JAFAJS'S I0E2ESTITT. It is Cii Um tliai when j:tac ic madn between Japan aad China, an J that will probably be very soon, the latter will be required to pay a heavy war indemnity. (Jb-.r.a 153 bv"o,UUU,jOl) m coin while Japan hcz only $1C1,200,000. Bat China's coin ia nearly all silver while about cnc-Lalf of Japan's coin is gold. It v?ill be therefore a mo ' Txcntess-ariiitio'i to China whether Japan 'will exact gtelJ or accept eil ver. If the indemnity can be- paid in iLe latter China could export a great pirtof it from her ci?n people ttid easily borrow tb.2 rest, but should Japan demand gold and the Bettlemect be decreed on that basis where is the gold to oome from ? The bulk of it v. ould have to be got ten in Europe and America and neither wants to part with any of its stock of gold. Another interesting problem re lates to the effect of a great war in demnity upon Japan herself. It is always dangerous to disturb the fU naccial equilibrium of a country. A sudden influx of money engenders speculation, inflates values unduly and results in all kinds of extrava gance, The reaction is almc3t io Variably disastrous. ' It is weli remembered into what a bad financial condition Germany fell soon after France paid the immense indemnity for the war of 1870. France paid the debt in wonderfully short time, did not seem to feel it and a few years af tf r was the most prosperous country in Europe, while Germany, after a period of wild speculation, was sufering from se vere financial depression. Perhaps history will repeat itself in China and Japan when the finan cial account for their vrar is settled. Atlanta Journal. TAX. THE riDDIiEKS 3ETC. This is to serve notice on all itinerant peddlers or merchants selling goods fcy sample, ihzi when they coma to Darham they will be required to pay a tax cf $12 a month cr 100 a year. The town u'horiti53 did tbic, and the viola ting ordiar.ee, by failure to out license, subjects tbem to e cf TLo cci miiSiloners look upon it thi? ' y :f they liavf a good t':'- : I ... t tho trade cf Un.hF.rn, 1 ; .:',ala pay for tbf tion witncrv cfCT:ants, who r main hre f.nd rtnr a.l the Inrdenf Nation. We tfcu't laoT but t the ccmmicSioner3 ure right. Too much money go3 away now for goods that can be bought right here, to the detriment of our home enterprises.. Isn't that so? Dur ham Sun. A TRAVESTY OS J I STICK. The Progressive Farmer of this week has this to say of 'the Arring ton investigating committee : "If the two members of the Ar lington legislative investigating com mittee who have been on a protracted spree, one a Populist and the other a Republican, have any respect for themselves or one iota of pride left, 5 Ut J TV AAA Bit U A W ISf AVAV11U Cauva, V f to work. If thev do not. we ndriM their friends to send after the mains." Who would ever -have expected such conduct on the part cf "re formers?" These men are vested icrkialuowers and authorized to summon witneoSea-Anfl. hear pvi dence. They are to sit in judgment upon the courts of North Carolina, They are to report to the Supreme Court of the State upon ihe integ nty cf able lavryers and emicent judges. This whole thing ii a sham and a fraud. The committee of mcom petents was appointed because Popu lists and Republicans didn't haye the moral courage to vote their con victions for fear Mrs. Arrington would write.them up in her paper The State pays for the folly ot its legislators, and the committee is having a hilarious time. Is this Populism or Republican ism, or both Fusion. Charlotte News. Some LexiDs;ton, N. O. shippers of produce have been duped by firm styled Davis, Hill & Co , of Washington, D. C. Their double Columned advertisement was offered The'Standard, and being couched in such terms that we doubted itE honesty, we reiu3eu it. ijiaa now, for our sakes aj well a3 for customers the ad would have made . tue ' firm, "coTaceept it. . The" poor, ignorant Douglassites that think democracy is dead, had the lie chucked down their throats Friday night. That large,, enthusi astic mass' meeting, indicates, ' as Hiram Boat sak , that it is a fine of iA ADJUDGED IXSAKE. Religious excitement appears to be growing in Roanoke county. One of