.1 .- :. ' "A. prominent pbysisian of this county was recentljkcalled in 'o, see a patient who thought he was on his detth bed. He told the doctor that before he died he wished to make som' coafeseions. After making many startling confessions be said that the thing that lashed bis con science meat was voting tbe Fusion ticket last fall." The abfive is furnished by a cor respondent of the Asheboro Courier The Standard, while having no ."'well defined opinion on the fLeology . of deaffcbed repenteiic:, thinks it a foo! thing to jostpoce 6uch Tital matters to such a la'e hour. One's faith and purpose are shown only by his work. We can hardly believe in the efScacj of such repentence.'when on through prejudice and evil as sociation goes and dot-s a thicc, knowing it to be fool-hardy and against the best interests cf his home. Such an one might repent and it miehtlbe efficacious, but we doubt it unless he, perchance lives. proves his sincerity by bis works. Bat an emergency like this might be an exception, because we have evidence of a thief, dying . on the eross. beir.g sayed. This fellow's coascience hurting him so bad in his dying hours, reminds us of a Euicidal act in this county years &?o, where a man shot himself in the abdomen and to the doctor he said: "Doc, I wcnl&n't have done it, if I'd krown it would hurt so bad." Just so with this dying einner He wouldn't have done it, had he known "it would hurt so bad." THE NEW C rOKXRK. The announcement that 100,000 acres of land in Southern Georgia were sold to settlers from the Norths west has attracted wide-spread in terest in the Eovth. In doing this Ex Gov. Northern ha3 not only in creased the population of his state, but cautes much neglected land to come to yielding bountiful returns. In doing this he is geti.ng an ex cellent class of jeople; for settlors. There are none, moro honest, thrifty and enterprising than are the Ger. mans and Norwegian.'. In this connection, we hnppen to -recall that an effort has been profit ab!e in securing a number cf German settlers near Albemarle, Stanly county. There is no rsaeon wy these peo "le, leaving cyercrowJAEections of. European coactrlojLW'lind a home in AmerictJyoe induced to locate in the icy Northwest with its .drouths in summer and terrific blizzards in wiuter, when thousands of acres of Ike farming land in the South are to be had and where liying is a pleasure and a profit, free of those difficulties that are common to the vigorous climate of the North west. Bat to get these people to come among us au invitation must be ex tended, facts must be given them and a warm welcome must be await ing them The latter is in store. Enough of the former has Lot been done. If the eff orts of those directly in terested proves fruitful, Concord may not be in the country much longer. A passenger depct np town would be hard on the 'bus but. the making of the tourists. Who knows buthat we all, ere lour, can feeaain withj.t Jibing to walk a mile? That is a scandalous story going fcrcuud about Mr. Oakes, the evange list. We rave hoped to see it clearly proved a sliitder, but lattr news seems to be ruber confirmatory of the statement. Let this be a warn ing to our people to exercise greater care about inviting roving mtn into their pulpits. N. C. Christian Ad vocate. The philosopher of the Marietta Journal gi7es utterance to the fol lowing : "If a doctor makes, a miss take he buries it; if a merchant makes a mfstake he never tells it ; , if a lawyer makes , a mistake he c-vla out of it, but if an editor mattes a mistake he puts it on a sheet of paper far the world to look at, and in eyery community there are cranks who think they are models of wisdom because they occasionally discover them." " , , A .mean man sent through a post cm' cej jpresided over by a woman, a postal card1 on, which was. written : Friend Sam. ffe are the details ScandaL" fne rest was ia Oreek. Charlotte ia getting more out of April than any town in ' the Scate. Her cup is really running over, but e don't. know a town, that cm r'ii vj under sacli a flood with The Democrats hpye" nominated Col.