ITOB. v . . - JCABARB0S CO0NT, N. C. O?,; OCT. 10, 1894. - NDARD: 000,000.. to the revenues, or the dovernment, thus saving to the people that huse sum in taxeB upon the household necessaries. : Do not forget that the 579 men who grew sugar cane in 1893, re ceived from the (ax payerB against cast over tae civiiizeworlin'W republican newspapers of the north and east, borne of, these lies were invented in bebuf of the republican party and oth irs for the benefit of western land syndicates: but no mat ter what fieir origin their effect has 10 TICKET, ember 6, '94, St. For State Treasurer Samuel McD. . Tate, of Burke. JUDICIAL TICKET' For Chief Juatice'of the Rnnreme Court James E. ShepheTd, of Beanlort. lor- Associate Justices Walter Clark, of Wake ; .James C. Mc Rea, of Cumberland ; Armistead Burwell, of Mecklenburg. SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES. Third District-Jacob Battle, cf Nash. Fourth District William R. Allen, of Wayne. Eighth District Bejamin F. Long, , of Iredell. uinm uisinci niiiiam ni. we -1 TIT?,,? T". m Watauga. Iftb District Henry B. Carter, ' Buncombe. p Congress 7th District : ?HN S. HENDERSON. Of Rowan, jlicitor 8th Judicial District: tEMERYE. RAPER, Gf Davidson. fN. 0. Senate 24th District: T. J. JEROME, of" Stanly. COUNTY TICKET. For Representative II S Puryear For Sheriff L M Morrison. For Treasurer Jno. A Cline. For Clerk Court Jas. C Gibson, for Register Jno. K Patterson. Ep!oroner C A Sherwood. tareyoi Jno. II Long. Itton-Weigher F A Archi. BE ACTIVITY. itforth Carolina is a Democratic State Cabarrus is a Democratic county, certain. But with all this we fear too many Democrats are resting entirely too easy over confi dence in the outcome. A simple majority is not what we want, but 'we want the full strength polled that toe majority may be an over whelming one and one that will be a regular eyeopener to th adversaries. We want no apathy we want no indifference. We want every Demos crat to have the courage of his con victions to express them; act them and thereby exert a good influence among his neighbors. . Don't stop an-J say "I wish this" or ! wish that" let your personal disappointments rest and jump in . with' your might for the sake of pa triotism and right. Don't be satis fied with what you are doing until you have done all you can. See that yonr name is properly registered. Don't take it for granted see to it yourself. Vote the Democratic ticket through clean through. Do this at the election, but work now-work, .the pride that heir will, the sum. cf $11,114,200 been to convince the people of Europe; capitalists and immigrants, that tb'J south is inhabited by white savagep who go about shooting and burning negroes and others. This is the position the south oc cupies before the world; and the re suit has been to keep out of this country an immense amount of cap ital and a large number of immis grants. We are not sure that the south has really lost anything by that, but northern financiers, who are more than half crazy about for eign capital, conld well afford to shed a few tears over the situation. The capital would have been hand led from the north and the northern newspapers, by slandering the south, have robbed some of their moBt es teemed subscribers of large sums of i money in the shape of commissions. So far as tbe British anti-lynching committee is concerned, it is au af fair entirely harmless. It is made np of a lot of old grannies who wanted an opportunity to bring their bath-tubs to this country. Tbe contempt of Jthe British news papers is wasted on them.vf They will go home no wiser than they came, and their visit here only de monstrates anew the force of the old saying that all the fools are not dead yet. Atlanta Constitution. in bounty. The Kepublisans that voted this bounty to 579 men failed to give bounty to any other class cf farmers. The new Demo cratic tariff cures this wrong, re moves this evil, repeals this iniquity, this special class legislation. Louisia na got $10,868,896. The bounty-fed 500 have gone to the .Rads, who fed them out of the bounty spoon at the expense of the 'country at large. Such men are not Democrats. Do not forget that there are 82 items in the old tariff