It SU1DI1D. THE STiilDARD. tandard: the very best AIU KPTISISG MEDIUM. Itti f Atferttkinft One square, one insertion, $1 00 Que square one month I 50 One square two months 2 00 Qne square three months, 2 SO Que square, six, mouths, 6 00 Que square one year, 9 00. TEKMS : jkekear, cash II advance, $1.25. ,75 VOLUME I. CONCORD. N. C NOVEMBER 23. 1888. NUMBER 46. SI! iSKTHSl HE LOW PRICES. -:0: THE FALL TRADE Will n open, and ?l. A. BROW, as visual, is fully pre pared to sell every thing in. the line of Dry Goods, Groceries! Trustee's Sale. AND-, General Merchandise EOOg: BOTTOM PEIOIS He is now receiving a Full Htovk of Full unci AVinter Goods ucli as the people need and will have. He will not be under bid, and takes for his motto LOW PRICES. His line of Pry i;,ls. Hats, Boots and Shoes are no Shoddy Artie-lea or sec ond hand purchases,' but the Vvict? will raise u regular RACKET in tle Market, The very beet By virtue of authority vested iu my by a deed in Trust or mortsrafffc 1 executed y C. F. Smith and wife. Julia A. Smith, on the 25th day of February, 1876, which mortgaaeor deed in trust is recorded in Regis teiSj office for Cabarrus County, N "rth Carolina, iu book No. 26, page 501, 1 will sell at public auction at rhe Court House door in Concord. North Carolina, on the 4th day of December, 1883, to the highest bid der, for cash) One tract of land lying ou Dutch Buffalo Creek, ad joining the lands of Eph Bost, M. T. Teeter, John F. Furr, and others, c iitaining 110 acres, known as the Tobias and ljuchel Furr lands; also, one undivided half interest iu the Mill tract, formerly bolonging to Jno, F. Fu.-r and said Smith, Title to said property is supposed to be good, but the purchaser only takes such title as I aui authorized to con vey under said mortgag". A. FOIL, Trustee. Bv. Wm. M. Smith, Ati'y. Daied 15th day of Oct., 1888. A THRILL1XU VOYAGE. ('apt. Joshua RIoeara, II In wife and I fished placed. I aud tho foremast r- A Dl'EI. TO DEATH. NewYokkNov.' U.-Hio Sun afc wiU Pen.d 2,ne . ... , , ; or two vears travelling m Eu- lis morning publishes a special ; . . . , , Avis : was this Kinsrlev's last bacca-1 this n.wli,.n!nn t l.l- .. ; ! T: : t n. il.:10pe, ncc. iuuimihx iu ill" iu iwn at it ; ruiU ijll UllllZUillll, i M.. "iIULT llltf . l once again ? details of a terrible duel fought; at . At Barbadoes the Liberdad was a; Mountevalla, Ala., last Saturday.' Sale of Land. ;,f the very best quality fr every customer, irrades of FLOUR A SPECIALTY, and alwavs in Stock. Be sure to call on him if yo.u want Bargains! Countrv- Produce of all kinds, taken in exchange for oods, at Cash Prices. IV not sell before yon see him. And now thanking you for the very liberal patronage so freely httowe d heretofore, and asjdng a continuants of the same, I am Very Respect full y !R. A BBO"W2Sr. By vlrlufe of a mortgage executed to nie on the 2d day of January, 1888, by I. L. Shiun and wife, Laura C, Shin n, and registered in'Book No, 1 of Deeds of Trust. Pa.e 422, etc,, in Registers office of Cabarrus Count)-, I will sell for cash on the 1st Monday of December rest, at one o'clock, p. m., at nii"lxa aujtion, iu front of the Court House door in Concord, a tract of laud consisting of 26 acres, more or less, situated in No. 5 Townshin, said County, ad joining the lands of James Yost, Margaret Kriniminger, Levi Fink and others. Title to said land sup posed tc be good, but I sell and convey only a testator. This 2ud dy of November, 1888. L. M. ARCHLY. By W. O. Means, Attorney. m. in I UQIIC sensiition. This and Mr. Fronde's book was all the matter talked of at that time. The "niggers" will scalp Froude if they ever cateh ' him in the West Indies. This much the Liberdad must say as a warning to one whose books have been cherish ed. Tho next port of call was Maya guea. Here the Danish consul, French oonsul and American consul vied in making the visit a pleasant one to the crew. Carriage drives and pleasant walks now took the kinks out of their logs and the Liberdad's crew forgot here that they had ever been cramped for room. The Liberdad was photographed for journals in Madrid. Taking at this rdace a full sunolv one of the most remarkable voyages j of f othtfr FOvi .