5 imi i i ii nil hiii ' - 'UI?:L ct'a tin A ort 'i TURN'S OUT ;.- GOOD - JOB - WORK YEWS THAI ' AT LIVING PRICES. FOR 1 'VOL. VX-rNpM GONGdRD. N. e:; THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER 151894. WHOLE NO. 344 giye us. atrial: 1 Ml IMII 1 ' TlMMIIIIIIIHIMIMIII II II I III I " n ... I ' I T y , i i m - - 1 . 1 . -t I. I - - V Tf----:flF ' -" ' rNy . ' ; - 'THE i v AT FORE 5T HILL. Tw Mea are llnrt. One Get Harried . ud Another Will Be Mr. Emery Knlerlaina. Mr. I H BeaUy, while stacking ' co'tten in the yard m front of No. 4 p' &ill at Forest Hill Thursdiy even log 'ell a distance of tlieen feet and was seriously injured. After, dnv- initvliis hook" Md the bagging and . leaning backward, the book lost its V hold, causing Mr. Beatty to fall to ,.; the hard ground opon his head and back. Besides receiving injuries tn the head and e Dine, he is hurt in'' ternally. Dr. L M Arehey was summoned to attt nd him, aud states r'' tha while the injuries are serious!, Mr. Beatty may recover. Mr. J S Proctor, who runs a slubj Jber, f ot his left hard.iorno-pieca8 this (Friday) morning in the ma chineryin Mill No. 2. Ilia band was so badly torn and mashed that probably one or more fingers : will have to be amputated. Dr, S J '"Montgomery dressed the wounds. fjj4redue8day night Mr. John ' Hornbuckle was married to Miss Alice Bailey, one of the mosf charm ing young ladies on the lliii. In a very, impressive manner Rev. M A Smith performed the ceremony. The'marriage of Mr. II T Wil liams io Miss Maggie Robinson is announced for next Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. Mr. F L Emery entertained quite a number of invited guests Friday evening at his home on Church street. Aamocg them were Revs.Sur rat, M A Smith and J B Carpenter. The clerks are all .busy atid things are rocking on smoothly as usual at the company store. Death Hear Ml. Pleasant. Within one mile of Mt P.easant, &t4et!csyi?, Mrs. William W Eudj dpd about 11 o'clock Tnursday night .. ...... .v ; Mrs. Eudy "has been ba'dfy afllicted , for six months-, or more.. She4 was stricken with paralysi?, which was the inamediabe cause of her death." y . Her husband di.edabout one year "KgoI'ffiusBeveral boys and girls are left fatherless and motherless. She was probably 55 years of age. Her remains ' were interred in the Lutheran cemetery at Mt. Pleasant.'. TalmnKC.KeHiiis. New York, Nov. 8 The aspocia tion of the Rev. Dr. De Witt Talmage with the Brooklyn Tabernacle has bzen formally severed. Ilia resigna- tion is due, he said, to the' fact tha he does not feel that he should k L:s old congregation io huild the fourth church for him. He advices them to eitherjoin other churcfi.si5 , bid for a new pastor. Dr. Tal mage's JetteV of resignation was"' dattd on -' Monday and sent to the session. As to his future plans he says he will eitlier take a new pastoiate or enter evangelistic work, "preaching the gospel to all people without price.'' 1 he session last night met and ' f'ormula'ed a let'er to the Presbytery asking thashey -formally dissolve ;the fia8tc.4' relations between them selves and Dr. Talmage, and also expressing regret at bis action. Tlie Passins of Poulisin. One thing, at least, is clearly de monstrated by Tuesday's elections. The Populist party has seen its best days. It was driven out of its strong holds, and in States where i' had recently made gains it lost heavily. Instead of electing thirty-five or forty members of -Congress "-as it iy V-boasttd it would, it has had-ital repre -O sentation of eeven in that "hody,re: V duced almost one-half.' , j' ' f The people ol the Uhifr d Statts may now and then "be deluded bY, Republican fallacies, Ibu, tbey-il never adopt the wild- tieiefi&fi v government whieh the Populi6ts