that are not reduced in thi new. They are cer tain luxuries mainly for the rich. Do not fojget that theie are 53 items in which the tax is increased. Of these are diamonds, hog?, sugar, precious fctones, dressed meats, mahogany, etc. Do not forget that the wasteful, spendthrift Republicans actually ran np the pension expenditures of the last year of the Cleveland ad ministration for first ! term, from $86,000,000 a very great, a most monstrous sum to $160,000,000, of the last year of Harrison's oppressive extravagant administration. Do not forget that Generals Grant and Garfield both said that $30, 000,000 annually for pensions were enough. The Harrnon gang made it more than five times as much. Do not forget that under Cleve land's second term and in the first year some $25,000,000 are saved to the people in the redaction of pen sions, a - great part ol them being fraudulent. No honorable soldier j who deserved a pension lias been de prived of it. Do not forget the repeal by the Democrats of the infamous Election Laws, and f that by their repeal an actual saving to the people has been made of $450,000 each year. Think of that. Yon are relieved -ftT econndrelly measure of oppression, and of nearly a half hri'lion dollars m tax every year. Do not forget that Populist Tef- fer, the leading Senator of that gang of theorisers, dreamersjand im practicables, advocated in the Sen ate putting the entire taxation upon the people's lands and homes. That is to raise $450,000,000 npon your farms and let the millionaires, the greedy monopolists, the great ra:K roaa corporations, tne great sugar and other trusts, the opulent; people everywhere, the Ealoons, the gamb ling dens, the vices, to go untaxed, and the people owning lands to pay it all. That is Populism. It means ruin. Wilmington Messenger. -MhMM jority. lark fat. Every one netting to swell the an ion can get yourself inter ested first, then look after your neighbor. Do you wish the .return of the days? You all know what t means. - four love of patriotum, your fealty to the safest party of the age, ronr bounded duty to the State, to pur family and to yourself calls . yon the giving of time and eni gy in the interest of the success of tae party, the only party that has ever done anything for us. .The Wilmington Messenger wisely "That man best serves his conn try now who will wear a genuine whoae-of-jirinciple, stand by the Zht, -strife to 'do his duty in a . ? bonest war. and help thereby ,i jhe State while taking care -Own best interests." '1 .... 1 ,ioiJiMte ho. " . 01 lorgei mat me new iariu rpnta tax on playing cards by -tich 11,000,000' will be raised to 'pay the running' expenses of the forget : that tbe tax . on t ..its-!-voluntary drinks and self-'- falgent luxuries was so in 1 1 "AJfTI-lVXCHIXU COMMITTEE." Some of the leading organs of British public opinion are begin ning to show signs of irritation over the dieplay of stupid fanaticism in dulged in by thQae Englishmen who formed themselves into a committee for the purpose of visiting this coun try and inves:igating the charges of indiscriminate lynching, murder and assassination brought against the people of the south by a negresa named Ida Wells. The London Times and The Pall Mall Gazette, especially, seem to. have suddenly opened-theHTeyes to the position in which the members of this British investigating committee have placed themselves; and these organs of British opinion proceed to adminis ter a solemn rebuke, couched in language as serious and as dignified as the gifted editors are able to com mand. The Pall Mall Gazette goes so far as to characterize these twofor-a nickel philanthropists as "irrespon sible English busy-bodies," whose mission is a piece of impertinence. The Times, on the other hand, gives ponderous expression to the fear that the committee's efforts will have "the effect of multiplying the num ber 'cf negroes hanged, shot or burned, not only in Alabama, but throughout the south." In this way the Thunderer manages to adminiss ter a scathing rebuke to the commit tee, and at the same time to put on record its estimate of American civil ization. We are just gay enough over here, according to the Times, to rebuke the British