May option closed Saturday at 13.40 and advanced to 13 90. June op tions closed at 12.90 and opened at 13.40. July closed at 12.10 and opened at 12.50; other options were all higher. The freeing of slavesvwho are employed in the Rio coffee district was- considered as likely to upset tha-labor market and result in .a decrease in-the next cof fee supply. T. 1). Womack, Esq., of Chatham, h sjiuki ii of for Congress fronr tht -'iihi-h district. A syndicate of Georgia capitalists has been formed for the purpose of manufacturing- paper from cotton stalks and bolls which are now prac tically useless to planters. Those interested say that the establish ment of this industry will be a? great an event in the ecoi omical history of the South as the estab- 1 lishing of cotton seed. oil . mills. The Vle-Preiaency, Washington, May 15.. Gen. Jlose crans is mentioned by his,friends as one.of- the possible- candidates for Vice-President . on the Dymocratic ticket. Interviews with Senator Vporhees, Representatives Holman and O'Neal, of Indiana, . state that many think he will surely furnihh the Democrats with a candidate for the Vice-Presidency tend to confirm the claim made by , Gen.. Rosecrans' friends that although these gentle men woupl first suppprt a .candidate f ron their own State, .yet they feel very friendly, toward Gen. . Rose crans, While expressing a perfer ence for Gov, Gray,, of Indiana, they consider. Gen. Rosecrans as strong, a candidate as could be found in the country, at largj on account of his excellent war record, his.r ure democracy and his., identification with the Pacific Coast interests. , m Is cri ne on the increase in . North Carolina 1 Thei a-.wer-e.95; convicts in 1880. The average number from 180 to 1882 it was 980 ; from 1882 to 1884 it was 1.014 ; from 1883 to 1886 it was 1.198. The official report shows there are now 1,376 convicts in the State. Charlotte Chronicle. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator de bonis nou of the estate of J. B. Baker, deceased, all persons indebted- to said estate aro hereby notified fn msl-A nrnmnf na uient : and all norsnns havinff claims against said. estate must present them on or be- f.rA the 19th dav of Maw or this notice will be bar of their recovery. This 18th of May '88; , E. Gi IRVIN, Adua r, BvW. G. Means Att'y.. 19 6w The rorrmwt Hnth American. I had an excellent chance to study this remarkable ruler of Venezuela, who is just now the foremost man in South America. Personally he is of imposing appearance and royal bear ing. Fully six feet in height, his tal wart frame is beginning to show age, for he is in his 60th year, and his mustache and imperial are almost white. His skin is bronzed with steady sun, and he has the most ef fective pair of .black byes I . have ever seen. Suave and courtly in manner, there was an occasional gleam . in them that told of a reserve of pas sion boding ill for an enemy in his power,. I would, as soon think of tampering with tiger as with Guzman Blanco, in his present posi tion. To the autocratic power that he wields, .and to its exercise for his country's good, I. attribute the pres ent quiet, .prosperous condition of Venezeula. As I heard . from every hand, .until he was called to govern, no advance had . been . made after Spanish rule was overthrown ; since that time there has , been, no stop. The country is being opened up by railways; official corruption and misgpvernment is sternly punished when discovered;..! evolutions and anarchy nipped in the- beginuing ; commerce and all possible agricul ture flourishes, . and.- best of all, workingmen . are beginning to- de pend upon receiving, steady pay f Or steady work, a thing previously un known. Milwaukee Sentinel RACKET STORE IN CONCORD A NEW FIRM! More tfian a Slaughter in PEIOESI Come and see our beautiful stock consisting of Calicos, Dress Goods, vm The Taj IorsAsain. Nashville, Tenn., May 15. The. State- Democratic convention nomi nated Gov. Robt. L. Taylor for re election today, on the 4th ballot all onposinsr candidates- having - been withdrawn: He received 1801 votes, over 500 delegates declining to -vote on this ballot. Tho convention was in session seven days and a most bit ter fight was. made against Taylor, but he all along retained a majority of the delegates. uiMW Full Rtrvk.of Notions.. Men s 1' urn- Goods. A full line of Linen find a larsre lot of Jewelry.. Also Tin Cups, Buckets and many other things.. FELDMAN & LEVIN; . Formerly of Baltimore. Next door, to Mrs. Cross'. Millinery Store. U4 A. H. PR0PST, Architect anil Contractor. The State Medical Convention will meet next year at Elizabeth City on the third Tuesday in April. . Plans and specifications of buikl ings made in any style. AU eon tracts for buildimrs taitufully car ried out. Office in C xton's building, up stair3. 13 Now Do You Catch On? IF TOU DON'T, CQ3IE AND SEE US. AND THEN YOU WIEE. CANNONS & FETZER. The "Weekly News-Observer The "Weekly News and Observer is a long ways the best paper ever pub lished in North Carolina. It is a cred it to the people and to the State. The people should take a pride ia it. It should be in every family. It is an eight page paper, chock full of the best ort of reading matter, news, market reports, and all that. .You cannot af ford to be without it. Price $125 a year. We will furnish the Weekly News, and Observer until J anuary 1st, 1889, for $l. Send for sample copy. Address, . -. ,. . News and Observer Co' Raleigh, N. C. : v tfpf IEERIESS DYES lo Tour Own Dyelnsr, at Home. Ti. tt trill rlv evervthinff. Tliev are sold every. m-.avo Prinn inc. anarkiiLG. Thevhavenoeau! for Strength, Brightness, Amount in Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non-fadine Qualities. They do not crook or smut; .40 colors. ,i or sale tj For sale at - 12 FETZER'S DRUG STORE, And JOHNSON'3 DRUGSTORE. MOOSE'S Blood. Ee&ovator, This valuable Remedy is adaptad to the following diseases arising from an impure blood. . Eruptive and Cutan eous diseases, Str Anthony's Fire, Pim ples. Tetter, Hingworm, Rhumatism, Syphilitic, Mercurial, and all diseases of like character. It is-an Alterative or Restorative of Tone and Strength to the system, it affords grat protection from attacks I hat originate in changes of climate and season. For sale at Fetzi'r's Drug Store W!MQMACH!K HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECT SATISFACTION ORANGE, MASS. ; 30 Union Square, H. Y.' Chicago, III. St. Louis, l Atlanta, Ga. Dallas, Tex, San Frendtco, Ctt. BY fcrtahlfataed FAY'S 1866. MANILLA rjOHNG I J"9 'ead i d not v-WK tia r iron, nor iocay bkeshingtM or tar C",. ainsi vW to apply; S'iMftSr14S?SK? vftt a cotW .in. Is also a 5ST.I7.V3Lf3r W-ASTblt Rt Half the S tV .?AllPE1C!t KUJS of same tcateriaL fc"utb8 weIrof.9n.C!,iilB- Catalan" wid Bamplea mm WAMTEDoi,tt'?SCOTT's nwintw Sample free to those bVc in i u u, a v u I . ouiek sales. Tprri CSiitisfacUon amarantpfrt. "Aodrpss fcR. SCOTT. 842 Btoadwa, NEW YORKj.

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