proclaim. They have seen Populism pnt to practical test. Several States, have been under its complete domi nation. The result has invariably b o the Bame. The credit of the gtate has Buffered ; private property has depreciated fearfully ; outside capital has refused to come and mil lions of dollars have been takeiTout of the reach of reckless Populistic leei8Ution. .... -.. The various trials fhat have been accorJed to Populism have all re Bnlted 'in one .verdict' It is . that Populism is incapable of safe gby--. ernmeni i nd fatal to public and pii pg'e in'teregtSj ' ' ; ' " ' ' Populism is . doomed. Atlanta The failu'reuBinesa has begun A bb)i iq California - threw up the ipong-o$ ,jpfitorsdaj.'.",.i' We wtre rrbiiii !'prfiere is it? pro A HISTORY OF HUMANITY. A Characteristic fin miliary of the . Dolnsr Mnfc'f rhnv niti Burliest Creation? "- j CHAPTER I."' The earliest informatidn which we have ot matf ia thathe as created Having exhausted hiniself.m calling the animals names he proceeded 'to go to sleep I . CHAPTER JI.; Woman then occurs, and her fiCst .of ;th majt'rijbS'for her owrcohH venience. , eAJ:! J CllAKTElS III. Mjp Jf is now ut the strtft'iiit -j errestrial' proaptijflli CHAPTER III Woman feminine terrestri possesses th'ej)njy. li v' iHan.Vaad she inhahTts-t5"e.i!arlTse ' of - Pl'eaS-' 1 he next incident. thorefore.-i5--rri inevitable sequence. - Strauns frfitn Adan ntn ntPrMtinn with th nn!r n-l.r talking creature in tho gtrla-ti wit, the serpent, ihe uiosi villa'inou loathsome and venomous ai.imil nf xi empuasize me situation, mis particular serpent is Satan the principle of Evil. CTAITER IV. . The serpent deceiyes Eve, wbo possessing entire h$$$j3, charac teristicayeefttar geest ; f or some thing new! CHAPTER V. . Eve rejoins Adam, prevails upon him to make a fool of himself, as she already had of herself,:and hid ingleaves the first man tp tell the tirat lie!.V CHll'TER VI. Adam and Eve are summarily ex pelled fiom Paradise. Thus, upon the first da5 the first woman fell at the first temptation, ruined the firet man and accomplish ed sufficient mischief to endure eyen u,nt il the JajjLBnpet bai sn m mon the last " niau" to attend, the Jj-ist Judgnjnte A very creditable. tiudjess rehear-saI..V- :, ..... . . ,? Keproduc4e the ingredients ol this rpisodj'wtftTfetjraBS elaboration, innumerable billipiis of times, and you have the complete "History of Humanity" frpmthj first breath to the last sigiV " . . ;-not . In the" course orflie busy first day the" first woman iu-venftU. the i first aoiuuu A circu-nsttucrf of interest is that :..',,y wt . -. ; '- hve inadgufiite'u ff frrale drss with a lea, aj)dy ivckgn-vtjll' recTntif' jfashion hus continually added to tbe coatum with- - civilized iroman; hall wearIi1h:erbijin,served for this century, hoTever. to rexerse the .rpeessVbyapidly undressing hen,, and it may l,. thenfore i.hatthV end of the wbrlu 'will occui?iwhen- woman reaches agdin re-inxpensive starting point. At the precetWratt- this may be estimated to.hnpp?n .omewheae.about 1S97i P.paij be a tritld. earlier. London Truth: vsa.i rio -- . .- .-. .1 . iKi -. . A jouDg lady in OoncordTi&thai possessor f. a 4ojr innocent 3$aoiry oird thafc h talent for the birds can s told.. She has owned the.brdfcr several years, and until WeduesJay 'Morning las", it had never sarg a note, and since the election returns. have brought forth the sad news of Democraticdefaat, the little fellow eems$o be trying itself. ;Ic has sangieach -'day incessantly. The poor littlebmU life has been threatened appn thebelief that it is a Repub i- can. " - . "f Tbia i ll ad actual fact. The lady lias' she many tars over thd sudden Ajbangehnt the poor little. caged birdtjsf.not cease to send frth it? sncoanting notes. y.i Poo