imbeciles who have come here to investigate mat ters by hanging, shooting and burn ing an extra number of negroes. Our readers need not imagine that the Times has any special prj udice to air, or that the expression of its fear is intended as a slur. It is per fectly serious, Iteditor takes his cue f romJtK' al lies and inven- little snars. Mrs Lease, of Kansas, sayB wom an suffrage wouldn't do anything to improve politics morally, for a wom an on the stump would call another woman a liar, &c, just as quick as Bhe wonld flip a slap-jack, if she got her dander up. 0 The population of France has steadily decreased in the last 12 years. This is due to the biith rate fallirg bjlow the death rate rather thajijo emigration. Unless some change srl e made in bis plans. President Cleyeland will not return to Washington nnti October 20. When a man is dead drunk his wife is sure to kick. It's different -when he's only dead. "I'll give you a light," said the bull as he tossed the man over the fence. The Bankok Times, published in far-off Siam, says that a new induss try m that country is likely to have important development. MIt is the tanning of elephants' skins, which make, it is said, excellent carpets, though they have the disadvantage of being very expensive. They should, on the other hand, be prac tically indestructible, as the skin, when tanned, is nearly two inches in thickness. "For a town not yet six months old," says the New York Evening Post, "West Beach, pn the shores of Lake Worth. Fla.. shows a remark able deyeloproent. It .became a community cf nearly 800 people within six months of the time its first business structure was boilt Really and truly what has become of John J Ingalls ? He is not even mentioned in these piping times. o The sale of the R. D. to the Southern Railway Company ;is try ing to be set aside by a man who wants (14,500 for the killing of his father before the change of names. 0 The Pops and Reps, of Guilford county, couldn't fuse. It was tried Saturday bat failed. A. Duel to the Death. A sensational Bhootiug affair took place in Early county, Georgia, last Thursday, resulting in the killing of a Third party man named Weaver by a young man named Chambers, a Democrat. On Tuesday night be fore the election some miscreant, unknown, had maliciously placed a lot of fence rails and pine sticks in the public road. . Chambers said he believed some d d Third Party man did it, and Weaver took ex ceptions to it. Weaver said Chamb ers would have to take that back what he said. The difficulty was prevented that day, but the next day (Thursday, Weaver waylaid Chambers oa the road, and when he came aloDg in his wagon' he ats tempted to pull lim off, telling him that he had to take his whipping Both men drew" their revolvers, and opened fire the fassilade resulting in Weayer being; mortally wounded, only living three hours, while Chambers escaped unhurt. Fifty thousand feet of weather boarding, flwring, ceiling and rough lumber orJuaad, and cannot benn- ARTHUR ALEXANDER Writes to the Ntandard and We Print it ma it is Wrlttea. . Mr. Editor: 1 wish to speak ' a few words to the republican voters of this County, especially the' Col ored. Now we Colored people of this County are republicans,, and we know that there is only room in this County for two political partys and we don't purpose to sacrifice onr principles for no new theory or set of .office seekers thata more agains us then the democratic party Is; give us a republican ticket and we will vote it every time but away with your democratic republican populieho fusion Confusion Com pound Confound prohibition Com. bynation doctrine, we don't purpose to Swallow no such! stuf, if we vot the republican ticket and get whip ed, it will be nothing more then the democrats did for thirty two years to get Controle of the national gov ernment but theyjdid not sacrifice there princeples to gratify a few 1 - Mr sorebeaded officeseekers, and we are not going to do it. Now the mtele gent pops, are going to vote for men that adyocat there doctrines, do thes republicans do it? No, no, no, they don'-, and nevr will, but a few lool negrop, not in my township, but els where, and ignorent white men are going