1 THE - STANDARD TURNS OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE'XJS A TRIAL. AM) VOL. VI-NO. 40. CONCORD N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBEP 18, 1894. WHOLE N0. 340 i - . KJ JL NEWS THAX for i y SEND US V ' rrced f - (ftv 1 u ONE HUNDRED YEAKS AGO. Things Have Changed Somewhat and This sounds Queer. , Every gentlemen wore a queue and po ffdered his hair. Imprisonment for debt was a com mon practice. There was not a public library in the Uni.ted States. f" Almost a!l the furniture was ira ( ported from England. An old copper mine in Connecti cut was used as a prison. There was only one hat f aGtory and that made cocked hats A day laborer copsiJered himself jfvell paid at two shillings a day. Crockery plates were objected to because they dulled the knives. A man who jeered at the preacher or critcised the sermin was fined, Virginia contained a fifth of the whole population of the country. A awitleman bowing to a lady al wayyaped hi3 foot on the ground. Two stage coactes bore all the travel between Hew York and Eos ton, Beef, pork, salt fish, potatoes, and hominy were the staple diet all the ye lr round. Buttons were scarce and expen sive, and the trousers were fastened with pegs or iaces. There were no manufacturers in this country and every housewife raised her own flax and made her own linen. The church collection was taken in a bag ut the end of a pole, with a bell atlacbedto rcuae the sleepy contributors. Leather breeches, a checked shirt, cket, and a cocked had enough tea his spoon across his cup to indicate he wanted no more Anew arrival in a i.ul was set upon by his fellow prisoners and robbed of everything ne had. Democratic Canvass. Senator Thos. J Jarvis will speak at the follow times and places : Wentwortb, Rockingham, county, Monday, October 22 nd. Concord, Cabarrus county, Tues day, October 23rd. Wadesboro, Anson county, Wed nesday, October 24th. Monroe, Union county, Thursday, October 25 th. Rockingham, Richmond county, Friday, October 26th. Red Springs, Robenson county, Saturday, October 27th. Every one should hear our able and eloquent Senator. jired flannel i f"fieirrf,man ' An Unfortunate .Child. J The 10 month old child of Mr. and Mrs. John M Young, on Spring . street, is indeed sorely afflicted, bas ing paraljzed in the legs and back, caused, it is thought, by some spinal affection or a slight attack of dipijtheria unknown to any one. Little "Nancy" is a pretty blue- eyed baby, and was brighter than the average child for hei ag and is a favorite of every baby lover in tnat part of the city. The nnfortnna'e child may recoyer from paralysis, bu it is feared she will be deformed for life. We hope net. Hello ! Well. The telephone line between this - place and Rock Hill, via. Charlotte and Gastonia, will be connected to morrow, Sataiday, and direct com munication car be had. The phone in this city is in the office of the St. j, ' C!oud Hotel. It was put in this V Sp Pridaj morning. s Chestnut. x Soon will come the festive chest nut and around many a fireside will b- grouped the family, the children ; liaUning to fairy tales and roasting , chestnuts, but the merchant is at his post to answer to the calls of hid customers, and gives them a eoog timilar to the following : I give you splendid measure. And my conscience never squirms, There's a heaping pint of chestnuts; And half a pint of worms. Tansled Cp. - , . - The ever trnthfnl and never lying V.stibulo, edited by one of Concord's ; ' : briihtest Topulist candidates, has this to ear aboutthe joint speaking ' . - bv t eeo Hon. John S Henderson and ; ' MlA C Shnford in No. 3 township " Tuesday l. - " They spoke in No. 3 on Tuesday - - N with the usual effect of winning lots of Pop. voters. We tell you things : . - work mighty bright for reformers all over the country, especially in Ca .,.,barrus." - j ' - - Here the Standard will inform the ' . , editor of the Vestibule that the -V - speaking did not take place.Jaed - - that neither candidate went oat to .. ' Vo- 3, on' account of the h---. rain. MR. RAND IN EARNEST. lie Says lie Will Support the Demo - cratic Ticket lie in One or Your Honest Populists. Sometime