J BvnKnanmannaMannMannnMnKg. riwinrnmnnnrnnninnwiiiinnnnni i L i , THE - 5tnDD i (JRNrS OUT ;l t THE TANDA -PRINTS GO 3D - JOB - WORK 1 c""THp . - v , i . . NEYfS THAT IS NEWS FOR 1 YEAR SE-kl) US 1 DOLLAR. ; AT LIVING PRICES. , CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 61894. GIYE US 'AftFAi. WHOLE NO. 347 'it. 0 r.J" THANKSGIVING DAY In ConcordThe Orphans Remember- . laursday mormnsr wsa not bun- day in full, but from all appearances on onr deserted etree'8 dnriog tbe forenoon, marked the qaiet reeem blance. Every business bouse m the city was closed and the employer as well as the employee, took holiday, laying aH business cares aside.' In the early morning tbe hunts men were seen in great numbers making their way to the fields where the tailless rabbit and the delicious quail are found. ' A great many of onr youngjjeople went to St, Johns' to the nnveilme in tbe morning and to M. Pleasant in the afternoon, where many an oyster was devoured, Berved by the ladies of the Methodist church at that place. At 11 o'clock eervices were held in the First Presbyterian and'Epis--copal lan churches appropriate to the cause of Thanksgiving and charity and coUsaMon8 were taken for the BariucrSings and Thompson or phanages. " Eev. Alexander, of tbe Presby terian, church was assisted by Rev. B Frank Davis, of the Reformed church. The collection taken at the First church amount- d to $28. At the Episcopal church dona tions were received of all descrip tions for the little ones at tbe or phanage in Charlotte. Besides a considerable amount of clothing, shoes, hats, provisions and bed clothes a collection of about $41 was taken. All during tbe day the ladies of the Episcopal church served oysters and refreshments ii te sairple room at the St. Cloud Hotel. They were well patronized, which crowned their efforts with success. This was a chrch.ben fit. TnTcolored firemen gave, a street parade in full dress' during the afternoon and at night had a festii yal in Armory Hall .or Concord's theatre.) - ... - There were no services, at any of the churches at night. The Standard did not put in--its usual appearance and quite a num ber of our friends, gaverjis-to under- stand that it ... was greatly, .missed. Our Christmas is9teUi (iS'omeij what like yesterday e. 30CX3000C 8 8 8 mm ftjoooooc doooooo: Bere is the best opportunity of a life time to fi-1 your pocketis'-with. cash.; It is not out of my own pocket we pro pose to fill yours, but it is with our assistance and the misfortune of others that we place you in a position that the low price of coUon will not hurt yon, and when you com j to us and see the immense amount of good things here awaiting your arrival, and just to see what you can bny here for the proceeds of sale from 100 pounds of coitoir, you will at once find out that you can get more goods out of it than you ever did befoie. ' Just follow us along down this lice and you can keep more naoney.ih your pockets and get the goods, too than you have ever done before. -- . . - . . " We bought and now have our house fall of the Finest $20 kind going for 12 50 it is a big bargain We don't buy anything else. WE HAVE ONE HUNDRED ODD COATS ! Thrown out at the extremely low price of $1 00, 1 9.5 and Si CO, that are worth double the money on any market. Suits at 75 cents that are genuine big bargains. It does not matter what ycu want in a suit for a man, boy or child, you can't afford to miss this big stock qf CLOTHING bought for cash at auction under the hammer for half price. EXAMINE OUR GOODS BEFORE PURCHASING. we have had an Ininieiise - ' ' ' ;;.V 'ttrtotik anl'iitylesiiil rtssist buvins if Ton want shoes." vve-are seinng vjnj.uuss,iuix Our MEN'S 95": SHOE is that kind that sell for $1.25 at other stores. The LADIES'- .-.VESTS "that we have been selling at 60c now go at 25c. We have saved are alwayf on "the look out" f or hargahrtfand will protect our customers on every purchase. Itn From Harrlttbqrg. Miss.Nannie Wharey, of Moore ville, arrived in the Burg Tuesday t &Stfig and - is Tjsiting at Dr. 15,'ack'a. M isa. Eunice Caldwell commenced school at Harriaburg last Monday. The quietude of onr hitherto quite town was somewhat disturbed on Tuesday night, first bjr "a - Jesse James bold up pf; three of our citizens and then a robbery. About 10 o'clock . at night three of the young men started out to call on their best girls. When reaching the wilds of -Back Creek, -on the snburbs ef-ton w& armed men sjeppei'cat in tee miaaie or tne roaa ana pre sented their guns and or lerd hands up, immediately firing. EortanaJely the deadly shot micsed, and the boys escaped in tin darkness of the night, " by "taking unto themselves wing3and flying away. Couaterra 6on reignd suprofci - Tfcey-ran for about two miles, making a 2:10 trip. No serious injury, except a broken antern and a few scratches. This is tbe first "hold up" at this place iu a long time, and it has caused one of the young men to resolve that he will never go courting any more at night. Then later iu the night Mr. Sims' office was entered, it is sup posed, by the same party, ar-d reliev I I him of all hi3 pocket change, amounting to about 2o. This is he second house robbery et this place in the last two years. We need a night watchman hero, during the holidays anyway, II. Throwing Hocks Agaf u. 