contemns "eepeciaiiy tnis tann jaw that has effected all these changes in the interest of the masses. . ITI8 REFOItM CXRTAIJf. "Resolved that all revenues of the government ought to be raised on real estate." On July 9, 1S04, Senator IYrEer, of Kansas, and the leading light cf Populism save Marion Bayer, of North Carolina, introduced this in the Senate of the United States. This is only one of the manj things that have come to light in Congress that show any plain miod that the tendency of the leaders of the Populists is towards rain, ter rible ruin. The greater part of the Populists in North Carolina are farmers, ear nest, sincere men, who have been de ceived and lead away from the truth into wild vagaries, by a systematic, Bly scheming by leaders. That the above resolution eminat ed from Peffer, the acknowledged leader of the Populists, is beyond doubt aa the Congressional Record shows rthe want all the taxespht on land ? They own the land. Would any such proceedure be just, honest? Would it be right to tax the farmer and let go untaxed the bondholders and the great corporations ? And yet this is what the Populist leaders propose to do, We are mistaken in the manhood of North Carolina it such measures receive much support ' EDITORIAL OPISIO'K. Taxation i one of the repressive agencies in government, and perhaps the police thought that by taxing crime they could stop it New York Journal. Maynard, if he has any sense of gratitude, will promptly take the stump for llill. The latter cheer fully took a speaking part in Hays nard'a political obsequies last fall. New York Press. , Maynard'a blot is on the Demo cratic ticket. It cannot be wiped : out. Jt cannot be concealed. New York Tribune. . - China should give up imitating British military and naval tactics and get a Baltimore trolley car with wiich to fight the Japanese. Bal timore Herald. Wool is too mean for anything, -. It keeps going up in price without : seeming to care a ap for the G. (X P. New York Mercury. . ' The. MikadoJe-tfrawing ;well . this " York World. ie?" er mother answerea carelessly, "Ob, to break all to pieces." That night Kathryn was saying her prayer. When she reached the line, "If I should die before I wake," in "Now I lay me," she added quick ly, Please God pick up the pieces." New York Press. Irresistible. Bsok-canvassers should take cour age from a story told by an English lecturer on "The Art cf Bookbir.d ing." A man of their profession had called at a house whose occupant met him with a growl. 'Ii's no use to me. I never read." "But there's your family," said the can yasser. Haven't any family nothing but a cat." Weil, you may want something to throw at the cat. The book was purchased. TCnnte)!. Solicitors with reference, wanted by the largest, strongest and most progressive live stocK insurance corns pany in the world. Liberal J con tract and big inducements to both agents and insured. Address at once, with stamp Aetna Mutual Live Stock Insurance, Co. 00 SaOiiTS W PhiV Ola tHfrrd Rile lor Nix Ttionnnncl Voars. ; Slowly ! Calmly ! Curb your faculty ! I would not startle you. I merely "wisli to say now be prepared that again the record of the world has been broken. Miss Alice Shaping has become Mrs. Jas. Castor, and Miss Lou Phillips is now known as Mrs. Sam Wiley. Strange, strange ;indeed. Though for six thousand years this sacred rite has been celebrated, neither time no usage has dismantled it of its charms and fascinations. To each couple, as they take upon themselves the holy vows, it seems that they are setting a precedent for the world, and they seek to impress the fact upon mankind with all and even more display, than the:r purses will warrant. 'A dash ing horse, a shining buggy and glossy harness, a stylish hat and a "twofor" cigar that is the picture, "U, con sistency, thou art a jewel ! O, bosh, thou art somewhat stuff." The above is the way a cor respondent of the Salisbury Herald sees it. . There is one timejBrtiNBian's life when he eels like getting out of ordis nary waySyAand they have done Just whr'rarshaye done- ' stirs. The leaves hang listless on the trees, and the flowers hold up their heads 10 Heaven to welcome the coming rain. A squad of workingmen are trudging along the road in si lence. Suddenly one of them stumbles and to save himself, he lets go his bag of tools which falls with a clatterjn the dusty road. "Who did that J" he di mantled savagely. A minute later he oilers to fight any one the whole lot. Words lly after words, and the man loses his temper alto gether. They are standing opposite a gentleman's house, and, when the dispute