W5 r . V - " ANDARD : LK, ... Editok bbus County, N. C. A'S OFFICIAL VOTE 1 fmn the Standard prints the official vote of Cabarma county. The other appearance was just the reported vote. - This is official and therefore re liable. It is a study for all ; and es pecially to the nearlj 400 Democrats in the county who failed to get to the polls on election day. Preserve this, it is a record :;r,d it will do good for each Democrat to look over it occasionally, and there- " bear in mind that one's country must be thought of. DIVIDING THE SPOILS. In another column, we reproduce a special thatjjwas sent the Charlotte Observer. It tells how the boses have met and began arrargements to divide the spoils. Until this is done, the representatives of the bosses will net know how to cast their vo'.cs. Marion Butler, it is conceded, will get Ransom's place, the long term; those to get the Vance vacancy, are not jet known. The magic hand of Mr. Butler will be seen in this whoever he favors will be the one. He is to be a Republican without donbt. The Standard is not a mini-reader bat it feelj certain tnat Mr. flilamai: and Mr. Moody have net yet decided (?) whom they will support to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Ransom, Of course they will vote for Mr. Butler, but as yet they are undecided about the other man. This is right. They should otey the dictates of the agency that gave them this nev birth. l.- LITTLE SXAPS. The Standard does not endorse all Korner says. It does not endorse all an correspondent says . Korner is now getting a little Popnlistic in done their duty. Chuck it down the throat of every man: the Demo cratic PASTY HAS MADE AN HOXEST EFFOBT TO FCLFILL EVERY PLEDGE Stuff it down there if it choke3 him. 0 ThiB is ' the time " of year that several hundred over the State are hustling to get up their bonds. A new set of henchmen, so to speak, will be drawn oa t'lis year. Another issue of bonds is to be made, says the anti-admiais'ra'ion papers. The Republicans eaddied on obligations that must be met. Later reports put a positive denial to the report that Congressman Henderson would contest Shnford's election. This appeared in the Raleigh ews & Observer on Sunday : Con- ressmen Bunn is here. It is ru- ored that Kerr Craig i3 "counsel r Henderson, who will contest Jhnford's election. It is said that Olney Jwill. retire torn tne President's Cabinet and hat Tariff Reformer W L "Wilaonjj loTl "vrrr " jn 1 "Oav ; Ninty.eight 'j present house have been re-elected. V : Tin PnnnliatH ! I Tammany of New York may be found picking up its part si Proselyting in politics is not half as DSl as ennren proEeiyung. Dome eople imagine that it is evidence of uhristianity. Now that politics have taken a Vback Beat, business matters are to the front. EvaogeliBt Schoolfield, of Dan- Elle, has commence his meetings in riarlotte. it ia possibly not constitutional to and enforce a bill compelling man to yot. . Fusion ticket won in Wase ttajorlty of 1250, except Jim 1 the colored candidate whose ran down to.700. Some ot ilisto ;knifed him. Young 36 only colored man in the 'and thus will become ga S,00OD'"' going around cussing the' party ' at hoke breast he sucied the sweet railk of hia life. Draw the lines ! .ill business wants is a chance Jnd that is whatilie people seem de trained ic' e H. General Cassius Marcellns Clay, of Kentucky, a most awful fool, aged S4 years, is trying to wed a 15 year oldgirl. If he succeeds thenwe should be inclined to the opinion that she, too, is a most awfal fool. Tiiey had a bill poster in Atlanta in court for putting up bills, which were claimed indecent and vulgar. He came clear, thereupon a poet sticks in h.13 incuth and declares : TwiEilo, tvinkle, little star, We can tell jass what yon rtp, By the picture cf the show Which the courts say musn't go. -0- . The Democratic party the real party of the pecple is not dead. It vas reatir: -j cjsj, found napping, got licked. Hencefcrth all will be on the lookout, bfcili the dead Czar cf Knssia h?.e not bson burried. If they . don't soon bary h:m and the weather oyer there is as changeable as it is here, tbey may have spoilt meat on their handc. iCe. (:) C 11 Dlartm, wno ran against Jeerns Lockhart, is going to contest. lie knows he's beit, but then he's a chronic kicker. They ought to hang this ass. An attempt was made to hold up a Lain