rZJ.rrriv C . -. -v : , ? - -n -r i- THE - :. STANDARD j Fin v nil ya TTJliN & OUT GOOD - JOB - VORK AT LIVING PKICES. GIVE US A TRIAL PRINTS lUE EWS THAT IS WEWS .V FOR 1 YEAR SE.VDU61 DOLL VOL. VIII NO 50. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1895. WHOLE NO. 35Q i 13 " 1: DIED BY iiij OWN HAND. Mr. W. N. Prattler tntls II is Earihly Existence by Ktranfcnlalion Found Bead In Ml II atom Tins Morning; at 8:30 lat It Is lteiIence on Korih Tryon Mrcel 111 HealiU Thought be the Canse Left JKo Messaee. The city was shocked this morn mg when it was learned that Mr. W N Frather the well Jinown buker aaifc3fifecti0ufr Lai sncided at his . home on North Tryon street. The first intimation of the Bad affair oc cnrred at Mr. Prathers homo when his servant was sent to his room to arouse him. This occurred at 8:30 this morning. After waiting for him for half an hour to appear, Prof Cran'z who has rooms at his residence, attended ;he stairs leading te the room Mr. Prather occupied to ascertain why h" did not come down He tried the door and found it locked and at this f ailure his suspicions were aroused. The door leading to his from the room of his wife was also fried and was found locked. Pro!?X?rantz then placed a chair at Mr." Prathera door and loeked ' through the tiansoni and the sad truth was at once revealed to ' him. Mr. Prather had hanged himaeif. Shortly after this a News reporter was informed of the fact and he went to the home at ot'Ce. Hp was ad mitted to the rooui where the self destruction took pbce. The bod? when the reporter saw it, was lying on the bed but wii'iu discovered by Mr. Cranlz 3 in a kneeiing posi tion on the left side of the bed. A hemp twine such as is commonly need in commercial packing was securely fastened arcund the bed post and in the siaie manner around the enicidea neck. He was perfectly rigid when discovered and the pby- siciana who were caileu to invesn gritej8ty that ho bad been dea 1 f o; lZfionrs at least. Dr. Geo. Gr&haia who was the firat physician at the scene was seen by the News and he stated tht Mr. Prai-her died by bio own hands and had been deud for 12 hour. He snid Mr. Prathar canie home last nigh!, ibuut 7 o'clock anl almost immediately went to his room. He did cot remove his clothes and left a candle burning and in this pale and flickering light his life went out long before the taper expired. His seek was not broken but the end came by stm gulation. Dr. Graham ' thinks that the aaicide was nnder the influence of some strong opiate when the deed of self destruction was com mitted. Dr. H M Wilder, the county physician was summoned and he made a like statement Why Mr. Prather ended his life i& due from the fact that five years Ujjo ha i.u & severe case of the grip and since then his mind has been unbalanced.. ai,d also being a sufferer of dyspepsia. i These coupled with a business that has been decreasing, caused Worry antil .the end last night. J Mr. Prather was a man who was au'en-. tknsiast, that is, he never went in a matter but what he wanted success at the other end. His place o' busi ness on east Trade street has ever been known as the beat in the city and for years conducted a prosper ous business, but trade had declined on account of his health. This is the general theory and it is thought correct. Mr. Prather wae 3 ji-ars age and leaves a wife aod one ecu, Mr. William Pather, who has bien practicing dentistry in New Yoik for several years. After the shock cf the suicide had somewhat subsided, and investiga tion was niae to see if a note o: communication had been kf', but there was none. Mr. Prather was a shriner, a member of the KuighU Templar and a K. of P. No demon stration will be observed by these orders, Mrs. Prather requested a simple and plum funeral. IVedrjes day's Charlotte News, rhristmos German. The joong people of the city hive planneJ for a grand social event on Christmas night. A german has been decided upon, to be given in Patterson's Hall. An orchestra from Charlotte will furnish music lor the occasion. It will be giyen in honor of the