- 1 ! !H1 ! 1! :;ni 1 11 -Mh! M'l "I 1 t -'J Hit -olfllfem. JAMES 1. COOK, Jinriou. I TllUKSPAY, - June lS'.O,! the whkk or mi: ni:'ioi! vin ((IWIIMIOV. yon uovejuxoi;: I.I.IAS caki:. of Ed;occmbo. 1 OK l.ILl'TENANT OOVl.liXCI.: . a. im ;;no of Allor:hr..v. roK sr.c;.i.r.RY o: sr.vr:-:: ( v.tvn s con r. of Vr .Lc. Fuli TIIUASUUKU: nowi.i) w. of V,'r.!;e. rcR Ai'PiTor.: . n. n ini ix. of liur-combe. FOU Hl l I lUNTtM'l.NT t l lVl.h' s-TlUVTIOX: .io;: '. .i'AKi:n:)nai. oi J oil us; en. I'OU ATTOIIXHY OKXEKAi,: i'kaxk i.osnouxr.. of McekVnbuvfT. rr.F.sipi.x iim. i t 1 ( .'ens 10;: 'rur. tatt at i.ai;:-f: i:. Al l M it. 1 V. A in . It. 1:. ';i.i:N. oi' I'nrM 111. vi AMi r;:is--:s. Tlie Heuiocratie aiut reeph.'.. j-irty of Kansas have formed a eoulision against th Kopublic-ins. The Oxford Ihiy, after a ru?n- sion of throe week?, ha dav.-nod again. The Stanilard is iTlud of it The groat Cardinal M.u.r.iiu; .' so poor he h-id to be buried by his relatives and intimate fricmls. as we learn from the X. V. Tribune. The United States drank in nine months 4G.",1S7,TI0 pounds of coffee an increase of 1 00, ( .'0,000 pouiuis. The drinking habit seems to be u growing one. The first recorded vo:e of So?. at-, r Hill on any 'luestion in whieli .-iivt r was concerned was cast in the Sen ate on the 'iw. He vo'ed v. i..h the silver men. X The funny editor of the Xew York Herald, in a leading article, advises the Republicans to nominate Blaine. A wise commander !i mis out w hat hi3 enemy desires, and then docl:nc? to accommodate him. The beauties of the ilcKinley tariff are illustrated in the fct that diamonds worn bv the rich are taxc- only 11 per cent, while clothing worn by the pour, p!iy a tax of S per cent. Who will succeed Frank Osbarr. a Soiiritnv for tin-. 11 h .lisf rtrf ' 4Ua niif.:a.i i .t- T rv Ting soma "' . . tin t,i' i t.u it ii ei i iii e'i;e. j people. Wei), the 11th lias irot lot of good timber and should be willing for the State the whole State to have Hon. Fi.vik Osborne's servicers. - j sravs or i;i:akbai. sati ih:. The greatest coward in the world is a hero to somebody. There are men wdio tire them selves almost to death looking for an easy place. It is seldom that anybody fa!L .triTi-,i nn tri On-.. U ...T - i- 1 . , , . , 1"iUli' iV n''1 11 c l-tns ,u - arc iaf-- Ilev. Dr. J WXorth, of the Xcrfh C.linlini O'lnfi-rrairr iti.-l j.'ra-.... nSot.t of Ut linmn 1.. ' .. . 1 ci nr., .n, v.,.t,..i c. , ' " i"'.t n UO OUIItU LuLl.it.iii V i4 7 !': Shelby. General Lee, Dec. x'C, 17hf, first applied to General Washington tho phraso, "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his coun trymen I" Elisha Walton, of Jacksonville, X, C. reports to the Wilmington Star that lie sheared from one sheep eleven and a half pounds cf wool at one time. The sheep was 14 months and 12 days old. An Aul'ul IHii;c to IC.'iiKMiil.cr. Chicago Trilnme. When a bachelor getting out of bed on a cold morning decides to keep on his night robe till the room gets warmer and then thoughtlessly hurries away to breakfast, where peopie smile slyly and significantly, it docs not add to his joy to remem ber that lie did not make the change in the apparel he contemplated. Lieut. Jas. Hcthcrington, United States navy, who shot and killed the English banker, Robinson, on the streets of Yokohama on June Cth, has been ordered to Washington to Btand a court-martial trial. Shelby 'Review: Dr. KHMorr i i t 1. T Eon was summoned uy tciograpn rri day to the bcJside of hr? sister, Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, who is seriously ,;Vof ASneville. Dr. Morrison, ac- ,vn V ,f r, companied by Mrs. Mormon, left i,f!,-c im-in. Mrs. .Jackson s till Lil " .- friends throughout the State will lo glad to learn that she has since improved. ,1 I iv.'