X ti. w THE : STAMDARD THE : ..STAN! TANDA JLJH I . TURN'S OUT PRINTS THE GOOD - JOB - WORK THAT IS ! for i YEAR S2IU 1 DOLLAR AT LIVING PRICES. VOL. VIII NO. 40 CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, OC TCEER 10, 1895. ' WHOLE NO. 340 GIVE US A TRIAL. t 5 ! f, ' - R v.. - r MONEY. ttO. 16. The market price of silver at this time is about 3'i to 1, that is, it re' quires about 32 pounds of silyer to purchase one pound of gold. Tbe standard of value in this'country is gold, that is, 5J5.8 grains of standard gold, exchanging m the market for 825 grainTef standard silver, or for the silver in tiro silver dollars. Now suppose that the standard is changed bo that 412.5 grains oi standard silver shall be the standard of value. The first thing that would be noticed would be tho failure of cold to be presented a, the mint for coinage. No one would be willing to haye his gold coined into dollars, .- if the gold to make a dollar would purchase silver enough to make two coined dollars. If a pound of gold would purchase thirty-two pounds of silver, no one would be willing to have it coined on the basia of 16 ponndgyf silver to one pound of gold. 5'here would be no gold com-" ed, except for export. The next thing that would be observed would be the disappearance of gold from circulation. If the go d that is put in a dollar should bj suddenly made eqnal in value to the silyer put into two silver dollars, all the gold coins would be hoarded or thrown into the melting pot, for conversion into bullion with whio:i to pui chase the cheaper siivtr. 1 a dealer had $5, 000 in gold, and they would pur chase 10,000 in silyer, he would melt his $5,000 in gold, if it neel be done, and sell the bullion for $10, 0:0 in silver. In that way gold would go out of circulation as money to become a commodity, to be bought and sold lite other comb moditiea. That is not all, after the master, at home had been exhausted foreign markets would be visited, and geld exchanged for silver, Our country would btcome the dumping ground for all the silver in the world, if we mwhi the price if sil ver here Higher than it is elsewhere. We have about $600,000,000 of gold in circulation, it would require only $300,000,000, or one half of it, to pay for silver enough to replace it with an equal number of silver dot lars, if it were withdrawn from cal culation, leavinj a balance in the hands of the owners of gold of $300,000,000, with which to pur chase another $600,000,000 of Silver. The result would happen that we would have the silyer and other countries the gold, : We are told, sometimes. -that law makes money, and that if e wuulu adopt the silver standaru that the price of silver would go up at once on a parity with the price of gold Let's see. There are in the world about 4,000,000,000 silver dollars, worth two billion dollars iu gold. Would our passing a la , making the ratio 16 to 1, have the tffect of adding $2,000,000,000 to the vilue of the ailyer in circulation in the world? Would a simple act of this government have the eftem of dcub ling the value of all the silyer in the world? If Dot, would not the standard be forced down, and on the principle explained above would not all the gold go out and keep ut of circulation ? The affairs of the worlc are conducted on buairess pnuciples, and not on ihe theories too of en ad voca ed by honest but misguid-d en thusiasts. The peculiarity connected wi l. the withdrawal or gold from circu lation would be its sudJeniees. 