Til ST&HDIHD. I-'kiiay, - N j(t-mU-r 1. T n ic Fa km. Hut W'Mlvr lor Mwk. I'Kol". I'. KOJJI'.KTS. Water i-liuil lx; ,iA, not l ;- tli.in ! ! r- s, in or!-r tint it uri ! ii:il:ilaM-. Our hh 'J look without injury :iiil u.jir lit i wuUiat 1' i!i-;m'K. i" rli-r to induce auimah to drink enough vit-r in "jM weath'-r 1o furiiitfli ii olvnt, or diint -ranl fur tl: l:r umountof dry malt' i oiiKiuii.-.!(-hjH:i:illy l.y dairy n tlic animal hiiould vvarm. S'iuk: c.x rinn nix with ji;'H hi winter M'i'iiK'! to hw Ur.d thoc.' kt-pt in coM quartan were unal! t comsuiiiu an much fooil a thon kept in warm 0,11:11 -tor, r.im.ly '' ciusc tin y CiiiUl ikA hi induced to drink a Kuflieient amount or cold water to make ahbimilahle their food. We heat the wa'tv for all our lo mefctic ai.imals, hornes includ-d, ami we an: jnit; certain tliat it j.mu-8 tin a having cither in food or in increased induction of not le! than 10 .er cent. Kurmcis are i-eitainly j.rogn-Hsiiig. Fifteen yean ago I was hihHed oil' the hUtff' at a dairymen' convention in New 01 k because I advocated heating water ror dairy town. If one will com mute the units of heat rcjiiiied ti raise eeventy jKiiinda or water from 40 decrees toW depress they "il! have a tliht conception of the amount of hay or corn that must be literally burned within the cow in order to accomnlifch the work. There i3 no dodging the fact that vast amounta of expensive carbona ceous matter are consumed by the old methods. Coal and wood cer tainly furnish units of heat chean it than the foods usually ted in the dairy. a m t'nriiiera in I lie i:nol. Ntws and Ot.-trver. We recently had occasion tosjic-ak of the deplorable condition of Ea.-.t-ern Carolina inentionin.' after War- ren, the county of Ed-comoe. How i a;1 oUitr I'rt-parauoiis, ana is a pos . ; itive cure tor ub liiroat ana Lung correct was our information is seen ; tioablt s, Croup, Whoopinir Coucn from the following clipping credited ! an J Colds We guarantee the prep , . aration aud wid jfive you a fcampie t) the .southerner: j (j0ttlfc flXfc at tiztr's Drug Store. At a meeting of farmers and r.n-r-1 chants at Tarboro it was proposed ! A Valca2le I.tntnt. A ktter . . t ,i i . . ! froLa S. i'- Wardwfc!!, Boston, savs: to put meat and bread at cost toi-.j u,eJ dike's Lxtract of Flax those farmers who were unable to ' l'apiilon catarrh cure in June last 0 urn. for tlls. .1,-1 iira iiV It " ToSrWutS entire business to be managed by the j seen which would aliay, witnout ii committee. Men of property were j fj4-"1-; lL;e incarnation of the nos- . , . , lriis and throat. It6 sootmng and to give their names to borrow raon- Leaiiiig propcities were marked and ey, and with it purchase the neces- immediate." Large bottle ?1.00- r i-r i i Clarke s flax soap is the latest and eanea of life. Ah supplies fur-; ,ffc-t Xry lt. - Cfrnts Afek for nished in this way would be made ai first lien upon the crops raised ; landlord and mortagee would be required to release their prior liens ! Americau people and is acknowl- beforeany supplies would be furnish-!tdseJ to be B;U'rior to all other i t - u i i Ai preparations. It