r hi S.TftllD fcRD. prBI.ISIIED EVEKY FRIDAY Bt Stain da kd Publishing Co. terms : CNE YEAR, CASH IM ADVANCE, $U5. SIX MflMTHSi ' - .75 LOW PRICES. :0: THE FALL TRADE AVill soon open, and )i. A. BROWN, as usual, is fully pre pared to sell every thing in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, AND General Merchandise AT- BOCK BOTTOM PEICES :0: lie is now receiving a Full Stock of Fall and "Winter Good rich as the people need and will have. He will not be unders sold, and takes for his motto LOW THICKS. His line of Dry Goods,. Hats, Boots and Shoes are no Shoddy Articles or sec ond hand purchases, but the Price will raise a regular BACKET in the Market. of the very best quality for every grades of FLOUR A and always in Stock. Be sure to call on him if you want Bargains! Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods, at Cash Prices. Do not sell before you see him. And now thanking you for the very liberal patronage so freely bestowed heretofore, and asking a continuance of the same. J am Very Respectfully, 33,- -A BEO"W nsr The "Weekly News-Observe. The "Weekly News and Observer is a lon ways the best paper eve r pub-1 lished in North Carolina. It is a j credit to tne people ana to tne mate The people should take a pride in it. It shouid be in every family It is aa eipht page paper, cboek full of the best sort of reading matter, news, market reports, and all that. You cannot afford to be without it. Price $1,25 a year. AVe will furnish the "Weekly News and Observer until January 1 st. 18S6, for 31. send for sample copy. Address, News and Observer Co, lialeish, N. C. In order to clost out my stock of Huts, Bonnets, Ribbons. Flowers. I will offer great inducements i o purchasers until the tame is dis posed of. Call and see we. I mean list what I say, Mrs. J.'M. CRSS. The undersigned having taken out i tters of administration on the es i ste of Aaron Ritchie, dee'd, all per ... ; . ji .s who are indebted to said estate : vi hereby notified to come forward M.d settle, and all persons holding ci .ims against the said estate will l;esaut them for payment within t welve months of this uotice, or the s'tjiiG will be pleaded in bar of their i, i-overy. S. M. ItiTcniE and LrTHER RlTCHlE, Adrar's of Aaron Ritchie, dee'd. Aug. 21, 1S88. A. H. PROPST, Arhitect and Eoitatsr. I'i-iuo and specifications of build ih- luade in any style. All con t rafts for buildi ngs faithfullj car i f 'l out. Office in Cuton's building, s fairs. 13 1). D. JOHNSON, ORUGGIST, t'ONCORD, , X. c, ON II. VXD A Fl'LL LINK I'm-.', Fresh and Reliable MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OIL Which ! wiH sell to von nf th- lowest cash price. 'OUK, BY.E AND BIT, VOLUME I. customer. The very best SPECIALTY, FUNfTURE CHEAP FOR CASH AT M. E. CASTOirS!7perff,y'vio;,a I In a disease below the bowels w.mv TIE STORE hi lik, Bureaus, OU ADE COFFINS,ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I do not soil for cost, ""but for a small profit. Come and examine my line of goods. Old furniture repaired. 12 M. E. CASTOR. Sale of Land. By authority vested in me as Commissioner, by a decree to sell land fcr partition, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cabarrus county, on the 16th day of August, 1888, in a Special Pro ceeding, wherein Paul Barntmrdt and others are Plaintiffs and Paul Barnhardt, Guariian, D. W. Uiy, Guardian, and others are Defend ants, I will sell, by public auction, at Hie Court House door in Coucord, N. C, on Monday, the 1st dav of October, 1888, a tract of land, known as the home place of Daniel Barn hardt, deceased, in No. 9 township. Cabarrus county, containing 200 acres;- the description 3nd bounda ries whereof are fully set orth in a deed, for said tract of land, from Daniel Barnhardt to Eveline Barn hardt, recorded in Book No. 28 page 399, in the office of the Register of Deeds for CaCairus county. Terms of Sale: One fourth of the purchase money in cash, balanec payable twelve months after date of sale, secured by note, at eight per cent interest, with good sureties and title reserved till purchase money is paid in full. Title to this land is perfect. GEORGE L. PATxERSON. Cmmissioner August 16th., 1688. CHAMPION ) ( I still keep on hand a stock of Champion Mower Repairs. My old customers will find me at the old stand, Allison's corner. nl-tf C. R. "WHITE. For Sal Cheap , ASE OX D HAND OMNIBUS itb a rapacity for tsve ve pissengers, in food running order. Call at this oUce. ' '" -'--'-"" """' mil mi mill i ma Mil m in iminn ' ' ' i9m .. urn, iiiiim iin.j ' ' n mm , , ,' him m n i mi m w in n i E IS DEATH PAINLESS ? A Quefttion that Interest! Everybody Answered by Eight Atlanta Phynlvlnus. Atlanta Constitution. Dr. Hammond, of New York, stated recently in an interview that death is absolutely painless and that there is no difference between the death of a believer and the death of an unbeliever and that life goes out like a candle. It is a subject of universal inter est and the opinion of a number of physicians are appended. Dr. Todd says : "My opinion is, that in 99 cases out of 100 death is perfectly painless, not only because the absence of any indications that denote pain, but because of the ac cumulation in the blood, of such effete matters as carbonic acid gas, which act as a sedative or ana;sthet ic." 