.i i'i.. y, ;.t ; 1 ,,-iiy. I: . h - ; 1 p: nit 17 vnrtc, 1. in:.! rsn.I ilMsfa- i - ted. a'M p fc'l ,.f .,.. i c m1(";i j-do and biuae-a ; r r' ' oil":.:'' 1 . (. ' , ,. .o e-. ,-. Ii 1 11 o 1 l:l 1 ri'i-l- 'i'iiv :- i !:' f is y.r. J (.'::: w f.)rd .!';; 'i'i..' UniverMtv clorr is '!!:!;: ! ll.-.h ! '!.!) ! Wl.lic iri-.i..-: vi.. : : x. c. r. ! ' i iv.ciyitv ic .1 !' s -v u i r 1 1, -r.v we:;., , i.e .:ei,hu,. I :'( fiV.';r:f.- 'n.!p i j it':, m-it pr oei.t. pronr bre.r.ot to blond, s; ; : per cn'. e.nry vatehe.; tie choice for ixxt p:v.Md.nt is ''h.-voh.nd : II j.er nt. wear eve ;;hUi.S : -l;" pel' Oelit. OWU dl't : s cliiti: th.e favoiite poet is Tennyson : favo rite novelist, Soot.t ; per coat, have been ongeg-id ; 7 per cent, live :n towns; the moot ir.teilectual nv.r-u ihggs, of Oxford; tie? oiost popular nan, Hoke, cf Ihil. igh : the iauMed working man. I'avi-, of Tarboro ; Jie hai.dso: '.es' in v.:. W W H ivie.-: he ht'j't :tt'ile4e, rdaiigum : tlie beM. r I-' iT:.-M; .-. of (.. "nqv: M 0 nr. j !.'. Ve- !:.!!. I i' p-.r c.-nt. foot ball; dd ;r ceai. ; ?! ptr cent, vi-it i; th. 'Milage Amei-g the f."eal:.y ihe slnd.u.ts vote1 r.iiider.t Viae:i the v.--l iiuel-l-clti.d man, ihv . r r Ah.-x rhr thMa;s.:t pop:. h.r, IVefeor Ilmae Yenabie the Is. s .... 1. . 1 - viae en musi- c of lb- fiu! e .1 irslruimrts ; i o, r a: the l.hiiversi.v ti 0 I M iv-s; : . .1 's Hill. Oi. l)-r.l I est. ii"elW. II ,T,M::.;!or, ! TJ:o boo'; V'ace tnr.T.r.'is t-velve i-. ". la'. Mi ar Y the pinj and device.- f u'.eh ( f tht !'-.,Na frat.aaitles, . 1 1 ! the Oi hall, the Chaa ...h rial, (siaa a nandar-. I"1 - f 1 , e. ; : ; (iln O'd v. th.-" Scirh bididh;::, II;..- (b nrun i lab, th- Library nor the ('d Yhst building, MemraMd I d1, 1 the fo.t ball t-. !... There are v, r r.a.ay aat humor ous wood (oM, il::. . " . atli.g main phases of e. p. pr. The laune; of the Frab rr.it it-s at. the Univeriity are: Delta Kappa Epsilon (eMahiiMa.al IS.jl), Th: Gamma Delta 1S.31, 1Mb: Theta I'i lsr, Phi K-tpi-a tMn-e, ei-uai A'ph ; K;'.ilo:i KM, Ze'.a PM IS'-S, Alpha j'.oi Om.-ga M-?:'. Ma'-pa Al pha Itiei, I'hi Oeh ; 'iMMa, big:, a: Xti le, Sigma Chi I 'ihore are also a Manning L :ad Club, ;; Ohe Ciub, a fberman Club, an Aih- Jletio A-ssoci.'thm, :i ih'ivmg Club, a Duae Club, an Eating Ciub, a ila.-h- ciors L.i;:. a i.. cycle Ciu .. a Ciioir, ., i-n-u ., vvn: a,., ti.,..,, a Lr.es3 Ciut. a b',t I uh. 'ihrea Knights of the Eound Table, and a Mather's Club. Ail the various or ganizations are described with some fan and humor mingLd with history. Each class has its own history, Ma tistics and wit. There is a racy diary and a most rare and enjoyable lot of college cuts, ail free hiuces. IIVr.JtYl'iilNt. A(iAI.ST Aviir.vs- A''u-;i?:-ilj- Loses ia V(ilii--It:ili'!i" 'till Causes if Co i uiiil.ji-. ! ( . in o ao x a n o (,. L vc-r vt h ; j i a a n v iit' -My evervbody was aiadas'. :vLeat lcd..y, an I th result eeas a vary 1 eonaideratd- I,. . , ia vaiae. Prices suoca at h.Paa lay's caosh.rr li :-irc- went to out; h-nt tower and d- c lined Jtvo Cftrltlus. j h on i' cpor 1 3 were rc c.ived from flu- winter wle-at eoun try o the ehee that briari.t. warm v,ae.ithcr on ilood soal.ed he'd- woe oro.k:ei::r riuvt ia M.oat- This caUeicJ free bujlii!? and a ra.hy oi Hovc-i elpbtf; at the top., h awtv.