ago the Standard clip ped an intervhw with Sir, Rand, published in the Raleigh News & Observer. Mr. Marion Battler de nied it and others believing him,' put in denials also. Mr. Etind felt called upon lo make a statement over bis own name. That letter appeared in the Raleigh rews or Tuesday, Hero it is : RAKD"iS Mills, N. C, Oct. G. Aa there has been, and is yet much conjecture as to where I stand politically, I will, if you will allow me space m your co'.unuij, explain in a manner there Ci:i b-j no quib bling about hereof cor. I confess I have been very much , lc33 since the coalition convention Li Raleigh to locate accurate!? tiv poiilicl whereabouts. As Tom Vatva vioald s-iy I did not know where I eus ;it, but as time pasicd by I gr-iv in wis dom and broadened in views until I came to realize that my psrty had slipped from its moorings and was threatening violence to the prir:ci pies it advocated at its inception and in whose defence, honestly raised my voice two year ago. A fusion wiih any party we had before arranging for iniq-aiLoua leg islation, my better judgement told me, was a political crime. I wta a Populist after the etraightest sect and had settled down in sincere con viction that the declaration of principles we had "thrown to the world were good enough, liberal enough and broad enough to cover the earth from pole to pole, and that the welfare of my country d manded f.ie formation of a new parly to enact them into a law; nrA I nujd hitve denounced in the strongest" terra ecaiitfea yriri atrf party, it matters not by what name yon might distinguish it. Aud I used all of my influence with u.y Populist friends to antagonize auy such baneful and unholy influences as it would have on the partv that we considered to all intents and pur poses the salt of the earth. I askel them to be orthodox or take down their banners. This course I con sidered honorable and the only one we could pursue to successfully meet argument in the coming cam paign. The fusion convention turned a Ueaf ear to every appeal of th-3 kind and voted it down, net taking into consideration at all the fact tL; t they were sounding the death kuell of the Populist party. R'ght at this juncui-e, sore and chagrined i 8 I was, a Philadelphia lawjtr, if s.?oru and put upon the stand, could not hare told where 1 stood in politics. And as retaliatory uieas ures and edicts are more or less justified by aws human and divine 1 say to my many friends who seem to be inquisitive about my political position, that I shall re3ent thi crying Injustice done my party by voting the Democra'ic party. The names Republican aud Pop ulist, by the action of the fusion convention, were made Bynonymons terms. What one implies, the other implies making either, or both re pulsive and uncongenial to the m ture of an intelligent, Southern born white man, viewing it from the standpoint. It is not neccessary to review the history of the two old parties, as all intelligent voters are familiar with them. By no means would I say their records have been ideal ones. However, I believe the Democratic pirty has sorely repented its folly in reducing the country to the gold standard. It has learned by sad ex perienci that mch lislation aug merited the troubles of which the country complains. Fusion in Iowa with the Democrats f psion in North Carolina with the Republicans, destroy the People's party with its prestige and leaves in its rake nothing but the vacuum it once occupied, and the more I me diate over it, the more intolerable it becomes. Vice and virtnre being incompatible, I shall vote the Demo cratic ticket. W. H. Rand. Fire at High Point, Wrena Bro's furnituie factory at High Point was consumed by f?re Tuesday night at 7;33. ' It originated from a hot boi on the engine, dtatroyed the machinery building, but the warehouse was not burned. '"'".