-T F Davidson, ' ex Attorney General of North Carolina, for mayor of Aseviile. This is not so big a leap as "that of Congressman Bunn becoming postmaster at an office that ge's a whole guanc sack of mail in a week. An Oregon despatch conveys the information that a Portland syndi cate has jnspnrchased 3,000 horses at less than $5 a head for packirg purposes. We suppose fricassed horse will be one e-f , the delicacioe enjoyed by New York'd 400 during the spring months. Not a very tempting dish according to our way of thinking, bit it all depends on taste. The price at which these horses sold is remarkably low, and if this experiment proves a success the corner on western bsef will be bro ken. The question, howeyer, arises will the Concord 400 ites eat tors?, too ? - In our iocal columns something is said about Memorial Day. The suggestion as to iuakicg ready for the occasion is timely. This is a deed of love ; it is a small retaem- braucD of the living for those who espoused our c&use--onr?, because it was our fathers and our brothers- The "suggestion of Mr. Rogert' name is a happy one, and if the ladies can press him into service, the realiza tion of our Lopes will be happier still. And on account of the recent slur to those, whom fallen heroes trusted, loyed and followed, no time is more fitting than now to berieck our Confederates' graves with spring's choicest Sowers. Some papers give Geo. P Howell & Co's Advertising Agency down the country they don't mince meat it either, they grind as fine as flour, Yet many of these accept advertising from them. The Standard has never gotten an honest rating by its Directory, but tba1; makes no differ ence lor we get more absurd adver tising propositions than cur old basket holds. It is always "best for a man to keep his temper. Nearly eyerybody has enough of tfce vile stuff without get ting a part cf others. 31urder in Ashe. Last Monday eveningCalvin Eller, son of liaxeford Eller, of Ashe county, was brought here and placed m jail, chsrjed with the murder of Eby Latham of Ashe. Latham was the youngest sou cf Er-Sheriff Wil liam Latham who was sheriff of Ashe 8 years. The prominence of the two fami lies and tfce cruelty of the deed created such excitement that he was committed to jail Lere, and efforto are being made to lave him sent to Forsyth jail. The evilence aeems to bf? circum stantial. ( The trouble suema to have arisen concerning a pistol. Young Latham lent his pistol to another young man. Eller went to the young man and asked for the pistol and got it, Baying he had bought it from Latham, Latham sent word to Eller to bring the pistol home, Eller said he would, and on Friday evening, tbe 19th, about sundown Eller came to Latham's and told him that he had 3?ft the pistol up the road, and tbej walked off to gether. Eller had a large sycamore stick in his handa. Nextporning about 10 o'clock Lathani was found dead in the North prong of New Kiver. He had bruises on his heal. Up in the di rection the young men had walked they found the sycamore stick which Eiler had, with stains of blood on it. There was considerable blood abont on the ground, and signs where fce had been dragged to The riyer, aVout 30 feet distant. Suspicion at once rested upon Eller. He found it out and left the community, bait was taken by officers over ner the Virginia lire. At the preliminary fciai EUer waived examination and was sent to jail. Both are of excellent families and the exciteineut is xunrirg high. Wilkesboro Chronicle. A Catawba Han in a Baa Herate. J F Shuford, of Catawba county, this State, ia in jail in Yoikvilie, 8. C, ia default of $1,000 bond, on a serious charge. He had been teach ing school near Eock Hill, and made an attempt to rum three young girls who attended his rchool. The sheriff had to put a guard around the to prevent a lynching, Shu ford has a wife and two children. He was horse-whipped last fall for a similar offense. .Charlotte Kews. A Prudent Husbandman.