the local papers Bays : Mr, 11 H Jennings, a prominent produce dealer and commission mer chant, of Roanoke city, was adjudged insane Saturday afternoon by a com misssion of lunacy. Application will be made for his admission to the State Hospital at Marion, Va. Mr. Jennings had been a religious enthusiast for some time, and this is supposed to be the cause of his insanity. This is the second case of lunacy from religious excitement in Roanoke within the past few months." Exchange. Did "S," the colossal crank of that section and whose frequent wall-eyed communications to the Newberry (S. C.) Lutheran Visitor are a photograph of him, have any thing to do with it ? Or was it the direct influence of cne of bis pets ? The lawyer's errors are strung np or set np; those of the physician covered up; the merchant's charged np to p'oGt and loss, and so the representatives of nearly everj busi keep their mistakes from the gaze of the public. Not so, however, with the newspaper man. Every time he slips on a fact, the use of a word or the construction of a sentence, and doesn't get out a paper 'to suit each readei, he has to send his journal before that captiously critical jury publicopinion. He has no right of appeal, and simply has to "grin and bear" the verdict. And the worst feature is that everybody knows how a'paper ought to be run, and therefore,Jthe people are not in clined to be charitable. But never mind; the faultless editor will blos som forth somo two or three hun dred years after the dawn of the niinenniunij'cnd then he will give his pstrons the ideal newspaper. Durham Sun. It is ruled by the postal authorities that any reduction of the eize of a postal card by clipping, rounding off the corners or otherwise, will subject the receiyer of the card to a charge of 1 cent on delivery, This makes the cr-st of a postal card equivalent to letter postage. Many persons in. close postal cards to correspondents in envelopes too small, and imagine that a little clipping won't make any difference. Others round off the coiners ior ornamental purposes or convenience in handling. But the practice is wrong. latest dictionary contains 349,333. words. Throldyllnabridged had only 125,000. This is trifle hard on those who find difficulty ia learning to spell, but all right for those who wish to conceal their thoughts or'have none to express, But commmon people can fall back upon the consolation that Shakes peare found it necessary to use only 3,000 words and good strong ones they are, too. The Lancaster (Pa.) Intelligencer celebrated its 100th anniversary by issuing a epecal edition of 40 pages and 20,000 copies. It is one of the Gnests pieces of newspaper enterprise and work we have seen. The issue of June 17, 1795 and of August ;2, rCi . , 1S '5 are "produced. The Up-to- date matter is choicely prepared and dished out in splendid mechanical style. Ihe Standard appreciates the copy it received. Just think of one issue cosisting of 5,600,000 printed columns! "The Monroe Enquirer says "local politician," a Populist, who had concealed about his person large amount of red rye, argued the dishonesty of the Democrats to the Enquirer man and swore by all that's good he would never vote the Democratic ticket until they made a "gold dollar of equal weight . to six teen Bilyer dollars." That wa3 his idea of the sixteen to one ratio. So a convention is to be held. Denocrscy will look after its in tjrests and thereby the best interests of the masses. It sends greetings to Mt. Pleasant and asks her to make the spring election pure. simon They way is clear, Mayor Crowell is out of the race. This will be contest among Democrats for the that it will be a solid fight in the people. the best interests of Now think and look about for the men you want to be town offices. There are to be eight commissioners instead of six, as before. Barmen's Arnica naive. The Best Salve in tfee world for Cuts, Bruises, SoreB, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,Cbarped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Bale at P. B. Fetzer'a Drug fBaBBBaiiai TELEGRAPHIC BfeiEfS. Joe Cboyinski got the best of Dan Creedon in six .rounds at Chicago last