-lon"s on record. Having lost the vessel j . hn flj l d ture oll the m wnion ne siiieu i o.jiu..v... 15th cf 0ctuber for the United hing, how- she di vided her stores with some starving neighbors who had nothing there to eat except sponge and conch. She under! ook then to touch at Bimini to replenish stores but found the natives swarming around the boat blocking her progress through the narrow channel and acting even more 1 ininertinentlv than at anv other He is still in the very prime nf lif. TTh will leave the Shortridge, a lawyer, and White House at least $?5,00Q Robert Nabors, a physician of that j richer than when he entered it. place, had a dispute concerning some j This, added to his other in oolloctions which the law e- had j vestments,-om;nt to give Af er .Yarc1i 4 i ! "Washington. Cor. New York Herald. 1 II, ,1 1 , , mwvww nu. n B.Mnj " M1 1. Ui.nji, OTlt'c! f 11 tlira Tl OTIC Two Son. Come from Rio ! Jnnelro iV eea UOVe lit Oil Hie OOat ami I WHh KuIih. 1 A 1 4111 " F""- Hmlncton In mS3 foot C'rwft rHiiiflined bv htr off sind on twndavs ' rM-.--.-.;.i I are S till undetermined. Itisbe- 1..., f. r.t n I " . "v-'iWUiuiut.cvu.uuiw, wi , u " while she wa bowling along toward ; The adventures of Capt. Kidd and the fiction works of Captain Marryatt, are still fresh in the minds of all our reading people. Robinson Crusoe was not specially noted for his marine exploits. But that fact is stranger than liotion is exemplified by the appended nara tivc of a voyage made by Captain Joshua Slocnm and his family from Rio de Janeiro the capital of Brazil to this port, iu a littlo 35-foot craft, drawing but two feet of water. Captain Slocum is a mollcst gentle man of about 45 years of age, with sandy beard and a piercing blueish gray eye, and would not be likely to impress one as being the daring, in trepid mariner that ho has proven himself to bo. He is, however, an "old salt" of the higher type, and accompanied only by his devoted wife and two sons (aged IS and 8 yoars respectively) has accomplished M. J. CORL'S I C FUNiTURE CHEAP FOR CAS? .kf M. E. CASTOR'S eoxcoui), n. I h".ve moved into the sthble late ly occupied by Brown Bros., near the courthouse. The best accommo dations for drovers. Lpave ycur (.rdeis at the stable or with J. L. Brown Forter for omnibus. Horses -aiid'iLuIes for f ale. M. J. CORL, Propria-tor. W Male iaby, CQNCOKD, N. C. J.vmks P. Cook, A. M., Buevaui). E. IIakkis, A. B., Princiials. HWiE STORE an Imlih Imi D ii iii n 10U' MCIS,( Captain Slocum, assisted by his wife L, ana honj(j, touchi and two sons, set about the construe , ever Ilt Gm, Gliav where tion of a oraft in whicli to return home. This oraft is of the cutter style of marine architecture, is 35 feet in length, 7 feet broad and but three feet deep. She is Chiii' junk rigged and bears the suggestive name of "Libt-rdad," (Liberty). The boat was built at Paranagna, S. A., and on the 24th of last July, Capt. i Slocum and his little family ct sail j wfc js.uu1 A" f m, of The nxt session of this Inetitu tion opens Mouday, Aug. 13th., 1S88. Having secured the services of competent teachers, the Princi pals ofier to the community the advantages of a first class school, and ask r, continuance of the same patronage so liberally giveu in the past. Tuition in Literary Depart ments 1.50 to $3.50, Music $3.00 to St.O'X For further information ap ply to Iisses Bessejjt. Fet?er 1'riucipals. The undersigned having taken out letters of adiuiuistration on the s tate of Aaron Ritchie, dee'd, all pri sons who are indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come loiwurJ and settle, and all persons holding claims against the said estate will presit them for payment within twelve months of this notice, or the same will be pleaded iu bar of the;r recovery. S. M. Ritchie and LlJTHEli RlTCUIE, Adnn's of Aaron Ritchie, dee'd. Aug. 24, 1888. in her for New York, arriving at Sonthport several days ago. The New York Herald at the time i f the CaptainYdepartiifC gavoa cable gram outlining the daring atleiirjt of this bold voyagor, and from Cap tain Slocum himself the Messenger gleans the following outline of his thrilling vayagi! Leaving Kio de Janeiro o:i July 24th last, a sail of two days brought us to Cape Frio, where in 1830 the british ship. The is" was wrecked, hai:)g on board