on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road. Western civil:zation is beginning to crop oat in these par's. In another column the Standard prints an . interview with Jlr. Cutler. Mr. Christian, of tha Raleigh Iews 1 Observer, Iia3 made a pet cf Mr, Talar When Chairman Foil gave it on oyer his own cams last Saturday night a vcek ago ths.t Capt. Kitchin had withdrawn from tee Populist ticket in Utlifas and would vote the Democratic ticket, we had no reason to 'jries-ion the acour&cy cf the statement and did j-cti-uestion it, c-cpcoiai.j-'cinca "Id "was co:-rme& from ether sources. "When, Monday, there rauis a telegraphic derJi l, we did not credit it. Now we Cud t'aat the Populist ticket ia Halifax .was withdrawn, but that Capt. Kitchin did not vote tl-.e Democratic ticket he fiiw li.-i vcte at all. Tha election is oyer, bat it i not too late to get the record straight and it seoma to be the straight cf it. Charlotte Ob cerver. A pretty little romance, ia which two lovers were happily tmted, has jast bpen brought to light at Saliss bury, The scene wa3 at Rutherford College and the patties Mr. P M Rutherford, of Knosville, Tenn., postal clerk between Salisbury and Knosville, and Mis3 Anna L Ab errethy, assistant postmistress at Rutherford College and a daughter cf Rev. Dr. Abcrnethy of that place. The marriage was celebrated on the evening of October 21, Eev, Ab crnethy officiating. Maj. Wilson, chairman of the ra-Lrrv.f! romn'.i.-i. has,-T jrIied JL . rv . r "".. 1 the "100 pound rate" on ireigtit naa c-eeu rescmueu, auu mai v. 1 - 1 . :i J J L. the charge on a package from any point on the Southern Railway will be only 25 cents. Heretofore all packages have been charged as of 100 pounds weight. Chairman Marion Butler, of the Popnli3t State committee, says the true cause of the defeat of the Demo crats in this State is that they had to fight with a superior organization for the Erst time. He declares he knew perfectly well he would win, and that he could not be deceived as to his views. Following are the delegates Irom thi3 State to the Cotton Growers' Congress at Montgomery, Ala : R C Brown, Tarboro; J W Myatt, Polenta; J Sol. Reed, Massej'e; George IV Norwood, Wake county; M T Leach, Raleigh; J W McGregor, Lilesville. There may be a contest as to tLe State Treasurer, baised on the fact that the Fusion ticket bore the words "State Trersurer" instead of Treasurer" simply. The registered whiskey distillery of J M Sloan at Jonesboro, was seized Saturday by Deputy Revenue Collector W C Troy for irregu- ities. , ats do not now question 6 t asionists have 10 to 12 in the Senate and 30 in the honse, yernor Carr has appointed W N neJndge Graves' succes or. The majority - 6F W. F Btroad, :on" nominee for . Congsess, U wnERncH IHDMl'L hV though a lawyer in Ealeigh saysit ' . Three Chinamen were Recently ar rested in New York and ordered to be deported. It seem3 that they de Eertedfrom the Chinese " rmy and came to this country, where they have Buccreded in accumulating a considerable sum of money. Now, the penalty for desertion in China is dearly but these three prisoners are not at all alarmed. They claim that under the laws of China a mac of means is allowed to hire somebody to be executed in his place. '. This proxy plan of executing a criminal is Morked in this waj: When a well-to-do man is condemn ed to death he hunts up a poor devil of a coolie and makes a bargain with him. The substitute is allowed his liberty until the day of execution, and his employer has him watched so that he cannot escape, for if the coolie should net turn up at the ap pointed time the principal would have to suffer the penalty. Of course this system is very con venient for rich criminals, andthe poverty-stricken wretches who sell their lives seem to be perfectly satis Bed. These people have no sense of the yalue of human life, and a poor man thinks that he has made a good trade when be binds himself to die for another man, and receives enough cash in hand to enable him to enjoy a frolic for a few weeks. A coolie who hso sold himself in this man ner buys fine clothes and plunges into all the dissipa ions that he is able to pay for. On the day of his execution he presents himself with a smiling face and leaps into etei- nity, congratulating himself npon having tasted all the sweets of good fortune and happiness at the close of his career. If the Chinese with their disre gard of death ever become a well disciplined and warlike nation they will make splendid soldiers. All hat handicaps them now is their backward civilization. Atlanta Constitution. Tltere Is Fnu Aheiul. Chairman Dick, of Ohio, tays Tuesday's work makes Governor Mc Kinley, the logical candidate for the Presidency in '96, while Chairman Manley, of the National Committee, says the result logically forces Thomas, E-awito the front. What fun there will be whea tie logicians shall come together to "try cons elusions !" Philadelphia Record. 