to swallow the, whole rotten thing, but I am here to tell you, the Colored voters of No. one township of Cabarrus County N C, are not going to sacrifice there prin ceples for the simple gratifications of few soscalled reforme democrats, we know them well we work with them and for them every day, we know for a fact that they are the meanest element of the democratic party. Now they are telling us Negros that the democrats are going to pass the Australian ballot system Now we know that to be the blacks absurdity if tbe demoeratio party had wanted the Australian ballot system they Could have had it long ago and because I am telling you the truth the pops will tell yon that I am a democrt"Ltitthe demo crats writ papers thei vglace aimcee me vot, and then talv. and as to the latter Charge, pleas tell yonr uncle pop' that I said, if they want what they call a first class democratic republican . populistic Compound Confound prohibition Combynation nonsense article writen up to let me know it and 1 will write it up for them free of Charge, if they will .agree to not alow it to go to the press for my honest resion I wonlnent beleive it mysealf and my honeste would not alow me to de ceive anyone els, 1 want to say right here too, if the Vestibule or the man that write and Composes what they Call Democratic prayers, wonld writ truths and business and teach there brother pops to say the Lord's prayer, they would do more good, I doutif many of them know I beleive they Commit a great sin in useing the reverence that belong to ther Almighty Maker in that way, Now the pops tell you that the re publicans and peoples party are, uBited, on the election law. Now that is a mistake, those eoreheaded office seekers are united in trying to forme what they call behind your back, a vhite mans party, the rank and file the true blues of the repub lican party want the Australian bal- o system, they want to otop every ignorent negro and poor white man from voting, do that look like unit ing, Not a bit of it, but Dr. J J Mott, two years ago advocated the S. C, election law, and ho is one of tne chief engineer of this whole rot ten scheme, witch law is worst than all others, I do not wish to enter in to any discussion with any one, I only wish to speak the sentiments of myself and my township. Now I want to say a word in regard to this Negro racket, the democrats are afraid to use it, and tbe paps dare not use it, because they (tbe pois) are already dead so far as tbe negros it concern, we do not look for tbe meleannm through the democratic party, and petaer do "we look for it yon pops, we know bow well yon love us, we know bow much more yon want onr entrei represented by our aelfs before the Bar, and in tbe jury Box, then the democrats do you Cant fool us Negroes, we know you too well. Now Mr. Editor will you pleas pardon me for intruding upon your valuable columns. Yours for right and justis, ' . - J. Arthur Aiexander, Harnsburg, N. C, the battle field, with tearless eyes, but we can :ver look on one whose feet are just pressing the thresh-hold of woman hood, young and lovely, woman, without the very fountain of life being turned to tears. A ,chid of- the covenant, she early received tlie outward seat, and be fore she completed her 12th year took upon herself the vows of a Christian, coufessed Christ as" her Say four, and was received into the full fellowship of Beth page Presbyteria n church. Sin was a member and regular attendant of the Sab bath school, also a very active member of one of the Toung People's bands, in which she always manifested her willing ness to work for the Master. She will indeed be missed, because her place is empty. To those of the band who are left behind, whose work is not yet finish ed, we. would say, emulate her example, and that while you bow la submission to this ad dispensation of Providence, yon may rejoice too, because she Is with the Saviour, waiting for you just "beyond the rivet." "Be ye therefore also ready, for the son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not." To the desolate and .bereaved family, may they have given unto them "beauty for ashes, the oil of ioy for mourning, and the earment of praise for the spirit of Heaveness." In submission may they feel that for her to fall asleep was to wake into joy eter nal, unto rest evermore, unto endless victory over sin, unto perfect union with Christ, unto likeness with god; For her, "to live was Christ," to die was gain. Her sleep no earthly waking knows. It is the undisturbed repose Of those who die on earth, and wake Where waves of sorrow never break. A. p. I. Japan Bcttrr Surrender. Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 6. The latest discovery of de structive machinery is the in vention of a Fort Worth man, Gen. F M Clarke, late Secre tary of the Chamber of Com merce. The invention is called the electricalfish shaped tor pedo, to be naval war fare. It has been tested and works to perfection. The torpedo can be so controlled by electrical appliances that It can be projected against war ships and blow them tojatoms. Gen. Clarke Jlleft tonight for New York to complete a deal sftt-iAaA iVAwAirnTnAnf ' The Uhinese are to pay $1,000,000, of which sum the inventor is to receive $600,000 and his partner, Col. Fred Grant, the remaining $400, 000 . General Clarke received a check for $5,000 from the Chinese government to pay hi3 expenses in consurrm ating the great deal. i The invention is not a pat ent as the chemical combina tion forming the explosives are a secret known to the inn ?entor only. aUel Skin. Ea t Says the Sampson Democrat ; "A new skin having grown upon Mr. Butler, ihe is now desirous of meeta ing Mr. Glenn again. Will This Ceme t Paw- The Court "What's the charge in this divorce cse, Sutterby vs. Sutterby?" The Applicant Attorney. "FaiN nre to support, your Honor." The Court. "The husband would not pay for her sustenance is that it?'' The Applicant's Attorney "No, your Honor. She was a candidate on a Fopuliat ticket and he voted for a Democrat. Exchange. IK MEIWORIABI. "He giveth Bis beloved sleep." . Died at her home in Rowan county October 2, 1694, of typhoid fever, Miss Anna Bell Parks, aged 18 yeari 2 months and 8S dava. The funeral ser vices were conducted by her'pastor, W M 8haw, from that beautiful and ap propriate text, "but soma have fallen asleep," found In 1st Cor. 15tL 6 verse. We may look .upon death: In all its forms, m may see the lmfant slaking down like a stricken flower to the grave, I'eM, Why Kot. Farmer. "Marthari've a notion to jine the Populists." . Wife. "Why, Abner, you don't know politics from puddin' !" Farmer. "Well ?" Death r Mrs. BV rahardt. Mrs. Bethe EaffiMrdt died Tues day cyenicg at her home in "No. 5 township of jaundice. She was about 60 years of age. Mrs. Earn hardt was a member of Mt. Oilead Reformed church. The fuLeral was held at that place today (Wednes day), conducted by EeV. B Frank Davis. Mrs Earnhardt was the mother of Mrs. G C Blnme, of our city. Did Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for troubles? If not get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female complaints, exerting a wonderful di rect idnuence in gidng strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss appetite, constipation, Headache, fainting spells, or are nervous sleep lees, excitable, melancholy or troubl ed with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Lf rge bottles only fifty cents at Fetzer'a LVug store Wanted. Solicitors with reference, wanted by the largest, strongest and most progressive live stock insurance corns pany in the w1"'3' Liberal con tract and big ind'jcen,en';8 to both agent3 and insur- Address at once, with stamp Aetna Mutual Live Stock lnsurancip0- 100 S. 10th St Philai Pa- 3ts A young married man, former resident of Concord, but now living in a large Southern city, tooki'8 little child to the (Ireat BamuiLl Circus to see the baby elephant. The child was so delighted at seeing it and bo anxiouB for one, he has since promised to get one if obtainable and writes to a prominent man here to know if the Populists of 0 county could not furnish hu it. It is a well known fact th Pops have an elephant on hands, we wouldn't advise this gentleman to trusf such an elephant with him scTchild when the whole Populist can't manage it. WAKE UP ! GKET PROCESSION ! and keep up with the times. Every wide awake, shrewd buyer will grasp the opportunity yon never had such a chance m your life. We Lame prices that will Kill Competition startle tbe people and paralyze competitors. Tf you are not satisfied with evejy purchase made here, we will cheerfully refnnd the money on all guuus iiuK urn. voms wnere you can O A -t TTTV ' TV rf'-V TV V -r T- 5,000 yards Indigo Calico. 