several million dol lars worth of gold and silver bars from the Chilian mines for En gland. We an c..o red off the Cape in the lee f a large lock, and while! myself and family were at dinner, we were stutled by our little craft Wing lifted olear out of tht water. A huge whale had raistn under us. "beachcombers" made for us, and night coming on, I decided to push on past Bimini. That night (Octo ber 25th) the Gulf stream wa. crossed. The 29th we anchored near Cape llomain light house. At day light we saw the bark Heliss, of tavanger, strandard on the shoal outside, and stood out to her assist ance. Two tteamers came and towed her off at high water that day. For the next two days tho Liber dad lay snug in the mouth of South Santeo, sheltered by sand banks. November 1 we got uuderway and were working to the North iud East when the S. S. Planter. Capt. Hub- along and look us in gw for that place. After some hunting for uai':intiue officers it was found that made for the physician. They finally agreed to settle tht matter by fights ing with bowio knives in a darkened room. The men entered the room and fought desperately for ten min utes. The dour was then broken in by friends who had hoard the noise of the duelists. Shortridge was found lying on the floor cut and slashed iq a terri ble manner, lie could not speak, and died in a few minutes. Dr. Nabors, when the door was broke-i open, rushed out. into the street. He was also cut in a fright ful manner, and bleeding from a dozen wounds. He seemed to have been made crazy, with pain. lie ran down the street with his knife in his hand. He attempted to cut a negro w hom he met. The negro kuooked him down with his fist. In falling down Nabors skull was fraotnred and he never regained consciousness. Drs. Sadler and Davis worked with him until midnight, when he died. Cotton Keeal Romaure. Charlotte Democrat. The "Cotton Seed Romance" is thus told by the Atlanta Constitution: "Was there ever a history on this side of Cinderella of the uprising humanity like that of the cotton deed I may as well admit v.e were all scared. And then when tlu monster begarutoying around us, 1 felt piv voyage was ended. The Oh, yes, I was a bit frightened; iu the Liberdad could not prooeed on CLASSES, Primary. Preparatory,. Commer cial and Academic. The course of instruction is prac tical and thorough. It is tlio aim of. the Principals to pive each pupil a thcrougn F-nplish education, and prepare him loi the active duties of life. To complete the Academic coiii f e, the students will be required to takr all the branches necessary for ii til ing the Freshman cV Soiiionore class in our best colleges. Lecturer, on Physiology rjid Hy giene, the Constitution o( the S at und the United States:,, and on othei subjects of vital interest will be de livered durir.3 the session. Review examinations wid be hold monthly. The result of these exam iiiations in. coi-riectiou with class standing and deportment will be re roited ti the patrons of the school. MEDALS AND XRIXE$. At the end of the essioii, medals and prizes will Ue awarded for pro ficiency in studies, and, for puuttu ulilv mid behavior. Board, including room, lights. Sec, cau be bad iu private boiyes ut $s.Wi per mouth. Lower rates cau Peuau by club arrangement. Feeling that a school o this gradi is grently neede i in tUiscommuiiity. it is the purpoao of the piiucipU to exert every tllort to build up a hchooJ, wortiiy of the suiipoit ol th town and community. To do tlii-. e earnestly bolicit the yatroimge ai.d u.J of the citizens of the towi. and suii oundihff couiitrj-. For further information, apply or address the PRINCIPALS, C'oucoi'd,. X. f I O M A DE COFFI N S.ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. I dn nrt sell for cst, but for a small profit. Cmae and exiiiiine my line of l-HS. Old furniture irpaired. 12 M. E. CASTOR. Land For Sale, Any person desiring to pairohase the tract nf land known as the Tay lor place, adjoining Charles Bost and others, or the tmct of land Kiiown as tho Roeu and Allison land, ad joining the Bariihnrdt land and othors, will pi easfc apply tw me. a. th'-v are both for sale. W. M. SMITH, Attorney. CHAMPION fUD. .urn MAI iUUuhl 1M 0 t.-fthlulll ) -( I still koep on hand a stock of Champion Mower Repairs. 