Mi r ' r " J- . i-n'TvTTA D V COOK - - 1 DITOB . UONCOBr, "- C&3AEHU3 ; CdOS 1 Y, N. C. Thursday; MAECU Sb, 1295. THE FAKfEES SOID Cl'I J T THE 51 FX THEY BSKTJ TO VA t.i Kill. It will be a shock to be honest farmers of the Stat2 when their commission racrciemti retire to make advancements to them to run another crop till th-y py e very "cent they owe.- Thosj who would not go cab to hear anybody but their own candidates last yesr.will go oat next campaign to learn how they have been sold' ou: to the gold bugs of Baltimore, by the men they sent to the Douglass Legislature. What is tbatjsix per cent coney to a man when his credit is de stroyed? It is like thapietotbe little boy who didn heve the nickle to bay it nothing. It would be humilia i ,)g to the Legislators to escape the v rath of the people by pleading ignorance. It is degrading to the S ate ct North Carolina to admit taa1. ttf Legis lators have""been Louth by a chamber of coinmercj fcr twig. News and "Observer. THEAOX-FAKTI.VY i I ART. The Governor b.33 ret enly a very able, but a very cjot ervalive legal adviser, and if he tun ctt a fair shake from the "nor arucan judi ciary" the hop33 f tome legislative appointees are apt to be blasted. Charlotte Observer. The flippant way in v hich our es teemed contemporary creeks of the only true and genuine (see "the name blown on th 3 bottle ') non-partisan court the S a'e ever had, will shock those who .'peak with bated breath when they mention this sacred court, "Get a fvir 1 heke" indeed ! The Observer will bo reprimanded by the "liefcrmnv' if it uses such an expression in reference to the present ccurt. IVcw is such parti flans as Shepherd, 1-IacKae and Bur well were oa the leueh, this ecu. tempt of the cci-.i-t rr.itht be phased unchallenged. I ia trr.3 that neither of then t :,r :an for a State office, and ncv.r engaged in the partisanship of a o:ate campaign, bjj ilieyTere "pariiiacs'and could not be stt on a pedestal. Eat what could be 65''.! of them with impunity -.! rpciieu cr tne -. artisans." er will "get a fair tunitj cf ehow- reaiiy :,n& truly or , hether they out the caucus decree '-'..! I cok and Ewart in wheth ' 1 Charlotte Observer. Hi" way a fusion paper feelac C to talk about fusion-, ists. It i s.u edciorial in the last idsua of the Progressive Farmer : . "Ths Arrirgton investigating com mittee hdd mother session on last We.dnctdi.y, Campbell had been drunk all he while. Phillips got v drunk 21 soon as he came back Br: n, cl Chatham managed to get Phillip Eober and a meeting was beld. Bryan was elected Chairman and adjourned the meeting until bin Arrington "gets her specific charges in shape. -; Lccally you will see an account of . nomo painting that has been dene. Ihs color compromises Uncle Billy FKKKtnat in- ro is no grea nza'ij up. j?nvy m hi3 i he Fusion Legislature passed a C per c:nt. interest bill claiming taa it was for the benefit of the 4,poor farmer,'- and then, as if to meek him with false hopes, turned : -round and passed a law preventing h.m f rem borrowing money at any f rice. That is the effect of the law in regard to mortgages, bought through by lobbyists employed by the Baltimore Board of Commerce. Baleigh News & Observer. As we have.said before the publoi will not know just what the Doug. Legislature did for months to come. The Dong.'a themselves don't know. Little by. little it comes forth. The thieves and bums in and of the com post heap stole ' bills' and .Blipped others through to such an alarming extent that we all must wait. r A great reduction in pension ex pendurea .has. been brought about by the preent administration. The total amountt appropriated for 1893 was f 1-65,41 i,000, for-1894, '$180,681,000 for : 1895, $151,681,000, and- for 1 iiiMOJiCo. wser - iJjcatcu. tninirs me cost 'is likely" to stick for two or three years, ihe falling off from deaths and other