'Squire Kimtnons will have an interesting trial tomorrow in tee case of Foil vs Fink, for chunking rocks. We have heard of complaint about the Fink children, on East Depot street, throwing recks at passers by quite a number of times. Ithaa become sq. frequent and such a nuisance that it has not been safe for children to pass. On Wednes day afternoon Mrs. L J Foil was struck with a rock thrown by these kids, "and while no bones were broken, the bruise is quite painful. A warrant was issued by Magistrate Kimmons a? oBr worthy mayor and fofce pay Jio atteciicstq -such com inon occurrenes. ftxzooo: p Mens'' suite of th.e$15 kind ?.?' cr'-i cbm'e nwitbany on and ft Mm ft ft -fcH ft ft bjsn ft ft ft TOWN AND COUNTY. A ' scissors-grinder s track the town and sharpened botcher knives. Today has been the busiest day with our merchants this fail. . There was a general "Fusion" of turkey and cranberrLs on Thursday, Thanksgiving. Owing to sickness of several mem bers,' the "Merry Milkmaids" is postponed indefinitely. Mn A M Lingle will leave in a few days for an extended visit in Rowan county. , - Mr. T J BosU'an has moved his family into the Woodhouse house on Lean street. Mr. Timothy N Deaton has ac cepted a position with Yorke & Wadsworth's hardware store. Let him who neglects to raise the 'fallen fear lest, when he fall no one will stretch out his hand to lift him up. Miss Sloliie Dt'bnam, traveling agent for the Oxford Orphan Friend, spent several days in the city this week in the interest ot that paper. Senator Hill, lately of New York, attended a minstrel show in Florida. From all indications he got no show New York. he mant child or iir. i?annel Harris, of Harrisbnrg, died Wednes day and was tuned Thursday at Rocky Eiver churchyard. I nat reliable hrm of dealers in : i : l i - T . .7 a. Bates, have a new ad in this issue. Head it. The marriage of Love Chambers to Julia Phifcr was a "swell affair" in the colored Presbyterian church Wednesday night. Every lot in town was full up to day with wagons, there being an un usual large amount of cotton and produce on the market. The crowing fowl is a bird of parts, Domestic ducks are nice But when with turkey they're compared They "don't cut any ice." Five of our boys went rabbit hunting on horseback and run down thirleeD(an unlucky number). None of the horses are dead as yet, but one of the boys is "most." , .T. yTK yrs jw sw ft 300C30C CONCORD, - NORTH - CAROLINA. tjlMfAlJ. and. Nobbiest Styles on the going fo WOO; Mens' suits trade on our when you see what a cut we onuno at oov; vyuhihih Some devilish boys were unneces sarily boisterous in the npper pact of the city Wednesday night. A "kick" will be comma: soon if it is repeated. The Observer says that Dr. 0 A Misenheimer, of Charlotte, is hav, ing a 4-room addition put to bis handsome residence on North Tryon street. Mr. J L Graham, of China Grove, who was running Sit. nolly Acad emy, has thrown down the hickory and takeu up the yard stick for a merchant of Mt. Holly. "Well," said one of oar jolly young gentlemen to one of Concora's longhaired men, "I suppose you feel thankful today?" "Yes," replied the thoroughbred, "that 1 aam not turkey !" After partaking of a bountiful feast of raw turnips by several mem bers of t'e L. L. of A. on Thanks giying day, they were thankful for a supply of Jamacia ginger. The president treated. i Seyeral youths of the 15-year old size gave vent to their feelings of thankfulness by exploding booms on Main street Thursday night. They may be thankful that the police did not catch them. Saturday night after the election, a number of Populists gathered a Maiden, Catawba county, to cele' bra-e. In an explosion sent off, one man was killed right cut and others hurt. One man's leg was bo badly shattered that amputation was neces sary. He gradually weakened nntil death, whici occurred a few days ego It is indeed sad. Card of Thanks. The ladies of All Saints' Church, Concor,d desire to, and J.ereby do, thank the merchants and other friends, who so liberally contributed goods and money for the benefit of tie orphans in Thompson Orphange. May the blessing of the Heavenly Father rest on all of them. In behalf, and by the reqneat of the ladies. J. a Davis Two many of us expeet.others to be better than we are willing to be ourselves. f TX.