mmmmmmm ... . . ... ... - far -- . - ' . 1 ME Standard. - THE - STANDARD turns OUT GOOD -JOB -WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL. vol. yi no. 42. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1894. WHOLE NO. 342 SEll HART TS-CONRAD. Jlr. Uui;h H'. Karris nml tWfw .njle .-Knrrted. Mr. Eog'i W Harms of Charlotte, and M:3S Annie Coarad, of Fors ytb county, were married jestercsy t the home of t ie b:i;:e. Re. S F Conrad, a relative of the biide ofi eating. Mr. li X Pharr, acted best inan. Mrs. -II C Eocles, and Mire Mattie Harris, a sister of the groom, were pretext. The marriage wss a very qite affair, Immediatrly af'.-tr the ceremony 3Ir. and Airs. Harris drove to Winston where they took the train for a Northern trip. Ou their return to Charlotte they will haye rooms at the Central. The groan is one of the moat prominent young Jawyers ia this section. He ha a ho3t of friends here to con gratulate him ou winning for his own the lovely woman who has riven him her heartland Imu. Haying specs ERveral months hc-reIast wla trr Charlotte b:':d an opportunity of of knowing and admiring her. Among the many handsome test)-nioribj-cva. fik-cds ever the State wa? ip elegant caee cf silver from the bar cf this city. Charlotte Ob eervr. Mr. Harris waa well and favora 1Ie known !n Coucord' and Cabarrus and his mauy friends wish bitn a,-.d hia choicfcc of bJeesir.g in the:r put h way of life. Control of (lie Legislature. With a rattle-brain, revolutionary Legislature, moie harm could be done in one session of sir.ty days than six Tears cf levei-heaiied, con servative legislation conH uudo, for it would faKe many years to restore -he confidence which would be shattered by the election of sreu a legislature. We can judge of the t-ff-ret in this State by what the effect has been in other States where this evoleruonary eitmont has been in tbiSeedency and held power. They huve blighted the prospects of every State where they fcsve made their power felt, and so woujd they blight he proiv the tt into ar'MLiw u" lu" 't! u J yolutionary, progress destroying policies into effect. Give this re . voltionary combination control of -" the; i!terpo-rti' and law-enforcirg dep;irtmeas of the would he wo?se for Norlh Carolina thsn if a cyclou or a conflagration swept ever it from the seashore to the Cicr.iil.ain. crest, fcr these woald sweep over aud ler,ve desolation behind them, but the pc pie would ic-buill :htu 1 --ailed cr burned homes, and find peace and 'content under their roofs, but with the hell his combine would kindle there would he neither peace, nor concent, ncr safety under any roof " Wilmington Star. 4 -nt us We are in receipt cf a beautiful card with the photograph of each aspiring Legislative candidate in onr county, Hou. H 'S Puryear the Dimocratij nominee, and Ambrose - Hiieman the fusbn ' mogul or Cabarrus. The picture i3 beauuf ally designed and presents a striking re semblance of the little pill advertis ing picture of "before and after taken," Pureyear is ail smiles, while chief raogu! combination i;i!eman sutlers with severe trobtr i.i bis head (the place where bis braiLS should be) and looks as if he was somewhat "broke up", as naturally he will be after Novem ber 6. - The picture was mailed ia Con cord and if any one wishes to view them we will take pleasure in show ing them. This goes Jn with onr other cu- -FroartSs. .... NilniiH of rolllioal . A setxif high-way robbers have as much regard for the ethics of life as thes-i blow-hards have for the mor ality ofpolitics. The deceut peo ple of the State have now a full, completed picture of the macbine now being run by the Butle.v Otho Wilson-Harrison-Dbckery-Jiui Young gang. Sach a nosegay as tney wear stinks of political decay and moral death. Wilmington Messenger. Old People. - Old people who require medicine to regulate the bbwelB and kidneys will lina the trne remedy in Electric 15i iters. This nieOicide does net stimulate and cbntaina so whiskey nor other intoxicant,' but a6ts as a u n-c and alterative. It acts midly on the sumach and bowels, adding strength and givin tone to ihe organs thr-reby aiding nature in the perfor mance of the functions. Electric Jit i ters is an excellent appetizer and a-ds digestion; Old people find' it jnet exactly what they need Price .50 cents per bottle at Feizer's Drug - ts Store. 