- A prominent citizen" of , Concord who was in the coimtryT few days ago reports that ! he saw a cw'tain ex-resident of our town Pharrmmg out in the riviera Jwith a large and comfortable-looking) umbrella over his head. This is a good way to Pharrta and we commend th Fbarrraer'i wjjacity. " .THAT PKOTEST. liht ltecamnofthe Daient Wlileli the Democrats in the i.esristntnrc Wanted hpread Upon tbe Journals Condcmlna; the Fred Douglas Memorialist!- The Question Answered It will be remembered that when tke Fizzelist Legislature adjourned out of respect to Fred Douglass, the arch miscegecRtiomar, the Demo cratic members framed a protest and Ei'gned it in order that it may be spread upon tbe journals. After the protest had been put into tae hands of the clerks it mysteriously disappeared, like many ther docu ments entrusted to the yokels, and was never spread upon the minutes. Much has been written and many inquiries have been made as to what ! became of the document and why it wa3 not put in the journal?, but up till now no explanation was made about the matter. The ileBsengar is now prepared to answer tbe questions. All this time Mr. J B Moore, of Burgaw, Pender county, has had it m his pocket. He is a fasioniat and one of tbe clerks of the la3t Legislature. He claims to have picked it up from the flooi? Did he pick it up frotu the flooi ? Did he drop it on tie floor? If so why did he not put it in its proper ptece instead of in his pocket? He seems to have ro gar i:-J it as a paper of some value, otherwise why has he preserved it so carefullj? Send it, Mr. Moore, to Co!. Coke, Secretary of State, and let him put it on the records where it properly belongs. Let generations to come kr.ow there were t lew Legislators in in that never-to-be-forgotten as sembly who wire opposed to mis cegenation and who were not ashamed to honor the memories of Washington and Lee, and who es sayed to put on record their ,, protest sgainst the heinous action of tke blokes and bcx-ank!es who disgraced North Carolina. Wilmington ies senger. . lictrlilen'N Armri naive. The Beet Salve" in t:e i?or!s ' for Cuts, EiCis.-s, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction cr money refunded. Price 25 ctnts per bos. For sale a5 T. B. Fetzer's Drug etort Uc Wanted to 1- renk in Jail. Monday as the Federal court visitors hud begun to come in, a number of prisoners were brought to to jail, which came down West on the train in the evening. Some little time after the United States Marshalls had deposited their pris oners at tbe jail and left, a primiti?e moonsniner came up and asked Mr. Nicholson if "this wee the jail, and if any Mitchell county Marshall had been there." He was told that they had.. The man demanded 6upper, saying he had a quarter to pay for it; while he ate ha told Mr. Nicholson that he was a part of that crowd that had been there and that they ran off and left bini at the depot, and the marsha'Js must be found. He s:iid he was a prisoner and had paid a r.egro ten cents to find the jail and that he was here on Uncle Sam's expess?, and must have his place luside. The jxler tald him if it was his desire, he would lock him up and that he should not break in. He was turned in and next morning the Marshal's were Bcour Ing the earth for their man until they finally found him in jail. Staceeville Mascst. Cure for Headache. As remedy for all forms of Headache Eiectric Bitters has prey ed to be the very best. It efi'ccfs a