'Do vou notice anv difference be tween the death of an unbeliever and a Christian "Yes, that makes a great differ ence. The death of an unbeliever who is an agnostic, is always at tended by a sense of vagueness, un certainty and doubt. The true Christian believer dies like coins to sleep. It is especially true anions: eood Catholics. While I am not a Catholic I have noticed that as a rule, after the sacrament been administered to them they with perfect resignation. I has die was struck especially with the Catholics. i As an evidence that a man's life has ! something to do with the tranquil i ity with which he passes iuto a fu ture state, children, as a rule, die evidently without struggle or pain. The truth of thij has become an aphorism, -He died as sweetly as a child.'" "It ha3 been said by some philos opher that no person dies happy with a disease above the diaphragm, that is, if the chest, heart or head is affected ; but I am satisfied that he he is mistaken. Apparently they are in pain, out an or a siumen tney nam. there is no apparent distress even for hours before dissolution." "What strikes vou most in seeing people die ?" "That it is a transition to another life and there is nothing in the world about it to be dreaded. The man who dreads it dies horribly daily. The man who goes on and abides his time gets death but once and will probably be surprised toj find that it is just like going to! sleep. "From personal experience I know that to bleed to death or almost to death is painless. My personal ex perience is confirmed by all my pa tients who came very near losing their lives by hemorage I never was so happy in my life as when I came near bleeding to death on the battle field. It was just like lying down and going to sleep. I had- been in great pain, but that all left "There is something horrible about drowning. There is a great deal of pain about it. The first pain is that of the water in the nose. After the first struggle, persons who have been resuscitated, say that it is painless. Freezing to death, you know, is like going to sleep. It is hard to keep awake." Dr. J. B. Baird said : "Do vou mean hanging ? That is what you are preparing for; it is not painless. "No, really ; in hanging some times a man's neqk is broken and his death is almost instantaneous. At other times the neck is not bro ken and the man chokes to death. Judging from the contortions the man must suffer a great deal. "So, when you adopt that method get the sheriff to fix a large knot under your left ear so as to give you a good jerk." "As I do not contemplate such a death and the majority of mankind do not have to go through that or deal, I would like to know what you think about death in general. Is it painless ?" "Some deaths are entirely painless and some are very painful. It de pends on the circumstances. Death fiom opium is painless and death from strychnine is attended with a great deal of pain. "There is this thing to be said about death. It is a remarkable fact, and I have no doubt that it is a pro vision of Providence, that when peo ple approach death they . lose that dread of it that is instinct in human mind. Of course there are except tions. I speak of the general rule. Death just seems to come along quietly as a matter of course. Peo pie just accept it and sink right down out of life as if it would have been unusual or remarkable to have Standard CONCORD, N. C, OCTOBER 12, 1888. followed any other course. "Mos1- persons, perhaps, lose con sciousness before death, at variable periods. Many persons retain con sciousness to the very last moment. The immediate cause of death is either a suspension of respirat.on or a suspension of the circula tion. Sometimes the heatt, some times the breathing, fails." "Hare you noticed any difference between the death of a Christian and the death of an unbeliever?" "I have seen persons who denied the divinity of Christ die with just as much confidence and just as much fortitude and just as much hope as the most devoted Christians." "Un tne other nana l have seen tne most wickcu men ana women die without a shudder or apparent dread of the unknown future. I have often remarked that circum stance." "Is there any difference in the death of an atheist who denies the existence of God ?" "I don't remember to have oo sened such a case, but I have seen persons who were so wicked that they could not have given a thought to the subject. They were practical atheists and they did not seem to have a dread. "Of course there are different creeds. While