- jt. i Jlmnr. Jr. ftDOOOOCft market in MENS', BOYS' of the $10 kind going for $5. ft ft ft ft ft 6 cent OUTING. have made in prices you can' t i 25c by buying the lot, e BREEZY BIT. "I thiok I have it this time, said tbe inyentor, "Tell us about it," said the capi talist, who was willing to listen on grounds of friendship. "It is a fo'ding bed that can be a coffin in case it shuts up and emoth ers a man to death. Cincinnati Tribune. Fond wife. "Here dearest, is the bill for my new evening dress." Loymg Husband. "Great Scott! Doesn't it come rather high?" Fond Wife, "Why, no, darling. It is the most delightfully decollete of any I ever had.' St. Louis Pest Dispatch. Mr, Greathead, the landlord says he prefers as tenants experienced chess players, because it is so seldom they move, Boston Transcript. Fweddy, "Does tobacco smoke ans ncy you, sirr ' Testy old Gentleman. "No, sir, but that thing yon're smoking doss annoy me most infernally, sir!" Chicago Tribune. "Those anarchists, for ins aace. Do you suppose they eytr get so rabid as to foam at the mouth?" "Yap; every time some one effes to buy the beer." Buffalo Courier Teacher. "Johnny, if Mr. Brown, a candidate on one ticket, gets ICO votes, and Mr, Jones, a candidate on another ticket, gets "00 voca, which is elected aad fey what majority?" Johnny (whose father is a light in his ward) "It depends cn who's got ther right kind ot men fur judges." Chicago Record. Personal Kotes and Pen Pictures. The secretary of the Conference for the past four 8ession3, Mr. C G Montgomery, of Concord, was noc present at the opening, from a mis take as to the hour of meeting, which doub'lesa is the reason he was not re-elected. He has thus es caped a laborious duty, for which he is eminently qualified, but which brings weeks of hard work with few thanks, bnt frequently unjust criti cism for inaccuracies for which the secretary ia notalways responsible.-!- Daily Standard. 30000QOC3C ft ft mmMtM ft a mm a ft si m ft ft3OO0O0OOC 0 With the cash we have bought the handsomest line of FINE CLOTHING we have. ever handled, and no doubt as fine as you have ever seen in this town, and not one.single SUJT nor a pair ot PANTS have we paid more than one-halt of the wholesale price. This Entire stock was manulactured for this Fall Trade, by one of the ftest Northern Manufac turers, but they wanted to go out of business, and the only way to get the cash out of the stock was to put it up at AUCTIOG. Our buyer was on the spot and in position to buy FIVE HUNDRED SUITS for SPOT CASH at his own price and he is a sufficient judge of CLOTHING to know stuif that was going under the hammer for-less than half the wholesale price. . . and YOUTHS Suits, that We have the best thing at LADIES You can't imagine how much of this kind of goods we buy at a single purchase, and when we clean up all the stock we don't pay 33 cents on the dollar for it. Look a., what we have thrown out in children hats fot He. They sold for 25c. Another lot at 10c a great many 50o hats in it. More than onehundred and fifty dozen hats will go at 2:.'c, which fnN eludes all 50, 75 and $1.00 styles. We have not the room on first floor to show this magnificent line, so we haye opened it all on the second floor of our Dry Goods Stere. v One hundred bolts of RIBBON that sells at 15 and 20 mv-"-frirr TWELVE SALESMEN S.It would be useless for ua to employ twelve salesmen to wait on our trade, during this season when so many peopfi complain of hard times and no money, if we did not have some kind ql a magnet to draw themTto us, and nothing bu kn.;nI itrill l7niflll no irnn alwava fird nn r linn da fi 11 Arl Wlfh no-or hriTrorosJriunrlinfr thair ioi f i"aol tti We have aaded to our Mr. Pnilas J, Honeycutt, of DEATH OF DR. ABERNETHY. The President of Batherford College Faases A way After n Long and I'seful Lire. Rutherford College, N. 0., Nov 2S. Dr. Robert L Abernethy, Presi dent of Rutherford College, died here today. Dr. Abernethy has euf feved great bodily affliction all his life, but he has besn unusually feeble for soma time. The deceased was 72 years old, having been born i m lJincoin county, April s, lszz. His surroundings were very humble, though his parents were of ancient and honorable ancestry. By his own efforts Dr. Abernethy secured the rudiments of an educa tion, and his whole lif has been a striking example of a self-made man. He received hts degree from Trinity College in 18C9 ana has