1 y I THE' : STANDARD. THE : STAKJ -y turns OUT GOOD - JOB -WORK AT LIVING PRICES. . rEINTS THE JVEWS THAT IS JVUWS FOR 1 YEAR , SENJDU&l DOLLAR 't' . mnnvl VOL. VIII NO.' 46 CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1895. WHOLE NO. 346 1 Btandard. The From Wmllh's Grove. With ThanksgiviBg closely ap proaching, we'll may the "gobbling tarkey gobbler" gobble with a sus picious gobble, with a gobble-like gobble. A "lady" while vieiting at her neighbor's, observed an organ stool sitting apart from the organ. Re turning home elated, she accosted horvhuBband thus: "Old man Toa're no account; neighbors has one ot the cutest little stools for his wife to sit oo and sew 1" " Lately gossip has been fluctuating considerably by reason of the ad- YUfcfii "marvelous pu vbiuibu, wJicanvafses from house to hoase. He is said to be relate" .to the ino dians. We are informed that he Las bean arrested and brought before the aatho.-itiea. Ilia predilection for feminine patients Bsems to be the cause of his apprehension. " One evening two modest young swain escorted two handsome lasses to their home parental domicile. 'TjWboys entered the hoase, pur posing to depart it. a few minutes. Hardly had they firmly Beated themt selves when the dispbased fath2r entered assertirg that hia daughters were two juvenile to receive atten tions from masculine humanity. His assertion greutly harassed the youngesters, of course. Still eyirg the bojs disapprovingly and esteem ing their silence -and em harassment as evincing nbstrinacy in its fullest developemtnt, the old man broke out afresh : "Come with me; I'll Bhow yoH to your lodging apart ment." Bsin too embarassed to make it known that their time for departure was already at hand, the hoys mechanically oaeyed, following and entering the room designate)'. The old man firmly secured the door; so the boys were kept prisoners umfrfhe dawniug of the moru. This is not the first time that love's young torch has been suthleasly extinguished by parental interven tion. Augustine. A High in Jail. - Dr. Reed, Messrs. Quint Smith, Prof. Keesler, J P Query, John Bost and W M Stuart were confined in the Cabarrus county jiil last night to await the approach of an angry mob. The undaunted courage of the young men as they rallied to the assistance of the determined sheriff, is deserving of great praise, for there in that gloomy prison with all its forbidding aspects, these bold men steod shoulder to shoulder, expect ing momentarily the midnight at tach which would bring death and disaster to all. But as the minutes and hours rolled on and the wee small hours of the night approached no signs of brewing trouble startled those listening ears, but in siiesce these men waited what might be in evitable. But soon dawn, in all its glory Bhed over the silent prison the rays of the morning snn, and from the silent corridors, these men, with slow and steady tread, left the scene of anticipated blood shed and riot "One of the Boys." Vailed Upon the Police. A festival was held at Zion ball, in rear of Scotia Beminary, Friday night and as usual a disturbance was the consequence At former occasions similar to the one laet night the admission fee bad been only five c-nts, but it whs raised to ten cents last night, whicn greatly displeased a number of bnys ans! men, who stood some dis!a;;e from the door aud chunked rocks at it. The police were called npoji to quut them. - Delighted With Ills Trip. - Clerk Jas. J Gibson seldom leaves town. He's got into the habit of doing his duty so faithfully and constantly that it takes either an Atlanta Exposition or a trip to Yad kin county to get him out of town. -He and his two sons spent several days in Atlanta at the Exposition, Mr. Gibson was delighted-wi'.h the exhibits of this country's great ness. He thinks the Exposition all that is claimed for i. and does not mince words in speaking of its great ness and attractiveness. Everybody in this county is glad be went and glad he enjoyed it he deserved it all. Hot so Hach or n Jake. Dover, Del., Nov. 12. By way "of a joke, some fellow-workmen of . Wm. Honey, an employe of Richard son & Robbias' cannery, loaded bis pipe with smoking material compos ed of one-third tobacco and two-, thirds gunpowder. . William lighted - nt without suspicion, bat after a few " pnfiVa diBastercus explosion occur, red. His face . was badly burned, " his - mustache singed ' off, and his right eye so "seriously, injured that there is little hope of saying the fight. - "THE DOCTORS DIFFER." Prettident K11k Opposes Foetball While II is Predecessor Introduced It Into the State. The position President Kilgo, of Trinity College, has taken on foot ball, is stroDgly combated by the advocates of this great American sport. A prominent gentleman who haB had a deal of experience with college boye, and who is in the city for a few days, said yesterday: "I notice that jou quote what Dr. Kilgo says against football. It is fair to state that Trinity 'College introduced through its president, Dr. Cro we'll, modern football in this State. And Dr. Crowell was re. peatedly endorsed by his trustees aud great regrets -expressed at his resignation. 