: JAMES P. COOK, V Editor: oobu. Cabaeeus Cootty, ''If. C. iiSDAY, OCT. 18, 1894. E DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Tuesday, November 6, '94, f ATE TICKET. For State Treasurer Samuel McD. Tate, of Burke, JUDICIAL TICKET. For Chief Justice of the Supreme Court James E. Shepherd, of s Beauiorr. For Associate Justices Walter wClark, of Wake; James C. Mr 'Kea, of Cumberland; Armiatead Burwell, ot Mecklenburg. SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES. Third District Jacob Battle, of Nash." Fourth District Willism R. Allen, of Wayne. Eighth District Bejamin F. Long, of Iredell. Ninth District William M. Me bane, of Rockingham. Tenth District William B. Coun cil!, of Watauga. Twelfth District Henry B. Carter, ' -of"3ancombe. For Congress 7th District . JCHN S. IIENDERS05, Of Rowan. For Solicitoi Sth Judicial District: EMERY E. RAPEF, Of Davidson. For N. D. Senate 2itn District: T. J. JEROME, of Stanly. COUNTY TICKET. For Representative H S Puryear For Sheriff L M Morrison. For Treasurer Jno. A Cline. For Clerk Court Jas. C Gibson. For Register Jno. K Patterson. For Coroner C A Sherwood. For Surveyoi Jno. H Long. For Cotton-Weigher F -A Arcbi. bald. ITEMS OF INTEREST. consequence of the increasing Ci Mexican doilars'in the Asiatic colonies of fFrauce and French Government is going to strike 5,000,000 of commerci tl dol lars, to be sent to Cochin-China and Tonquin, The, operation will ab sorb 12,250 kilogrames of silver, and the Government has bought the necessary metal at figures equiva lent to nearly 28! pence for an English standard ounce. The earnings of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad, a3 sub mitted to General John Gill, re ceiver, for the first week of October were $14,507, an increase of $2,961 compared with the corresponding week in 1893. A Germantcwn boy was sent out nine years ago to buy sand to scrub the front step3 with. Lie dusted for Colorado, went to mining and came back a few days ago with rocks enough to knock a mortgage off the house. The French Government has been asked to pay 2,000,000 francs as a compensation for the Italians who were the victims of the fury of the mob at the time of the assassination Now that DrTVrolmes is ae Gladstone 13 the sole survivor of that remarkable group of men born in 1808. The li3t includes, besides the two named, Lincoln, Darwin and Tennyson . A Minnesoti geologist insists that there is underlying the city of Min neapolis never failing river of pure water. Investigation will be made by the municipal authorities, ITISTOOLilE AFTERWABM. We want every Democratic voter out on November 6. Not a single patriotic son should remain away from the . polls. Each one counts one and to stay away it amounts to . one lost. Duty demands your at tending the polls and yoting to re tain in power the only party that can befriend the masses. There is noth ing in the Pop. platform for any one's relief, . - We mn8thaveno apathy in re gard to Jtettiog oat a full rote. We shall win, but let the majority be such that this Populistic foolishness may come to realize'that the better jadgment of the people of the county - will not tolerate such vagaries to baye the ghost of a chance to ever again succeed. We want to give Mr. Jerome a big uos 7 l,:'-:i'- -' vote. . " -" " -We want to give Mr, Puryear a 'i .O tig tote we tenet not neglect their. 5 ' ':: H Tha cominsr legislature has. and Mr. .Moody. They "are Butler and Mott men that is the .terms of the contract. - . The balance of the ticket . com- mands the respect of every citizen of the county. You couldn't find a more faithful and courteous gentle man inthe county than Sheriff Mors rison. The State knows no better' officers than Patterson," Gibson, Cline, Archibald and the others. Then why take menwho are inex perienced and who are trying to promulgate principles that wherei eyer tried have resulted in clashing of classes, in bitterness, in riot, con. f asion and civil war. But these men are not in it, if the Democrats of the county do their duty. Lft every one be up and do ing. Now's the time. THAT STATE MAURI ACE. Some time ago cards were issued to a great marriage ceremony in the city of. Raleigh. The contracting parties were Miss Mary Ann Butler, of Goldsboro, and Mr. J C Pritch ard, of North Carolina. The cere mony wa3 performed by Major S Otho Wilson, the