homesretnrning school girls and boys. Trapped a Hawk and a Mink. Mrs. J Frank Fink, of No, 5 township, has been very successful in trapping hawKs recently. For some time past these .yicions birds have been catching her chickens and in .turn she invented a scheme that has caught several, one measur ing fif tytwo inches from tip to tip, which was an unusually large bird ef this specie. Bat it was afterward discovered that hawks wore not thg only .r things ea'.ing her chickeue, whereupon she sat another trap and caught a mink that bad killed and . partiaily devoured eight chicks. Tire nt t imitoii vil.o. About 7 o'clock thi3 (Thursday) morains fire broke out in the upper story of the Lon.e of Sire- Wineeoff, who lives opposite the new mill at CaunonTiiie, destroying the bed unci a quantity cf bed clothing. The discovery of the fire was made, by the hands employed in the new mill and was quickly extinguished. Origin of tho fire ia yet a mystery R Died From the Cat. Some time ago young Sain Jones, a eon of Marshall Jonep, of Faith, cat hi3 foot with an ase. The wound was not considered very dangerous at first, but blood poisoning ensued and Tuesday the vounr man died from its effects. It was quite a sad death from the nature of the cause and its unexpectedness. Salisbury World. Christmas Exercises. Special programmes have been ar ranged for Christmas services at Lower Srone and Btar Creek by the Sunday schools of the respective churches, to take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Dec. 24, at Bear Creek and Christmas day at 10 o'clock in Lower Stone. Rev. Paul Barjicger was in the city today, and reports that everything indicates a marry Christmas &t Heilig's. About nogs. It ie the time of year that almost everybody has something to say about thoir fiae hogs aad pigs and for the b nefic of those interested in such we will tell you that Mr. Al fred K'utrr., of Canconville, killed three 11 months old pigs Wednee day, the weights of which were 303, 270 and 250 r ouuds each. John W Phillip.-, liv4Dg on North Spiiug etictji, Lili.-d a bog on the same da? thit weighed 4S1 pounds. I'Sae fiend Yet Alive, A L Cirvtr, tha mia that had h:s ee knocked out at th-i OJeii Mill, in this City sometime ao an & who was reported sis huvicj difcd from Mie efiects or uis wouncs, is ytt a hyug man. lis cauie ovtr from Charlotte Thur3l:y uiht, and suys t.t B!w tntirelv lccor&nt ' of hi3 deih and burial until arriving here. He has no appearance of a dead tuau, alt"; oagh his countenance is 3otuthat dud;ured. Tuis is one of the few men wtio live to read their own cbituary. 4 .W Ike Gill. Some days ago, or about the close ot iuot week, Miss Hattie Brown, aged abut 15 years, daughter of John C Brown, of High Point, eloped with a printer at work on the Enterprise, whose name we failed to iet. They s'opped at ReidsTilIe, but fr eomH CitUi-o the young lady re pented of n r sctioa" and refund to oa married. - ; - - j Instead, she sent for her ; father who went down alter, her, and took tier back hoineT--Greenbboro Record. Tor.lt Two Turnips. Worse thnn the Mecklenburg rooster Ecrr.pa was the trial on Wednesday afternoon before his honor, Esquiro C A Pit ts, of Mr. C E Whitley, of Big Lick, Stanly county, who was arrested for taking two turn:p3 fro u a basket Bitting near the pubbc rod, the property of Mr. W V Krimminger. Mr. Whitley declared to lie last that he was not guilty, -Jut Mr. Kriiuminger saya that h-i (.Whitley) offered to pay him for tha turnips when he iound cut ho (Kiiinuiisgei) was goiiig to bWc-ar oat a wanuut for ar roHt. Whitltij was phioed under a S-5 bound for his appearance at the nest term of court. To Re Beautiful. . Eat fruit for breakfast. ! Eat fruit for luncheon. Avoid pastry; "' - Shun hot cakes. Flee from hot biscuits. Iiiat graham and wiiole wbtat toast. " .. ' .': -i Deny yourself sausages at breaks fast. Take omelettes or chops instead. Eefuaa rice puddings. . . Decline potatoes if they are served more than one; a day. Do not become a tea or coffee fiend. ! Walk four miles every'day. Inke a bath every day. JVasn