1: would not r quire one mouth to do tht work, whilst to replace it with silver dollars, dollar for dollar at the rate of $50,000 000 per year, that being the capacity of the mint,would require twelve years. To withdraw the gold would mean a contraction of the currency to the amount of $600,000;000. Such a contraction suddenly made, as it naturally woulJ be, would produce tbe g;eatest scarcity of money ever felt by oui people, -nd w uld send prices far below the lowest poiut they have eyer reached in tnis country. I' would bankrupt i vtry inn who was in debt, and put such a complete check to all improvements, that ever those who might not be in deb' would be heavily pressed. We cannot shut our eye3 to th teaching of h s'cry, and hope to es cape the penalties for the violation jo an ecoaomic law. Uuder the erroneous idsa that money cau be made by law regardless of the de manda of trade and commerce, we may enact laws d' signed to cooipei the higher economic law to yield to tie fancies of men who may bejai pelled by false no-ions in. regard to what constitutes and makes money, but, if we do, we will -pay a heavy penalty for our folly, . The sooner we recognize the fact that .the economic law of trade and cbmmttce, so f f as it relates to money, wjll ndt'bend to unwise Btatntiry law,' thtf.&ett r t will be for n. -Ho cower on earth can make men give a ki oo cent for 50 cents worth of any -"lodity, if they are unwilling to - DAVIQSX. THEY USE DYNAMITE. .Neighbors EnifWUiizc Their nemnntl in a Very Forcible HEH6r. Mr. H A Lynch, 'nail carrier on the stare route to Rowan Peatoflicr this county, tells uj the particular of an episode which happened along his rou'e Tuesday. Beck Henry, a d'ssolute' wornst living with her two children two aud a half miles from Rowan, had been asked to vacate and she refused. Tuesday she k as waited upon b several neighbors who demanded that she leaye the community. She would not leave, but went over to her father's house several miles away to tell of the visitors and their demands. While she was gone her two children were coaxed out into the woods and several dynamites placed under the house. The explosion that followed was heard half mile... Ihe woman 8 bed was torn to pieces and several logs knocked out of the side of the house. She returned to lind it in this condition and it is not likely that she will remain in me neignoornooa, ne people in me neignoornooa or Kowan are quite and peaceable disposed as a general thing, but they haye deter mined 10 rid the community of this disreputable character. Salisbury World. - Out of Jail Mr. J W Meacham, former eduor of the Wilmington Dispatch, was in the city yesterday. He was put jail some weeks ago upon the charge of haying written a libelous article about Maior Fishblate. He gave bond at first, tut his bondsmen withdrew and hq, had to stay in jail until conrt. The case came up for a hearing this week. Mr. Fishblate did not prosecute and the case was dismissed. "We had the dead wood on Fish- h'ate,"said Mr. Meacham yesterday nd the case wa3 not prosecuttd. Mr. Meacham hopes to get work iu Raleigh. He has two children in Warrenton, and hope3 to be able to remain near them and stay in the m the State. Raleigh Observer. Dwelling House Burned Total Loss Mr. M A Barrier, familarly known as "Doc," who lives within a mile of Mi8enhtiiner & Lenfz's Springs, lost his dwelling house, last Thursday, by firo. No one was at home but two little girls the parents being off on isit. About 9 o'clock the little girl went in to make a lire h the conk stovf; she then discovered that the whole overhead ceiling was on fi.-e. She attempted to extirgaisb the fhmes. She sent her little sister to a neighbors for help. Before auy help come tbe house was too much enveloj ei iu flines to save but little household effects. It ia a heavy loss to Mr. Lanier, besides a newly picked bale cf cotton was burned. The neighbors are going to his rea oue to aid him in building another house. t oon Hunters Killed. Moktpeliep, lad,, Oct. 4. An hew Cain and William Grose, coon hunters, lodt ihtir liyeain a peculiar manner npar here early tbis morn ing. The tiieu hud built a tire, over some nitro-gljcerine ihat had been buried in the ground. An explo iou followed, which blew both men to atoms. Large trees near by were corn out by the roots, and pieces of Mesh and clothing were hanging from tbe limbs It is not known how the cans came to be buried.. Theie is a nitro-glvcerine magazine near the scene of the 