permanent cure and the most dread ed habitual sicu headaches yie'd to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a trial. Ia cises habitual constipation Eieclrie Bit ters cuies by giving the needed tone to the bowels, at-d few c kse3 long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50c. al Fetzer's Drug store. Card From Con cord. : Cards were received last night nuouncirg the marriag?, May ICth of Miss Isabelle Davidson Mont gomery, of Concord, and Mr. Beyerly Sydnor Jeiman, of Eileigh. The ceremony will take place at the Central Methodist church, Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Jerman will be at home, Raleigh, after June5tb. Charlotte Observer. For Over Fifty Year. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth;Kg Syrup has been used for over fifty' years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the Child, oftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little Bufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists m every part of the world. Twenty five cent a bottle B surp and ask for ',;Mr8. Winslow's Soothing Syrop," nd takv no other kind. . inwJ&w ISO f-M?!1!. . . Bad Pure soda the best soda, only in packages. warms uw It costs co more than inferior nevtr spoils the-flour always and 12SISi CH paCKS?S fcear-ias these xror Kace on:y CUIWUI z CO., V"rite for Ara end iiam.-ner A PROOF OF COriD5 E. A striking proof of confidence of the country in the administration is found in the fact that the threaten-' ed shortage in the revenues of April causes not the rlifihiEfc a'arm and attracts hardly any alttn icn. ' Two years ago just after the end of President Harrison's term the treasury's gold reseive dropped be low SlOO.dOO.OCiO and the result was a financial convulsion throughout the country. Now the condition of the treasury is acknowledged on all sidts to l e safe. Everybody believes that tho Apiil shortage iu revenues will eocn overcome and nobody is alarmed. liusinos3 is imorovinf:. Con fidc-rico grows Etrong&r everyday and c t'de of osperity is sattiDg in. Ti';e Kansas City Star suje: "The world for two rears ha? bsen passing through a period during which tho great majority of psople Lava either desired or have been compelled . to sell property; to liquidate indebtedness, to acquire the possession of money. Thip period of liquidation his rf itcheJ an end. A now era has set m during whicb the desire cf people v,i!l be to hold property. . Tho merchant will be inclined to carry increased stocks of goods. The manufiicturer will bay more freely of raw material and v. iil be less anx ous to soil his product as quickly as it is finished, i The charged sentiment not -only tend to in-rer.a3 the demand for coniiuoditk'S; it wili i-lso have a tendency to lessen tho quantity which is pressing for sale. Tho re sult will bo a constant upward tendency of values probably for months to come, increasing num bers of men win find employment; wapss will slowly bo restored to 1 high level at which they stood just before the panie cama upon the country. "Tbe era of the optimist has T3 turiiod. The man who draws black pictures of industry ;3.)d pi edicts a dreadful future for the laboring man auI tho ge-iifcral "j-jsiiULb ol the country will i't) submerged oy mo rising wave ot hope ana eoudnccen, and very toon nothing will ba left of him but the slim saaduw of hia picture and itie vague, distant c?ho of i3 croak." "Uede Jerry" ' As the ex-Secretary of agriculture, late Hon. Jeremiah Rusk, was affectionately styled by those who knew h!m best, was a highly educat."d man". It would be senseless to say that he "as not educated, simply because he never went through college. He is one of that long list of self-ediifated men of which our country Is so justly proud. No other land can boast nf so honored a list of self-made men. Deprived of