5Iv old customers will ml meat the old stand, AUisou'. corner. -ul-tt C. R. "MUTE, D, D, JOHNSON, DRUQOIiST, CONCORD, N. HAS ON HANI): VVLh LINK Vb' l'urev Fresh and Ittdiuble FRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINT A1TD OIL Vhick he will sell to you the lowest, cash price. CME, SEE AND BUY. A. H. PROPST, MM" a&d tota A l)nk m a ireen Urocer. Fiom the Loudon Truth, The Duke of Xorfolk ap.jfute of the staunch whaleship Essex pears to have become a green. jcum0 vividly before us, ami we began grocer, for I hear that he is ' ij,, at)0"nt for piece! of bamboo not above selling his fruit, I u hlch to sc til ashore. Th -vegetables and ilowers at cur-; wha ,h)wev diJ uo flirlhcr dam. rent market rates, either whole, sale or retail. Visitors to p ' ' , - Arundel Cartel gardens may , lle boa three, took 1 if purchase anything they fancy, off, and the hair on our iioads set and large hampers of produce j tied bapk to its normal lrel. e and huge baskets of cut How- (lost owr anchor and keel in this ad eis are dipatched several times j venture, but after a short sail put a week to J?rightm and Ports- i, a Hit e fishing port mar by, mouth. Under the circum- where Me uQircd a iother anohor stance, it seems decidedly tin an(j kteJj alld uiso a fe. cujng fron, fair, while tbeuuwe is aiding a j hQ divii crew were enga?ctl roaring trade, that his glass; lf or the treasure of the lost Thetis. The head diver in this -enture 1 found a queer fish, lie had been a schoolmaster in Canada, then a Cap- over oruinarj taj on a uiie schooner, and thence without being : 4ll.ift(!(i to suth America twenty to Ceorgetown that day for the rea son that she had or. board one or two cocoanuts, and fruit not beinc free till after the first of November, deprived us of seeing Georgetown. The distanco faihd, as the crow Hies, was 5,800 miles, or three times the distance across the Atlantic. From Cape Race to the North of Ireland is 1,704. By the olu pilots of Sonthport it is called a stupen dous vovage. A Colored Boy Three Box-vnr. In i houses should be rated mere ly as pleasure grounds, where as professed nurserymen have to pav a much lugner raie. The l)uke has quiet enough advantage tradesmen favored in the matter of rates. ; New Yoi k Tribute. One of the judges of the U0iUt Ol Appeals ims Bpcaiv- . Uder the sea, he had struck inc to me the other day about f . , . a . BedelL the fqreer, Theie is w r i , , it. 1- years g0, ue nau passea tnrongn the Paraguay war, and tried various things for a living, and finally as he said, to 'keep my head above water. I went under the -sea.' 4And in lu?-yttn4 all doubt," he said, "a stranire and powerful uv tiuenoe about crime; I know it Messenger. At Weldoti Monday, upon the ar rival of a freight train there, screams were heard from a sealed box car containing cotton. A telegraphic request for permission to break the seal and open the car was sent to Master of Transportation, Col. J. R. Kenley, who promptly wired consent and the car was opened, and a little eight yttiir old colored boy found in side, where he had spent three days without food or water. It appears that the little fellow had . fallen asleep in the car at "Wedgefield, S. C, where the car was loaded, and whilst asleep the doors were locked and sealed. Col. Jienley had the boy fed, and Monday night he pass ed through the city for his home, on the plantation of Mr. Albert Aye- cock, near Wedgefield. seeds? For seventy years despised as a nuisance, and burned or dumped as g irbae; th mi discovered to bo th? verv food for which the soil hun gered and reluctantly admit red to the rank of uglv ntilies. Shortly afterward found to be the nutritious food for beast as well as soil, and thereupon treated with something like respect. Once admitted to the circle of farm husbandries, found to hold thirty-five gallons of pure oil to the ton. worth fourteen dollars to the ton or forty million dollars for t he crop of seed. But then a system was devised for refining this oil up to a value of one' dollar a gallon, and the frugal Italian placed a cask of him a comfortable fortune of $200, 000, Moreover, Mrs. Cleveland, through the division of the Folsom estate in Omaha, is an heiress in her own right and is probably