'accident. Mbot His Faithless Wile, Chicago, Oct. 4 Edward Moe, a prosperous tradesman, shot and fa tally injured, his wife today at i. Xorth Market street ho'el, to which sbe hud gone with Peter XeUon, a friend of her hubbind. Moe had b;en iu tor me J of tbe intended meet ing of the couple and follow d them to tbe hotel. Breaking down tbe lour of their room, h immediately egan firing, emptying his revolver -it his wife, N- Uon meanwhile mak ing his eecspe. For orer Fifty Years . .VIrB. Winslow'a Soottrcg Syrup hae been used for over fifty years bj irulions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It eoothea the child, softens the gums, allays all ' pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little (rujferer. immediately. - Sold by Druggists m every part of the world. --Twenty five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for '-Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. - . mwiaw SMALL KNOCKED OUT. The Kontlt Carolina Convention Coraltl Sot Stand It Adjournment I'nta the 12th. Columbia, S. C, Oct. 3 When ens constitutional convention was called io order this morning an ef fort was made to limit all speeches in the futuro to ten minutes, but "it failed. Tne section on police and munici pal corparatiou was amended on mo tion of Mr- Patton, of Richland; after a sharp fight, sd that for uye successive years from . the time of their establishment, municipal cor porations can exempt all manufact uring establishments from 'taxation. Last night when section 31 of the legislative article reading "the mar riage of a white person with a negro or muia'to or person who shall have any negro blood, shall bo uslawful and void," was called up, Delegate Robert Small presented a sensational amendment to add these words , And that any white person who Lyes and cohabitea with a negro or mulatto, or person who shall have one-eighth or more of negro blood, shall be disqualified from holding any office of emolument or trust in this State, and the offspring of co-h tbitation shall bare the name of the father, and shall be entitled to inherit and acquire property the same as it they were legitmate," After an all day battle this amendment was killed aad 'the original section was adopted, with this amendment by Senator Tillmm : "And the parties to su'h marriages shall be punished as the General As sembly may prescribe." The only important action of the convention tonight was agreeing to a resolution offered by Senator Till man, that when the convention ad- Luru8 fomorro-v it take a recess until noon ou Tuesday, October 12, I'his vi as adopted by a ots of S3 to 38. The reason given for t&Kinjr recess were that a number of the members were sick; a number of lawyers would absent themselyes for salesday whether they were ex ciis?d or not and that the business of many farmers at this particular ime demanded their preaence'Jat home. The convention devoted the remainder . cf the nL'ht Bession to heaiing arguments for and against tlimating the right of dower in any and all lanCi aliened by the bus- band during the coverture. Fell OlTnCltair Dead. Robert Ramseur, the colored porter f or E M . Andrews, uropped dead lust nibt ubcit 8;30 o'clock dt air. ix al vi.ited uu Jji.-t i raue street. Alrj. Whit; bad seiit aa cr der to Andrews' for a motquiio net to go over Mr. W C White's bed, as the mo quitoes had ben troubling him at uigbt. TLe u: and fixtures were & nt dow n by Rarntenr, as he was in the h;.bit of dom tbat kind of work. There were in the room besides Mr. White, his mother, Mrs. White, R P J.ing and a negro nun amed Eli Parks. R.mseiu placed chair by M:'. White's Oed and got p on it, raising 'he net with trim. After a few minutes be got down for some hiog and then stepped bick on-the" chair. He h.id not been there the sveond fi ;.e more than . minute when he :tll backa&rd, hie bead striking tiie il or. Mr. King and Parks ran to him and ra:sed hid heal, thinking ' he h.id been hurt by the fall, They hhw tuat the man