'Doctors differ.' "As to the dangers of the game let me make some suggestions Many lives are lost among bathers. Should bathing be abolished? Peo ple are constantly thrown out of buggies, limbs broken and lives lost. Should buggyriding be abolished? Two Sunday school scholars were killed by their teacher? (Durrani). Should Sunday schools be abolished? Children fall out of trees. Shall tree climbing be stopped, etc., etc. "That there ii little real danger in foo ball is proyed by the fact that the game goes on in all the col leges, aud many of the schools, towns, villages and cities every day for many weeks, tens of thousands of plavers, and in proportion to the numbers engagea the Berious acci dents are few. "If the platers do dirty, ought we not to rejoice thi; dudeism is no" the fashion? Rkigh Obseiyer. Why DiU He Marry So noon? What right has the church over the marital relations of a preacher? is a question that is troubling the Virginia Methodist Conference. Froai the debate, which we publish below, it lipped that a young Methodist preacher has shocked some of the older brethren by get ting married within two months after haying joined the Conference: The debate was t.3 follows; When the seme cf Rev. T'lomus E Johnson, of Rappahsnuock, wa3 reached, quite a warm and unusual discussion arose. Mr. Johnson re ceived his itinerant orders jast a ye-ir ago, and in two or three months was married. Dr. Whitehead brought the matter to the attention of the conference, 83jicg that it was a serious matter for a young man to eater the ministry in that way, and immediately afterward take upon himself an additional burden and expense. Tne doctor thought Mr. Johnson should be called upm by the conference to explain w hy lie married so soon after entering the ministerial work. Dr. Whi-.ebead said he had heard of a m :n's taking a wife unto himself w thin a year under such circumstances, but that th 8 case v,as very unusual. Nothr ing of the kind htd occurred before in the hisiory of the Virginia Con ference. Presidicg E:der Watts, of Mr. Johnson's distric, defended the voting prea"hor, eit'ut that he should not be held accountable to the c:n-fereuc-j for.hu marriav. Dr. Petersen said bis Brother Whitehead h.d rervod in that con ference a long time, &nd had hud much experience ia such matters. iYiAiiv o-ner ench iustauife, said Dr. Peterson, bud arisen, mid be t!:oi?gb! it as strange that Dr. Whitehead had not previously taken tha etttnd he had. "ldeuy that," eaid Dr. White head, somewhat warmly, adding that a man neier came into, the confer ence as a single man aud married within two or three mouths. He thought Mr. Johnson should at .east make an explanation of his conduct. Dr. Peterson replied ty saving that the conference was wasting time in talking about a ase when all the talking in creation couldn't change the facts or make the man aoytuing other than a manied mau. Rev. Dr. Clarke referred to Shukeeneare's maxim 'Loye is a piece of uaanity," and in'unaied that when one of Cupid's darts pierced a youog man, he would nM stand upon whether or not he was ja minister of the uospel or an ordinary citizen. . " JW. Dr. Tillett said he thought Dr. Whitehead had entirely misled the point in this cas . Ir. was, he went on, whether or not Mr. John son's dnties as itinerant worker of the conference had been interfered with. ., As the young preacher in quest'on was not present, his Pre siding Elder spoke for him, saying that Mr. Johnson had done faithfnl and efficient work, acd had himself borne the additional expense neces sary on account of h s marriage. The Presiding Elder though, that the young cs&a would be abie to render just as good service to the church in future, and Mr. Johnson , wis con-, tinned as a candidate for. deaconate orderSr-beiDg adyanced to the class of be second year. - THANKSGIVING PROCLAMA TION. Gov. Crr ftppointed November 28th as a Iay of ThnkKlTlns. His excellency, Gov. Eliaa Carr, yesterday issued the following Thanksgiving Proclamation : The people of North Carolina have much for which to bo thankful to Almighty God in the year which has--just past. The earth has brought forth abundantly of the food products in response to our la bors, the prices of raw materials have advanced, industrial progress has been awakened in our midst and the future look brighter than the past few years of disaster and want. Our people should be thankful for -the - blessing3 vouchsafed to them, and, in grateful remembrance of His goodness and in obedience to our laws and the time-honored cus tom of our forefathers, devote one day of the year to His service. . , . Therefore, I, Elias Catr.Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 2Sth day of November, 1895, as a day of solemn and public Thanksgiving to God for past blessings, and supplications for His continued kindness and care over us as a State and nation. - I earnestly request every citizen of this great Commonwealth to lay aside his usual business, assemble either at the churches or around the hreside, and make tHs annual fes tival a day of prayer and thanksgiv ing. Let not the day be devoted to amusements, but with grateful hearts . give praise to God for the preservation of our liberties and for the- advancement of our nation in prosperity and greatness. This State has ever been the home of freedom and the abiding-place of a virtuous and noble people- Let the day not pass without acknowl edgment of all these blessings; and let us remember in our prayers and offerings the charitable institutions of the Etate, tha wounded and needy soldier, the orphan, tho poor and afflicted, mid, by substantial sivi g, show forth the that-kfulness of our hearts. In witness whereof, I have hereunto F.et my hand and caused th Great Seal o-. tho State of North Carolina to be affixed. Done .t the city of Raleigh, (Seal) this 1-ilh of November, in the year of cur Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninet--ve and in the ono hundred and twentieth year of our Ameri can luclcpendaace. Eli 4 3 Cabb. By the Governor. S J '. i Private Secretary. Took 15 1 in to CIturt-h, Sheriff Sims, Thursday night, took "Dr" White, who stands charged with rape, from jail and Lid him away. Sisce hen it he been a much mocieJ question as to ih-rt- Dr. White witj. fiiitiy thought that be was kptat Mr. ili'l Junker's, but this was cu.irt uu;rue. Be was lakn and put in the Sun day S :hool room cf the Firs; Pres b?teriu church acd Ift there for aa hour or more by -his lone self, when the gnurd3 were puisuadrtl to return and keep him company. Sheriff Sims has done what pr ;b- ab?y the doctor has n.t domi for some time had Litn in chinch. When you come to think about it, 'ij.it i3 the List place on earth one would expect. :i prisoner, and one charged with ue (u;iuh!i crime he i?, to be kpt in custody. Mrs. Stary Utile !. Mrs Maiy Origgn l'tn e Huie -lied at the iiom ; of C;in Noah Partes Foard, in RjannVe, V- , enrly this (Satur!;iT) morning. The fu neral service over h--r h id will, be conducted by Rev. W C Alexander in the First Presbvterian church, Concord, N. C Sunday morniug at 11 o'clock, and the interment will ake place in the Presbyterian ceme tery lot. If by delay in trains this funeral arrangement cannot be car ried out exactly, notice of change, will be given from yarbus pulpits in town to-morrow morning. Mrs, Huie wis a sister of the late Mr. Eoieline Foard, with whom she speat marly vM the last years of her life. She W48 married to M'nRobL Haie when 17 ve irs of ege and has been a widow about 20 year?, and died in her 80th year. This death comes yery unexpect edly to our people, many of whom Wire warm persona, friemls of the subject of this ske'en, aud there goes out from the community to the bereaved ones a hearfelt sympathy. Mis Addto Cannon, In Angusta. In Frtdy morning's Augusta, Ga., Chronicle, we find the follow ing, which concerns one of Concord's most popular young women: . Miss Cannon, of North Carolina, is the guest of Miss Garrett on lower Broad street. Miss Cannon is an nnnsually pretty aud attract! ve'young womah and baa already made numerous friends. She was among the most popular belles at the Tuesday night germ an, ' :. . - i TOWN AND COUNTY. Mr. William Widenhouse, of No 9 cownshi pis with the new clothiers as salesman. Mr. George Murr has purchased the pair of pretty white ponies that were at Corl's staoles. - The Cabarrus roller flour mills are running at night in order -to catch up with orders. ' Mr. Geo. E Fisher has seenred a position as salesman at the Balti more clothing house. Four new houses are going up on the hill near Happy Hollow; in .the southern part of the citjf;';. f The family of-' Mr '. Jamesr of Union county has moved into the Bessent houseyoa Main street. Mr. Tames C Willeford is making arrangements to open out a line of watches, clocks and silverware for sale. Abont twelve families occupy the neat brick houses out at the Buffalo Mill, where the spindles keep things a-buzzing. Mr. R W Johnson was not a guard at the jiil Thursday night, but called there seyeral times to tea how "the boys" were getting on. Master Eagene, the 7-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Johnson, of Mooresyille, died Wed nesday afternoon and. was buired Thursday. i Little Annie Moore, the 14 year old mute at Cunnonville, has return ed to Morganton where she is a student at the deaf acd dumb asylum. You may eat cheap food and not be seriously hurt by it ; bat you cu not take cheap medicines without positive injury. If you use any sub stitute for. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, you do so at the peril of your health, per haps of your life. Iasisu on havir g Ayer's, and no other. Some changes have been made at tbc posteffice. The lett r'.hox has been remoyed to the npper side and the "poor man's hole" fixed to Keep out the cold. Mr. J A Kimmon3 is running a grocery store on North Main Btreet, underneatn the Odd Fellows hall. He h?.l san3age for sale and his sign was that of "three links." Rev- Roger Martin, of Mallard Creek, has declined a recent call to Virginia and will continue to sup ply Poplar Tent and hi3 present charge for another ytar. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thies (nee McNitioh) have returned from their bri Jul tour and are "at home" in Georgia, near the mine Mr. Thies operates. Charlotte Observer. SilisDury World : H McNamara, ageot of Webb and Rabe returned last night from a tour through Davie and Dayidson counties where he put up several monuments. He left this morning for Concord. Mr. Robert Black welder has in possession a Shrapnell shell picked up by and brought with him from the Petersburg , battle ground. It 13 an interesting relic and a gentle reminder of the grtat unplea3antne8 from 18G1-C5. Greensboro Record: J Sterling Jones, manager of the Proyifient Savings Association, left this morn, ing fr Concoid, carrying with him a cheek for $2,000, payable to Mrs Burkhead, amount of insurance car ried by her husband in this staunch comjauy. The demand for Ayer's Hair Vigor in such widely. separated re gions as South America, Spain, Aus tralia, and India nas kept pace with the home consumption, which goes o show that these people know a good thing when they try it. The-Raleigh correspondent of the Charlotte Observer tells a good one at the expense of a citizen of the capital city. He says the editor of a leading religious paper there hap pens to be of precisely the same name as a well-known young society man who-is soon to be married in an Episcopal church. , The editor is getting letters now fro 21 his zealous church folk, wanting to know why in the world he is to be married out of his own church. Same of these kind enquirers also want to know what he means by "leading germans in Raleigh:" that they see his name in th; papers in that capacity. An Accident. . - - " :rj.. Mr. R V Black welder came near meeting with a serious accident this (Saturday) morning at Barrage's shop. ' He . was working "" with the planing machine and . accident ally let his hand slip, catching him self just in time to save his entire hand, except a small; portion from the tip of the first finger, which vraa snipped off loBtanter, V - Nine insurance agents ae in town. The number now exceeds all previ ous records. Dr. B L Griffia has moved into and now occupies his new home on South Main street. Aduiphus Hamilton has secured s position with Lowe & Son, where he mti. be until January. ..Dr. John F Reed pu-chased from Master Homer Fisher his pet sqair rel, which he shipped to New York to a friend. . Mrs. Simpson Martin and family, of 'No. 3 township, have gone to King's Mountain, where they will worc in the cotton mills. Cannonville is nicely laid off, and when the sidewalks are completed, th? streets in that part of town will present a good appearance. Attorney W G. Means, who has been so seriously ill, accompanied by his son Brandon, has gone to Misen heimer Springs, to remain some time.- His many friends wish for him a epeedyjand permanent restora tioa to health . Amazing, amazing and Jamazing Mr. Gip Eury, below Mt, Pleasant, has a hog that he believes will weigh 600 pounds, and Eury is an old bachelor,never having allowed Cupid to even get nnder his oatsidecoat. J-Mr. Jack Linker ha3 bought an other plantation. The last one is one hundred acres from Mr. FA Archibald. This is the one-legged man, who came out of the war with only a gray mare, worth $37, and who now owns seven or eight nice plantations. " Dr I H Blair, a prominent citizen ol Monore, a brother ;o Mrs. Mark Phillips, of Forest Hill, and a rela tive of Mrs. Dr. Joh-iS-on, of this city, died at his honiH ir. that place on Wednesday e.cnicg. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips haye gone to attend the funeral, whic'i takes place to day. . Campers filled tweral of the large hack lots last night. The smoke arising from and the cheerful glare of the camp-fire made one think of jo olden days, when this was the largest cotton market in this part of the State, It yet maintains the record of the best market and high est prices. Chief of Police Shayer this morn ing received a letter from Chief Boger, of Concord, asking if a man by the name of Bud Lnther was wanted here for stealing an overcoat and a railroad ticket and wanting to know if there was any reward on him. If a theft of that kind was committed here our police know nothing of it, Salisbury World. Cards are out annonnc ng the mar. riage of Miss Marie A, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C Schulken, and Dr. J H Dreher, both of Wilmington, on November 27 at seyen o'clock, in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, Wilmington, N. C. Dr. Dreher is a native of Mt. Pleasant, and is a skilled dentist, who has built up a lucrative practice in his adopted home. The Standard congratulates him from the depths of its soul upon winning so excel lent a young lady. OVERWORK INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, my health (ailed. ' I became weak, nervous, was nnable to lock after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I took three bottles of Ayer'g Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, and gradually Increased my weight from one hundred and twenty -five to two linndred ponnds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we are all in the best 0 health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer'g Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- . dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much." H. p. HmsoKostmaater and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's Onrninnrilfo RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLO'S FAIR, i AYER'S Pl'lts 8V9 Doctor's Blllv DR. JAMES WHITE Is Mow Bebind the Bant in Cabarrnft Jail-IIU Crime, if True, a Hast Atrocious One From tho Wettt In dies Denim the Charges Aeainnl Utra. "Dr. James White is my name," said the prisoner when a Standard man called on him in his cell at the jail this morning. He occupies a front room on the second floor, where he spent last night in deep medita tion, brooding over the result of the atrocious crime for which he is held and which he deniea. "When but a boy," said he, "I was captured by the indians near Hoi- bolland, Cuba, with whom I wan reared and where I studied the aft of heiling. I am 38 years of age and came to this community from New York State about six weeks ago. 1 am not a married man. I do not interfere with the practice of local physicians, as I only work on chronic cases, such as they do not and will not undertake to cure. I lived with Martin Furr, in Cabarrus county, and had the use of his horse and buggy. Had none ot my own. Barbee lives in Stanly county, just over the line. His daughter's name isSallie, I think, and is about 16 years old, has been afflicted all her life. The charges for which I am held are not trne, in the least. I will employ counsel and endeavor to establish my innocence " "As to my having alienated the affections of the wife of ilartin Furr, prior to the unfortunate af fair of Tuesday, is a lie, as was in evidence at the preliminary hearing yesterday, before Esquire K L Hart- sell, of Stanly county," Upon advice of E3quire3 K L HartBell, of Stanly, and C F Smith and D W Turner, of Cabarrus, com mitment papers, with the prisoner, were eent here, the m-iatrates bav ing thought it unwise to attempt to aend him to Stanly, fearing that he would be lynched. White is tix feet two inches in height, weight 150 pounds, wears a moustache and has a sallow com plexion. Hi3 hair ia lon'g (foot ball style), smokes cigarettes, but con verses very intelligently. He was accompanied to town by an escort of fifteen or twenty men, some of whom were hostile and swore revenge and made threats of lynching. The mob was held apace, howeyer, by law-abiding citizens who wished the law to take its course, The prisoner has secured the ser vices of Lawyer M H Caldwell to defend him. who has the case now in his hands. Ten Cent Cotton. Two gentlemen, passengers on the northbound train last night were engaged in an intereBing discussion when the train stopped here. They were talking of cotton and the possibilities of its reaching ten cents before next year. They dif- fered from one another and the re sult was that before the train left here there were two bets up. One was that January futures would reach ten cents in New York before the first of January. Another was that the staple would sell for nine cents in the Southern cities before Decemoer sets in. The farmers in this county wish that the gentleman betting on high cotton will win. Salisbury World. Met After Sixty-Three Tears. The Lenoir Topic says that the last of December, 1832, two young men met at the house of Mrs. Cath erine Holt in .Orange