persons may not be Christians they may have some re ligious belief, and they depend with absolute confidence on their relig ious belief; but I have no doubt that the almost universal indiffer ence to death is due to the fact that usually before death all the sensi bilities of the body are blunted. Breathing is impaired, the circuhi - tion is imperfect, and as the person approaches death all sensibilities become clouded ; so that when he might be intellectually clear enough, he has not that keen sense of the event that he would have in health. "It seems like stoicism. pe rfect People just go right along as if they were going on a journey. Whether this result is caused by remarkable spir itual aid or by the physical condi tion I have described, I cannot say. The ministers would doubtless say that it is a supernatural power that sustains a man while he its dying, and it may be so. "Death by electricity, I have no doubt, is absolutely painless if the shock is strong enough. Death by chlorofoini is absolutely painless." Dr. W. F. Westmoreland, Sr., said: "That question opens up a very broad field. The (pies tion is indefinite. You will have to deter mine what you mean by pain Men tal pain is sometimes much greater than the physical. If a man is ra tional it is always painful to No man in his senses wants to die. die. I never saw one that did." "Do you notice any difference be tween the death of a believer and an unbelievei ?' "No, that has nothing to do with it. A Christian hatts to die as bad as a sinner. I have seen them say at the start that they were ready to die, but t hey would beg hard enough to live before it was over. A man has to be a little brave, and men sometime) say what they don't mean. "After they find that it is bound to come, then they want to get through it as soon as possible and get rid of the pain." Dr. J. M. Gaston said : "I think there is a great variety of cases in which persons approaching the pe riod of death have a great deal of suffering. In the act of death un consciousness, as a general rule, would preclude sensibility altogeth er. "If you want a little philosophy on the subject, I would say that death is a matter that may be grad ual or may be sudden. You may have a progress from very gradual derangement and decomposition in the system, which will lead to a slow death. Then again, yon may have instantaneous death, as death by electricity or by lightening, and in such cases it is perfectly painless. I can't imagine how a man could have the conciousness of the ap proach of death under the circum stances. "In a case of yphoid fever which ar .ore nnl a. patient b g i au i-i.ii u b 1 i. and wear and tear on the vital or- ganism, the individual, I think, in timet l'netuiiwa vohHps tlio nrnrn:ir-h of death, Even under these eirtnm - stances, I would conclude that the nervous system had been so com - pletely exhausted, and the capacity for receiving impressions through the nervous system so impaired that the individual must suffer compara tively little." "Doprou see any difference between the death of believers and unbe lievers ?" "It occurs to me that the antici pation of death is made very differ ent by conditions, and that it would be different with men, one of whom has hope of happiness hereafter and one of whom is skeptical. If a maa has hopes of happiness hereafter I can't see that he should have any apprehension or fear of death. If he is a skeptic I can well understand how he would have a fear of death. If a man really believed that there was no hereafter he might not have an apprehensioujbut I don't believe there is any human intellect that is capable of reading that conclusion and holding it beyond a perad ven ture, lie can't be satisfied about it. He is doubtful about it, and I could see how much a person would die with apprehension. "1 think it is a fact that the men tal and nervous constitution of peo ple makes a great deal of difference in their apprehension of death. I judge this from my individual feel ing. I don't realize any fear of death. I don,t have any apprehen- sion of death as an end of my exist ence, but I have the greatest possible apprehension of being hurt. Ac cident insurance conies in very j strongly. If I had a sense of obli- gation to do a certain thing with the assurance that 1 would meet death doing it, I don't believe it would de ter me, but in going iuto a position where I would be likelv to be badly hurt without killing me I should be very cautious. "Let any medical man realize that it is his duty to go to Jacksonville 1 and I think that if he went down convinced that it was his duty he would have none of the apprehension of death." Dr. II. P. Cooper said : "I have unfortunately seen a great many people die in hospitals, and my obser vation is that in ninety-nine per cent, of cases, dentil is entirely pain less the patient as a rule, being de void of conciousness, and even where they utter groans and make such noises as that, it is done unconciously; there is no pain accompanying it. Of winrsfl s;niin il.