the educational advantages which the more favored enjoy, such men make the most of their opportunities and by their high-m'ndedsplrit of independence and indomitable perseverance climb to the highest rounds of the ladder of success and fame. Ex-Secretary Rusk did not inherit his wide knowledge of agriculture and practical farming. He acquired it by studying nature and reading the proper books. There is not a boy in the United States today, having the ordinary allowance of intellect, who may not make himself felt as much in the world as did Mr. Rusk. Good Books Are the best friends that any boy can have. Through them he may become the daily companion of the greatest ; minds that the world has ever knowft. All that their wide experience has taught them they are ready to tell to tlie boy who reads. boy In tire ENCYCLOPAEDIA BR1TANNICA the greatest scholars ?- of this generation have not only given their best thoughts, but have carefully gathered, classified and condensed the best which the great men of all ages had to offer to the world. When ex-Secretary Rusk was a boy It would have cost him A Small Fortune To purchase the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, and had he been able to purchase it, he .would indeed have possessed the greatest reference library then known to man, but it would have been meagre compared with the great ninth edition, revised and brought up ta date, as ft is in the new edition .now sold at introductory prices to our subscribers. . ; v,:. ;.. ' . Wsay that every intelligent boy j- livirfg in the United States today has a ; better; opportunity to become a great man than did tlie-Hon.i Jeremiah Rusk, for any boy can earn and save ten , cents a day, and fhat will buy the best library in print. i r he' Observer - MT1 iini fiiMatis iLM &bk s iQO& soda spci canes' s goSd ' ilenr. ' YW 2 pacfciigc'soia ,?,? a. T: t. 1; tops soft k Mi ew YorK. ioia oy grocers svsrj-vncr Book of ve:cah;3 Uaclpcs rn. tfV IS THE BEST. 5W,S. CORDOVAW, fix rREHCHfcESlklClLEBCALC $3.6PPCLiCE,3S0L23. tiEsTP0"'0. WW..?""- KoC!rTOK.U.S. W.L.BOigO$3&$4S3iOCS All cur shoea ere co stry'fctlrfsctory They E'.ve the ts ".i "I i jt tSe wior" y. Tsy cqcel ctftoti .rt? In 3ty!t scd )t. Their r cji.i? t,u..Ji;i;J er uniurppss-J. Tha VTt era Mii2fi;siii? yiA on eotct. From J to 3 nveS ever wthor mnkes. if your draler canuot snp-ily you we can. Sold by HEILTGS- HE.?SI)inX ML Pleuamt. JV. C. ? J y'AT tit IflhsoiiS 5 V; 11 I .J',1 THE ONLY PERFEC EAMlHf USE. Y01US.L- & VDSWOK'Hl j CuircoBD,' C. $1800.00 GIYEiT AVAVT0JNVEKTpS3. $:5o.oocvery mcnth given awaytoany one who applies uirough us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure th bst patenta for our oiIo?itS and the object of this oflfcr is to enroiirage inventors to keeptmck of their bright ideas. At the same time we wisn to impress upon the public tnc iact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE. TRfjAL INTEKTI0X5 JitAT VitLii FOKTUrJES, uch as the'car-'vindow" which can east'ysiid vp ai:d down without breaking the passorger'sback, saice pan," "coliar-MUtton' "uut-Iock." 4'oottle-stnpjer(" and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple inventions are tne ones that bring largest return to the author. 1 y to think of something to invenr. IT 15 NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEKS. Patents taken out through us receive specirJ nrrticcin the "National Recorder," pulisncd at Washington, T. C.whi ;his the best newspaper published in America in the uiteret$ of inventors. We funasn a year's subscrip tion to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of th? winner, 2nd a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United Slates among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing totheirattf u tion the merits ol ti.i invention. I A!! communications regari?d strictly coafiCcniisL r Address JOKNWEDLERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 6iS F Street, NAV., Cox 385. Washington, D. C. $W Rtfsrtnce editor of this paper. Write Jor out 0-Pags fa in fillet FKE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. HaTinc: been duly appointotT aiiii qualified AQUiinistrator cf tbo ea tate of Jnmea IIap!'