r . Y J A 1 7 - - 7 (Y ; 9 y J 7 MTTLE MAPS. BaM -Headed Man. "I- can't find words to express my indignation jit an insult I receiyed this Christmas." Pete Amsterdam. "What was the insult T. j Bald-Headed Man. "WhetTl got up Christmas mornjng-Iound some screant had made me a present of a bottle of hair dye," Texas Sittings. The Carnegie idea Beams to be that a public library covers a multi tude cf blow-holes. New York World. So, Adeline, the weather fortcast man can hardly be termed a storm ecenter. Buffalo Courier." ! Sparhawk. "I thought the authori ties in your city didn't allow prizes fighters to give exhibitions." Kingrope. "They don't, but since the fighters begun to kill each other the law 'hasn't been enforced." South Boston News. "This old fellow," said the tea-usa ter, fondly patting his horse on the neck, ''has bsen hauling for the city for,t(?enty-fiye years." "Got a pull, I enppo3?," sneered the Mugwump gentleman. Indian apolis Journal. "Cholly didn't have much luck with that Boston girl." "No. She frcz? hirn with her glances." "Then he is in a bad way ?" "Jo, he was thrawed on t by an old flame." New York Prees. "I'm afraid," said the rural Justice, "that I shall be compelled to fine yon $10 and co3t." "But, your honor, the eviuence proves that I am innocent." "I know it," replied the Justice, "but, my friend, I've got a family to support!" Atlanta Constitution. "No," said the college professor of literature, "I haven't read & novel in five years. I am not verj fond of scientific discussions or treatises on physiology or paths ology." Boston Transcript. Weary Willie "Wot do dey mean des novelists, w'en dey say, 'He was in seventh heaven ?' " 1 -S rrTu iii i i i'i nit ana de f an him during the men didn't." 'Yea, his wife took in washing and hia mother plain sewing." Buffalo Courier. "The Dixea had to give up their flat; there was no closet." "They had a wardrobe," "Yes, but the family skeleton kicked on it" St. Lonis Post Dispatch. Persimmons are ripe and plentiful about Independence, and there is " hardly a boy in town who can enll a dog. Topeka Stale Journal. Bad breaks are inadvisable as a rule, but skaters should remember they are to be particulars ayoided on thin ice, especially on Sunday. I Columbia didn't score eyen one point. The Tar Heels are the peos pie. The crusty Tillmanites didn't even amuBe our boys. Muddy canal water will not mix with pure N, C. mountain dew. Atlanta suffered the loss of one cf ermost lini'ni liimlMiar i "I'-trr day, it being the old capitol build ing owned by the Venable Brothers. The loss will probably amount to $175,000. It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. , The storms prevailed throughout the country Wednesday. The wind, Tain and extreme cold and freeze in -North Carolina was bad, indeed, but nothing to compare with the terrify ing wave that swept over western New York, the North Altamic coast nd the regions of the Great Lakc3. Thousands? of people are snowed . under, trains have been derailed and delayed and property destroyed to an enormous amount. We who live in this glorious Southland are blessed, eyen. thouglTwe do not haye Bun ehine at all times. PVBUC PISIOI, GESERALLY. - It is said there will be a republic - an-populist coalition against the Carlisle currency bill. Such a coali tion should not be unexpected. The republicans are responsible for our awkward financial position, and the Populists dlibinjprotrac.ting it. f f i -r""t the des committee caacot be too rough on such fellows. Sc. Jce Herald. From Dec mhi:r 1 to December 16, over 3,000 draf ta to Ireland were issued by Mr. Patrick Donahce'a agency, aggregating over $50,000. This indicates that the young Irish in this country do not forget tne old folks in the Enerald Isle when Christmas comes -around. Boston Post. The fact that two New England cotton companies have decided to build large mills in the South, is significant recognition of tbe ad vantage cf caanufucturing the staple product of the Southern states where it is grown. New York Herald. Hypnotism is cutting quito an ex tensive figure in crime boy,- a days. In Munich a man has been sentenced to three years in prison for exerting tlii3 peculiar influence over a wealthy woman and compelling her to marry him. In Wellington, Kan., a man has coLfessed to the murder of another man, bat Bays .. he was in fluenced by to commit the deed while hypnotized by another man wanteJ to get his victim out cf the way because the latter had testified against bim't in a legal transaction. Cases of thi3 character sra bobbing up in every quarter cf the globe. It is a very ec.37 execue, and worthless as well. Troy (N. Y.) Pree3. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Jnpau'IIns Whipped China, Hat Is "ot Inclined to be .Exacting. London, D;c. 29. The Japanese government Las made no response to tfce English suggestions from the British governirt that the terms upon which Japan is willing to treat for peace will1 China ought to be communicated to the powers. On the contrary the Japanese have per sisted ia maintaining a policy of reticence. Tbe British minister at Tokfd has been unable to get the slightest scrap of official infonaa tion on the subject of the conditions on which Japan will contend, and the Japanese embassy in London is equally secretive. The latter, it is true, has tome knowledge of the situation, but it is partly of a necas live and partly of a positive charac ter. The Embassy is free, however, in. (liarerarfling- tne recent cabe- ign of forcing an alliance with ChiDa against the European powers. The leading principal of the peace negotiations between the two eastern empires, as far as Japan is concerned, will be a total abstention from any demand which would give China an ercune to ask for European interven tion. Japan, therefore, vill not stipulate for any territorial cr com mercial acquisition in which the other powers are interested. For most will I be taken by Japan as part cf a pledge for war indemnity aud certain Chinese ports that are not treaty ports will be held as a pledge for the remainder cf tTu in demnity together with Shalien upon the Chinese customs as will not prejudice the customs revenues already mortgaged . In regard to Coreo, it is probable that a China Japanese dual control over that country will be proposed. The. terms, which are divulged by the Japanese embassy, are 3- gret deal more moderate than those de scribed in the sensational- cables grams received here from Tokio and elsewhere and haye the stamp of belief in diplomatic circles. Sullivan,it)ught a goa for which he paido. Shortly after he re ceived a tax bill on tbe goat cf $S. He called on Eafferty, the 833tsor, and eaid: "Why do you tax'me $8 on my goat when I paid but $5 for him?" "Well," said Eafferty, J"I haye carefully read what the statutes says, and it reade: 'Whoever owns property a butting on the street; shall be taxed $2 a running foot.' " Shoe and Lr ',ther Reporter. lie Officiated at President HarhiNoii's Fnoerai. Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 27. Eev. David Teese, a PreBbyterian minister, died at his residence at "The Camp Piece," in Amherst county, on Wednesday evening at 4:30 o'clock aged 80 years. He was a native of Ireland and came to this country in his childhood. Key. Mr. Ttese waa the minister who officiated at the funeral of President William. Hem j Uyison. xuc icguiar uieeuug ui vauarrua Council 1205 Royal Arcanum, at Masonic Hall Tuesday evening, Jan. 1st, 1895, at 7 o'clock. The instate" tion of newly elected officers will take place. A full attendance i3 PUn 1 ir c rit ired. J. T. Hastsell, Regent. W. G. Boshajier, Secty. ec. 31st, 1894. ed Irish Bitch, between Concord 'Catholic church on Gold Hill -d. A liberal reward will be ven for ber return to Dr. LM ' y cr D-7ii r-rnbardt, es VD SNOW SLEET AND IsAIN. In All "Paris of the Conntry'Vc;etB tJon Killed in rioritn--CJU-elncl!. Brought the Know to South Carolina. Shelbyyille, Ind., Dec. 28 Yes terday evening Wni. Leavitt, accom panied by Minnie Maple and Saeie Michell, started from their homeB, four miles south of here, to attend a party ten