-J With scarcely no protection, yet by the use of bu ckets and' the heayy ram falling at the time, the flames were confined to the first building ' ' Had it not been for the' rain, it is thouebfc , a number - of buildings would have gone. - - Loss $10 OOOj insurance. $3,000. Greensboro Record. . . J AT ROCK'iUIVEll Vsu:t Srv"i UrlK Seven Feepl Came Scar Browning. Wednesday afternoon being suoh a love!y afternoon, Mrs. J II Lo g'aud Mr? Bnd Talbert decided' to speud seyeaal days fc Mr, Loug's cbnntry hosaein No. 10 - township, but be. fore their journey was complete they cnuie near rneetiug'a watery death. At Rocky River bridge, batter known. a3 the "thunder struck" bridge, the water was hedged in on either Eide by the high embankment, causing a current to tow far sciae distance in the public road. i'lit stream was ewoKen to such an t-x ten!; tnatv Lv-n tee team crossed the bridge the pheu tea (Mr. (Jori's big one) sankjuto tJic water, which ran over the tack of it. Mrs. hong ar-d son--and Mrs. Tuibert and three little children :tud the coloied driver, saveu in nunibc-r, Ciitae near drowning. The women had to iioid the children up on the Bears to keep tneir huids above water. One horse and tne colored rasa er. hausted in the struggle for life aud barely eccapt-d. Mr. Bob McCurdy and several" neighbors heard the Ecreaininj c thej terrified women and children and came totheir res. cue. The harness was cut from the horses and thy honses floated to Die shore. A rope v. as then fastened to the tonjp.e. of the vehicle and dran cut. Thj current ran in opposite airecs tiou to the travellers and it was a miracle that they all escaued alive. These sM. s aiid childrea v -e:e in water up to their waists and necks for ad least 30 minutes. Ic is a wonder the children were i;ot strangled. We are glad the, recult was no or;e than a good ducking and a terrible friirh'.. Wouldn't Shake. On Wednesday the usual rounds of the aspiring candidate was in or der and as tfcey fre particular to slight no one, t?,-o of the candi dates for the came office, while pass ing the Lowe clothing .iton, at tempted to shake hands with the dummy that stacds on the sidewalk. They goi; a cold snub, however, ai;a puiled their hats down aud walked off as if they were disappointed. Political Sews. VI II Rand has denounced the ringmasters of the Pop?, for Gelling out. He will support Democracy. Mr, Jno. A Waller, of Granville county, and a leading Populist, has denounced fuciorytbo ale made b the managers. TroHtccN r Female 'ncation tor Concord PresUytery JSeels iiiSlaSx ville. The coniraitlee or board of trus tees of Concord Preibjtery, who are charged with the duty of establish ing a female school within 'he bounds of the Presbytery, to be con ducted under its auspices, r::-: ia Statesville last Friday evening. Thero were present iiev. J B Shearer, D. D., president of the board; Rev. J Rumple, D. D., secretary; Rev. J M Rose, Major G W F Harper and J H Hill, Esq. Major llarpsr vat elected treasurer in place of S H Wiley, deceased. Reports and communications con cerning the matter of female educa tion were recived and the whole Eub jtct carefully considered, After de liberation the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, 1st. That is the sense of this board of trustees that there is urgent need for the establishment of a good and economical school for the education of girls under Presby terian auspices in this section of the State. Resolved, 2d. That a committee consisting of Dr. Schearer, Major Harper and Rey. J M Rose be ap pointed to inquire where and upon what terms suitable property can be secured by Concord - Presbytery, either alone or m conjunction with Mecklenburg Presbytery if she bo desire, for such school. - v Resolved,' 3d. That a committee consisting of Rev. J M Rose, Prof. J II Hill and Dr. Kumple be pointed to prepare and secure charter for said institution The committee than adjoume meet at the call of the presides The above is all that mittee gaye out for Statesville people, who. that some definite action the location of the echo ville College would about as much m the. Statesville- Land It is semi'OffieiJ, p.nnrfitfnA of tbp 1 v7 in spite uf the ' 3y the 5UUT of 1 V 1 Jack was seen early this (Friday) morning all aroend. 'E Dam red ball of cheese is a new cno on us.-?