causes being counterbal anced by first payments in new pen sions allowed, which often embrace -a amounts of wreare. " is irrevere 1 - J : "Every effort I hava made for re-3 Hoover. Our appropriations exceed those of any previous Legislature, Senas tor Hoover. I am opposed to the bi appropria tions. This Legislature is ppendiag more money than any p reyi:us body. Senator Lindsay. These lobbies haye been tilled with peon'e sdtoiat-'ts: l"rge sppropria tionr. end thev have had more in flufcscs. ikaator Hoover. Beware of Spring, the fickle flirt, Vficse treachery long has been avowed And do not doC your ianucl fliirt Unless j en want to don a shroud. The Atchison Globe savs : Follow any woman during Lent and you will come to a stand-still at a fashion connter. Korner writes asaiu today. He is very much pleased wi'h the re pres sentative mass meeting Friday night. It is sometbiDg to be pund of. We haye two weeks in which to decide whom we want for the sever al town rffices. Let Democrats put their Iiead3 to the problem and sol - e it. Why shouldn't this country aeet Snain half wav. If we remember correctly, Colambus came all the way a:.d even set foot on Americr.n soil. Be brave. Now that we are to haye a teles phone exchange in Concord and thty will reduce the price, they might try to reduce the amount of mush in the mouths of many who will use the phone?. The mayors court ia its last days 13 becoming a busy Eceuc. It has even commenced to clean up, as is evidenced by its cittir g on a ''rattle, snake " soap cr.se. Ignatius Donnelly and Sidney M Ontiii, Populist candidatea for Gov ernor of ilinneatclis at the kat eloc'ion, say the People's party wil! net oin tne free eilyer 'come party. "While a Georgia editor was ad rcEsing an audience, fifteen cab bages were thrown oa the stage, thritk to:, ladies and gpntlenen,' he s: id. "ilv Si -rden fss hille.l by the vecett MiEzsrd cud I bf-ve lars-j faisil" to Eu-porr. AH that 1 'd is a basket!" SfEiitor J J Jj'jr.g,-! Jii:8teru Kortii Carolina, died Saturday- lie was one of the appointees to the Agricultural Department. Gov, Carr will have a vacancy to fill if the Supreme Court uslair:,3 the ac tion cf the Doug Legislature. Just as has been sail time and again, the same doubted and denied by all who worshipped athi? throne, Marion Butler, whom the Lea;isla ture has made TJ. S. Senator, has gone straight on the Kepubllcan side, bridle and all. lie comes nearer being fit for tuch association than with any others. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles f If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine ha3 been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female ComplamtP, exerting S""won derful direct inlUieECe" in giving strength acrf-tcrne to the organs. If you have Loss cf Appetite, Consti pation, lleadache, Fainting Spells, or 8?iilfccyous,' Sleepless, Excitable, tlelancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters 13 the medi cine you need. Health and Streogtb are guaranteed by its nse. Lirge bottles only fifty cents at Fetzer's jUrng store. Last TaxA'otlce. AH taxe3 not paid in full by the first of April will be advertieed fcr sale. IL. M. Moeeisok, Tax Collector. The skating riuk at Waiter's Hall did not materialize. ABETTI fGARETTESl ZZj?7 w.BKe&ons i0.i7bi. tjf OUWHAW. M.C. U.S.. WADE FROM I ABSOLUTELY PURE EH y 5 1 1 fret vss g-i aiy OUR SHOWING. What A'orlb Carolina Women Will do to Attract Attention n Atlnntn. "The Populist'Kepublican com bination in the North Carolina legis lature," eaya tB6 Baltimore Sun, "find it hard to get ahead of V-?. noble women of the Tar Heel State. The lalies recently had a bill intro duced into the legislature providing for a display of the work of the wo men of North Carolina at Atlanta, but it was tabled. Not discouraged, the ladies haye decided upon a most appropriate and unique