miles distant. Cn return- ing the party bicame lost -In the woods, being unacquainted with the roads. This morning at 2 o'clock County Commissioner Henry 01t- man, who livt3 in the sonthem part cf the county, was awakened. Ocing '.o the door ha met Leavitt, wl o vua 80 cold he could hardly cyplam what was the matter. Final!? Olt man was made to understand and they went out to the buggy. Both the young ladies were unable to speak and were uncousiioas. They were carried to the house and everything dene to restore them to conscious ness but up to 10 o'clock this morns ing all efforts had proved futile. Should they regain consciousness, amputation ot their limbs will be necessary. They are of prominent families. A Cola Wave KtriUes Florida. Jacksonville, Fla , Dec. 2S. The cold wave has struck Floilda and a dispatch to the Times-Union indi cate3 that it will prove a record breaker. At nearly all points in South Florida the thermometer is below freezing at II o'clcck tonight. Great damage is feared to orange and vegetable crops. At 11 o'clock at Jacksonville tbe thermometer stood at 19 above. It will be several days before the d image to fruits and vegetables can be estimated. Frozen to Death. New Philadelphia, ()., Dec. 2S La3t night a supposed tramp entered tbe Canal Dover Uoliing Mill in an almost frozen State. He was ejected by the night watchman. In the morniDg there was found a white haired man, apparently GO years of age, lying cold in death on tbe front of the shop. "i". F. D." marked on his shirt was all the i Jei'.UIiviation that cold be learned. Frozen to Death Jfenr the Gospol Mission. Peekskill, IT. Y., Dec. 23 Jas. H Kobertson, a brother of Senator Geo. W Robertson, was found in the road near the Gospel Miesic the seventhyjf-ta'riy"" this r juJmmL, frozen to death. He was once a prominent citizen, and mayor or reekskill for several terms. He had been addicted to drink of ia.e, and it is supposed no was under the in fluence of liquor last night. A widow and three children survive him. Intense .Cole! .in Columbia. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 2S. It bs- gan snowing here at daylight this morning but by the time 2 :r:c::es fell, the weather cleared and with s. brisk northwest breezs became rap", idly colder, and tonight is tueii & one that has been experienced but once in 20 years. The mercury at midnight staud3 at 12 degrees above zero and i3 falling steadily. Know Falls Alier Grover's Vinit.gS Charleston, Dec. 28. The News and Courier's special from George town, S. C, says: It commenced to 3now here this afternoon and con tip ues to snow and sleet with strong northwest wind blowing. The town is robed in white tonight and it is growing colder. Fonr Above Zero in Tennessee. KnoxvPle, Tenn., ;Dec. 28. In enee colder prevails throughout East Tennesse Valley. The ther niometer Tanged from 6 to 14 above zero during the day. At 11 o'clock tonight the mercury is down to 4, and zero will b-! reached before morning. The Greatest htnte in the South It is not what Mr. Ralph says aoout Charleston, and says so charm ingly, of which we would complain to much a3 in what he says about North Carolina and its great indus trial strides. Read the Charleston haif of his article and then read the North Carolina half look on this picture, then on tbi3- -and the read er would think that North Carolina had passsed . far beyond its sister State in all its lines of industrial development. North Carolina is, in fact, the greatest State in the South, bufr is not bo much bigger all round than South Carolina as Mr. Ralph would haye found out had he been supplied with a handbook showing the natut ral advautages of South Carolina. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Sooth:rg Syrup has been used for over fifty y?ars by millions of mothers for their;children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, oftens the rrnmo oil -r?a nil T iJr ",0, turea colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve theDoor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists m e?ery part of the world." Twenty-five cents a bolt'?. Be jure and ask for "Mrs. Wiaslow's Soothing Syr op," and takeno other kind. -. " '( mw?