- The ehow is goisg. tarcugn the SU'e. Mrs. Ed F Correll aud child, be have beaa quire bick, are iaiprovii-gi- Meekienhurg'rf candidates began their campaign Wednesday. Ot-rbsU and Fitzsirniaotis ar? to fight at Jackconville, Florida, not, earlier than July next. f-enatora R.msoni and Jurvis will oren their canvass ia this section at Charlotte on Friday, the 10 rK in The recent storia.d:i considerable daai'e to cotton., espssiallv in the eastern pirt of tie S'ate. Bucioesd w..3 brisk today, Aa unusually largo amount cf cotton was the market. Mr. L C Caid weil, once a Concord boy, will, beginning on the 2ith, stumo Catawba county ia interest of Demccrocy. Rev. John W Lafferty, who has been visiting his brother, Dr. Laffeity, at Glasses, has gone to Liberty, S. C., where he has a charge. There is "one man on the Populist ticket that has already been elected by bimsjlf. Bat, oh Lord ; the Cth of November is a-coming. The house on -West Depot street recently vacated by Mr. D L B;st, 13 now C2cupied by Mrs, Ldura Mos. I.I'-. Fred Ollivcr, who -aa tried in Charlotie Thursday for chooting Jabi z Myers, cauie clear, the jury bringing in a verdict cf "not guilty." Deputy jeorge Murris back from L'.ccolnton,"where he took the Hind ""Yf : 'y ".1,1 tpiit.,wMi-on ir chui Hon. F M Siaimon.3 is bookd by i Chairman Poa to Spenke at Cook's, this county, October IS, and in Con cord, October 13, at uig-ht. The County authorities are ar ranging for the erection of a bridge o'.c-r Little Cold Water creek ca the Mt. Pleasant road. Don't misjudge the young man whose hair is long and unkempt. He m;iy be simply a fcotiball enthusiast or a master of tennis. Prof Drod Peacock is again pro minently mentioned in connection with the presidency of the Greens boro Female college. The .wsis au $18,000 fire ia Dan lille, Ve.y Tuesday night. The fire originated iu the tobacco factor) of A G Fuller & Co., !and contents totally destroyed, with $.9,000 m sarance, As soon as his engagement ia weil known the average young man be gins to observe that th"re are other girls besides his Letroihtd who arc pietfy aud just as fascinating. Take the enemies ihat any well conducted newspaper makes in tbt course of business "and stand them up in a row, and the balance of the community will say the editor ought o. be proud that they are his ene mies. Tne Democratic Club of No. 12 township should furnish Secretarj J C Fink a boos to enroll the names of memberj and keep the minutes, The club should not only be a cam paign club, "but it should be con sidertd a preniacent affair, ita of ficers bciug cho3en annually. rthur Alexander, who wrote aa article for the Standard, asks us to correct the statement that the true blue Republicans want the Aus tralian ballot law. He' says they want a national ballot system. ,Wt gladly, make the correction. The iNiratic parly will cam North ""Siear because it can do so 7 7 J Sarty. 0 V , The county candidates begin the.ir I canvass Monday in Ko. 1 township. Donkey parties ar e "all the go" now. The fall exhibit of the livestock association of Charlotte will take place Thursday, November 15. The house of Mr. Joe Cruse, in ivo, 6 township, was destroyed by Ore Thursday. Mr. 7 ROdeil is snfi'ering. iae!ise pain caused by a sprained ankle re ceived while at Patterson's mill Friday. Wires, supposed to be telegraph wires, ate .crossed on the telephone liie between here and Charlotie. Communication wot lost today. The many friends , "of Sev. Jesse Pace, of Moraanton, will be glad 10 know that he is fast improvirg, after a very severe spell of sickness. When Main's tigers get here and is RSi-owated with the Pops' elephant we can probably then furnish Dr. Herring with lots of freaks and animals for his zoo. The Statesville Landmark is to id- sue a daily edition during the session Of the Western North Carolina Con ference, which coiiyene8 at that place in Noveaibc-r. The enterprising firm of Dry, Wadsworth & Co., in Albemarle, has page advertidemens in the S an'y News of this week. That's the way to advertise, The banjo club cf Charlotte is growing to be more interesting, u3 in has developed into a quartette, two of whom are ladies. "Thfjck Meavins !" It i3 rumored on the etreet that a man was seen in town this morning who wantedto purchs.ie a "grind organ." He was a Populist. They are pren-arinz for a hilarious time