THE - S TURNS OTsf GOOD - JOB - WORK AT. LIVING PRICES.. ... GIYEUS A TRIALS f r 3t n "n ! r on CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1894. . ... v i.-iN w. oa. V WHOLE NO. 349 mm r mi m m mm m n I am rw -a sa. mm ... I '-JPBINTS THE-V NEWS THAT FOR 1 YE SEND US y I overifSs A V MM I 4. 'SeAis - GOOD-BYE FITZSIMMONS. 'Ifea've Beta Anxious for a Ficht, Hew Yon Will '.get In the Keck and Alas Poor Keek. New YorkVOct. 3. The evening telegram, tiis evening prints the fol lowing: . '' James. Corbett has changed hie j min'jj about fighting Bob Fitzsim ! mons for the championship of the world. H-khaa overcome his objec tion to meet a middle-weight, and has announced his intention of cov ering Fitzsimmon's money, now held by the sporting" editor of the Herald, and he will be in the city o match one week from tomorrow. Corbett1 communicated this infor mation prominent sporting man this afternoon, 4q said : Corbett will go riJjis nn!tch against j nishecf'par of the fight with-.Sul'- railroai ac- it failed' to get i 1 -mora vitrirrnn o id the leg the.- train ran I our wooden leg. The alligator is to oe envied. He can swallow a pine log on the 1st of October and he doesn't feel hungry again until spring. v , J We can furnish all the tar needed for the torchlight procession. The last time they applied it to us it otvtolc. . ? We are sorry to hear that they had a lynching in Michigan rfcently. When will the people of that" gret State become civilized? , . ; ' Th ij- are Comlntr. The firat installment of students for the Normal and Industrial School armed last night, while many more came on the trains this morning. ' C ' :rr The greatt st number; 1 however; will be in tonight, and hereafter the hills up around the Normal will not . look: so deserted. : V " . . Jt is rather tantelizing : to the young gentle men about J town, Lut we can't avoid rema king that in the arrivals so far are a score - of just the prettiest .'kind of girls: Greensboro Record.,' V : f There are Cabairus girls in that score, too. : - . ,. " ;So Popnllam In Camden . , Elizabeth ICity N. O., Oct'2. The Democratic ' party, of Camden held their primaries on last Satur day. The nominations for candi dates f oftbe tiegis latn re ,, and for count; offices were made by vote at the polls. The candidates for the Legislature were C . F Ferebee and Samuel Gregory. ' ' Gregory ' was dominated. , He is a supporter of Jarvia for the Senate. ' " t. t Your correspondent attended the voting precinct at ,Shilonfr and was ughout the " day." Thtje ned-w4th absolute cer- that the .Populis party ;lias to exist 1nbAtvmnty,v At precinct the last Presidential elecMon the Tote Was aa f jIIowp, 188. Democrats, 40 Republicans and 73 Pbpuihiid. 'There were, of thPopu lists fen oVtwelve' forme? KYpubh cans. The8e are safely back in theTla pabHcan' party, whilst many cE tie Denwerat-Pops ha?-returned to- the Democratic party. Fusion did notfnse the Demo eratic Poria. It comt)letelv anuihi- liatei the Populist paitln ia'idw for ail time, Daniel Pgjures, the fusion pandidaW Tor lbet-1 j&alatur. jropunata ui tam uuuuiy. Dr. llerrlns; Here. I: is no longer "Djr. II C Herring, of Concord," but,,pf.fl$$lfertrnE, of Charlottt." Dr. Herring made the mover yeii day. His- family will probably ndt)6om;dT,er - for ' ihree weeks.. Charlotte gives Df.; Herring j$n mini weiuouit-,-7rvurioic v Biases Y X. livoTiA X hifl antinn ir. "V "'' x r- v meetinl "ght. It will X AA uol hVe if he beats Nhance. v "Sy vfost.