t6e -"standard TOWN AND COUNTY. Commencement ieason is on fall. in Wild strawberries are on the mar ket. There ia an unusual demand for Spring chickens. Thermometers registered 48 Moo day night between S and 9 o'clock, Mr. John Parueil is building r nice dwelling at Cannonville, tear M C Walter'. The Bell Telephone Company are now on North Main street. The line will be completed by next week. Mr. C W Swink is in Rowan and Iredell conn ties this week. He will not returnbefore Friday. What more natural than that a touch of the dcg days should bring out the growlers. There is generally something be tween that pair seen leaning over the gate In the gloaming. Keports haye it that a negro wa3 crushed to death at the rock quar ries near Mooresville last Sitnrday. We could not learn particulars. What this country's farmers need to do is to bother less about the grains in the silver dollar and rai6e more heat, rye and corn. ShouWllr--ii,l deeire to twist a young fellow round her finger, one good pan is to tirst eet him cn a string. Mr.- P F StalliDgSj cf No. I town ship, lost a fine 2syear-old mule Monday morning. He attributes its . death to eating yellow top clover, Mr. G W Petrea. of St. John's who brought in so many nice peachet two years ago tells us the apple crop is Bhort but t.iat peaches aie plentK ful. Through our regular correspon dent at Salem, Stanly county, we learn that a Mr. Louder, of that place, lost a fine black turkey Fri day morning last. A crate of North Carolina pine apples was on exhibition at Raleig'-i Friday. fthev were raaied by Mr. John Rmnger at Lockvilie, Chat ham county. Mr. Nesbit, of No. 3, was iu tl r city. lie says there was frost in his community Monday, None on high ground, but in low places and es pecially at his saw mill. We are in receipt of an invitation to be present at the annual com mencement exercises of Sunshine Institute, May 17 and 18, of which Mr. D M Staliings, of this county, is president. It is rumored on the streets th t a new furniture store will be op?nei out in the city. The gentleman who is in the city with a view to such an undertaking is a Mr. Vogler of Charlotte. Dr. A H Dreher, cf ML Pleasant, was in the city eLroute to the Den tal Society at Salisbury. lie is a risingjoung man, and the compli mentiis home people pay him are golden As there are 250 felines in the New York Cat Show and each ani mal possessed of nine lives, simple multiplication will prove it s a great chance to see life. At present the manufacturer and operator tor the most part are glee fully rubbing their hands. List year this time thsy were cutting theci down. Jlev. J 1J Shealry, of St. Andrews' Liuneran . church at Cannonville, announced Sund.y Light that he would cenduct prayer meeting eer. vice3 every Wednesday night here -after. Mr. EdneydBaninger, of No. 8 brought us in a round rock abent the size of a hen's eg-. It ie, how erer, the hardest, heaviest and black est rock we ever saw. Mr. Bar 'Wtr thinks the Indians had something to do with it. . Mr, John C Johnson was awarded the prize a gold pen in Mr. SherriU's wrtirig school, which closed Friday night last, for the best improvement in penmanship. ' The class presented Mr. Sherrill with a handsome gold scarf i ia. ' We are in receipt of an invitation from one of Concord's lovelist young ladies, who is now in Greensboro, .wbUn rads': "You are cordially invited 'to be present at the Com men cement exercises of the State Normal Industrial School of North Carolina, May 22 ana 23, Assembly nail, 1895. Dr. Funk, of New York, said iu a recent address that be had carefully exiunined the best one of the New York dailies and found that it gave twice as much r pace 10 crime as to rel gion, three times as much as to education and temperance, and more to theatre s than to literature, religN ion,' education and art. This needs -q comment fuither than the people rj otherwise. . A special to the Standard from Bakitfh states thut a reward of $200 haa been offered for the return of SuraiDer. Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, will te. in Concord at the St, Cloud on Thursday, May 23rd, one day. His practice is limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. - At the last meeting of Eowan Medical Society, held on April 27th, Dr. h J Buchanan, cf Lexington, sas expelled from the body upon the charge of no professional con duct. -Salisbury Herald. Mr. John A Sims left Monday night for Dallas, Texas, wherj he goes as a delegat? to the meeting of th3 General Assembly of the Pres byterian church, which convener at that place May 17 26, 1S95. The Concord hose and real com pany have had placed in their Lai I a handsome carpet. Additional ira projements will be made for the pleasure of the company. They will celebrate their anniversary Friday night next. Saunders McDaniel. son of ex Governor McDaniel, of Georgia, and Miss Annie Henderson, daughter of Judge W A Henderson, of Knox yille, Tenn., were married last night. It was one of the most brilliant weddings in the history of Knoxville, there being 3.000 invita tions issued. Dr. T P Jerman arrived yesterday to attend the wedding of his son, Mr. B S Jerman. Mr. Jerman will leave for Concord this afternoon, the marriage to tafce place there tomor row evening, at the home of the bride's parent?. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G Montgomery. Kileigh News and Observer. When feyers and other epidemics are around, eafeily lies in fortifying the system with Ayer's Sarsapanlla. a person having thin and impure blood, is in the most favorable con dilion to "catch" whatever disease uiay oe limiting in tne air. Be wue in t:m3. a cciM was cured or croup by a dose or two of Ajer'a Cherry Pect oral. A neighbor's child died of the dread disease, while the fattier was getting ready to call a doctor. This shows the necessity of haying Ayer's Cherry Pectoral always at hand. Kibert Ifay, town marshal of Murphy, who created a sensation iu the Federal court at 43heville last hurtday by drawing a pistol on U, S deputy marshals and trying to ess cape, was Saturday sentenced to im prisonment ftr one year. The ire men in this city for several days have been wearing over coats. They are not up to snuff, for not one of the coal dealers last win ter could be seen unless wrapped up i-i artic attire. You couldn't ins dues him to wa'k up street with his coat of. A P.undard reporter ;n conversa tion with several f aimers today iearuidihat the frost of Tuesday night did but little, if any damage. As was thought, cotton planted in low, eaudy land is blighted to some extent. All cotton 13 looking bad for the want of hot sunshine. A. tee e of desertion presented itself to he citizens of Concoid Mon day evening after 7o'clock ; the busi ness bouses, with tne exception of the three drugstores and ice houses, close their shops. This practice will be observed until September 1, provided none of the grocerymen bre-k the agreement. Tin? new town efficrrs will meet tonight. Amons o'.her business trauHucted will be the election of a city curK una city polio men. It ii understood that severa! nrunes will be presented to the board for police- mensbip, but it is not likely that either of the two o'd ones will -be dovinel, for both have burn faithful aud efficient (flier?. Adele, the four-year-old child of Dr. D D Johnson, fell while run ning through the yard, Tuesday afternoon, upon a piece of gla3s,cuU ting a gash of several inches in the fleen. It was a painful accident to the little girl. Two stitches were taken in sewing up the gash. Dr. Samuel P Scbwiog, who kill ed Dr. Emile Hiriat in Louisiana en Sunday. May 5, for intimacy with Mrs. Schwing, was brought before Judge Wbitaker, the first recorder, in New O.-leans yesterday. Dr. Schwing was placed on the Bland and made a'statemeut. Aft-er this Judge Whi taker- discharged the prisoner from custody. ' ; '.- - One of the most successful chicken raisers in the county tells the Salis bury Herald of a cure for cholera that he tried with ?ood effect. He had lost a number of fowls and gave tbeai common epsom salts a strong solution in their drinking water and mixing it with corn meal dough. After eating of this only three chickens disd. This was last fall and not one has died from cholera since. He also fed parched corn every other day, in connection .with salts, and f on nd it yery beneficial. ase HE KILLED HER FATHER. A Lover's Deprte Deed to Via Ilia Bride It Wm a Runaway Blnlcb. Covington, .Ga, May 13. A tragedy occurred near New bo n in this county yesterday afternoon that has woven into its s'arthng p ot loy, romance, vengeance, murder and marriage. In Morgan county, just over the line from Newton, there lives the family of the rich and well known planter, J T Estts. He had a daughter and f he had a lover. The family objected to the marriage cf the young people and they determin td io take matters in their own hands. Yesterday afternoon Will Green met Miiis Estes by appointment and the two proceedtd in a b y to the residence cf Rev. Mr. Eaiwell, who was to perform the ceremony. Just a.9 tho couple were getting from the buggy they saw Mr. Estes and his son coming rapidly towards them. Green quickly pulled a revolver and fired at Mr. Estes, the ball entering near the heart killing the faimer in stantly. Green then fired two shots at young Estes, but without any effects. Leaving btr father dead in the road and shot to death by her lover and ber brother bending over the inanimate form, Miss Estes went on with her lover to Broughtonville, where the marriage was at last con. summated. The tragedy has created consid' erable excitement in portions of this