1'rushorf by a Big .Majority. Judg3 Isaac Howe, the Populist candidate for Governor in the late campaign, is lying ill at his home here, with small hope for his re covery. The excitement and fatigue of the campiisrn were more than he could endure, and the tremendious majority against him is douhiloss also a grievous disappointment;. S. D. Dispatch. Look Ont for '6. According to the refrain of an old eong, "the world mu3t turnaround.' It keeps on taming ; and experience teaches that the period ordinarily required to complete a political revolution in the United States is about two years. Look out for '96 ! Philadelphia Record. A Will on a Pine Finnic. One of the queer documents in the office of the County Judge is a will on a piece of unpainted plank. It was a part of the wall. On u bed by the wall, a man named John M O'Brien died, bntbef ore he.dkd he wrote on the plank in pencil these words: "Mrs. Arnold, God bless Lei! shall have all i leave." He left $500. The will is probably the most nn handy document to file in all Duval county. Jasksonville Times-Union. Lefer Koll. "Once break the Solid Soutn, and prosperity will flow into the section like a mighty river" has been the Republican cry for many years. The solid South is broken North Caro lina, West Virginia ai d Missouri" have elected Republican legislatures. Now, all of us, regardless of party ties, are waiting in hope that the mighty river of prosperity will roll in npon us. Let 'er roll Rileigh Observer. Items from Billville. We have for sale, cheap, one elec tion rooster. He is in good condi tion, and our only reason for wish ing to part with him is that he doesn't crow. All of the Billville candidates were elected, but it took every arithmes tic in the conntry to land 'em. We lost two pair of boots on the elec'ion, and we are anxious to make arrangements for a first-class cow, on subscription. We believe that there is money in the shoe making business. Come of the defeated candidates will contest the election, as it is the only way to keep themselves before the public until the time comes to rnn sgain. -' We are now offering a bargain in votes that were tnrown out at the Billville precinct. These votes are t(? "-". we hMre job lot n in I .. wiii. 1 ... miutiui', 111 yu.11 ii9 THIS TIME HEJS THE GUEST OF MR. VT. H. WORTH, AND ' DOES NOT STOP AT THE PARK. fir. Untlcr Looks llarrtsome and Contented and Nays Lots of Airy Nothings Bnt lie Does tiot Think tne Law of 1S93 Will Prevent Treas- urer-eleet Huilit from ictti.!(c II ix Bond Tbrongb Ga n ran tee Compauy Last night at 10 o'clock there was a cosy quartette seated around the 'hospitable stcve cf Mr. W H Worth, who a few days ago was elected Treasurer of this Siate vice Samuel McDowell Tate. Of course, I went first to the Park Hutel to find the Wizard of Wayne but he simply dropped by there for a few moments, having inquired whether any of his friends had Culled; then he went cut into the darkness, not even tne clerk knew where, But Marion knows a good thing when he sees it, Ue let t word at the Park that he would abide there last night, but would turn up in the morning It wa3 a cold foggy iigty, not that sea fogginess that pats bloom on women's cheeks, but ikuX foggi nes3 that puts phneucionia under the skins of men. "Is Mr, Butler here tonight?" "Ye3, sir." "Can I see him I went in. And there sat the cosy quartette. Mr. Worth, of course, the host, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Batler; the other gentleman's name I could rot learn "Mr. Butler, something has trans pired within tbe last few days that somehow or other has made you an important figure. Therefore, you will excu presently, "I thought that all the importance that belonged to ne eculd be dated beiere the election And that is jutt where Mr. Butler knew