is a positive cure ed. Mr. .Nash estimated that there j lor all Blood and Skm Diseases. The were 4,000 plows run in the count v ' medical fraternity indorse and pre 4i, ; ii t . , jt-cribeit- Guaranteed and sold at and that provision would have to be make for 2,000." Here it appears that one-half the plows must be run next year on aifering from iha efl'ected of early credit procured through these un- j evil habits, the result of ignorance , Qria usual mean.. Certainly the condition of that part of the State i3 all too bad. And yet it was only the other day that a thoughtless editor insisted on having a State Exposition under Ihese circumstances, and we believe Borne of the other brethren from complaisance, doubtless, seconded the motion. Another thought is suggested by the apparent co-operation of the merchants and farmers in this Eea Bon of distress. We all are in the same boat It is a great wrong to the people of North Carolina to seek to array class against class. The fact that our merchants are not making money, but rather many of them are failing in different parts of the State, show that they are not sucking the life blood from the farmers or anybody else. In the year 1887 North Carolina had in Indian Corn about 2,073,900 ncres, beingjibout one-third the en tire cultivated area of the State. This areajwluced 35,930,000 bush els of corn, worth, in the marktt, $21,139,000, hein a larger acreage and larger yield per acre than any State on the South Atlantic or Gul! coast, except Texas! In the same year the total value of our cotton crop was about 18,000,000; so corn is still king in North Carolina. In 1888 the value of the corn crop was about one-seventh larger than in 1887. The average y ield of corn per acre for the whole United States is 24 210 bushels. For North Car olina the average is 12 7-10 bushels, which is higher than the- average of any other State on the South At lantic or Gidf coast. This average is, however, much lower than it need be, and with a reasonable amount of care in selecting seed, judicious fertilizing and good cul tivation, the State average could b? easily and proQtably doubled. 'J'o'JJJK yU'lVili Pieae inform. ;ur readers that J have a !.hive reiindv iwr the abo.e i.anxd diw-a'. J',v it timi-lv 11- thou-taiideoi hwj-!-". eaM'S have been jx-rmanently cured. 1 thalJ be glad to nd- tw bottli- of Miv nmeiy free to any of vour reader who have. cotifcunrpUon If ihey will tf'-nd me their express aud Ji't o"iec address. K'JMrCtf ullv, T. A. hLOCOl, M. C, Ihl 1'i.arl a.. New York. ilaptiineuh and contentment can cot hand in hand if we loot on the durK '-ide of everv bttle obsta cle Nothing w jil darken Jjle an'J ii.ak: it a burden u Dy-' V Aekei'b Dyw -im 'i ablets will cure tbe vei.t foun of I.V!-pejt,)H, -on-hlipation and Indirection, an u't life 11 happiness and pleasure, hoi 'J t ' and fM cnth i at J etzer's Jru .Stole. . J.AmillAM- J i.n n Jr. A n-iiii!rrof my ;ely 1 u-Kiin-i- have tried '.Mother l- li-lil," aii'i w;u)-l not l;e wi'.hout it lor manv limes its eo-t. 