and Morgan counties aa the parties are all well known. The sheriff of Newton county has received a telegram stating that a reward of $250 has been offered for the capture of Green. m ssi The Fishing Parly Back. The fishing party composed of H S. Puryear, R L Keesler, E P Hill, &:rs, Robert Young, Master Robert Young and Misses Fannie Rogers and Lai 1 ah Hill returned from Montgomery county Saturday night They report a delightful time, fish and game plentiful. mi m Ilrilig Kews. Some cf ur farmers are not through planting yet. Mr. John L C Miller, who had been working in South Carolina has returned home. The Grace it formed congregation will ho! J services in Organ chuich on the third Sunday at 11 a. m. Miss Mattie Fisher, of Catawba college, has returned heme. Mr. James Fisher, formerly of Bethany Academy, but now a stu dent cf Roanoke Academy, will teach a subscription school at Oak Grove, beginning some time in July. Kmall Boy KnocKed Down. Monday afternoon on South Church street, near the German Reformed church, a small boy was rnr ever by a cow. Some one was driving a herd of cattle into tha city and the animals being unused to t he sights confronting them became un manageable, cutting up all kinds of peculiar capers. Down Church they went to East Depot street, frighten ing several yourg ladies who were standing on the corner. It is said a number of swine, snappu.g and bit. ing at everything in reach, were in the stampede, No one was hart, however. Clot Him rp a Tree. The purchasing of cows and other animals for - beef for the hungry, some amusing, if not dangerous, de. monetrations sometime take place. While an ffort was being made, bv ail twis'iue, match sticking, etc, 'o nduce a slut-horn Biiimtil to enter a sUll in Mr. Day vault's Link lot, two ithers struck out for hi'.. Pleasstnt. A rider carght up with them at Mr. D A Liipes. The Leasts turned up on him, and, for self p reservation ,he took to a tree. At the foot ot the' ree th - beasts p.iwed and bellowed and Mr. Dayvault's e'erk could not be induced to come down nntil help was brought iu from the neighbor hood. These oeasts would make good possum dog 8. The Trade Murk Same. In Saturday's issue we printed a squib, contributed by Mr. MthaflVy, that a ked he name of the Concord man that would make a good trade mark. Several were u.tereste d in the answ?r. Monday evening ?h Standard re ceivell the follow vg letter from Master Noah, con of Mr. V Charles Correli, now living in Spartanburg, S. C. Lit le Notth is correct, and when he comes to Concord we will see thit he ge'8 a treat. The le ter is : Mr. Cook : The surname you had about in the Saturday's paper for a cost mark, I think is Mr. Horn- buckle. While 1 have been away from Concord 13 months, you can eee that I have not forgotten the people. I - read your paper every day, and keep up with the towa and boys. Respectfully, ' Noah Cobqell. Ilornbnc.le-is the name in ques tion. Th re are others' in town whose name could be nsed that way. WHEAT AND EYE. Returns to llie Department fchow mi Improvement in Both Over April. Washington, May 11. The May re urns of the Department of Agri culture show an increase in wheit of 1.5 points from the April average, being 82.9 against 81.4 in May, 1894. The averages of the principal win ter wheat States are : Ohio, 85 ; Michigan, 78 ; Indiana, 87; Illinois, 90; Missouri, 90; Kansa?, 48; California, 97. The average of these seven States is 82.3 against 81.5 in April, being an increase of a little less than one poinr. In the Southern States the averages range from 55 in Texas to 93 in Alabama. Winter rye, like wheat, has nd vanced near two points since last month, its average for May being 88.7 against 87 for the same date in April. The percentage of New York is 97; Pennsylvania, 92; Michigan, 88 ; Illinois, 92 ; Kansas, 54. The prospects for rj e through out the rye belt are fair except in the State of New York, where it is too dry, while in the States of Minne sota and Kansas the crop was con' siderably damaged by the winter and has not recovered. An Unnsnaliy Cheap Trip. For the benefit of all those who desire to attend the un veiling cere monies of the Confederate mo-in men t at Kabigh on. May 20, the Southern has arranged io run a special train, leaving Charlotte at 5:30 a. m. The fare from Concord to Raleigh and return will b $3.10, which is an unusually cheap rate. Every patriotic and confederate lov ing citizen who can should attend this occasion. Besides the un veil ing ceremonies, the place will in terest many who haye never had an opportunity to visit our State capi tal A Small Child Hurt. Little Miss Annie Douglass Sher rill, daughter of Mr. and Jchn B Sherrill, was badiy hurt this morn, ing. She with a number of other children were playing on Spring stree'. Master Joe Harts'!, son oi Mr. J L