night. Edward C O'Brien wayterday ap pointed as a dock commissioner in New York to succeed Andrew White, removed. The Sultan has ordered the re lease of the Armenian ecclesiastics who are imprisoned in the province for political offences. The Inquest into the loss of the steamer Elbe, wich has been in pro gress at Lowestoff for some time, has been indefinitely postponed. General Adam Badeau, who was on the 'staff of General Grant as military secretary, and who after wards Beryed as secretary of the American legation in London, is dead, aged 64 years. Lockbart, Staley & Willard, one of the targest dry goods firms in Co lumbus, O., went into the hands of a receiver yesterday. The assets are estimated at $60,000 and liabilities at $54,000. Mr. Subers, ol Ocala, FIa, whose wife and daughter were killed in the wreck on the Southern Railway at Scotland, Ga., several days ago, has accepted $4,000 and agreed not to sue the railread company. John M Knight, one of the best knovn railroad men in the South, has been appointed ticket ager.t of the Southern Railway (Piedmont Air Line) at New Orleans, vice L A Shipman, transferred to Birmingi ham. Advices are said to have been re ceived at the Guatemalan legation - ttti- i . . i ...... u tiaaumgTon to me enecc tnat a temporary arrangement had been entered, upon which bids fair to re sult ia an ab.olutely peaceful solu tion of the contentions between the two republics of Mexic and Uuatei mala. Messrs A C Monson and A J Ca sett bought the Monmouth Park race track at Freehold, N. J., jester day for $60,000. They represented the bondholders. Hobson Wants Bis Wife. Abont the close of tbe war a man by tbe name of John Hobson f.om the Eastern part of this State mar, ried Phceba Handy, near Dehart, tnis county. They went East to Hobson's home and stayed some time. They finally moved back to Dehart where they lived together for some time; but owing to some family trouble Hobson left his wife and had not been Been in this country for probably twenty years, until last week. An old man called at the honse of William Hayes, who some 15 years ago married Mrs. Hobson. Mrs, Hays, upon Beeing the old gentleman, exclaimed, "Great God, there is John Hobson !" He (Hob son; caned Mr. and Mrs. Hays, ont and said Mrs. Hays was his lawful wife. He talked Scripture to them and said they were living in adultery and that he layed his wife bat did not wish to harm them. He said he would stay in the county till after court. Just what Mr. Hobson in tends to do is yet not known. It has been rumored that be intends to kidnap his first love provided he can hnd her away from home. This would be a good idea for Bill to keep Ptoebe, as he calls .her, close about tLe house or he may be left alone Borne of these days. Wilkes boro Chronicle. An EHcapetl Convict Back. Chief Boger went over to Char lotte Friday night at 8 .'o'clock and returned at 1 with Lon Harris' who escaped fron the chain gang two years ago. Lon will now eerve out his time, fourteen i months ' more, His sentence was for two years and he worked;ten months,ard escaped Lon went to South Carolina, but came to Mecklenburg a few days ago, and not having money enough to carry him back, he stole a cow, took her to Charlotte and sold her. He was arrested on suspicion aa & cow thief, and realizing that they would put the "fixins" on him. he confessed. He alsoletated that he was an escaped convict from this county, whereupon our ofOcera -were informed and sent for him. Meck lenburg will get him when we are through with him. James J J Corbett has written a letter to John L Sullivan, ivmna thizing with him in his trouble, and offering to box with him at a benefit which he suggests should be given for Sullivan in Bostonjor New York. Corbett also states that he will box with any pugilist suggested by Sul livan. Peter Maher, the Irish champion, has written to Jol i L. that he is willing to box witb Cor bett four rounds on their merits. No details have yet been an meed for the benefit. There are about 15!,000,K)0 bouses in this country, with less than iz peonle to each on. the avengst - A BIG HOUSE FULL. Democracy Bet Friday ITlgrbt A Con vention to be Held Exeentlve