1 . . AT WALTERS STORE. Hill .Junker Kit Ms .Sny ?Ir. Jlrvsl Thursday nighl shortly after j 'iightfall quits a number, probably! f'ftjr citizens cot rt2ated at Mr. C M Walter's s-ore, on West Depot street,- Bear tfcs Cannon factory, to hear the talented Repnblieaa-l'orr- list steerer, in debate with Ohr.iraan L D Duval, of the Democratic club. Mr. Ju-jkcr i-:ounted the hot and spoke fnr at least two hours, iie was "loaded, for bear," we should judge, frcm the amount of docu ments at his side (a stack of papers folly two feet. high). Mr. Duval answered all his ouestioD inasp!eu did manner and tok' r-f what pood Democracy ani? p-wf government was to h:rh ,'Jct)ke:) ar.d every other !f.brin? maf. He explained to him bow ccirporisfk-ns w-ei- found by bit irig h:ai to the Cahainss t ron raiili, which was ereottd c? vue laborine oiaEs right in our o-vn town through tiie building and lo!n y'-n. st, Duval rcrcle an exctillenc :aik, f.nd no doubc gat-e Junker and other brilliant Ep-Pop leuders :;nd ex pounders points fcr rtilectiou. Populist rule means wsr,blaod3hed strife and turcioih In j'roof of this look at those States wi-tre'Populietn has had swsy. Iiepuoiipan rule is bad, but Populisiic rule is wors:-. Before you cast year ballet on th3 6tu of oveiu05r pare and refltct. Lenoir Topic. To tlie Vrstlbiilo. The Doms have employed a negro as Dem educator, that can't tulk.'' in answer to the above, permit me to say that if Ed. J5eistler would use a little more corntnoo seen in bis personalities through his paper he fl-ould do a great deal more good for Himself sxnd others. I cannot help the wrrks of Almighty God. He has seen fit to make me so. Bat tbre are many who can neither see, hear or ta k that will vote and their 2lis will count a3 much as those an tik. If you wiil nse your trams (if you are so gficiously blessed) instead of so much lp you will do well. J .,. Ths Mat I'ka t Ca ; At the Iia fl-Hrs The revival per Fi ..'i: a t:st church nentiuue to ink-oat. Dr, Pri::tu:, sosie fine pn-acjipg. "cdjiesi-y nP.en. ' Prec:oaac3C Chi L' spiritual uplift co. n j;-fMi of every "oclitvei the Bap- 1 e in Hi : 0)011 the : e cf 1 the ' hist "?:h night the p it,' the atoning Mood of the JLrmd, ws? told in such simplicity and clearness that "3 waj-fang man, though a fool, need not en therein." At the c'ose of the service about ty.entv manifested personal concern by lis- lEg, Dr. Pritchard'g theme ton;ght will be '-Child Piery." Service? are hi'M every duy t-x S;30 aud 8 p, m. Everybody welootec. Jl x. MeJtenie Mnrrl.-ti. Kev, B y McEeiiii?, who was once pastor of All bamts Episco.wl clurch in tijis city, and w-ho bus Dunieioua tiud dear frk-nd3 tere, was n.srried tc Miss Mary Louise Beal, of New York, Tuesday ifternocn The marriage was celebrated in St. Peter's cnurch in the great aetropo litan city, Pey. Dr. Rouche ofliciat. ing, Rev. Oheehi'-e, of Chirlottr, as sisting, ine Mantiaru joins nis many friends in extending' con gratulatiuii.i. Jeiiii.uHO lle C'mifce. ' Meridan, Miss., Oct. 24. Minnie Ross, a young woman who came here yesterday .from Mobile, Ala., was dangerously shot tonight by another woman, Nettle Morris, 'ihey were both engaged in the depot shooting gullery. The cause of the trouble U jealousy. The wounded -woman was jiuot at four times with a 22 -caliber pisto), threeshors taking effect one in the neck, passing out through the cheek. The other wounds we e in the thigh and abdomen. Sow Is Ihe Accepted." , . - Doctor Oliyer Wendell Ilolmes once said that the time to begin the training of a child was a hundred year8x before (its birth. Similarly, the time to tram up a crowd of holi day Baoppers is about two months ahead of the hoidaye that is, right cow. Too early ? Some casual holi day shopping is being done already, and in New York th wholesale toy houses present in thtti windows no table displays of Christmas novel ties. The holiday shopper is keep ing an eye out for the holiday dia plays. . It is none too 'soon to begin to' catch a gknee from thousands of i eyes that daily- scan the advertising columns cf The Standard. See ? : MS. MOODY. We FeoniM-rN the Firemen of Hie Jt!te, Jln!ir n blreat IIimvI About Itse mail Apurciirliitloii." " In the rounds of the" candidates i during their canvass of the-county. ( M". Moody, the Republican cand: i date of the Populists for tne senate 'from this district made a great blow about the little $2,f0!. appropriation bv the State for thfi benefit of the disabled firemen, lie ?ys it is an unnecessary appropriation and when a fireman gefs disabled he should be sent to the county poor house, Mr. LlooCy says the country people have nothing to protect, but he is very ignoran. Didn't Cabarrus once seder the loss of her court house aud didn't i 'no ;rous deeds, trusts, mortgiifM n. 