ia his j ncighborohood. - Thirty interested and interesting women met at the hall of the David son building jesteiday afternoon te learn the "art of ali arte" to "civil" iized man" the art of cooking. Charlotte Observer. The National Street Railway As sociation will meet in Atlanta next week, commencing the 15th and ending the 20th. There will be about 1,000 delegates from various parts of the United States and for eign countries. Mr, Jake Newell, of Cabarrus county, recently local reporter for the Charlotte News, has turned poli tician and i3 making Rome howl in his section by his strong speeches in defence of Democracy, Jake is a good one woereyer you put him. Salisbury Herald. Bill Hos&ins, the negro who was put in j lil several months ago to await the January term of court fcr dispensing "elegant booze," is out on bond. Bill and others who violate the law in the same way, had better take warning and quit. A young lady who wears five yards uf goods in her sleeves and four in her skirt was ."sold out" by1 her father, before a number of guests, 'when he pulled the puff up as it should stand and told her she must be careful that her fellow did cot nestled his head on her shoulders again, as it might rain the puff. A young bookkeeper of our city is undoubtedly in love, cr something else. He got so excited and cons fused when a. certain young lady, entered the store while he was jbbpy looking for a man's account that he picked up a' medical almanac and began scanning its pages. He .soon discovered his niietake, howeves and is new himself again. The Populist dictator, Mary Ann Batler, has notified Judge H M Wel born, of Wilke sboro, that the "eom mitte" has decided it best to vote for Starbuck for judge of that mountiain district, therefore he ad- ;s Judge Welborn, who is the r nominee of the Pops, to off the perch. Mr. Wel- replies that ha will voters, who FISHER JOHNSTON. Sir .'George I.. ITislier KarrieH one of t'om-r.rd'H Eest Yonng-Ladies. ' At 3 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon a very quiet marriage took pi tee at the'rome of the bride s father, Mr. Mi'as Johnston, on North Main etreer. Mr. Ceoraa L Fisher, son of Mr. Ephriara Fisher, and one of Cabarrus's most promis in young men, was married to & isp Sat Johnston, one of Concord's b- st young ladies. Rev. W C Alexander performed the cerenjocy, l.eing the initial mar- npge under his charge here. The ceremony was impressiye and the happy con pie were pronounced man and wife with the customary vows upon such occasions. Besides the relatives of the con tracting parties a few very intin::ite friends were present. Mr. Fisher is to be congratulated upon his choice, and we wish them joy and happiness that may last all through life. iler Idea and 111m. "There's one fine thing about cur wedding piesent3, Tom, dear," she said. "There wasu't a duplicate in the lot.'' "That's true ; worse luck," sight d Tom. "fe haven't any excuse fcr disposing of 'eui now, and times a: e awfully hard," Harper's Bazar. John IteuderHoa in To tvn. Congressman John S Ileddarsou arrived in the city today and regis tered at the Central. Ee left this afternoon for Lincolnlon, where he is to speck tomorrow. His Pop op ponent, Shuford, took the overland route for that place. Mr. Hend.rson was seen by a News reporter today, and his pul8e,"tempature and res piration were found to be ia such a sound condition that any insurance company in the land would be will ing and anxious tJ lane liins lor anv sum, from a thousand up to a mil lion dollars. Mr. Henderson is in good spirits, a3 indeed he should be, for his rev turn to Congress is one of the dead certain things, and his majority is going to be the largest that he has yet receiyeJ at the hands of his con stitueucy. Charlotte News. Look Ont for Tiger. Main's circus ran into a washout yesterday going into Richmond, when two wild tiger3 escaped. A passenger on thia cioming'c train say3 he saw them about day. light and they were coming this way. It wonld be terrible shoull the7 ar rive here about 9 or 10 o'clock to morrow night. Greensboro Record. We haye a specie of this animal in our city, most cf them are blind, however, but