--' - it wmi: decent- railroad ac- anything fiSSTf ! J ullla tree paaj . v there hw) -"fOoserrer. TThe local editor of the Observer will do us a favor by' calling:- oq ie 9 factor fior V Mtf ! JTU poetry. He a a good cas, THE ELECTION IN GEORGIA, The Democratic Majority 0,O0O-The Comparatively Little lntcreet in the Election ' the Cause of the Small Vote, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 3. A lighter yole was polled in the State election today than was cast two years ago. The Democratic ticket was elected by a majority estimated at 46,000 Atkinson, Democrat, - for Governor, raaJ)ehind his ticket Many old soldiers either 'scratched Atkinson or voTwd for Ilines, Populist. Ful ton, county, -outside of Atlanta, went tor the Populist ticket. The Democratic ticket elected is as follows: Governor, Win, Y At kinson; Secretary of State, Allen 1 Candler ; Treasurer, liooert U ssph LI Terrell ; Couipt oiler Gen eral, Win. A. Wright ; Commissioner cf Agriculture, Robert T Ntsbitt. LEGISLATURE DEMOCRATIC. Twdsiears ago Georgia vi-nt rratiTqr Governor bv 71,000 for W Jortkcn over -Tf Populist nbTAnee. thVQemocratitb tr.tidi- veriicrwitd this J KT limes, 1- r. V,i..r, two midnight flcial returns are in, time it can be staged With certainty that thee'nlire Demon cratic ticket is elected by a majority approximating 40,000, with 1he legislature largely Deniociatic. It will elect aMTnite'd Siate3 Senator. We Are Pone l"p. : Tke - Monroe" Enquirer has a grudge at-tiiG'good...wiguienN for- it cries out pittifully '"On dreary life !" Hear it: .... ""It :srsai that a hftndred wooiea in Kansas haye signed a -pltdge. to wear trouseis. 'So lt-.goes 1 Woman has taken away -nearly, all.of man's perogatives, b'Ji't 'heretofore" he.has had the proud consciousness that he was the Eoie.-propTietor of his pans. Now he is no longer tlie possessor of that badge of distinction. The wo men commerced wearing our collars and neckties, jtext our coats and vest3, and-?, now jshe ha3 donned pants. Ohife ! 9,h dreary life !'' Joint llenfcre'n. 'i; ?'' :' Next$Iptlay night, at .8' o'clock ia th.e courtifiouse, ther' will be-, a joint discusaon between ' Congress man Hehdoa" and Mr. A t)( Slwi" ford;ih.e : ';ttliBt . "cartjUdate; ; Tor Comrress.-. 0-T , 1 "si, 'fW-S! A UOod lnNti(ifOnt,: , Mt.- Attcena Sjaiinary :. at Mt Pleasant has had an excellent jopen uig ' A'thoogh the :bnijdiagi lywrs. cqtreiderably enlarged last year, every room is occupied and filled to its extended bspacityf Room e$n be made for four moie pupils if.-:mces- sary, two more have.-inade .applica tion.' North. Carolina, South1 Oaro Itha; Georgia and Fieri da are repre sented among 'the . pupils,: There are nine teacborf.iu- this growing' in stjitution, .. lis inany friends will re joice in its pr'dsperiJ.i-- T' .-. t'orrect Diajeuojifct, Nevertheless Miss Morjiie-WeH auntie, now Uncle Mose these days' - Aunt Cliloe Fo'ly, ( Miss jpo'lv,": He's' dorie got dat ex clamatory rlienmatism. Miss Mobile-1 You mean in flammatory rheumatism, Ann tif.' .'Exclamatp'ry' is to cry out. " '; , ' : - Aunt Chlee (with, solemn eOTmpion) Dat's hit. Missy; aa s'Mt. He dtrii't do ' nuffin 1 The Ureat Aid ft AaVrerUMins;. , In jestigititft ofBradBrTeet's tec' prJ3.Bhow ibat-JO f?i. cent.-- of the uuHijifHa iuuKrT.ue bum ittii are mu&e who doTio; advertise. The record ia authefftic, and conclusively proves that tL great sil tp success -in mer ciaiiLS.jyirfiuiU'to advertise. registration bonks are hdw sonen.' Piridaa eiftitledildr-j sote who have npt previously voil- In the - to w n'i 8b!ips w'Bere- theyw, should regis' ter without delaV. , Those who have yotf before sbduld see that their names are on the; book. X.. VJast 1 i . r MR, HILEMAN SURPRISED. I".- j. Pnryear Itan on Ilitn ud Di,l Him T'p. Mr. Hileman, the man who ha3 :;een Democrat, independent, Demo ;r3.t apaiD, then on the fence and ths'n Populist aad whom Senator Means wiped up for the North Caro hea Senate two years ago, was cx- j;ectiDg a bully tina3 Thursday night at Georgeville. Mr. Purjear went down and they say it was an awful sight how Mr. Ilileman was hacked, lie got olc of the best lecturings he ever had. Mr. T J Shmn tells ns that Mr. PurycarjEiade one cf the finest, cool's plefe and most convincing speeches b? ever heard. Mr. Hileman took his median? I k? a gcod man. A ttitfitlzht Cull:-. On Thursday uior'ii to the sound i t mournful cry cfa female voice, the citizens o-- 'rih Main street were awaked frorj tue;r peac f uj slumbe'rs sometimfj. midnight to j find that a poornfortanate' negro girl parading lltretts, half naked j cud half Starw,. Jrivpn from hnmn and frieodsjtijoyj; m0Eey or where to lay her.tead. She