THE SIHIiDHIiD. Friday, February 1 1859. Ja?. I Cok, Editors ajd h. K Harris, J Proprieiors. WE ABE 0r Our country, is and. ought; to be oiie grand united w hole. It people w one grand united brotherhood, net only Ttith identical interests and aims, but bound together by the nctual ties of friendship and rela tionship. Go. where you will over this broad land; whether it be to the fra&frant orange groves of the South, or the pine clad hills, of Maine ; tra verse, if you will the great prairies of the West,, their boundless fields of wheat and. corn, or their countless herds of cattle, and even climb the dizzy heights of the majes tic Rockies, and gaze upon the calm and quiet water of th? Pacific ocean: you will still be at home, and will soon find, some one from your native State, and- perhaps from your own county; some Que who will be interested in those persons and things that interest you. The American people is pre-eminently a restless people not satisfi ed to sit down quietly and spend iheir lives within sight of the smoke from their fat tar's chimneys, the younger generation, erowu to manhood, set out in search of ad venture and fortune : and thus, our people become intermingled, views are broadened, prejudices are remov ed, and by attrition, as it were, the rough points of bigotry, and section- ill animosity arc removed Tlif one great asreucv which has ! - - O o done most to bring about this state of affairs, is undoubtedly the rail - roads, aided laigely by the telegraph. The great trunk lines., with their numerous, tributaries envelope the country iia.vat network, and liter-1 ally grapple thf. different parts to-1 ether "w Hh hooks of Steele.' The patriots of, Mecklenburg heard f i the battle .of Lexington one month afterwards. By means of the tie- graph, the death of GarfiV.d was an nou need to the world in a few hours. One may now settle in New' York or, Texas, and be no further from his home and friends, than his grand father would have bewi fifty years ago had he settled in a neighboring county. Truly, we live in a wonderful NUSDAUO sorts. Rumor comes from Texas that a strip of earth, near Midlothian, 200 feet long sauk a few days ago the characteristic yarn, perhaps. What a town and county Concord and Cabarrus would le if evcrybody wonld do a little sleeve rolling-np and swallow a little.ambition and en terprise ! mm... 1. lucr"UJ" lliaL or is backed bv the monev-kinr, sue seeds. It really seems that it is no longer a question of worth and principle but price. J he merits ot t lie. poetry, ".Mary lmd a Little Lamb " are still recog-; nizeu. (.uir o.wn eb ance.used it, ritVf.i-fli-n-fr,..! i,w.!T.ii-fi ' 1.,.11-f'. v..u--v... ... v..w. ... , of Tariff reduction. The size of it at last Scuator Quay is reported as informing .v?r. Harrison that his committee spent $1,400,000 in the campaign last fall. ''Money makes the mare go,"' It is a pity that so. many enter prises for the good.ef. all uix not opened upand worked, simply for. the want of union and co-operation. liivalry, envy and rotten selli.h- ncss arc curses wherever they ap pe.r. The Charleston News & C onrier estin-ates the cotton crop at 7,.ri00-i -'!'th,bonnd and South-bound pas 000 bales this is wluit. t!l2roathlsell:r truil,s ,1,eet- It is a small docs! "Where, or w here are there ''n just long enough to hold a factories enough We raise . covn, ' I'ussenger tr.ii.i clear of the main ivlioul- lvl.w.n.- .;,.. 1 1. 1 1 lino. onite Lint of L ' Z 7 I S I cinff '., !,., 1 i 1 t , i stuff are Ucu,ght here roni other I actions. lt U iht mm, 1 ""uva uiu nH'g I'j euier as quile factor 111 fashions ashions. The. crazes to , knee liants and stockincs introduce knee ic full li....o ' ir i.: 1 "- vino.