was oji', hi(1 carried him as quickly as possible out of the room. He w s dead, However, before he reached the hall. He was apparently in perfect health when be mounted the chair, and as the chair was braced against the wall, there was no way for it to tilt, caus ing him to lose his balance. It is supposed he was seized with heart failure, as he was dying; as he fell, was feared tLe chock might unnerve vlr. White, who is still very weak, iut he stood it well. Charlotte Ob server. Lossy Can 15 Feet High. Mr. S M Heglar, of No. 1, Drought in sample molassei cane raised by faiui. . He has of a acre, ordinary ground, aud thd aue is 15 fe. t ligb. It s a variety the seed of which came from South Caro ina. Mr. HegUr was fearful that the frost had dumped it but he Cuds, npon examination, thttt it is nqt tbe leas1 bit. hurt. Her Location. Mot one map out of ten thousand i- correct. A map of North Caro lina on exhibit t AtUnta has Char lotte between Salisbuiy and Greens boro. That's alright, thongb, for Charlotte cap be anywhere her su burbs are; You -see. ihe map maker has beard of Charlotte all up and dovn J.be Southern, and he thought to hit the railroad anywhere . i. . i . i i . n .ti.J ine lucawoo wouiu ue a aman matter, LOCALS- Tbe wife of Bob Russell, colored died in Pineland Thursday .night Staniy cotton is coming Campers are becoming Eume-rous. Sim Joues and Dick Morse, ot Charlotte, are a mutual admiration society. It is not altogether in an Adam aad Eye joke aspect that chestnuts come in with the fail. Whole tram loads of mountain cabbage are passing down the South em, tagged for Atlanta. Folks may themselves shiver later, but usually the first sign of chilly weather is the shaking of tne straw hat. Rey. J R Moose conducted the funeral of Miss Lilly Sosfonun and accompanied the remains out to No. 10. John G Miller, cashier of the First National Bank of Winston, has resigned to go into a Richmord hotsl. Even at this early date prepara tions are beginning for the holidjy trade. Now is th) time to advertice your business. A negro'a Soger was found in a back lot in Greensboro Tuesday morning. The owner is, however, still unidentified. The Charlotte News springs the startling news that the Catawba river is going dry. No indication of Charlotte going that way. Henry Ritz made $2347 62, more or less selling retresnmeuis at ine Rowan Eair, which wa3 attended bj nearly 100 people each t!ay. Rev. B S Browci patcr...cf Hoh Trinitv Lutheran churcn of ftir. Pleasant, has tendered his resigna tion to take effect November 1st. North Carolina has two additiona: scholarships at Johns Hopkins Uni verity. They are G C L:e, of Chapel Hill, aud Jamvs W Ileid, of Pineville. Prof, Setz'er, of the crair of an cient languages at North Carolina College, has tendered, to the Boaid of Trustees, hiB resignation to take effect next May. Mr. G A Marsh, cousin of Mr. M L Marsh, of the new drug store here, loat his gin house in Union bv fire on baturdav night. It was caused by sparks from a passing en gine. Mr. G T Crowell lost another fine hog on Thursday. Something had lodged in her wind pipe, which caused the animal considerable suf fer ins until death relieved it. It was valued at about $50. Cotton seed bujers are not seen on the etreets thia year as formerly. Seed arn bringing only about 9 cents per bushel, and rather than sell at that price farmerj would do better to ue them in compost. Trties coming in from Nos. 3 and i townships are at fever heat over the maddog scare. It is said tht a rabid dog ii that section bit several dther dogs. No cattle or stock is known to have been bitten. Mr. W P Goodnight, of Enoch- ville, came in and paid for his weekly Standard. His good wife would give him no peace if he didn't take The standard. There are hundred? of such good women in the county. Mi. 