Gideonite, assisted by James II Young, the colored fu sion candidate for the Legislature from Wake, and of whom prominent Republicans in the state (among others Gov. Brogden, Dr. R M Nor ment, W S O'B Robinson, C P Lcck--y, Solicitor Wbite, the only col'.ed Solicitor in the State, and others) declared over their signas tures in writing in 1893 was a man of dirty character and unfit totruet. They performed the ceremony in graceful style m accordance with the Fusion rites. This happy couple is resting be fore their contemplated bridal tour to Washington. They will go, if enough men like Mr. Ilileman, Mr. Moody and Mr. Yuung are elected to the Legislature. It is certain that Mary Ann But ler is the one, but she may get a divorce from Pritchard and wed another trader in case of an oppor tunity. A person who woaJa mis lead bis own followers and barter them in an unholy alliance, would not hesitato-a moment' to turn the fSbles on Lis colleague in this trade. Supposing that North Carolina should be disgraced in the National Senate by these two men; what could be expected. If the Pop was honest, the Repubican member would get his vo e killed. If the Rep was honest, the Pop would get his vote killed and what about North Caro- na f?he would not only of falling from 'grace, be ashamed but b3 uu represented. The marriage is over, but let not the proposed bridal trip be taKen. jt'vr what Yr may expect. In another column will be seen just what the Populist in Congress tried to do. We have no other way to judge of what they would do were they ia power than what their representa tives have tried to do. They would bankrupt everything. They would push ahead their wildm.1 theories and tomfoolery nntil not a single vestige of a Republican government would be left. - In every State where they haye gained con'rol, bloodshed, not con fnsionhsorder snd pftuuetnoniurn reigned supreme. Could you expect anything better from many, who so far disregarding human rights and personal safety, threaten ' bloodshed and persue methods that disturb the peace of the community and array oie class of citizers against another. My country, we must not be lost to our sense of duty to such an ex tent to let the mongrel set, who as pire to it, to get control, of the.State. It is no time to fool about it Your own personal safety depends upon your keeping from control of the State these wild, f iratic theorists. God pity North Carolina if such parties get control of our Stated . THE COfeT OF. EIVISU. The New York World publishes tables which show the relative cost of living nnder the McKinley and the Democratic tariffs. The prices quoted are taken from . market re ports, and they prove that the neces saries of life are from 10 to 25 per cent, cheaper now than they were a year ago. In other words, a family can now buy for a dollar as much of what it needs as it could for $1.10 or or $1.25 under the Republican tariff. It costs less now to bnild-a house, less to furnish it, less to sup ply it, lees to clothe parents i and children, less to keep the - hearth- r d tables teach an impress) World V labor of a genn.ce sort.'- It protects the people from robbery and exor tion at the hands ef the conspirators who dictated the McKinley schedules for their own benefit. Your dollar is worth more no t than it was a year ago, because, in the meantime, a Democratic Congress has repealed a tariff law which " made the trusts masters of our markets and licensed them to levy tribute from the peo pe." - . " The Progressive Farmer pui lishes a letter this week from John Wanamaker, written to W II Deaver, ot Asheville, in which lie states that if Senator Ransom said he "had re duced the price of all goods In his store to one-half of the price charged before the tariff law went into operas tion," the Senator 13. incorrect. The letter is the letter of a politician; the advertisement quoted by Senator Ransom :3 the announcement of a business man. In this letter Wana maker says hard times forced re duction in pi ilea, denies that be has reduced 50 per cent, but says that the reduction in price on China is lCper cent, whereas the tariff was reduced about'50 per cent. The re duction is "only on the duty part of the goods," he says. Very well. This is all Senator Ransom said, that the duty was a tax. Mr. Wanamaker says that the reduction is "only on the