is at its worst, the gate opens, and a little goldenvhaired girl. scarcely more than a' baby, is in their midst before they realize it. I have never seen a more striking scene-the man struck dumb, the child utterly un conscious of her strange sur roundings. The burly man, who imagined himself tripped up, relaxes his clenched fist; the anger dies out of his face. I can hear it now the first ripple of laughter that went round the group of men when ihe little one said : "What's he been cioin' ? Why don't he kiss and be fends V In the baby fa'e they saw what they had missed ; and as the tiny hand3 helped to gather up the tools, a love that perhaps has never grown quite cold, held sway in their hearts. Love what is lovable in others, for in every fallen man there is the germ that may prove the promise of a better, happier, holier life. Do not tears well up in your eyes when you think of the . men and women you have passed by ? What would you say if you saw tomorrow their epi tapis Poorly lived and noorl.v died. , Poorly buried and nobody cried? It is Immense. ..- The largest pumpkin we have seen was at the Fair this year and is now at th9 store of Mr. John" A KinitBons. This pumpkin was raised by Mr. M M Gillon. about twomiies from town, and weighs 108) ponncU. It measures six feet around and two feet in diameter. It's almost a whale. (working force ought to lookfler ts. '. 1 in-ill ypiila, or are nervous sleep- lees, excitable, melancholy or troubl ed with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its U3e. Large bottles only fifty cents at Fetzer's Drug store - If you M'nii lo lie tovcil. Dcn't find fault. Don't contradict people even if you are rignt. Don't be inquisitive about the af fairs of even your most intimate friends. Don't underrate anything because if jou don't possess itv Don't belieye that everybody else in the world is happier than you. Don't conclude that jou havenever had any opportunities in life. Don't believe ali the evil you hear. Don't repeat gossip, even if it dots interest a crowd. Don't go untidy on the plea that everybody knows you. Don't be rude to inferiors m social pOJltlOD. A Household Tr ensure. D W Fuller, of Canajoharia, N, Y., says that he al way s keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has alwas found the very best results follow its use; that he would not te witbot i if prox curable. G A Dykerman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discoyery is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy 30 long tried aud tested. Trial bot tie free at Fetzer's Drug store. Reg ular size 50 c, and $1.00. imeean When a Populist tells you the Democrat tariff bill wa3 framed in the interest of the Sugar Trust aud other special interests, ask him how it was, then, that two Populist Senas tors voted for it as it finally passed the Senate, and that seven Populist Representatives .voted for it and none against it when it got back to the House ? The Standard inun while on his rounds found several ministers cf our city hard at work. They were it different parts of the city and were evidently striving to get a mors sel prepared for their mastication; one was splitting kindling wood and the other wa3 hunting a cook a prevailing scarcity in our city. This wa9 suggestiv '.'Mr Benedict public printer, hes discharged a large number of cm ployees since Congress adjourned. From four to ten. are being dis charged ron every week. Mr. Bene dictsajs that he will continue these discharges until most ,of the lie publicans are turned out i ai.d when a demand for force is made by the convening of Congress, he will fill these rlace8 with Democrats, ! If there- is a duty xff -paint it is funny how some of theso acti esses arp allowed to ix. iiuiJieiiwij Liners; and a second tract of land containing fifteen and 4 acres, in said townsbiu. known as lots No. 1. and No. 2. in division of lands of Zimri Pharr and edjoiningr lands of Lee Duhn and T fl Farrow. Terms of sale, one third () cash, and balance to be paid on the 1st day of Novem ber, 189o, secured by note of pur chaser with tvro good sureties. li. M. JililMOiNS. Guardian, -Sent. 19, Ifdi. Commissioner. NOTICE. Having administered on the estate of J. Frank Petfce', deceased, all persons who are indebted to tne es tate ot said deceased are hereby no lined to como forward and settle, and all persons vr io hold claims against the estate of the said de ceased must present the samo to me for pavment within twelve months oi the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. May 19, 1894. J. V. Petdel, Adm'r of J. Frank Pethel. SALE OF VALUABLE L1ND. Bi virtue of a deed of trust exe cuted to me, W II lierr. bv J F Ir win, on tne 25ra day of March. 