the- Jaee every night; ih warm water. i Sleep eight hours a night. -Think more ubout making other people hiiipy thau of inakir.g youi self coinfoi table, but Don't worry atout either, i PntT'iemln Jail, - It f eeuis that father and srm were no: living in Christian unity, from the conduct of Ben Burkhead and his eonMn-law, Lucius Johnston, who lived together in Chapman town ou Broad street, la an iffiay this (Saturday) morning both men were bruised and cue over their head by the use of roc's, an axe and clubs They w-re put in to await court, having used deadly wprpobs. They quarielied about the extravagnice of a wife. THE STORMIEST DAY YET. The Weather Too lind for tho Violet and the President Kay ISave to Go HcmeHy Rail. Norfolk, Va.. Dee. 13 President Cleveland and hid party be suc ceeded today in thoroughly loaing themselves to the ouislde world, for no one knows where he is at present. The Violet was to haye left Hattera today, ut whether she did so or not, is enkuowe, for a gale has been ragiiig over the North Carolina sounds, and the wires between Kitty Hawk and Hatters are down. At Kitty Hawk, the wind blew at a rate of 08 miles an hour and was prob-j ably mucn neavter f t natters. JNo tessels have arrived from North Carolina waters and it is the opinion of sailing rasters that the Violet could not have made the run up Pamlico Sound nnder the heavy winds prevaling. The water in t he Albemarle and Chesapeake canal through which the Violet must pass on her way to Norfolk, now meas ures only five and a half feet, the iowest evei known in the connecting link between Virginia and North Carolina. It is probable that the presidental par'y will have to go to Elizabeth City, N. C, and come to Norfolk by rail. The storm today around llatttrs is the worst so far this season. Al't 'r a Woman. The following '.correspondence, to the Statesville Landmark, from Yadkiu county explains itself : ?.Ir. B G Col vard, whose mill was burned soine time ago, and who is rebuild irg, always thought that the fire that destroyed his mill was incens di'iry. At last the eecret is out, in consequence of which so na of our heretofore honored citizens a'"' in trouble. Mr. Colvard bus b -en tracing this matter for botne time but quietly, so oher parties thought it had compitt'ly died away until last .Fridiy, when papers were is sued for the ar;est of an aged lady by the name cf Iihoda Shorea, the wife cf Nathan Shores, and mother of Eli Shores, the letter the great liquor dealer of this neighborhood. Mrs. Shores was given a prelimi nary hearing on Friday evening and bound over to the Superior Court of Tadkin. In default of bond she was committed to jail Friday night. Saturday she gave bond ai d was re leased until court. Kli, her son, it is tlought started to run away an d got as far as the railroad and heard of his mother's trouble and returned to aid her. It is not thought that she did the act herself, as there is good evidence aa to others and other arrests will be made as toon j as possible. The causa of tbe burn ing ia thought to bt, on ay on at of sicKnose. us tiiu.mm poca covered several awes and const quenfciy caused chiiis and l'vcr lor never&l miles around. But burnu.g the mill had no off act on tha heaith of the commut:iiy, for su:cg the burning the pond has been tufinj iid atill romaini?, and p.s the new mill is evi dent that the- pond will remain for some time yc t. Damage Knit Asrainst Itevrmie Ofll ecrs. Slateevillf Landmark : While on a business viait to Charlotte gome time ago Mr. J Clark Sullivan, of btatesville, was arrested by Eevenne Officers C 1 Greihan; and 11 P Kin, of that place, Cha arrest rookfp'aCf ou the public S'.reets of Chariot : iu optn d y lighr, aad h r.ffi:5Br Grr m;ide Air- Siilliyau hjli up his hands wh?ie tuc-y se.rcfceii hi:ii for wiiipons. They ihe:i iiuil.i him i ii! off his shoes, hat, etc, v.M'rt tiiey searched hiuj for cauceHe.t revenue etamps, which tbey accused him cf having As a result of this treatment Mr. Sullivan has entered suh in Irede l Superior Court for damages against King and Gresnani