county, near where the town of Graham now stands. They remained there all night aud slept together. The snow was 11 inches deep on the ground the next morning. ' They separated, and one went into the ministry and went as a missionary to India, where he spent several years. The other returned tohis home in Burke county. The other day they met again for the first time in 63 years, and both of them were in !good health. Both were 79 years of age- They were Rev. John C Rankin, of New Jersey, and our esteemed countyman, Mr. N A Powell. Progress at the Cannon Factory. Several car loads of machinery haye been unloaded at the Cannon factory for the new mill, and sfveral more are standing on the sidetrack in readiness to be trans. ferred inta the building. Hangers anu shafting are being placed on the firat floor, the boilers and engine have been placed in their proper positions, the building penciled ' and white-, washed inside and outside,' the smoke stack ninety feet high, (from the top of which oue can get a sph mlid"yiew of the city and ; sur rounding county) and with the com pletioa of the boiler room and stack the mill will then Btand complete, ready for the operative! and raw ma terial?, .. . ' . Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report A BIG EXPRESS ROBBERY. Twenty Thousand Uollvrs Taken From an Asent;bjr Two Hashed lien. Colorado Spkixgs, Col., Nov. 12. The Wells Fargo Fxpress Com pany has given out the following statement regarding the robbery at the Sante Fe depot about 1 o'clock last night, "Twenty thousand dollars was sent from Denyer to the First Na tional Bank of Colorado SpringB early in the afternoon. This money was in currency of small denomina tions and was received about 4 o'clock and too late to be delivered to the bank. The package containing the money was placed in the depot safe and both doors locked. There was nothing to indicate its value. Evi dently the thieves knew of its exis tence. "When train No. 6 came in about 9:43, there were othsr packages aboard with currency to the amonnt of $35,000 consigned to the same btnk. These packages were deliy ered to the agent and placed in the safe with the other. After the train bad departed, the agen', George Krout was met at the door by two masked men with drawn revolvers. The package containing the $20,000 was demanded and the agent was compelled to open the safe and give it up. The agent said nothing about ths remaining packages and the rob bers left at once. A poese with bloodhounds is in pursuit, "The express compaay'd officials belieye that the robbery was com mi t ted by A J Gray, alias Sam Wells and J G Stuart, alias C J Starr, who were ai rested for the theft of $15,000 from the express wagon at Cripple Creek, April 11, and who recently, in company with Tom McCarthy escaped from jail in this city. R T Montgomery, who was a prisoner at the time of the escape, notified the police at Denver seyeral days ago that Gray and Stuart plotted when in jail to rob the express comrany again. The officials f the company believe that the robbers had an accomplice in the bank. The Pardon of Lena t'line. Raleigh Observer : Goy Carr has pardoned Lena Cline, a very pretty and innocent-looking young girl, who, was sentenced to the peniten tiary for one year for larceny; "on condition that she be placed in the House of Refruge, Baltimore, and remain there as long as the authori ties deem it best lor her welfare, or until they are satisfied of her com plete reform," Mrs. Hays, of the King's Daugh ters, accompained her to Baltimore, The King's Daughters and the State Board of Charities nsed their influence to secure her pardon. Proposed to Three in One Day. A yonng gentleman in the city re cently went out iu No. 1 township, where he spent the day. - He put up at a prominent farmer's home and found himBelfin the midft cf a throng of beautiful young women. The young fellow became somewhat confused before leaving, having found ihe young ladies so agreeable that he proposed to three of them, all of whom accepted. The proposition was of quite a different nature from what many would infer. It was that if the young ladies would bring him a bushel of scalybarks, he would go beyond the market price and pay them SI. 50 for them. He was very much surprised when several days later the ladies entered his place of business, bringing with them the soalybarks. The young fellow was embarrassed, but paid the price, whereupon the ladies thanked him for his special fay r. Hews from Stanly. Mr. John Teeter, a gocd farmer of Big Lick, Stanly county, was in the city. He reports that in his section everybody is feeling good oyer the bountiful crops and the rise in the price of cotton. Mr. Teeter runs a saw mill and is pro gressing in that busiuesB, as he does at farraicg. He states