'a S)ssamon, a daughter of Mr. rs. and M Christian Sossamon, died at her home at Cannon vilie Thurs day afternoon of typhoid feyer. Her remains were taken to Bethel burying ground, in No. 10 township, for interment. She was about 22 years of age. , Deputy Hill placed in jail Wednesday night a white woman bv the name of Craven and Adam Pace, both of lo. 3 township. They were arrested on charges of abandon ing their respective husband and wife and unlawfully living to gether. Not a woman liyes but ia interest ed in the snbj 'ct of beaufy, and age does not wither the desire to make he most of what nature ha be stowed, improving it in every way if possible and to keep direct in line with fashions, etc. They should read very advertisement in our pnper. C dd well county haa a mighty hunter in the person of George W Taylor, now 70 years old. This is a list of the things, aa furnished by the Lenoir Topic : 40 deer, 100 wild turkeys, 12 ground hogs, 15,000 squirrels, 1,000 rabbits,500 'possums, 50 coons, 500 crows, 406 hawks, 50 owls, 6 minks, 100 mnskrats and 40 pheasants. ' - .Mr. F V Barrier is buyifg cot ton in Salisbury. Mester Teu:cie Hcrhin has secured a position with the telephone xchaage asoffijd bf. Dr. Lilly is having a new house built on Spring street. It will be occuciid by Mr. li A Browe-r. . Since the weather has moderated, overco-ts have tisuppca ed and strawliat8 ere still "in the swim." Dr. John Montgomery, wiio has just returned from Hot Springs and who has been down with chills, is out again. Mr, A E Lentz has retired from the firm of Morridon, Lentz & Co., haying accepted a position with Dry & Wadswortn.. Chas. Fnd James Wadsworth have purchased the livery business froiii the estate of their father. They have been practically in charge for over a year. Dr. Pharr's house in the north end of the city, known us tbe old male academy, is being greatly im- proyed by the addition of an ell and a raised roof. Mr. H T Utley left thu morning for Concord, his future home. His family will not leaye until next week. Mr. Utley will engage in the marble business. Salisbury World. Cleveland won the first cf the series of fames with Baltimore for the "Temple cup" in a score of 5 to 4. Reports say it was the most ex. citing game that hd3 eyer occurred at Cleveland. Mrs. Margaret M Blackweldor, ife of Policeman L A Blackwelder, of Charlotte, died suddenly Tuesday night. She had bfen sick for some ime. She was a native of Cabarrus ud was (J5 years of ge. Prof. J (J McCrk!,, cf MooreS viLe, p.vsstd through the tity this f ert! .on cn hij wiy ro Mt. Pleas ant, where he wii: lecture to the hiLcUfits of Neni Carolina College o-morrow, on pLr-:iolegy. During the ceLtiruction of the new mill at Canuonville, only one accident has happened, tbat being a colored boy falling from the ecaffold. Fortunately the boy's head struck first, or elee there might have been great dauisge. Mr. John Bridges, the blacksmith at Forest Hill, unknowingly dropped his purse, contaiuicg 41 in cash, in the street on Wednesday afternoon, which caused him considerable un easiness, It was found by Mrs, Hey wood Denia, who delivered it to its proper owner this morning. To give you a faint idea of what immense business the Southern rail way is doing, we will put you to thinking when we tell you that only twenty trains passed here yeeterday. Another switch is badly needed at the depot. Dr. W FAshemore, who for sev eral weeka haa been practicing med icine at the Cabarrus mill and the west end, will return to his home in Greenville, S. C, cn Monday, having been called there on business. It is now his intention to locate here per manently next spring. OVERWORK -INDUCED - Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of Ayer'sSarsaparilla " Some years ago, aa a result of too close attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and twenty -five to two Krandred pounds. Since then, I animy family have nsed this medicine when needed, and. we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much." H. O. H in son, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, 8. C. Ayer's Sarsaparilla RECEIVING KEDftL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Savo