-r, dcenseci, all persona holdinscinijjiaiijjaiiif.fi said decsaseJ, are iiareoy notified to present tLoia to the undtraig.xed on or be fore the ?2a i d.-i of March. IS'JC, for payinoni or tbia uoti'.-e wili be iJa;d as a bar to their recovety. Also all person.' owing said deceasd, are rotified thai promnt psvnje. t is expected. A. F. HAGLEB. March 2,! 1895. Administrator. TRUSTEES SALE. Byatd wrdor authority rested in re m i detd tf trust from J Yvav Oruso, and -luly reietercd in tbe RegietfrV office for Cnbnrrus coanty in Book 5, pafjea 232-3, I, ng truster, will expose to public cttls for c&fh, at the court house door in Ccncora on Monday, the 15th day of Aprii, 1895, all that tract jf la-d nnmed in said deed of trupt, adjoining- the lands of Richard Wu ker, . Mary h'itcnie, D M Gruae and oibe't-, in No. C townshir. said countr. be.nsr I PJ of the Sandy Cniee tract of ! And a.nd-,.Jn.,4 oil to said Jivey vruse iu ujvision oi jhuq ani con tainingr in the agsrecate G51 (teres and beic? in two trrtfp, one of 47 acres and the oiher 17J acres. Sale to take place H 12 o'clock norw on said day. t JULIA W HEELER, Ne JULIA. FISHER, This March 16, 1895. Trusie rd National Bank. Coscokd, N.J C. J. M. Odeix, President D. B. Ccxtkane, Cashier. L. D. Coltbane, Assistant Cushhr Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS; J. M. Odeli, I). F. Cajtitox Elam Kisg, J. w. Cannon, W. R. Odell, W. H. Ltllt, . ' D. B. COITBANE. fjft i SX ' I -EXTRA FINE- SH -ladies. mm - 'f 7 (f THIS IS YOUH OPPORTUNITY :r::i-i YOU Yv ANT .A PIANO WM FOR THE NEXT v.irAy days only we will ofl'.T some cf our leading prauoa at greatly 3-fuIuced vricp-s. 225 Icr a 250 piano. A S--.25 Clenui'je Sl&thuhcsk f'-r only S2;r, Brand uov? iostru inriits, e.-w i'lyle?, lowest prices ever incx:i for tbe-s iasirumer.ts:. hi -j very iev; prtiitly new i.tior, hi -latest Etjdo ec96 whioh we wil! t fll at iho spot, f iish prices with 01:3 j-oar'n time to vay fortbtm. If yoa wftni: a i.i.uio v.r tp to us quid:. This offsr will only list, a bhori time. 111 mi ilAIN HOUSE CHAIIT.OTTJ2 BRANCH, JIarc'a 9. 1 8.-15 J I G is; i J PRiCKLY AGH, POKE ROOT fT AND POTASSIUM 3 ra!.-n' o c cs 5 in Hood Poison sr RheuiTiatlsni and Scrofula CES1- P. P. P. pnrtfles the blood, bniWs nr t'Tr - the weak and debilitated, tcivea strength to weakened Dervos, expel dlaeasos.glvlnc the patient health mid j.- - happiness where sickness, Kioomy feelinira and laaslcade rtrstprftvallmi. jf" - For primary, secondary n?id tertiary "ijr BypUllis. Jorblood tiolson!nK, mercn ' rialpoicu, malaria,, dyspepsia, and fy in all Mood nnJ akin diseases, liKo blotches, pirspies, oid ohronio ulcers. C3" tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipalaa, eczema-we may say, without fear ot y-i contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the lies; . blood purifier In tbe world, and makes . . positive, speedy and permanent cures in all cases. (2 i Ijadfes whose systems are poisoned Bnd whoso bload Is tn an Impure eonrtl Tmm tlon, due to menstrual IrreCTiVarHies, are peouliariy benefited by the tv-on-' derf ul tonic and blood cleansloe prop Tn ertiesot P. P. P. Priokly Ash, Poke T Boot and Potassium. TS mm ! rB - 8PKINOPIELD, Mo. , AU?. 14tll, 18S3. I oanspeak In the bljEhest terms of 4eiP " your medicine from my own personal iffc knowledge. I was affected wlt. ue-rt t" disease, pleurisy end rheumatism lot Jfci 85 years, was treated by the Tery be?S m.. - physicians ana spent hundreds of dol- larj, tried every known remedy with tCZ' out findlnf? relU-f. I have only takes . one oottlo ot onr P. P. P., and can futtm" cheerfully say it has done roe mora Tn i arood than anything I have 6ver tahen. !L I can recommend your medicine to all tuP 1 auUerere of the above diseases. j-T - MRS. M. M. YEAKY. SL Springflold, Green County, Mo. Speculation, HaMaiON U & CO. Stock &nd Bond Brokers. 