Harteell, threw a email stone which struck the child in the forehead, cutting quite an ugly gash Dr. W H Lilly attended the child and had to take one stitch in the gash. The child is not seriously hurt, as stated, It was purely an accident. Horse Got Away. Monday night just as the South bound train rolled up at the depot at 10 o'clock, the big horse driven to the Southern Express wagon be came frightened and ran. After taking a round about way, he finally reached the bridgp. where he left the wagon, having torn the harness to piece 8. Sam Boger, a colored boy, was holding the horse but could not managa him, the horse having taken Sam by surprise and getting a start on him. Fortunately no one was hurt. Sweet Charity. Policeman Fisher is cyer on the alert to the wants of the need v and destitute in the city and especially about Foreet Hilt. He made known Sunday the destitute circum stances of a lady, Mrs. Neely Moore, who is very low ith consumption aud this (Monday) morning the generous hearted people of that part of the city, besides an abuns dance of provisions and necessities of life, a nice little sum of money was seat to relieve the poor woman. Mr. Fidher desires us to thank the citiz ns of Concord for their aid during the past hard winter and in ib 8 recent a' for help. A Bride.Tantecd.from a Train. The Lincolnton correspondent to the Charlotte Observer writes : A niairinge in colored life took place on au excursion train on the Chester & L; noir Railroad this week that has a littl" romance connected with it. Iirul en bmith, of Chester; was one ot the excuroionists. Acclored damsel residing in this place joined the crowd here and went to Newton. Smith haa won the heart of this miden some tini9 previous to this but the mother of the girl seriously objected to the nuptials. Thinking this a. good opportunity; the two con cluded to unite heart and hand which they did. Upon their retnrn to Lincolnton, the irate mother was at the. depot. She ommanded her daughter to get i ff, and the- latter not acting as hastily as her maternal maj -sty thought she ought she pro- cee.led to take her from the cars. The newely made husband interfer ed, wnereupon sne urneu ner atren t ton to hid and was giving him a good shaking up when the train gan to moye. Sne pulled her daughter from the curs, and the only relic bmith had of hii newly made bride, is her hat,' which be car ried with him. The irl for the present is iu the custody of ber mother, and Smi h is at Uhes.er. Mr. J L Browa has acceptel a po sition with Mr. Milton Morris in 1 ok ing after the interests of the M .n is hotel, Lufayet'e has had no little experience in the hotel busi ness, Whit f'erron to be Tried. , Court is going on in Rowan. The grand jury found a uue'Uu againat Whit Perron for the murder of Depulv H C Oweu on tne 20th of February. The capo is being tii:-l novr, inv trial having been tet for Tuesday at 10 o'clock. The Next Cotton Crop. The star does not suppose thcro is a man in the United States, who is at all familiar with cotton, who docs not concede that the crop of 1895-'96lliw be Fmaller than that of 1894 '95. It i only a question of r x tent of decrease. On this point the experts and statisticians are now at work on their guesses. It is said that in New Orleans a day or two ago there! were offered beta of $1,000 to $2,000 that the next crop would not exceed 7,350,000 1 ales, and 500 to $1,000 that the Texas crop would not exceed 2,115,000 bole s. The Star thinks the New OiUatB bettors would have a "surer th'-i?" i: thry would raise their figures for the en tire crop to 8,000,000 bales, and those for Texas to 2,600,000 bales. Wilmington Star. Gladston Kew. rrosi; Monday morning; rain Saturday, after which it turned off cold. The lightning struck nine tele graph poles in succession, last Friday evening near Gold Hill, and altao8t scared the dopot agent ont of town; A negro boy Oc.me to Mr. Gib Frick's Monday to hire, Mr. Frick passed him on; he had his suit out sunning while he and wife were out in the field and the negro went by way of the house and treated him self with the suit of clothes at Mr Frick'a expense. Mr. Frick follow ed him to New London and took him in and delivered him to the officers to be dealt with according to law; he now has a job in jail at Stanly's expense. Our commission ers were ordered s?me time ago to eBtab.ish a chain ang but we hear nothing more about it. Ntandnrd Music Company Falls. Mr. C II Addisop, manager of the Standard music Company, filed a deed of trust this morning, naming Mr. Joseph Jacobs trustee. The asset 8 and liabilities are not given. The amour. ts due creditors aggreg. ats more than $18,000. The endi tors and amounts were given in the deed of trust. Winston Sentinel. Mr. Foy Will Sne. The following paragraph is taken from an editorial which appeared in yesterday's Danville Star: "Mr. J O Foy, former editor of the Star, will institute suit some1 time soon against the Raleigh Nevis and Obseryer and, perhaps, another newspaper of its ilk, for libel. Mr Foy claims that, he has been sland ered in the most extraordinary man ner through the columns of the News and Ob:eryer and he demands that his defamers sh -il meet him face to face and prove their charges in a court of competent jurisdiction or suffer the consequences." Juror3 from Caiarr us county for the next Federal court in Charlotte are : C L Nussman, Z.