Doctor's Bills. CHAIN, FOB, GOLD TOOTH And Some Hnlr Found in a Shaft at the Reett Klue The Xcis;fcbrhoo: Thinks It a Myatcry Many Relievo Them the Propeity or n SIIshIii One. Some bits of news have come to town from the Bection of the Reed Mine in Southeastern Cabarrus. Years ago a 28 pound piece of gold was found . It is here, too, that last week in working round in an c'.d 6hiift that a lady's watch chain, fob and a pieco of gold that, resembled a gold tooth, together with small bits of hair, were foupd. This discovery and find have giyen the. neighborhood somethin? to talk.about. A matter like this will not aown witnout an ertort to ex plain, solve, clear up or unravel. Several parties from that section have been asked about the discovery and all state that a fob, a lady's chain, a gold tooth and some bits of hair were found in an old shaft which Dr. Lisle, the macager of the Iwcd Mine was having cleaned out preparatory to sinking deeper. Ic is said th.it the dirt in that shaft has been stirred within the last ten years, and this only aggra vates those, who desire a clearing up, to search all the more. Some people think all these things are evidences of a murder or suicide that must haye occurred some time or other. How did the foo get theie ? How did the lady's chain get there.'' How did the tooth get there ? and to whom did they belong, are questions the ceishborhood is interested in knowing. mere are some tnine.s that are neyer kncsn will this be one of them ? It is belieyed that tbis property belongs to a miaeing party. Ihe Ststdahd learns that Dr. Lisle haa these fi -idins ia sate keep injr. Gone to IR'SHiiiiicr. Mr. 11 L McAllister, with a force of hands, has gone to Bessa ncr City to build a smoke stack lor the cotton mill purchased by Cupt, Odell. Little Cotton Shipped Aivny, Rot cs much aa two cars of cotton have been shipped away from here this season. The factories buy it- paying more than it will fetch else where. .Sale of Valuable I'roperly. Your attention is called to the sale of the fair grounds and the Elizabeth Plott land?, by Mr. James C Gibson, commissioner. These are valuable, tracts of land. The sale occurs oa the 4 h of November. Married at Prosperity. At Prosperity Lutheran church, No. 6, Thursday evening at 3 o'cloek, Mr. John A Carter, of No. 5, and Miss Virgie M Faggart were mar ried. i Rey. B F Davis, of Coucoid, per formed the ceremony that made these two one. A large crowd wit nessed the interesting ceremony, after which the bridal party went to the home of the bride and enjoyed a most excellent wedding supper. The fair Today. There was, if anything, a smaller crowd at the Fair grounds today than yesterday. It is to be regretted that the Fair Association will not realize expenses thia year. They have been exceedingly unfortunate for the past two jearj and it was hoped tbat they would receive ample patronage thia year to justify them in continuing. It is extremely boubt ful, we are told, if there will be any fair next year. Salisbury World of the 2nd. NnccenHfiil Preaching. A correspondent of the Monroe Enquirer writes about a gentleman, who ee vsral years ago was pastor of the M. E. church at Mt. Piraaant : 'Rer. T T Saly.-r, of the Plea ant eJrove circuit, has j-ist clc-sed a very interesting and successful meeting at Wesley Obspel, which resulted in the conversion of twentv persons and eight aecesnions to the church and two infants dedicated to God by baptism, and the church greatly re viyed. This making 106 conversions for him this year, up to date, and baptism administered 10 Bixty.4wo children, and many more yet to be brought into the fold before the Conference year closes." .i. - f Found Deal in Greengboro. W H Cauble was found dead on the streets of . Greensboro. Ue bad taken the Keely cure for the mor phine habit- II enjoyed an income of $4,01M annually. ' Highest of all in Leavening CA YOUNG TliAIN WRECKER. Alloy t'hnr.fcec! lire Mvitoh Mitt rxmo Vry Kc;ir Wre-1 