bird!.. j Pearson Elected in Hm mih. Asheville, Nov. 9. The; tfficial returns are not all in but it appears' fsomDeuiocritic wards, but f bought better of it and withdrew his1!; objec-: tions -'in this county Losk and Bpi'uhim are elected by 66 arid 162 ..majority, respective!:', for the4Iou8e. Ifl e,,wht$ Pct)s count j ticket is elected bj majorities raDgiifg from I 43 to 245Jwhi;c&&Bsflitoifc airc!oJ4.gas A-ood 10 L ; Money io ioan',m eaf estate. W.G. Means atfornev. tf - as lStely develoftjM-fjMdjrljiaotifi 7, ttewitiork sweet notes thatTlutfft 1 ' ' "WO" . Dg. But the BtorJott f ei"S?th-; CarbKBa Y, CfEtaW th'tirM'earstf 3 1 ecv ed to! I - VL- rffeirerMie8'ff'! Signed.. J), W. lii i- . ii7 r FTrefen,?tTeT(r3m-Whv mt -ive (nliKlpd its work this altprnnnw tRi& kr t -. iJI' iai ".Ji. - UvJ. ...v: v' 1V KParanteed andjottles are, free OVER 100 YEARS OLD. An Honest Colored Man Passes Away He Had the KeMpcci oi. Alt. Some days ago the Standard made nention of tbe eerion affliction of 'Uncle Alfred" Barriej a lespcdt able, honest, faithful old colored man of Concord. Uptooneyear ago he lived in Alt. Pleasant. He had the respect M f verybodv. "Uncle AlfreVI" was WTe'woo'd cuOfreT orrbat town but,.vi'.h.a frank face rile was over lOQ je'are dd: ; "-- . f lid wia'sn'orfiual African. Iiav ih U'etr bfought Trom Africa wbea 1 JjbJfaj1.' .Tv3as owtei by olu Mr. teJ-iUiina iixviicr, of Mt. Pieas M f. at 1 HV'cl''n'fithe war."- -'ui!clj Aie- is dead,-. . He 's : .. rjasswl away Thursday ni?ht. -Peade PeaO I uuuijib. n.m ju-jucuoive, ins va?. x 1.1 i-a ii-fie'lwill IrSceuieiiiberd for. year J-mqi heboid he'WS cannot Je. told, trii -enough is- knfrwn to knTjw- thujt I he Xcxl House ol Ke)reseiilat i ves. j a..-:'V'aSj5glo.n.,;.Nov. 7. Chairmaa Bibcock, of the Republican ' C0"n'f gressional campaign coinmitteeies timates the next House will be.121 Democrats, 231 Republicans, and 4 Populist?, giyirg the Republicans clear msjority of ICG over-all', This estimate is bused on returns received up to 3 o'clock p. ni. The Republican Congressional Campaign committee clostd . up its headquarters today. Several at tempts v;-; ! made this morning by Chairman Uabcock aud Secretary JlcHee to prepare a able ehoing. the relative party representations in the next House, but each time fuller returns received threw out the cal cjlation. The Democratic cam paign committee concedes a .Republi can plurality fifty-six in the ; next House. . Washington, Iwv. 7. At 8:6'olock tonight Mr. Bibpopk, gave out the following statement ; . ' "Returns received up to tiirs:hou'r show that we have elected .jover 00 members, with several other States to near from. We have carried the solid Congressional delegations of twenty-three States. We have car ried the majority of the "delegations in thiriy .!tt ites, ; thereby ' enabling us to elect a l'rcsident in case the electipn. should 'be throwS ' iuto tbe House! -The returns indicate that ve have'seenred controlf the iuxt j Seje by a majority of one to tliree rncin couniiDg me voce or ipnn Ciirolina, which Jhs undoubtly r-lectedly a Republican Legislature." Chaiiman Babcock's figures show :that thelicpublicans have carried 7tl-iolljCuiiVgrSta&s by s&Mid .Con: greesional delegations: Connecticutt,' (Jo!ora3o, Delaware, Idaho, lnd,iaTia, jkaajaAf JiBJ' Massachusetts, &Uoigtriii'Muiola, Montana, Ne bfasirrif "New nm.pehire, New Jersey, h.Dafofii? Ofegon, Rlrf.fe Is-ln-hT '$jot8j Vejirrgnt, iVpk.igj.Vjtoming, West'if g inio. abxl vW-iscohsin, -The ! number. Of districts hMmf -the Rfephbli itftV Varfftff 'ttf 'Other Stafef are: lliijaij.i,jva-10, Kent 5, iThisisa very inopportunetime Vor Co"i!cii41JJe;ui&Jto.be looking blue, but blue he is .and.looltFi it's. all owrJe election, IIe;jwas over yesterday talking over