-.f. The fact became kmr.vn that tho Hatch anti-option bill iiad passed the houao of r -iirescnt.ilives by a iare majority. This was unexpect ed, and o."i- a rush to sell, v. Mich carried prices down to or e and iivo o;.'hth.s. Later camMderation, how ever, led to tlie h Mief that tho bill would bo dafir.tad in the .Senate, and. there waa rally- Tlie i'uetua tious thereafter were narrow, raid tho close was easy at tho decline Corn was weak from the .start, md :ir,sod near the bottom. Jha woe!;- cuiun factoi'3 wt-i'2 the na.ssar:;; of the Hatch bill, better weather, heavy estimate . rcx-ipts for tomor row, unexpected lar-o receij)t3 and free felling by tho lonya. The close shows a loss of two and fivescights and two and three fourths for fu tures, the nearby months suffering most. J'lu CiiiMci;! Solved The llellefcitrdn (.Ohio) Examiner comes to tho front with a now i.von ositiori on female suflra-o. If nays: 'Tn liou cf suJlVae, we euost thai the men be penrdtted to cast two votes each That is, each nan, io east olo aPe for himself, and. if married, another farias wife. y.nr2 5 to vo.o lor ti-.e.r herd a-irl-, and flowers fUid ol-t bachelor, to :,-,ke " their eeitctsous fro;.) itj- w , . ' ' " ! iiceuttl to run the country sati -fi- toriiy. wo ask that our plan rcceivo (ho consideration it so obviously inf ritri." T 'ior 1 i is i' sii a.,.. ,. ( aiirj 0ry .1 !., ;-:vl--v li 1.0 ! '-:-tt-!!.yiJ.. IV. ,.!.!!. Tl-o j " r'1'";v"i"''i'''"'r'" .. 1 V..I.I: !, J. 'J. !., ;. Ti .;., :-.t :I j-o.-'ivc fully .,' !:' jn .ni'-!i.:t i:;y i- swlk-n : -iv . ,- t ; -r cf t;' . .,: si.;,:,;-, - v. i -v.c c (..-ii-Itiio;. . . . . ' ,.,... (,..' i :,,.i:i,;iin .,, . n.ulhi'.elv. I m- the ho i-r t. be r- :'-c' fully, Vcir n".;.. lii'iit s.rvs.:ii. d.M !V C I'.I.AINK. ExiXTTivi: ;.vn.ion. V:..sh;;v;toi.,.I-i!..- 1, i lo the .Seen Uii'y of S:ate : Your utter of this date, t. nder :!:g vi".ir lvgii-nation of (he ollife cf L'Ci'i tary of State of the Uaifed "?ta! ? lia.s licri r-fi'ived. T:;e tei ni' -:;e:i us !.! r- vw v, oho-V- bit .if'' de t-..tu; ,'si.'.- a' o: (..'. Y..!'r r.'-i ;:!!: -'i i ; ; V-r -f.v :LeeeSeM. ry if si i etf ';:i v" yeirs. !';.;.:'A vix.;: T.. Hon. d;;::;es C I-;:;hie. As sn;ii; a. the re-. iejuitiori tf Mr. . I' li i:e Ii : ''! '. i Hie': 1 t e ; v u as s n t from ; ii ! ' : r -tii'e Ma:.; io;: t. t) e i'e'.i':d dej'iti'!-i.iei.:-- ..ruo-noh'g the f.. :. !.. tl: fever.;! ,; ; !::ri,es. 'J'i.e m v-s el 'r.'. i." e.:es ri.-ig. .;;.:.'.! or. -.V, d til ni-'st it'.-i :, -. i'x" iiei:.t';. tlire-i:; ho:: t'"" (.:. li v. . ; a. fi .',. so b:g Mr. I i i e"s !.!..:-! isitiieeir'- frie!i;!s 'i'aa -aeraa-io. d !;a:i tile "oner- Mr. liluin.- could remain in j - he cibim-i (.ccuiit!tr the attitude ihe republican r..m.i!:;iti.". did. TlteoMuion . is thai I Mr. h'ai: ... ;.- it 'h-.va th ararnl'M and that lasnabon is I a decluratio'i that he M now an avow ed oand; U'e. The Jt:te Chronic of Suiidav say-: The ;: a! mani '.-;?. i :n 1k: iralf of the Secretary by ids iVieads at Miaieapdis ieive the iafer- nee that lie has M tripod f-.T the race-'' If he dees appear h f-re the conven tie:, it is very proMJ...-. t)v.i his nomination will be as-uad o.i ti:e llrM b .i'.it. Xo ui in ia ;:: -vj., ' C o ; -,:- -, , ... ,,. j ,! 1 ,, , oa the na.sses (M ids je'uav as !lr. IdaMe. I a .r.,-, ,:,;,..,!,'., Ja. Kxi v0 eaital in h.s i-ar;v. and 'tis reini'io. lion v... u a bsi.iiaat, vig.r- I 01:3 a:.d a:-;: (alia:;. 'idtere iviil he lea r,- a,e,,-"r denuais at Mr. llarrisois d-feab This exponent offeree bills, bieh j taride, a:M eitan.picn of the pam- ! . . . .... . A perei. protection.iits oi ti.e .North will tlieii pa-s ii. t political .ohscini ty, unwept, un honored and unsung. o J.iiiii-ci lUf Orudis. I'he Frogrefi-ive Farmer is no longer the organ of the State Al liance. Here is Col. I 'oik's with drawal: May dl, LMV.. Hon. S. I'.. Alexander, President Ex ecutive P. a;rd Xorih Carolina Stale Alliance: Dear Sir a ,d IMoi h--Uaving learned that your , , onlhe board at its ia cent session :: K ;h lh, X. C. expressed ib; disiisfaeMsi with the attitud . of tin- 1 ;.)-....-.,!,. Farmer in i's last precedia p i,.a;e toward the peopb.' - p:i-ty. I ie rehy t.