-. ii 1 His UU' OOlie, ' 4 rl" "" 1 1 1 1 ii llJL-flHi (.'l liL ; ......ii ji.... .1 . i'i....,.i. .,1 1.1 i 11 . 1 1 i , iin-u si-,; 1 no praci.ic-a: truth of Sam. Jones' favorite saying : ''Spider-legged dudes." . . It is six of one and half dozen of the other: On the .;!rd ;f. March Son ine ot our exchanges h:ivi ihr. men ioi uio itanroad commission. ..L ...1 1 . .1 (. II. . 1. , . . uutee common.' 1 he :.v.. .wn, amerce, ne( nnprpioa that such a coaimion , 1 residence linst li'i war, beffinniiiar 1 euiiiivr l.-id int i : . , r , . , . . , . , . I A letler 1mm air. .1.- . Jtcli.".-. ! tor AKets to pay debts and eharcres with lff,..,. .,i ii it 1 lulei sii nis in ashling- L-iiion Citv. ln'., savs: I Imvi; usfd : Jidniini.itrntion on the estate of said villi JcilciMMi, and ai tin- end of ; jltfr, and bad Landed Lis lm.oh bin- .ton citv last Moiul-iv I yom-Clarke's Extract e.f F.x (Pa-; Voun-. the real Mate of said Yo iiaruson s term in ls;!- tih.- various ', ket to -a ro'o-ed ln-iL-o. ...... l . 1 ,. " , n i , j pilio0 Conjrli ('u:e an 1 lind ic a ; o-ecea-ert, Mtuated m this county ...ih. ,..w,.1 i!..ri i .... nw( " iwiinaiisftfii a 3. 1 IK'i'.cHlHiS : e.oiiii:le M'v for ilef p swatstl coKI. ' "'att. 111 w Inert as heir at law, of -ui , V , . '""-lais nwmiircu lorward end of.thabox of peonL' throughout the State will It has dmi more llwn two of our j u:i,n-'- dwcnwl. they have an intere wijl have had the Presidency fifty- ear next to- the t mler -md r,? ., ;,. " ;,i " t .r- ! most skillful physiuit n. Jfvchil-; N. tht-rcfore the mu1 Dan Yo Uvn ,ir " 1 . . . 1 ,Ukl al" V-'A true sorrow of this afflic- j ci, eu b.d wi.oo e, ium ...! with 'l are required to ...... : l lie las Ki-r. in tu een ins-1 must be put ujto existence simply to heal the disappointments of three candidates, wheni the people have honored, and wilLdo so again when the time conies. The Xew York Tribune thinks i.t something so out of place that (lav. Gordon, of Georgia, is prepar ing to run a stock farm. This Re publican organ forge H that ex rrwid.en.t Hayes is actively engaged in raising Dunghill and Shanghai chickens,, at his home in Ohio. France with a population of 4fi, 922,04 8 has a debt of 4,Tf.0J),l 00 : Great Britain, 253,521,755. popula tion, debt $3;7U,494,9?1 ; liiussia, 1 00,372,500 population, debt $3;354, fil2,098; Germany, 45,234,001 pop illation, debt $1.3SI,S70; and the United Smtes 50,155,7,83 population, debt fl,8S4,1 71,728. HOItr. IBLF. 4 KIM E ATCEEEXSBOKO .1 LiUy Wnylnid mid Ifp&bed Mt MiU nlstbt. Special to the News & Obsen e (iKEEN'snoK) 28. Miss Elisor beti) Brown arrived, on the 8:35 train from Durham Saturday night, on her way to Danville, Ya., to visit somQ. friends. She. had sold some property in Durham and had about 285 on her person. The train was an hour or two late going north and j he concluded to spend the nignc in Greensboro, and a man at the depot offered to show her to a boarding house where she could gtt lodging, and she started with him going west out towards King's tobacco factory in the direction of the college. Crossing the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. j ; and coming to the woods they were 'overtaken. b another man and the , three only went a short distance j further when one of them said: ! "We have gone fr-enongh now we want your money." She replied that she had no money. They told j her that she did and they would have it or kill her, She then gave them her money, all she had, and they j started to leave her when one of them said: ''We had Wtterkilll her, for she will tell on us' She pled for her life promising them that she would not when one of them made a thrust at her throat with a knife, she throwing up her hand and receiving a severe cut on her wriot. Then they knocked her in the head and drarrsinsr her some forty ' i fi!'