&r TREASUKY EXHIBIT. Tfio .Result of Fonr Months of the ?.w TariS" tUte-IIalflhc Gold Keeonn Already Gone. Washington, D. C, Dec. 29 The first 3ix months of the current fiscal year (four month cf which have come under the operations of the new tariff law) gives more in dications of what may reasonably be expected in the months to come, after tbe new tariff law has becom1 effective in all its multitudinous de tails. Tho restipts for the six months have aggregated $159,500, 000, and tbe expenditures in th-; same time hare been $188,000,090, an excess cf expenditurea over re ceipts of $28,500,000. For the cor responding period of last fiscdi jtar the excess of expenditures over re ceipts was $38,000,000. I-ess than $2,500,000 have been received froai the newly imposed duty ou sugar, which first appears in ar.y appreci able amount, in this month's receipts Nothing of course, ha3 been received from the income tax. which does not go into effect until Jaam-y I, 1895. An annual revenue of $55,000,000 cr more it is anticipated, will event ually be derived from these two sources, which will bring the re ceipts for the balance of the fi3cal year up to Secretary Carlisle's es timate as submitted to Congress. December receipts thow an increase over November, cf- $2,500,000 and November sbowi-.l slight incre;:.e over October, indicating that busi ness ia adjusting itself to settled tariff rates. Of the receipts for December $11,230,000 come from customs duties an increa-e of $1,000,000 ever the November receipts, from this source. The expenditures fcr December were 3,000,000 Jess than for November. EFali'ihe Kew Go2! Gone. Against this gratifying exhibit is to besot off the f.ict that the gl? reserve Tcontinues to decline. At the cLse of business ia the Treasury today ii stood at $80,319,528, mi -plying a less of $500,0t 0 for- the dsy and a total loss since tbe gold reserve was recouped by tbe last issue cf bond3 o." nearly $20,000 000. Pension 1 Ierhs dismissed. About ninety employers of the censns cmce were .tod?: notirj3j-4rtTr dismissal to take he 31st instant. Thie-actioTT uc llL'tcesarv . on account of the of completion of the work in the bu reau's where they were employed. Nnntlown lioeiors Sownctl. The Commissioner of Pensions to day issued au order that will prevent clerks in the bureau who i:re physi cians from practicing medicine after office hours. In this branch of thu governnieot service, as s ell is in other;;, there are i. number of grsJiv-. ated physicians who attend patients after cCice hours and are known s;s "sundown doctors." The order states that if any clerk cr employee of the Pension Bureau shall attend patients s a physician or medical adviser, it will ba regard ed as sufficient ground for relieving him from further service in the bu reau. The danger of bringing con tagious diseases to the other clerks and employees and allowing such diseases to spread in the community i3 obvious; and ha3 besn manifested in the recent cases. Moreover, calling, which is likely to require clerks and employees to be up at night and to demand the:r prompt attention at all times, is regarded as inconsistent with the proper dis charge of their duties in tho bureau. The issuing of' the order was caused"" by a negro doctor named Johnson, employed in the bureau at tending a saiall-pox case, for which he was suspended. While no official notification ' has yet been issued, it is almost certain that a similar order will be made in cluding the entire Interior Depart ment; not only physicians, but those who engage iu any outside work of any other character. Thia of course will not fpply to employees pursuing studies at eight. Bevenne Seiaurer Notice i9 hereby given of the seiz ure of the following proj.prty, for vio'ation of Internal Ktvenur laws of the United States, supposed to be the property of John Carter : One hors?, 1 wagon aid harness. - Nineteen boxes tobacco. Two empty boxes. One keg whiskey. Three