duty part of the goods." That fatal admission destroys the effect of the political claptrap of Wana maker's letter. Raleigh Observer. EDITOKIAJ. OCISIOXS. With industries reviving and with the cost of food declining here is no reason why our people should not look into the future hopefully, and they will, in epite of the baleful political prophets. Public Ledger, McXinley is now putting up a before breakfast speech. Before long he will be advertising a cons tinuous oratorical performance. Washington Post. The first three" letters in the name of the next mayor of New York already arc kmwn. Buffalo Courier. It is a fight to finish between the clean citizenship and the confederate criminality of New York. Indiana' polis Journal. Mr. Wilson's London speech ha6 been offset by Mr. Morton's English coachmar, and honors are even. Baltimore Herald. The mention of Dr. Parkhust'e name was hissed at a Tammany convention last w eek. This is the only testimony that was needed to establish his reputation as a good man. Chicago Tribune. Mr. McKinley may succeed in de luding the farmers. The manufact urers and business men are making money too fast to listen to him. Brooklyn Eagle. LITTLE SSAP!, Catawba county has one simple minded sport. The county couldn't get along without the fna and amusement he affords and conse quently he will be kept home after Noyember C. We refer to A C Shuford, who won so many yotes in No. 3 on that rainy day. Day after day some sincere man, who h28 been fooled luto the Popu listic Solvation Army, gets his eyes opened and quits the scheme of But ler and Mott. ' Does any EaDe, candid, cool-headed man suppose for a moment that if every Populist demand, including the confusionist platform, were en acted into law, that' milk and honey would flow throTrsfr4be'ld?. ? Uladfttoiul Itenm. A full grown frost visited us Mon day morning. " ' Some chills in this section. . More whiskey wagons are running South this fall than ever before. They don't everrstop for Sunday. A new Lutheran congregation wae organized at Richfield last Sunday by Rev. C C Lyerly. Twenty-six members Were enrolled. Deacons and elders were elected also. Misses Mamie and Mattie Small, of Gold Hill, were in the village Sunday. Their visits are pleasant and acceptable. , No 'possums how, the moon too bright. . Corn shuckings wi awhile. The Hon. Ma Lexington, 22nd ins Misenhe: il pott 9 Y HOUSE AN) H03IE. The Housewife and Subjects to Interest Her. Indiana's Generous Laws for Women. Mrs. Washington's Housekeeping1 Pood that Beautifies One Way to Cook Tomatoes -." Tlie laws of Indiana treat women with great generosity, and have done bo long before it was done in other States prouder and more im portant, and whoso inhabitants are not called Hoosiers. That this was so was duo mainly to two people who have now gone to their reward, Mrs. Allen Hamil ton, the sister of Judge Holmun, the watch dog of the Treasury, and Robert Dalo Owen. The im petus to a slowly gathering move ment was given by the tortune3 ot a numble twarcuncrhouso keeper, She had a drunken husband and a small family of children. To rear these she worked early and late. When she refused to give her husband money he collected it of the boarders. Tho woman re quested the boarders to pay their money to her, when her nusband, inspned by an accornraodatin lawyer, brought suit. It was de cided in his favor. The circum stances of the case were known. Mrs. Hamilton, to whoso knowl edge they came, anticipated the sensible opinions expressed by Mr. Bumble. When Mr. Bumble wag arrested for something his wife had said he remonstrated. .bus if s the law." said the constable "Then tho law's an ass," said Mr. Bumbla. Communicating with Robert Dale Owen, the two began an active eanviiss. which tho SO' cial position and tho personal prominence of the two principals greatly aided, and thus began those modifications ot tno. legal po sition of women that, carried for ward from year to year, placed Indiana among the pioneers of the enlightened btates. JTrs- Washington's Housekeeping Edward Everett Hale says Mrs. George"Washington was a model housekeepsr. In a sot of books kept expressly for that purpose Mrs. Vv ashington made entry of housekeeping duties accomphhned from day to day, and noted how sho superintended tho preparing of tho supply of smoked moats for the plantation, how. with