?y yards from the road threw her in the branch, leaving her for dead. She recovered con sciousness some hou 1 3 afterwards! and seeing a light at the college made her way to it. Mie readied the college about 3 o'clock Sunday morning and received all necessary assistance and kindness, until the city officials were notified, when s'ife was moved to the city, where she j will get all comforts and attention ; necessary. Her physicians say she is suffering from a fracture of the! skull, besides a number of minfnl ! ' 1 i cuts and onuses. She h s main-iton tained consciousness thvou-h it all. j !:i,,Mie:saui,wn lauy aged ; 4:, ami lias a rrother Jiving near i Morrisville. She did not know hvt assailants. Mk swihs tn k i 1 1 1 r i ale and not well calculated to take 1 (.are of hcfivL h i -is supposed tliat: certain parties knew of the money ( 1 .the war, . ,,. n,,,,,,,, ,,, .,,,,1 r..i! l 1 from Durham, coining np on the same 'rain. OI K THE ?I B. .V Disaster on I lie Mlinioiitl iiimI Dan- Charlotte News. The North bound freight train which, left Charlotte last Saturday n,01',lin consisting of 35 cars and uiaw 11 )' 'he big.- cousolulate t,- en- .1 1 . . . . 1 09 was wrecked at the siding at Mizpah, near Reidsville. at i 9 o'clock 11. ,it nl.rl.t ! The.wreck, was a terrible one. -""rrt" suuug, is mj piace where the where the wreck ncruREn. . 1, , . .. , H is what railroad . men. call at, inir " and can eutered bv I . . . van ,ug imi-iru u I the-North-bound tra'n Tht. iiorth1 ,r f .,Mi,l,e i'gregaie weiaht ot t hree . .. .... ... ' ,,,loli was til) ii.aorupuv on a iresuc over a -iiiuan : 'creek.. The switch was misplaced:,' "'UittV 1 , l i iua 1 t ,, Ihesnia est lot mado. LU'i bs.toihe Hftlt? son, aged about four.i and the engine turned out on the ' , t..,,, ,i 1 i. i 'lm.i.i. ...,.1 i..,i.;., i... 1 ..r .i. J : 1 1 aeiv o-uiii-u iiiju n ij hh cixck -oeu, : carrying fourleeh cars with it.. j ArriiriAC inxc. thk iwi no spot. I Fngi.iecr W. A. Kinney was at the throttle ami fireman Ji. a. Adams was Khovollnn- , - - . , , v , , void as t ho .iH-i s hi'ran ; to eat tin lunch given hhijf hy the 1 list at this moment tho:. ....;. : train ' was approaching t he sidii c : and ?oiug down the yrade at the ! rate ot Annies n hour. The pilot wheels struck the switch, with a i ' 1 . uu,:' anuoticuwl the ratal not ThcHaUeii out. Iho nwratioi tr. .... - Rrtion m saul eourt, to suhject to clikety, click, the engine lurched to the right, and leaving the main line forged forward on the short spur. ONE LUCKY LEAP. The sense of the impending disas ter flashed upon the eng xnr in a moment, and he leaped from the engine, at the same time shouting to the fireman to jump. Before the fireman co;;ld realize the sitnaLon, the end of the spur had been reached, and he was buried under the tender, with the wreckage of fourteen box cars piled above hiim. The colored brakfinan, who was eating his lunch at the time, was buried, in the wreck, and his body has never ytt been re covered. A TKKRIR-LE SCENR The scene if the wreck was terri ble. The engine turned a complete somersault and the cars piled down upon and over incompletely cover ing it from sight. Immediately fol lowing the crash, there was an omin ous silence which was broken after a time by the groans of the luckless fireman, who was pinned down un der the tender, and resting over and above th tender were the broken re mains of the nice box cars. iye amf bye, a little tongue of flame shot a .1 1. MM.' i... .. I up irom tne witck. xue tram & crew could see the fireman way down among the wreckage, and securing buckets, THEY HAILED WATER np0n lim to keep ,jm from being l(imit to' deatlb. Word was sent to Reidsville, and in a shor.Mime the Reidsville lie engine was on the scene, and was playing on the burn ing cars. The fireman remained un der the wreck until five o'clock Sun day morning, when he was rescued. When the rescuing party had cleared away the cars, it was omul thuti the iron work of the tend.