rt?-.--... ' "T ii 1T 'iT ft . ' t 'Z -BSLl.il. . Mill IT II" " FARMERS, ATTENTION. ;i ii !. f: I. M-M iH.cri' :! Vy ' P I-.-. .! N. - Liko as w 'if.i ff! ' Tii- ir odor to tin :dr nr.-: ' .1 . .-. J U 4 ! I HAVE Jl STllECEIVED- dr. i cai K - n. Aui 11 II nat ::'. v' .11 I thought liio twi.r: r.ty .m- :: An.i still tiaakia a, t!:o::..:.t : Tlif nans wl.o !ivi- :tl..-.;t a ..: : Ia ili'i'.Mi' sorrows en'.a.i- !'iai;:- 'Ti- stranae! 1'efeiv I av yo-ir :'a- I tlio'l.t r.)0 a any store : Proof t" tin1 I"-1 o: :i Wi aaaf- . tV.:h and ; n e, to live no. 2s ot the jH-r.V.;r.i-l t:tu-.v.:r of :ha r. Tl.i ': It -1. ' '.- aa ' ' ' - -- -V- . Tin- ri.'i 'Wir T!.. ll.r.'.i I V 1 v.:.. a ;- : ' . That -:- ":' aa'r, :'.:.' aa 1 a -' Wlarl: 'alls oa vl - ; 1 An.! ki'U:- ar. i da a .:'..: '.'.' Vi.".L laila I a:-t..ii I'" the '.v Yeur cyiS lowly, i.;;r v a c 1- : I'h! i ;a aaa, eaal a 1 ' - ".a. l.a-a!. To sit lxi y.v.t . n ',1. r. . x To walk ttidv yen en ti.t .-ta.a-I'd izivo tall t wi y t a-- I'm- Your etlYr, lady. 1 am;-:, a :.-' j-weet eei.o t'r. aa i : .a a.y. k'rouro ol a:(ii:;ri cioii IX The lk it - a c araa:: ' :: n.i aiT.itr? cemrka--1 th at ::' ax, the cat. t : x ... ; - i - - : l . i . . Ic.it .-. - York ' . VI.. -.". - '. .. . a -1 ; ; kv at 1 -a .! ' .a. !!- 1." I a) ik. a o. i";' ai a.ia, i nasi Ri V rpi QJ iap for infants and Children. Cr.;ori-v-:TcH.-. a'.v! '.t.M-V.iWn-nthat I Cvtoria -:y,-: C-'V r,in(:rr.f i.-.n. " ' . i s,.nrM.!..i-!i, l'i:i:r!M-;, J..ni.-i:Ui.n. I a : :--!. a y ; rvs-.T.;.; :.'U KlUs w,r;iL., ..,iv.'.i s: Vi, IU1.1 lruotS ia- " -1 :.. . - .. - : r ;ar Y WitticiU i:yttriou.-s moiUo;-.tion. ... ( , " . . ...-. i " r.T -v.t.-.I vr; 1 ! v.--. wmc- l"t ' ' ' : .,'.'..',.' . i v..:ir lMstori.1. ' ivti.l stviU :ilv.iy tN.Titmm'.t'J i " -;'x:-- . ; , " ,.-":r.': al ' la s. n.s it h.m i!i:ir;:n -l iTi.di;cfd baii.U.-ial . a . a - U.-ai. Ci-UTia 3 results. , I Kdwin 1". r.utDBB. M. P., i t Mav.tys. 1.1V.,. j .1j0 YinUirv'i," l-5th Street asul Tth Ave, oi k ( ,U y v t Ci. y- .!..le 1'- - n:u-a Cimn-h. ' Tax Ctxvz CorAXT, 77 Mliiiut Stiucet, Sw Yoiik. .1 1 1: lit L !') iieiiiiiilt' of i'ai'fc Vt-vi;J.lH Oils. olivi: OIL, IKN OIL COC()A-)UTT!-:il OIL. Ti. One Thousand 13 n OF AC Jl !) AM) t a.-, .ayrv; : . .i i! ( mi. a. :.!a:ah l.-lo. v : a !.aia!:f.a turiiia ::i ;. -'.i ti:o o() ,,i a aaaw that ,!. l-a-a oottoi; -;;.J1 la !;.. ; i-ftla' iaa:n: - a, - .a , i " t'ui'i vv'hi!c Xot Pcri'uiMftl Not Colored. Will nor attack the skin in Winter or Sunnntr. c si in ' 5 !1! iiCKs: of io Best i d the" Worid REAL ESTATE AX I) INSURANCE sli iui:kili:a: . ox. A-tv. liia-ss woiiii.is ::i,ti .aortas, io '1 ;: 1 1 :' and :..-a! oi?--as'S OlIU-o iu tlie 'hl l'o..-iiin- -i' ; i'. s-'al i and i?ki;l. inir, (bik'k ra.v; Faa I'l.n: el' ('.: T1IE11E IS NO SLCII STJCK OF Acid, Guano and Flour IX TOWX AS T HAVE AT ALLISON'S CORNER. CALL TO SKE ME LEFOKE P.UYIXG. ALSO HATS, SHOES, SUGAll, COFFEK, MOLASSES, TO J! A CCO, SAT I- F, Sc., r. Q G. ivIonioiTierv ha-,.:.: . o- . : ai-a.. ; :aaih:. " ... -lisv-al yi i.:.v. v. . . 