claimed to be from Jbemarle and said she had ame is Harriet Moore, so she say?, end when asked what her father's rame was she gave us to understand that it was "Jack." The last seen of her was at - Brown's livery stable t daybreak, but soon afterwards d "ken the sneak," e 1'Ufnre Should Ktaud. AsheviJle Citizen convins the ifeWS' Cna'VSl's Of thp wntin thio State upon which tke RepiHdican campaign coramitte made it decisis notto send campaign funde can be further elcuidated. Harnsoa vote in 1888 was 134,000; in 1892 was 100,000 about; showing that of the Populist vote of 4-1,000 for Weaver m 1802 about 34.000 were drawn from the Republican party The figures this fall should stand, Democrats 150,000; Republicans and Populist, combined, Charlotte News. 130,000. l ull ol History. . There is a t ree cu Gen. James I) 0 k nii'a f arm, in the Meadows, thai liiei.Si.rtS' tfioaty feet ia circumfer ones and siiudts an acre of ground a hen its foliage ia full. It budded aad the leaves put out last spring, bat they died. Another tree on the place tears the name of Wm. Byrd n n I the year -1732, cut by Byrd him .if. Both trees are. oak. The Gcueral's farm is a part of the Rojal grant to Wm. Byrd, who surveyed the "Land of Eden,' "Gen; Farley won it from the noted surveyor in a game of poker, and cold it to Wm. Broduax, the father of Dr. Brodnax. Is descended from the last named" gentleman to his nephew, the pres ent owner. An office built by Gen. Farley. before the Revolution is still standing and in good state of prcser vatqn. ; ;The shingles were put on with i t'-wroa'cht' nails. Reidsville .WekTy. -' '. - . I!o!i.' WnKhed Ashore- Jackson ville, Fla., Oct. 4 A ieciaTfrom Key West says that fifty ead bodies, victims of the xfiecks eccuring on the reefs during thp-recent storm, have been washed ashore on the isJands. The dead "kre evidently sailors from the vessels destroyed, although the length of time which has eiasped Bince the storm has rendered the bodies urn identifiable through decomposition. The probabilities are that many more of these ghostly evidence of the hurricane's fury will be brought to light in a few days. -Fire BonetHs. Teacher You may tell ns7 Tom my, some of the ways ia which the element of fire confres u benefit to the hamaa race. Tommy (who knows something ol his father's - biisiness methods) When the amount of insurance ex ceeds the value of stock on hand. Chicago Record. - FOB THE HEAUNU OF THE NATIOAS, Manic Blood Baiiii TOE. GREAT 80FlEK!l EFJIIBT roK All Skin and Blood Diseases It purifiesj builds up and enriches EStto cure the most inveterate DL.KJVJU OfwIlM LIIO" PASRS. if rfirertinns ar fol- ) lowed. Thousands of grate- 4 ful people sound its praises and attest its virtues. WRITE for Book of Won derful Cures, sent free on ap plication. If not klpt bv vour local druegist, send i.oo for large bottle, or f 5-oo for .six bpttles, and medicine will be sent, freight paid, Dy BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, 1ft "X. 1 IS 3 TOWN AiV COUNTY. Workmen are repairing the cotton platform. ; The rainy day cuts the Standard short of local news today. Mr. D L Bost aad family have nioyed into the Fitzgerald house en North Main' street. ; ' Miss. Laura Parish has gone to Aeheville. She will teach in the mountains this year. Mr. Fred 'Swink has received a car-load of cattle from Stanly. He took them out to the farm. The N. C. Christian Advocate prints a picture of Bev. J C llilgo, president of Trinity College. He u yet very young looking. A sale of the personal property at the Nugget mine took place' near Georgeville, Wednesday. Id the evening things got lively: The Rowan Fair is a failure or else it is not going on at all, if we are to judge by the Salisbury Herald. The paper says nothing about it. The New South Club is preparing to admit visitors for ten days. Presi dent Swink has had' cards printed for the use of members. Your attention is called to the very interesting statements made in the new ,.tad".of that enterprising, wide-awal rtn, the Xowe p. . Orer the'hills, valleys, rivers and forests, the