-r still pinned j him down, aud this had to be cut j away with cold chisels. All this time a stream of water Ii-d to be kept plaving upon him and his rescuer.-'. When MtAWN F.'IOM THE WRECK it was found that one of his hands hail Wn cut uff ;Uul t,K .lloi,s gj. anj acroS!l his back had been cut open in great gashes. Several of his bones were broken and his flesh was blistered. Fireman Adums Ii v ed in Richmond, and was formerly , i . i-. ...!- t Works. He may recover. The engin eer was but slightly hurt The body of the brakeman is believed to have I been burned with tne cars, ine; j fireman exhibited wonderful pre-1 -in i . 1 1 . i . rr i iseiice oi mn.u, am. i.-i.kcu io me j men wluje they were working to get j . ; " . I mm .ui. i.e wa ciu uu io i a..-, wit ii a luiiiet Hole Nirougli Ins the same for vo-.i. Price 81.00. Trv Save time and trouble or Vi Pa; treatment. - ! head and one 'in his heart. J Clarke's Flax'Soap for the Skin and j ,ierinjr your iroods when you to a r.vssnxuEU tkaix. j A luau wio.was last seen with; you use no other.2") cents. (.all (j7 as well in Coneord Tlieswitcii'is believed to have been J it 1 in was arrested on suspicion of Clarke's Flax reme W are for j turned tor the lin rnose ot wretkiim apa;senp-r trui. The engine, one; of thehneston the road, toother . with fourteen cars and their contents j of n:ercjiandise, are complete loss to the railro;.d company. Mk. Editor : I see there is cot- advertised that will nro- ,lllce cottol) thilt lirillg 20cN- ,er ,k . f am ilicli,:(li t( mistrust c..i sucn statements, but pcrliaos tne advertiser means to mT that thecot- it jxi, from that kind of seed has sold : fo .,..N SonH cotton h- ! IOl 'lt. ptl 10. (OUie lOttOM I). Is )(,C,M S(1tp fur niorc than that since tIl(l ...i , f ,.,m ex j lordinarv seti.- Rut notwith-; saluin the fact that there have been a go;d .many Logus seed sold ! to the unwary farmers, yet there rue some kinds of cotton s.?ed that are better tlraai others. I have gi lined a nd dist ribn ted among my customers for four years a.cotton sed whichialmst invariably yields 11 i l 1. 1 ft 11. o,.,..l . ' ton. The seed, I th.nk, camp, from,., South Ca'-olina, are white but tire: snmller than the Feeler. Tavlor. I'ro-I lilic, Mammoth &c. . The piblic Will PW understand I hare no teed for sale. Last spring Mr. ? received aoouc 4 ouMie.s 01 x k m j -l 1 1 a 1 ' cottonseed from Arkansas, ana Ui- vided.them with Mr. C. M.: Earn-1 hardt & R. M. Patterson. j rJ he seed were all planted late aud i Iics. think the, IVterkin was as good if noi: lietter than their , L. T . . , ,, . ! , ! -cotton. ,. 1 ; weigiK'ii," a vlvl "T"-' ; wt,,KU: " l,,estnvair dog has been Win . . . u v K 1,1 11 51,1 Marw,,Ia tl,e premises of Mi il... o 1 .......... ! n.iMjii .1, .,,...1. 1 11. i:.,. ... 1 1 : 100 ins. seH cotton. '1 he-seed are.; - ... ili Vei" Sllia :! IK .fin :ivt..p I h-m .mv:.' - . A . 1 1 , - - ....... ..... c')uo;i i nave ever sr! lined. A. V. Ill I.E man.: Noaator. Vaiu-p I.