exhibit at tbe approaching expocition: Ia the room assigned to North Carolina in the Woman's building at Atlanta they propoea to place a large bare pine table, and upon this table, in a frame, the petition and bill which the Senate so promptly tabled, and in another fr.me a pictuie of the members of the Senate. . With the ayes and noes marked. Only this and nothing more, but it will tell to all who yisit the exposition in At lanta why the women of North Carolina have no work ou exhibition there." Two tablen will be needed. Charleston News and Courier. There should be another table witn the life-sizsd portrait of Fred Douglass on it, and tagged with the names .of those who, in . the lower house, adjourned and wept.l Another Newsy Letter. Out of twenty farmers of this section, seventeen have declared they will no; use "bought fertilizers" this year. The Kev. Mr. Bryant will preach at Bethel church the fifth Sunday in this month. Prophet I-IcAnulty is on a bee line for China in search of gold. lu Epite of cheap pork, pigs go readily at one to two dollar3. Mr3. J C Ilonb, after a lingering tichresa of eight weeks, is convales cing. There is a scarcity of street po tifoes for bedding. The mail haa been getting here two hours behind the schedule for a week. There is talk of a singing school at Bethel. m The oat fields appear to have gone through the flint mill during the winter. J C Hough has about fiuished his new barn, which is very conveniently arranged and extremely architectu ral and commodious. Book agents are on the war path '.gjin eeeling whom they may de vour. An organiziticn known as "The Educational Aid Spciety" will prob ably be formed at Bethel academy soon. S L Kluttz, Ecq., enjoys the dis tinction of having more occupations than most any of ue, being farmer, merchant, apiarist, Secretary County Alliance, Sunday school superinten dent, and lait.but not least, a magis trate. Miss 3eulab Gerome, a former student of ours, is teaching a very interesting school at Bethel Acad emy. We wish for her the greatest possib'e sccces3, and knowing, as we do, her aspirations to be of the high est and purest type, we predict for her a bright future. Mr. Johnson Miller had an en tertainment at the close of his school that was very creditably music by Eardis band.,,- V02KCRACKER. ClearGrefk, March 25. SonelamiHeti I7tf It"1 The Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer furnishes a dis noyery that wps made Tuesday, which caused considerable comment on our streets today. It is as fol !o .vs : An act of the Legislature has been discovered in the Secretary of State's office, without doubt a "ineaked-in-bil)," which ' is far-reaching and damaging since no debts can be pre ferred, by " mortgage or otherwise. It also prevents the borrowing of money on mortgage oa real estate or chat; els, or on crops by a TFon who is in debt to parties other than the lender. It reads as follows : "An act to regulate assignments : "The General. Assembly of North Carolina do enact : Section 1. That all conditional sales, assignments, mortgages or deeds in trust which are executed to Recure any debt, obi ligation, note or bond which give preference to any creditor of the niaKer, shall be absolutely vcid as to existing creditor?. Sec. 2. That all lus-s Li conflict with this act ae hereby repealed. ScC. 3, That this act shall be in force from ' and after it? ratification. Ratified 3rd day of Mircb, 1895." There is likely to be much trouble growing out of transactions contrary to the above made emce the 3rd day of March, for this set was not ki.owr. oL unt'l yesterday. j When Baby was sicfe, we gave her Castoria. W'hoa she was n Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Kiss, she clung to Castoria. j When she had Children, she gave the'u Castoria. On the bcalb of Geueral Bar ringer. ' At a meeting of the survivors cf Co. F., First N$rth Carolina Caval rv, March 9, 1595, the following tnnute was adopteel : The survive of Co. 