Standard ? congratulates Dr. O M Payne. His household has, another bright and promising addi tion. . , . .,, , . .. The successful ikiights at the tournament of the Rowan Fair are: HKrider, Jno. B F; - Mr. D P Dayvault's dray driver, while hauling Eome lime, was thrown off, iwo barrels falling on him. The colored man was right painfully hurt, The authorities have ruu a.' fence a closed fence from -the Graded School building to the Anthony lot., The girls will have their - play ground next to the Baptist church and the boys will take, the grounds on the north eide of tha fencei'-' f A train backed into a wagon at the Kerr street crossing last night. Clem Cowan, col., was on, the wagon but jumped and kept his horse from being killed by holding him until the train which was going slow could bi stopped. The wagon was torn to pieces, Salisbury Herald. Miss Delia, the 18 year old daugh ter of Mr. David Parks of ntar Enochvilie, died Tuesday night of fever. This is the second death re cently in that family. A Bhoit time ago Mr. Hugh Parks, a brother of this young lady and a member of the class of '94 at Davidson College died. It is truly an afflicted family. The Laura Sunderland School, er roneoutly called "White Hall," is preparing, to open. Everything is in readiness. Misses J Stephens,! Kerns and Allicon, of Hopewell, Mecklenburg county,' and Misses Corrie and Prndie Lewis and En phenia Robinson, of Gaston county, arriyed Wednesdayeyehing to enter Sunderland. R?y. W C Alexander, the pastor elect of the First Presbyterian church ; has arriyed. The manse was in great part refurnished. Mr. Alexander's family will follow in the course of seveial weeks. . The people of Concord, irrespective of denominational: tduliations , gives Mr. Alexander .. cordial v. wel come, he. First ( Presbyterian church is to he congratulated "upon the securing so able and affable pas tor without anyelayl . ," . The Standard has an abiding fairb in the saving qualities of the Demo, cratic party of Cabarrus. Just as sure as election day comes, jmt f o sure will the entire ticket from Sheriff Mqrri30a don to Coroner be elected. . No one" is expecting any other result'. And the Populist can not say :' "fraud" either. . We &tg sure that hot a single; bney-xm -lbs Populist ticket has much -mora tnarj a fainting hope of election. 'It just one of those . examples. of. ?'al long -a8-life-there.B.vbope" casei with them. Salisbury Herald, of the i ,4th . Misses Rose Harris, Grace Gibsot, and Lall Hill, and Messrs ; Geo,. L Patterson, Frank L Smith, Jno. F. York, RLKeeslf rand J P Border;, of. Concord.were in the audience at l I opera house, her) last night.' Mr sler and iaa ' THi'lf "are stil among ns. 'The others haye returned home. i tne opera nnusc neriasi njgj. on' th&day'of election every patriot Keesler and .Miss .HilL are BtiUTaK1.t-;t ahh'iAmi tnT-fh r s Mr. E E Gribble was in the city He is now living' at NewelrVN. C. When will we have the 'telephone ia operation." : r' ' i - There are 443 ' students at th Univeriity. : j Your attention- is called . to the mortage sale by , . Mr. J A Rankin, trustee. ,: , r,. The yearly protracted ; meeting at Forest Hill Methodist church will begin a week from next Sunday. Rev. T W Smith is conducting a very succesf ul reviyal at Cannon ville. Much interest is manifested. The sale of revenue stamps in Statesville for September amounted to $15,9.90,97. When a merchant stops advertis ing people get the idea into their heads that his "business is going down." Only one marriage license has been issued up to date this mou h. that one to a colored couple Augustus Culp to Rhoda Miller. The much talked of Jabez Myers, of Charlotte, has reached New York. He is reported on the road to speedy and permanent recovery. Mrs. E C Black, near Pionef r Mills, Cabarrus county is dead. She was 80 years of age. - She was the mother of -Mr. - Jack Black, - of Charleston. t.- . A - 'Squire D H Ridenhour, of No. 8 township, was in the city. "He' has been having ' chills. It had been thirty-eight years since he had h d a chill np to Monday.', " George F;Pell,, formerly of, the Mt. Airy Nawg.Jia8 en ieres-' school zree. for So cht.nic Qf Concord, has - met fcerions loss in ' Chester, S.