1891. and recorded in tne olnce ot iiegis' ter of Deeds in end for Cabarrus County, in Kecord of Mortgages No 5, pages 282 and 283, I will sell for cash at the Court House door in Concord, at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Slonday tne tli day ot .November next, that tract of land situate iti number one township, said county, adjoining what are known as tut U t Irwin lauds, the U A Alexan dcr lands and the Nicholson land?. and containing two hundred and thirty seven acres, more or Ipss, f oi the metes and boundaries of which reference is made to said recorded deed of trust. This 29th of Sept. 1891- II Kerr, Trustee. By W Q Means. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having Qualified as administratoi of James A Porter, deceased, all persons owing said estate are here by notified that they must make im mediate payment or suit will be brought; and all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned duly authenticated on or before tne loth day of September, 1895, ur this notice will be pleaded in bar of ihen recovery. A. JN, Harris, Soot. 18, 1891. . Administrator, SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN FEOPERTF. By virtue of authority vested in us by an assignment made by J S Fisher and wife, on the 29th day of January. 1887, ana which is duly re corded m the Register's office for Cabarrus county, in book l, and page 359. we will sell at tne court house door in Concord, at public auction, to the highest bidder tot cash, on Monday, November the 5th, 1894. the following property: First, the Southern half of the house and lot krown as the J S Fisher house and lot, anjoining James C Uibsoj and others, it beiLg thercmainder of the lot after the homestead is deducted , from it second, the reversion or remainder 13 the part of the lot which has heretofore been laid - oil to eaid Fisher as a homestead, October , 2 1894 .. - - ' ,: - TV. J. Hill, i :lc-mi,M P. B. Fetzee ) Assignees. TRUSTEE'3 NOTICE. Under a moitgage executed by John W. Jones and wife, E. P. Jones, on the 6th day of February, 1894, registered in book llo. 7, page 282, in the oflice cf the Register of Deeds for Cabarrus county, I, as trustee1- in said mortgage, will sell on Monday, the 5th iay of November, 1894, at the Court Tieuse in Concord. the tract of land adjoining the School uouse iui, iiuiin joAniion, ana oiners, being the dower lot of eald E. P. Jones, in jso.. .1 to wnsnip ,in fiald county of Ca barrus," " cohtainhfg thirty "(30) acres (lore or less. a. ItAJNUlIN, Oct. 5, 1894. Trustee, (Jroweih Ivebpt-cuT?.!,, "' tf J. E. Smoot. M. D Dr, J. E. CARTLAND, SURGEON DENTIST. Makes a speoialty of filling teeth without jiain. Sixteen yeais experience. Office over Lippards & Barrier's store after Feb. 8. 1894. 25 UONCOED, N. C. J. M. Odell, President. D. B. Coltrane, Cashier. L. D. Coltrane, Book keeper Capital, Surplus $50,000 $14,000 fMRECTOKS f. M Odel. V. F. Caiiiiox Elam King, J. W. Cnnrui W. E. Odell. W. H. Lilly. D K ro'tiv,:,f Do You Want a Pair Of EyelGTasses? If so, call and see us. We have ust purchased anOpticians outfit Cm measure your Eye-sight and fij you properlv. This is what Opticians generally charge from $5.00 to $20.00, We charge nothing. Our only charge is for Glasses you purchase, r 1 J. and , I Mount Amoena SEMINARY A Flourishing School for Young Laiics. TEN TEACHERS, Ornamental Bratches Receive - Careful Attention, RSV.IO. L. T. FISHER, :A.:M Pbincipal,? MOUNT PHEASANT N. C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as the adminis trator, with the will annexed, of I) A Sides, deceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make immediate payment or suit will, be . brought. And all persons haying claims sga'nst said estate must present them to the nni dersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the 1st day of September, 1895, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. A. W. if dosE, Adm'r. Concord MM M, mil By W. M.SMiTHttorney. ' This, 29thd9-vit. 1894 i until Via lo ciTiiideration. We have just mailed to our are extremely low. Wheat and corn always in demand at ri "ies. We fiirordeis promptly &ndcluinish price listjon application, y Cocrwd. N Ci. Pi fr s i PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSiUM Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula 13 f. . v pannes ine uiouu. uuiiunup strength to weakened nerves, oxpuis fe diseases, glvine tne patient health and - happiness where sickness, (rlooiny i" feelings and lassitude