worth not less than half a million of dollars Both Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland would prefer a few years of foreign travel as a pleasant rounding off of their White House ex perience before settling down to the quiet of everyday life, and for this reason the Euro pean trip is regarded as among the strong probabilities. Colonel Lnmont, as has already been stated, will lo cate in JNew loiK m the em ploy of a life insurance con Tanv. at a salary of at least $10,000 a year. Secretaries Whitney and Fairchild will both return to New York and engage in the practice of law. Attorney General Garland is also considering a proposition to make his future home in New York. Messers. Endicott, Dickin son and Vilas, all of whom are lawyers, will retnrnto their respective homes' and resume the practice of their profession. Secretary Eavard has not decided whether he will re main in Washington or return to Wilmington and practice ! law, but it is believed that he will adopt the latter course. Judge Hawkins, the Assist ant of the Inteior, will retire to his farm near Cape Gir ardeau, M, and spend the re mainder of his days in the quiet and seclusion of pastoral life. IlaiirnlMj; CoMuine oh Coret Cor. San Francisco Chronicle Maiming in Corea is a most btir-i densome duty, Whea a father dies, for iustuuc', the son, must dress themselves in a suit of sackcloth, with a rope girdle about the waist. On the head is worn an enormous hat, about the size of a rain umbrella, and made of basket work. This - hides the whole upper portion, of the lK)dy, and for further protection against obtrusion the mourner car rie3 a large fan befoie his face.. Ii was in this disguise' that the Jesnita were enabled to enter the country aud carry ou their work. They have oat recently laid it aside. Even the pipe is wrapped, with white paper aud white .shoes are worn. The mourner is not expected to do any 1 work, but at stated times ho has. duties to perform at his ancestor's tomb. All this is very hard for some to bear, as the whole resources of a fairly prosperous family may thus be exhausted. Iu the case of useful officials whom - the king can not spare from duty, the period o mourning may be shortened by. roval decree. Kme Eiioruion Salaried. Charlotte Democrat. Some interesting figures in regard to salaries have been elicited in a suit brought in Brooklyn against a Baking- Marrleri tu Her FatberHi Sok. Portland Argus, A good story ia gradually leaking out in Bath society circles at the expense of a well known- lady, who has very recently married. The ceremony occurred in a church, and the bride, that she; might not soil her slippers nor catch cold, drew on a pair of her' father's white hose before leaving the horsj. Arriving- I at the church, in the excite ment peculiar to novic2s on such occasions, the bride for-' got about the socks in which her feet and slippers were en cased, and walked to the front of the church entirely oblivi ous of her forgetf ulness. How ever, all went well until the. couple knelt at the chancel,, Here it was that the.keen eyea of the audience got in their work, and there were a few,, among others, who laughingly espied those white socks in, close proximity to the shiny soles of the new boots of the groom, and these thought the joke too rich to keep jand so the society people of the town are quietly private oyer the incident, ' it at the root of every olive tree and i powder company. It was then defied the Borean breath of thej shmvn that th? President of Alns. And then experience shows l"u .A ""'P'V'J that the ton of cotton seeds was a better ferterlizer and a better stock when robbed of its thirty-five gal lons of oil than before. And that the hull of the seed made the best fuel for feeding the oil mil lengine. And that the ashes of the hull scooped from the en clue drift, had the highest commercial value cs potash. And that, the "refuse" of the whole made the best and purest soap stock to carry to the toilet, th1 perfumes of Lubin or Colgate. About this time we began to spell cotton seed with capital letters."' Plans and specifications of build ..,.1 ni.v st vie. All con Imthfuh nfiict LjC: ton's buil up stairs. devils up T lin-T f f i - should do had I committed the days, tfcas