- CiV; He got his right hand in a piece of tnj chmery, losing tbe thnmb and two fingers. '" A.. lady was asked by a Standard man if Bhe had any news. Her re ply was that If she had heard any thing . worth' noticing she could not remember it; 'as she could , think of nothing but that fall hat. - Some one who was evidently hungry "swipped" a basket of din ner from a wagon in the lot in rear of D P Dayvault's stoie. We do not .know the party that was loser, but we saw the empty basket. Mr. Kimbro J Davis, who has been in the Odell mill here for a year or more, has accepted a position as superintendent of a mill at By num's. Chatham county. Mr. Dayis has many waim. friends here and we hate very much to lose him. The Standard will have to retract it3 statement us to the hole in the sidewalk in the front of Smithd'eal & Morris's. A nice little pond is there and Mr. Penick Query is hard at work on a boat he is building for his own private use. Liter: it is now filled. ' -Durbani Sun': "Frank'Robbinfl, of Concord, superintendent of the Can non Cotton Mills, arrived in the city today on a visit to R L Patters son." Mr. Robbins lives in China Grove and is not superintendent of the Cannon cotton mills, but of ine Patterson Mills. Rev. Jim Scherer, brother of Rev. Scherer, of Concord, and Lutheran missionary to Japan from the North Carolina Synod, was married recent ly to a Mi83' Brown, an American lady acid also a missionary to Japan. She was "sent "by the 'Northern Presbyterian- church? - - - W bflaleveralboys were'eh un king rocks and "sticks at "locusts "this, Saturday morning on Spring street, opposite Che graded "school a'etray rbek f elfbu the head of a small col ore 1 gir and hurt her right Beverly. Boys Bhonld b'e more careful in throw iog rocks,' especially on the street. , - Th Governor has offered a reward pf 100 for the capture and convict ion of. ;the unknown'.-person enrier-' son8wh(niirdW Mr. Jas. Brown, a CotUni miU superBtendentin' !CV tawba couity Jas.week. ' it will "be rememberd;t.hairpw'n went to his istore to watchjjfor jurglars;nd?Was killed ny. the .attef. afer ' a ffibfe fiKbt- V:''''v: :V;--' If there is a township. In the jco'unv ty 'ta-which a Democratic 'cfuVhas not, yet been 6rgarifzedi( no' "time shjBujd. be. lost jnrforming'oiie. .We are going to'whip this ght,,'but i pr gankation' is .absolutely necessary to do it,and from' now until snnV set succf 'a party that has giyen us goovKovernment, LITTLE SVAPH. A'Popnljs Jbiits a sil ver dollar carrietl in 1894. It takes their thunder. Buck Kitchen was at Salisbury Friday. They say he weeps great big tears when he begins to tell about the Democratic party having Lft him. ' , Buck Kitchen gays that everybody down east knows that Faycloth is not fit to be Supreme Court Justice, and that on a recent trip to the west he teamed that Furches was even less fit. Buck, you know, is a priest and apostle of Populism, and , hie opinions should nave weight with the party. , A beetle can " draw twenty times i's own weight." So can a mustard plaster. "" No man eyer t. et had - money enough to by either good taste or breeding. A Georgia boy thought to be lost was found on the bank of a river, where he had been fishing steadily for three days. Who got up the petiMon to Sir- M L Buchanan ? Mr. C E Birringe wants to know. . The Greensboro College Associa tion is to be congratulated on the very wise and happy selection of a successor to the late .Dr, Reid. Dr. Norman is intensely popular and an earnest, able worker. . . ' The Georgia election takes place next Wednesday. It is time for the wild ones to get their mouths ready to cry "Fraud.". They would do it St. Peter personally- watched eiy pptice.