'i other county y&Iu ables i-.-t cTiv .n'-eu m the flames? At:'i th'-'n he r ys a fire company is of no s . the county. Jit's n!l cf mud. v, people who have cny ccminou eense at r.11 ctaaot a-ord to send nucri a mau to the Seaate to represent us. Ob, no ! Firemen, oonsider this and see that the scorfndrel 13 denounced by all of you. Instead of "turning the scoundrel out." do:i't let them get in. See n it personally, and if yoa yoto for s:'ch n man, you are no principled in not upholding an or ginization thet bent fits every citizen, white and colored. ftiuU a' rrcwi Hill. Mrs. J L Hi i son, of Forest Hill, who had been for soae pno connnea co ner oea witn consump tion, pwd quit tly sway Wednesday night. .Jra. Iuson wts a lady of t a high Christ m faithful and ;iui. character, ever Besides htr hus- band, Mrs. Iiinson leayea four child tods 10 mourn her ceatn. We'lilenbnrjc "I The I .'sell'"' ul be a great clay in uklenburg's Dcmo- November 2 vj the history of Jvl cracy. A tarbc being arranged 'ue and sneaiir. is for at Shnron on that day Friday AfTtsniruro 'preaiiLtflffnen who will speak npon this occasion :s Hon. Frauk I Osbarne s and R li Gk-un, fwo of North Carolina's most eloquent men. Hon. W II J Ham, cne Georgia's most distinguished sons, will also be there. After the .barbecue and speaking at Sharon tho rbole "shcotir.g match," teen, women and all will then go zo Char lotte, where a "speaking will be had at the Auditorium g.nd a big torch light procession at night. Exten sive preparations &re being made to mike the gathering one of the grandest sii'airs Charlotte has jet known. What the Fnrknsco I'mitaf neit, New York, October 25 President L C Weir, of the Adams Express Company, was seen today in his office and questioned regarding the recovery of t the express porch at Cnlverion, Va. . President Weir said: "Wa bjve not opened the bag yet, and of course I uo not know what it con- fains. But I caa teil you now what it should contain. The contents ins elude some bills of lading fcr cot ton find several thousand dollars worth of i ail toad receivers' certific ates. Of course the loss on these will be very small, but would cause considerable trouble; to our custom ers and ourselves in replacing them. We have now recovered everything. Mpeakin 'kr .11. Ker. Hon. PI E Raper, of - Lexington, Democratic nominee for solicitor' in this district, will address the citizens of the county at; the following named phots: Bethpage, today, Friday, October 23, at 7;o0 p. m. -Georgeville, Saturday, October 27, at 7:30 p. m. He will speak at the court house in thia city at 7;30 o'clock Monday night, October 2y. Lat the Demoo racy and ail others come out to hear him. . - Free Liquor In CoucorU. 'Have jou heard that the Demo crats are running a free dispensary here. Wonder if the leading Prohibitionist of the tewa who is working so hird for Denis know of tbfs ?. What Uo jou call a man wh uses his influence as a Prohibitionist and protectionist to help a free trade and a free liquor crew.' Ed Keis tler's Vestibule. We b-g the editor of the rotton, vile, corrupt Vestibule to step over to the gentleman he refers to and tell him personally of this bar-, room or dispensary. As a religioui duty he should do so. . Victor Ochoa,;the Mexican revo lutionist, was, captured ; at Toyah SraSton Wednesday night. ! Democrat, be at work. ,'I:ive you registered ? Did j on fce'any tf ih. Deaocrctic free liquor?- Jellico coal 450. ton. K L Craven. nl We hope no violence wi!l tale place tonight at the speviing. Yoa must pay attention to your registration before noon tomorrow, A mortgage is about the haidest thing to raise about a plantation.