-.ho an Tjc... Penalor, Vance's left eve has Wu lion wiiich has falk-n to our own tine .enator. Latest reports resting well lookiog after, the people, for whom as a whole lieal - wavs labors. i i .,, , i-oiirii fiif in i Itf i-.i " mi- utuiim m mis action, or . -and ere lonsr vi b . I:'U llel.n l,ieil'KUH- u 11 is. . lh.. ,,..;nti,r ...i:i A,,,.r. .',.. interest of the i HTATE TCWB, The Asheville Electrical Street Railway is a success. The late Rnf us Y. Mc Aden's estate is said to be worth nearly one millioitt dollars; Twenty bushels' of wheat at the .Ueidsvllle roller mills yielded 4 I) Ws. 140 lbs. " It is said that the Legisla ture will be asked to forma new county out of Randolph, Guilford, Forsyth and: David son. White shad, the first of the season, were caught by David: & Sons last week in the Cape Fear river near Orton, below Wilmington. A mine of rich silver ore has been discovered in Cald well county. It yields in as saying an average of $370 per ton of quartz. There are feVer negroes in our present Legislature than in any wiucr iouo, uiit ;eiii only two in the Senate and six in the House. Capt. Jim McCool, the old Air Line conductor, committed suicide by hanging himself Wednesday Jan. 24 at his home in Atlanta. Raleigh Visitor : Potraits of Gen. Rryan G rimes, Gen. Rufus liarringer, and Col. W. L. Saunders have been placed in the S at 3 Library. The News says C harlot te can boast of a woman who has had twenty-two children, and she is a young, spry woman yet, with not a gray hair in Iter head. An electric liirht ulant for Salislur- is again favorably spoken of, and will, probably be adopted as the light for our streets m the near future. Carolina Watchman. As to silk North Carolina is the lead of all i other Southern States.' In six months the lactoiy at Wades boro has tlen enlarged three times, nnd;its capacity will le doubled, during the next xixty days. Mr John T. Patrick onnounc- r,uil unum ;wu n. m- !lfvl his retirement from the .1 1.1. ...mi iu.MMii.anwu .uiu recommends Mr lVter M. Vil-; son, wlio lias heen assisting j him in his work, for his sue-! cessor. i , . 1 A white man bv the name of i y c c f( , , , ne;ir Levser, Moor "VV . ;T '' . V lu'l"l.V : m jaw. Last Saturday niht a thief p cke.l up a chicken coop on ; .Ml' I rensliaw s premises. J lie pty coop. Dr. II. M. Wilder, superin-. tendent of the Charlotte public buildiii'', to-day received from cm.nvvwiiiif !i ! Ii l r -'r III .V. 1 . j ..i r . , I,,,,HU, ' ' ,- ,,,,. ,,ruriiii!iint lmildllKr ... i. ...St,., ,i r'li mint. lot . , Ml . TJl lM.m ;s unite elaboiuteand Jr;m w hat can be judged 'from, it, we are - to have a hue building: The students of. Trinity col lege have recently instituted a novel and attractive departure anion;? themselves a mock Congress. An unprecedented zeal has been awakened in the study of 1M ,,,,, Mvmv cK:,.t ,r 'rh "7 P-sen.ger station of 1 . u yanvuie I'Mllvonl fnnivoni' tbio nit. chickens were line, but the I lets are n positive cure for the worst , '7 f, ,,.t,7 T'. n-i 1 111 i f of Dvsn. osia Indigestion M ' U LOUU Kei'OSCnC Oil, bottom had been tauen out '.?.,m , 1 N",!1"-. JVUI-77.UM1' 7 , tt Tr.,.. ' . . , , Flatulency and l'ori.-.tiption . (mar- lit C Roscl lour thecop ar.a.the fowls were ,.uWed uld suM at Fetzer's Dru- ,T9 r t.7s! v,,J. ' thus left sittiiuroiitlie; battel oSuof,r, The thief escaped with aniyj . .1 Jo .Sticks of Coffee, emptv coon. Cliarlotte.News. TT l-i ' UTT1T Jo Cases of Rot ash , , is at length completei . and it . 1.1. liarnharut fi,; . i fIM , , . t . . - is thing; of beauty. J he 111 .shelsof leterkinjteri(1. lhisll js 1)P1.fectlv ex terior lhisll js 1)P,.fectly ex (, almost too fine for a (lep(,t. The building is an im posing structure, with base- lnenr - , two stories and rn attic The total cost-is 0?OOOt Vtvi. cfl,-0w,i a ., . )r several days ast. rur several nays past, a - - - '."ff ,loe - W . Dixon. - i(lw.f , "luiMUl ciuy JM M 4 M (M It 'If H liai- 1 o ..... Hi.; ik:. ..! 