-- -- : Col. OiiverjDoCkeryfs not to run in the, 6th Congressional district. It its to be left alone to Preccher Poli tico Martin. It was hoped that Jeems Lockart was to have somebody against him to make a campaign. The tariff bill provides a tax of 2 cents on all playing cards -"spotted cards." This makes a revenue of $1,000,000 annually. Peffer wanted to raise this tax on a direct tax on land. This is the kind of stuff that our Populist frienas are asked to support. Those who are sincere and have the best interest of the country at heart will not do it. You gentlemen, who think the Populists have swept the country: What think you of Tennessee, Alas bania, Arkansas and Georgia ? That cyclone which struck Ar kansas Tuesday night was one of the mjst terrible on record. The ruins at the Insane Asylum are,par ticularly sad. . The Concord correspondent writes the Charlotte Observer "Mr. A L Butt made $67 CO for the three nights he 'exhibited his panorama here. He left for Salisbury this morning." The effects of a 65scent advertisement in the Standard. There will not be a total eclipse of the suu until the 21st century. We will have to wait a long time. If Buck Kitchen, the Populist campaigner, wants to convince any one that he is a Democrat he ought to quit going about the State with a blind bridle on that chain to the bridle reyeals him. . . ; Judge Dick of Greensboro, will vote for Judge Shepherd for chief justice. i He can't swallow Faircloth, the fusion candidate Websters Weekly. All this shows the tide. ' I In Russia people over 80 years old a.-e prohibited by law from marry ing ; and they are not allowed to marry o i er fire times This is a pretty liVeral matrinionial law. Copvict "adftirti. ".' 7 Mr: ,If W ".Smith, superintendent o'f theCaoarf us convict gang was oyer yesYef day.' Mr.' .Smith stands euardeV' 'S'mei). He was - taken ye3fterdtay6ut to- Se Jlecklenburg'a campa'Si was ' greatly pleased with . Tne convicts -have worked tneir way on'tbe.Statesyille read as far as Dr. Irwin's, and on I the Dil worth boulevard as far as Mr. Rigler's. The' work on boik roada is progressi ing well. Charlotte Observer, j .When tramps ask; for pie it would be a good idea to offer them a cake of soap. . Highest of all in Leavening Power." Latest U.1 ABSOLUTELY: FlB THAT (iOP.IA ELF.CTIOW. Georgia, old Geoigia, Tom Wat son's State, is again on record. The old State is still in the col umn where all gcod States are found. Georgia is Democratic and always will be it is just like North Carolina, .' The majority for the "Democrats in Georgia at the election on Weds nesday ranges between 30,000 aEd 50,000. They had the great disease of fus ion down in Georgia. They fused eh? YeB they fused and fusion got mopped up and cleaned up. It will be ia order now for fusion sympathizers to cry "fraud." The better element of no political party will consent for the chosen few to make an unholy alliance by which political honor, principles and per. sonal opinion are to be sold, bartered or traded upon. Humanity has not come to that point when a few men can bargain and deliver the honestly held opinions of men and try to af fect a mixture that will not mix any more than oil and water. It will be refreshing to hear the explanations of the Populist mana gers of North Carolina upon the bad defeat of fusion in Georgia. Those whom they claim as followers JSjTlwant to know from them what hit fiislovJn Georgia. They fused' in Tennessee wha was the resuit'J' They fusefl in Arkansas what was the result.' " ' ; They fised in Alabama was the result? -what They fused in Georgia what was the result? They have fused in ; North'" Caros lina what will be thg.igsulj! Any child that can read, see signs and put two and two together knows just what is in store for fusion in North Carolina. All over the State sincere thinking Populists are retir ing from the unholy alliance' put on them by their political managers. The sincere Republicans are turning their backs upon tbe fusion. Here's the list : Tennessee, Arkani sas, Alabama aud Georgia. Send along some more fusion. POLITICAL SOTLS. The fusion business maiager, Gideonite Sotho Wilson, refuses a joint canvass. The Republican chairman is willing but says he's turned the whole business to the Gideonite. Greene has just had a large Demo cratic convention. Speeches were made and several Populists were con verted. Harry Skinner, who used to cuss the colored people, presided at the fusion convention in Pitt county on Wednesday. The triangular congressional can didates spoke at Trinity on Wednes day, Dr. Ried Parker appeared for Stroud, tbe Populist. Only one-fourth cf a column is taken up by the People's Party cam p&ign book on tbe subject of tariff. The book contains 124 pages. Bock Kitchen and C W Tillet had a joint discussion, Thursday night in Charlotte Old Buck is not all Populist. Msj Robbins captured his audience in Monroe on Thursday. N ew Way to Lay Onl the Bep.