Com. mittee Appointed. The4call tor amasa meeting of Democrats, brought a big cooit house full of them Friday night. Chairman Smith, of the Towns ship Executive Committe, called the meeting to order. J L Hartsell and J as. P Cook were requested to act aa secretaries. There were calls for Messrs. H S Puryear and W R Odell. Both re sponded, telling of tbe object of the meeting and urging the propriety and importance of holding a conven tion. Upon motion the mass meeting unanimously voted to hold a conven tion for the nomination of candi dates for.aldermen, school commis sioners and a mayor. The Representatives of the fonr wards divided j np in the several corners of the building and held an election for ward committeemen. When this was done, the mass meet ing endorsed, the chairman added as the ath member, the eleclioa of the ward men and thus the following gentlemen compose the Town Execu tive Committee: F L Smith, Chairman. W R Odell, Ward 1. RF Coble, Ward 2. R A Brown, Ward 3. 2ML Brown, Ward 4. The motion proyit'ed that the committe meet at once and decide where and in what manner the ward meeting and the convention shall beheld. Immediately af'er the adjourn ment of the mass meeting the Ex ecutive Committe met. The Primaries are to be held on Wednesday night at 8.30 o'clock- in the different wards as folio s: Ward 1, Cannonville School house Ward 2, Forest liill (place made known later). Ward 3, Court House. Ward 4, Town Hall. These meetings are for the pur pose of nominating ward aldermen and school commissioners. On Friday night at 8 o clock, in the Court house, a mass meeting will be held to ratify the action of the Ward mestiugs and to nominate a candidate for Mayor. DASHED TO DEATH. A Slarn.Palnter In 3reensbre Falls From a Building ana la ;Instantly Hilled. Two rovinsr sien painters have been in the city several days paint' ing signs. TheyJ were very good workmen, their names being Lew Mann, of N. Y.. and Robert Mc Donnell, of Chicago. This morning they were engaged painting the letters, "The Brock- mann School of Music," on the front of the Trogdon building on East Market steet, a few doors west of the Court House. The sign was being painted on the wall just fabove the windows of the Becond floor, the men using a "swing" that is, a plank placed upon a long laider, either end of which' was held by a strong rope an 4 tickle, 6n the end of the rope there being a hook which was hooked on to the window sill. These hooks were large and ap peared to be strong, but one of them was bent orer considerably in order to get a hold on the Bill. One of the men remarked that he didn't like tbe looks of it but would risk it, and it caused bis death. The men had almost completed the Bign, and were working on the las tbree letters, the "S" in music being almost finished, while the "I" and "O" were mapped ont ready for the brush McDonnell was near ihe east end of the swing amd about this time Mann moved up nearer to bun when the nook tttraighletied and curae loose from ihf Bill without any warning whatever, leaving oiilj one end of the structure" fastened to the building. McDonnel' fell head -foremost to the pavement, striking tqnarely on his head crushing his skull and killing him almost instantly. A piece of bis skull a3 large aa one's hand was fractured, the blood and brains running ont over the sidewalk. The other workman Mann caught on th window sill by the tips of his fingers and pulled: him self in at the open window. Tbe fall was perhaps not over 25 feet, bat when the swing gave way it naturally turned McDonnell .head downwards, causing him to fall squarely on his head, otbewise he might not have been-killed. The body was taken in charge by the city and tamed over to under taker Forbia for burial. Greensboro Record. Office Itoom to Kent. Tbe rooms over A J & J F York' jewerly store are for rent The rooms are In splendid condition and will be rented at very reasonable Qgures. Apply to J F Yorke. Very Respectfully, m!31k. W. O. Copbeix. See the adminjgtrator'i notice by A F TJagler. 