her own hands, she cut out tho clothing of the slaves and, so on. .Letters ot Lady Washington's daughter and -il X aY-a 1!.. JiL owners lesuiy iiui& luter uuo uuuii , , . , of her lmsbana the hospiCantyjf1?63, lJLJ lU,iw-theE of tho Mount Vernoa home was fcept up. A Fresh Social Idea. A novel and felicitous plan for enoosmg partners was recently iractiscd at a (Jala s whist party, family albums had been ran sacked and photographs of all the gentlemen, at ago3 ranging troin six months to twenty years, in dresses, ia kilts and in-tho "first pair," were gathered together ia a hat from which the. ladies drew, Some men had retained their baby looks lon enough to be easily recognized, some wero complete enigmas, while the others were more or less plain in spito of addi tional hair on lips and cheeks and "subtractional hair" on heads. Tho gentlemen were not in tho so- cret originally, .and -their amaze ment when the pictures were let out ot tlie bag was ono of tne tun- niest parts of the fun He Revoked. They were playing a game a cards, although they wero just engaged, and ho was rriserably jealous of his opponent, on whom iiabel was innocently smiling. She lead a diamond; he blindly followed with a heart. " Take' back the heart that thou gavest," she said coquettish ly. " Do you mean it? he said with fatal insistance. " Certainly I do," she responded. "You know, Tom, you revoked?" "I have suspected it all the evening," ho exclaimed, inco herently, as ho rushed from the room and from the house. t And just because he revoked in s simple game of cards, he was obliged to propose twice to the tame girl. Detroit Free Press. Affected the Same Way. They wore sitting in tho conven tional attitudo for lovers when he broke the silence with a low chuckle. " What is it?" she asked. "Nothing .much. I was think ing about a story I heard in New York. They sav that when Kyrle Bellew and Mrs. Potter kiss each other the gold filling in their teeth melts and runs out. There was a lens silence and then sho giggled. " What is ltr he asked. "Nothing much. I was only thinking that I must go to tha dentist next Monday." Baldness an Accident of Birth. "Baldness," says a physician " is an accident ot birtn. A is not bald because he turely pious or p: wicked, but because misfortune to be country, finer is- Bhm" Y- S 2fl I DEAL GENTLY." TUo Republican and Popnllittle Deal . Gently Dealt With, ' "A committee on character." Shades of departed statesmen de fend ! "A committee on character" This 13 a new departure in politics, but when the Popuhats of Wake county were called on to ratify the Republican nomination for the Legislature, Jim H Young, colored, of unsavory record so unsavory tbst the leading Republicans op posed his appointment to the Wil mington collectorship in 1890; eo unsavory that Wake county court records show that he plead guilty to shooting and attempting to kill Frank Johnston, a respectable col ored man of Raleigh ; so unsavory thai William Taylor, another color ed man testified before the "Com mitte on character," that this said young man had invaded the sanc tity of his home and worked the ruin of one of his houbehold. Not withstanding all this the convention endorsed him and Wilson, the Gid eonite, pWged him ihe Populist support. Tell ue, ye Third Party friends, will such representatives improve our reputation? Will tbey ameliorate our condition? la this highway of fusion th roadway to better government, better morals, where all "id pleasantness and peace ?" The Pops are for five silver, the Reps are dead agin it. If Fusionists should legislate, which poi'cv would win it f The Ponnhsts of Ilaiifax have nominated Buck Kitchen for the Senate. Buck is reported as having said that the reason they did not fuse in Halifax was because there was not a decent whi'e Republican in the county to fuse with and they iidn't care to be fooling with the negroes. We have no doubt that after the Cth of November Buck will goto Halifax. In their platform the Populists denounce the new tariff law "as un just to the consumers of the coun try and leading to the formation cf trusts, combines aud monopolies," and in the same they "point with pride" to the Populist Senator and Congressmen "who ntood bj their ma Jonty of tb 1 opwAepresentati ves voted for this new tariff law the Populist platform smack very much of