'J hey re'.otiiiiitii'l 11 10" ail wii ate to l oin: xi'OUjera. H. A. 1'a; in-, lnu i-i, 'ireewville, Ala., i-1." it. ...!.. i.t if,--, fit A tlau'.a. Ja.. l-J.v.,1- - , ., U,r J'unher j.aHi" u.Vi. ."oM hy H j ilrufribts. j . .. , , ' (Mianl ay.ii n tne Kini anu a, ..... . 1... v.. t,tl. i,f Acker b m hi-h Kemedy in the house. Vou j -n i..w f.f.n Ciouo mav i I .IJlli'JI. I' II titnke your httie one, or a coM or 1 eouyh mav fa-ten itself upon you. One d ,':- j, a preventivt find a few lets a positive cure. All lnioal ; und J.ui. troubJeyieid to its treat- j fient. A KamjWe Pott e js yiven jou Jiee i nd the Kemedy jjuai aiitirtd at j i'et..rs Ji tin htore- : Sav-i 'he Southern Melical AVorM : "Moiliir-' Kiii.-i.il'' .'rowinjr in favor; throughout the South arid i highly re'-i oiiiiiji.-iidi.d hv phvi-ia!i We consider! it hi'li-pen-KMe to tho.- w'ho know tney ! mut 1-- the ordeal of ;h:ld-hirth. AV rite ; "he lradj;-M JJe. Co.. Atlanta. ;a., fori particular,. Sold' bv all drukts. ...... . ' promise tnar, in con.-irair.-n 01 iie : Is Lir ; AVohth Livi.o?-Not if you. j premiums j.aid the Siety, it will , w thruuh tbo world a dyeptptic-, pay the Lentficiarv thtr aniot;ntcf; Acker'B Difci-pf-ialahltts ai:a pos-j tJ, policv on the maturity tf t!:e itive cure lor the woiht forms olico-itract 137V'fciM;!irefcV?.:t1eV Instead of along liet of arduous and Coiistipat:o.". (juarantee J an J ' , , . fc . . . , hold at r eUfcr Drus Store. : and ambiguous restriction, j.-nnted The universal verdict of the peo pie who Lave used Clarke Lxtract of Fji-.x (l'aniiloii) Skin Cure award it th: tii and hii.est place as a remedial atrei.t iu all cases of fckiu di-ieae-;. Lrjripelas, eczema, pirn pltr, uiif-ihtly blotchctf, hum:'iatnj,' ejuptiot.ir, boil:-., carbuncles, tetter, etc., ail yield to this wonderful pre paration ai. or.ee. 1 rice zi.w tor a i iar-e bottle at P. B. 1 etzer's Dru 1 .itoie. CiaiKes riax soap is "ood fur the skin. Try it. Price cents. Ale You Skli-iical? If ho wc will I conviiA-e you that Acker's English! Ilt-iiitdy for the iuni,'s is superior to them at r. Ii- l etzer'.- Drug Store Healthy Geowih- Acker's Blood Llixil L-iS L'.'iirif-d -a firm l.fil.l r.n tU FetzerV Drug Store. R1EX YliO are Yc-ak, Xervous IVB and Uebiiiated. who axe suf j UI oii, mauu in .rears, specinc a p0iitiTe &m permanent cure for i Nervous Uepility, .Seminal eak- ness Involuntary vital losses, etc Lures guarenteed. Send six cent in stamps for Pears Treatise on uisiasts of man; their cause and flirp .1 Si l'r . t.o j G12 Church St.. Nashville, Ten. 3R0WH'S irtQl! BITTERS Con tn-t5)fst;on. UHioitftiesis. I-yT,5'!sia. MiiU ria. Ncrvous;.vs. n:A Ocntral iK-Mr.y. Phyi cians ri-corjrr.c-n.! i;. All d?aler? sell H. Genuine h.- trade mark &nl cnjssi rei Uaes ou wrapper. MAKES.oTH DAbV fHi..n Rin.'