that he wa3 wrong, as was sparsely indicated by his wi l-o'-the- wisp smile. Mr. Butler wa3 here evidently in regard to the ducussion of tbe division of spoils, and secondarily as to tbe bonds, which would be forth coming from several county officers, "Mr. Butler, I hear Loge Harris is traning his guns for tbe Railroad Commission ?" "What, for Mason's place ?" "Yes,' sir." One time that I raw you, you seemed to hive Milikr.:i on the brain, and now joa seeni to have Logan on the brain. I Lrgsn to think there was something the matter about Milikan, and I CLquired around; now you propose Mr. Harris for the Railroad Commission. "Well sir, I had an undefined idea that Loge was somewhat an of important factor in the shaping of the Fusion idea in the Republican Convention. Thu3 it seems that poor Loge is going to be left out in the cold, though in Borne respects, perbap?, he is an able man as Butler. "Mr. Batler, was it 47,000 votes that vou delivered this time, or ia that the proper word." ,- "You must get on to our vernacu lar," said the Wizard laughingly. "Well, wnat was the figure ?" "Oyer 80.000." "And the Republicans ?"' "Ihen you seem to be entitled to very nearly half the spoils?" "Mr. Butler, I hear that the Re publicans having obtained your votes are now ijoing in for the swag ? Is that true ?" "I have heard some such thing, and have inquired about it, and some have hinted at that" "From whom did you hear it, Mr. Butler ?" Hen. Mr. Butler sailed off into ana other one of his sarcastic Bailies of which he is master. But Mr. Butler, about your con ference with Holton in Greensboro, was there any Equabble oytr the spoils? "None. "It wa3 so stated in a State paper, "That was a fake, and the writer of the article never saw either of ns before writing it. , "Will there be any attempt by Treasurerselect Knight to get bond through. a guarantee company, "I don't know. "Will the law of 1S93 forbid him froti doing so? "I don't think so." "Mr. Butler haven't you anything to say ; haven't you any news ; will you persist in playing the Mabore racket, and trying to be mysterious? "No, no, I will have some news in a few days which I will give toyoa." "Will you give it to me first ?" "I believe I will." Mr. Batler looked his best last night : - His men are going to have a tight fit getting their bonds here, not be cause they are not good men, but be cause their bonds are good amounts There was some talk in town yes terday that Mr. R H Battle was try ing to get bondsmen for Knight. Thinking that this might do Mr. Battle an injustice I asked him the question direct. Said Mr, Battle: "It is not true; I shouldn't ask bonds for anybody ; I should much hesitate to ask them for myself." The Wizard came oyer from Golds boro last night, and will return this morning. His movements show that neither Holton nor anybody else is going to beat him getting there first with the most men, in other words that he is going to die tate all the offices and all the men. And he knows it. And they know i-. And he deserves it. ,For Marion Butler is a master and the master of this deal, with masculine silence mixed up with feminine Intuition. Raleigh Ofe -- ADMINISTRATRIX NOTIOET . vTlie undersigned having been appoint eif and qualified as adminstratTix cf the estate of Martin A. Lipe, deceased, all persons indebeted to said estate, muil make prompt payment ; and. all persona holding claims against said ' estate, must present the samefor payment on ov be fore the 14th day of November, 1895, or this notice will be pleaded in bar for their rci;uvery. Jtta.ttlia JH.. Llf JC. Administratrix This, the 14th of Not. 1894. . NOTICE. Having administered on the estaet cf J. irank retbel, deceased, all parsons who arj indebted to tha es tate ol said deceased are hereby no tilled to come forward and settle, and all persons w 10 hold claims against the eatate of the said de ceased must present the same to me for payment within twelve months of the date of this notice, or it will be pieaaea in bar or their recovery. May 19, U94. J. V. Petitei, Adm'r of J. Frank PethaL IS THAMES, M. D, Offers his professional ser vices to the people of Concerd and vicinity, office and room in St. Cloud hotel. Calls left with Hotel Clerk promptly attended day or niht. Nov. 8th, '94. lmo THE ARM LOCK i . BED SPRING. Adjusted at both ends. The most comfortable Bed Spring yet known to