-iflis from no.o.'i- , . . r , , , dents are painful for instance, a p?rson burned to death and dying in the course of twenty-four hours." "Have you noticed any difference between the deaths of persons who had and those who had not a relig ious be'ief?" "I have never noticed the slightest 'difference.. Most of my hospital cases were hardened sinners and they died as calmly and peacefully as any other people whom 1 have seen die." Dr. W. 8. Klkin said: "I think it depends altogether upon the nature of the case of the death. As a rule, however, my experience is that death is painless. They may suffer con siderable pain up to a few minutes before death, and then there may be a suspension of pain altogether. As a rule I think death is painless. Some men are dying, maybe, for two or three days, and in that instance there may be some pain at the begin ning of death, and towards the latter part of the death it is painless." "Do you notice any difference be tween the death of a man who has religious belief and a man who has none Y' "No, because I do not think that just before death they can think much about that?" Dr. C. C. Greene said : "I do not think death is painless. Physical pain is owing to circumstances whether it is a mechanical jnjury or some organic trouble. In mechani cal injuries it seems to me that it is more painful than death from nat ural causes, for the reason that in dying from natural causes they be come so accustomed to pain in cer tain locations "I don't see any difference between the believers and unbelievers in death. I have leen several unbe lievers die and it was the same thing in them. It matters not v ho dies he has dread -f death and the results of death. It is human to do so." "I have been asked this question a great nianv limes, bnt never before for publication. . The amount of in terest on this point is indeed prising, especially among relatives and friends of the dying. The ma jority of people interested prefer for their friends to die without pain, where death is invitable. ! know of a case of a ladv who I it..1 I.! tlmf I'i-fli ivia .iTriv.iliir j and for some time previous to death j it was her request that an anassthetio ! should be administered. I know that the anassthetio was administered and she passed off perfectly smooth ly." . Dr. J. F. Alexander said : "My idea of death is expressed in the last words of Dr. White, an old physician who lived many years ago at Mil Iedgeville lie lived to be a very old man, and for several years before his death he ate but one meal a day and took that at 11 o'clock at nigh just before retiring. He remarked to his son, Dr. Sam White, 'when I am dying ask me what death is, and I will tell you.' "When the old doctor came, to die, his son did ask him, end he said, 'tired, tired, tired ! "That is my idea of death ; it i distressing but painless, and it comes as a relief from exhaustion." "Now there arc cases where a man gets hurt and it is very painful ; but even under those circumstances, when the organs are so far gone that they refuse to perform their func tions, I don't think a person is ca pable of feeling pain." "Have you noticed any difference between the death .of believers and unbelievers Y' . . "Well, yes I have. I have seen persons who, at the last moment, ex pressed the most unbounded confi dence, and I have seen others who manifested a great deal of anxiety before death. I don't think however that I ?ver saw any one so disturbed in the article of death itself." Mr. Illniuc's Seerli to American WorkltisrniPii. Right en the threshold of winter, when starvation and nakedness stares the idle man in the face, the great sugar trust has thrown seven hun dred men out of work in Williams burg bv ordering the two refineries of De Castro & Donner to shut down, so that. the price of sugars may be kept up. This cruel act, which will darken the homes of so many honest and faithful toilers through no fault of their own, was completed yesterday, and groups of white faced men, standing out in the bitter wind in front of the towering buildings from which they had been thrust, savagely cursed the millionaire president who thus heartlessly put his foot upon their bread tray. That the news of this merciless lockout will ring from one end of the country to the other and stir : men's hearts wherever anv sympathy :. is leu tor tne Helpless worKingnian goes without saying. It was the sensation in New York and Brooklyn yesterday. It is the most dramatic and pa thetic thing that has occurred since the matchless leader of the Republi can party come back from his coach ing tour through Scotland to tell the wage-workers the very men who stood shivering in front of the closed refineries yesterday that trusts were sacred and must not be interfered with by Congress, that they must be allowed