130 &,132PtarlStrf".t, NEW YORK CITY, IT, Y. Stocks, Bonda and Grain bciiijbt ar d - sold, or carritd on Margin. P. S. Send for explanatory circus lar on epecnlatiort, also weekly mar ket letter. (Kree) ' - dwly Jm mk mm High Toixt, N". C, Doc. 13, 1894. J;'0i 2ffg. Co., LrooMyv., JT. Y. Geutlomcn: Ify Lorse had a very largo L'lOt on his foro leg a'bout tho knee-joint, or used by a strain. I used Ur r three Lotties of your AlexScan Mustang LsniKient end it Tras soon all right, and now would not take $250 for the horse. Respectfully, CUS BROWN. For 10 years lrivi?r for Cox & Co., t-poko end Handle ilanulacturcrs. Reidsyille, N. C, Dec. C. 1804. Lyon 3tfg. O., Bronldun, X. Y. Gentlemen: I have tised Mexican j"VIas tanj Unlment f jr rheumatism and found it the only thing that did me good. I recom mend it to all. Kespcctfiflly, GEO. COBB, Carpenter. TVEXTwonTn T. O., X. C. Dec. 7, 1894 Lyon 3Z"g. Co., Tirooh'yv Is. Y. Gentlemen : I consider Mexican Mustang Liniment the first in tho world. Have used it both on myself and also on my horses for Fprains tind bruises. I recommend it to all who have use for n liniment. Respectfully, J. II. CRAD.vOCE. WW Mm SAVANNAH. GA. V. M. WIIKKLJ2K, Managek. ana ifia orss P Catarrh, ialaria Kidney Troubles 3 Are cnirrcly removed by P.P.P. f Prickly Ash. Poto Root and Potaa- Blam, tho createat blood parlfler ca "Sly earth. AnEncitsif , O. . July 21, 1S91. tvj Mtbsks Lipi-man Bros., Savannah, .- ra.: Ikar aiHs I buphc a bottle of ' -j nrP. P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark., and SZZ) It tans dono mo more jrootl than three c . months' tr-wmeut at the Hot Springs. ""J.' fend threo bottles C. O. D. S Kespectful'.y yours. Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Cart. 3. D. Johsaton. C? To ell vhom it may ctyrcern: I here tv tisclfy to the wonderful properties $ cf P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for soveral yenrs with an un- ' sightly and disagreeable eruption on t&3 my face. I tried every tnown reme dy but li vain, until P. P. P. was used, "W'i? aid ara . ow entirely cured. fi (Eisaod byi J. . JOHNSTOK. ZZ. Savannah, Ua. VV Sifn Ccnccr Cared, " "531 2V ttiwmyfrtm the Mayor cfSejutn,Ta. 8rjQOT, Tex., January 14, 1893. Hesbbs. 1.IPPMAN Bros. , Savannuh, Ga. : Genllemtn I have tried yoar P. P. p. for a disease of the ekln. usually known as skin cancer, of thirty years' standing, and found (treat relief: It purities the blood and removes nil ir ritation from the tent ot the disease ond prevents any snrnadina of the sores. I have taken nveor six botiics and feel confident that ?3 lh; r rrnrse me from indiwstto-, troubles. Yours trn' CAP- will effect a enre. It t: e&a'tt s&sfl ' .'.'' AtLDEUi PBOi Upsnso'i TV IVlount AivJevd SEMINARY A Flourishing School for Young Ladies. ! TEN TEACHERS, OrLftmentil ErsaEches,Ieceive - CflrefuilAtiention, USY..C. L. IT. FISHER, A. M " !PB5CIPAI.., B MOUKItPLEA5lNT.:N. 0 mm1 MEM I SALE OF I&A L ESTATE. By r.u.'Lority of fi mortg:as;e xe cuttrid to mo by Washington aud Isabella Ri td, ou tbe 21 day of Juiv, IVSf!, I wiil ne!l at ttie court iioue ia Concord, to tLv hieUest bidder, on tte 18h dty of April, l8!) M-t tra'. 