11- ..-a i:. u ' will carry ..v, jil.'-'A'.' , or ;.: k-i than prci'ria.i: i.".' d-. vta:. a'- -' '' )!!: a . :aoaa ' ; la. 'A A RDWARE 1 H A F DWA R E : I am still at the old stand on Allison's coi-nor. anl ko, -j. :L . ood stock of ae-rind rural IIAKDWA1IE on IkuhK A i-a nildors material, nails, locks, hinges, doors, sash ami : all description. Iain Acrerit for the. Xew Deering Muwei, ( ne of the best Mowers made. n: ha from ih v tioar, ia:t-w to t..c tbvr,::oa 1 I I kr ; euaina: Jr.tn.- :'k:. 1 ' api'ropriut.s 1" k:". . ". ljl2,WO,$4 k.-S than ihc ..tk... and jUi'iStl'.' k;i than t priation for the . urui.i :.-:icu Apropos c the war c a tvrr, i. Monday i:ikr, we ?.rv::o; following t-iiiory o:i tia. EoMier of all time, .-pcio. Hill, Georgia: j "When the future hiatal aa. c-.nn:: to survey the character -i Lee .. will find it riiii-ir Uhe a ht.-o tuoaa-' tain above the nuduhttiiar iaa.u . humar.ity, und he will h.ive to 1:1 : , his eyes hkh towtir-.:-- h-.:..--ii , catch its summit, lie. J-- , every virtue of the r -a: e a .- 1 raaticers .atia a: v... a- . -. i was a foe w;tho-t: a..: . :. without treachery, a s-l'kr whir. . C-Uelty and a viaiia l--.a.'.. ; i.. murit.g. IL- a pt 1 without fauki, a priva". t;a: : :. without vice?, a ue:.'..1-.." v..::., a reproach, a Christ iati with-' : : yp---'--risv, and. a man w.thov.t ta::. . I was Cauar with-. at his aaki' a ' Fredefieh withoat his tvr .aay, k .-" poleou witheut his sekkha--s a:u Washingtoti vi'heu' his : v.ard. I -was obedient to authority as a ser vant and royal in autk-iaty as atr'a. king. Ik was i-.E nth- v.i a v, o -a :. in life, pure and taosl m :i :v: . . in thouah:, watchful : a u K u.- :. ; vestal in duty, submk.he l a-, Socrati.-i aad era;..: .a -." Achilla- : :n :ivtn t :i ".a.. i ...- - - TI.--, :. f ;. a a - '. ',-.!. la,' ;h- . ' " " i-U-h ii -taih -i f -v - : " ' a liaai'y : ...!.-. ta-' h-t-- : ' the c.ir and a- ti u .... - - 1 sideali.. (Ir- atiy !' " l.Mit, !::' hitl.r av, - who ui.:..-1-- d tlacoatv.t .-a t:-.- I tiidll't hl-t h i -', ba' -oa- ia - i t ; low h .d to b airiM. i, t a- i . .. : i.inbtihiU!'-', wiiik k s laia... . .'. iuitagoai.-t walk d a .v.iv a ... a ,-ha erkil kia. - f- : )r. i'i.-iv.-k IV: ; They're i.ot half as : ; ; - - - their rivals, lu: t a ,) oi ia ,. tiuietiv and tia'i or;aa a i ;'- hea-kkhe, bilionasS const:. -it , dvspet-sia, etc, there is !.et,.;;.r: them, lhev are the only Liver n absolutely sold on trial! loiirm ..n-y hack, if they don't give sattiskct.ca . SaiiH- UiXte n- In rlli arOlina. Atknb," Ga., March 2. Thr Democratic executive commitUv a;, t at the cupitol a 11 o'clock h: ...:.!. tL ;.ic,,.i mi 1.1'- morning v.iui -v... chair. Eighteen members v...v present- JI H Cabaniss wae ekcte l permanent secretary. May lh was decided upon as tlw da'e to c. h 1 1 Cok-"tte.s to the Deinociatic con v.. u tiouut Chicago. On August 10 ha convention to lamiiaat- Gcvcrtu-r, .State house ollicials ami ek-ctois will he held. Athmta was selected us the place for holding belli cam-vt-ntioiii. The :.lisai,sippi form.Hl a new county auu. c:u Jtff Davis." ! 