4o; 3.0D0 ards hear y yard wide Sheeting, 4c; 2,000 yards heavy Drill -inr, 6c; 1.000 yards Small Plaid Ginghams, 4c; 1,000 yards Canton Flannel, ft to 10c; 1.000J, vards fc. Bleached Domestic, 5, 800 yards BSaa 'Island. LADIEEr WINTER VESS, 20c Those who are a judge of goods and kAoV B 1R GAINS when you see Tt listen to. these yIces. Yon can't match their - it is ugelesMiT? run juoi2uxui Single Fold Wool Dress Goods, 8c; Miuch He etta worth 30 for 16c; 36 inch Wy61 Dress worth 35 for 20c; 52 inch Wool Flannel colors wortli 65 for 45c54 inch Flanne siynsu, ouc; mcnHady Cloth fou Herietta worth J&rfSQ for 75$J-v ana o5c, anaget 50 and W here an V 0 I r lore ygr 0 . At BAGGING D TIES Glad-tone Items. The weather is cooler and frost no doubt was near us a few roomings recently, but no one has seen Jack yet in this community. He is ex pected. We had fine weather Sat urday and Sunday, but Monday and Tuesday rain and wind. D H Kidenhour, Esq., of St John's, was seen at Bethel church Sunday at communion service The Squire has bad the chills and came to Stanly to improve his health, we suppose, Two new buildings are going np in Gladstone, and others will fol low soon." A flour mill is talked of at this place. It would be a good location. El4er T W Brown and wife are back from their Annual Conference. TLej will remain here another year at kast. Mr. B D Bangle and Bob Blacks-elder . arrested a prisoner, and while on their way t) Albemarle he made his eucape by "heels take care of the body." No corn gatheied yet, but will be soon. Making sorghum is the order of the day now. Farmers will have a busy time now far about thirty days besides hearing tbe candidates speak and seeing some of their kgs and G. We are supplied with a stock of Bagging and Ties. We have Biggins Ciotb. New Priced Tit s and eecond-hana Bagging and Ties We bought our stock wlie.i the price was low, t.vd can pell yor. cheaper firm we could last year. We initio fi price irst year never before hear t of in the history cf the Lns-iuess. Write us for prices, or cnll to see us when you are reidy to buv. If you will send us youi or ders we promise best atten tion, at the lewest market prices. Yours truly, W. PATTERSON, CONCORD, N. C. Tbe best $4.00 Mackintosh yet seen 11 v it .1 . T . J 1. A. A. , . , Wfc iwi. j v uu-a uub uiaiiei wuitt yuu wmt ill Ltr jotninsr. snoes ana uents' unerwerwear. it wi THE LOWE CO: WE - HAVE - THEM ! CONCOED MARKETS. COTTOIT HAEKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fezer. Good middling. 5 75 Middlings 5 60 Low middling 5 40 S'&iub ... 4 to 5 PRODUCE MABKET. Corrected bv C. W Swink. bacon 10 Sugar-cured bans 11 to 14 Bulk meats, sides ..10 Beeswax r. Butter 15 to 20 Chickens 10 to 20 Corn 70 Eggs 12i Lard 4ll to 12 Flour (North Carolina... 2.C0 Meal 70 Oata J. 40 CLOUGH & WARBEN are in the lead call and see goods and hear pric ;s. CANtfOflS. FETZER & BELL. YORKB &WADSWORTH HlpAoZesaZe and Retail & THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IN THE STATE Ho house in North Carolina can possibly make lower priced on Shelf Goods, Agricultural Implements of the btsat makes Buggies, Wagons, Hacks, Mowers, Guanos and Acids. ' Try their Prices and Quality They've got the Stuff" NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, MT. PLEASANT, N. C. ACADEMIC, COMMERCIAL, AND COLLEGIATE ' COURSES. --OPEN3-N " 1 SEPT. 7, 1893. Amolo Equiomcnt Superior advantage to young men; Instructions thorough and practical; Good brick bnUdiap, Elegant Society Hall. Beautiful and healthful loca k on; No malaria; Good board Wholesome discipline. -Expenses per session of v8 weeks, 103to 145, Jforcat logne, address, : V J, U. LAlUUii A. u., rixx zi ar to add more than $20,- t: -" sown brw'cXrl rmn J. T. Pouxds. tf rthe brave man breathing hh last upon coat tails tremble. 1 Bib. 1 - I

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