01 Jnnd couidiuing sev- ..nty-llva (75) t-ms, fttij.iiniijfr the lauds of John ilcAiiuity, J"hn fc TnT.er i(1 otuere, a pait ot tho Dilla Heed land. HIRA1I I50SI . This JInrch 12, ".15 Trustee. A IJillXIoTIlAT OJtt's NOTICE. Havins: been ouiy oufciifled ad iniuiBtrnor of the eet;iioiMiR. M E. liaoyio. deceased, all persons holding f 'jiims apains. s?iid des ceased, ave hereby notitied to pre sent them to the undersigned on os before ine 9th rtay of Apri', 189(5. for payment or this iictwo viil be siftiid as a bar to their jvecwery. Also all pu'sona owirs paid de ceased ar."? notified tL-tt iJiompt pay ment is er.nectHu. G. W. PETIHSA, Administrator. JJiis 9th April, 1895. Moktii Oakolixa CqiwrrnB oyHnty j bv-i'Ei.iOB.OnHT. Eiairt iiinij. Adriinistr;Jor of Wiraon JUiiikfi, phantiif, vp. Mathew Linker, Goo. Smith, Administrator of V,' . )i. Linker, J. P. Linker, 31. li. Linfc-r and liuf. Jlatiey nuu wife, Minuie Hatier, doit-nd-mts. On readies and filbg the aidaylt of Elam KiDfr and io appearing to tho stisfactioa of the court that .vlal lu-w Linger is a non-rcnictenc of iim State of North O.ro iuH and can uofcafier due diligence found withiu tliis Statu ; iuo ?t further ap" pei'.ritjr tnat a enut" ; f .tction txists ;.:ai:.st the Raid tie ei dft':te, and lhat they are propei and necessary parlies to an yctiou reioiirij; io real uropertj in the S'a e. leinff.ao p pikation to cojih-mn f-u.nt bi tho ciik'u cflico whieti were re5hed li oiii sale of Inndri, foi Mt;tv io pay d-bts aud chargto upou CbUte ot tiiinon Linker in-l it. is theietore or dered, acja aged and decreed that service of aumuioim on nid defend ants oe made by publication iu the Siaudaro, u, weekly uew.-aper pub liwhed in tho town ot Concord, Cor.nty ,;id State aforesaid, ouce a week for sis consfcutire wteks, re quiring t e said defendnuts named u Aioi-Ksnin to be uixi appear i the office oi tl;n Clerk of the Superior Court foi sitici County and State, on or utjfore the 13th day of .May, 1895, and p;t-HU, answer or oi mur to tbe complaiuE of the plaintiff which wilt be tiled m tnis action w.tbin 10 days frorntnib di.fe, or tho p-aintitl will arply to tue Court for ine it-iitf de luaudtd in the coinniaint uu-.i for costs of action. Issued this, 25.li day of ?.Ia;ch, 1895. JAS. V. (iiUSON, CleiK Supei lor C ourt. THUS TEE'S 8 A LE! ' IJy virtr.e of auMmntv vested in m by a MoncMfce or !(-k in Tmst executed on the lt tiny or Feb. ruary, 1890, by M. M. lnr ard his wife, which tuot - jr-ie ii ouly rvtird- d iu liegistei u i ti.ee it i 'i; uo., in xo. K jno. o, paa.-( It . t,m, I will sell to the higueui bi.iit for cosh, at tfie coart' oundnor ia Jon eord on Monday the 6u rtity ol May, 195, tne followlt g vi un h ! .nd; Arij.nning the laudn of Ephriam lios , Eve Furr aud oihi i; h. inv ' t a P. O by Pu, wu i . O. Gv Furr's corner rii i i uut X 2!5 li 3(1 poles to a small p. t. m tw old lite by 2 P. O-, thence N J W 121 poles crossirjg thecift-k io h Piue Knot in Bosi s lice br 2 hi !. i-y's; thence S 70 W GO link to a -Hickory, formerly p. O ; thenco S. 'l U - 23 J pol: 8 to a P. O ; tbne ty.UJV.fii pc lea to a stone, theu. S So li 13 poles to a P. O. ; thence S 4T poles to a small stone .u ; .new e b 75 W 83 poles croBMiuj tlj t em rohd to a stone by Hint ; ' tuei ce S 15 W 66 poles to a P . O ; iuei.ee 8 30 W 49 poles to a nuaii P O.; the ce S 67 E 39 poles to ft Qickory iheceN 38jE35po)es lo a t-'oue in o'd line'; ihence S 73 E 15 pol to a maple crossing creei; ihence N 40 E 10 poles to a maple; thence N UO E 10 poles to a maple; ttiei.e Js S9J E 58 poles to a map'e; tbence N 2ta vV 11 poles to a P. 0crosHi ig creek and road; thence N 61 E 108 miles to a Hickory; thence IS 19 191 poles 1 6 a Cedar in old line; waunce b 57 K t7i po es to the bejciniiimr, eon lain ing one hundred end thirty tire and three lourth acres, more or jbv it being the same tract of )md wuicU was conireyed o AI. M."Furr by A. urr ana wue on tne a&iti day rl V.,.K lOOfl ' LIUICiUUOl, loo?, 31. Booek, Trust', p,". By W. M. Smith, Attomej. r TV r1 i L ; Cbrlon. H. C v V

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