'F., First North Carolina Cavalrf feel that in the death of -General Eufus Barring er their-association has sustained an irreparable loss. As members of his original com pany we pay a tribute to his barvery and chivalry as a company, regi mental and brigade commander in the dark darn of civil strife. In Lira were blended all the attributes of a-i able, cautious.leader. With tender i;Sfec:on we ncall his eohcitude fervour welfare on the battle field and our comfort in tic camp. The characteristics of the true patioicaod Christian soldier imbiied in hioi are worthy of the highedt emulation. We honor him for his grjat useful ness and sterling worth in private life. To him, our honored leader, ia due our briliunt record ou the fn'd and cur prosperity as an Association of veterans. To his en -rgy and efficiency as a historian, we are indebted for the preservation of our annals as North Carolina soldiers. In respect to bis memory we set apart the Second Tuesday in August of each year (previously suggested by h?m) as the day for cur annual reunion. May ths Divine Commander guide and gurd the bereived who were endeared to him by the holiest and strongest tits cf erathly ailec tion Home. J. L. Turner J Oo h.. v cope Committee, w. D Astiiony I AMERICAN I SIX DOLLAR TYPEWRITER V is fust the tkijifr for business and pro fessional men who kaixa few letters to write an i want thote letters to iotik well. Doctors and lawyers. p'-eially, find it very han.iy. Chil dren easily an.i quickly learn to write on it. H xtiil do fust as food work as the $100.00 machine. Of course it is not quite as fast. It is simply constructed, easily harned, easily operated. We'll send you a tetter written on ft along with a special circular if jo u'U send us your address. 3 PJPTH A VP . NPVV VfiPV 0$r Andrews f 4$si?k School Furnishing I Company-. "t "Vi n: e u e . i'i KaU Bank, Coxcord, N. c. Odell, President. D. B. Ccltranb, . Casb'cr. L. D. CoLTitAJTii, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS ; J. M. Odell, D. F. Cannon Elam King, J, W. Cannon, w. li. Odell,. W.H.Lilly, . - D. B, COLTKANE. THE ARM LOCK BED SPRING Adjusted at both ends. The most comfortable Bed Spring yet known to the world. It will not get one sided it stands perfectly equare and will not bes corns loose. THE ARM LOCK :BED SPRING is in many of the best homes in town and county, Mr John P. Allison and Dr. L. M. Archey say it is complete and they would not do without them. For further particulars call on me or address, J, Wallace Cook. ConcordN. C, GET THE BEST When yon are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and - " Most Popular ior a mere song. See to it that yon buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and sq uaro dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con. struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many New Home; It has Automatic Tension, Doable Peed, airtce uo txitn sides ot needle (patentee), no otner nas " ; New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable! centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE SEW EGME SEWIKG MACHINE CO. Oiujiok, Miss. Bcctox, Vass. ffi TTntow BonARa, H. T OHioieo, iix. St. Louis, Mo. Dum Txua, - BU FAOlB0O, CAb ATLANTA, (iA, FOR SALE BV .YORKE & WALWORTH t r . 1 .. 