tlrst prevailed, gl ' For prlmary.seeondnry pnd tertlsry nnhiiia. for blood DolsonlnK. mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood nnj skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema-we may say. without fear of n,ntTiriiotinn.hftt P. P. P. Is the best "T, blood partner In the world, and makes positive, speed; and permanent cares fn all cases. ' and whose blood Is in an Impure condl- sre peculiarly benefited by the won- QeriUl WU! auu uiu,fu uroauDiu, J' ' ' 1' , ertlesot P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke I csn speak lo the highest terms of onr medicine from my own personal nowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism fot 35 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol- GDDiu.Di,rn Mn . tnir. 14rh. 1M. out llndlng relief. I have only taken one Dottle of your P. P. P., and can chaerinllv sav It has done me more 1 , good than anything I have evertaken. lean recommend your medicine to aU BUuerers ox tne anove aiaeases. MRS. M. M. YBART. Bprlugfleld. Green County, llo. Things We Prize Most are not the gewpaws ar.d glmcracks we gather about us. Every life, of course, h:is its sacred tinseled treas ure, tut in this practical work-a-day woiiJ nun 13 prone to value most those things which serve him best. Not much sentiment in this, per haps, but some sense all the same. The JYXcCormick Machine of Steel takes first rank the world over. Hundreds cf thousands cf grain growers call it the best lrvcster and binder that ercr went into a graia field, and they prize it accord ingly. It isn't sentiment with them it's just plain, old-fashioned com mon sense. They like it best be cause it serves them test. It costs more money than some harvesters, but that's because it's more valuable. Its advantages more than offset the added cost. The " Machine of Steel" is built to harvesv the grain crop of the world, and to do it better than any other machine. C Perhaps yon may care to know more about this harvester. Our catalogue will Mccormick kmESTiNQ machine Co. tiHICAOO. ILL. f orke & lYadaworth, Agents. -- customers, quotations which G. T. CEOWELL, Proprietor. Fimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Are entirely rvmawd by P.F.P. Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potas sium, the greatest blood partner on earth. ABxnsntw, O., July 21, 1891. Hbsii'.s Lipfman Bros. , Savannah. your P. P. P. at Hot Sprintrs, Ark. .and C It has done me more gooa tnsn mree months' treatment at the Hot Springs. end tbree bottles C. O. D. . Besptfunjyour. Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt. S. D. iohmatoa. : To all vhom it may etmetrn : I here by tsstlfy to the wonderful properties cf P. P. P. for eruptions ot the skin. I suffered for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy bat In vsln, until P. P. P. was used, nd am now entirely cured. (Signed by J. D. JOHNSTOW. Savannah. Qa. Skin Cancer CureeV, Tetlimony frtmxht Mayor f8pdn,Tes. ' 8eo.uik.Tex., January 14, 1893. Messrs. Lipphan Bros., Savannah, Oa. : Oenllemtnl have tried yoar P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer, of thirty years . standing, and found great relief: It purifies the blood and removes all Ir ritation from the seat of the disease end prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken five or alz bottles end feel confident that another conrse , Will effect a cure. It has also relieved me from indigestion and atomaoa troubles. Vourstruly, M. RT78T. Attorney at Law. Boot m siooa Diseases IM m. ALL DRTTGQI8TS BELL IT. MPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Uppnua'i Bloek.aavaiaah, Ga A Wagon Load Of Money does not necessarily imply content and happiness on the part of -its possessor. It is not money that gives us pleasure, but the things that money will buy. Some people. spend money fool ishly, and fancy tey find enjoy ment in doing ft, but the pleasure is more fancied than real. No man who buys The McCormick No. 4 Steel Mower . can ever be accused of spending money foolishly,' and he'll find a hundred reasons to convince him of his wisdom. , We are building the No. 4 to meet the demand for a really su perior mower, one that embodies the . prime requisites of durability, con venience and-light draft. You'll like tins mower; not merely because thousands of other farmers - like k, but because it b really uiceaDie macnine. 11 you are going to buy a mower you ought to aee tne xmo. 4. Get the McCormick Catalogue anyway. au agents lumsw n oa opucauoa . McCormick Harvesting machine Co. , . j., . CHICAGO, IU. . Xorke & Wadaworth, Agent. Ill) LK w 1