that a mob of one hundred strong went to Albe marie Tuesday night last to take charge of "Dr. White," who has gained considerable notoriety within the past few days. He learned this from a friend after his arrival here, when he got his first intelligence of the affair, although he liyea withiD six miles of Barbee, - HW 4.by Dr. suit' nm trmwm Guard at the Jail. Sometime after night fall Thum day evening Sheriff Sims received information that a mob of several hundred men were neading for thia city for the purpose of lynching tha man, wbite, who is held for au out rage upon poor unfortunate Sallie Barbee, whereupon the Sheriff promptly prepared for their arrival by stationing a guard at tne jai'. No one appeared to molest the jail, however, and at 4 o'clock th s morns ing the guard was dismissed. "Dr- White" showed no signs of fears, and in his warm cell enjoys quite and repose and the pleasure of Btnoking cigarettes. Hia comforts and safety are well considered, and it is thought that there is no danger of an uprising now, for the chacce3 for lynching, it is said, were afford ed the mob before his perliminary trial on Wedneslay. The guard that would haye resisted and routed the supposed mob was composed of the following men : . Q E Smith EJdy Morrisan J. L. Boger Dr. Reed R. L. Keesler J. 1'. Query Will Johnson J D Bost Maun Stuart Jay Sims Sheriff Sims. The Crippled and the Blind. Salisbury World : Deputy Sheriff Robt. Monroe left this morniLg for the "brick house settlement" ten miles Boutu of here. He went to ar rest three persons for selling liquor on Sunday. One of them, Augustus House,' is the pale-faced cripple, who for mauy years b;.s visited Salisbury carrying with Lira a paper, aakiag for help. He ia general ,y eccomo paaied by his mother n ho seems to be in destitute circumstance?. This is not the first time, however, that Augustus has been arrested for sell ing whiskey, he having been tried in our courts seyeral times for that offense. The judges heretofore haye let him off on account cf bis sad bodily afflictions. Another onejof the offenders whom Deputy Monroe will arrest is Paul Reinsel, a blind man, who is also charged with selling spirits on the Sabbath, The third offender to be arre3tad is a man named Boatian who ia so drawn u by disease that he travels on his hands and feet. He is charged with the same offense as the ether two, Edward T Blum, (junior member of the late well-known firm of L V and E T Blum, publishers of the old Salem Press and Blum's almanac died at his home at Salem at 1 o'clock Thursday, a?ed 65 years. The two brothers disposed of their printing plant before the senior member died two years ago. They were neyer married and lived to gether many years. "The Governor has offered $1 ward for the capture of the mur derer Cain, who slew his brother in Dtivie county 011 the 7th day of last August, HEART DISEASE, uka man; other ailments when they , have taken hold ot the system, ' never gets better of its own accord, bnt Coiwtantlv grow corae- There ate thousands who know they have a detective heart, bnt will not admit the fact. They , don't want their friends to worry, and Don't know ichat to take for it, aa they have been told time and again -that' heart disease was incurable. Such was the case of Mr. Silas Farley of OyesviUe, Ohio who writes June 19, 1894, as follows: "M had heart disease for US year, my heart hurting me almost continually. The first IS years I doetored all the (ibe, trying several physicians and remedies, until my last doctor told me it was only a question ot time as I conld not be cured. -I gradually grew . worse, very weak, and completely dis-1 conraged, nntll I lived, propped half up in bed, because I couldn't lie down nor sit up. Think-. Ing my time bad come I told my fam ily what I wanted' done when I was gone. But on the first day of March on the recommendation of Mrs. Fannie Jones,:' of Anderson, Ind., I commenced taking Dr, MOef New Cure for the Heart and wonderful to tell, in ten days I was : working at light work and on March 19 com menced framing a barn, which la heavy work, and I haVnt lost a day since. I am 56 ' years old, ft. 4H Inches and weigh KOlba. I believe I am full cured, and I am now only anxious that everyone shall know of your wonderful remedies." Jt . Dyesville, Ohio. - - . Silas Fabuet. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a posit! -re guarantee that the fiist bottle will benoflk ' ill druggists sell it at SI, ft bottles for li or it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prioa , by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., iikhart, lad. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health For Sale br H DmgziBt. "I QQ-TSfinwsT I'fit V f j ' r V

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