1 1 '. - Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's xrescriytion for Infants and Children. It contains neitlier Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotic substance. li ij a bariaiess substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing' Syrups, and Caster Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is flirty yenTs' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys TVernii anil allays fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Scnr Cnrel, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomaclz and bowels, giving healthy and natural s?eep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good efieet upon their children." Be. G. C Osgood, loweil, Mass. " Castoria .s the best remedy for children of which I am acq.inted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various qur.ck nostrums which are Ucstroying their loved ones, by fort- Q opium, morphine, soothing syrup aud other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to preinct:'c graves." . DR. J. F. KlNCHELOB, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 Or, J. E, CARTLAND SURGEON DENTIST, flakes a speoialty of filling teeth without pain. Sixteen yeais experience. Office over Lippards & Barrier's store after Feb. 8. 1894. i25 SALifl OF LAXD. Under and by virtue of acccreeof the Superior Court of Cabarrus county in a ppe!:ial proceeding entitled, x-dward Gray, J Dove and Ilarry Gray 1. 7 his next friend, A J Stoutrb, cx partec, I, John D liost, as commissioner, will ex pose to public sale on the first Monday in April 18!)5, the same bcinjj tlie lirst day o April, at 1 o'clock, p m, in front of the couit bouse d( or in Concord, a certain tract of land in-No. 11 township, said comity, adjoining the land of J Doyc, M J Corl, J KceJ and J C Furger son, containing (40) forty acres more or less which said laud is f ally set !orth in the ccmplaiiit or petition filed in said special proceeding. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance on six months credit, note and approved security required with inteict from il.ite of sale. 'J itle reserved till af. piuchr.se ofmoaey is paij J SO. I HOST, F'ebv 13, 'Jo. Co"Jini!3;ione TliUS'IEE'S SALE. By find tinder authority Te&ted in me in a died cf trust from J i'vey Crue, and !uly registered m the Kegii?r'fi office for Cabarrus county in Book 5, p-igea 232-0, I, as trustor, wiJl expose to puLiic oalo for cash, at the court house door m Concord on ilo'.idy, tho 13th day of April, 1895, a!l tLat trcct jf laDd named in Feid deed of trust, tuljoiciLfr the lands ;of Richard AVj, ker, Alary t-itctiie, D SI Cruso ii'id otir.;,:i No- C towESi.ir, sr.iJ county, beirv a piirt of the Sauiiy Crse i wX oi land aud Jaii eff to s 'id J j.rey Cruse in division of land and con- t'lDicia the aj;refne twi Rfres an t boiut? ia two UaH, olc cf 47J acres and tbo other I7J iicrep. Sale to take place it-12 o'ciook noon" on said day. JULIA. WIIEELKR, Nee JUJjIA. JfiSHlCK, This March 1G, 1895. Truslea, TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority vestfd in me by a Mortgagra or Det d in Trust executed ;i the 21st day or Ieb ruary, 1890, byM. M. Purr trd his wife, which mortsacte id duly rcc 1 ed in Register's oliice for CabHrms Co.. in Bock No. 5. pages 14 a: d 13. I will sell to the bis'uest bidder, for cash, at the coartousedoor In Con. cord on Monday the (5:h day of May, 1895, the following tract' of land : Adjoining the kuds of Ephriiim Bost, Eve Purr ai.d others; begin ring at a P. O. by Pine atd i'. O. Eve Furr's corner au 1 runs N35E 36 poles to a small P. O. in the old line by 2 P. ), thence N G3 W 121 poles crossing the creek to a Piue .Scot in Boat's line by 2 Hickory's; thence S 70 W 50 links to n Hickory formerly P.O-; thence S 25 W 23 pol- s to a P. O ; thence S 77 W 52 pcles to a stone, then S 38 E 13 poles to a P. O. ; thence S 45 W 47J poles to a small 6 tote pile; tkeuoe S 75 V 33 coles crossing the great road to a stone by Pine; thence S 15 W 66 poles to a P. O ; tnence S 30W49 poles to t email P. O.; thence S 67 E 39 polea to a Hickory thence N 38J E 35 poles to a el one in old line; then-ce S 79 E 15 poles to a maple crossing creek; thence N 49 E 10 poles to a maple; thenco N 20 E 10 poles to a maple; thence IN 30 E 5S polea to a inap''e; thence N 2iq W 11 poles to a P. O , crossing creek and road; thence N 51 E 108 poles to a Hickory; thence IX 19 E 19 poles to a Cedar in old iie; in t nee o 37 E 67i po es to the begmmntr, contain ing one hundred and thirty five and ttree fourth acrep, more or lest!, it being the same tract of land which was conveyed o M. M. Purr by A. M Purr and wife on the 2oth day of November. 