dargerous, neverthe less. We hope Main's tigers will le caged befoie they get this far down the road, for with his and ours, the citizens might become worked up to such a state of excitement thai snakes p,nd tigers of all description would be seen Of course this cp plies only to those who are not tiger- tamers and are not familiar with their haunts. Ceila'nly, Mr Gaild. Editor Standard ;.l beg apace in your columns to inform the supercillious and blatant editor of that scurrilous sheet called the "Vestibule," that if he refers to me, in his istue of the 4th inst., as being a native Englishman paid ta advos cate the Democratic cause, he is gnilty of the crime for which Ajmaniasjjas, struck dead. TwaS' a .naturalized citizen and voted the Deiuocoatic ticket long be fore his pusillanimous anatomy in haled the fetid breath that pei meates it. . I am a Democrat ! and believe that the salvation of our country depends on, and will never be attained, ex cept by perpetuatin-g Democratic rule for several consecutive terxs. Robert Gadd A Freak of Mature. Mr. Will L Bell is exhibiting a potato that has every appearance of a human being with the exception of the breath of life. It has a well shaped body and. limbs, feet and muscles, but its head is just a little of proportion with the body, somewLat swelled. , ch Democrat, who saw it lemarkad that it res of the . different rtam , -populist y him at the house when was fweep- J Monday .is not td's ir V Highest of all in Leavening Power. Offish. TRAIN ROBBED IN" VIRGINIA Ilia !totbpi'4 ;! About fslSO.OOO The :x)r-t.s JKeNMeeger ' I-isli-iI, Firing at tJie :":l,ers '1 !x-y Hot Four Knai of tio!S The RotbT.v Oeeured at i:.-inl ;-. V Wild i:n rie .Siie-TrRl((e(! in time lo Fre Vi'iil a Collision. Richmond, Oct. 12 file North - bound passenger train on the Rich- mond Frecler!ckburr' t'z Potomac i tiiroaa, wuica lett here at 7 o'citc-c to night, Wiii hel-1 up near Quantlco. The engineer and firemau were forced from their engine and the engine cut loose and sent ahead. T he express car was then entered, the messenger covered with pistols anu the safe blown open and robbed. The runnaway locomotive was stepped at Quantico by obstructing the track. It is stated hire tonight that there was an unusually Urge amount of money on the train, probably ;;5C- UOu. xhe robbers, seven ia numoer were musfced, and did not blow o cn he safe us r.t l'rsc reported. Tcey forced tlic messenger to cpen it. The railroad company has oflered $1,C00 reward for the orrtstof any one of the robberc, The express me?senger, ii F Centr-hCx-l.' .? ht hJrw If rav, barred the doors of tne exoress car, but these were blown opeu wuh tnese vere mown ope After the .robbery the - thieves made eff with their boodle in tbe direction cf the Potomac river wherrit is suppofed they had a bc.it in wait;.-7r to Uk t hpm to the Marv land Eide. Ni; cf the rSber3 eihr" t" -t-u tereumo passenger cojcne?. ine CAK'T FIGHT IN JACKSON operator at Brooks, six miles from VILLE. Quantico, discovered that the ecgij e i was wild as it passed his station and telegraphed to Quantico, where a switch was thrown co that it was brought into collision with two loaded freight cers and wrecked. Had the locomotive been permitted topaa Quantico, it would have col lided with a couth-bound passenger train. A GREAT TIME. lT.ti . ,i r,iKl:t u'rwceohii li f.5 Iro: in.'iu 5ien t . SucaU. Octiber 23 will bo a gala daj in Concord and Cabarrus. Arrangments have been' made to have Senator Thos. J Jarvi3 to spe&k here on that day. A big procesiou is being arranged for. The mounted men will lead the procession, ";thD hit. Pleasant baud follow. Next viii be a line of footmen i-nd the Ccneord Cornet uiiv will be behind them, right in the push. Next will come another line of ,?ien Democrats followed by th Drum corps, A fine sils banner will be given to the township that bas the largest number of mounted side cf No. 1& An effort is being made to have Senator John B Gordon, Georgia's greatest and moct patriotic citizen with us. fc'enator Gordon is a vet ran and one of the grandgest orator's the South has eyer known. At night a torch light procession will be had