-mh-r the retiign.i'i ia of unit ,).oi:,- as the ofiiela! organ of !!; Sj;t? Alliance of North Carolina. While i: will remain as true and ' -. -d to the Al liance organizali-.ra r.nd it:; ptiacis pies asj it has ever been, it cannot, and will not be circumscribed in iM i adocacy of the methods which oidv , . . J can .u-mg reiief o our suffering poo lac, and wmcu have been so over- whelmm.ly cuocrsedMoy them. In thus severing Js official connection with the State AHi-mee, it in na measure abates its allegiance to the principles of our order, and will ever stand ready and willing to extend its full and hearty co -operation fo all the olilcers ami the brotherhood for promoting and maintaining the principles which we have espoused. Fraternally yours, L. L. 1'oi.k, Fldifor Progressive farmer. Hrv. 'J'oni liiivoti An-.sK )! lor Crimi nal I.ilicl in r.'o-.v Toi l.. Xew York, June o. Ilev. Thom as Dixon, Jr., arrested on a charrro of libel, preferred by President Koch, of the excise board, was a r raingod before Justice Grady in Jefferson today ami released on bail. He declined to bo interviewed; but his lawyer, Mr. Moss, said that Mr. ,'.xon in ir,.urh-llf. ,,nn,,a ' ,,t ...... ; K., p. f :.' . 'y lt 1 V" J U . '-l i.aco-e oommisnorer Koch. The r-marhs were dnvei.,1 .,1;( the oily government, and Mr. Koch was only referred to incidentally. Jius examination was set down for Jura- s. r i; ; s ".! r:u 1: : . .... f,,i i, ,. i i , M j b : that :i hvo C'.n be, UTviic ul ' i r a ' M ..,);;. .('-..-' '- (,r n .nvx:.l ,, , i,, fnMir(1 ;,,,, i (iri .v,,rt,( ,-.. I ,. 1 ,. ,w -,n ! .' ' , i " i'C us., '.! ;it i.O'. '.i '.. ill iil'.'r j 1 ; h'.- lir. t time 'n : :;n .-t luuiiy yars ,..; were no Itonorrry do- e-l'! r i u'Te-'iod ;' t !l v ! UTS1 !;. f,-v hn livo to be ?!:!y who d lKd. hok as if U: , v. ? ' r afraid to die. , -nurd p::1.v h vit!H.HnH"rti,!iirr VT!'1' hohHod with ht , ' 1 ,1 ", ! 1, "''! :.t call.-'. Many of the caies wc-rc hei-i't-'v it has no eoinpMent loade-iaj ' 4 , . , f. . , . , , . .1 .tua.ii '..1 .uen t.nv r.iu,uM iaeb.s;-':! in '.he woiad is toej. r. , . . , , .v. ! ieS (:;oa v. ill oeaiotU-ss e.: re who rem; ads rstba' her mother . , -( . , . :ao;;.di toe aef 10 tlos eoi:;inuiiir s a hati.e'r ii-'-H-d som"':n;eS ''ets. iid. The Jew is a great pnvver in Franc, and generally unmolested. Two of 'Xapf'looids moss eminent rnarsha!-, Souh and Massena, vvro of the remnant of I.-r--l. m... p.-,- 1,0 cv.d sen ca'O'a'ii who ? tv i tV- life i a. 'a;. b;-s di d - f j ih-liri'tiu trcUH'tiS. 1 1 e v. a loyal to ! i.i- K-'.p. ror and t no much r.tt.sclv.d t wine of the country. One man claims to have found in cotton ?"d a fuoa tPui'' f,.r Indian rubber and anoth.er has pa:- ete d a dehv to make the Ml a f.u; ricr lubricant and. g.:;;i -oiieanie blessing. The K i eg is : ry raaoh all vo. daay ilarri ', a yen1 woniaa, was pi. . ...I i , j-.il i'i :.y cavity Alex. Mi.iihy left th-it'counfy to. ra ther far the w,:-r. White y v.- ae. U:a,l of lie- la aid '. of 1 1 KTeeM or, and the ivtmn of Judy lhaahe caiarpe. s nuM.- !i:.-.:i:.t .", tin Xo'.vs iys, ; i.e .- ; : i p 1 1 Mi r c in o.ii.- S"auce s. II i: M !.: in ; ti v i srv i.i: I liis rr.liiiti't 1i;nlc it I;nn. l lie SI, t j pcil. ":' )l : 'I'uire is a. s.a,saM:; at the ;;i .;.- tain to.vn of Marion with a vt-rv sao ei:.!;ng. 'i iie lm kasisbuare ohar - M'-'-d th- Marioa IMMd.-- :a ,! te. I i.... - l c , ,, ,,. , a-.iMri.d Lorn; anv. One V, II 1 ob- - , ..its of Xew York, ram, along and te,,V ..V., 'II . n. . ..,,...1 ' ' - u' '-- l'-'Op.'v who had lent their names m-.v th, I',, ml aal d:r.:-p. d out. KM .as us: a .,-t:s!;.yt.-;-v air,..,1.. .1 '. , a vi('timi.:-e-"nenv tv'r-t :,', ' V'.