.nrrTENS n I wjt sp labor BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA ni SOLO t ALL BRUGaSTfiL 01 sep 0-1 j- Patents. Caveats, und Trado Marks obtain ed, and all ldent business conduct ed for moderate foes. Our .f;iri is opposite the U. S. Patent Oiiiei? and wo can secure pat ents in less time than those lercote from Wn .bin ?t on. Send model, drawing or photo., with description. We advise if pa tentable or not, free of charge- Our ee not due until patent secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Pat Hists,'" with name actual clients in youi Stale, r town, sent fi-pf. Ad dress. C- A- SNOW ic CO., Opposite Patent Oilice, Washington Magistrates Meeting. North Carolina, ) Commissioners Court. Cabarrus county. ) November 4th, Iks'j. Or-lercd by tLe 1'oanl of "ouritr Com missioners that a nieetin? of the .Instices of the Peace be held at the Court House in the town of Concord on the first Mon day in December 10, for the purpose of appointing a Countv Commissioner to till the unexpired term of V. W. Allison, Ksq., resL-ned. Kv order of the Board. JNO. K. PATTEl'SON, Clerk. I.AniKS Neoliiig a touie, or i hiUlrc-n that wont building "l.shnull tako IHtOWV S IltS HITTERS. It Is iilfHsani to take, cures Malaria, Indiges Uuu, and biliousness. AU dealers keep U. I Bible Readings -FOR THK I Tome Circle. This in certnioy one of the laot-t ! iuter-etir j; books that ha found it j wav till) ill l-a.c. It wO'J'i be, diil'ieult in thin bntf tt -decent lo jfive a description of its ti ue worth ItembractH 102 jeahns?. px:ty-i, 1 nd TjIOlHietica', hl.KWtr ! ini nearly three th'uajd q'J'wofjS from the Mint of Tiutn. 'J hi tx cx-Utiit eoHection of ii;!e Iia.J:ntfs is contributed by ;noi - i ban a core of ch-rymtn, !-rt; uc-i.1 Ji be nu-deiitt-. te-mnerai ' .' i K.tjal j)ur:ty workeri.c-tc.,ud -o;;r.;deriiJtt:njJ-s j Kr-.lc.r Ui r truth and evi lei.ees j(.r the- candid unbeJever, ciosir? vv4;b the "ilJubtrated OaiLe of Life,' in three- pai is. trtf'A work that hhoujd be in every home. Agents are htni'Jit it here. : J NORTH CAROUNA COLLEGE. VTt M-Kvion bevinw. the Cr-t 5y:- Ki.-t,., . J '"v of hejtteia hejotby 'J ern noderate. K,r i st.d'j')'rti- r 1 aiti'.Hi.ai A- ,j Jv. J. (i. H !i Alii, 1'ieM. Mt. IVavatit, N. C. A , ; The new Free Tontine jolicy of j lbe i,uitable Life Assurance Sxietv j , 1 .1-.-,. ,.. - t t- .Jt A no condition. O'l lU back, a lid . the face of the OhCX le a Jfujuc- j in small tvr-, dULcu.t 01 interpre tation and open to dispute, the buck of the policv rnav, if the applicant desire it, be simply a sheet of blank paper. To meet the preference of ; most assurers, however, the Society; (instead of leaving the back of the j policv blank) wi!l unlris otherwise j I instructed 'endorse ujon it a list of the special iinvileges printed r ' rrti,nlar; &r,T ,.v tft BKEM i CO., AGT.f Ee C:3m Charlotte, N. C - I H rlVfi 3. LOrner (LITAKETTS COKXER o n FAMIhY GROCERIES, FIXi: CON FECTI ON EIII KS, AND E V E Ii Y T II I X d I X THAT LINE. Fresh XIet AT ALL TIMES. FRSH : FISH SATURDAY. o! the deepest if tieb',es;xreia:jy to: and we are jner ri-area uiau w-i juvui those who desire a b tier Uowkd;: j II A VK AX OUT-FIT FOR CUK BUSINESS SECOM of the prophetic poitu nr o; VL i mj All we ask i a trial, and la the cjerit of tbe Z;r-Ji2l "or "V work .Tak for itself. We also keep in stock a superb line of i ii feral h icv Contract Country Produce of all i the street railway to haul j -dnds bonght for cash or bar-olir ls h- tLe rar-k'ad y Mary Ann. Wm. C can sell vou i Kuf us O., aq 1 kinds ter Goods delivered to any part of tlie town. J. A. K1MMOXS. FUNITURE CHZXP FO.