1! J WHJJSTER'S INTERNATIONAL EntirilyHn .DICTIONARY j Successor cftha Vnabrldged." Standard nf tbe V. 8. Ooy't Friut- i Ing Office, tbe U.8. Supreme Court and of nearly all the 1 UCDOOIDOOKB. "Warmly com mended by every ' State Superinten- dent of Schools, , tors almost with and other luiu i out number. .V Collejre President writes I "ini - oaso with which the eye finds the 1 M word sought, for accuracy of doflnl "Uon, for effective methods in lad- eating pronunciation, for terso yet " comprehensive statements cf facts, " and for practical use as a working 1 "dictionary, "Webster's International , excels any other singlo volume." The One Great Standard Authority, So writes lion. D. J. Brewir, Juslico V. 8. buprume Court. r X- C.2nSHniA3I CO., rnbllshers, ft Sprinj&eld, Mass., U.S. A. a-FMwltotheiinbliherforfr,epmThlPt. v s- uol hnj cijea? reprint, of ottvnt edition. e mm lllGli GRADE Oxford For men, women or hoys at prices ranging from $15 to tSOi We ship from factory sunjwt to approval and are the only manufactur ers BeHingdlrectoConggmers. Wehae no Agents. Ve offer grfatfr Tajta in our Oxford Gladiator wheels at SflO to SsO tbaii other manufacturers with pricuu lrom 8 lOO to ST PC. Every wheel faHy warran'ed. Don't pay ltral dfnlers a prolit of VSfty yr cent. Out this out and writo to-uu? ior our handsome catalogue Addre3, Ow n An HWjse Srptrhacnt n ISO. r.fvX3 lilt Hit bii:iUXSJKz'itn CIULAlift S3 sim IS THE BEST. FIT FOB A KINS. FRENCH AEKAMCLLED CALF. ;4.3.5P fine Calf MttNGARBi 3.5PP0UCE,3 SOLES. 602. WORKINGS' .EXTRA FINE- 2.17B3YS'SCHC3LSl!C. LADIES' Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our ahoes are equally satisfactory They give the bet value for the money. They equal ciutoo fhoea In f tyle and fit. Their wearing qualities are aneurpaseed. The prices are uniform,-stamped on sole. Prom $i to ti saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you ire can. sola by HEILIGg HENDRIX Mt. Pleasant, N. C. The New Hiuiinniiaini Existence Is, after all, very like a torturous county road, with sices to climb ani valleys to leisurely travel, with here green fields of plenty to enjoy, and there marsh lanJs of temptation and danger to avoid, and with crossroads and "four corners" every now and then to confuse and possibly to mislead Ihe traveler. "Some of us fail to climb the , hills, some fall asleep in the valleys, and still i others wander off and are lost in the marsh's morasses; but to the great majority of mankind the crossroads are the only really difficult points to be passed. M What studies will I take?" asks the i school child. ' What trade or profession will I follow?" says the youth. "How can I best win success?" says the man. These are Tlhc Crossroads ' Wo all encounter, an! these arc the places where most of us go astray. Blessed Is the man who chooses the proper path at these various junctions. " Luck " may have been bis Kule. and his less fortunate neighbors are prone to say so. but Investigation and xperlence teach that the only reliable helps at these difficult points are knowledge and work. Knowledge is a burden to no one. Like tbe air you breathe, your knowledge proves its existence not by apparent weight and color, but by Its effect. How often have you found the Information you acquired by casual observation or study to be of great specific advantage In a crisis whoss possibility you had not dreamed of when yon acquired that knowledge. Then, If knowledge is to be your guide In the Pathway of Life Is It not worth your while to secure the greatest, the best source of human knowledge extant, when that source is. by American enterprise, placed within your reach ? In the encyclopaedia BrttMnniea. the child will And matter to Interest bis little mind, and give him food for thought along the line of his natural bent; the youth will find life stories and professional and mechanical ' Information to enable him to wisely chaos ; bis life work, and th adult will bav bis mind broadened ; his Intellect quickened, and bis Information extended to such a degree by It that b will be enabled to take I advantage of opportunities that he otherwise I would not see. Thus It is a guldeboard for ' alL The Encrctopmdla BrJtannJca Is ths WISDOM OF THl WORLD concentrated. It should be In every home. Our subscribers I fan secure this work