1 "11111111 v er v severe-j - tn "! r..r.. l.... !.,-: .1 " f I - V. il 1 H Ulldl jMunroe were culled in and I sewed up the wound e an? ad to leai n the little fc'llow ! ; is doin? well. The do. h iS ! bwn. killed.- -iji . -r t) f L iail.5an. I tl.o aid CJarke'H Fiax Sof,P for the Skin. jl11 l.e in al!. I'riee 25 c is Ik. and Son i far unit, nt i Fctzer's Drugstore. d wiioopinj; c tun and with Rn'' 1(,Xil,ia 01,n? re required to ap-ofyL-ur Ctiijli Ciuo. tJn-v r gr ll ol!'ue ,( tht -'krk of the! n.i .hbors' childien who did i!ot,!ori'l'f1,.Vhe tlthdayo.r I-ebruary. 1889. give it mat II-.' in lala it. l hH.eve it to lie ti: host i i ' lwu- "- . a i ii'rTe i-.ottie ouiv si. oo. i.v.t ; i r'.-'. "l lru." i. A tilrl With One fltorklnf SENATOR VANCE IN CONGRESSIONAL RE CORD. ' Composed aLd arranged for the old spinuing-wheel;and respectfully dedicated to that devoted friend of protected machinery and high tax es, the Senator from Khode Island. i. Our Mary had little lamb. And her heart whs most intent To make its wool beyond its worth, Bring lifty-six per Vent. ii. But a pauper sirl across the sea. Had a small lamb also, Whose wool for less than half that sum She'd willingly l?t go. ill. Another girl, who had no sheep, Nor stocking, wool, or flax. But money just enough to buy A pair without the tax. IV. Went to the pauper girl to get Some wool to shield her feet. And make her stockings not of tax, But both of w ool complete. When Mary saw the girl's design. She straight began to wwear. She'd make her buy both wool and tax. Or let one leg go bare. VI. She cried out "protect" me from That pauper's sheep wool free. If made to keep loth her legs warm What will " courage" me ? VII. So it was done, and people said Wherever that poor girl went One leg was warmed with wool and one With fifty-six per cent. vni- Now praise to Mary and her lamb Who did this scheme invent. To clothe one-half a girl in wool And one-half in percert. IX All honor too, to Mary's friends, An.l nil uroti'ft ion's acts: Who siieantv i lothe the rich in wooJ And Mrap the poor in tax ! C'onNiiuipCon fcurolj' Cared. To the El'lTOR Please inform! vour readers that I have a positivd J remedy for the above named disease.! By its" timely use thousands of hope- ) less cases has I eon permanently! , W 1 111 1 , . - - . 1 i. cured. 1 snail oe giau to seim bottles of mv remedy free to any of vour readers who have consumption j ! if they will s'.na me their express and post office address. ! I Respectfully, T. A. SLOCU.M, M. C, i 181 IVarl St., New York. SAVED FROM CONSUMITION. Several physicians predicted that f.. n i -.,.-!.,.- i...v;.f ,.fiinaiiK our liienus ami cusro ( ...,. J soon l,.... rol,,mlm tion oan?t.j ,y ,, assrravatod case of Catarrh. Customers finally induced him tc try Clarke's Extrac of Flax 'd'apillon Catarrh Cure. He save: "The reoillt was unprecedented. 1 . . , , e. .. .i. : i coiiimenceu io get neu aiiei uieiirsi annlication and am now. after a few weeks, mtirelv cured' Jt will do o LIFE WORTH LIVING T . , b ,l e wflM ,ivsr,Pti(.. Acirei's Dvsi)-psia Tab J 1 1 - I I J I ti. I imircirsiM n n u 1 1 1 1 ot IIU 1 VJ1 II- Having qualified as administrator ! of the estate of 'Henry Plott. dec'.l.. j all 7. "rsons owing said estate must ' make prompt payment, and all per ! sous having claims against said! estate must present the same fori payment 11 or before the l.lib dav of 1) (ember, lSSi), or this noticed will be pleaded in I ar ot. their re- j uuvei