the "dreadful busihess'.and bimpaning tlf'a fa'ct that CWaWaff :had". joini'd- rh'Rep P,op procession. Charlotte Obewvea.. """' "liiiitflits Si ihe r Maecabci'. The State Commander wrftefis froXiVWr?',ire'b.', sis follows : ''After, trying, other, medicines ifor. w lrrt isgp fi8 t pit- a iter? - obs ti n a ce' c6ugh in our two children wetried llr. "' King's New Discovery and at te'!eiruOTjwetlHy8fcc-'d6Qgh ens irely ' lerf Wetof r-tWs iyKl not be witboat it hereafter, as our. experi- ceiveEQM teireswhere ; all at.: Jetzer 8 . Vrug store-f. iiegular size 50 c. and $1- 00 - t . , ; JUDGE! GRAVES DEaB' i- - " - lie rnased Away at Mt. Airy Y'qMertlny Morninir at 10:IOOTloe Airoy. ijnAae fesse F PMvt uteaaftC 10 o'ejogk. Jdge privre .'Nortn- Carofina College at Mr, Pleaan, has vven iff the chisa of '05 Who U Uie Jonah ? Jfextpomes Thankgiving. Begin to advertise Christmas goods now..,, i ! ': The electric lights are about all straight again. ' . . Policeman B!ac! welder, of Cbar- il.otte, a native of Cabarrus, is quite Mr. John W'Fink, who had bpen qaite sick for a month or more, is able to be out we are-glad to say Judge Graves 1? critically ill Ht -his home in Mt. Airy. His life -13 despaired of. . .. Dr. W H Wakefield who.visits Con'cord frequently on .professional work, ia to change .his homeV"6m 4 . Winston to Charlotte. " ' The Charlotte Observer has re cently put in a job office, managed by Mr. R E Blakely, a clever and courteous old gentleman. Lippard & Barrier's black de livery horse got scared Thursday afternoon at a covered wagon and backed the hack all ' over the sido walk. No damage was done. One hundred and sixtv-three men marched to the music of a .brass band fiom McAdensville to Lowell and cast a solid Democratic vot Brass bands must be a Jonah." Miss Edna Pitts has accepted a portion with the Lowe Co. Mies Pitts has many friends in the city who aregkd to know she is again with us. She will be glad to see them all.- Dr. D G Caldwell is in Concord to stay and will not live in the country, as many believe, lie will be found at the home of Mrs. Dr, Heuuerson, on West Depot street, instead of the St. Cloud Hotel. Jlr. Lee S Overman, of Salisbury, has been elected president of the Board of D.rectors of the North Carolina Railroad Company. This is to fiil the vacancy caused by the death of W F Kornegay, of Golds- boro. . v ( '. ,"' The reason Mr. Joh'S'D Green, of No.'S', yoted the Fusion ticket was that one year ngo he trot $1.50 per day as a carpenter and now just $1.25. Fusion must put np wages to $1 50. Fred. T Adims, a New York- broker, who had been offering so much money and heavy odds on Mors ton's election, won $70,000 on the election. If Hill had been victo rious, Adams would have lost more than 5250,000. It is said of a certain official who has recently devoted much time to th6 stnly of grace-saying that he had hecome so accustomed to res peatiog "O Lord make us thankful, etc," t hat when he was swearing a pian Thursday he began with the &bov9 "0 Lord, etc." instead of VDo you'solemnly swear, etc." He is a young 'man - and married, and hasn't bs'en in public office many years. - Two.-years from now, wh?n the Republicans and Democrats are struggling for "supremacy in this country, where will be our Populist neighbors..? Elated with the ap parent, success of the fusion moye ment, they vainly ioihgiue that they Have swolled up ard absorbed the fvepubilcan party, but in 1896 ther will find that they themselves have been swallowed and wiped out of ex istence ! Chatham Record. North Carona 4 per cent, bonds, which'were selling at $100 Monday dropped to $98 yesterday, a loss of $2, -ind oor 6 per cents., which were selling at $126 dropped to $123, a los8.or$3. This may not be due to the political slump in the State, but it, is hard to believe otherwise ' en no such thing has occurred bi and when it is remembered w kind of men, will probably contro' our State affair. We will not be surprised if our bonds fall to a much loner figure., Salisbury Her aid. ' ' We are indebted to the publisher, Jas. II Eonies, of Raleigh, N. C, for a copy of Turner's N.