beating the beat lime oi uKliur' crime of which they were eig ships by four diys. 0 e. day i t i 'tt- l,.ol l,ot T WUICU v.jus imiue in e.v.t.juy i;ineieen A illlVC UHCH ivuhhci i.OJut . Til M guilty murder, for instance, j out of the nineteen was a c.tlm, and It is easy to think of a situa- ianotlu-r da, iu the latitude of the tion in which the temptation j Avis Island, the wind bkw a-terrific to commit murder without i gale, and the "Libcrda'd" hd to lie what the law considers justi-. to Fulltuvin? the.storm came Uni fication would be too i'011?.; weather and. fresh gabs of fair, wind. The.iitUe.crat now to. make Onr XortI Carolina Pinr, Petersburg Index Appeal. " But the inventiye genius of our country is ever busy, and the shrewd manufacturer is ever looking around for cheap er material out of which to .-iit-rKAilJH' I it rich.' His narne is Newkirk. From Frio we sailed to were extended there the, most liberal hospitality and every possible assist- ,.t mum tlio tpstimonv iinco. Here we added a new keen of criminals, but I have felt jand au iron thoe, for the benefit of myself, and have heard many I whales or other sea monsters that Uther men says they had felt might feel disposed to scratch their a -oerttfln form the criminal j lm.jiS ol) t;;e t,0ttom of our little tendency. It is the fascinatoin ; boat yrom i5ahia to pernambuco of being hunted to wliicli X re- f fi d t, di t fer When I have Vme poa-, 1Jal.blldoeSt a rtiitllu'e of 2n0mU devils no before me for trial, . , . .' . for this progressive, rushin age. 4 he experiment Avas tried, and lo ! the supposed worthless, pine tags of forests assumes the form of fabrics to cover our halls" and hold in its keeping the 'Hjpo,w oi pjir Southern tields.,' The cotton baggin trust, in its star chamb er meeting, puts nn. its price t'nr into Thp rittfin nbintor goodtimp. She wa turning tnej turs to Ws pin8'stra, half-way point, wid had come more j j f- hJ the million. i .. .. i .. eu- i . ; . arvriA-il t the -courts. The life luau moubaim mues. tile and bv the aid of the inventor f th nfrnndftr is the onlv crew were anxious to carry all - sail. ; aiKi manufacturer irets ama-. mice that will satisfy his j 1 1 e. mainmast cne day went by the terial cheaper than jute,, and; aroused sentiment, ana oeiore board, aim tue ioremast went over j ojis mac answers ms purpose he realizes what he has done the bows. This all came of my wife) admirably. For once a trust hp is n murderer and ahunted wnnt;nrro carrv more sail: more defeated, and pine straw ..r. a j . , - - (lov. Scales TlianUsslvlnjc l'rorla niation. fJod is recognized in the Consti tution of onr State, and should ever be honored as the Supreme Buler of the Universe in the hearts of onr people. To him we are indebted for our country and her institutions, for civil and religious liberty, for our holy religion and its adaptation to man's wants and happiness, together with tho numberless mercies and blessings which have crowned our daily lives. I, therefore, Alfred M. Scahs Governor of-North Carolina, in view of our dependence and Cod's good ness, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 20th of November, 1S8S, s g. a day of thanksgiving and praise, and I earnestly request the people of the State devoutly to assemble them selves together to engage in His worship, to praise lbs holy name, an of hltv thousand dollars a year, the Yice-Presidenl thirty thousand dollars a year, and the treasurer live thousand dollars. The president of a varnish company, who was introduced as an expert on salaries, tated that the super intendent of his compony re ceived fifty thousand dollars a year while the yearly business did not exceed over three million dollars. Another wit ness stated that in companies in which he was acquainted the chief executive officers re ceived from live thousand dol lars to fifty thousand dollars a year, while a representative of a "kerosene oil company said that he knew one officer of a large corporation who, received a salary of thirty thousand dollars a year and twq othei s who received twenty thousand dollars each. These figures are enormous and were unknown until the dayof trusts and combinations, ' he explanation is furnished in the testimony of one wit ness, who said that tho