and a grand display of fireworks. ' A great time is to be had among the Democrats, and "sich another takin' on you never did see," Conldu't Guarantee. When the Populists were arrang ing their room for headquarters over the furniture etorej some chairs, of a necessity, had to be -bought. They were purchased at Cannons, Fetzer & Bell's. Mr. llileman said he wanted some that would last un til he was elected. He goc tie chairs, but did not geta guarantee that they would last bo long. Another "Pop" Victory. John C Dancy, colored, of Salis bury, once custom house collector under Harrison's administration at Wilmington, spoke at 8 o'clock this (Saturday) afternoon - to about twenty-five negroei and half as many white people. .. This is' another victory for the fueionj ticket in our county and no doubt "hundreds of votes were won for the Pops and Reps." :. .L. 'Wealth and power haye limit. Willy V'aUy AstorV erann Emperor can no mm reotioi" ti: Latest U. S. Gov't Report V fc-. ! ii j . - 1 til -T CS" ' HANGED HIMSELF CELL. IN HIS Guarc, liie Xnrdcrer ofittlnu Martin, :tniiit Knicide in Cbarlotteaville. Richmond, Va., Oct. 12 A Chars lottesvilie special to the Dispcth ssys : Richard L Guard, who cn the 1 - last; April shot Miss Laura 13 Mtain in a paeseager coach on the I Richmond & Danville Railroad just luv " p's m w Union station in this city, committed j suicide some time last nighty banging himself in Ms "cell in the city jail. Guard i. !d placed the back cf a ne-v split-bottomed chair in the ven til&tor in his cell ( which went ens tirely through the vtu) and after tjing a p ece of stout cretonne, a part of. Jus c!othes bag around his neck, slipped the cloth ever one of the rear legs of the efcr:'r,and by thi mear:3 ended his hfe. lie pinioned hi 3 legs with trunk st-np, and th?n enwled cts; of another chair that he h::d place 1 under tho ouo to which ho had attnc.ed the noose. When found he h.id-ien dead for several ho"rs. His 1 -ody was cold, undressed, eti'I in hi 3 night clothes, ; BHU ll'.S fOC: : W ail ducu. hnr.f-. 7-?lr ' iae Do:J v';,s c'r-t:- n a0 i "3 U1U" ' " ir J!iU e3uwu- Nothing cop Id. )? found ! c?" 1ViDg r&u"0-- lor the suicide. The ?Pirj,;n -&J that was inscne, end that wo-jld ! een the defense if the cm I.dv. ileliell Snys Bob nnl Jim, l iter Xot'irriiiiietaneeN, Shall Meet. New Orleans, Oct. 12. The City Item heie is' in receipt of a telegram from Gov. Mitchell, of Florida, in answer to a query as to whether the. Corbett and FUxsimcicns fight would be allowed to tane place in Ficrida. The foilowiag is a copj of the Governor's telegram : "Corbett-. Fitzaramons will net be allowed to meet in Florida even if Legislature ha3 to be convened for the purpcBe of preventing the fight. Signed "11. T. Mitch ill, O oven or." Pops Sot In It. Dr, J J Mott was the origi nal Republican advocate fusion with the PopuUsts this State, but he now has e' hopes of its succeeding. A the Kewtoa depot the other day while waiting for the train, he said to a leading Populist that their ticket stood no show, and as for his man Shuford, he was not in i. The Popul vine esperate. But the Iron Duke," who has eiven his life to politics, said: "You have not been lighting the Democrats of North Carolina as long as I have "Newton Enterprise. HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS ! ' Short Breath, Palpitation. if. Jrr r-Trt . . ' . ot-f-,, mujviasey, postmasieror Kokomo, Ind., and a brave ex-soldier. Bays: "I had been severely troubled . with heart disease ever since leaving ' the army at the close of the late war. I was troubled with palpitation and shortness of .breath. . I- could not ' sleep on my left side and had pain. around my heart I became so ill that I was much alarmed, and for- tunately my attention was called to' ' Dr. Miles' Heart CutpC I decided to try it. The first bottte made a decided improvement in my condition, and five bottles have com-, pletely cured me." ? ; .A O. W. McKIXSET. P. M.. Kokomo, Ind. : ' in. jBinr Mean uore Is wil l on n to!ti- nraoU; that th firs. tinttiA oiii Sti.OrelstB sell It at L tnUiv.m t the- 3 r X.1 !qt sale t-" 1 '

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