foi false arrest and the huuniiation to which he wa3 subjected. The compkins has not yet been filed and the amount of damages atked for has not yet been ntmed. Mr. K B McLaughlin, ot Statesville, and Congressman Lin ney are Mr. r?u!iiyan' attorneys. Tlioy Have 1'i.mp. Register of Deeds Weddin thid (oatuv j:et:eio warrants for 1S05, aiid re quests us to announce to. the pen sioners to come forward aod receive same. This news will be a happ Christmas greeting to the old eoI dier. BncI.lrii'H Arnlru Mrtlye. The Best Sake in te world foj Cuts, Bruis-i. Sorep, LTictr, Salt, P.henci, Fever !Sor'3, Tetterd C'happp Hands, Chilblains, Corn3 aud & Skin Eruptions, and positively cart, Piles or no piy roqai-ed. It i ffiiavantted to eivc HtatiiiMnn fr! mnn.'t ref nnd.-il. l'i-ur 9T. nur . T w ut K1-' box. For sale at P B Fetzer's l)rrg ttrf . TOWN AND COUNTY. Mr. Lee J.lartin.an operatic 3 at the Cabarrus cotton milL', ia cm:te ei.'k with typhoid fever. We invite yoar attention to tie new advertisement of Canucns & Fe'zer's in this iseue. See the advertisement of Mr. Al fred Kluttz, coa! dealer. His head quarters are at his home and at Miller's store. IgA 'nog party will be one of the many Christmas events, The result may be reported in detail When our New Year's resolutions are Bworn to. Me3srs J Dove and M J Coil have returned from Atlanta. They saw lots of snow near Gastonia and as far up as Charlotte it wa3 two inches deep. The heme of Mr. J F McLean, of Salisbury, was destroyed by Ore about 3 o'clock Thursday morning. There was 600 insurance on the building. Eev. K M Taylor, who has been stationed for four years at Albemarle M E church, passed through Con cord Thursday en route to hia new home at Shelby. By mutual agreement Mr. E C Beach has severed his connection with trie G W Patterson cotton mill as superintet djnt. He and family will continue th-'ir residence in this city. Keeper John W. Cook, of the county home, tay3 he has alre.-.dy killod over 2,000 pounds of pors and will yet kill 1,000 or mora pounds thi3 year. This is the kest quan tity of meat rai.-ed any jcir fiuce Le ilas been in charge of the home. Several nih.a ag- M..niiaU I c T.' . T r . i orey, or r oresc u n:, a: i; i.i'e ii.ak rouiia two creasy icokiag v. cue iramps nuuaiea un nauer tne ;.onse of his father. They were frighieucd aud made thtir escape before couiu gee a level oa mem witn nis gun. oiiiicoary- iiLriiu: inure waa a email collision on the railroad yard here last night. The shirting engine ran into a freight train and was pretty badly smashed up. We un- dsrstar.d that the night yard crew has been suspend -i becauaa . of the accident, The agricultural editor of The Standard has done his butchering. He killed two twelve-months'-old porkers that netted 326 and 340 a grand total of 672 pounds of fresh meat. It cost 31 cents per pound to rai33 is. Had hi3 wheat cro. no failed absolutely entirely, the agri cultural editcr wonlU have been in it durinir the wir.ter. The Baptist Stat j Convention in s ssion atGreensb';ro rt presents 160, 000 white members, cr more. The Western Couferfnce thut recently aljonrnei represeot 64.C00 mora b?rs. The North Carolina Confer ence that meets at E'izibeth City on Wednesday is snothcir hirge body with more thi n fi00,00(' vi ;Ars. Wilmington Meeerig-. r. The Charlotte Ne.vs tils of a little 12 year old girl ia Meuiden. hnr. county who cut one o. her Gngera on the point of an Indian ar row head. About two boors afier wtinls she wa seized ith yioient pait!?, and her finger began to swell. She suffered the sam aa a jn-tscu whu had b(:en snake b;tten, mkI doctor worked with her all night. The supposition is that it was a poisoned arro w and had retained the poison through all these years. Governor Carr h&3 pardoned Thomas Birg, colored, a convict f torn Franklin county, who wan scry ing a twenty years' sentence for as sault with intent to kill. The case is an int resting onp; Birg was put in the penitentiary eight yearj ago and directly after his conviction a negro uamed Morris was convicted and sent there. Two wecka ago Mor ris became fa'ally ill, and just be fore death confessed that he, and not Birg, committed the crime Governor Carr gave Birg his pardon as a Thanksgiving gift. It is not often that Capt. Joe Woodrum, the clever conductor on tho Y.