-J CASH AT M. E. CASTOR'S D ID .MIS IIOM A0E COFFINS,ALL KIN 1)5 A SPECIALTY. I do not frell for cosf, Lut for a small profit, (ime and examine my lir,e of JCOl. OKI furiiiture repaired. M. E. CASTOR. n-rir.i.Msia7ini'j.M!ii:iacy.i:n.'HiTTTTO tXcAC?; 28 UNION SQUARELY, r ST.tOUIS.MO. U;l:miHr?i DAILAS.TEX YORKE k WADSWORTH, agents for Cabarrus. Rowan, Iredell and Stnly Comities. cnwvilHl.aaiilbu;, ". mmt. 4 cm 1 vpi nlK 0 PrriM n caca W- bu1 Its f nowk4 Kaatln. Thcaa aaaaiaa, aa TT'' tbm aratck. aaa4 r DYlT D fUltlllUI Cases.Caskelslc (3 W00DWORK:c5Vff AffAetlMEHfS) TO THE ft FINE JEWELERS. :cc- Our Mr. W. C. Cojskell kas jufcl rtturntd from Parson b Iloioliical Institat, La Port, In'I-, wjr Lfr Las just wm-pU-l a full course in Watchmaking and Engraving, WATCHES, CHAINS, Jewelry, Silverware, &c, &c. SPECTACLES WITH GOLD AND STEEL FRAMES. WE Ol'AliANTEE !'. iIVE Uvudvim v I'i'W r. We cordially invite our friends and tlie public generally to all and give us the opportunity to verify all our claims. CORRELL : RRO. NEW - QUARTERS. Y'ou are- respectfully invited to visit i ID A nnn?T? SOTT'S y and examine our Stock and Prices l-fore von huv. We will take jdfasure in sliowirjg you through our IMMENSE STOCK, ,,! I) AO Klil'L Kit it PH iiutrv uuiivui men un FYFI! I'iand most oonvHnient business j i houses either in Concord or! Xorth Carolina, and as w : nil flL' i P fl U sir. Mea , Sups us, M, ' 7 i 7 7 AND ALL KINI OF Heavy Groceries cheaper than you can buy from other parties who do not. Be sure and call at Patterson's, Leading Wholesale and Retail Store, Concord, N. C. A PHYSICIAN'S Of all the tferrlble. s?-" : aiict all ciiSies of h:r.: : has ever approached c:rr,- rightening cursts thit , coihicg in aB ag lion to tbe rzTasss of BLOOD PO.SON that slow, insa tiats cestroyef of Sesh and He. A lis! Ii ;.v cfisn jnct saih ac aSUctionloesto5ectariib.- Ufewithit3oisono-us talct. It strikes with 3cUiuc:;va aim the ir.os! cotiik, sparir; nelt'jst SCROFULA k i v g nor statesmen. Even nato the th.id generation are ti;e sins of the fatlicr icade xnaa Jest Whit a fearful herttass lo bequeath an icnoceat ehiid 1 Ah I the horrible raTssesol this aSirtionl To its activity is due sore throat SORES liver, sore kidrys, sere lungs. sore skin, gTtat oicers, internal, ex terr.al an sterna', unless proper treatment is applied The best remedy is a prescription used extensivtlj in privats practice by an o'.d AtlaaU physician. I! is now prepared a thousand gallons at a time, and is sold ia large bottles aa only one dollar per bottle I: is called IIRB PIMPLES ter.;c Blood Balm. Under its peculiar influence the b.ood poison first becomes passi then diridad 2T,i lastly is exuded through the Brer, through U kidneys, and Urough the pores of the skin. It is cfeirly the duty of every one who sospecO tlie feist trace of sjThilitic or scrofulous poison ia tlr tIood, rhether recently from contagion or froa iniientance, to get it out cf their system thoroughlj PA IN the thb Ereat n"dy s that pimples, sores, aches, pains, weal kidneys