bus iness of the comjiany with whu-h he is connected has been increasod until the profits had reached four Uundie I and fifty per cent, on the original capital stock, Killlne Herself with Cloves. New York Graphic. A physician of this city says that cne of the strongest cases invoke for -us the perpetuity that has come under his obser- of our institutions, and the continu ' ration in practice is a young ation of His blessings; and while in lady who is addicted to the discharge of these sacred duties, let! habit of chewing cloves. For manipulate fabrics and goods ;s contribute of or,? substance; several years here friends and to the poor and needy aud the widow ! physicians have oeen liguiing and orphan, and especially would I i to break her of a habit which ) 11 V. H . . . ' Go a Fire From Ice The other day a prominent Niew York lawyer arrived in "Washington for.a cansulatiou with an attorney of this city regarding some patent cases. Dmiug the conversation a match to light a cigar was lacking, and the Washingtonian remarked that a piece of ice wonld do. The New Yorker laughed and was incred ulous, and a wager of a champagne ' supper was made. The "Washing toniau took a piece of clear ice about m inch tbie'e from the water Qoder,, whittled it into the shape of a disk,, and wi:h the palms of his hands melted its two sides convex, thus, givinir it the lorn of a double con vex le is or burniug glass. With it he oc -sed the sun's rays on the end . of his cigar, thus lighting the cigar. While smoking the weed he enjoyed the ch s grin of the New Yorker, who promptly paid the bet. Washington Star. A Mean Trick on 91 r. Llnney. Charlotte Chronicle. Mr. It. Z Linney sat down to a nice dish, at a banquet in Taylors vi 1 le, the other night. His friends ga:o him a 'possum supper, in honor of Itai'iimi's ehctiou and somebody took occusiett. to play a meau trick ou him. A big-fast cat was killed and baked aud slyly substituted for one of the 'possoms,. and? i.k happened that the substitute was yhjped in front of Mr..Lwmey. ThQ: animal was a little-tough but no ong. at thp. table-knew, its tru character until, after the feasK fle party who is responsible for the trick is nofr known, and it is probably good foe his health that such is the case. It is reported that both Mr. Linney and Will Boger dined on the cat. for manv excellent men to re sist. There are . personal wrongs for which the su'erer sees no adequate. remedy anj man.' sail! The broken, mast was sooti 'does it. Bray ton Ives writes in the North. American Review: ."It should not be considered a mark of Yankee boastful ness to predict that tHa Ofi century wiU see New York assume place now held by Lot: don as ; the fiinuiciid centre of the world I 1 li.. ....1 . ...., ,t OlIC I" invoKe cue-Kcneiusn-v jiuu iMrtit-io ox , ... .,.:n i. o. 1 1- , ,. , , , ; lililL lite v.iu uc me i.j.iiij . i tli, r.unn fnr fliA i)roh:!ii Av unit . . .. .. . , i ilie w.u rw r. v.. .x ... iT).m jt times she oveajis. at Oxford, where so many orphans ; F yf ii,,, i,..!,; ffl- f,v are in training r life. ' ,veeks, but sooner or later !A1,t W'citio point that way. Pone at our civ of li.ilcigh, this.! steals away to buy a quanity ig'cf manufactures and the 12th davf NWmle-, lH88,ioft'e cloves. She has been , priHluction of the precious me t- and in the one hnndred and thiiv Known to dispose ol a quarter , ieuu:i;uum.ucij. w turn, uw teeuth ytja? of our, Americ dependence. ALFRED M, SCALES., By thV Governor, C. II. Armfiklp, Private Sec'y. ican In-'! of a pound in a cfciy. VX"- ance of, trade in favor. No,ouewho ig Stls have been v axaed not to not in.a posiyon w,here the fact is ! give her the spice, but there ; forced, on, hjs attention can realize I ore so many stores whose pro- j tne change which has taken place in j prietors have not been called ! h- ,.ejjpccfc thclast lifteeu year., upon tha,t she has ndimculty j A Lie we are uofc now enlirey ind .in salooiv. ij.- nf . . f 41.A PlIVAnA.!!! ItlAtlDtf I Tv WaihlllZ Willi Olir iiauuo ic- ; ceSS 1IH1IB U&C Ul 1IU C3 13 vwu- , , . , .. i i! -1 i i,.,,;,! f iVA markets, the time for our complete hind von f vou are beicm ng lent sidered more paimlul to. thei ' .. forwa'rd. ! system, than the use of opium., dependence has passL,