-tdLin rosd ge;s left, but that was his experience yesterday after noon. He left here at the. usual litre on Ms return trip to Norwood aud reached New London without incident. At that plac? the front part of his tratn broke loose aod lift the pa33?nger coaches and Captain Joe on tbe truck. The engine and freight cars ran two miles or morel before the break wa3 disonverecV -hey then went lack for the oiher cars and after a short delay the trip as resumed, Salisbury Herald. . . u .Tiarry? :r.ue friend? cf f or. hc-re are Ectthns f that he inteud3 to Tie Pivsidcnt II k i down so the he rn Try T.Irs, vhc were t Mary Din k. Thc:e e n"vt tcepticas a fe days tgo now ndis.it that th cons duct of tbe general indicates there is a foundation fur the story. A score of newspiper men baye called nt the -ILirrison homestead since Saud.'.y uie:ht to aek about th? report. They bays invariably been denied information. . The general has firmly ref ased to discuss the sub' jct at all. This is not m keeping with the general's rule. Ilia Lame has . been coupled with this or that woman frequently during the Ust year, and when asked abo-.it it his answer in variably was, "There id not a word of truth in it." Ons of the men who is closest to General Harrison ssid to me to-day "The members of the family have been wonderirg for eeyeral months if such a thing would likely occur, The general's frequent trips to New York gaye rise to the gossip. It true that the general has been 'fix, ing up' his home ia North Delaware street." Indiannoolis special, of 11th, to New York Herald. Bnrncal to Heatli. A yery diotremg t'eath occurred irkColeburg Friday afternoon about 4 o'clock, Carol it; ; Barrier, a feeble colored woman 73 years of age, with two Buiall children were gathered around the firedde, when a eparfc popped out rnd s-t fire to the old woman's clothe?, who was two weak to extinguish it, and while the chil dren ran ou arid Ecre-imcd for asi sietatc1, the poor cW soul was bur'j'.d eo li idblr that she died within two hoLir3 afterward Fine ZventucUy KorscH null Jiiil?ti. Wiiit for L Id's Ci..!ioa 8ula of Kciiturky tor- ".ad raules, Satan duy, Deeembrr 21 t, 1S93, fifty head of t;orso6 ant'. n:u!es, at 51 J Corl's stab;;, Concord, 21, C. Como to the sule, as they v,iJ Doeitivoly ba eold, i-fg,iiul jss cf coai. La h horse or mule must bo us represented, or no sale. Positively no bysbidding, Sale will bo roM, raiu or shine Stock will be at Corl's stable, Fris diy, December 20Lh. Coma and see them. Ii. A. Dodd Ayer's Pills, being composed o: the essential virtues of tha boat vege table aperieut3, without atiy of the woody or fibrous material whatever, iithe reason why they are so much more effective and valuabla than any cathartics. The ti family physic, Tlie First fruit or the xposition. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 11. 0.ie o: the first fiuits of the exposition, from a commercial standpoint, ap pears m the effort now being made co organize a direct connection be tween the Atlanta chamber of com merce aud tfce commercial bodie3 of Co.ila Itica, Guatemala and Mexico, I'he idea ia to establish a commer cial museum in Atlanta with a per manent exhibition of the products of those countries, and al3o to es tablish in Costa Ilia, Guatemala and Mexico permanent exhibits of he products and manufactures of the Southern States. LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CURED BY USING If Cherry 3 Pectoral "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. 1 put myself under medical treatment, and at tho end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. The first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unplensant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Bbawxey, D.I., Pist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD KEDAi AT TEE WOBLD'S FAUt, AVERS LEADS OTHER SABSAPARILLAS. V. i.i I'll rno-ic in' A MUIJDEE AT STATESVILLJK Depot M;hl Vnt-hian Killed. II o Was Actios SubMtitnto and n Tlegro Af.Ual to ISO Admitted to Crt Yl'.