at a specially low introductory price, and on the very easy ; Installments of Ten Cents a Day. For sample pages address - THE OBSERVER . CHARLOTTE, ti, C volant? mi Wheel : : vsi Signboard ON THE Road to Success Amv MTV1 c ' V " TO A UP A TREE IT LOOKS LIKE WE HA 3 enough to carpet the town and miles into the country. N-ow isten and see if you don't hear something drap Prices: 10, 15, 20, 25 and 35 cents per jar l. S-COMK and see-s it we are not entitled to the cake a eplendid crop and wagon to match. Who in the history of Poor Man or Lovely Woman ever heard of a Hey wood Carriage for $5.0.). We have them. Yes, and at any price you may want. Come and see. IF1 LTElSrXTTJEE r- Don't mention it; we are out ture Moulding just in. Who ?ever will, Come. Cannons, Fetzer & Bell. DDirii v cu orwr nnnT and potassium Makes iz Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison r Rheumatism and Scrofula 3 P. P. P. purifies the Mood, bnlldi? on thn uroak aud d"')tlit:'.:ul, Rives etrongth to weakcucu ntrvos, ciij.e's dlseases,8;viii the patient health ond happiness whsre alcfcneap, nlo'Niiy leeliDgsand lassitn lo l'rst prevailed. Forprimary.secondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, ipala.-ln, dy-' pepsin, and In all blood anJ skin ciiseastj, like blotches, pimples, oi? chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, bciis, erysipelas, eczema-we may say, without fear of contradlction.that P. 1. P. Is tio ltst blood purttler in the worid.and makes Jiosltlve, speedy and Derment cures n all cases. Ladies whoso pystei is are poisoned end whose blood is In nn Impure condi tion, due to menstrual Irregularities, ore peculiarly benehted by the won derful touio and blood cleanslnfr prop erties of P. P. P.-Prlclily Ash, Poka P.oot and Potassium. Springfield, Mo., Aug. 14th, IMJ.'S. I can speik in the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal Knowledge. I was affected with iioc-rt disease, pleurisy end rheumatism fo. 85 years, was treated by the very best fihy tflcians ana spent hundreds of dol ars. tried every known remedy with out finding rellof. I have only taken one Dottle or yoorP. P. P., and can cheerfully say it has done me more food than anything I have ever taken, can recommend your medicine to all aoCvrers ol the abo e diseases. MltS. M. M. YEAET. Springfield. Green County. Mo. Speculation, Hammond & co. Stock a-:ucl 2ond Brokers. 130 & 132Ptral Street, TXWfT YORK CITY, N. Y. " Stocks, Bonds sod Grain bought ar.d sold, or carried on Margin. P. S. Send for explanatory circus lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) . dwly California prunes worth live c nts a pound fetch IS cents a 'pound as real French importations when sold m San Franciscc. IJaw River, N.C., Jan. 8, 1895. Lyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, K. Y. Gentlemen: A short time since one of my horses had scratches so very bad that its leg became swollen and very much in flamed. I used a few bottles of Mexican Mustang; Liniment and the inflammation and scratches soon disappeared, leaving my horse as good C9 ever. I find it is tho best remedy that can be had for this dis co so, and I heartily recommend it to all who have horses or stock of any kind. Truly yours, J. W. 13. BASIN. IIigii Poixt, X. C, Dec. 14, 1894. Lyon Mfij. Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. Gentlemen : I cair highly recommend nexican Mustang Liniment to those suffer ing from burns. 1 have used it and found it excellent. Sincerely yours, Clerk Bellevue Hotel. J. K. CAMPBELL. riEDMOxr Warehouse, ) Keidsville, N. C, Dec. 6, 1894. j Lyon Ji'fo- Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. Gentlemen : I have used nexican J"lus tang Liniment for a good many years and consider it the best liniment made. I keep it in the house all the time. It will do all that is claimed for it. Picspcctfully, 1). M. MOORE. MAN of sight. Last inyoice of Pic Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Arc cntlwly remove by I.P.P. Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas sium, the ircatost blood purlfler on earth. Aberdeen, O. . July 21 , 1891. VEt-'its Lippm ah Bros., Savannah, Ga. : ieak Sirs I bought a bottle of r'our P. P. P. at Hot Spring's, Ark. ,and t has done me more goon than tbree months' treatment at the Hot Springs, gtind three bottles C. O. D. EtSpectfuy.ourswToiT( Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Ccpt. J. D. Johnston. To all vhom it may concern: I here br t istify to the wonderlul properties t i P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suiTered for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy but in vain.nntil P. P. P. was used, aud am now entirely cured. (Signed by J. D. JOHNSTON. 29 S3 eavauniui. ih, Stlu Cancer Cared. Titllmmy frcmlhe Mayor of ScjutnTex, Seqttiw, Tee., January It, 1893. Messrs. Lippkan Bros., Savannah, Ga. : Uenllemen have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer.of thirty years' standing, and found great relief: It purifies the blood and- removes all Ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the sores. I have taken flveor six bottles and fee! confident that another conrse will efface a cure. It has also relieved O me from Indigestion and atomaoH troubles, sours truiy, CAPT. W. M. RTJ8T. Attorney at Lav. Eoi t;. siood Diseases KM Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LEPPWJAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Uppmnn's Block,STannh, Gs Professional Card, I have located in Concord for the practice of medicine and surgery, and respectfully ask the pnblic for a sham of their patronage I may be found at my offico at any hour ti the day or at my residence 'at night when not out professionally, and ."11 gladly respond to all calls promptly. Office under that of Montgomery & Crowell. Respectfully, f J. E. Smoot.D M. A philologist of high repute is authority for the statement that there are seventy-two languages spoken in Rubsu- Mr t 1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $i5xooeverymonth given away to any one who applies through us for the most meritorious patent during tnc month preceding. We secure the best patents for onr client, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same wc wish to impress upon the public the tact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid tip and down without breaking the passenger's back, "sauce pan," 'collar-button," Mnut4ock,M "bottle-stopper. t atiiu muuanu ouicr ume wings tnat most any one can find a way of improving; and these simple inventions are the ones that bnng largest returns to the author. Tiy ts think of something to invent. J IT ic ajAT C u k nn it iiAJhiuM Patents taken out through us receive special sobce ia the " National Recorder," published at Washington, D. C, which is the best newspaper published in America m the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's subscrip tion to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thmnaada of copies of the ''National Recorder, containing sketch of the winner, and a description of his iavearaoa, will be scattered throughout the United States assess; capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their ataaa tion the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly frmfiftftltisl Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors ol American and Foreign Patsata, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C fCBr Rtfkrtncttdltor oj 'this taper. Writljtrtmt SO-feftuntUt, FREE. W. J. HILL Dealer in cookine and heating stoves and manufacture of tinwarel roofing, gutting ted all kinds of shet iron works. I am making a line of good tinwuio at T A "F?. T TP TP PRICES Lard cans 25 and 5(k ti each. Repairing done at short notice. Iam still manufactur ing saddles and harness nd keep in stock a full ,:ne of COLLARS, pads, bridles, etc. . J. HiLL. THE 0UY PERFECT .FAMILY USE. YUKKE & WADS WORTH Concord, N. C. A MlMSTKAiOR B iSOilCE. Havint? been dillw annniniarl an1 qualitied Aaministrator of the es tate of James Hagler, doceased, all DflraOnB holdintr daima acninat anirl deceased, are hereby notified to present mem to tne undersigned on or before the ?2nd da of March. 1896, for paymont or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also al! persons owing aaid deceaad, are notified that prompt payme t isr eipected. A. F. EtAGLER, J