1 ::::...- l t. ah th- a;-' - , i i .i.i-k j;at a:-. cr laak--rs that l ;ve s itisfaeliot: . be ! a'.'U.; tiv r 1 and f u: idfure. klkk 11STATK. We iiJi-r a i-iioio.- li:io of iuiprov. .'. :-.nd uuimjirnvoii. resi.haie jr..par: v in t-.v.-n s ;t b I.-. I'ric- and t-rnu roa-:aibIe and niml- kia-wn or a- -. ,-L coo.l htiliik. plie-.tioll t.. ) o! '. a:n' Afro-Annr- a.t i a v as trployi r ' ai h -a .- s-. r.s iu- ard thr eh'l-: i: ; ; . a..! k...rtk' d-;. tf M. J CORL'S i'iil i- C i 1 1 ; 1 1 : 1 jkiti", Liitei.-j' and Miller' s Dis solved Lolle, Wando (iuuiio and Acid, itn.d siTcrnl olJtcr of the ti rftrr oii.Wt..'- I am also A&-ent for the Vallev Forge AVrouglit Iron Fein . A sample of it can be seen in Forest Hill cemetery. C. IR. WZHIITIE.. ffl I -J . 7 : concoiU), x. c. Best Srands "a! Hk A .f ""-,A-N-;A- N-cc i i -S I have la.o.x .I mto il.e stai.a: iate y oeei.jai d by kiov. ii ih--., a.-ar itlO conrlii'lisc. 11:0 oi st arc- iiauf i:iti ns lor drovt fs. J.,..io yc-a: oi.hi.-; at t he st alaie or v. : l !. .!. j,. iJiowii rerter t r oiutubus. jior.-M s uu.l uaiie-s for talc. M. J. C'tJkL. I'roi'iietor. .1 A. FOIL. 1MIYSICIAX am SFKCEOX MT. rkkASANT, N. C. All (alls jroin;i;ly attfii-lf! to, day r r.ijtlit. ' njjcrcd (ti Cloe I3ricesy ;-:-l V 0 i 0 ;." . a." i A- 7.h"V Tfl U?kiv?Ar-fX''- Ai s. ! .. "':'A-;A-! i-zA Yi A"-o -A'-'-A t'i ppfH oniae ia Moos,s Iiaa Suae. Alnr aa i'?- fei Y.rJ U '10 o'elorli ia ia. at resi.knee on Coll.a e - fc.x3--ii-J fa - i-n ; ii -'- ' ii i.i. tiisa." r I"5 ? Vi ?1 "t;j 1. ' I J- F- " l .-r. in Sci'.)ll:i ii r-l. . -.('. .!::'a '.ai-i-n:-- :..... ... ' I to -. a -a t V.ov At a: i.l Zsl- daa.I . . . i Liii for t aar a; crakt. "l a" a v 7' - i a ra 1 ; . , LO CO La': . -,a. . - f v V. , 1 t-a ;ry !:. i i.i-a-y .1 1,: to i it.' ai o ; : i.t ' 'a aia' iaa-hb-a',, . nu . - .. 1 '-.ci.-l an eufie wi : . -h eatirkv lua . d; -. .!. and tlic hair : -mi -, a l.i-, : .aid aa-:a iOliCci"- k- -lit a?r: j a , to 1 M'l II- ik.ANk Jusiirii. cm ( . 1 to Ma- i. V V,, ! k' .itau-teu wn ii ei'iaaix f 1).-. 1 1 ia.' .- ;a i a' -'a - aa' v 1 adv. AiHXTkCkkhY 1, Ci;6."kLl d clj lm 1 1 ars nud ha-l triad a, 1 0 . .k 1. ; Can v,1; ak ia- -1 ;al l.:, s and 1 .l.d me no k' " ' -'-k-i ;, , tned 15. k. 1J-, an.k'l2m., cnlm-i ay. tao cu.e.i mo sound and . l . 1 1 11 't k ' .J ' ' . k! la A i.ii .ieiiiLo aro vio. en. lyita; in .No. :'. tow i--h ;a the latins ol I . A. 1 ... i.i.!i-. 1 ' i i kittle and v 1: r, coataiawu; 7" i .1 P.ich Cloth, J a' x.i.a Ccld Eagles.; " "r "Tfr,yaB I acres, nu.re i'uilv desei-.l-ci , iaid ; ti. to Eviry C.'os .liber to- i? ....s.....-,.. ... r 11 i'ir I i.a j UiU! Ip.ll X. L. .IUL.1.1.1., ..a.aAk- I 'j. ta,,. 1 . f.a'v a a-v "a k xi t 1 j v lo iw iJLoi l 'M'.'t C. 1 ! 