-irm Admission lirauied, lie Miot tlie Wt-nman. Wiio A 1 torn ards Died. Statesville, Dec. 12. A mur derous negro took the lit" of a white mun a- the station of tho Sou then Railway Company in Stateevilb ibis morning about 4 o'clock. At 3;30 a m. the regular watchman started oyer to the city to see a phygician, leaving in his place temporarily a young man by the name of W E Neighbors, 28 years old and uninar ricci. very soon thereafter a negro called at the door and remarked to Neighbors that he raa very cold and wanted to come in and waim him self. Neighbors was etanding in the telegrapn office, where there was a comfortable fire in the etove, and at first declined, to let the uegro in, but was persuaded finally to open the door. The ne; ro at once fired upon him, and the ball, a 3S, in size, penetrated Neighbors' left breast end came out ju3t under the shoulder blade in the back. Neighbors grabbed tbe negro and in the struggle the pistol fell to the ground. The four other cartridges rolled ouf, but the negro secured the pistol first and Neighbors retreated, running across the street to thellenry House, a hotel near by, falling un conscious at the door just as he suc ceeded in arousing the inmate3. He was taken in and cared for. Dr, Henry F Long wa3 snrnmoaed promptly and afterward joined by Dr. Thomas E Atiderion, but Neigh bors had received his death v;oand and died about noon today. Neighbors gaye the name of tbe negro who shot him as Wes. or Will Hampton, a negro about 2G yars old, five feet 8 inches high, ginger- cake color, black moustache, rrcar mg d.'tby ha: and dark suit of cloths icg. x ne ticket cilice was robbed either by the ui-irderer or his con le'lerates. l ne casa crawer was pulled from the counter and carried up the track ome didtunce, where it was found this morning. The rail road company only lost $9,30 in money, as all the money had been taken out of the ticket office aud put ia the eafe the night before excapt some 6mall change. The tt ieves did not seem to care anything for tickets as none were stolen The chief of police, Air. Hrriry, and Foliceman Mor.an were promptly on the'scece and instituted the necessary measures to apprehend the negro, but he is still at large at this hour. Neighbors was conscious for prob auiy two nours alter toe baa was cut out, and clearly described his assailant by name as well as other wise. This is the Becond lime the watchman las been &hot and the ticket offica robbed here in the last twelye mon'hs, the same character of attempt haying been made last Christmas. tinny Wouldn't Take It. Philadelphia, Deo. 12. Ke- cent stories have been set afloat, mainly in Washington, that Senator Quay was a candidate for the Re publican nominationfor the Presi dency. Mr. Quay was asked today about the matter and he said: 'T would not take it on a gold plate." When questioned for hia reasons he said: 'Well, for two reasons. The first is that I am not fit .for it, and the secoiid is that I would not live thirty aays in the office. My only ambition is to take a rest and enjoy life after I complete my duties." "Does this mean that you will not seek a re-election to the Senator ship?" That, answered he, "depends on circumstances. In replies to queries as to a cur rent story to the effect thai he would be in the next Cabinet of tbe republic, Senator Quay said : "There is not a word of tiu;h n it." ernllnr It It. Mr, C W Kimbro, of Forest Hill, sent us au egg that :." very peculiarly shaped a;d designed. It is perfectly flat on one Bide, on vhich is plainly visible the rising bud, sending fourth its brilliant rays, wnile on each end is no'i.eable a paling fonce with tad posts. It'a a curiosity. Cnbnrrns County Peiitiont-rs. Register Weddiugton has handed us the following statistics relative to the Cabarrns couuiy. pensioners, by the S' ate: 40 widows, $ G each, 040 41G 256 288 64 26 so idiers 32 48 64- Total $1664 Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Georeerille Aca!mi'y. Com:nennemr-nt exercises cioiik"'g the fall ttm of Georgovilie Ajcaerny Kchool wi-l take place at.tba? insti tution tonigh; (Fridiyy.rof. W M Brooks, principal fcaa baiit up a good school for tbe people m that neighborhood and ncthis? but words of pjmt: do wo hear cf his splendid manftgsment. lie Ongb to Lower 171s KiKUt W lion Jn SaliNbnry. The Salisbory World e.s: H.E C Bryant, the one cf the auburs locVs, better keswn by bi3 con. nection wi-.h the Ob trver, struck a snag in our platform ac the depo last night. He stepped off the tram, oa to the ground and in an instant there was a colksion. "Duck" was extricated before any serious dam age was done. Fourteen Hundred Ponnoa of Bleat Front Three Hogs. Mr. George Miller, of No. 8 town ship, will likely win the pennant in the hog raising' business this year, if some one does not beat the report that is in our hands. Mr. Miller butchered three hogs on Thursday that ne'.ted him 1429 pounds of!, meat, the Ligest one weighing 500 pounds, the other two 486 and 443 respectively. Wc?ll Entertain You!" Ex-Mayor John W Bostian, of Albemarle, was in the city for several days and while here he struck an old friend, and iu speating cf the many improvements here and there, said to his friend; "We have a new court house and a tew jail. Come down weil entertain you," immediately after which Mr- Bostian left for his home. .Dr. Motorkle Dend. This comes out from Newton, N C: Dr, S M McCorkle died here thi morning at 3 o'clock. He waa prominent and popular young phy sician aud his many friends deeply mourn his death. Several years ago when the memorable wreck oc curred on the Chester & Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad, ne9r this place, Dr. McCorkle, though unwell at the time, spent tho whole of tint rainy night ministering to the wounded and dying. The exposnre that night affected his lungs, which have given him much trouble ever since. It is euppoeed that to that night's labor for humanity may be attributed his death today. Daniel Claspy Dead. At the home of Daniel Glaspy was a scene cf gloom and destitution Thursday night, when the poor man lay helpless on his couch, attended only by his weak and broken wife, the message came calling him from this world of care. He died of pneumonia, some time during the night. He had been sick for seyer&H weeks. His family' have been In need, if not in want, for several days and bus very lew knew of their sick ness and destitution. This family moved to Cabarrus from Rowan county two years ago and ha3 re sided in thi3 city since. Glaspy was a good man and of good family con nection. Fortune smiled not upon him, and at the time of his death he had felt strongly the pangs and haunts of poverty, having during the Eummor baa spell of fever, which disabled him to earn sufficient inea:;s of subsistence. His remains were put to rett this Mfiernoun at the pottcrifield at the ciiy cemetery. Ze leaves a wife and two children, wLo occupy the old Robort Cald vell! "0':se on Spring street, iiear the dynamo. Cure for llcn!ace. As a remedy for all forms of Head' ache Electric BLt rs his proved to be the very beet- It eff.-cta apei inanent cure and the nioit dreaded habitual sick headaches yiold to its it-fluence.' We ' nrgo all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and ?iive this remedy a fair trial. In oases of habitual constipation Elec tric isitters cure3 by giving tie needed tone to tho b wels, and few cases long resibt the use o! this medicine. Try it once. Fifty certs and 1 00 at Fetzer's Drug Store- A jug, securely folded in a heayy cloth, was recently found in the corner of a certain yard in tnis city. The jag had contained brandy. r 3TT3 ENGINEER CUKLEE KILLED Two Freight Collide at Thleketjv . C Fatal Accident. Last .night at 10:30 o'clock, a fatal eollision occurred on the Air Line, The freight train running as third 42, rauinto another freight, second 12, at Ihickety, 3. C, killing En gineer Curlee, of this city, and nearly demolishing the engine and riva'rg. 