-hv' pa:ts of the country. v.a s:arcae:l Pax cat :s ,n Yet!.. ajiau..ipa,!o. ! una ; ... ia: M for a time Fa ad in ha:;i,c-nic it vie at I Marion, i, 'urr.e i tin re, ,!.,!. ,1 Stevens, ho x:m ode the eC reiyoftlva,,;:.,,! am.ing com. iyy.y'z. aMsaiadyj of nlmcin.nt. ;i:d eduf-aiaon and cf atteah iiy family and married Rob - ' erts eighteen months ago. For sev eral mouths he 1 al bvn i; .CV,' York, o.;tfi':si bly onga'ed as banker, o. lit lo she remained wiih h-rpan ids in Savannah, (ia. She knew nothing of the troubles at Marion when she arrived and has no knowledge of her husbau rs busi ness. She bad had her rooms there furnished in costly style. I'he cred itors made a run, attachments were served against the furniture and when she cilk-d for tin articles -iv- cn ner ny m, r mother ami fo:!!nl hat she could not move them, her ief was distressing. Mie has now ch-dv' lost Ik her mind, is restless and imagines she n going to be ar rested and trie 1. The sad news was telegraphed her parents and they have arrived, btcveiis was ar rested but made his escape from the odicers and attempted to gM to Mu!b Carohaa. IJe was caught a few miles from Marion. Tneo'tarr-e against him was imbt "zU-nu-u, but iie proved i;e ;aO seni, the money he 11.1, T i -. . . developments ami fresh warrants I .icie isMii-a li,; couul not be found, j mm m terw 'oI.ro! r.xciir.sioiUslH liiTii ... ' Louisville, Ky., June bh Xuir South Can-oil ton, yeerd tin- regular nortlr-hou ,d passen'Cr trvn n,lll1(lyr,,v!,e r , ' . , A "U Wei,80Or load codidcd v.ilhan excursion train filled with negroes. Hugh Ibtiley, "a'"-', ,luo'' Jaiiey, eman of the excursion train, :l.t ,ree negroes were killed, ami twenty. ! e were injured, several sly. 3 j thre five OUE'v A 31 ili I li - t i'lejii'orriup. Washington, D C June (; t one o'clock this morning Secretaries Elides and Kusk held a conference with President Harrison in the White House. They conferral with th.- h-e.d, rs of the Hurrisoii booui bv the I--, Md.-nt'--i pnv.de wire diract to Minneapolis. I the Harrison boom by the Pr pnv.de wire diract to Minna What nassn. he!w,,n !-..., m is not t A , 1 ,h k!n, as all refuse to talk. Secretary Illaine and family will go to Xew York tomorrow. coiicci'vM tu iionerts at Aew u!k.o'W: ,;-i!- s t-5 to .aovtac some II, isJ Kullcrts ,,Vs ;U(l plan to old annul land, now owned As S00:1 a2 r(! ; . by Mhu a! d f.uehm .yndleatoa; ad Hed and when there w re some T " W ,. , , . , "'g-i ana o.ner eoi iHa-dions, a: ixc-sh It i3 not the tallest tree that bears ! CClCl , rr, the most fruit. I nf;?Lvod' ru:lt vvt iuv )i- a Pd: ateti ta on mcc mes. i.i f''(.!iii.i. .-Si(j Nivl- j .,. iaus Ui-ii i;n!H.v. binnMovr, . (!., June An ice cie.im fi .-div-d given hose- flil" i diy v,b-hi. iHul-r the nt-Ei-us of ilir J-,-. -yi.-rr.vA church n---.iU- ! in wh-M'Rii.'ii::,.! in,; (:f )t?. cn ,oni'V It fiir.t tlio civ v:i:? niatie j o!i I'ViI y :tti'!, roujii'iiin in the c..!;.r over !.iht., :ev.-!i'-tl a ; fa,!,,.2lfeS i,t.t daMerona :orer. The j (.-(.i,irg j-as'-d c-Il merrily, pleasant j . ; '. . . .r. .. r..v ' , ir.'nbie to tilO i : hurclu but a .short time alter ti ? L but a .short time after their ! J'-i' h-me a -out sisiy of those j -:e, :-a; j ir-,,M.: 01 l.ie '.o .e ...inv to exh:'ut y!M"uns oi Mr - ti e phyvian. I ;e H-a, .ma :aa iei i"---'i'i -"OH,e vou h.1 o-r aiely have reunited fatal- that ice cream ami tin cans can not : ". left fngi thr uith safi. 'y. UiSIeil hy l.i u .1 ' n i n ; . AMieville, X. (d., dene d. --Oaring h ( hunder storm tsday ligl.tnirg i-'ek tlio jart: -yr-'.-p! Med graded ! ''!-I;r'. ::---i'-- 'vet, in- a MM hllli;: .. ;:! ib ifovd, for ui. r!y of (Mld'.vMl cottntv. Xo : brai-es could !- f one! except a very t on- on the n-ok. His body ocoiptobdy bh'tdh-ened. Jack T ' .1. V.'el'e lili'K it d' 0., ii S.hU i-tunm 0. ll'..';k's .-!;-. ; .-: ua;e oomph-toly de- The ch iplair.cy in the Molted S;aM s am:y :!it.st be a trel.ly nice .