1 aa 1 1 .s; jc.ai . af " L.' . i'.a.aa.j I r 1-,.- aa '. a:a.a:an ;a. i ill 0 saf.t ! Aint Contri biitorrk 8 n k II 01 i An :-a ViaaC.1 a i' t - The Ui' a . .. a, a x ..:a;!!c a !.a-t a' caai.cat i a a at; : v :aaa - - v. !vm nrj a il. . .f a- a-C. ; at r..laaa:j Co l.e.s;ep-: At:i-': . v C - -::r, V. Hold, ta-.r.s r.: i. arte. Ju t:.: .V..-C-r.hv, al. P. Sir Lvon I'Ia t" r. ! i:.k IJ. .. :.ton. carisuMPTiorj Threat Actka S'a-i.i Vlic. taa.'.in. V.'. CI..;'.-. Rl.vc!!. Tiie IlarJ ci .'tcatli Dr. 'Lyman Abbott. . Or y ZKmom vehi th Xh c( an, SSOHCHITIS SCROFULA a i p, -id..:ure ia.s! . , Ve have, u. si. .1 .' iic.l r.i -' : , cure for oatiinb. ilii-hihi 1 a.. ' !" I I 'liouth ami headaca.v', in Sluioli a ( a - , , -turrh Itemdey. A ni.sal injeetor live k, V with eac'i bottle. Uso it. l " vou 1 ilc- Jvj ill 1 JLIlll KWC.Ct lllt-.iU.il- J HC. II Ca.inlla IVsc. airs. Ma.try ;.l. 5ta:.k-y, anJ One UisnJred Oihcrs. Ti.. VoIiir:e ic.d 1092 will Contain trrte.1 5a:a-l r-U-rles. io ?U'-rL's ef Ail venture. Tti" Host Short -Slorkf . ' ;' '.'.'.'. ;J:r:l i.e. t'lvC.'.c.; cf Tr.ivJ. Hints on Sci:1 Ia';:cr.:k..i. C .:a:aa .''a C.ai.a.'C:; s I a a' ar.a i a a, as.-. , ..i iw.-.,i . Lni cri , J kh? fr.-crnost Family Ticligicus News-; a r.r. j one nc.v sutscribcr.-' r. : sa';scribc.-sd s: 'it'. iMi'N n!-:i:s n:i.f., 1 ;0. ;-'$ ."i r d The old, well-established, reliable lira oC HOOVER, LORE & CO invite your attention to a lie" .k t ( ,.,! ' r a I :!: 1 I a. !N' a ( i a i r- .-. a a Mtlt rat rt as.-! -c-ai) n - ' h an ::... T ! a - ' r i a - '.'. c !' . .. ..,,1 t: .. jr- ia aia - ,:x:'- a ' V. v !:i a! .1 !!. S f.::v .it .-. !!..;!!:! .-. rrt i: l.a! V V '.I !) ':' i 0 u 'I II ti!-!..." p-a-i a !;an t-a- C!-! r'Vi;-. ; ; .. ; , ;;-; - . . , '' T; K 8 f ) 2 a,., i e.,-.:-. x' -r a ; : . j Ll.L V- I B i Uf J VI THt YQUTH'C CO"P ',f,'!3N, 3cston. F.tass. I aa Cffp k 7 if I t5 r PURS COD OIL With Hypophosphlteg. PALATABLE AS MILK. tj i m-- ----- - i ir, an r no eicctQd Stock of Goods An experience of 15 years in Concord enables them to supply the wants of their customers and with the Very Rest Class of Goods And with a thoroughness that only cornea with LOX(f EXPElilEXCE . in d mi ii t nuke i::.ii.i: n.t with rtJ u, I:niKISTH;T0H'3 NOTICE. j0CU WAKES AllE FIRST CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT AS WE KEEP MO SHODDY GOODS GUARAXTEED TO SUIT TIIE HARD TIMES ) a l a' otMiiiiixi 1'ho .1.. i A" A"' i donisv,; .lo-e'.s-'l o h a.i .v.-o- s fa. ah laslato av, I ! ' r )a::,a I ',a.1 t!;,.y m-.jst Xlak.. I ;';:. x Wo i-i :ti.-i t. or s;,!t will ... j kai a.'; ; -v,,, ,avi!!ir euiwus a-uax. aaal nuisi vreaent tlxaa to th. nn.lersio,),, iiy raiih.h.;:!!,.!. or lPforr tho or this you tc notiec will ho M-o.,,k i r ii - i j" o,u ui uk ir recovi?y vr T biHisnTi, Admr. IOOTTABOWM;.Ch.m, , ... '.'.. ny ji bm!tli. , .-n au. siat, yj. Attorney, j

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