ugs. Any person claiming said property is hereby"hotified to appear before the undersigned at his office in A6heville, N. C. within thirty (30) days from the date hereof and make such claim in the form and manner prescribed by law or the .property will be declared forfeited to the Unite 1 States. M. E. Carter, Collector, 5 th Disfricr, N. C. By E. S. Harris, Deputy Collector. Concord, Dec. 22, 894. - Oilier Earthquakes in Siolly, " ' Eouie, Dec, 27. Sicily has suf fered from severe earthqaakea in Ibe last 24 hours and much - damage is reported to h ave beeu ddne. Messina end Milazzo felt the shocks most keenly . " ; ' ' -'Y " iBifS ii OS m T'5 !P Q IS 257W.Dukb Sons 6.C33rir;a,"y J;.i DURHAM. M.C. U.S.fl. Vjjl; . Sri AtE FROM A5TD J ABSOLUTELY P'J RE COUET NOTICE. Oat icSuperior) Paul 1. 31k ass, Pift Coait, Cabar- cinst ixih Count 7. ) .S. Cotes, D,-fL. The defendent abn-ie nameJ viii take uotics that t'je pissatiff u!-.ove tamed has issued :i numinous, rev tuincble to the -ne xt tn.i cf tui court to be held for she county of Cabarrus, at tba coiu-t hoaso in Concord, on the Ctb lUmuAy bfor. tbe 1st Mool5 w ilarch, 1895, agoicfit tho d:fuuuf.-'t above name.! end that the pirnct:!!' has tppiifd for a':d obts-ined n '.varraut of ut- tacbnient, aiBt ir, in proooi'i the dpfn'-i action, iO" f ii-mhla at srid ti:v.o aisa ulat-o. "in SR.bl Rcliofi ; vrfaat cf ei Uehmcnt the ;iaint:' above mined e'suois that use dtffuij.it ahove niiuifid is ind.-. Lrod to tbo pl?.intifx in iLe eu.n of rj:reo Kimrr.d Seventy -!Tiv3 Dollar, 375). with interc t, Jcsal ariyi e aval ser vices and otbr coEBiuerutioaa ren. de ed the defendant.. Tho tVfer.d ant-above uamed is hwvby liOtiiictj tbcA, uniesa Le apiss-ur i-:- id tia.c and ylaoe aud ple-.-d, i:asTV.V' cr dfiraur to t;jo plain tiff's ecniij'.aint. whitth vill bo liif-I in tiie oilioe ol tno Cicrs cf thinCiiirt vit'iin the first tlivc-s days of fi'J lei the phiintiff will epp v to tlu court for t!.t relief dcr.anufl in the com plaint tiid &n&?it of attachment k U'is fiction. This, Oiiisbprthtf 16th. ISO. JAS. C. G.ESON, Cirk Superior Cnort. i -7iiU l'EE'3 'KALE O F LAND. By virtue of a mort-'te or deed of t.rac executrt to me, E'-mi King, by Moses Ktveaiei' .nt wife E!izjt;-:ij Mesemer, on th 13eh d:y of Feb nary, 1S92, ami recorded in tin office of Register cf Deedi for Cr.bi.r- tut i,m in,i -- r t -L mor!.?age3 1 T .rill -.,,!! fT- cash at r .bllruoiion it the court house door in Co'icord &c 1 o'clcc: p. m., on Monday, t.ho "ih tbty of January, 1805. tW certUin p:;roe! nf land 6iHi3ted at Pioneer Hi! is, said county, adj.inmg the buds of Johi. A Brnhdt-dt und others, (.or.'auing forty one acre. :n;:ro o: the tcete3 and t:-iud-ii-:a of 'yhich sr.' fully g;vtn !a faid i.rlgr.0 uud also the fol'owir.g nerionr.t property, viz: oao ?x-:k .oior. i borer nralr; one roan horse-; one red mcir uiilk cow. Ela:.' lixr., Trr.strc. Tnis Nov. ?0,b, IS'U. A D M IXISTItA'tOR'S KOTI C E. Uaviug qu.ilided as admini-urator o Mrs. Kalf-iir Stowe, deceased, -all person owini? said estate are hereby r.otiiicdtba they must mal'.o iaimudiate payMeii', or suit will be brought; nd all persons inv in2 claims agarnsfsairt estate must pre sent them to the uivJersiijiied duly ati theutieated ou or before tho 20th day of .November, 18U5, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Nov. 20, 1334. LLATd KIInG, Administrator. ADSISlSTEATOlt'S NOTICE. HnviDg been duly appointed ad qualified administrator of tho estate of E'dzibeth 3iott, 1.eee:-igrc, ad peraotiH holdia"? claims iicrviust f,?vJ deceased ara heroi y i;otiiied to pre sent them to the undersigned fcr payment oa oAlsoforo the 2vra c!ay ot J.invjarv. i&35 or tlti i notice .v.ii be plena us u bar to thair rocovocy. Also all ooi sons owing e'.id dc.cc:t8 etture uotilied th-it prowpt paya-vnt is expected. O. E. E.vnEiscEn, Admistrac.