ana other symptoms will not be transmit ted to innocent posterity. Demand it cf your druggist and take no substi tcte. Testimonials from those who hare usedil itay be f oand in the illustrated " Book of Wonders' ent free to any address by tbe Blood Co. AUaata, Ga. (3) WARNING! PUBLIC 9A PEKFECT t ITS fiOt SasriJSJAT i J. Y. FITZGERALD. M. J). I'HVSICIAX AND Sl'KGEOX. JIt jirofesioiiaj en ics tre o2ered to ! the citiz.eu of C-otcord and Tk-jiiiir. ; C"LK. div or rii'Lt, ire j ioEj'llr annd : ed Vj. . ; j RT Off. r.tit dvor to b- -Ai jost ; oi- building. W. J. JiOJiTGOJIEItr. J. LIE ClCTTIiL ! Montgoiiiery t Crotvell, 'Aitomeys and Counsellors at laic, Concord, .Y-C ! As artner. will jiractieej aw n "Cabarrus, Stanlr and i perior and Sarireme Court of. :tbe State, and in the Federal Court. OSce on Depot Street. nr?DE2V. S"""6"" EION OPENS AUG.23.1Si. FALL A Fell Corps of Able and ; Experienced- Teacher. ! CIiji: Primary, Preparatorr. Clissi- j cal. incladini JIumc txx-l Art. " i darl Pupils U.arded -with principid at ' from f) to ."! j-tr montlL Thin fui for j.i-T f.&tronae, a coEtin i uanc : rvj-ertfn"y K-licited. ! Aj-plr to or addrW M'i"L BE.--NT & KETZEH. ! Pricciral?. ; ar:2 1 Mm Coswri, N. C. Non-Resident Notice. Nokth CAR.-tuN. SrPEKIOE CvlKT. umy. Ptopst, Executrr of JcLd Barrister dee'd, PJaintiff, Daniel TLo- t 11- iiarnrj -rer ana t .1 1 1 . - . . H- Rarrin-r and Georse ; sua AaceoeDCMi, It appearing to tbe ia IS. C-, aiifl from the af an i Alice 6enct-tt, Dtfeadarits- It appearing to tbe satisfaction of urn of Jas. X. Coroner of Cabarrus countr. affi Javit of Win. Propst, rliiaiifT, liled in the above- entitie-J acticn, tint Wm. C- and Daniel M. Rai ringer, and George atd Alice Sennet t are uon-residents of this State, and after du- diligence cannot be found within the State of North Carolina, and are necessary and proper parties to the above entitled action, and whereas the the plaintiff above named has be pan a special proceedinif iu said Court to subject to f-ale the real es tate of said John Barrinjrer. dee'd descri' ed in tte complaint of the plaintiff. And whereas the said defendants, Dani-1 M. and Wn. C, Barricger aDd George and Alice Sennett have an interest actual or contingent as heirs at law of Bail John Barringer in nail laLus. Now, therefore, the sui i Win. C. and Daniel M-tBan iner and George aud Alice Seunett are hereby noti ced that unless they be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county and State ufortruid on or before the CtL day of Januaiy. and plead, answer t r dernnr to the com plaint of the plaintiff in this action, that the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief -.demanded in the complaint and for csts of action- This 21st day of November, 1S9. JAS. C. GIBSON, Clerk Superior Court. An Old Face in a New Place -0(- Havir:jr moved into the com modious building lately occupied by W. C. J. Caton, onCaton's corner, A. COOK is now prepared to furnish GROCERIES AT VERY LOWPRICES. my stock is FRESH AND NEW! and the trade WILL FIXD IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE to call and see me before buy ins