1889. 41. Bcgek, Trutt.r, By W. M. JSmith, Atlbrroi-. March 25, 1895. Mount Arnoena SEMINARY A FlouiisDiag School for Your.g L-ie3. TEN TEACnERS, Orameiital Braiches Receive . Careful Aiteiition, , REV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. IIS PmsoiPA.1 m otjnt;pleasant, n. c, u dml J Wail Criteria. Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." B. A. Archer, M. D., hi So. Oxiord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Our physiciars in the cbildren's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outride practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we arc frcs to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to lcok with favor upen it." Uniteo Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mas3. Allen C. Smith, Pres. Murray Street, New York Clvy. SALE OF EEAL ESTATE. By authority of a noi-leaee ex8' outed to me by Washington anci Isabcliii Rfjed, oa the 2 day of July, 1S86, 1 will cell at the court house in (Joneord. to tli-j Insult bidder, on the ISth d;iy of April, ifjJ., r trace 01 jand coniftiniiiK aev snty-fiva (75) teres, atlj jiniuf? the lands of John AicAauity, J hu S lun.or unci otaors, a part of the L:iia iiaed iaiid. L'IKAM DOS7 . This larch 12, '95. Trnso. Nokth Carolina ) CtTr ..,. m Cabarrus c-untyf SmaJuob Cocut. Elnm Sins'. Adni'-ciytrator nf Hmon jjinkfr, plaintiff, va Mathew Linker, Geo. Sroith, Administrator of W . ."Linker, J. P.Liuker, M. R. Linker and ltdf. liatiey and wiff, M':n ie liatler, delendints. On reaiii! and tiling tho rJll Jarit of Elain Kins and is appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Mathew Linker is a non-ret,ideu-, of thti State of North Carolina and can1 not at t'r due diligence bd found within this State; find it further ap pearing the.t a ca ite of acion exists agMi'jt the E-aii dj ei.dattp, and th; t they are proper p.uii nec;:ss try pta'-ka fnr- "rioa rci-ti'. ro real nropf rtv In the h;"A'c. Veins aa p piiiHtiou to cojileiua funds in the clerk's eiliee whio'. were rofvized from sale of tjinds, for assets t p y di-bts aul charges ipot est;o of Simon J,ink--r nru it is theietT e or der ect, 'itjudeed and decreed that servico of suiriinona on suid defend s.nta be msidri by public "tion in the Stai;.la"H, a veefcly nt-wspapf r pub lished in the t.)wii of Concord, Co":.nty and .State aforesaid, once a weeltfc six consreutiv '.veeks, re quirii.t; t said cfeii'litnts named t. afore:,! ta be ! cpiijr ?t the otiice o. t-e C.trk ot Ui's huperior Court, ioi rtai'I County .ad Stftto, on or before tut iSLh day of May, 1895, and plead, nr.sw'e? o I'f-inur to ttie complaint of the plai.nfift '.vlilc'i wil be riled in this action within 10 day? from this, dote, o.- Uto . p'iunirt wil! apply in taft i:rr for the relief de mandec! in th t compiuist and for C03ts cf act ion. Issued this, S'.h dav of March, 1S95 JAS. C. GIBSON, Clerk Superior Court Noktii L'aloi.ixa . . , CVoarru county vvznitm Goubt Elam Kinpr, administrator c Ru am S'v.e, c-ctigtct, plaiatiff, vs. 2l J L.-e, Mary Jorton uuJ huRbmd, I A Daifcn; JioBa ' Ilice and husband. Win Bice; Joseph ijte. V H Lee, Jane E Corzine, John M Lee, M A Myers. M C Ptoujjb. Mervin Fui person, Martha Ke ly and husband. Kelly; Albert, Frank, Elizabeth. Adam, Ste pr:tm and fuervm i( urcerson, iVlnry vieacham and iiUbbana. John Ueach in-; Eli zibfh Fur person, ltobert McGraw, Emma Parnell and husband, td Par noil; Isabella Smith and bus band, Bob Smith; John C Fur eerson. Cora Autst'n and hus band, W O Austin; Elizabeth Sossumon and hubb.