-: f' l orth. when tie-re are !.(".o ; :, phadbu;? d:; tih- for throe vacancies. 'I'i! i: Pi. ATI : "I. eleit ! ::.e ',. . t i: :s C.e.Jet., I, YiS.;!ii..-En.v. j vl .S.e; ,, iO'oi.aa'::. 1'C r .. , : V-: ,i,0 )ii'.r ; ei: :: : :Mi:e Is a.aetatie parly, b,;th y I fax-.:' the free r'-lv.y-.i o: shiver a: j an i:a iter a the ( arieney, ci d ti c ! r.. p: r.I of ill a in' cruel revenue s-yts ; Maai. And Y,c- d. ;.. onee the Meuia i h ;e ' ;MV d! a ua j'ul to fi.0 co: - ' .-::::a :. of ti e oouairy, r.ml h.aoiini: i t . ;!.. fcria.a don of trusM :, e-eial. im s ( and i., a;. fat-olio- whieii have oiii i..- s- d the nro;a ; and co",rci dly do nc. tie- t. j::,o -rti y bur- ,U.;i'. :.io I'xrc.sc in i..e ta. cn cols . , , , , tea to - aa ; ..a: Uu. h.-ri;eh- cstd !v (1:c (:,oia r portion oi the tK ,- ..... ... :. I e' ile'. -l.-( uel OUaeO t i;,a uil'i'lUC-H j ottd force bid, which id net yet abans -y tbw i.- iaa;aiv.u .., ty, nu ! is I ah a a urn d a:- ..Cab ore: to h ! -'-Md. d .ouu a. they r udu con- i hoi m me iieir-e c: iu ito'--u:a ;-::i'o .-. e a: ; c i t (if a..:a..re V, id L-0 lO cM..bb:Jl : ,;iat - ax ,:;d ; ;rh I ( rce : sii -n ii.en in ibe Ha-.lcr.i Iitaf.es, (o subvert Co. I tlie itbanics of r.:.r in;ih and in- an. i- a iu w race antapronisrj and , J , av( ;.: : ;p, ;vo,:::. ,f ta jit v. ill remove th- burdons cf the ,,,ea,M relative Lo the rxMiinc; acn- i i.-iaral dei-u-iciu and da fuii am; a.:, do j ;-tie' to the farmoisand his oorora of our country. o. 'j'ii'.it we demand the abolition cf : ati&ua! banks, and the substttu.s tion cf hand tender Treasury notes, in lieu of nation;;! bank notes, a-s sued in j-ulUeient volume to do the business of the country on a cash system, regulating the amouni needed on a per capita basis as the bu&ines.s interests of th j coun try ctp.u.d. and that a'l money issuo.l by the government ghall be h'L'ai tender in 'oavnient of a'l debts. ootn m-...H ami private. 1. xhat v.e etc-mand that Congress ' h.ill pass such laws as shall etl'ect- uaby rn vent the .'.oa..ia' m futn v-i an a:i naurai mat mccnanie.-I riO'Iuciious: jtroviding ruck stria, cecnl s-..a-.!..n. cf proceduro in 1 1 i .i; as shall recure promj't conviel'OL and impct-hie- such penalties as Khali .secure most perfect compliance with the law- 5. That we dcnur.d tlm free and uuiiniitf d coh;a-:e of silver. '". That we di-iaand fh,j passapc Oh .aW prtSie; jK K'l(n OV. 110r! I tt.ai. o-o; rrey i. . 1. -..!.. of s'kMs"' M act a Miy used nbuM cd by them, be loebtimed by the 4 ....... j. ....... l 1 t i t , . UOel lor actual Set tiers only J'-'-'Ying in the doctrine of "eqiia! r-'t to all and rpeii-1 rrhi;rKS to ro:i0'" v: taxation, uatmaa! or State, sdiali ot bo used to build up one interest if,i - eh1 - - - s ,-f t,. ,.t . J.eiievin- in the doctiino of j We believe that the' mone of the mat ine money oi the 1 conniry shoahlbo frepfc as much as ! e'-.silde in the hauda of the people, I and henco wo demand that all i-cvm ;Jlu;' ,,JrtV.cn.a1' , stct0 01 conty, I Sil:l I'.tiut.',! i; l.i - .:i.; i wo iiiuueei lo i iiq nr-cer'sary (a.: enses oi tiie overnraeut, ecoi s em' e a i ly r.d minist c red. That Congress isnuc a kni. cient amount of fracfio:atl paper cum-noy to faeilita-.o the exoban-e through the medium of tho United Si at i s mail. Thad- tho r:,e.. . a. P''V r '""'I1 -''"Vri as ,vii! 'e"-:e t ieM St thK I "TOnaMf. to ad tho pe ode ,.fi i;o a - a.a.,e. -ir. '.IcDonab, ,.f -p,.,.,. moved Unit the platform be Monte,! by acclamation. Tim fohowam- """ - In reply to a got m3.y Inters of :i;irv received c-v-.-rv da v ;-y the olllcirs of the Ti-achers' Acmbly oncerniitg (he jirV.ir.geinetiis which li;?vf 1'-;mi ui:i-e with (he riiroads in ivjrnni to t us - mlily c rtiiicatcs this ae:i:?v.i, Uugh Mors-Vu pn'.st dent, :U!il K. ('. Jlarrell, ;-.' -cn tary, r-ave the desir.'