Jus the Tiain . This morning between eiht anel nine o'clock, Uavia Leek, who stays at Mrs. Wm. Brown's informed Mr. Kiggms at the ice factory that ho! naa just seen a suu.ll boy w host name he d:d not kuotf change the switch in front cf the ice factory me train irom me coutn was unit in about fl7e minutes tiid Mr. Hig Sins iK.ateEea to ine trucK where .u- found theswitch turned and un Lu. spike lying on the truCiC. lit chtiijgeJ tbe switch ar d uot.fied the railroad authorities at oace. Ollicer C V Pool wa3 put ou i he case and in hp hour hud arrested the w2bld.Le train wrecksr, little Jchr. Uunt, a whiLa hvy tbout fourtcei. ye-irs old, -a ho delivers goods for John Howard, He wad arrested ud locked up, but was liberated shc-nh afterwsidc. lie will be tried thk evening tit hvc. jJad it net been discovered the trj.ia from the South would have been thrown from the track and great damage done. The boy, however, is so youthful th.it it ia hardly likely that he will be prosecuted. Salisbury 7orld. The :Cul-Muo Vir.t ; 1'asn-ur s- oml. A littlo eo:i ct Dr. G A Rams-jur, ef China Grove, was badly bitten by a mad dog Tuesday r.iternoca, end was brought here yesterday by hh fathe'r to have the mad-stone ap plied. The etoue stuck, but Dr. Uamceur is so uneasy about the bey tbat he will take him North for the PuBteur treatment. Charlotte Ob server. ---. A YutiMO Viis l ull. A certain farmer came down Al-iin street this morning pc-rched upon a wagon oa which were several bdea of cotton und a vahso, tr.d just as he fronted Mr. lloarca Brovrn'-j reai- Cencc, the wcgon wheels Etrucs tne damcoy tr.ick, which jolted the a lise o2. It fell with a cr.'wh und there v.t.3 a rreat 1cs-j. The v.i!i.;e was filled 7ith quart .r.d ::iac lot- Ilea aud ths bottles vrere flt.cu withf " newly, made lirsvwa'itr, v.-hiui: waste-.. upon tho ground. The- r-jv.u km plenty of fljmpnthiz-irs, but tue re- portf-r was OU13' amuseu tne mun j countenance, like the vaiiae, fell. If the man had bten as full as the va use he would likely have had a double accident. Does ot Seed Counsel. The Raleigh Press-Visitor says locally : Mr. S P Satterfleld is still hero. He has been given permission to make up his bond in Person. The imount is $300. Mr. Satterrield says he is glad the true bills ha7t- bc-en returned as it will enable him to completely vindicate himself. lie thinks the trial will locate the blame on the guilty parties, Mr. Satter field ba3 a large array of fusion counsel. Among tbe unmber are Harris, Whitaker, Puraell, Walser and others. He Say3 he could clear himself without counsel. Mr. Sat terfleld thinks others will ha?e to do more explaining than himself. Will be Here Friday bibi. "Only a Farmer's Daughter" is a play dealing with modern Eociety life, wherein a happy family, con sisting of a talented husband and father, his wife, the wealthy farm er's daughter, and their little girl, are agitated and almost divided through the machinations of an ad venturess to supplant the wife In her husband's affections, and thus guin acceao to hia large fortune. Iler deeply laid plans approach success, when Lenox, the husband, has a vision ot hia future career, seeing himself at the end a raving maniac, destitute of both friends and fortune. Prom this horrid nightmare he wkes to find himself still surround ed by wife and child, and his for tune still intact. Tee conclusion is patent; he immediately breaks with the adventuiees.'and resolves neither to Bee her nor her agseoiate again, nd the curtain drops cn a reunited family circle, happy in their mutual love. New York Dispatch. Re served seats at Gibson's. They are Sow lu Charge,' - As stated in taese columns before, Messrs. J C Wads vorth and Chas. A. Dry have bought the furniture store of Cannons, Fetzr & Bell. They are now in charge under the firm came of Dry & Wads worth. The first thing of importance to tbe public they did was to mark down everything in the store. Now is the time to buy your furniture. - Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 7n TV q AT CAKXONVILLE. Tifce Big : -Xasonry Work Sn-ijiciided-Kvirr Xntc Sew Hoates The massive walls to the new ad auon cr annoa cut tun plant are nearly compel and the Eirttn i quite an enoricoi.s cue. Masonry work was U(tperd..