-r' This, Dacsmbsr 22, 1S31, " AUMINlSTIiATOR'S NOTICE. liaving qualified as the Administrator of ilary Edgerson, ileceasud, alt persons owing sa:a ei.uiie are liercby notiuea tiial they mii'st make immediate payment, or suit -will be brought. And ml persons having claims against said estate must present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the 1st day of July, 13!)8, or this notice will.bt plcsd in bar lor their recovery. C. P. ;LIX, Administrator. Tnis, Dscember 5, ISO. By. W. 5i- SMITH, Attcrncv NO HUE. By authority cf iwo ei n'tfrajres executed by A G WLito ana who to A C Boctt, oce on tbe 13th day of January tl other oa tb.9 22nj of 1'ebi uury ifrSS, I will, as executor of A OScott.dec'd S9llon Thursd-y, the 3rd day of January 1895, at lie court house door in Concord, for cash, at publics sale .to the highest bidder, the lands w described in the above mentioned nfortgnses. T. F. Phaee, Executor of A. C. Scott de Nov. 17th. 1S9-1. Xotice To Snpervisurs, I'.oaa J,vei HCfrn und Sand Ihrnds. Whereas, complaiot hafl bsev inade to the Board that tho Super visors. Overseers aud Road Hands, of the several Townships of the County have in some instances neg lected their duty, notice is hereby eivea to all such persons who neg lect their road duty will be proscut- ed. ly .Board or CoimissioNEits. Speculation, EAMMONU& CO. tl Brokers. 130 & 182 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, IT. Y. Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought an fold, or carried ou Margin. P. S. Send for explanatory eiicu lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Fiee N dwly 19 THE ARM LOCK BED SPRING Adjust. rl at both ends The most comfortable lied Spring yvt known to the world. It will not getone sided it stands perfectly square and will not bes come loose. THE ARM LOCK BED SPRING is in nanny of 'the "best liomes in town ami county. Mr. John 1 Allison nud L-r. L. M. Arch'ij' say it ia roaij.lete and tlisy would net jIo with.cn t . - them. For fnrthfr psrflcularg call on ma or address, J. Wallace Cook. Concord, JST. G, mount Amoenb SEMINARY A Floiirisuin Sctiool for You? Li :i;;i. rr, r TT,1 t r7T C .J.SLiL.i I J, lliliiX,, OroanjMtttl Branches l .nwiv-j C-ircfui A!te:!.io. RDV. C. L. T. I'iSilEil, A. A I'RirrcrFA... MOUNT pr.EASAKT M. C AT YORKE'S flora's .Teu ciry for cv.vry one, Ami .Tewelri- for you ; ft'eiKihr? gifts for ffroom an'.l briJa. Ati l for t lie bahy bf yoa siile, BiitMav :ifts for father sud mathr-r, Lover, swceiUeart, sisl'.-r :ani i.rotncr. Uncla and mist, u; u'lil consin. One single article oi by U! (io.i r.. Beiutiful silycr knives find fork. Ou:i bo bc i--ht Cui:o cheap :it Yorke's ; Wdtcii'-u ;-.nd ctiuins anu t'oldrn r:ns;s, Brcfw-i.-us, cli.iriin.'finu all such thing?. Chriftnias presents foryoun: and old, Uiul at lorKe s, tliey ;;lul be sol-.' : Cokcord, K. O. J. M. Opell, Prr-idfi-.t. Book 't'"p-r. 850,000 l-U'OO D. B. CcLTKAXt, Capital, surplus, DIECiOIW: J. On eli,, !). F. Caxso:.-, Er.Af Kino, ,7. '-.v. Caizsox, IV. U. ObELL. ;.V. II. Lii.lv, I). D, Oor,T:.AXE. CONCOItD IiAi:lvEL':-. COTTOII Of.rrcet-d ly Cnnnons & F.iizfr. Goo'i mid;:lii;g 5 05 Sliiluliuzs 4 tti Lo v midu'inj i G2i Stains 4 i tc4 75 J:y;xxU hi . W Svlnk. j j II to 4 ....St;:!J ii!-"tv-cr.r!?.L iv.vs-i Duik tuc-a-t, .'.ides Ceesax iSn'jtor Chicken Com J-iC Flortr (Xoith 5aro::t;a Meal Oatfi i'r.liow ..10 tol:; AD.MIN I&Tii V'!X) 3'S NO TIJ Having qualified as the ndmiaisi r;'.toi of ilrs. Lucy A Kady, deceased, ail per sons owing eaid estate are liore!y null lied that they muot make immediate pay ment or suU will l-e brought. And nil persons having claim-) against ssid es tate must present tiifni to the undersign ed, duly iiuihenti' aied, on or before the 12th d.iy of Nov. 1 ).!. or this notiod m-u1 be pleuu r.i b.;r of tncir rfc v'.ry. ' L. J. Fom., Adm'r This, 12th day of November, ADMlKLSTRATKIXk0TI'JE. The undersigned having been eppoint ed ami qualified as acministrntris of tin1 estate of Martha A. Line, deceased, all persona indebted to said estate, nuts: make prompt payment; and &'l per-ous noiuing claims against saia estate, must present the same lor payment ua or b fore the 14th day of November. 1893,. or tnis notice will be p!