to say when a man may eat and w hen he n ay not, as well as to say what he shall pay for what he eats. New York Herald. " Rig Railroad Deal. New York, October 2. The Directors of the East Tennessee Railroad at a meeting here today passed a resolution unanimously agreeing to the proposition from the Directors of the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad to lease the East Tennessee nronertv for a period of 20 years on a percentage of earn- A Horrible Death. Wadesbouo, N. C, Sept. 28. Pienjaniin Deberry, a while man about o0 years of age, left this place this morning for his home in Stanly county. He was riding in a buggy and was very much intoxicated. About five miles from here he was found dead and entangled in the wheels of his buggy with his head and neck horribly bruised and cut. He had been dragged for four mike and when found the horse was still moving homeward. His death was caused from bruises and cuts . re ceived while being dragged over the rocks and stones. The road is very hilly and rocky. News and Obser ver. IAn IrresiMtible Demand. My dog was held for ransom, land Pat was sent to rescue him. "Pat," said I, "did you ' tell the man that if he did not i oi vp nr tliw rloo- nt oncp T vvrmlrl sur"!have him arrested" "Oi did that same, sorr." What idid you say to him?" "Oi ' tould him jist what yez tould j me to tell him. Oi wint there where he had the dorg, and oi sez to him, oi sez, "The ooss sez, sez oi, -av yez aon r disgorge that dorg,' sez oi, 'he sez he'll have the law on vez that's what he sez, sez oi." And aid ne aisgorge uie a i-i-t1 1 . 1 dog Pat?" "To wasnt, sorr." catches to this, "The early bird always the worm ;" and, in addition he saw a most healthy frost in h.s early observations last Sunday nioriiy ng, NUMBER 40. WITH HIS OI.I I.OVE AG A IX. Charlie Wrnt West. Mni1 n Fortune nml Returned. Here is a story like those romances you read of in which the maiden waited and the lover returned with a fortune. Charles J. Travis and Lizzie Sherwood worked togather in a down town paper house nine years ago. They fell in love, but their salaries were not sufficient to support them. They had abandoned all hope of going together to the altar, when Cha lie's cousin, from the far West, arrived, and painted glowing pictures of the golden lands beyond the Mississippi. The lovers parted. Letters from the West be came fewer and fewer until Lizzie, believing that her lover had forgotten her, plighted her troth to a sailor, a first mate, please, and promised to marry him when he returned from a trip East. The reader may now see inai mere was i small chance of the lovers run-i ning together. The sailor never returned. That ends him, and the reader need not expect to see him bob up a again in the tale of love and travel. Lizzie found employ ment some weeks ago at Le land's Ocean Hotel, Long Branch. She was a chamber maid and a pretty maiden. Two days before the hotel closed for the season a tanned and bearded stanger, evidently a Western man, arrived at the hotel, and registered as f 1 li o vl T Tvorie Tiior T .1 i r Mon. lie was shown to a room, wnien nappeneu to oe 1 t t 1 A 11 in Lizzie s Hall. Alter going io ins a pa ri uieiii lie uirscov erru that he had no towels, and rang for them. Lizzie handed them to the stranger, who as tonirhed her by suddenly catching her by the shoulders and exclaiming: "Lizzie Sherwood! I've been hunting all over this country for yon!" "Who are you " cried Liz zie, trying to draw away from the man. "Why, don't you remember me?" Don't vou remember when you used to fold down at Daily & Co.'s papers that a bic: fellow used to see vou home on dark nights V Lizzie looked up into the bearded face, and though there was very little trace of her old lover she ventured to ask, "Are you Charlie Travis V "That's who I am, and you are Lizzie Sherwood, and you j promised to marry me. I think it s about time you were keeping your promise, don't vou '" This extremlv direct question staggered Lizzie. Had lizzie been in the habit of reading the thrilling tales about the eminent Mr. Kilrain and the highly respected Mr. Sullivan she would have ad mitted that she was "knocked out." As it was she merely said she would like an expla nation. He spun a very fine tale about delayed mails, and she owned up about the sailor boy who went sailing awav ,! into the stormy seas of Boston and New Haven. looking for menhaden. So he asked her to marry him. "But I'll have to get some new clothes," said Lizzie. "No vou won't vou can ffet those afterward," said her lover. "You can get lots of them, too, for I've got the money; I've got over 8,000 steers in one herd, besides lots of sheep and horses, and money in the bank. I don't fold papers for SS.fiO a week anymore. Not much." "How did you happen to come here?" asked Lizzie. "Well"' he said, "I was in New York, and heard so much about the gambling houses down here I thought I'd come