-d Llouday for a few daya aod the crew transferred to the Buifulo milie, where- a large reservicr is bc-ic? bail'.. Oaly a few more d;iys' work will fin:sh ths brick work, and be- ready lor the roofers. Neprly tbe entire ioner lloor is 2owd, and the workn:ea will begin up au-ixe 'o-iuorro v. J 11 Miller i.i 4:.out dons with hia '.en iioute-j. fcorue r-f ibea are com plcte end i..milr.-3 s:rt moving into theii!, V 1) Aa;jc. v has twenty four hou;;e-3 to ;-u:r.. s.cd U hard at it plying ihe biv-zh. Everything in tust part of the city ia bitty atl p-ei-etrt a hustling appearance. Th5rt;. ...on Mr. ; iiiemberB h.iS stood .r county y a time T D Mi.: an o:d c.: ori the where he irrvl : ho!c :n tl tLe-e... 1; "ji iu Alex- I-.-.;, :u a knot ,7c il, Li was at j f.nd he . sin etrxdiog ju:: it was I'.rs it a3 a boy, t-I oli enough itc cisuse, Vi'hou lie 1 am. i th-ja ij :: Slate.v:;:, L.tn- ilvea our fere: er repKEeL'.atire was aa uieuij u blue birds, ia his youth. Jr. rikI lli -i. &nyi'.rl. That's IL--- v.:-- g-0zt after,. the quiet jw.irr'.x- .- -:' Jcaday night cf lit. Vt ii id) ::. r .1, for several j ears a resiut-in. ci tl:ij city, but now of Cl-iilctte, to zlm Veiua Trout uLj ef tUi city. At G o'clock ! ist eveiui-g i-uaibcr of inited .uesvu g -.tl-;w.l ut the heme of the bride and '.".cok of el-gant sup-p.-r tiu-. t.-.d been p.-.-parsd for the ccaH.on line a"j ileck in their esefcee. L .'V. bi u U fcu. rer, cr ct. 1 J.Ui.ts LulLliuIi church, per t'onaed. the cere rici.7 f.hat made the conp!e rcna f ed win-, r.nd tbencame around cf ccngra-.uiationa. Mr. and Mrs. Ma) curd icit cu tne- 10 o'clock train Wednesday night for Char lotte, where the groom is employed. A J-r)in:iii; t t'ltizcu of Fort Sill Xcal. Mr. R A Fuip, a prominent citizen of Fort Mill, S. C, died at hid residence at that place yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, of typhoid feyer, after seyerul weeks illness. Deceased wa3 40 years ot age. He was esteemed u upright man, a ood citizen, a kind neighbor and iriend. Die conducted one of Fort Mill's largc3t dry goods stores, and wa3 well known in Charlotte and surrounding towns. Charlotte Ob server. Several years ago Mr. Fulp mar ried Mis3 Lucy Pa-ker, of this city, whom he leaves with ceveral child ren, to mourn his death. The tender- esi " ) wpathy ef a larrg f.irgl friends oes out To "tue bei'eaftd widow iu her eud allliction. Km. X P. Bell. Oasatoatomis, Kaiu . wife of the editor of The Graphic, the lead ing local paper of Miami county, writes "X teas troubled with, heart disease for six years, severe palpitations, short- , nes3 of breath, together with such ex treme nervousness, that, at times 1 would walk the floor nearly all night. We consulted the best medical talent. Thcu said there tcao no help forme, that I had organic disease of the heart for which there was no remedy. I had read your advertisement in The Graphic and a year ago, as a last resort, tried one bottle of Dr. EUea .Vein Cure for the Heart, wHch convinced mo tJiat there was true merit in it. I took three bottles each of the Heart Cure and Eestoratlve Nervine and it completely cured mc I Ieej well at night, my heart beats regularly and . I have no more smothering spells. I wish to say to all who are suffering as -l-uldi there's relief untold for them If they willT only give your remedies Just one trial." Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a positiv - . guarantee that tho first bottle will benefit. All drnggists sell it attl, 6 bottles for&, or . it will bnsent, prpnaid, on rei-oipt of prit- by the In. HUea Hodical Co., Eikh&rt, lu ' - - Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Rjstofes Health For Sale by all Druggist. . !;-" i Vv-'l . --i J. ... v J