- In Democratic ranks everything is serene and lovely. . Simpson street, in northern part of the city, is beiDg greatly improved. Not to soon, however. Business is gradually picking up and every thing in that line is running smooth. .Mr. aad Mrs. J C Willefofd left thia morning for Winston, their fa fnre home. ?Squire C C- Montgomery is quite unwell, so much so that he is un able to be cut. The father of Dr. Charles Mc Iver, died at his home in Egypt, Chatham county, on Wednesday, in his 50 ih year. Mr. Frank L Mabrey,, once a resi dent of this city, buc now at Ale Adensville, subscribes for the daiiy Stacdard via telephone. Thia phone is convenient in eyery wsy, The State Fair, which is in pro' I p. i- wppfc- ill hafc ovar known to this State. The crowd is 6:nply immense and' the displays re hand in baud with the weather per fectly grand ! Mr. C A Dry was in the city from Alhemrrk. Mr. Dry savslie is not tp.king any part in politics this year, but Moody stands no more sLowiog in Stanly county than a -billy goat." Rev. Dr. Priichtrd, of Charlotte, who is assisting Rev. J 0 Alderman in a reyival at the Baptist church, in d.-irg serrii" good, c-arnej . .and practical, preaching. Ejerybbdy it cordially invited to come out to there meetings. CKariie ilearue, of Albemarle.whc was in Salisbury Tuesday circus lay attempted, without any pro vocation whatever, to' cut the throats of Officers Eagle aud Ma haiey. Nothing serious was done) however, but the officers' coats being cut up. Mr. W.P Shealey is in Concord on a visit frcm Lincolnton. Mr. bhea 1 ey saya everything m that section of the countiy is ail right, theiarai- ers haye good crops, the laboring hands making good wages and full time and everybody is working for ths good cause of Democracy. The Charlotte News explains the cause of the death of the big boacon- strictcr cf Main'o It says that the ady snake charmer discovered that the great reptile was mad and she called for help. The snake's head had to be cut off before it would loosen its coil, and as a matter of course the nmnster died. , A mass meeting of Reps and Pops was held Wedneslay night. A very small crowd was in attendance and epeeches were made by several of the few present. Among those who spoke were : Charley Caldwell, Am brose Hiieman, Jones Montgomery, Bill Junker and Ed. Keistler. The meeting, indeed, was one of cons fusion. "There ia a curious belief, eays the Washington Post, '-among some of the colored people of this city, Maryland and Virginia. It is no uncommon sight to eee tbem with a little knot of kinky hair right on top of the head, tied up tightly with a bit of string or ribbou. ' If . you ask any of thtse old uncles or aun ties the nieaniug of the strange hail- dressing they will saj : Why, bun ny, I does uat to keep ni7 pallet from falling down my throst and chokiu' me." Cspt. Thos. W Mason is making the point in his Hper ches ' that the leaders of the Third party movement in North Carolina. were m the Demos cratio State conventio-i two yearp sgo and endorsed its wcrk, and that iuside . of ninety days they had turned wound, repudiated the ticket which they had endorsed in the be ginning, and were supporting an other agiinsc it ; and he is wanting to know cf the people how they can this year support a lot of men who in 1892 could not keep their prem ises from convention time to election day. The facts are as Capt. Mason states, and his questions are pertinent and timely. Charlotte Observer. ' If some people- did not - have fei t where would their heads ca'y them to? The ladies who are doing ro time h fo make tha -Merry Milkmaids" a au-jci'eSjJarc truly a z-.