anywhere else. Very respect full v. CHAS. A. COOK. 0X EAST ft - i-,,-': We Iiave tlie to suit any and every one. FOU DEIVES WEDDING PUBLIC GATKELIXGS FUN E HALS AND FOI1 ALL AND EVEIIY OCCASION, CUE SALE .AND FEED Yisitcrs Jid Droxers vnU vi an iiLite-Lse: bui!dir?, a oouTtijieiit plaee for their fctocl l&T 1 ERMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. YORKE & WADSWORTH Hardware Headquarters. SEE mm fs, mma, mmm, Farmers and Everybody in IIroT. are st C ASrJ. Our notk i fto' .nd Baltic?. Feed Cottars Conh Km. i LesL I)... Vb LKr 1 fehoe and ru ia-t every: n:; sell all lhte gc-jtls cheap, uhy I I Our re!j..-e i- ti J aita (.'.riiae-s rZ-r j Bav ,.f r a-ake Cu the-u:' :rWL t tie kesl figure? Be faTe to ciar YORKE & WADSWORTH- P. S 'Ac- IB NOW CHICKERING PIANOS. J ABION PLANOS. Mathushek Pianos. MASOX AXD HAMLIX PIANOS. WATERLOO ORGAXS. PACKARD OOGA.YS. MASOX A.YD HAMLIX ORGAXS. AT LOW PRICES OX EASYTERMS . Wriu- u.c for prices' Wfore lnj;Dg. The LARGEST STOCK OF FUKNITURE IX THE STATE. E. M. Andrews Charlotte, N. O T.'ben I ray CtbS X da sot me&n mereJy to r" -i- ii.cn fur & time, and then have lita re. l.rc ira.n. I KE1!I A RADICAL nftv- 1 hzva nide the cUseue pt ITITS. EPTT.PSY or FAIXTNG SICKNESS, A 117e-l9n? rtadr. I waxxakt nrrmneto Cms tbe worst cues. Becaaee bluer hve 1 ailed is no re aaon 1 or not bow reeemn r m core. tad kl ooce for a treatise and a Fbxe Bottlb f i my I.vfalubls Ezvedt. Gire Express r.u i'Mt Oflire. It cost yon nothing for a izizl, aad it will core you. Adores M.S. nOOT.M.O, IS3PEUD,ST4KrffT0!S M. J. CORL'S CONCOPiD. N. C I h-we moved int' the stable l;te ly occupied by Broivu Bro.-., near the courthouse. The best accoaiiuo dtitioii3 for drovers. Le.ive ycr.r orders at the stable or with J. L. Brown Porter for omnibus. Horses ; And mules for f ale. i ii. J. CORL, i Proprietor. FOU SALE BY Cannons & Fetzer. & BRQ C?m A T31 rr 'EPOT MJJIET. . Meets all trains joes to any of town fo ners AND BUGGIES, HACKS, Zzc. SUIiPASS ANY 1 RING EYEII IN TOWN. roc3. -fe a:;d it t I IBS, ise WAD.-V OKI U'. f.t bi.ttoa; rice ft 1 1 1 - . .' z J':evf. I Tinwarf - . . ILIV-, IOWifT. it. V the Lf.-Jii. ;iigLt. cut :"T-Jflsr? 5'"r?. 'v e V -nl n-us..y i?; t a ciJ';. i 11-. r L- W 1 1. :n-ist n i:ri vou t in fee- v L v or 'AGENT FOi: BENT PIATOS. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL HYPOPECSPHTTZS Almost as Palatable as Milk. d if pulsed that it can be taken, ligestect, sad aaaimilated by the bou MBaltiTe uoiiiach, whea tbe plain oil ravaaot be tolerated ; tod by the eeoaa btaatioa ef tbe ell with tbe TrTi Utee ia much more efficacioaa. lourixltle as a Cesk prodatrr. Persens pla npldly lrje taUeg It SCOTTS ESITLSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be tbe Finest and Best preptv rion in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUISPTIOW, SCROFULA. SEKERAL DEBILITY. WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION. COLDS and CKRONIC COUGHS. The ffrest rtmtdy fr ConsvmpHan, and Wasting in Children. SJi ly c' Inigists. al?f7rtf" froB r,bia. Hrrr it a wmesr "Wv ax wctB term fcr 'S4 m TrMiti; I m-v-r hm9wm m$rrnvj -c