j. i ins, ine nui (iiivni Ue-i cemofi-. inr?,. . m Bj W. G. Mkaks. Att y. mm ESTEAD for J. S. Fisher, K. W. O. Fislier, cnanlian and rpnt of .1. S. Fisher, having filed his petition j before ine, as a Justice of the Pence, to 1 have a Homestead laid off and set apart for J. S. Fislier and family in the house I and lot in Concord, X. (J. known as the ' home and residence of ,1. S. Fisher, and i I having appointed (J. 51. Lore, A. M. j Brown and Dr. L. M. Archev As?e?orsi and Appraisors to lay off and set apart a ! Homestead for J. S. Fisher and family in ; said house and lot. j All the creditors of J. R. Fisher are ! hereby notified that said petition will be ' liearuat myomee in v-oncord on Satur- j davtheoihdavcfdniv. iSHfi L F. WlLLliFOIU). J. P. Con"irtf, Nr C , Jaantiry 4, 1SS9. STATlV ()P NORTH (Ti()lTna CABAliUUS COUNTY- SUPEiHOR COURT. . i.'-u.r!F,JIliiT. "Ot Jlie. YoUr.'T, ill f. v.--.--Dan Yo'un?; . Hoxana Yc im-j; Decree of Pul.litiitiou. Henrietta Youur, j .Jo.apli'ne Uocr, Ms.i k'tSoger, J Defts. It appt-RriB-to the -;.! isfnet ion of the Court that thv defendants Dan YonrLr- a Koxana 1 ouny. m the above entitled i aeiion are uoii resniems oi mate, ; and are proper parties to said action as heirs i.t -latv of 8id Jno Yojinj. and the i plaint ilfa'Te named begun an! sale, j of i Jno. ! :unj. and : said ; ounsr i , i:..r .1 i i ?1 . . " n " " Compta,,lt Md .TAS. C. OIBSON, Clerk Superior Court. -This 3d day of January, 18WL.-.. house and Tenant Houses J nrMOU J0ACft I IOjnccot from Coneor.l, forSlO(M). Fiv:e pas- TtlOUSUIld Ciaretts tures, . Runniug water. io -) 7-. .- r 1 W.J.HILL J0 AesofRowdcr. or P. 13. FETZER. j 150 Rags of Shot, .... ,7f (Yxe of, Matches. TO THE RETAIL TRADE: We have added a full line of lapis Dry Ms, loss and Bits to our stock: EVERY THING, besides being new, was bought at the lowest cash prices, and we guar antee to sell you as cheap, and many things cheaper, than you, can buy elsewhere Our rule is tobuy in large quantities and pay the cat h dawn, as soon as they com e in the house, mark them at a small proit, and sell for CASH. WE GUARANTEE PRIECS ON SALT, SHIRTING AND I'LAIDL, TO RE AS LOW AT THE LOWEST. TO THE Our wholesale business has been very successful, and we ii ... 1. ' T i Jlier.S lor KlDll WOl'ilS Ot en- Vouragement and liberal or j ders. Our stock is lanrer than ever, and our Prices Lo-wer. WE OFFER: Canned Goods, s , T1 . i HOOWO Paper Sacks, $c We have the Agency for the iniAMV llnll I I I I M I 1 1 1 1 I IIIMI LC and "keep all frrade of Oil in tnolc ALSO TIIK AOF.VCY FOU la colebraled Powder.. AVhen in Concord, will bo lp-iserl to hnve vmwill pieasea IO 11.1H OU ( all. I w Hi m k lifiiiviW Oil ft iiiyWtfa's I 5 . j t ; i j ; E. M. MMB EWS IS NOW AGENT TOR CHICKERING PIANOS.. AKION PIANOS. BENT PIANOS. Mathusliek Pianos. NASOX AND HAMLIN PIANOS. WATERLOO ORGANS. PACKARD OQGANS. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS. AT LOW PRIDES ON EASY TERMS. Write me for prices before buying. The LARGEST-' STOCK- OF FUKNITUEE IN THE STATE. E. M. Andrews, Charlotte, N. C. THERE NOW'.:" TES: HEGLER & MOTLEY Have moved into that spacious Phifer Store Room and now have if r&m med, crammed aud jammed with d'big stock cf General Merchandise, DRY GOODS can be bought at prices that would bring a pvin to the face of the stingiest man. Especially M us say that our large stock of Boots and Shoes and Hats and Cans will be sold at nnVps IjpIow havoinfnva Tiin.