-alous 6v-t. One fiddle is just as good as whole brass band to dance with your heart ia feeling light. Nobody ever called a set of plow hne'8 "ribbons," but they have dons a heap of valuable service. A good crowd was on our streets today and the advertisers of the Standard enjoyed a good custom. Miss Maud Brown, who has been quite unwell for several dayp, is out aj.'ain, we are glad to note. A corncob'pipe is not aristocratic, but it smokes a heap sweeter than one that ain't paid for. We are glad to see Mr, A L Sapjjenfield out again, after a severe attack of the grip. Mr. J A Sims, the Republican- Populist cannidate for sheriff, will speak at Forest Hi II tonight. There is considerable cons'erna- tiou in politics in No. 10 township. Mr. Will, Flcwe says the Populists are "not in it" in his section. Mr. Will Leslie, a former Con cord boy, has aceepted a position in the drug eEtablishmont of Burwell & Dunn, Charloite. The family of Mrs. J FjWilleford have moyed into the house recently vacated by Mr. Teste! Lentz, on East Depot street. The remains of a baggy were seen in the public road just above the Udell mills. Both hind wheel? were off and the thafts wer? broken all to pieces. Mr. D R Hoover will move into his new home on Mill street next week and Dr. J E Cartland iil oc cupy the one he now lives in on Plank street. The firemen, when disabled, need an appropriation for their wives 3nd kt'le ssr.': 1 Hfy ' 2 vote for a man that would endeayor to stop it. Not on your life ! When Moody goes to the Senate and Hiieman to the Legislature the p:ople ia Raieigh can then use thi old saying with a good deal of origin nality. ,:Ail the fools ain't dead yet." ,The report of the attempt to as sassinate Groyer Cleyeland in New York Thursday was all a fake and is the work of some sensational newspaper correspondent, who was in want of stuff to create excite menr. There ia no scarcity of tramps in Charlotte. Six were arrested in that city Thursday. Two were re leased on account of youthf ulness, being under 111 years of age. The Vestibule Bays ; "The pro cession at night was disgusting to all.". We luye no doubt but the editor of theVestibule and his lead ers were disgusted, xney may be sorry they are living November 6. "Where arc you going my pretty maid ?" "I am goin to .the polls," so she said, "to fee that my papa does not vote anything but the Demos cratic ticket throughout." A vote for Moody and Allen means a vote for a moss back Republican and alight headed Populist in the United States to represent North Carolina. Stanly News. Mr. A C Vickers, who is a trave ling man and who ha3 recently come thrc-Ggh,the country by private con veyance from Georgia, says Cabarrus and Mecklenburg counties have the heat cotton Grop that he has yet seen. Mr, Vickers ha i seen consid-. erable cotton. A Mr. Jentz. of No. 6, when asked bow tie people in his township stood for Moody, he said they had not heard anything about the man and didn't know he was running for office,' Mr. J M Cannon, cf Davidson College, was in to see up. Mr. Can non eaya the Populists are raising a mighty howl in Dewese township in Mecklenburg, but he says they will not get twenty-five votes in the township. Mr. Herbert Barrow received a most enthusiastic welcome from the Merry .Milkmaids last : night upon hia return from the State Fair. Mr Barrow takes a very prominent part in their operetta. . Be is the hero of the love story and --hia charming voice adda much to - the beautiful maeic of "The Merry Milkmaids." Concord can't get on without Forest Hill even in musical circle?. 11 urn CREATES CONSIDERABLE EX CITRMKNT. Atnl! a t oiiimof ion ou Onr Streets -if I A A'arrow. .EKenpe Frou Inwtaul Death. About 3:30 o'clock as Mr. Jake Birringer's team -ae coming across the bridge at Bell A venue and Wt-st Depot streets, the bridge turned over and the horses become frightened and dashed up Depot street at 3 furious rate. hen the bridge turned over, the driver got out of the wagon to re place it befora the horses started to run. When thpy did start, however, they had the street all to themselves until they got in front of Mr. K L Craven's house." A teambelonging to Mr. Tom Porteet, of No. 4 township, was standing in the street in front of Mr. Kraven'a with three bays in it, two white boys, Allison and Howard Pc-nnmger, and the colored driver, Tom Long. Mr, Barringer's wagon struck the hind end of Mr. Porteet' wagon, which started his team right behind the first one. Mr. Barringer's team kept straight through .town until it reached Church street, when it suddenly turned aDd came within a hair's breath of "running over Richard Walter, the 5 year old child ot Mr. C F Walter, who was out looding for the mop key. The sfreets were thronged with people. When the first wagon pass ed, immediately behindjcame Mr. Porteet'a team, which ran against the electric light pole just iu front of the bank. Allison Penninger, who is about II years old was thrown from the wag on fully ten fet, with only a few bruises on his forehead Ilia brother Howard's leg was slightly injured, but no bones broken. - It wr3 certainly a miracle that no one was not killed. 