( Riled m bar for Xhtrn recovery. JIAUTIXA M. JJPE, rri-niuistratrix. This, the of ov.!834. ) North Carolina; Superior Court ) Cabarrus County. J. P. Goodman, ct, al.; heirs at law of B. E. Klutz, vsT. II. tapp, Tobias Keit- ler, et. al. To the Sheriff of '"abarrus county: You are hereby commandfd to st'.m. mon (i. J. Goodmanand Ely Goodman to be and appear before the judge of our Superior Court to be held for the county ot Cabarrus, at the court house in Con cord on the Cth Monday before the first Monday ia March, 1895, at which time and place they can, if they see tit, make themselves parties, plaintiff or defendant, in the above entitled case and take such action as they may see lit to take with regatd to the matters i -volved in said suit. J.MES O. GIBSON, Clerk Stiperiof Court. December 8, 1891 Cw SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. By virtue of authority vfsled in rue by u deef of trust from Caleb A Suther io James G Gibson, clerjj of the Superior Court for Cabarrus county for the benefit of six children of said C A Suther named in said deed of trust which is dated Jan uary 10, 1880 aud dulj registered io the Register of Deeds office of C barius county in book 31, page 331. I will on Monday the 3rd dav ol February 1895 sell atthn courthouse door in Concord at 12 ociock, noon, ail that town lot oa Church street said town".' adjoining the lots of urn lateWG Einio, Josey Suther and thers, Mia known as the Caleb iuther flot. for the metes ana bounds (K which see said deed of tiust. "Serins of Bids $350, three huiidredVmd fifty dollars each, the balance tt-() months lime note und approved securVy required at 8, per cent, interest Vom data of sale. Jas. C Gibson. Trustee and Uierk Superior Court. This, Deoeinber 19; 1S95. . dw ii- "Christmas Presen-tS." FOR BIG FOLKS, 7JTTT C FOLKri AKD ALL KINDS OF FOLKE. Tlia FuruitTire Store presents for husbands, wives sons and daughters, mother and sisters. THE FUIiNITURE STORE presents for somebody else's tlunghier mid perhaps somebody else's sister and your own dear 6 o r JULIA Nolace like the POKKITURE STORE. Everybody coucedrs tiie fact that if you want a present for a BRIDE or GKOOI,! the Furniture Store of CANNONS, FETZER & BELL is the place to get it P. S. A earsload of presentajust in. L J k - f - 5 Vg Ludden Bates I:'y Correeponclcaea. Evtryliiitg is io pl-iia prii prieetv Terms, Kvervtliog j NO MISUNDERSTANDING I No 'ssger of yor. paying more than unv one else O'irO.n-Price Systtiii Prevents that. A child can dj jttf ps well witli us as the sharpest trader. Every Instrument Guaranteed ail irt. paid. Catalogues 'ree on application. Write to us UA1N HOUSE SAAMNNAIL OA. miAULOTTB BRANPfl, V. .1. WHEELER, Manager. in a .itXi. V'i MATEKIAL CHEAP T AT Fenix Flour Mills. 'Ye are now selling FLOUR cheaper than it has ever been sold in Concora, especially when the qnality of the goods is taken ii.to ;or;sklration. VvT; have jnst mailed to our customers, qnotations which are extr:;o'y low. Wheat and corn always in demand at highest iiiHVuf-t pri ; s. We fill orders promptly and tarnish price ii;-t ou uiiplination ; v. 7-.CROreKLTi. Proprietor. -"."'' r r " c " r. 0 O m mm Fo 1 end Ssrofula P. P. P. purlilEE to Wood, "b jiism , tVo wrajt nad ijcbiilt'ity!, -pivv Ftrenrii to woalrc nou avrvea, r;.i-'e; l!n.ta5c.,,lc!n'rT '-Le -i hep-' u ;i.ifl ),(. ',iDo:a ThiTO stcU.vzp..-., jS.mn.y -: n3and lassitaao Atnl pre . ailt-j. F'lrprlEaftry.arccEftry and Urtlry tr-plilii.-, lorLlooti poi'.:::tii;:, mercu rial polso'J, main rin. dy.jpepr'., nud Jn ail tlocA .uJ eL!n I'iaoaes, hko blotches, jiir:pio3, oid chro.t'.e iioew, tetter. schI! bead, holla, ory.-lioias, eczema-wo mey S3V, Kltho'ii f-nr of contra(ilctfon,that P. P. P. Jatbofcost blood porliier In the -rrorld.and mnkos positive, Rpoedy and p;riii.ziiez.t uLrea Id nil caucs. mmm.mm, l.aggMi i -irffi mu 1 1 1MB n Iad!ee whose iiyetoms nro poisoned end . bose blo-odislnan Impure condi tion, Joe to menstriiRl Irregular tied, sro DecoHariy benelice5 bv the won cerful toaic and bion.j ci'abalDirproj''-crtlt-aof P. P. P.