'The crew of Becond 42 claim that, their proper signals were out for protection of their train. As the news of the wreck reached at a late hour, further particulars could not be learned. Engineer Cuiiee was well known here. He lived on North Cedar street The news of his terrible fate will be a shock to his many friends. Capt. Ryder was in Atlanta. He was telegraphed for and arrived on the scene a few hours after the acs cider t occurred. Charlotte Ob server. ' Lost a Tooth and Braised Bis Face; Master Leonard Brown was the victim to a painful accident Friday night, just after dost, while on hia way from the c:ty. He was on hia bicycle and tiaveling at a yery rapid rate, when ' he ran between - the hind Ieg3 cf Master EarlBrown'a jhorse, which was .pulling his bnggj at a trotting f peed. In the collision Leonard got a tooth knocked out and eeyeral ioo3Dned, besides his face badly skianed up. His dog was following him and he was looking back at his faithful guard when the accident happened. His injuries are not Eeriouo. - ' ' " Henry Seal Cloes to Albany. The CabarraS countefeiter, Jseai, who put: into circulation a year or more ago a number , of illei gaily coined dollars, was tried Fri day last at the Federal Court in Charlotte. He will get a free trip to the Albany penitentiary and twelye months at hard labor. Neal was under a 100 bond for his ap psctranse at the last term of Federal court, but he Bkippedjind forfeited his bond. Without Representation. - ' '' T C Linn, Esq., who is clerk to tee committee on . Postoffices and Railways in the House, came in from Washington this morning. Mr, Linn says that we are virtually without representation in Congress that our repiesentative has Jnot opened his mouth sinca Congress met. Mr- Linn calls our attention to the fact that the Vance eulogies are distributed by the new Congress men and not by the old ones aa heretofore. He will return to Wash ington to-night. Salisbury World. Yes, oh yes we are, We have an ignoramus there and we should be thankful if ha . never opens hia mouth. '' ioo jonriBoi;, n. arja -George Kirk, colored, have been placed in jail to await trial at the next term of court, f:r an affray. f CHART DISEASE, lite Jj many other ailments when they have taken hold of the system, never gets better of its own accord, but Contttant'y grotca loorse. There ar thousands who know tboy have a defective heart, but will not aamit tbe fact. They don't want their frirucs to worry, and Don't kr.zw r.-ti-tt to tcftB for it, aa they have been toid tlmo and again that boart ciscaso was Incurable. Each was tbe case of Xr. EWps Farley of Dye svtllo, Ohio who writes Jutic. 19. 1SD4, as follows: - ; 'X hf.-w heart disease for S3 year. cy heart hurting rue almost continually. ' The first 13 years I doctored all tbe time. wylr.s several pnysiclans and remedies, Usui my last doctor toid me it was only yit question of time i I could not be cured. I gradually grew worse, very weak,' and completely dis couraged, until I lived, propped half up in bed, becaoae I couldn't lie down nor sit up. Think ing my time had' come I told my fun ny what I wanted' done when I waa gone. But on the first day of March oa "the recommcnSation of Mrs. Fannie Jones, ' of Anderson, Ind., I commenced taking Jr. Miles' Sete Cure for tike Btmrt . and wonderful to tell, in ten days I waa working at liiht work and on March 19 com menced framing a barn, which Is heavy work, aad 1 hav nt lost a day since. I am OS , years old, 6 ft. 4!i inches and weigh JSOIbt."' X believe I aim fully cured, and' I am now only anxious that everyone shall - know of your wonderful remedies." 1 Dyesvule, Ohio. Silas Fabw. Dr. Miles Heart Cnro is sjM oa a maltlwa I sruarantee that the first bottle will oeneiit. 1 AU druggists sell it at iU 6 bottles for S, or I it will lj sem, orepaid. on receipt of price i by the Dr. Hiius Medical Co. Elkhart. Ind. 1 Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I Restores Health Fur Sale by all Druggist. IK s'i - :

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