- C. Alma nac. Itis the mcst valuable that has ever .been issued. To tbe farmrr aad housekeeper, it is a mine of in formation for the whole year. In fact, the Almanac is valuable to eyerybody. If you have never had ft'll'nrner s N. t. : Almanac in your Ijtifscv buy one and hang it np by iVne nr.'piace ior rererence, ana es- Lpejcially;insickness, emergencies or auy;other matterand yon will never a without one again, It will' save .you. many'dolla'sm a year, and can be LoDght for the very small eumtjf 10 cefaw if ynnmll addres Ihe pub lisher, Jas. H Enniss, Raleigr-,' N. C. Don't fail to get one. - ' Politics is very quite these days. Onr Mthodiat'people a'c getting ready"' ft).' the 'Annual Conference. It meets in Statesville this year. Mr. Luther Ridenhoar, of St. John's gave us a pleasant call. He hopes when the shipment of silver begins that a divide will be m de. Th L. L of A. met Fridy night and a great time was had. This orgaLizi'ion is young, but haa lots of life in it. Mrs. Dr. II C Herring left Thurs day night for Charlotte, where Dr. Herring has located. This means one loss to Concord of agood and valua ble family. Evidently there is to be another year and tbe millpnifm is not yet at band; at least a new Almanac for 1805 is out and tells us what kind of weather we are to have. Mr. J Whit Burkhead and family haye moved uut to their new country Lome. Mr. Burkhead says it is not the Ury place anv more. "Lansing" is the name. Mr J W Mehaffey of our town has kept a list of all ilio deaths of adults in Concord since thg war. The Standard will publish the list and if there be any omissions we want to correct it. The New York. Celebrities, . Louis Blumenberg, manager, will be in xVimory Hall tonight. Don't fail to atenO, Oar people know this com pany and the entertainment will be unusually fine. The Standard forgot to say, and in fact overlooked, that in the gen eral wreck la3t Tuesday we saved not only Jim Gibson but Robt. Sappenfield, who vas elected town ship constable. Coroner Dorsett says he has no donbt but that Mr. J W Butler of Ehochyille, was murdered. He had had a dispute at a corn bhuckins and was driving a 20-year old horse tnat was never known-to. run away. The jury did not finish their work, adjourning to meet next Wednesday. Salisbury Herald. While the fusionist3 were cele brating their victory at Maiden on Wednesday night an explosion occur- ed which resulted in the death of one man and mainning for life another. It seems they were using some old iron they had gotton to celebaate with, when one of the pieces ex. ploded, striking Mr. J. F. Rudsiil on the leg shattering it so fearfully that amputation below the knee was necessary. .Mr. Joe Setzer was struck on the side of tbo head by a piece of material crushing his skull and killing him. Newton Enter prise. Ienioera(s Have Kijjht Texas on- vrressmen. Dallas, Texas, Noy. 9. Not more than ODe -third of the vote, of the State has been reported officially, but enough is known to predict the fcbect's of Culberson. Democrat, for Governor, by about 40,000 plurality, lie runs ten to fifteen thousand be hind the balance of ihe State ticket. Tne Democrats certainly elect Ooii -gressmen in eight of the thirteen districts, namely: First Hutcheson, 4,000 plurality; second. Cooper, 3, 0()0; third, Yoakum, 1,500; fourth, Culberson, 2,000; fifth, Bailey, S, 000; ninth, Shyers, 1,500; tenth, Crowley, 