-Pi-iokiy Aah, Poka l:oot and Potassium. fiPHiNGFiKr.'D, Mo An?. 14th, I can spais ia the biiriift terms of your mo.l'.oifle from my owa prsoatl InowieiKe. I waa affected wltf. Uert disease, piecriy and rheumatism to 35 years, was treated by thrvery bn 6 Lhyeiieisns ana spent hanMds of g1 la ra, tried every knowi rtrm-dy with out LndlnK relief. I have only takea one Pottle of yonrP. P. P., and can cheerfully eny It haa done me more fooc than any thlnt? I have ever taken, onn recomniODd yoar medlcino to all BUflerera of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YKAEY. CprlHlIbld, Green County. LLo. .-Jv-t!.. Wo Prize Most ars net tli-i fjcvrjpivra and gimcracts wt gather E.bout us. Every life, of tours, hi? its yacrcd tinscltd treas C'i:, ;.i i!is practical wcik-a-day woi'J r.:a;i is prone to value most tlicrre thinjrs which serve him best. Not muds sentiment in this, per h'p, but seme sense all the same. Til? McCormick Hacljfno cf . Steel taies first Ce world ever, litutdx.-ls cf t'xu-ands cf grain p:xnvi.'r3 cr'l it ir.t oest larvestcr tnd LiaJcr that vtr vert fciuj a grain fieH, and they pa.e il accord iadv. It isn't serf'rnt with tlicm it's j'Jitp'iia. old-t-ishtoiscd com. f men sense. i,ey -;e it Le:t be caise i: rorvss i'r.z.n l.cet. It costs more r .oncy than -some Larvesters, but that's because it'3 morevaluaKe. -ItSTSvantayes mors than offset the added cost. The " Machine c f Ucd " is built to harvest the grain crop of the vorld, and to do i: fcetter than aay oiner macnine. Perhaps yoa mny care to know jr. About this Uarvasier. uvx cataicue interest "you. . KcCoEHiCK Harvests ksokss CHICAGO, Hi.. Torka $ Wadaworth, Ager -i; j ('C- Fi;iGi'! v asp, rOi-E nooi . 7 : ! ;. i- "-Y - ANN" C. F. & B w P Q THE -- c fi ft fi cs f si . & a Pimples. Blotches or? (Tl?r! Qryn g-'FJdnoy Troubles ilia taiirc-f y rrmoveu by P.P.P. "Jr!et!y Aah, P.ke Root and Potas- 3 in. srTmrEN. O.. Jaly 21, 1901. ?ss:.t L:;'Pman Caori., SavanDab, t!.v sins I bought a bocue or .. P. at Hot Bpriufrs. Arts.. and clone me- more irood than throe 9' rrtatment at the Hot Sprint's. ihrue botil-is C. O. D. ceipectfully yours, JAS. M. NFWTON, Aberdoou, Broica County, O. Capt. 3. E. Jobnston. To alt irfiom it may confirm I her bv testify to the irnndvnul properties c-f P. P. P. for eruptions of t p.e ekio. I suTicred for r.everal yeara with an un pliliitiy and tiisaftreeable eruption oa m . lace. I tried every fenown reme dy but in vain. until P. P. P. was used, b;-.d am now entirely curd. (Signuii by; J. D. JOHNSTON. Euvannab. Oa. Shla Cancer Cured. Tiit'.mcnyfrom the ilayar of SequinTix. 7Sesshs. Lippuan Bros.. Savannah, ca. : tieniiemenL tave tnea your r. V. P. fur a disease of the skin, usually Known as esm cpncer.oi luiny years' Elamilnp, ond found (treut reliof: It puriiiesihe blood and removes all lr l ' riiation from the seat of the disease end prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken flveor six botiioa and feel conlldeat thntanother course will effeoc a cure. It has also relieved mo from Indigestion and BtoinaoU trocbles. Yours truly, CAP T. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Lav7. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. . .. LEFPKSArJ BROS. PHO?EIETOE3, Up-istan's Slock.SavannaU, Ga AWa.eor: j does not necessarily and happiness on tbe p. ;' - ' : possessor. It is r.c: r gives us pleasure, t.-ut tis 0- , that money will bay. ) ' Some people spend n:or. ' "tshly, and fancy tltoy f -. . . j ment in doinjj it,' but the . . v is more fancied than ical. -k. ; ' who bo)s ij The TilcQcYmlz:: ; ,( No. 4 Steel rv'ovr.i J can ever be accused rf sjx-:i.''i iv money foolishly, and he'll iiiui s i U. hundred reasons to convince his wisdom. 1 t-j Wc are building the i'o. Z 't U meet the demand for a rc-Y jj penor mower, one taat er.iKr.s im y prime requisites of darcbi'itf. 1 venience and itht draft .1 You'll like this mower; roi r-r-r-' because thousands cf ot'. e; i'jrr - like it, but ase it is r. ii-,!'y likeable machir.t If yon rs to buy a mow you ougnt to i.i the wo. 4. Cettha tcC-r itek C-ilofrar ryw.'.y. U a-ontsiurnt HICAQO. IU. . 7 'S