-b A Morris, J McOaldwell, T J White, George W Palterdon and J L Query. INTRODUCTIONS! A MEW. 418 GIRLS' DRESS. Sizes, 6, 8, io, is year.. EVERY PATTERN f!ll is fully guar anteed to fit as correctly' .as aiy pat- W&wt iern Jroa can PtfQNm buy. d7ft LADIES' WAIST. SUes 31,34. 36. 3.- We present a few cf the numerous Stvles we have. : Lf 0 W Iied While talking to Ills Fiitaneec, 1 Jacksonville, v?la , May 9 The corpse of E 1) Ha'cLr, formerly of Fort Val'tv. Ga , wa3 sent to that place for interment tonight Mr. ! I a toiler fell dead this mornin? at 12:'iO o'clf k as he was taking leave of 1 j iTinnced, Misa Daisy Whistler upon whom he; had been calling. Heart disease w;;s 'he- cause of his death. The Grand I.nl.-o I. . O. F. Greensboro, May 12 The grand lodge- cf North Carolina, I. Q. O. P., assembltd in epecial aes-ion in this city thi3 evening t 8 o'clock. The order was established 73 or8 ago and at that time only sinmbertd five members. No, however, it nurc hers 900,000.men and over 200,000 women. It has paid out to widows and orphans romething like $65, 030,000. This session premises (o be one of usual interest Competition In Telephones. Memphis, Tenn., May 13 The Southern Standard Telephone Com pany, with a capitaltock of $4 000," 000 to operate in Tennessee, Ken tucky and the Carolinas, has bet n organized. The southern organiza tion is a branch of the Standard Tbphone Company, capital $10,- 000,000, with heac'qaartera in New lork. It is proposed to enter into competition with companies n?w performing a like service, anxl a con siderable reduction in rates is likely Fairvlew Institute Growing:. Gibsonville, May 11. The new catalogue of Fairview Institute, just out, shows the 'argest enroll Tient in the 8chool'a history. Four States and twenty-eight counties are rep resented. This place is growing rapidly. Lumber ia now on the ground for two l;rge boarding halls for the sebco The balloieued last Jan uary has not been able to cccommo- date all who have wished board, and hence additional roon is being pro vided. Commencement occurs 19th 21dt and 22d. Addresses to societies 22d. Music by the Cornet Band. Laxington. for Over Filly Years. Winslow'8 Sooth-': g Syrup has Mrs. been used for over fifty years by millions cf mothers for their children while teething, with perfect EucceB". It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures witd colic, and i3 the bret renndy for Diarrhoea It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslow's Soohing Sjrnp," and tke no other kind. mw"&w A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The FlyWheei of Life" Dr. Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver Pills To Introduce the '.New Idea Pattern," for a short time we will give FREE with eyery SI. 00 worlli of DRY good; You buv a PATTERN of your selection. 520 LADIES' BASQUE. Sizes. 32. 34. J6. A 40: 275. LADIES' SLEEVES, Sizes 88, 86, Ml . 434 , LADIES' ORGAN PIPE SKIRT. Sizes, ss, t4, . 8, 30. - Quantity of material required lor a m"r"" size, 5 yards 44 inch Rood. B & WdM : What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotic substance. It i.j a hannl' V substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothiajr Syrups, and -r O'J It la Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty j'eari -o by millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms ai; A : iys fe'erishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. c. Osgood, lVowell, Mass. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." D&. J. F. Kinchelob, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 7T CANNONS 1 1 5l WE GIVING THESE THINCH A?A!f WI I'll f! Sf ! i; Jt is Improved Chautauqua Klndergartea 6 I: j j: lg Board and Writing Oeik,, no ME And tell abou folded foj- Shlppm CANNONS i V iL . !H Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to tne." II. A. Archbr, If. D.,'. Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. . " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." , United HosprrAi. aho Dispbnsabt, Boston, Mntfj Allen C. Smith, Pres. Murray Street, New York City. & FETZER'S ASD SEE jbned ft3j- 1: m A TH E MI) m f i .1 get a cir- Irr1 i mJ a culartlxat will" openfoi'iire 1 you all it & FETZER

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