-r Cost. If yon want a tip ton pair of pants, a good shirt, cuffs and collars to suit, "rierht thar" and by the way we have a few suits of ready mado clothing which can ho bought for a mere songr. Some first-class plush window curtain goods you may buy for 25c. Oil cloths, sheetings and pliids a'vaj on hand. As for our line of GSOCEEIES we deal in sugar, coffee, molasses, flour, bacon, raeal, ship stuff, con., oats, peas, all kind i of canned goods, fruits, nuts aud candies, etc. It you want something nice just try our pin money pickles. Our X. O. molasses at 65c. Oh yes, we have cotton cards and bunch yarn too, and some Hardware. All this bis stock must be soM so as to mnt room for onr aJmost JaUy purchase. Don't fail to com1' and see us. We can and will please you. As for tobacco, cigars and snuff we have the qualities aLd quantity to suit everybody. Farmers, if you have any produce to btll for cash or baiter give us a chance at it. "Thankful to all for former patronace we are Respectfully, HEGLER & MOTLEY. Don't .rArgtt ibe place, Phifers old Staud. Jewelers & Opticians. HaveVafch movements made specially for ihemselves, with name on plate and dial which they wai rant to give entire satisfaction. )-(o)-( 2Tine "Watolrwork a Specialty. A LAAGEAND VARIED STOCK OF SPECTRCLES. Don't fail to give them a call when wanting- any tiling n their line. "STILL III COME! New Goods ON ALMOST EVERY TRAIN. And you might as well try to a "Cyclone" as to strip custodiers from going the "FARMER'S STORE" Because ll.efo the Ladies find a complete line of Dress C-rcods (WITH TKiaMISOB' TO MATCH ) and at the most reasonable pi ie.tfs. of ANY HOUSE" IN TOWN".1' j The men cm find Jeans avd Cassi mere8, Hats anU' Caps, and SUCH a ' btcck of lieott fird bhces. Come and es, Hnrrv up, "OTi'v'a lit tie of that "TICK ('OPFKE" lt-ft.-hn.l our NEW ORLE-.NS MOLASSES, uew crop, cheapost ever 'sold-' iu Concord. - BELL & SIMS, Agents. UKG.ULATO RS 0 F riUC SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. Vi'hen physicians fail to give relief in caf'ct chronic ailments, resulting from poison Muud, how 1 gratifying to the sufferer to obtain at last the rigi.i 1 remedy. Where every other treatment miserably fails to cure, Botanic Elood Balrrr Invariably gairrt " a victory. - - San Sajia, Texas, February 9,'isb Our little daughter became effected ivith son a " fonti-of scalp disease, supposed' to be ringworm ur eczema. : It lirst began In white scabs or danjru:t and thirl formed in small sores all over tl.e front part of her head with rough paKhes on S0R llS her forehead an j face, and then run an ugly eating sore on her head which cuii tiaued to spread until a neighbor insisted on v..a trjing C. r. B. After using a bottle and a f.;ll ti.a sore is hca'ing n'rely and the child's health luu.h improved and !ie is getting fat. I believe li. Ii. II to be cn excellent blood purifier and very quick in itsac'ion. Mks.Bett!E Osavi:. Willow Citv, Texas, April f, l.v-3-. Clood Cilir. Co.: I taken with paralysis, th' doctors said caused by a tan.i x TUMORS t:i:t " attachcd t0 the bowels. ' end had a bad cas? of dyspei'-i.i' B. B. C.-h;s dona me more good th in all t!ie d:c- tOiS. AV.M. Sur.LTOS DAr.swomif', Ch MrRS Co., Ala., j l-'tbruiry C. ItfK 1 For lh: la: t is ve. rs I luivc been a prsat stifTiT er from I UnA poison ; cuuld not gt. ai:l!i:r.? 11;. ; wo-.ikl d .. n.f any good. The doctors tlicti'it i vould die. i o yenrs ago I was silken u.v i v.itli c.?-ccr of the t:.trcr..:!l 1 CAl'iLhR "-'. ab.'e to v.-lk out it i loor-i. th; cancer cau.-in-r n.- Ui fcr grosi f-ain. A inoat'i ago I commusa-d trkir.g t'.:e i".. I!, n. trd was fibla to valk a hall rrile- Ufor-': 1 t:ci f.r. b-ittlss. Th:cncir is liraling iij r'cely, .nd I f.r.k tl.e use ol '-Wis twsd-; v ill cura For sale at Fotzer's Drug

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