burlesque. "Consistency, Thou art a jewel, A .New Deal Free Ii11n. Send yonr address to II E Buck len & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr, Kind's New Life pill. A trial will convince you of the merits. Thete pills ure easy in action and are particularly effective in tie cure of Constipation and Sick Head ache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proven invaluable, They are garanteed to be perfectly free from ever deleterious substancs and to be purly veyatable. They do net weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowles greatly invigorate the system Regular size 25 c, per box. For sale at Fefzea's Drug store. All Free. Those who haye used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have the oppors tunity to try it fre?. Call on the ad vertised Druggist aud get a Trial Bottle Free. Seud your name and ad dress to II E Bucklen & Co., Chica. io, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pillp, as well as a copy of Guid to Health and IIou9e- hold Instructor, Free. All of which is guranteed to d- you good and cost yon nothing. Fetzer's Drug Store. ADMIN ISTRATORS NOl'ICE Havine been duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Earnhardt, deceased, all persons holding claims against the said deceased are hereby notifi' ed io present them duly authentic ated to the undersized for pay ment on or before the 14th day of October, 1805. or this notice will bd plead as a bar to their recovery, Also all persons owing said decease ed are notified tat prompt pay ment is expected. This Oct-13, 1894. W. Ji. XjARKHABDT, - Administrator. CONCORD MARKETS. . , cottpVbket. . cms & Fetzer. ...5 75 ...5 60 .5 40 WT Vr4t0 5 BAGGING AND TIES We are supplied with a Bto-k of Bdgsim? and Ties. We have ii'ggui Cloth. New Priced Ties and second-hauo Baling aud Ties We bought our ftock whe.i the price was low, and can sell yor. cheaper thau we could last year. We made a price last sear never before hear I of in the history of the business. Write us for prices, or call to see us when you are ready to buy. If you will send us youi or ders we promise best atten tion, ixi thj lowest market prices. Yours truly, G. W. PATTERSON, .,-! C0NC0ilD-N.C. THRILLING EXPERIENCE! MANY LIVES SAVED A YOUNG WAR PREVENTED A crowd of eager people w?ie surging into mithdeal & Morrit' Hardware to ae tht-; fall stocK of guns. E.ch man proceeded to ann h'm- seif with a deadly weapon. but as the guns were i:n loaded several accidents were avoided. In the hons of this firm your life is c: lefutly guarded, (no loaded gnn unchained) and in the purchase of tt-rff goods, your money goes fur ther than in any other Hard - ware store in the State. If you don't believe it, come and see our stock of HARDWARE, SADDLES. STOVES. PAINTS, OILS, MACHINERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MINERS SUPPLIES AJND BUILDERS MATERIAL-'." is complete, and must . and will be sold at tde lowest possible figure. We alsoWiae a car load of JBnggiea and a stock of GUNS at low Tunfi Prices, AN D BE CONVINCED, THEMWECa CONCORD, N. C. We have a very handsome line ot Gentlemen's Scarfs, Bows and "Four in Hands" at 25 and 50o. New lot nF Prtllora nn VliMl fc 14. M.1 V4. Caffs latest l'stvlp nt. nnim. V Big line of Men's Under wear. Ladies' Vests from 20 to 85cts One case Sailor Hats at 10c. THE LOWE CO WE - CLOUQH & WARBEN are in'the lead cairjancLsee goods andTiear prices. cannons; fetzer & bell. i YGRKE &WADSWORTH oIqsoIg and THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IN THE STATE No honse in North Hamlina c, . : - voBijr luoftciuner price on Shelf Goods, Agricultural Implements of the latest make Buggies, "Wagons, Hacks, Mowers. Guanos and Acids. Tttw Tt J i-v . i . . . -r j tuou xnuea auu quality NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, MT. PLEASANT, N. C. ACADEMIC, COMMERCIAL, AND COLLEGIATE COURSES. . -OPENS-SEPT. 1 7; 1893. .J: Retail h .A. xney've got tho Stuff Amoie Equioment. Superior advantage to young men; Instructions thorough and practical; Good brick buildings. Eleo-ant Society Hall. . ' Beautiful and healthful loca -on; -No malaria; Good board. , - Wholesome discipline. - . . - Expenses per . session of v8$ r . weeks, $1 03 to $145, For caf togue, address,- . ' c v"- j. d: smnnY, a. n, FrV - r

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