.'d lmormnhc io tue j ...j! fl3 follows: T.ic ralhoud rates .. re the stmu as herebfor- only bout one and a quarter cents ;i mile. Tickets are on sale from Jnr.e 18th o jljy 3, good to return until duly loth. Tho annual fees for jnPiaberKbiii "a' fnr rn!r-a $1 fnp einales. Ihesc auiottnls tire not fo e sent to the secretary, as hereto 'ore, but fit his special request the railroads have added a membership coupon to the railroad ticket, and all rt'hc attend the assembly pay the fee to the railroad agent with the price of the ticket. Vh-.n you reach Morehead City the .secretary will take up the coupon and issue an oTiciai "certificate of membership" without charge, which will secure for the holders the rate of $1 per day for board at the Atlantic Hotel and fre admission to all the exercises of tlie assembly, special lectures and enter tainments. To all female meu bers of the assembly who have paid 2 to tlie railroad for certificate coupon the secretary will nturn when ticket is presented it Morehead City. The programme has. b- en prepared with a special view to infcrtst, ben efit and entertain both the teachers and the public. The assembly opens on June 21 and continues in session .wo weeks. Te e .: C'onA cnl ion. ' cK:nley, of Ol'.o, is ch.-.i.'ma.n. 'i ho kcling between the Rhnne and Harrisou factions is getting warm. It is in no little doubt who will gM the plumb, but if McKinley, l.'ectl or some unmntioncJ hois, gets it there veil lw no room for sur rise with the prcsant lights tmli lire ilmci AVE GUAIIANTIIX: 3 POO MS rUKi 15 StOriiUP' SllV with BACKS TO WER 2 5 YEARS. wr Hilniu attJif iaaiita e.i r. ,-i j-.ivvrnt ai.y wv.u-wuuu.-vtr. t. FIVE TifvlES f-.;'lVr bhJ r.3iau-.i savnr a:;!nPtand- "' f,rd 1 laie. FA hi BETTCn thin I.i :kt So'i-l Sllvcrand iiel eae-lmli ihc est. E;irh article u slampr-a E. STEriLINC.-INLA.ID FE. Aecertsio.sulstiUite. :.. Only or The Holmihs & Ere.-K,;,s Silver Cc For sal a1 at COltllELL & HUcb ' ' m i I - ' h-' ,:.iX JA IL?, i,M.v;iJ -i (-":".; i..-.ijj More than lilodv wilt i.'i, mie e- lator on. If you want for Spring sowing, place your orders Is o w. Call at FETZEIl'S Dru Store and see samples of ' 1 WHITE SI'RIXG OATS, ULACK S'PJN( OATS, I L SI rllOOF ()AT. , ' CO CO h mil Of a g' fj' Our stock of clover and grass socls for Spring sowing are now arriving. AVe wiil not he undersold.' Call on us N. I). FETZER, Manager. r Pip i IJut wo rotnin our grip in ilio Wti n ( I lilill .1 mi c-. . r j ; 'J'" ' " ' ' lltaf g'ivog us I l:o u' ou nil our Il'3'ou will otill ami soo our nirmt, unorry mm (.)aK chamber suite and hear prices vf.u ,..:n ...,.7.... . i ... i. . vill uncle-rat and why we have DO YOU NEED A REFRIGERATOR? A Hammock, a Canopv or anything in tlio FurnitnrVlino-. if you do don't stop until y. u get to the Furniture store of Gannons, Fetzer & Bell. YORKE&.WADSWORTH WIIOLFALF AXD RETAir, DMA LMRS IX Hardware, r.ng.!gi(.s, Yagens; nnl Harks, and just, i ceivod oi"- r.o r 1. -:ol of IHfiS Otn- (Mrloail of Iloisr- Hakes. Also krep in stock at till times CAXE MILLS .7.17 E I '.lPOR, 1 TORS, .YE IV IfO.il . !.V1) ST. lXDAiin SEWLYG MACHIJVES, STAXPAEl) RR.IJWDS OF . IC 1 1) AX) GUAXO AXJ) A EL KAXE'S OF EAEMTXG EMPLEMEXTS. LAND FOR SALE, We ohVr the lauds known a.s the W L Henderson thims for sale, either eash or ou credit. Wili soil ;d! in one lot or divide it up to suit pti! cLasrrs. rTLM fa:m adjoins Mrs. Sloan, Z A Ho vis, lit in y Mower and others and is sit urs ted 11 milos north west iiom Coneor'I find -1- miles south from D-viilsoii (;,-.Jkgc. - There is about aaii'i coil' p in tie tract, which has ery supntor Imildintrs on it,in e!udi;;tr3 tc-iicmant he uses with a we'll of good water at last house Tnen; b: about itC'O acr'S in cultiva tion f,!il roitiaindf-r in timber. A lot of fine river and branch bottom not subject to ovcillow'. Apply to J Ji i ! nderson. Davidson College D 1! ( tvoreaf h, 1 ulin; or W M Smith. Concord- 3Iar. 2t H.)