ever since devoted his life to teaching. He founded and built up Rutherford College, which began a3 a school of eight pupils. Over 2,000 indigent students have since been gratuitously educated there. In 1880 Dr. Abernethy had the degree of D. D. conferred upon him by Alfred University, New York. He wss greatly loved and honored by the people of his Sta e. CoadeuKcd i ron Albvuiiirlv Sex -n. Ivlrf. I J Caldwell ii r.Ueuding Conference Lawyer J M Brown ha3 been quite Joe E Hartseli and Juc. A Peck are new county comitsioners of S.:anly. Mr. Puett fciu;pson and Mies Re becca H'rcez1! were married tt Rocky River Spring'. Mr. I B Miller has built a hand ome new rfciieuce ia Albemarle. Rev. P T Hartsell and family contemplate mo ring :o Concord from Big Lick. . i' Daniel Arey, a carpcnt . r, has gone to Ooncor-i (from Big Lick) to wof on the new factory. Small kindnesses, courtesies and consideration for others givea far greater charm to a woman's char acter than display of arts, talents and accomplishments. 300000Cft ft ft ft ? ft -ft ft J ft ft mzZM ft ft -a A r- vasar a . A y ft 1 30CJ0C3CC3OC5OC .TQOOGCXA, --J..yC JCX. .O-. ft30CjOC 1 Auction,- 'Mhciieh ? ?A are going out rapidly toUic'vcry lt trade that comes to $2.50 and$3.50 you havecver 'HATS, CHiLDBEfM CAPs, BOYS Tanrf"ili ii - . New, EES2 force of salesman, Miss Edna Jfitts, or Mooresvme, Mr. John Jolackwrtei-Jft. Pleasan Leo, Stanly county, N. C, who Highest of all in leavening Power. Itfill.HvtRepo Rev. Sillier Accepts a Call. Rev. PL Miller, of Woodstock, who recently resigned his charge at New Hayen, Mason county, W. Va on account of the ill health of his family while residiug in that sec tion, has accepted a call to Trinity Lutheran church at Stephen City, Frederick- county, Va. He will preach his first sermon in the new charge on the first Sunday of De cember, but on account of the un finished condition of tha parsonage will not moe his family frcm here until about Christmas, and probably Dot until the first of January. Mr. Miller' friends in Woodstock, and i ik-yj embrace the entire community, will wish him God speed in his good work, and, at the same time, njoia t hat he is located so near them Virginia Herald. Many of oar readers rema nber Rt.v. Mixier, who served St. John's several years. Csmiu Events. The good citizens cf onr little citj ae to be treated to amusements oi various ports during the coming aioatb. Tbe first on programme is the concert Monday night at the 6t. Cloud hotel, by the Snndav i'iool of the First Presbyterian church. Fr-iU M .-irshs Gelect pi avers v.ill 'oi here aluut tLe 0th, for a who e week. The Swedish Quartette concert company have maUe . engagements .vith Mr. Bail for December 22 This company was here two years ago, and they wish to return. Si Piunkard and his country cousins have written tor a date, and wili inM irobbilry be here about tlit 15 th It u a long time cl, uuc we--wili give the people the news of the Hi Henry minstrels' anticipated returns to ' our city in January. This show carries about 30 men all artists and the handhomest kind of uni forms. seen. Not onesingve cents will now go for the small -lot comes in will always be pleased to Items From Billville. An exchange says: "The back hone of this country is broken." We thought it was his toe he stamped. There will be no election to morrow. We've got to take a day off sometimes to count the yotes. Cotton has fallen so low that its friends can4t affort to recognise it. We were badly shattered by the recent landslide. Lots for sale cheap for cash. HEARTD!SEASE Fluttering, No Appetite, Cculd cot Steep, Wind on Stomach. j Tor a Icn? t.'o I had a terrible pain at my hei.rt, which Cuttered al most incessantly. I had no appetite and could cot sleep. I would be compelled to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stomach unvil I thought every minute would te my last. There w.13 a feeling of oppression about my heart, and I was afraid to craw a iuu breath. I could not sweet a room without resting. My husoana inaucea me to try Dr. Miles' HeartCure to say it has cured me.' Concord : Mens' suits of the nso umess pricof 7 l)er yar(i- every week. II fmmm j ana am nappy to say ic has cured me.' y I nmg ' apgtitft and J elppp welL . lt -ffCs tr5j""ir velous." -t-m m lS MKa.nARETE.Sai8B,Pott8vUle.Pa? V f Dr. Miles Heart Ctrteta sold on a pofrttlrw enaraniee tbat the first bott le will benefit. . J All druggists soil It at II, 8 bottles forte, or 1 it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of erica! by tbe Dr. Uilea MedicU Co., Elkhart, UO I For sale bv all urnsrrUf K i i i 1 3 sf HE ijq;wecio mpan y. 1 X

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