the world. It will not get one sided it stands .perfectly square and will not be "' come lobse."2l " -1 THE ARM LOCK BED SPRING is in many of the' best homes in town and county. Mr. John P. Allison and Dr. L. M. Archey say it is complete and they would not do without them. For further particulars call on me or address. J. Wallace Cook. Concord, N. C. OONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MABKET. ' : Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer. Good middling.......... ......5 SO Middlings 5 35 Low middling 5 12 btains 'Ai to b PRODUCE MA.BKBT. Corrected bv C. W Swinlc. Bacon ..10 Sugarcnred n&ms 11 to 14 Bulk meats, Bides 8 to 9 Beeswax M , Bntter. Chickens.. Corn ..; ; Egg ." Lard ". . . . Flour (North Carolina Meal Oats........;. Tallow ..15 .10 to SO to 20 ....60 ..121 10 1 toll ....70 ...40 .3to4 Professional Card I haie located in Concord for the practice of medicine and surgery, and respectfully ask the public for a share of their patronage I may be fonnd at my office at any hour of the day or night when not out pro fessionally, and will gladly; respond to all calls promptly. ; Office nnder that of Montgomery & Crowell. Respectfully, t J. E. Smoot. M. D If You Want a IS of any kind, a Watch, Cfiain, Channel Dia mond Pin, or a Bins; to put a Secret in, call on A. J. and J.F.Y PIE BAGGING) AND TIES We are supplied with 3 stock of 8-rri-ff and Ties. We have Bgerir- Cloth. New . Priced Ties . snd saoon.d-n.ano ageing and Tieey-We bought our stock 4ea the price was low, and &b sell yoc cheaper than we could last year, we teade a orioe last year never before hearU of in tn matory of the business. Writ ua for priees, or call to see us when you are ready to buy. If yott will ed us you! or ders w proauee best atten tion, t the lewest market prioes. Yours-truly, G. W. PATfEON, CONCOED, 2?40. THRILLING EXPERIENCE!,' KAKY WTM ULVSDt A YOUNG WA.RJ PREVENTED! A orawd ef eager ople were surging into Umithdeal & Morrio Hardware to see their fall atoca of guns. Each man proceeded to arm mm elt with deadly weapon, but as tbe gun- were un loaded aereral accident were avoided. ' Tn t!k boms of this firm voar life Is caiefully guarded, (ne loaded guns unchained) and In the DuiwlMit of their goods, tear ateaeyfeea fur her than in ant other Hard Warn store in the State. ' If frou don't bellert it, com nd tee our stock ot HARDWARE, SADDLES. STOVES. ' PAINTS, OILS, . MACHINERY, ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MINEfcSSUPPLIES AND BUILDERS -MATERIAL" - 1a ieonplett, tad meat and ' Jftnll k -at -t 4 ieMt yaanVlc fljuit. -tsft atarlaadot llei a stoktQUH8al Tan3 ' . Maat, t. . ... . DOWN WENT. M'GINTY DOWN WENT ME Cur prices will make you forget the low price of cotton. v We. have bought morelargely than eve?, before, and wo have f ' ' v . BO LTOHT TO SELL- Don't fail to call and see our i goods and YORKE &WADSWORTH . 1 3$ arc THB LAKOkST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IN THE STATE Ho house In North Carolina canj possibly make lower prices on 8helf Ooodr, Agricultural Implements of the latest makes. Buggies, Wagons, Hacks, Mowers. Guanos and Acids. Try their Prices and Quality They've got the Stuff Amoie NORTH OAROLINA COLLEGE. MT. PLEASANT, N. C ACADEMIC, COMMERCIAL, AD COLLEGIA T COURSES. 7, 1893. THE croisncoiR-D lst. o. Nothing but piices-below competitors will keep our ho.se filled t verflowing with eager buyers,. Jike it has been" for thiee weeks. , Thia is very encouraging to us and we are going to offer some of the grandest values evtr shown in this market for. ihe'next two - ' dy '' "' J tv, - 125 UTS " "bought at a discount of 83 per . 'J ent will be thrown on this A''-. market at the same cut price. $15.00 SUITS FOB $10.00. $1200 " $8.00 . t $ SM 4fi . 1To4 cin't afford to miss it v 5,: kWl , PRICE OF FURiNITUBE I hear our prices. Yours anxious to please, - - CANNONS. FETZER & BELL. caaavaxtQrs Equioment. . " Superior advantage to young men; Instructions thorough and practical; Good brick buildings. Elegant Society Hall. Beautiful and healthful loca on; No .malaria; Good board Wholesome discipline. Expenses per session of S8 weeks, $103 to $145, For cat? logue, address, J, D. SHIREY, A. M., Pres LOWE CO $6.00, . if yon want to bay. --- -c X T "ar- puarantcercbrme won't go, Jewelers, Concotd, H. C.

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