-l. tr r" p QAJ K My engine, boiler ar-1 cotton gin are for sab. They can be ncr-n nl my residence (the Apu UaJidiardi pi ice), or you can learn about then by tpeakim; to J. Dove, in Coru-d nUK. DEAiON. dec 10 lm HOUSES & MULES FOR SALE. We have a' number of young horses and mnl s that are uis on the luarket. If you need stock, come at once and there by get choice. M. L. I5i:owx & Br.o. AlcJi. 2 M)r. A dnt in isi ra tor's Xollcc. Iiavincpnuanficd as the Admit,;-.. trator of Amelia k Foil, deeeneort all person ; owing s.dd estate arc hereby notified that thev must mak immcdiafe pavm-nt. or "suit. w.;u i brought. And all persons bavin? claims against said estate must irosent them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the 1st day of .May, LSI,'.'), or this notice win ce pieaa in t,ar of their recov try- Flr.AM Kixr,, April Sth, ;92. Administrator. Dy W M Smith, Attorney. A DM I N ISTH ATOIt NOTICE. Hay in-been duly Appointed and qualified as Administrators of J? redenck Purr, dechl, all persons holding claims a-ainst the said i'rcdlurr iire hereby notified to i-icent, irem io Uxe undprpjo-ned daiy authenticated on or before" the -bul day ot March, 1S:K5, or this no tico will bo idead ,k n l, i ucovery Also all persons owin" said deed are notified that rroirnt payment is expected. Marcii 2, is;2. j. C STATiXS . X- Ii lamiuirt! iV,Immi..:lrdtro.s of 1 red Purr, A GOOD HORSE .EYE MUEEEOR SALE. Any person wanting to buy a good mule or horse cheap for casn or on time, will do well to see F V liar ner, Cor cord, N.C. wtf olrlas on a large and iiioioasiii , -it it :-.. it nnr-l. -,.-.1 P i 1 'V-r""n '"yn.!r corttpiclitois. lino of Conxers ntul Tensor- trade during the dull season. t. .. .t . i. - 110 XOUCE TO CLAIM HOLDERS. North Carolina, In Superior Cabarrus County, J Court. All persons holdingclaims against the late ii M Goodman, deceased, :ire neretjy notitied and directed to file the same in the office of Jas. C Cibson, Clerk Superior Court for Cabarrus county on or b fore the 2:5d day of May, 1892, for full and final settlement of the estate of said M M Goodman with his Administrator, Elam King. And this you will iu no wise negbc JAS. C GWSOX, Clerk Superior Court. This April 8, 1S0S. tf Also sell all other grades of Bi cycles and Sundries. Puffin mm free. Call ou or address G L Patterson, Concord, X". C. Agent A 1WRSE F0R SALv A pood horse, 7 years old, for eal Apply to Cook & Toil, Mi. l'loasant. March 20, 1S'J2. FINE FOWLS. we hatching line fowls, write to mi. S. J. Welsh, Monroe N. C. TO THEPTJBLIC. Having recently placed in our ill new and improved machinery, we wish to inform jou that we will le ready to serve yon May 10th. Many thanks for past favors. We mnain yours to please. at lr M.,I5l'ACKWKU,E & Sons. X. 15. May 20th excepted. June FOR RENT. At 12 a m. Satnnbi" Ar., -vu. -to 92, at the Court House door. Coi,- r r .llin,' rented privately before Apr 30th. ;u i. ..MM'7 4a, i i . , . , 1,111 i em. io NmS n wua.r, for one or three years .30 acres liee meadow land si tuted a the fork of Mill Creek and Coddle tJ.-eek, in Xo. 3 towns ship , joining lands of Ed II John ston and others. For farther information, apply to akxox & Fetzi-r TAXES mid0 S &FJ?V' md --t 1 o tii 8it of ivl10 taxe3 are die tP on tho 1st of Januarv. 1 co reeeto-i v UUi,rau ot tins is ep-ivi.tber postponed. Corne riglit L- M.MOKRISON. Shcnff. PITOU'S FAS--E 9IEAM- AIM t ' 3 i ft !: 'JPwiaajii,ii.aiiii. """'"'"'I'lmii puMaMHMMiMlmMitixj: ,

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