1,000; eleven'h, Cram, 1,0C0. A Preaelier in Tronhle. A committee to hear charges against Rev. Mr. Yarborougb, pas or of B street chapel, in this city, has been appointed by Rev. Dr Brooks, presiding elder of the Char lotte District. The trial before the committee will be Le!d next week. The specific charge ii that Mr. Yar borough tried to lead astray a young female member of his conjiregation. Mr, Yarboroui h is a young man, and has n ver yet been through con ference. A good deal of feeling. bas oeen excited against him in t ! conmunity and especially aunos g tne members of his .congregation Charlotte News Paid $100 To Get One Thrown On f . .' The canvassing board of the elec tion returns were asked to throw out No. 8 township because one man voted. It was claimed that a Mr. Kizer, who is a liner of Cabarrus and Stanly was registered'in No. 8 a d voted ther?. The managers of the Populists sent for Esq. Geo. Bapon of Char lotte to com6 over and . appear for them. He heard the case and said: the box can not be thrown out, but the one vote of Kizer can be,' if it is certain that he lives in Stanly and not Cabarrus. ' It cost $100 to' have, Mr Bason to Bay this. ' HOLTON TQBABCOCK. " ThlnkM His C'rowd Is Golnic to Need riiem nt the Meeting of I he CanvHss. ins Hoard. Washington, Nov. 8 Ths foilow irg letter from Noitli Carolina re ceived at headqua ters explaim itself: Gksensboro, N. C, Nov- 8, "Jt. Hon, J. W. iiabeock, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: We won a complete victory at the polls here yesterday. Have elected the judical ticket bj an estimated majority 'of over 40,00! and Lave both uranehes.of the Leg islature, with four Republicans and tLrea Populists. The fight will have to bo made tomorrow before the county canvassing boards. These boards havq judical powerp, thf right to investigate the legality o! every vote, and pass- upon tut regularity tjf tho precinet returns. It w'll ba necessary forus to have lawyers of reputation und ability to appear befcu'e these canvassing boards in many of the eounties ol the State. Will be compelled to em-J ploy Democratic lawyers at good fees; besides, it will be a stroke ol policy to get tnem. I - have' borne the expenses of this campaign main ly, and now my mone.v is exhausted. Our candidates ' cliiim that they have cot t'o means, and this is true with the most cf them. If we succeed in holding the State it is the end of Democracy here, for wo have had for years the majority, but through the election machinery wo have been defrauded. If you can do anything for us name the emount by wire im mediately upon tho receipt tf this We have been arranging to employ counsel by wire where needed, if we can raise the n:eaus. The Demos crats say that they have given up tha State, but information comes tc us that they intend to do their work before the caevassiag boards to morrow. Some of theii unguarded politi cans are saying that they have the machinery and expect to use it, ana do not intend to give up the State: " That the count beats voting." I have made estimates in thirty eoun ties in tho Stae on definite infoim-. ation, and in these couies va have gained 2b,O0O ov:r the vote v of -two vt ars ago, and have gained in these counties 35 members of tho House out of 46, and it seeu:s that this ratio will bo kept up except in the first and ninth districts, and in ihese we have gained abput 6,000. Pearson's majority in the ninth is 102, and Skinnei's in the fir--t is 800. Yours truly, A. E. Holtox. Chairmon State Executive Com, Chairman Babcoek telegraphed a reply to this letter, directing the Republican manager to take the necessary steps to protect their Congressman, and that the com mittee would stand by them. To He .Married in Pennsylvania. Cards have