1 'g-grJiorse of y, r Ban inger's ran against enc,e and skinned his forehead, and a breast tree broken was about all. the damage to his team except that the wagon oed was broken to piec.-s when it turned over. Mr, Parteet'8 team whs not in jured. The frame on his wagon we.s considerabl ybroken. ,- Excitement ran high and it whs feared that some cne would hi killed Democratic Slieriir Whips n Aejjro. "Some time ago a poor negro was confined in our jailjfor some email offence. Bob Cannady and others were passing by and they heard this negro crying pi tif ull y. They learned that the jailor was whipping him se verely. Bob went to Sheriff Morris son and complained of this ill treat ment. Morrison said he waa capable of tending to his own business, "nig gers" keep running to me with com plaints. Bob said if you don't down Johnston we will see you this fydl. He wouldn't do it. Wiil you vote for s man that whips poor negroes when fcey can't defend themselves. Morrison "told Bob that it wasn't left to him tosiiy who would be beat in Nov. Yot for Morrison and look out for the whip." y'csMh v Julius Mabau, a colored man who was employed at the county jail by Mr. R Will Johnston at the time the above accusation waa made, swears that Mr. Johnston did not whip any one all the time he was there ana that there was not but two men whipped one of them being a white man, Joe Herron, the other a colored man. Mr. Johnston had nothiifc to do with the whipping, it being done by Mr, Barnhardt, the foreman of the chain gang. Neither the henff or Mr., Jonhston had any right to thrash any prisoner or con vic , and when one is whipped it is dottj by the order of the Board of County commissioners. Bob Cans nady only heard some one eay that a negro was being thrashed and,, of course, broadened it to make politi cal bosh out of his statement We all know Bob. Julius Mahan is "a good,8ober and honest negro, and his statement can be relied upon. Ieth or Davlrt M, Vance. Asheville, Oct. 26 David M. Vance, son of the late Senator Vance, died last night at the State Hospital at Morgan ton. The remains were bropght here this afternoon and in terred in tne Riverside cemetery- . A coloied man, we don't know hia name, must have discovered the disperlsary at - an early hour this (Saturdaj) ; morning. He. came down Main street riding a!Ta fearful rate and was BlightlyT)oisterou8. A RUNAWAY Highest of all ia Leavening Pciter. ,r4 DROWNED IN THE SEA.- The Steamer I'arix Collide' With a Bark lu n IHitliitjtht .storm. Southampton, Oct. 25. The steamer Paris, from "New Yors, which arrived last night reports haying, encountered terrific weather with mountainous seas, which swept over her deck. On the morning of October 24th at 1:30, and duiing the night of the storm, she came into collision, 80 mOes from the 5cilly Islands, with a bark or full rid ship, the name of which it was im possible to learn. The o'loers of the Paris belieyed that the sailii yeescl was cut completely . in wo. The Paris stood by for five hour , until daybreak, with her boats in readiness to rescue any of the crew of the unfortunate vesEel that might be seen, but saw no trace of the Pbip. The vessel was struck amid ships and it is thought she must' have foundered immediately, all hands on board going down wiihi her. The lookout on board the j Paris believes the sunken vessel to have been a ship of about C,500 torus. She was not seen until the Pens w;ip so close to her that it was impossible to avert a collision. The bow plate of the Paris were slightly indented but otherwise ehe wm not injured. The "Merry JWilkiuuiili), ' Next Tuesday night the '-Merry Milkmaids" will be ou the boards, and if you are a lover of good, oper atic music, you will not fal to there. It will be rendered by ho talent, and we nave somstine in the State. It will ben'lit of tin- Thompson Orphanage at Charlotte. Let everybody go, Siarl y Jcounty is ,to have a great DemoointK; rally on November Ex n:ite: a ba asci-hrfi-m. -TIe is jromg up to er.