-.nd, John I) SoFsamon; Harriott Price and husband, George Pi ice, and Annie Furgrson, defendants, It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from tno return of John A Sims, Sheriff of Cabarrus County, N. C, and from the affidavit cf Llara lung hied in the aboveeuti- tied action, tnat Jonn 31. Jjee. Mer vin Furgerson, Martha Kelly and husband, Kelly, Albert, Frank, Hiijzabeth, Adam, btepnen and r.u otter Mervin l'urererson a'e non residents of this Stat., and after due di leence cannot bs found within the State of Ncrth Carolina, and are necessar and proper parties to the above-entitled special proceeding, which has been begun in said Couit to subject to sale the real estate cf said Ituann Stowe dfcpcrib d in the c m plaint ot the p'.airjtirl for the purpose ol mak ing upsets to ray the debts and cirai ce6 of adminiatratton ou the es tate of said Kmin Slowo and whereas the said defendant John W Lee, WerviD Furecrson. 31&rth Ke!lv and busbann, Kelly, Al bert. Frank. Elizabeth. At'aai. Stephen an MeiTinl'nrgerson 1 ftve an inteieet actual or tontingail m heirs at law cf said liuasn Scjwa in said lands. .Now. therefore, the saii John M. ' te, Mervin, Furgei eon, Llartha Kelly and husbanu, Kelly. Albert, , rank Ehzibetb, Adam, S tphenand Mervin Futcerson are hereby not fied that unless they be and apprur at the ofuce of the Ciert of the Superior Court of said county and 3tato aforesaid on or before the j 28th day of March, 1895 and plead, answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said epecial pro ceeding, ttj?t the plp.iutitt' will tpply to he Couit fo tbe relief aeu aned ed in the c mpla'd and tor cctts. Ibir, tth day oyfetruary, 1893. iiliSOM, sQrCovrti r V A. THRILLING EXPERIENCE! MANY LIVES ATID A YOUNG W ARJ PREVENTED! A crowd of eagt-r people were Mirging into Pmithdeal & Morri ' llartlware to see their fall stocs of gun. Eich man omceeded to arm him self with a deadly weapon, hut as the pans were un loaded several accidents were avoids!. In the housi of rtiis firm jour life is c lefully gnarcVd, (no loaded gun unchained) ar.d in the purchase of their gools, your money goes fur ther thai in any other Hard ware store in 'he State. If you don't believe it, come and see our stock of HARDWARE. SADDLES. STOVES. PAINTS, OILS MACHINERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MINERS SUPPLIES AND BUILDERS MATERIAL is complete, and must and will be o!d as tde lowest possible figure. We also have a car load ot Buggies and a stock of GUNS at losv 'Tariff Price3. CALL AND BE CONVINCED, UiilltlJUUUI 1 YCRKE WABSRTWOH ')liolmah and THE BIOKST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK JN TI1E tiTATE Ko Louse in Iortli Carolina can possibly make lower prices on Shelf Goods, Agricultural Implements of the latest makes, Buggies, Wagons, Hacks, Mowers. Guanos and Acids. Try their Prices and Quality They've got the Stuff Yokre i W a d s w o r t h THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY SlF YOTJ WANT, i A PIANO FOR THE NEXT sixty days only we will offer some of our leading pianos at greatly reduced prices. $'225 lor a $230 piano. A $325 Genuine Mathughek f' r only $28?, Trand new instru ments, new ttylop, lowest prices ever known fcr these instruments, .We li&e a very few entirely new pianos, in latest B'ola cases which we will sell at the ppot cath prices with one year's time to pay for them. If you want a pltmo v r.te to v.s quick. This offer will only last a short time. II and iffl, ktbn litfio Inn, MAIIIOUSE SAVANNAF. QA, CUARLOTTE BRAII. ;W. M. W HEELER, iGir, March 9, 1835.; V X. LIME! ANE 0 0 0 w eare Sole SELLING Ag ; iu this m8iket for the Casson Lime Co's. ANcl - When m the market we wou d be pleased toave your orders. 0 Will have a big lot of FLORIDA ORANGES for the Christmas TRADE G. W. 'PATTERSON YhoIesale ard Wet ul Grocer CONCORD, N. O. $E&ail & 1 li X 1 C -f i