been issued for t he marriage of Mr. Henry F Otten to Mis3 Margaret Peschan, at Zion Evangelicdl Lutheran church, Greensburg, Pa., on November 22nd. They will be "at home," 400 North Front street, Wilmington, N. C after Noyember 29th. Miss Peschau 13 a daughter of Rev. F W E Pes. chau, who was so long stationed in Wilmington, and who is so popu larly known in Concord and throughout the SVaie. It Hay Do as j Mr, Fred Miller of Irvicg, 111,, wites that he had a severe kidney trouble for may years, with severe pains in hi3 back and also tbat his bladder wa3 afiected. He tried many so-called Kidney cures but without any good results. About a jpjir ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adopted to cure all Kidney and Liver troub'es and often givc3 almost instant re lief. One trial will prove cur statement. Price only 50c. for large bottle at Fetzer's Drug store. Itucklen'a Armcn halve. The Best Salve in the world foi Uut3, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped elands, Chiblainp, Corns atid ali l.in Erup ions, and positively cure? i iles or no pay required. It ie guaranteed to give satisfaction or uioney refunded. Price 25 cents pel box. For sale at P. B Fetzer s Drue tore i.ook Out! , A co el wave is corning ana if you want to keep warm, buy vour coal of Brown & Kimmons; they have the best in the market. Leave your orders at Kimmon; store and they will be filled promptly. We also keep shop coal oh hand constantly, fjb3dw Known & Kimmoxs. A prominent Democrat was askeu how he felt aver the election : Tm like the boy that stumped his toe," said he, "I am too big to cry and it hurts too bad i ysiiaugiu--- - Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Litest U. S. Gov't Report. iBStKflHEB2f."POB ELEO'lIONT COMMENT. Xotv Look for tiiek'ojtiilist Milieu Sum The Millennium may now be cs pectc-d. Everybody inn? exp-.'ct e have p'.euty cf money at least $5( ler papitu, and cotton wr! h? a iea3t teu ce;. '.8 a pcun-', or, C a not the Populists promise a'l these things if they carried the eiecuju : Chatham Keeoid. Time to ;et l!o u tu fdisiness. Now that the election is over it h ibont time to settle down to busi ness again. This is tha best cc-untn in the world, isiiu can be made one of tho most iloiuishiug on the face jf the ear ih. If the Populiats and Democrats and Rpub!ican3 will co operate together to build up tbii great country, it will become the garden - spot of the world, Wilson ! Advanc3. Time (or 1 milt I'imiiii. This is no tini-j . for crimia-uion md recrimioatioa amaag tha Di-irus erats. cocsn't matter now hLo, if anybody, is responsible for the re sult of Tuesday's election. The thing for Democrats to do is to pull hemsehe3 together and get ready lor the fight of 1 SDK forgetting thoie things that are lehhiL and looking forward io these liv.it are be fore, to press forwatd toward the mark cf the prize. Charlotte Ob. server, lCeiiil!ieau Discipline I.! it. As a party we have alwaj'3 lacked tfrfi.oric.-sivcnesa "of tl:4 ub'Cin?, and have never shown the diieipliDe for whtch the Republic in pirty is 80 remarkable. Ia the campaign that preceded the contest of Tues- uay lueix-was no E(piauuuii over I miner issues, nor men, m their ranks, bat solidly they moved and solidly they marched to the ballot ooxes ano. case ineir oaucis. n- nncgtou otar. iiKi-tzY k::. Candidate. "The election mull- agers threw out three of your vr.u Voter. '-'Jerusalem ! 