i C. AiirM & . alawm azuj poti- VEfSV Kla. HaTraearr. Pa, aaviainr to w-U iiac or aias. II w TSS." K. J. tu Btarv. -I k a orurr r altaat alaioal kocj I atait. t ani:acauaaiaute pic' iltltaiTiawl.' eo M takta aId .f tii mii aauana ar rraaa Shall we start VOL' in this buMne, mafcrT rttMHua VtTi all !? ycnrli. ti rnunoirnuir: at k2 mn yt i r a d.i I dtlar aaT I aTKTa-rrriabcd ta Tonrjarl (f -bf cc-aatrr If . .a "te r" "".I :!: Ji-k cp r..lil i.t. I? It r ltd Oa arranat i-f a faretl ut-''-n-- . aa: 1 - . K .n dollar Ililacrfipli Albaana mu l a. 1 letua pIi ft S3 rtra. B-.f J iu CTimrai V,:m Ptaa.OiaTmixtrlTOcor'K! c H l a.!w- a tanaa ia :. wa Laintja ia- Orta-t barran arrf kavva. Af'l aal. UtmlwraL Isif nmrr for raT. Abt odc aiccaai a avniii ic- tilii;.Uo a-.ct.l-uii eaoa !ajaaj aeeraaarr. A ttrrTtr abova. rarrr cue :a Lr- - Aaral taka tiiiaad f c3ra i?a riJi-T nr-T kefata kaoara. Ortai pro' a a ait cr,Trt-r. A;nu in akia? foncaea. Lacamskf a aa.-k'ai rra. Y.. ra-frr. "rH ay aa. oil mfonr atx.-n aa4 larm f ra-t-. f llaa ha mriia uc aama. wrth parbce'n ad :Vr c -r i a", la frta tH. i. .t... f ... a.'T Biaaea. aUaca at:d Prnu4ica'4. JIAfr yaa k- w a I. yai eoaclaM l pal man. ay ara kara AAaro. E. C AlXS a CO, Ai.ia, SJa:sr A, H. PROPST, lUite.1 ail CMlraste Plans and sn?cinat'on of build inga luade in anv strie. All con- ' tracts for binjdlnss faithfully car ! ried out. Office in Cstcu's building, tip stair. 13 if s d Lit si'". V r. .. tciH-iic V, mc t: DEDIdOXT All: I uchsio: Co: -1 A:-r;! --H,- Lv S; -ii-,! Ar L-..:.; Lt. .L.r: Ar. C,.:uu-.L:i Ar. Ai;-;;a Lv- Alii list :. a-v. CJua-i.:a Ar. CLariyi:e Lv. Atiai.ta An-:ve GieeLv.lIe C'Larictir J?aiibi;ry Lt. lict'S ; AsLevil;e btatesville Ar. aiisbiiiy. Lv. Salisbury Greensboro Ssleia Lv Gr ei s'jcio Ar Dn:!: Aj ilen Lv Ilc-i-h Ar Go;lsb: ro Lv. Greeks t cr . Dar.vilie Kevsvi.ie Ii. -l ! Lv!.Cibi;T-Ci.arlone-v;-:,- l'x.i.-'i e.. i.:a 1 1..: lli. P-- 1' daiiy ecr'. karts Ke :t;. e bunir.v; aiiift aud Ra:ii:i: 11 coah iittachfd- moiid diiy exc: ; : -... Point arid Ba t::: . Line. Xo. W 'roi T.- -: 1 daily excc-i:.: bu:. .". with No. r: for Xos. 5'J and i'. . boro with tra:L t Lead City ari i V, : ; . Seipa to and :rc-L. I -; No- Z2 coLr.eots i". ' Favetteviile. No S3 eofcuectr ..: sot, N. C Nos. ar.J Zl . ... tion at University ; to and froia CLu"; . M. days. I slzxi'INg ; On traic s Ui an .; " 1 I s'eeper Let wee:. A:. York, Greecsboi-j . ! Greensboro, via A-;.c towD, Tean. On trains 52 . - i ' Sjeeper betwet-L V.'.. New Orleans via M . ; between WasLiL-:: :. tarn, Richmond and Ralaisra ai.J Pullman parlor c;.: -bury and Know;..- , and Augusta. Through ticki-t :. -stations to ail jx ii . For rates, looai ... tables, apply to : conjpany. or to Sol Ha&s, i .:: : VT. A Tcek, Div. Pass. As't, Raleigh, N". C. 7- .3 'i 2 r"5 tv- i Eiy'sCreamBaNr' Clcanss3 the Easal Pa5ar: Bestores tho Seizes cf Tas:o, and Hearing. A particle ta applied Into enchn -''f' la aarerablr. PrireSOe. nt Dtos.'- 'J Mil. ELY BEOTHEESS VTmTea&-..--) -Lvi--:e-r;: lt! lii'IiK ; Ar. Giee'-rtcio n c-a eiu (. jjee'Dfti ro I ArS',crT I crBEKa. aaaa Yi r scl at r.;tz : - 1'-