down and see what they were like. J didn't expect to make such a big stake myself, though," he added. llev. Mr. Menissof Brooklyn married them yesterday, and they went West. Rob linrdette, the well-known hu morist, has been licensed to preach. It does not follow however, that he is going to crack jokes in the pulpit. It is notorious that funny men 'with the pen are often-times solemn al most to melancholy in speech. At the same time it is not probable that linrdette will use stale homilies in I the manufacture of his sermons. News and Observer. . -We were presented with a most deliciou3 Peach last Moda:' b-v Mr i W- M- Voils- The l)each was one of a second cron : tho tree Having done double work for the oyuer this year, the -.studied; Rate of Advertlftlnjf s One square, one inssrtion, On e sq uare, on e mon tb, One square, two months, , One equare, three months, One square, six months, One square, one year, $00 105 200 2 S3 500 900 Stonewall Ja?kons Joke. ' Few men were ever more profoundly and invariably se - ' . 1 1. n . n -w i nous man ronewau Jackson. Prior to the war he was Pro- J - f -mr i i -i lessor oi iaiurai ana lis- . Virginia Military Institute; and while in that position he made what is believed to have been his first joke. Une morning he called a member of the graduating class, and with the utmost gravity propounded the follow ing scientfic question. "Why is it impossible to send a telegraphic dispatch from Lexington to Staun ton1 ' a xiT? uuici iciicvica iui Burnt? moments, and then replied that the explanation of this . phenomenon doubtless lay in the fact that the amount of iron ore in the mountains drew. the magnet current from the wires. A convert smile touched upon Jackson's features, fled v mrl Iip cnifl. "tw Biv vou can take your seat." , Another was called up but he too failed to explain the mystery. A third, and then a fourth were equally unsuc cessful. Jackson listening to their theories with profound attention, but with the same sly smile which greeted the first attempt. This smile probably attacted the attention of the next cadet who was called. His counte nance lighted up, his lip broke into a smile in return' and he said: ell major Jackson. I reckon, it must be because i there is no telegraph between : places. "You are right, sir" replied Jackson, who had suddenly resumed his composed express sion. "You can take your seat," order, and calmly proceeded with trie recitation as if noth ing had happened. A Free Tjnde Measure. ' 57" New York "World, Dem. The Republican Senators' tarilf bill is a "free trade' measure. It places upon the free list jute, manilla and sisal grass and various drugs and chemicals. This is certainly according to Republican logic, a "last step" towards free trade. If these articles are freed from duties now the Sen ate will next be removing the duties from flax, wool, lumber, 1 i.l. .1 11 x. "I- tsoup iiuu uitj sucreusiui which savors. Have the Republican Senators been bought with British gold Do they mean to destroy American industries and reduce wages to the pau per level of protectionist Ger many or free trade England In addition to this "first ster towards ultimate fiee trade" the Senate bill frees from tax ation native brandy, tobacco and alcohol "used in the arts.'1 This is a free trade home which the temperance people are particularly opposed to. No wonder that Chairman Quay is cross and ugly and in clined to go fishing. It is strange that Col. Dockery's crowd up in the mountains should be charging that Ransom, Merrimoii Fowle, Jarvis and the Democratic lawyers were responsible for the issue of the special tax bonds, when tho legislature of 1808 that issued them was overwhelmingly Republican and kept out a considerable number of Democrats elected to that legislature on the false allegation that they were banned ; and Littlefield was King among them, aiid he and his Republican ring bribed the negroes of that assembly and had a majority at their beck and call. At the next : .--!. ii. . Democrats rallied enough honest Re publicans to vote with them to undo the fraud r.s far as possible. Their charges are all falsehoods, and should be denounced by every honest man accordingly. News and Observer. As Forepaugh's circus was being unloaded at DnRois, Pennr., John Poggy, an elephant trainer, of Satem, New' Jersey, was attacked and killed l y the elephant "Tip." Poggy Tras trying to get the animal out of the car, but it had been angered by men and boys feeding it apples which contained tobacco and paper. A colored mau who speaks .n glish with a genuine Irish brogue ; is rather novelty. Yet William li. iO'Dell, a fujlblooded African, i astonished a Rrooklyti police justice ! he other day by test ifying in -a rich i ruh ii-nnriin I I I In I I core ho vi j bom of African parants at Rallyslo, I Wexford county, Ireland, and not ; Having oeen natuaiK.eu since ms arrival in I Irishman. America, was still au