'in' o leaves six '."Atlan'a Ccns'itutioa. i She. "Here's a lot cf s'.ufi abcut a wif i always buying her hnsbaeid's ties. I never ste anything funny in such thing3." He. "No, nc; they are al .vays in the worst tas'.e and cheap, too." Chicago Inter-Ocean. A Frenchman has inven'ed a ma chine which turns cut :l cigarettes a minute. It will be hard vcittfor the cofTui trust to keep ahead of that game. Detroi Sun. so interests! in pedigrees ' "Probably because every I'hihidelphia is hymg in the time of t hia ancestor?." Chicago Record. Wife. "The pi ice of the clock wss 10, but I got a discount, m it only cost me is." Husband. "Yes, but yon conld huve got li;e same thing at EeezVs for ?5.:' Wife. "That may be, but then Jjeezle wouldn't have taken off any thing." Brston Transcript. The snow ia Colorado was the result of Gov. Wake's absence. He keeps things too hot for it when he is there. Ch cgo Post. "The missionary was ma le much of by the natives, I hear." "Yes, by judicious feeding they nearly doubled his weight. Detroii News Tribune. Some girls come home from the fashionable schools with their nanits "o completely changed that they don't know their o d sweethearts.- Oalla8 News. "That Joshua story is ttv., I sups poce," soliloquized Mr. Figg, who hai to get Tommy ready for school, "out it was no 8-year-old son he tried the trick on." Indjau-an Journal, e-ome p ricu- aru content wi partial success, bu'j the grand bei1 and persistent soul wan a thefulle measure of success. Withtba, h. 'jxertious, the happiest results are to aiiv v 1 L be expected. OWENS' MAJORITY 2 S i.alei-4 nlciilalion in the lislrlet Cut li IXikh to T.iat S umber. L'.'xington, ICy, Nov. 9. Tne friends of W C O .veus are becoming a'armed ;.t the ciilculations xl the ii -rttfiAi'T, us. OSver.s majority has ')-: n cut uj 'n to 2, They say they vi)l tbrotf out Benjon precinct, in Krnklin conn'y, on account of the rr-.'gularitie.s which will reduce the v.)U of Owens 50, Oldham coun :y's majirity for O vens hp.3 been enunti-a at 230, but the sLcrilfof '.h;:t county te'ri'ph3 here that it ts l.Si, making a difference of iS viit:?, and tliU talien from 50, le.ivci 0e -i a riuj jrity of two. a ::r i-;.i.it'.i. vicvouv. Mr. IJ. L. i'.achanan, the only e ii-?pub:i.-?:;n on the recent all of which j; ns?!f, says it result. oeen eiec.ee!, i I'd: ulists cten a3 true to him as he WH3 tO thrt Popllli:t8. Notwithstanding this breaking of faith with Mr. Buchanan, he is nappy, yCSj lt j3 a Republican victoryf Tn popniists fire ot of date. They hava gone by he board evervwheref ind here in North Carolina thev have t. Lii swallowed by the Repubt ci:i party. : r-uc'i 13 life. I.iTTI.li SNA I'M. Dr. Talmage has resigned. This it is '3 ihe fourth and final time, 31U. Ii is now certainly known that the Pops h.ive carried eveiything It is churned that they have eyen swept Atrica, Mr. J C L Hams, one of the uiitbors of the North Carolina Fus don saj3 : "The Legislature will ehct Marion Butler and Dr. J J .Mott to the United States Senate." Tiih has been known for some time, should they succeed a" they have. fiEIRT niSPISF 3il FlR.v Short Breath, Palpitation. lvoKomo, ina.,ana a brave ex-so says: "l naa been severely tro witn nean aisease ever since le the army at the close of the lat 1 was troubled with palpitatio; shortness of breath. I cou sleep on my left 6ide and h; around my heart. . I becam that I was much alarmed, a tunatelv mv attention waa r' ! ,;;n:nty funv;:i ttch't ! -v.o v'ect.d ex ji, :l: vu',:i. ; - : I j . ir. iJuei.. ..;::) is r: It is a j It :iblicai: i : I: is such in A ti:--Suite. . e ered men, A j vvi: h ;t i . i..i;o-.:-. not yoted ( solidiy for i . .'. luve b-.en I Tlu-ro ur-j t i. :.- t .iy Rc-puo-lictius as iVpi..:. i.nt, what eise cou id it he I u; ;. il.p iblican vie- - ' It goe:; without saying that Mr. I j Bvcivnun, '.;. gh defeated, is de- 1 lighted wit'' ':e result. Jonld 1 : ...i,... -ill They uae t claim everything. V i'his year they take everything. I What's become cf the Farmers' t!l;nee? 1 -i . m, f ti

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