- ami-u' tit- f.tmo8pfcei2 aad Bee just j how-- hi cr? th Pons will hrvt -; I kno'-ne 1 to get there clear out of aig'it. A gre.t parade 13 being Ar ranged for. Mrs. Henry ( res.s iteuii. The wife of Mr. Henry Cress died Thursday at his home iu 2w. 0 township, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Cress was probably GO years of age, and was a good Christian woman. Her remains were interred in the at. John's burying ground to day, Friday. We extend our sym pathy to the bereavtd oues. Turner to Sjflf. lion. Wm. D Turner, of Stateff ville, will speak at Mfc. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, Wednesday, Ocios ber 30, at 1:30 p. m., and at Concord at the court, house Wednesday night, Oetober-31. The candidates for tho county oflis cos "will alsfAneti, at jAt. Pleasant next Wednesday. The criange was made for the candidates, that they might hear Senator Jarvia, Hoke Vaeelitatetl. V Washington, Oot. 25. Secretary Smith today issued a" general .-rder that eyery body in the Interior De partment shall be yaccinated in view of the prevalence of small-pox in this city The BecreUry was in uoculated with vaccine two- dayr ago, and determined, if pJ sible, that do new cases shall break out i t the nterioi? Department. -' ; ' j The rooms inHho Interior Depart ment occupied by Judge" llncker one of the email pox patients, ..have been disinfected, and ' the clerks employed therein" sent 'to ". their homes. ' Won't fleclvc Cold! . - ,. Mr. W. Wr-Wilhelm, one of thrf prominent Populists of No. 10 iown ahip wm in town Friday with cot ton. He is .such 'i bitter enemy , to the Cleveland administration that he actually ; refused to be paid for hifl cotton in gold, nor would he receive sil?cr cofA made since the Inaugura tion of the present National admin istration. He demanded greenback, and Mr. 0 G Montgomery, . who purchased bis cotton iaid it to him. -Mr. WilhelifSt ji belieynd, dfeif not want to be pats iu the nug; the vgold bua?,". having; 5 bodily re foBe to receiv ill I&zsffisJ Ax txy 7 TV S"-v'..- 1 VI u- VtxlHl Friday place ia tl der, at Fo: didafes for Sims, : th leader, spo.' about one course of w now he badl moved fron town and n elected to tli failed to s notice was Demooratio combination! much.) At he said iin h Odell had discnarue ev the wi--1 She f: M.. to th' v ii . toldt " ..;: lie sa . a bicf - life and i - . say SC'.K" ' He tok! : , i' lC88 Of b!-- "'. fense c-r. made it 0; ones to b's o lit. .f...-U box and in a do feat and Eyeryt ff quietly and the entioipat e ny tne x'eps. cms R 'prfbli-- f.isiuli.f. - at juri-t 1 ' -A large asseii-bliiT-- was gathered the .opera house 'n this city t t-7cnir.j 10 iisuii to vice Preside! Steve'nsdui' Hon. Daniel W. Guern sey presided, and Mr. SteveDson wa received with 'juite a demonistratioo. of appiauee. iiis Hddresa was enni nreiy devoted to national i88ue, prm ci pal7 "to lneui.':g, n.nd- Jiothe same Iniea as those nererorore des Jiveid by him. KOKlftratfou Rooks C locl. lit 1? o'clock today (Saturday) f.Yt rccriat r a turn VnfL-Q in f Vi o f-nrtnfw .... ... closed and unless you are one of tha few who may become of age between! now and the sixth of November, ill you are not registered already, you! will have no more sayseoat the bal Jot box than a .rabbit. If are no tjivrl?rrTgie tared" - ia own fault. jitorpiN. 4 TIRED,-WEAK,' HERYi . : Ciulo Hot Sls3g.-, ' Prof. L. D. Edwarda,' of Preatoni Idaho, says: "I was; all run down. weak, nervous and irritable throuitrri) overworn. 1 surterea irom brain ra-tic-ue. mental depression, etc 1 be-i came so weak and nervous that ! couia not sleep, 1 would arlso tired .discouraged and blue. I began taking' Dr.-Miles'tNervir and now everything la chanr sleep soundly, I feel bright," and ambitious.? I can do more a ooii! day now than I used to do in a we', 'j For this great food 1 pive Dr. Miles' Bestorative Nervine the sole credit, i "ip. MIW Nervlna la feild On (lOnt gvaranteo that, tha first bottlo will U ai;uj;IU still UtJji. bottlns It will ba sent) preiki, on receipt of i kyhe Dr. Uilm tueuical Co., Kb.t. . .dforsaia bv,Jl crngp'o. '-. ) Mr. H ma hi 1. J '. . . : X I -1 - mm0f0mf t -; -

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