-Popn. With one of the places of regis tration at an undertaker' establish ment with a tombstone yard next door, Democrats should have no trouble in "laying 'em out." Greensboro Record. In one of the wards in Statesyille the registrar is a tombstone man and registers, tbe yoters atj hid office I in tne midst of his marble yard. In another ward the registrar is a men chant and he registers the voters in his store, which adjoins an under taking establishment. ' . These are eyil ofH.for the cohi. fuBionisti SirtesT "ark. L GEO. MILLS CONFESSES. Iana M'imuerly'H Father Is in Jail Charge of Murder. Perhaps the dirtiest and most at rocious crime known in the annals of North Carolina courts has been unravelled in the Superior Court of Wake county. The trial has been on this week and it is too dirty for cold time to picture and carry into homes. Our readers will remember the case George Mills was jailed on the charge of seducing i ing Miss Iana Wimbefly, county. She wa3 a niece of his. The unravelling of the case an net work woven around Georj Mills not only fastened him to but pat each strong suspicion Wimberly, tbe father of tbe mt dered girl, that the judge isau? bench warrant for Wimberly on charge of having a band in tl murder. r The case went to the "grand jfi and George Mills was called befo that body and in being .questioned so clcsely he. cenfessed the whole thing, and his tale sounds straight Tbe g'rl the poor dead girl was no: virtuous ia life her own brothers had taken her virture; and :he family, without the knowledge of Iana, held a conference to devise plans to get rid of Iana . One can not keep from believj Mills tale. He is a simpleton, i and his confession and stater eeecj geunire. ; .T3enttncelia8 he upon Mills. V CroMMl i lie Deadline. - y Theordinanca prohibiting hotel and carriage porters from creating a nuisance at the depot in rushing up to the cars when a train comes in and soliciting patronage in a boister ous, hurry-like fashion, has for some time been violated to no little ex tent, but Chief Roger has put a stop to it for a time at least. Friday night vt hile beating around the depot he witnessed this great nusiance and toll the boys to ap pear at tbe Mayor's "court thisr Siturdty moiLin. Four of the porters appeared and submitted, paying a fine of $5.35 each. The deauline is there and when it i8cro8sed by the porters, they con fuse and worry the passengers no little, and we approve of the efforts being made to stop it Ilucklen's Arnica halve. The Best Salve in tbe world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sail Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiblains, Coma and all tkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P. B Fetzer s Drug store Right Arm Paralyzedl Saved from St. Vitns DanceT "Our daughter, now fit - SMuy Mtx afflicted with nervousness, and haoT & the entire use of her right arm. We feaxed St. ViMw dance, and trie the best physicians, with do benefit. She .has taken three-bottles of rr. Milea Hervine and has gainer'' pounds. Her nervousness and t tomsofSt. Vitus; dance are en. gone. Bhe attends school retfut and nas recovered complete n her arm, her appetite is splendid , MBS. R. & BUIXOOK. Brisatoa. H. Y. Dr. Miles Nervine ' i teen years ot ThVv failure. ... jar. .. , - - ; Cures.:'"-- f Dr. Ultes Nnrrine Is Bold on " rnarantee that the first bottla will , Ail druKRisU ell It at II, bottlr it will be sent, prepaid, on rec-.-t i,t i For sals byall drngjtt, "'v.'